The Big House

By Brian Masters

Published on Jan 10, 2023


The Big House Part 3 By Brian Masters

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A terrified Sam led his bully, Lamonte, upstairs to the bedroom on shaky legs. This was a completely different scene for the emasculated white boy. In prison he felt as though he had no choice in serving the black bulls and was only doing it to keep himself alive. But out here in the world, in his own home, Sam wondered why he didn't fight back. Yes the black man had photos, yes he could ruin Sam's life, yes there was still the threat of bodily harm but still Sam should do something to stop this torture shouldn't he? Near the top of the stairs Sam took his chance. He turned quickly and tried to push Lamonte down the steps. It was a ridiculous failure. Poor little Sam didn't have the physical strength to move the large black man at all and his feeble attempt was met with derisive laughter from his abuser.

"Now cut that shit out snowflake or I'll beat your ass till it bleeds" the large black man said as he gave Sam a firm push up the rest of the stairs.

Sam sniffled at his weakness and continued on to the bedroom with his head hung low. Upon reaching the bedroom Lamonte was quick to jump on the king size bed and stretch himself out with a smile.

The black thug laughed at the quivering white boy in front of him and demanded, "Let's see you wiggle that ass bitch. Give your daddy a little show. Dance sexy for me."

Sam wanted to refuse. He desperately wanted to run from the room and escape his tormentor but the threatening look Lamonte gave him weakened his resolve and kept him rooted in place out of fear.

Not knowing what else to do, Sam began to shimmy back and forth in what he thought was a slow, seductive dance. Lamonte had found the TV remote and turned on a music channel playing music Sam the white boy didn't know. It was vulgar and sounded like it came from the streets, like in the interracial porn videos Sam liked to watch.

Lamonte interrupted him quickly and said, "This ain't right bitch. You need a little something to make you look the part. Where does your wife keep her sexy shit?"

Sam was confused by the request but timidly pointed to the larger of the two dressers in the room. In the top shelf Lamonte found what he was looking for and quickly put together an outfit for his sissy pet.

Lamonte threw onto the bed a pair of pink silk panties, a pink baby doll nightie, and a pair of pink, knee high stockings with ruffles at the tops.

Sam was still confused by this and looked at Lamonte with his head tilted like a dog hearing a strange noise in the night.Lamonte laughed and said, "Oh please white boy, you know what I want. Get your ass dressed and make it quick."

Sam stuttered out, "But those are women's underwear. They belong to my wife. You can see they aren't for men."

Lamonte laughed again and said, "Shit snowflake, I don't see any other men in this room besides me. All I see is a white, sissy, cocksucker who needs to do what she's told before she gets her ass beat."

Sam stood defiantly in place with watering eyes and a quivering bottom lip. He had been pushed too far and would stand for no more abuse. He kept his mouth shut because he didn't trust his voice not to crack but he stood staring back at Lamonte.

For a big man Lamonte moved so quickly Sam barely had time to blink before he was laying naked across the black bully's lap. Lamonte held the white boy in place easily and began to spank his shapely ass in hard, solid strokes that filled the air with a thunderous slapping sound.

Sam was in agony and not just because of the physical pain. He was mortified to be in such a humiliating position. He was a grown man and here he was bent over a large black man's knees being spanked like a naughty child. The pain was unbelievable and Sam found himself crying in no time. The white boy sobbed and begged for the beating to stop.

"Please, oh please sir. I'm sorry. Please stop! I can't take it! I'll do it! I promise, just please stop hurting me!" The white boy cried out.

After more than a dozen hard slaps to the white sissy's ass Lamonte pushed the bitch from his lap onto the floor and said, "Now bitch! Do as you've been told!"

Sam pulled himself from the floor and wiping the tears from his eyes said, "Yes sir" before reaching out and picking up the silky panties from the bed.

As he slipped them on Sam was strangely thrilled by the feel of the fabric sliding up his smooth legs. His tiny package actually twitched when the panties were firmly seated in place around his crotch and hairless ass.

Next the defeated white boy pulled on the stockings one by one again feeling a thrill at the way the nylon felt against his skin. As he was reaching for the nightie Lamonte stopped him by saying, "No bitch, not yet. First get into that bathroom and get rid of that nasty hair under your arms. I don't like my bitches to be hairy. You're ok everywhere else, I mean shit, you got less hair on your body than a young woman. Shit I think you might just be a woman if not for that tiny peanut between your legs."Sam started to protest but knew another beating would be forthcoming so he silently shuffled into the on suite bathroom and took out his wife's pink lady razor to do the job. Sam didn't own a razor himself because he'd never needed one.

He applied shaving cream to his pits and quickly denuded himself of all the hair that may have suggested he was a male at all. He used a towel to dry under his arms and returned to Lamonte in the bedroom.

Sam picked up the pink nightie and slipped it over his head completing his look as an owned sissy. Lamonte laughed and said, "Damn girl you look natural dressed like that, now let's see some sexy dancing."

For some reason being dressed this way made Sam feel and act more like a sexy woman. It was as if his mind had always known this was the proper look for the white sissy. He found himself gyrating like a slut in a low end titty bar and was getting into the dance without any conscious thought. It was as if his body was reacting in its natural form and before long the sissy was dancing without fear or trepidation not aware at all of the effect he was having on his black tormentor.

Lamonte was propped up in bed watching the white husband dance for him while slowly stroking his growing cock. There was nothing like humiliating a white boy. Lamonte felt this was his own personal form of reparations and knew his ancestors would be proud of him for degrading a white male in such a way. He let his captive dance for several minutes before snapping his fingers to attract the bitch's attention.

Upon hearing the snap of Lamonte's fingers, Sam snapped out of what seemed like a trance and quickly stopped dancing to look at his new master.

Lamonte snapped his fingers again and pointed at his cock with a smile on his face. Sam was shaking as he crawled onto the bed and slid up between the black man's legs. He could smell the musk of the man's balls and could feel the heat radiating from his hairy, muscular crotch.

Sam looked up at the black man's face as if awaiting a command like a pet dog. Lamonte said, "Start stroking snowflake, let me feel those smooth, soft hands."

The huge black cock stood straight up before Sam and using both hands the white boy began stroking his captor in just the way he knew the man liked.

After a minute or so Lamonte gave another order which sent a chill down Sam's spine. "Put your lips over the head and just lick the piss slit while you jack me off."

Sam's first thought was of rebellion and he almost bolted from the bed but Lamonte must have sensed his sissy's mind because he reached his big hand down and slowly but firmly pulled Sam's head toward his towering cock.

There was no fight left in the white sissy as he gently opened his mouth and took the bulbous, mushroom head of the black snake between his lips. The cockhead was soft and spongy and tasted vaguely salty. Sam tried to ignore the complete humiliation and degradation he felt as he began licking all over the black man's piss slit. Precum was leaking fromt the massive tool and Sam submissively swallowed it as he continued stroking and licking his master's cock.

Lamonte was in heaven. Here he was a parolled, black, career criminal laying in the bed of a wealthy, white, married couple getting his pole polished by the panty wearing sissy husband. He sighed and smiled as he looked down at his captive wondering what he could do with the white boy next. He knew he had a couple weeks before the boy's wife returned home so he was comfortable he could bring the bitch to heel in plenty of time. He'd have himself a genuine, sissy, white slave serving his every whim when the wife came back. Then he could take his time with the white couple using the husband to ensnare the wife. Oh he'd seen the pictures of the white whore all over the house and couldn't wait to get his hands on those amazing titties. Yes he would own himself a couple of white slaves in no time.

Lamonte sighed contentedly as he watched his sissy gently sucking and stroking his huge cock. The white boy was jacking his abuser's cock while licking and sucking at the head like a nursing baby. Soft whimpering moans came from the sissy's throat as he worked his master's cock. The feeling of the silky material rubbing his tiny pecker was actually giving him a miniature hard on while he sucked. Sam began to squeeze his thighs together around his tiny penis in an attempt to stifle the urge to jerk himself off.

As the white boy sucked and licked the musky cock head he felt his own much smaller tool stand stiff with need. The sissy moaned and stroked the huge cock faster and he squeezed his peepee between his legs. He sucked harder and licked faster trying to end this torment and maybe stop his own orgasm from happening.

Sam was humiliated beyond belief. If the black man saw his arousal he would think it was because he was slobbering all over the thick, black cock. But the white sissy swore to himself it was just the feeling of the silky underwear making him so excited.

The sissy stroked the black cock faster and faster, sucking harder and licking all over the head in a desperate urge to make his master cum. He heard the black man moaning and knew he was close. Sam himself was getting close too, despite his efforts to make it stop.

The poor sissy lost the battle and spurted his weak, watery load into his wife's pink panties. After shooting his meager load the white boy quickly became even more humiliated as he worked the thick black cock.

For another five minutes Sam worked that massive cock like a bitch possesed. He wanted to end this torment quickly and hide the mess he'd made in the pink panties.

Lamonte began moaning louder and Sam felt the black man's huge balls tense up in an imminent explosion. The black man grabbed Sam's head and held it tightly between his huge hands as his cum began to shoot in thick ropes into the captive white boy's mouth.

Sam tried to back away but his captor would not allow it instead keeping the white sissy's head held in place as he filled the soft, pink mouth with bitter, salty cum.

The sissy swallowed several mouthfuls of hot cum before Lamonte finally sagged back into the pillows and released his bitch's head. Sam was choking and gasping for air as he submissively licked his master's cockhead clean. After he was certain all the cum had been cleaned off and swallowed he leaned back and tried to get out of bed to clean up his own mess.

But Lamonte would not allow it. He had seen the sissygasm that had stained pretty, pink panties and he shamed the white bitch by laughing at him and pointing out the obvious.

"Look at that shit! You came from sucking my cock. You must love my dick you sissy bitch." The black man said.

Sam tried to argue, tried to correct the misconception that he'd orgasmed from sucking cock but Lamonte wouldn't let him speak.

"Shhh, it's ok sissy. I know you love being my bitch. You don't have to convince me how much you love my dick. Now be a good girl and crawl up in here with me, I'm tired and need some sleep." Lamonte ordered giving Sam no chance to clean his panties or rinse his foul tasting mouth.

Instead the white husband crawled up next to his black captor and as ordered snuggled against the black man settling in for the night. Lamonte put his thick arm around his sissy and was soon snoring contentedly.

Sam on the other hand lay awake most of the night desperately trying to think of a way out of this mess before his wife came home. It wasn't till the wee hours of the morning the white boy finally drifted off to a fitful sleep filled with nightmares about thick black cocks.

Contact me and let me know what you think.

Peace, Love, and Good Scotch!

Next: Chapter 4

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