The Big House

By Brian Masters

Published on Jan 6, 2023


THE BIG HOUSE! by Brian Masters

Part One

As always please donate to to keep this great site going. Sam was in a hurry to get home. His wife, Angie, had sent him to the store to pick up a few things for her and he knew better than to dawdle or he would risk her anger. Angie was a buxom woman who at five foot 9 stood a good three inches taller than her diminutive husband. Add this to the fact that she outweighed Sam by thirty pounds and had a temper to match her fiery red hair and you can see poor Sam is definitely not the one wearing the pants in the house. No, Angie controlled her little hubby the way a loving master controls a beloved pet dog. Their friends all laughed behind Sam's back at the way he conformed to Angie's every wish as if it were a command.

Everyone, Sam's family included, wondered how he ever landed a beauty like Angie seeing as she had the body of a comic book heroine drawn by a basement dwelling virgin teenager. Her hair was a deep red that flowed down past her shoulders in beautiful waves that somehow drew attention to her piercing green eyes. Angie had a face that stopped men in their tracks. Her beauty was sculpted by the gods and almost took attention away from her decolletage. But no one was able to keep their eyes away from Angie's breasts, men and women alike. On any other woman they would look fake or too big and unnatural, but on Angie's frame they were spectacular. An amazing 42DD chest that was perfectly formed and still held out with very little sag. They were porn tits to be sure, firm and supple with pointy nipples that told the weather as well as Angie's mood from one moment to the next. Her tits complemented her ass to perfection giving her an amazing hourglass figure straight out of every man's imagination. And those legs! My god her legs were wonderful, muscular, smooth and perfectly tanned making everyone want to be wrapped in them for hours on end.

And then there was Sam. Poor little Sam never did grow into himself the way his parents always said he would. No, Sam was a tiny, slender man who perpetually looked like a young boy causing him no end of torment all through high school and on into his adult years. He was carded every time he tried to order a drink. He was mocked constantly by bigger, stronger men who commented daily about how strange it was to see such an obvious wimp with the gorgeous and sexy Angie. At five foot 6 and weighing only 130 pounds Sam was the butt of everyone's jokes his entire life. There wasn't a trace of muscle anywhere on his frame, he couldn't grow facial hair at all and in fact was almost completely smooth of any body hair at all. Tiny tufts of light brown hair peeked out from Sam's armpits and an equally small patch of short and curlies framed his tiny penis. Sam was in constant fear of his underdeveloped package ever since his first locker room shower in high school. Just glancing around the room told him everything he'd ever need to know. He was far below average. Sam had of course measured his pecker like every man does at some point in his life. But for Sam the results were obviously pathetic. After doing a little research Sam found the average size for a male penis to be six inches, a fact that shattered Sam's self image when he realized he was carrying a ridiculous three and a half inches when hard. Micro penis would be a more apt description which made it all the more incredible that Sam had landed Angie.

Angie who was at this moment waiting for Sam to return from the store and who was growing angrier by the second. Sam cleared the wool from his head and focused on getting home quickly. He jumped into his modest sedan, threw it into reverse, and stepped on the gas trying to make up time and not anger his wife. As Sam backed quickly from the parking space he neglected to look behind him and was startled when his car suddenly stopped with the loud crunching sound of metal on metal. Finally looking into his rearview mirror Sam was horrified to see a police car with two angry officers glaring at him from their damaged car.

Sam immediately pulled forward again and jumped from his car in a panic. He was stuttering and mumbling almost sobbing in distress trying to talk to the police officers despite the fact they hadn't left their car yet. The driver exited the car staring at Sam with seething anger while the passenger had to slide across the seat and exit the driver's door since the passenger door had been crushed in by Sam's clumsy driving.

When the two officers walked toward Sam he immediately began to shake and sweat. He was terrified. Both men were huge, each standing over six foot three with bulging muscles everywhere you looked. These men looked like they worked out four or five hours a day and could easily be mistaken for linemen in professional football. But that's not what frightened Sam the most. No, these men were black. Sam had an innate fear of black men stemming back to his days in school when he'd been bullied relentlessly by a group of black teenagers. These two police officers were Sam's worst nightmare. Huge, hulking, muscular men with dark black skin and shaved bald heads. They were terrifying.

The driver walked over to Sam and looked down at him with a sneer. "What the hell is your problem? Are you drunk? Are you stoned?" He asked the quivering white boy.

"No sir!" Sam stuttered, "I'm not drunk or stoned sir it was just a mistake, I was in a hurry to get home, I'm very sorry sir."

"Oh you're sorry? Well that makes it all better then. Hey Mack, the little white boy says he's sorry so maybe we should just go, what do you say?"

The second officer, Mack, said "Oh I don't know Steve my arm is killing me from where white boy smashed into me. I'm thinking that qualifies as assaulting a police officer, don't you?"

"Now that you mention it, yeah I think that does qualify. Add that to reckless driving and this white boy could be in some serious shit."

Sam was almost in tears when he said, "Please officers, I'm very sorry. I didn't to assault anyone, it was just an accident."

"Well there you have it" Mack said. "He just admitted it was assault, I think we need to take him in. Right now."

The next few minutes were a blur to Sam. He was roughly bent over the hood of the car and his hands were cuffed behind his back. Both officers were extremely rough with the little white boy as they emptied his pockets and shoved him into the back seat of the squad car. Sam was in tears and openly sobbing as the police called for a tow truck to take his car and then began the journey to drive him to the station.

Everything happened so fast. From booking to the public defender to a very unsatisfying phone call to Angie in which she told Sam she was very busy and couldn't be bothered to come down to the station with bail money. She said since he'd been so careless with the car he deserved whatever punishment the police deemed fit. And so in a very brief time Sam went from a simple shopping trip to being sentenced to 30 days in the county lockup.

The poor white boy was dressed in an orange jumpsuit and led crying to his cell. Due to overcrowding it soon became obvious Sam would not be alone for the duration. As he was pushed by the guard into his cell he quickly became aware of its two other occupants. If Sam thought the cops were scary, he was pants shittingly terrified of his cellmates.

The first one, who Sam would later learn was named Lamonte, was standing near the front of the cell blocking Sam's way so the white boy had to squeeze past him getting close enough to smell the man's strong body odor. Lamonte was enormous. He easily stood 6'5" and weighed in at a solid 300 pounds of pure muscle. He had a shaved head and a 3 inch scar running down his right cheek. He turned to stare at Sam as the white boy shivered in place fearful of moving an inch.

The second man was sitting on the toilet producing the foulest stench Sam had ever had to endure. He wiped his ass, stood up, flushed and slowly began to raise his pants back up. During that time Sam caught a glimpse of the man's penis. No, to call it a penis would be a mistake. This was a cock. Even soft it measured easily eight inches long and as thick as Sam's wrist. Sam quickly averted his eyes but the damage was done. The sight of that mighty cock was imbedded in poor Sam's mind.

The man who had been on the toilet stepped forward and Sam soon found himself trapped between the two huge black men. The second man said, "My name is Razor and this is Lamonte, but you call us both sir from now on white boy."

Sam squeaked out a pitiful "Yes sir" before Razor continued.

"You ain't shit in here white boy. We run this place which means we run you. You do everything we tell you, when we tell you, and maybe you don't get hurt too much." Razor said.

Sam tried to look up at Razor but could only take in so much being in such close proximity. Razor was almost as tall as Lamont, also shaved bald but with a neatly trimmed full beard. His muscles were equally as impressive as his friend and together the two black men dwarfed the pitiful white boy.

That first night was horrible for Sam. There were two bunk beds in the cell but his black cellmates had claimed them both. Each black man slept on the bottom bed of a bunk while using the top bunk as a shelf for his personal items. As such, Sam was forced to sleep on the floor with no blanket or pillow. Luckily his cellmates were tired and left him alone during that first night so Sam just lay there on the floor listening to them snore and fart all night long. It was a miserable night for the defenseless white boy and he wept quietly thinking about his beautiful wife and how disappointed she must be in him.

In the morning Sam woke having to pee badly but he was afraid to wake his two cellmates. So in an attempt to be quiet Sam slowly crawled to the toilet and gently sliding down his pants he sat on the toilet and began to pee aiming his weak stream against the side of the bowl so as not to make any noise.

Unfortunately both Razor and Lamonte were awake and both watched the white boy with amused smiles on their faces. Razor was the first to speak saying, "Damn looks like we got us a white girl not a white boy. This bitch is sitting down like she has a cunt."

The black men laughed as Sam tried to explain his reasoning for sitting down to pee. The problem was that when he tried to talk to the black men he lost his concentration and his weak pee stream began to trickle into the water sounding very much like the peepee made by a toddler just learning to use the potty.

Both black men laughed hysterically as they climbed from their beds and stood in front of the shivering white boy on the toilet. The huge men both pulled out their massive dicks and pointed them at Sam's crotch.

"Better spread those legs white boy, we gots to piss right fucking now." Lamonte said.

Sam begged them to wait, that he would be finished in a second but he was ignored and realized he's better spread his legs and make room or he'd be pissed on.

As Sam opened his legs the black men began laughing again much harder than before. They both could not believe the tiny size of Sam's little pecker. They humiliated the white boy for several minutes with the rudest comments Sam had ever heard.

Without warning Lamonte began pissing and Razor quickly followed both with strong hose like streams of hot stinking morning piss. Sam was revolted but too terrified to move so he just sat there in shame as he felt the hot droplets of black men's piss splashing on his thighs. Despite his disgust, Sam was in awe of the black men's waste expulsion. He never imagined anyone could piss for so long with such a strong steady stream. It was mesmerizing and Sam couldn't help but watch, a fact that did not go unnoticed by his tormentors.

Lamonte said, "Look Raze, the little bitch can't stop staring at these massive black snakes. I think he's in love."

Razor laughing said, "No shit man, white boy practically licking his lips. I wonder what he wants more, to suck some dick or drink some piss."

Sam didn't get a chance to refute their comments as the big men both stopped pissing at the same time and shook the excess drops off their huge cock heads and onto the poor white boy's shirt.

A loud bell rang and the cell door opened announcing breakfast before the incident could go any further much to the relief of the white prisoner and he scurried out behind his huge cellmates on the way to his first prison meal.

Any thoughts Sam had of separating from his tormentors were quickly quashed as the black men took up positions in line with Sam in between them. It was their way of showing the rest of the prison that this white boy was owned. Sam could feel the stares of other inmates and felt as if he would be devoured if not for his two protectors.

Breakfast was just as disgusting as Sam imagined it would be even though he didn't get much to eat since his cellmates took most of his food leaving him with a small cup of jello and a glass of water. Sam was still very hungry as the trio made their way to the showers.

Now was the moment Sam had dreaded. Everyone knows about prison showers. There are stories and songs and jokes about them everywhere. Sam meekly followed the directions printed on the wall and after disrobing entered the communal shower stalls. He quickly realized he was the only white man in the place and his nerves jumped into overdrive. Every man in the shower was built bigger than Sam and every one of them had a cock that dwarfed his own tiny pink worm. The men all laughed at the under endowed white boy telling him it looked more like a clit than a penis. They began berating Sam for being more of a woman than a man and soon the poor white boy was in tears again out of fear and shame.

Lamonte and Razor kept Sam blocked in as they washed their muscular bodies and Sam was acutely aware of the size of the men's cocks being in such close proximity. As the big men moved around washing various body parts their big, black, dicks occasionally slapped into some part of Sam's body making him wince in embarrassment but he was too afraid to say anything. After several minutes the two black men had finished cleaning themselves and both stood staring down at Sam as if in expectation of something.

The men looked at Sam for several minutes until the white boy could no longer ignore their glares. Sam looked up into the faces of his tormentors with a questioning glance.

It was Razor who finally broke the silence. "Listen white boy I need to get off and I don't feel like stroking myself. I need to feel those soft, delicate, white boy hand stroking my dick right now. I know you're going to try to complain. I know you're gonna want to call for help. I know you'll want to beg and plead with me but here's what's gonna happen. You are gonna get on your knees and stroke my dick till I shoot. If not, I'm gonna hurt you real bad. Like put you in the hospital maybe you won't make it bad. You understand me?"

Sam was in shock. A small part of his mind knew something like this could happen but he was shocked all the same. He did try to plead. He did look around for help. He even tried to get away from the huge black men but in the end Sam knew it was all futile. And so he submitted. Just as the black men knew he would.

Sam slowly sank to his knees with tears in his eyes. He was now inches from the two giant cocks both still glistening with the water from the shower. His hand shaking, Sam reached up and took hold of Razor's cock his eyes opening wide as he felt the thickness and heavy weight of the black tool. With shame in his heart and tears in his eyes the frightened white boy began stroking the enormous cock in his hand.

At that moment Lamonte cleared his throat and said, "What the fuck? What about me bitch?"

Sighing with resignation Sam did the only thing he could. He reached up with his other hand and took hold of the second thick black cock and began stroking it in time with the other. The sheer enormity of what was happening was overwhelming to Sam. He had never even looked at another man's cock before and now here he was on his knees in a prison shower jacking off two black men with enormous tools.

Sam was struggling with the weight and thickness of the cocks as they hardened to their full lengths. Both black men were extremely well hung with Lamonte's cock easily reaching 10 inches in length and Razor's topping that with a full foot of black meat.

Other inmates were watching the spectacle of a white man on his knees servicing two black men and they all felt vindicated in seeing such a small step toward reparations. They all cheered Sam on with comments like: "Yeah white bitch, jack those niggas off" or "Look at that sissy faggot loving that black meat" and "Where can I get me a white boy cock slave?" Each comment was like a dagger to Sam's heart.

As Sam continued stroking the black cocks he began to notice a change in the men. Their breathing became faster and their hips began to jerk back and forth. Sam knew they were close to cumming and realized too late that both cocks were pointing directly at his face. As if sensing the white boy's dilemma both black men chose that moment to release their pent up seman. With loud growls the men came hard. Both cocks began shooting thick, long ropes of hot creamy cum onto Sam's face. The white boy tried to move out of the way but there was nowhere to turn. His face was soon covered in the thick, white mess of the stronger men's ejaculate. As the final shots slapped against Sam's face both black men took a step back to admire their work. Sam was painted in cum. It was all over his face and hair and the white boy looked like the star of a bukkake film.

The black men all laughed at Sam's predicament and laughed even harder when Razor and Lamonte refused to allow the white boy back under the water to wash his face. Instead they dragged Sam out of the shower and made him get dressed with their cum cooling on his face. The walk back to the cell was torture. Everyone laughed at Sam, even the guards and he was crying by the time he ran into the cell.

That night the men told Sam he was to sleep naked from now on. They didn't want to have to see his jumpsuit get all dirty. Sam tried to fight this latest indignity but Razor twisted his arm behind his back till Sam thought it would bread. Any hint of rebellion on Sam's part was treated with pain. The black men slapped him around until he agreed to scrub the toilet with his toothbrush. They painfully pinched and twisted the whiteboy's nipples until he gave them both foot massages. And they took turns laying him across their laps spanking Sam's naked ass till he agreed to jack them off again.

This soon became an ongoing thing. Sam was kept naked at all times in the cell and was forced to jack the thick black cocks off any time day or night. The white boy was constantly covered in sticky, thick, cum and smelled like a used condom all the time.

Sam had to jack the men off first thing in the morning usually while they took turns sitting on the toilet. He had to stroke their cocks after every meal. He jacked those massive black tools every night before crawling onto the floor with their hot cum cooling on his face.

Sam was in hell. He couldn't fight the huge men. The guards were no help. HIs lawyer had not been in to see him at all. But worst of all, neither had his wife. Sam had been inside for almost a week now without so much as a phone call to or from Angie. Any time he tried to call all he got was voicemail.

To make matters worse, the black men were becoming unsatisfied with daily handjobs and were beginning to discuss other ways Sam could be useful. They talked about him like he wasn't even there. As the cowering, naked, white boy knelt on the floor jacking off Razor's cock he heard the two black men discussing whether or not the white boy would be a good cocksucker or how tight his asshole was.

Sam was terrified. He knew it was only a matter of time before he was sucking the cocks of his abusers. He cried nightly thinking about his terrible situation and wondering how he could possibly survive.

On the sixth morning of his incarceration Sam was naked, on his knees stroking off both of his cellmates at once. The black men were standing over their captive talking about what might be for breakfast while ignoring the slaving white boy at their feet.

Just then a guard walked up to the cell and announced Sam was to be released due to overcrowding. The white boy was ecstatic and tried to rise to his feet. He was forced down by a strong hand on his head and told to keep doing what he was doing. The guard laughed and leaned against the bars to watch the show.

Crying in frustration, Sam continued to jack off the massive cocks until they both exploded in his face. Just another normal morning for the poor, defenseless, white boy.

The guard allowed Sam to dress but not to wash his face. Razor and Lamonte said goodbye but both cryptically said they would see him later. Sam was sure once he left this hell he would never see these awful men again so as he left the cell he turned back and said, "Fuck you both!" before being led away by the guard.

When Sam exited the prison there was no one waiting for him so he had to catch a bus home. When he entered the house he was met with a horrible mess. There were clothes and dirty dishes everywhere. His wife was laying on the couch watching tv and upon seeing Sam she said, "Well, it's about time! You really need to clean this place up. Honestly Sammie you need to be more careful. What the hell did you think I was supposed to do without you? Clean the house myself? I think not. Now change your clothes and get to work. We'll talk later, after you've finished your chores. Oh and welcome home I guess."

Sam was in shock but with a meek little, "Yes Dear", he slinked down the hall to obey his wife's command.

Please let me know what you think. Contact me at and check out my other story "Slave to My Black Neighbor" here on Nifty

Peace, Love, and Good Scotch


Next: Chapter 2

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