The Big House

By Brian Masters

Published on Jan 8, 2023


The Big House Part 2 By Brian Masters

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Things got back to normal rather quickly for Sam and Angie and after six months Sam had almost forgotten or at least come to grips with his horrible prison experience. Angie had barely noticed Sam's shock after returning home so busy was she with dominating the poor white boy she gave no thought to how prison must have affected him. Sam had returned to waiting on his buxom wife and caring for their home as if nothing had happened. So it was no surprise to Sam when Angie told him she would be taking a trip for her birthday. Sam was of course confused by this and asked his wife what her intentions were.

"Um dear" said Sam "Uh what do you mean by that? I thought we would spend your birthday together, so what do you mean you're going on a trip alone?"

"No you idiot" Angie sneered at him, "I'm going on a cruise with my mother. I need a little time away from all the stress around here. Don't you think it takes a toll on me to have to watch you constantly? To critique your work and make sure you do your chores correctly?"

Sam said, "Yes dear I'm sorry to be such trouble for you. I do try to complete my chores to your specifications."

"Well" said Angie, "We'll just see about that. This will be a chance to prove yourself. Can you be a responsible, hard working, obedient hubby? Or will you fuck up every job I give you to complete while I'm gone?"

"I swear dear I'll do my very best to make you proud" Sam said with a quiver to his voice.

And so began an extremely busy day for Sam. It seemed that Angie was leaving for her cruise the very next day and hadn't bothered to tell Sam until the very last minute making it nearly impossible for him to complete the list of chores she laid out for him.

Sam was required to clean his wife's vacation clothes, fold them all neatly, and pack them in several suitcases. Angie was taking her very best outfits for nightly dinners in the ships elegant dining room. She was taking several bathing suits ranging from a modest one piece to a skimpy bikini that barely covered any of her most private parts.

Sam spent all night packing his wife's things from her clothes to her cosmetics and toiletries, to a vast array of shoes and jewelry. By morning when it was time to wake Angie poor Sam hadn't slept at all and though he was exhausted he knew enough to have breakfast ready for his wife while she showered.

Angie ate her eggs and toast with barely a word to Sam at all. He cleaned up the breakfast dishes and hurried to carry all of Angie's luggage to the car. As tired as Sam was he still had to drive Angie to the airport. Angie's mother lived out of town and would be meeting her daughter on the ship.

Upon reaching the airport Sam carried all of the luggage by hand as Angie told him only lazy husbands used luggage carts. So as he struggled to keep up his wife strode through the terminal as if she owned the place. Sam saw every man and even some women turn their heads to watch his wife walk by and felt a sense of pride that his bride was such a fantasy for so many people.

After checking Angie's bags Sam escorted her to the security gate where he was expecting a goodbye kiss and tearful farewell. He was sorely disappointed. When Sam tried to hug his wife she said, "No, I don't want my clothes all wrinkled before I even get on the plane."

And when he leaned in to kiss her goodbye she looked at him with obvious disgust and said, "Are you fucking serious? You want to mess up my lipstick? What the hell is wrong with you stupid?"

Sam had tears of humiliation and frustration in his eyes when he said, "But dear I just wanted to kiss my wife goodbye, is that too much to ask?"

Angie smirked at him and said, "Of course not hubby dearest, I just want a different kind of kiss from you. Now be a good boy and get on your knees. You can pretend you're tying your shoe if you want. Then I want a nice, loving kiss on my backside to show not only that you respect and obey me but that you love every part of me equally."

Sam was in shock at the prospect but the smile on his wife's face told him there would be no room for argument. So with tears in his eyes and his whole body shaking with embarrassment Sam sank down to one knee and pretended to tie his shoe as his wife turned her back on him. He leaned in quickly and planted a kiss on Angie's right buttock thinking it would be over now. But Angie turned her head and glared down at him till he did it properly. Sam leaned in placing his face between his wife's ass cheeks, praying no one was looking, and kissed her directly on her puckered ass hole.

He got to his feet immediately but not before noticing a very large black man smirking down at him. The man was standing just off to the side of the married couple but had seen the whole thing. He laughed out loud which attracted Angie's attention.

The man saw Angie look his way and said, "I'm sorry little lady I was just admiring the way you handled your servant here."

Angie laughed and said, "No, unfortunately that's my big strong husband you just saw kissing my ass."

They both laughed while Sam made his way to his feet his face blushing a fierce, deep red. He stammered, "Wwwelll dear, you're all set. I'll see you in a few days."

Angie laughed again saying, "A few days? Oh I'm sorry dipshit, I forgot to tell you this is a fourteen day cruise. I won't be home for two weeks so you'll have plenty of time to take care of the long list of chores I left for you."

Sam almost cried when he said, "Two weeks? But dear I'll miss you terribly!"

At this point the intimidating black man stepped forward and said, "Two week cruise? So little lady are you going on the Bahamas tour with Hedonist Cruise Lines?"

"Why yes I am" Angie replied.

"Isn't that great" the black man said. "I'm Tony where are you sitting on the plane?"

"My name is Angie, it's great to meet you Tony" Sam's wife said as she leaned in to shake Tony's hand. "I'm in seat Fourteen A" she continued.

"Well isn't that perfect?" Tony asked. "I'm in Fourteen B, looks like we'll be sharing some quality time together."

"Isn't that wonderful?" Angie said as she took Tony's arm and turned to enter the gate.

In a panic Sam said, "But dear wait! Aren't you going to say goodbye?"

Angie barely turned her head to look back as she waved her hand in a dismissive gesture and said, "Oh yeah, bye bye hubby."

And that was it, she was gone. Sam watched his wife walk arm in arm with a perfect stranger off on a two week vacation without him.

Sam moped his way back to the car and drove home sobbing at the sadness of it all. He knew his wife didn't respect him at all and was determined to show her how responsible he could be by completing all his chores while she was away.

Sam rushed into the house and found the list Angie had left him sitting on the kitchen table. It was nine pages long. Single spaced and typed. Just a cursory glance told Sam he'd be doing everything from cleaning gutters, to scrubbing all the floors and toilets, reorganizing the basement and garage, as well as all of his usual chores and much more. He wondered if he'd ever get anything done.

Sam was just considering taking a nap before beginning to tackle his list when he was for the first time happy to be unemployed. He had lost his job thanks to the jail stay and had so far had no luck finding another. Angie supported them both with her extensive trust fund but was still very angry at his lack of employment. She ridiculed him daily and belittled him for being such a loser. She humiliated him even more by giving him a pitiful allowance each week to live on while she spent money like crazy.

Lost in this train of thought Sam was startled when the doorbell rang. He was so tired his first thought was to ignore it and go to bed, and in hindsight some time later Sam would wish he had done just that.

When he opened the door Sam almost swallowed his tongue in shock. There before him was his prison tormentor, Lamonte.

"Hey white boy, you miss me?" the large black man said with a smile.

Sam was taken aback and could barely keep his feet under him. He stammered out, "Lamonte, you can't be here! What's going on right now? Why are you here and not in jail?"

"I knew you'd be glad to see me snowflake! I got early release and I just knew my good friend Sammy would give me a place to stay for a while." Lamonte said as he pushed his way into the house.

"No! No, no, no!" Sam said, "You can't be here! You can't come in, please leave immediately!"

Lamonte quickly gripped Sam around the neck and pushed him into the house and against the wall while closing the front door with his foot. He lifted Sam up onto his toes and pushing his face right into Sam's said, "Now you listen to me fag boy, you will do exactly as I say when I say it or I will beat seven shades of shit out of your ass. Do you fucking understand me?"

Sam was gasping for air but sputtered out, "Please! Please don't do this to me! I'm married!"

"I don't give a fuck boy! I own your ass here same as I did inside! You are my little bitch you got that?" Lamonte spit out at Sam in anger.

"But please sir, I can't. I live here. I have a wife. I have a life here. This isn't prison." Sam said crying.

"This is your prison bitch!" Lamonte said. "Now where's your wife?"

Sam should have lied. He should have said she'd be home soon and Lamonte should leave. He should have but he was just too scared. So he told the black man everything. That Angie was gone for two weeks, that she'd left him alone to take care of the house, even that she had left him a list of chores and orders to complete them all. Sam was shaking when he finished and the black man released his grip allowing Sam to sink back down to his feet.

As Sam sagged in defeat, Lamonte placed his huge hand on the white boy's shoulder and gently but with a hint of force, pushed Sam to his knees.

Sam sobbed when he realized what was happening and said, "No, please no! Don't make me do that again."

Lamonte said, "Bitch I've been locked up a long damn time and I need some release. Now you do what you were taught like a good, little, sissy, white boy. Take out my dick and show me how much you missed it."

Sam didn't move so Lamonte grabbed the white boy's ear and twisted it painfully making him cry out. The poor, white, bitch reached up with shaking hands and slowly took down Lamonte's zipper. Sam unbuttoned the black thug's jeans and opened the fly. He stopped for a minute and looked up into the unforgiving face of his tormentor and with a snap of his fingers Lamonte signalled his sissy to continue.

The white husband pulled down the black man's pants to find he wasn't wearing underwear so his half erect, thick, long cock sprang forward and slapped against Sam's lips. Sam recoiled instantly but Lamonte grabbed his hair and held him still.

"Start stroking white boy" Lamonte said.

Knowing it was useless to resist, Sam did as he was told. He took the huge dick in his hand and like he'd done so many times before, began to stroke it almost lovingly. Lamonte took no time at all to reach his fully erect size and Sam was soon using two hands to jack off his abuser. Lamonte sighed and gave a soft moan as he enjoyed his boy's soft hands on his giant tool.

"I see you missed me white boy" Lamonte said. "Now show me how much you missed me and give me a nice kiss right on the head of my dick."

Sam started to object but one look at Lamonte's face took away his feeble resistance. Shaking and crying the defeated whtie boy leaned in and puckering his lips, pressed them to the silky, soft head of the impressive black cock. He backed off quickly and Lamonte pulled his head back in saying, "No bitch, give me a real kiss with tongue. Make out with my dick."

With tears now running down his face Sam did as he was told. He opened his lips and kissed the cockhead giving it an experimental lick. Lamonte reacted swiftly and pushed the head of his dick into Sam's mouth.

"Oh shit white boy, you gonna learn something new today". The black man said with a smile.

Lamonte grabbed Sam's head on both sides and began to feed the kneeling sissy his cock. Sam tried desperately to pull away but the man was too strong. His first thought was to bite down and end this once and for all but realized if he didn't kill Lamonte he himself would be dead if he hurt the big man's dick.

Resigned to his fate the white boy opened his mouth wide and allowed the huge cock entrance to his throat. Lamonte wasted no time and pushed his cock into Sam's throat and he could see the white boy's neck bulge out with the intrusion.

Sam gagged and choked but his tormentor would not relent. The thick black cock was sliding in and out of Sam's throat as if it were fucking a tight pussy.

The only sounds in the house were the wet, sloppy, sounds of face fucking and choking. The wet slapping went on for nearly forty five minutes before Lamonte pulled Sam's face against his groin and said, "Here comes your prize white boy, better swallow every drop."

No sooner had the words hit Sam's ears then the first blast of hot, thick, salty cum slapped against the back of Sam's throat. The crying white boy was forced to swallow to keep from choking and soon three more ropes of cum shot down into his stomach. When Lamonte realized he was reaching the end of his orgasm he pulled his cock out so that only the head was still in Sam's mouth. There he fired off two more shots of hot jizz coating the white boy's tongue and ensuring he tasted every drop.

Pulling his now softening cock from his white prisoner's mouth Lamonte said, "Right, that was pretty good bitch. Well, a good start anyway. Now show me to the bedroom and let's really have some fun. I'll be staying here with you for as long as I want so you better start showing me what a good host you are."

With that Lamonte walked away from the defeated white boy heading toward the staircase in the living room. Seeing no other choice, Sam pulled himself slowly to his feet and swallowing the last of his tormentor's cum he followed Lamonte into the next phase of his life.

Part 3 coming soon! Let me know what you think, and check out my other story "Slave to My Black Neighbor" here on Nifty

Peace, Love, and Good Scotch!

Next: Chapter 3

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