The Big House

By Brian Masters

Published on Jan 14, 2023


The Big House Part 4 By Brian Masters

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When Sam woke from a fitful sleep the next morning it was to the feeling something was terribly wrong. He could feel something pressing against his butt hole and despite his foggy morning brain, the white boy's eyes flew open and he tried to turn and move away from the invading pressure but a strong black arm held him tightly in place and he was unable to move at all.

"Shhh, take it easy snowflake. Just let daddy loosen you up a bit" Lamonte whispered from his place behind Sam.

Sam whimpered as he felt what had to be Lamonte's thick finger pressing against the rubbery ring of his sphincter. Sam could feel no wetness and knew his black tormentor was trying to force his finger in without any lube.

"Please" Sam begged. "Please don't do that. I don't want anything in there. Please, it hurts."

Lamonte laughed and said, "Just relax. Consider this an exploratory mission so I can see what I'm working with."

Sam had no idea what that meant but he was terrified nonetheless. The poor, defenseless, white boy squirmed in discomfort as his tormentor pressed harder against the unyielding o-ring. Tears welled in Sam's eyes and his face scrunched tightly as he prayed for this latest abuse to end.

Lamonte, on the other hand was having a wonderful time. He loved the way his little bitch squirmed and whimpered. He loved knowing the control he had over this pathetic white boy. Lamonte was a firm believer in reparations but instead of wanting money from the white oppressors, he wanted to humiliate them. He wanted to take centuries of abuse, degradation, and humiliation out on every white boy he met and nothing thrilled him more than wrecking a white marriage and turning a straight, white man into a snivelling, pimped out, sissy bitch. He loved putting white boys in there place and that place was on their knees at the feet of a superior black man.

Thinking these thoughts got Lamonte worked up and he soon began to push with little care for Sam's comfort. He shoved his thick finger into the sissy's hole and was gratified to feel the resistance give way to Sam's most personal and sacred opening.

Sam cried out as he felt the black finger enter his ass and tears ran down his cheeks from the pain and humiliation.

Lamonte said, "There we go, damn that's a tight pussy you got there bitch. I can't wait to get it all fucked out. For now though, let's just see how much you can take.

So Lamonte began sawing his finger in and out of Sam's sore asshole not caring at all the lack of lube was making the white boy suffer greatly. Sam was weeping openly now as the thick finger rubbed and chafed his tight, pink, butt hole.

Lamonte was not gentle as he explored his white bitch's tight anal opening. But he was pleased by how firmly the rubbery hole gripped his finger. He couldn't wait to get his cock in there. Oh he was gonna tear this white boy up! But not just yet. Part of the fun for Lamonte was keeping the white boy guessing. Making him worry and wonder just when the next abuse would occur. So with a short laugh he pulled his finger out of the tight hole in one swift motion making his sissy prisoner squeal in pain and surprise.

"Now this won't do" Lamonte said shaking his head. "You got my finger a little messy bitch, I think you need to clean it for me."

Without warning Lamonte moved quickly and inserted his dirty middle finger into Sam's mouth holding the white boy's head firmly in place and giving him no chance to escape this new torment.

Sam's eyes watered freely and he moaned in discomfort and disgust as he tasted the slime that had come from his own asshole. Knowing he had no choice and fighting the urge to gag, Sam licked all around Lamonte's finger using as much saliva as possible to avoid tasting the nasty digit.

When Lamonte felt his finger was clean enough he pulled it from his sissy's mouth and wiped it dry in the boy's hair.

"Now you got yourself a new chore for the mornings bitch. I want you up every morning at 5am to give yourself an enema. I want that pussy douched out nice and clean every fucking day. If I ever see anything smeared on my fingers or my dick I'll beat you bloody. You understand snowflake?"

Sam was in shock but knew better than to resist so he said, "Yes sir, I understand."

"Of course you'll be needing to get up early anyway to make yourself pretty for your man. I expect you dressed in some sexy underwear like that shit I found in your wife's closet. I want you in her panties, stockings, nighties, and heels every fucking day. You got me?" Lamonte threatened menacingly.

"Now go take a shower" Lamonte ordered. "And make sure you use all your wife's products. I want your skin all smooth and feminine scented. And dress the way I told you. I'll be in the kitchen waiting for you to make me breakfast."

With that Lamonte got out of bed and left the room still naked his huge flaccid cock swinging between his muscular legs.

Sam sat in his marital bed crying openly at the mess his life had become in such a short time. But he resolved himself to do everything he had to in order to make this ordeal end and get himself back to his regular life. After all, surely Lamonte would leave before Angie came back. The thought of his wife made Sam cry harder as he realized he now had fewer than two weeks to get this man out of his life.

Resigned to his current fate, Sam slowly made his way to the shower where he found several bottles of body wash and shampoo his wife hadn't packed for her trip. He washed his thin, feminine body with soap smelling of lavender that made his skin feel silky smooth.

He was careful to shave under his arms to make sure Lamonte had nothing to complain about before moving on to the flowery smelling shampoo his wife loved. When he finished Sam felt less of a man due solely to the way his skin and hair felt and smelled.

Upon returning to his bedroom Sam found Lamonte had been busy. The black thug had laid out an outfit for Sam. the white boy found a pair of pink silk panties, pink knee high stockings with a ruffles top, a pink garter belt with white flowers surrounding the waist, a matching pink nightie that was frilly and small enough as to leave his stomach exposed. The outfit was completed by a pair of 4 inch platform heels also pink.

Sam was shaking as he dressed. It didn't take him long to put on the ridiculous outfit and he soon found himself staring at his reflection in the full length mirror. If not for his short hair, he would be quite the image of a cute, young lady.

Taking a deep breath and knowing today was going to be another torturous experience, Sam made his way downstairs. Upon entering the kitchen he saw Lamonte sitting at the table reading the paper still completely naked.

Sam thought with horror about how Lamonte had got the paper seeing as it was always laying at the end of the sidewalk. Had the black thug walked outside naked to retrieve the paper? Had Sam's neighbors seen him? What fresh hell was this?

Lamonte didn't even look up from his paper as he said, "Sausage, eggs and toast boy. Oh and coffee. And hurry the fuck up, I'm hungry."

Sam mumbled "yes sir" and Lamonte was out of his chair and on the white boy in a flash. He grabbed Sam by the throat and staring into the sissy's eyes said, "You speak clearly to me bitch! I want to hear the subservience in your voice! I want to feel how inferior you are to me every time you speak. Also from now on you curtsey when you take an order from me, understand?"

A trembling Sam blinked away tears and in a clear but shaking voice said, "Yes Sir I understand." He then did his best imitation of a curtsey with his black abuser's hand still around his throat.

Lamonte grunted his approval, released Sam, and went back to his seat at the table.

Sam quickly busied himself with breakfast. After years of serving his wife Sam had become quite a good cook and had no trouble preparing a tasty breakfast for Lamonte.

Sam served the black man first then began to make himself a plate but was stopped cold by his abuser's voice. "What the fuck you doing bitch? You don't eat with me. Get the fuck under the table and start working my dick while I eat."

Sam choked back a sob but remembering his place performed a quick curtsey and said, "Yes sir, whatever you say sir."

The poor white sissy clad in his wife's underwear crawled under the table in his own kitchen and moved between the muscular legs of his captor. With shaking hands Sam began to stroke the flacid tool soon making it grow with his talented ministrations. Sam's hands were accustomed to the feel of every inch of Lamonte's massive cock and he soon had the organ standing up tall and hard.

"Lick my balls" came the order from above and Sam moved his head down and began to lick all over the hairy, wrinkled sack containing Lamonte's jumbo egg sized balls.

Sam tasted the salty sweat and stale piss flavor he's become so used to over time and did his best to ignore the feelings beginning to perk up in his own tiny package. Sam's little penis was stirring much to his dismay and he prayed for it to stop as he licked his tongue over the ripe smelling nut sack of his tormentor.

Lamonte's heavy cock was resting comfortably on Sam's forehead as the white boy sucked and licked away and Lamonte smiled as he sipped his coffee. Life was pretty fucking good right now. Here he was in a rich white couple's house, eating breakfast prepared by the white boy who was on his knees dressed like a sissy, licking his sweaty, black, balls. Yeah, life was good.

Lamonte let the sissy lick, kiss, and suck his balls for well over half an hour before finishing his breakfast and telling Sam, "Alright bitch, enough foreplay. Get to sucking."

Sam knew this was coming but still had held out hope for a reprieve. Wasting no time the white boy took the black cock head into his mouth and began licking all around the bulbous helmet. He stroked the cock with both hands while suckling the head like a calf taking to the teat. Lamonte sighed above him and smiled down at the white sissy saying, "Eyes up here snowflake. Always look at a man when you suck his cock."

Sam looked up into the eyes of his abuser and felt something strange happen. Suddenly the white sissy felt at peace. He felt as though he belonged here, on his knees, mouth full of black cock. His own miniature penis began to grow to it's laughable full length as he suckled his master's cock.

Sam was disgusted with himself but could not stop the feeling of lust from overwhelming him. He began to suck harder, taking more of the massive black cock into his mouth. He felt the huge head of the cock press against the back of his throat and some unknown instinct took over making the sissy swallow and breath through his nose in order to accommodate the invading tool.

Lamonte praised his newfound skill saying, "I knew you had it in you to be a real sissy cocksucker bitch. Yeah, take it all."

With that the black man forced his cock down his submissive sissy's throat as tears sprang from the white boys eyes.

Sam never stopped looking at his master's face as he swallowed the alpha man's cock. The white sissy soon found himself bobbing up and down in Lamonte's lap taking the entire length of the black cock down his pink throat. Sam was moaning in pleasure as he sucked the superior cock, his own white hand moving between his legs to rub his clit sized penis.

Lamonte saw what was happening but decided to allow it to play out knowing that he needed the white bitch to associate his own pleasure with making his master happy.

Sam sucked harder and harder rubbing his clitty faster and faster as both he and his owner raced toward orgasm. Sam had been working Lamonte's cock for nearly an hour now and his own tiny penis for about four minutes when they both reached a mutual release.

Lamonte groaned out a manly roar as he emptied his massive balls down his white sissy's throat. Sam gulped over and over trying to survive the onslaught without drowning in cum just as his own tiny peepee squirted out two quick, watery spurts of weak, white boy, sissy juice into his pink panties.

Sam managed to swallow every drop of his man's cum and was shaking fiercely when he backed off the massive cock. He kissed the cock head lightly and in a quivering voice said, "Thank you sir for feeding your sissy."

Sam was shocked by his own words not knowing where they had come from but Lamonte smiled down and stroked his sissy's hair like he was petting a faithful dog saying, "Good sissy, You're a good sissy. You make me happy."

Lamonte stood up from the table, his shrinking cock slapping wetly against his thigh, and strode from the kitchen announcing his next command over his shoulder. "Clean up this mess bitch, you can eat whatever scraps I left on my plate. Then get your ass upstairs. I need a shower and you need to learn how to clean me."

Sam slowly got to his feet, his knees knocking together, and went about cleaning the dishes. He nibbled on the half piece of toast and small bite of egg left on his master's plate as he worked.

Upon finishing the dishes Sam swallowed hard still tasting the black man's thick cum coating his tongue. He was ashamed of his behavior and the cold, wet stain of his own spend in his pink panties only added to his humiliation.

Sam made his way upstairs to find Lamonte going through Angie's clothes. Angie had taken her best clothing on her trip but there were still many outfits to choose from and Lamonte had put several choices together and laid them out on the bed.

Before Sam could inquire as to the purpose of the clothes, Lamonte said, "Into the bathroom boy. Get my shower going at a good hot temperature then strip down and meet me in the shower stall."

Sam almost argued. He almost balked and attacked the large black man. The only thing stopping him was the look of menace on Lamonte's face. It was as if the thug knew what he'd been thinking and was stopping any rebellion before it could begin. Besides a quick glance in the mirror made Sam lower his head in defeat and sorrow. The way he was dressed was embarrassing enough but the obvious stain on the panties really took the fight out of the white sissy.

So, he did as ordered and got the water running at a comfortable temperature before stripping off his ridiculous clothes and stepping into the shower.

Lamonte came into the bathroom and entered the shower like he owned the room and everything in it. He stood under the water taking up all of its comforting heat and leaving Sam shivering, catching just the water splashing off the black man.

"Get busy bitch" the black man said and Sam was at least smart enough to know what was required of him. He picked up the body wash he normally used himself and soaped a wash rag thickly in foam. He began cleaning his superior starting with his broad shoulders and working down to get his chest, washboard abs, and muscular arms before moving to his back.

Sam scrubbed delicately over the black man's skin cleaning his back and pausing before moving down further. The white boy was at a loss for a second but remembering his prison training, slowly dropped to his knees and began washing his master's legs and feet. The white sissy softly wiped the soapy cloth across Lamonte's muscular buttocks cleaning the man's ass with shame in his eyes. The shame came from knowing what was next. Knowing his duty, Sam placed the wash cloth over his shoulder and using both hands, pried open his master's cheeks exposing his puckered asshole.

With a soft cry of disgust Sam moved his face into the black man's ass and licked a long swipe up the entire length of his crack. Lamonte moaned and laughed at the service being provided by his former cellmate and knew without a doubt he now owned his own white, sissy, slave.

Sam licked up and down the black asscrack several times before stiffening his tongue and quickly licking the inside of the thug's rubbery ring. He darted his tongue in and out repeatedly making sure to clean the inside as well as he'd done the outside.

After finishing this repugnant task Sam moved in front of his owner. Taking the cloth from his shoulder, he began to wash Lamonte's balls and cock taking special care as he knew they were sensitive after his morning orgasm.

When the black man was clean to his satisfaction he turned toward the water and rinsed the soap from his body. Turning back he was delighted to see Sam was still on his knees waiting. Without looking down, without using his hands, without a care or thought for what he was doing, Lamonte began pissing. Sam balked at first but a growl from above made him sit perfectly still as his master's hot, stinking piss blasted him in the face. Lamonte acted as if pissing on another human being's face was a completely normal act. In fact to Lamonte this pathetic wretch before him was subhuman. To him white people, white men especially, were nothing but animals. No, lower than animals. To Lamonte pissing in the face of a white bitch was his right as a superior alpha man.

Without a glance at his sissy Lamonte finished pissing, turned off the water, and stepped from the shower stall. A defeated Sam did what he could to rinse the piss from himself using the dirty wash rag and what water he could scrape from the walls and floor before leaving the shower himself.

Sam dried using the towel Lamonte had used and quickly made his way to the bedroom where Lamonte had already dressed for the day in Jeans and a tight fitting black tshirt. The black man snapped his fingers at Sam and said, "Pick an outfit and get dressed in a hurry, we have places to go."

Sam in absolute horror chose the least offensive outfit he could, thinking to minimize his humiliation if they were truly going out in public.

He chose a pair of black panties and black capri pants with a white half shirt complete with ruffled sleeves and collar. He looked and felt ridiculous but this was really the best choice as all the other outfits were dresses or skirts.

Sam chose a pair of black pumps for his feet and was amazed that he wore the same size as his wife.

Lamonte said, "Well I guess that'll do for now. We'll take care of the hair and face while we're out. Let's go snowflake, your makeover awaits."

Sam cringed at those words. He was terrified of what was to come as he followed Lamonte down the stairs and out into the garage. The poor white boy was shaking in fear as Lamonte started the car and pulled out onto the street to begin the next phase of their adventure together.

Contact me at and let's chat. I love meeting new kinksters and hearing what they like. Also here is a link to my captioned galleries. I love finding pics on imagefap and captioning them.

Peace, Love, and Good Scotch! Brian

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