The Big Camping Tripp

By Lucky Slevens

Published on Jun 29, 2020


The Big Camping Trip with JR

** This story is a work of fiction and in no way relates to the real world, people, or places. This story contains depictions of homosexual sex and relationships between men and underage teens. Thank you to all the people who have reached out to me during this strange time. It makes each moment writing this more and more fun. Also please donate to Nifty as they are the curators and contributors to my sexual awakening and without them, I would not have a place to share this story. **

Part 4

I gazed over the welts blooming under my skin. Marks of Oso's teeth branded into my neck chest stomach and even my groin, fucking hickies flourished on my flesh for the world to see. Everyone attempted to reassure me, Benny, Jr., Oso, Derrick, even the fucking park rangers patted me on the shoulders reassuring me it will be okay. I just sat, defeated and scared. I knew the second my father saw me, he would react. I didn't know that that reaction would be, but I knew voices wouldn't be calm and punishments would have to be endured.

Jr. just stared at me. His cold, dark eyes scanning me over, dark skin inviting me into its embrace. On the other side of me, Oso sat cross-legged. He looked scared and sad. Tears sliding down his amber skin creating clean streaks down his face. I wanted to lick them up. Reassure him it was okay and that I not only enjoyed his complete animalistic dominance over my body, but also tell him it wasn't his fault. I somewhat knew this was going to be it. That this was the camping trip to end it. I had been sidestepping my father my entire life, and the second Jr. took me to the riverbank and jerked me off, that mode of existing was over. I have to change.

"I'm not mad," I said. "It was inevitable. This fight was years in the making, and now it'll come to a head."

"Now don't say it like that, Flaco," Benny said. He stood up, fully hard and dripping precum. My stomach lurches in craving. I almost open my mouth expectedly but resist as he sits next to me at the edge of the rock overlooking the lake. "You know I won't let your dad do anything to ya, right?"

"I know, but it'll still be explosive."

Oso sobs again, his tears in full stream. I stand up and look over the men coalesced around me. Oso's tears falling to his spent and limp cock. Its load still streaming out of my ass and running down my legs. The rangers, Derrick, Benny, Al, and Jr. all look up to me with wide eyes.

"It's not your fault, Oso," I said. I reached down and lifted his chin so his eyes could meet mine. I bowed and licked the tears streaking down his face. His skin was salty with sweet, sweet, sweat and tears. I kissed his thick lips and let him taste me before returning. "I wanted it, I enjoyed it. But my dad is going to kill me. So, unless there is any opposition, I think I'd be really cool if my last day alive could be spent getting railed down by everyone here."

No one said anything. My words fell on confusedly twisted faces. Everyone just started at my bite marked body and my abused cock.

I stare over all of their all of them again. "Okay, I probably not going to die, I'm just being dramatic. But what other excuse would I have to get fucked by everyone here? This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to pump all of you guy's spunk into my body in one fell swoop. Indulge me a little here."

Jr. stands up. His eyes violent with malicious lust. "You heard him boys, he wants to be dicked down 'til night fall. I'm down."

Benny, standing over me like a sentinel, just chuckles like a child as he pulls me into his embrace. His grasp wasn't sexual, it was comforting, like that of a father. An embrace I had never felt before. His hard chest and stomach held the full force of my limp craving body. I wept into his hairy chest as my hands explored his thick trunk of a belly. His thick cock stabbing my stomach and drooling precum all over me. I instantly felt small in his thick hairy arms. His hands gripping my slender torso blanketed my sun kissed skin and his fingers rubbed out my sore muscles.

My tears clung to his thick carpet of his chest and I kissed them up. His hairy chest tickled my nose and lips and I broke out in goosebumps. My tongue craved more as I tasted his tight skin and long chest hair. I nibbled his pointed nipples until he squirmed in my grasp. I wanted him. I wanted all of them, but Benny, was so gentle yet so commanding. I felt like a little kid in his grasp, ready to submit to his pleasure. Ready to let him use me anyway he wanted.

His fingers crept down my back slowly, exploring my small ass cheeks and he massaged my sore glutes. He kissed my head and neck, gentle and romantic. His fingers reached deep into my sore muscles and I could almost cum from his rough, hard, but calculated kneading. His fingers reached my asshole and fingered the cummy mess inside. I was sore and sensitive, and I moaned at the touch. His tick rough fingers entered me easily, and he massaged away any pain until all I could feel was pleasure. I went limp at the sensation of his middle and ring fingers from both hands inside of me, wriggling and working me from the inside like a puppeteer.

I moaned as his two middle fingers pushed deep inside of me, massaging my tender insides. Benny took my mouth and kissed me as I moaned. His mouth like an echo chamber, I let all of my pleasure resound inside his hot mouth. His fingers worked out my tight sphincter until his two index fingers entered me. He spread me open and I could feel the cool breeze inside of me. And full drops of cum dribbling out. I held him close as he worked my willing body wider and wider.

Then a tongue invaded me.

I looked back to see Jr. eating Oso's cum out of my ass. I almost cried as his eyes stared up at me. Dark and cold but piercing me as if he didn't look at me, but rather through me. His dark pupils like arrowheads stabbed through my flesh and penetrated my soul. There was a comfort in those deep abyssal pinpricks inside his pupils. The infinite of that glare was both inviting and terrifying. I could see myself jumping into that abyss and never needing again. But I could not let go of that lurch in my stomach thinking of how my father would react. . .

"I held you like this when my boy took your virginity," Benny said, "Right here on this very rock. I had intended to scare you, much in the same way Al tried to scare you. I wanted to test your loyalty to my son."

"Did I pass?" I asked through a moan.

"You more then passed, Flaco, you're my boy as much as Junior is."

I let my tears flow into his chest and I let out the weeping I pent up for too long. I stared up to his glorious face. his warm brown eyes like pillows I sunk in.

"That's right, hijo. I won't let anything happen to you."

Benny adjusted his arms and gripped my thighs and lifted me up to his eye level. I griped my legs around his torso and stared into his eyes. Deep pools of liquid oak stared back at me. I leaned forward into the nape of neck as his cock brushed against my ass. Two hands positioned me to receive him and I braced myself for his thick cock. Then another cock head rubbed against my ass and I squirmed in fear.

"This might hurt a bit, babe," Jr. said into my ear. "But I want to share you with my dad."

I leaned back and kissed him as two cockheads massage me open. One pushed in, and quickly retracted, then the other. Each taking its time feeling me, coxing my hole to open up. Then Benny's thick cock opened me up all the way. His full, but slow thrust curved straight back at him, hitting my prostate so hard I almost passed out. His body held me close to him as I shuddered and moaned. He kissed my marked neck and let me get used to his size. He was about as thick as D, enough to make me feel completely stretched out. He gave me a few slow thrusts until I relaxed enough to open again. My hole got used to D's cock before, and thankfully Benny was as long. His curved cock hit me in all the right places without me feeling as if I was impaled by a tree.

"Relax babe, I'm going in."

Then I felt Jr.'s head start to press into the edge of my stretched hole. Benny pulled out until it was just his thick head inside of me. Then Jr.'s head pushed hard against the rim of my asshole. I moaned at the sensation of opening up more. I felt as if my organs were going to fall out of my body. Until he plopped in. Two heads settled inside the tight and protesting ring of my ass but the feeling was orgasmic. My hard cock oozed as they let me get used to the sensation and I relaxed until the pain subsided. My hole screamed in protest but every pleasure point in my body roared in indulgence. My ass took them in slowly, resisting every centimeter as my boyfriend and my dad double dicked my tiny body. Each synchronized thrust digging deeper and deeper inside of me. They went slow, licking me, licking each other. our faces mashed together into a mess of slobbering moans. Not even kissing each other, just animalistic lapping of sweat beads.

I bit down into Benny's neck as the pain increased. His hard body took my pain and gripped his hard neck harder as their pubes tickled my ass. Every twitch of their cocks sent me into a shiver fit where my whole body shook with orgasmic pleasure mixed with a pain that only enhanced my sensitivity to their scent, their touch, their thrusts, their pleasure. Jr. starts pumping me, and I cry out as every nerve in my ass is set ablaze.

"Junior, don't move a second. I'm going to cum the second I start to fuck Flaco's tight ass in earnest. I can't hold it back and your setting me off too."

"Cum inside me," I whimper into his ear. "Please, papa, fill me."

"You heard him, dad. He could probably use the lube anyway."

Benny nods and, in unison, father and son start thrusting into my ass. Their cock's serpentine around each other and slide into every corner inside of me, fighting for space of my tight hole until I'm crying in pleasure. Tears run down into my gasping mouth. Every inch of strength I had, I used to hold onto Benny. His thick arms pull me into him with every thrust. My cock was trapped between me and his thick trunk. I basically fucked the tight space between our bodies, using the force of Benny and Jr.'s shoves for my own cock's pleasure. With two hot and thick cocks hitting my insides in every way, my cock erupts between me and Benny and I could feel my ass flooding with a hot load. Benny shook and moaned like a beast as he thrusts harder and harder. His cock pistons me to the point I collapse into him. He withdraws to the head and full shoves his hungry cock into me over and over again. A wildfire erupts inside of my skin to the point I need to let go. But I was trapped, my body in complete bondage and in full submission to the both of them.

Jr. only slow grinded against my body. He let his dad take as much pleasure from me as he wanted. I could feel, Jr.'s cock squirming inside me as Benny's cock thrust against it, inside me. Cum ran down their cocks and slurped out of my ass like a faucet. Rivers ran down my ass cheeks. And all I could wonder was the flavor of it. I could almost taste it as it flooded out of my ass.

Then Benny slowed down. His hard grunts calming and his shaking subsiding. I kissed his neck in gratitude. He returned his position and though his cock softened inside of me, he still filled me up. Jr. took his turn fucking me like a monster and full pumped me like his father. Full thrust, cock head to my sphincter and forward until it felt like he stabbed me in the chest with his long cock. I whimpered as Benny kissed my neck.

"I'm going to cum inside of you, babe," Jr. said. His declaration filled with pride as his cock swelled inside of me. "I can't believe you, Flaco, you're so beautiful. You let me share you with my dad, I don't deserve you."

"I love you, Jr." I said between crying moans. "I'll fucking do anything for you." I whimpered and cried in pleasure as he grabbed me into a choke hold and pulled me from the safety of Benny's embrace. His arm tightened around my neck and a jolt of fear struck me as I couldn't breathe a moment. But my next gasp was unobstructed. I peek behind me my hands gripping the flexing bicep and tricep, vice griped around my neck. His hot breath directly into my ear. Every other gasp, he tightened his grip around my neck. I gasped and shook as my body reacted to the loss of oxygen, especially when I was post ejaculation. I squirmed and wriggled, but the grip around me, over me, and through me was too tight. Benny held my legs still, allowing Jr. complete access to my ass. My torso was caught between the two of them, held still with the grip around my neck.

Complete and utterly terrifying fear hit me as my body struggled against my own consciousness enjoying every second of Jr.'s cock fucking me, his arm choking me, Benny's cock filling me, his strong arms suspending me off the ground, and another load unleashed inside of me. All three of our bodies shivering, sweat dripping off of us, cum flooding out of me, animalistic grunts and moans exhaled in unison as we rode each of our orgasms from the far reaches of the universe back down to reality. My body screamed in pleasure as even beads of sweat felt like fire licking my skin. Let alone the two tongues lapping up my sweat and nibbling my flesh. Tiny explosions rain over me as every sensation takes me to another orgasm of sensations.

Both of their spent cocks flopped out of me at the same time. My hole burned as it contracted back. When they released me, my knees buckled, and I collapsed to my knees. Before me were two burning red cocks, half hard, dangling in front of me. Drenched with cum, I instantly dove my mouth into the closest groin to taste them. Hott spunk, bitter and sweet, flooded my taste buds.

Benny gripped my head and begged, "Slow, please." I stared up at his pleading expression. But his cock tasted so good I couldn't stop. I swallowed it as deep as I could go, sucking every drop out of it as I could. I contorted my tongue every way I could to taste every inch of the semi hard cock as I could. He begged me to stop, as he pushed my head farther into his hot groin. His sweaty and cummy pubes filled my nostrils. I savored every taste, scent, and sensation until I had to release to breathe and I let go. Instantly, Jr. pulled my head into his groin and I swallowed his limp battered cock whole. He tasted sweet and delicious as I swallowed his cock and licked his balls at the same time.

I focused all of my attention into swallowing and savoring the flavor of Oso's, Benny's and Jr.'s hot cum, all mixed a slathered together from inside of my ass, served on a softening juicy cock that I forgot I was still surrounded by horny and ready men. Derrick brought me back to reality as he knelt behind me, gripped my neck in a chokehold with one hand, his other pushing my lumbar down as far as possible, which opened my ass for him. He laughed as he lined up his cock and thrust it into me with one powerful thrust. I yelped as the motion pulled me away from Jr. and the slap of a fully cocked thrust slammed into me. I bucked away from the piercing pain of his cock but his grip held me in position. Without a second to recover, his hips slammed into my cheeks over and over again until I went limp in his embrace. His fuck was different from before, he didn't hold back, he unleashed everything into me. He wasn't sensitive, he was harsh, fast and hard.

"I ain't going to make love to you like they did, cum dump," D said as he pulled me far back enough to see him. His hard and fast thrusts still full force fucking me at full speed. His eyes were on fire, as he licked my face from chin to forehead. "I'mma fuck you like the little cum slut you are."

He cocked his head back and spat directly into my open moaning mouth. His salty saliva lingered in mouth a moment as I tasted him. He smiled at me with a malicious grin. His entire persona, gait, and expression had changed from the first time he fucked me. He had been slow, gentle, compassionate to my lightly used ass. Now, he intended to fuck me the way he wanted, not going to hold back for no one.

I licked my lips and showed him I enjoyed the flavor of his spittle and spat it back at him, landing directly on his tick pink lips. I just grinned as he slowed his thrusts to lick my spit up. A wave of anger washed over his face and he slapped me down. I landed on my palms, but he pushed me down to my face.

I kept my ass curved as far up as possible for him to use and he slapped my ass check hard.

"That's right, baby fag, you're going to give me full access."

"Yes," I whimpered.

"Yes Sir, you sissy fuck."

"Yes Sir," I exclaimed as he continued slap fucking me. Long hard thrusts deep into my guts ending with an audible slap from the impact of his hard hips against my abused ass. His swollen balls swayed with the hard thrusts and struck my own with a soft force that hurt, but also made them swell with indulgence. The pure hardness of his body against mine was phantasmal, as if I was being fucked by a god. One of those ancient ones that would claim a human as concubine. Thunder and fire blasted me from within my own body. Each thrust caused me to buck away from the pain of his long cock stabbing into my insides. I could feel his cock all the up inside my torso and I could cum from the idea of his cock visibly poking out of my stomach. I reached underneath and felt my tight stomach but didn't feel what I imagined. However, I could feel my body shivering and begging for an end to the climax of sensations I had not fallen from. It was like falling from so far up, without a parachute, and with no ground beneath me. D snapped me back by slaping my other check hard and I whimpered again in pain.

"Please, Sir," I begged. His fast thrusts drove me crazy and the overwhelming sinking feeling made me slip from reality and float among the stars. Zero gravity.

"Say it, faggot."

"Harder, Sir," I said instinctually, though I couldn't handle the hard fuck as it was, I wanted more. An animal inside of me took over and I craved more. As much pain as my ass endured, it craved more.

"Fucking insatiable little baby fag."

He paused his thrusts and withdrew from me. My hole instantly tightened up, begging for time to recover. D knelt sideways on one knee. His other leg stepped onto my face, pushing me into the hard rock beneath me. He rested into his elbows and locked eyes with mine as he blindly lined up his reentry.

"You want harder, little bitch?" he said and full slammed his cock into me. "I'll give you fucking hard."

He fully retracted again, and body slammed into me again. I cried out with the pleasure of his slow exit which was as fucking intense as his entrance. My knees hurt as the full weight of him pushed against me. Then he sped up. His thrusts maintained full force as his core muscles curved and retracted his massive cock and crashed down into my body. I couldn't stop myself from moaning like a wounded animal. His eyes enjoyed my pain ad pleasure as he completely dominated and fucked me with his entire body. He was like a machine, designed to completely dominate his partner and fuck them into submission. His experience, I thought was just a boast, was proven with his perfect form and execution of an impossible origami of a position. Also like a machine, his motions were designed to perfectly fuck my ass at a perfect angle and at a perfect pace. He, at any moment could have hurt me with a cock far larger than anyone's here. The sensation of ripping open like a tissue scared me more than the choke hold, but as if he memorized the labyrinth of my ass, he fucked me such care while also dangling me off the cliff's edge.

I moaned harder and harder with each body slam, face pushed hard into the stone, I stared right into D's angry intense eyes.

"Holy fuck you're so hot," he said as his face contorted.

He continued slamming ass until he started grunting. A low guttural growl erupted from his belly and vibrated through his cock like a tuning fork. His cock swelled inside of me until he collapsed on top of me. The weight of him dropped me flat onto the rock. Without pulling out, he climbed over me, covered my mouth and fucked me flat on the ground.

"You're a fucking god, Flaco," his whispered into my ear as he opened my legs wide with his feet and fucked me deep and slow. His hips were like a separate part of his body as his torso pressed against my torso, but they still withdrew and smashed into me. He filled me with his cock and I could cry, he was so good at fucking me.

"No one's ever let me go this far,"

I tried to speak through hard begging moans, but D's hand muffled any sound I tried to create.

"Shut the fuck up, I'm going to cum inside of you."

I only nodded.

"I didn't ask permission, baby fag."

His load felt like a hose opened inside of me. A hot river flooded me and as soon as he pulled out of me, spilled out like a faucet. D flipped me over and shoved his red-hot cock down my throat. I sucked him as hard as I could, draining every drop out of the monster I could. His head pushed hard against the back of my throat and I gaged hard on the thickness of it. I couldn't even breathe through my nose like Jr. taught me. I gaged and choked but his hands held me hard to his tight hairy groin. Clumps of cum clung and dangled from his pubes and I concentrated every inch of my reflexed on my desire to clean them with my tongue.

Right as I felt like I was about to pass out, D released me from his grip, and I gasped for air. I fell back against the hard stone and panted like a dog. D stared down to me with a smile that could break hearts and I just grinned back. His abuse still burning my skin and my ass tingling in distress. His hard-calloused hands felt my body over as if tasting my sweat covered skin. His naked body trapped me against the ground. His knees holding my arms to my side and his hairy ass and pendulous balls resting on my chest. He had me completely under his control and my cock ached in want of release. I could smell his musty ass and the blend of everyone's cum cooling on the base of his sore and limping cock.

"Hey gringos," D said to the two Game and Fish officers. "His cock needs attention too."

Kyle happily walked over to me and kneeled over my cock.

I shook my head. "It's too much, I can't handle it."

"You're hard," D said. He leaned down and shoved his tongue into my mouth. He savored the flavor his cock still lingering in my mouth. "A hard cock needs a hole."

Kyle squatted his ass over my cock and slid it between his hairy cheeks, my cock head felt too tight and too hard as he slid my tight foreskin down, uncovering my throbbing knob. The tickling sensation of long coarse hairs clinging to my cummy cock sent me into a little fit. It tickled in fantastic ways as he teased my cock with his hole. D stood up and let me see Kyle in his buck nakedness. His long tight torso completely covered in a blanket of dark black hair made my crave his equally hairy ass crack. His tight hairy legs straddled over me as he teased sitting on my hard cock. I felt his skin and watched his smug face teasing my cock. I pushed my hips as soon as I felt him cross his hole again. His hole took me eagerly. Almost as if it swallowed me, he took me in with one quick thrust.

"Oh fuck," he moaned. I reached out to feel his body as he stretched in pleasure. His hard-tight stomach was warm while his hairs were cool. Then I started undulating underneath him. His ass stayed still, letting me use it as I fucked him from the hard rock beneath him. I felt his hard thighs as he tightened at my touch. His soft cock dangled to my stomach as I fucked him. I griped it and started jacking him and coaxing a pool of precum out of him, but he did not get hard.

Though he moaned and enjoyed riding my cock, he had a shamed look on his face.

"Sorry, I don't seem to get hard while getting fucked."

I fingered up his precum and tasted it. Sweet and tangy ooze lingered on my lips as I pulled him down to his knees, and pulled his torso to me and kissed him. His hairy body, wide chest and long torso, he was twice my size and pressed against me as I whipped my hips deeper and harder, fighting my sore muscles for control. He kissed me gently, moaning into my mouth, tasting his own flavor.

"Don't apologize, you're beautiful," I said pulling him in closer. I got a better angle with my feet flat, knees up and pulling him up. I started fucking him as fast and as hard, isolating my groin and back muscles like D did and started slap fucking him. His deep blue eyes stared at me in in satisfaction as I went harder and harder, withdrawing to my head and slamming up into his hard-muscular ass. I reached down and felt his open glutes. I massaged them as my cock slid in and out of their tones crack. I could bury my fingers into the thick hair carpeting his crack. His cheeks were mostly bare, and I explored every inch of his firm ass as I could. Then, as I slid my finger down his crack towards his hole, he shuddered and groaned.

Luke then approached, bottle of lube in one hand, rock hard cock in the other. I saw evil in his eyes and I just grinned back with an evil smile. I started fingering his hole, already stretched full with my pumping cock. But I pulled his ass cheeks apart and dove my two index fingers into his hungry hole. He shuddered again as I fingered him in unison with my thrusts.

"Sorry Kyle, but if the boy can take two cocks, so can you."

Luke squatted over the two of us, lining up his cock with mine, I withdrew to my head and he pushed against me as he wriggled into the gaping hole. His hot cock was slippery with lube and the pressure against the base of my cock head sent me into shivers. But with Kyle over me moaning and crying, his military-esqe bravado broken as he stared into my eyes crying.

"You okay?" I whispered as Luke's cock head popped into Kyle's tight sphincter.

"Fuck yeah I am," he said. "It hurts, but not bad."

"It hurt for me too, but that was the best part."

I gave small, barely even wiggling thrusts as we inched our way into the tight barely used hairy hole. His ass was first used yesterday, by the same person who used me no less, and the two of us are both being double dicked on the same rock. I had just endured two hard fucks as well and his eyes sought a sort of sympathy. A brotherly acknowledgement of each other's pain and mutual pleasure. He kissed me tenderly, moaning and grunting into my mouth as we slowly fucked our way to the base of our cocks.

Luke grunted as he started to fuck in earnest, his cock sliding and rubbing against mine felt better that actually pumping his crammed hole. My head pushed against the hard-throbbing prostate with every thrust. I could feel the orgasmic shudders through Kyle's hard and hairy body. I kissed the beads of sweat off his neck and face. His plump lips quivered as he watched me worship his completely submitted body. Luke's thrusts were slow but precise, running the length of the base of my cock like a track and hitting my throbbing head. Kyle fell into the nape of my neck, embracing me like a kid does his dad as he wept.

"Hold me, please," he cried. I wrapped my arms around his hairy torso. I pulled his body into mine as he unleashed a wave of tears into me. His lips whispered, "I'm sorry daddy, I'm so sorry daddy," so gently I could barely hear it even when spoken directly into my ear. "I'm sorry daddy, I can't change."

"What's wrong?" I whispered into his ear.

"I like it, I like it up the ass," he whimpered back. "You always knew I'd be a faggot."

"It's okay, son." I didn't know what else to say. His tears were now streaming as Luke's thrusts slowed. Luke looked worried and almost stopped thrusting until I shook my head and gestured to keep going. His thrusts quickened and I whispered back to Kyle, "Let it out, boy. Release it."

"This is who I am, dad. I can't stop, I want it, I need it."

I squirmed under the weight of the hulk of the man atop me and positioned myself to thrust. Knees in the air, feet together, enough room for my ass to fully rock and thrust. Luke understood immediately and lifted himself over Kyle and slowed his pace once again. I started slow, soft thrusts, enough to gain a rhythm and Kyle started shaking. The hot lump in his ass, tightened at the sensation of my prodding. Luke matched my pace and followed pace with me. His eyes hungry and his cock throbbing for release. I nodded and we started to quicken.

"Let it out, Kyle," I said, "let it all out."

My cock swelled as I reached full speed in the tight hole. I could cry myself, my balls hurt so bad from the back to back ejaculations. But Kyle cried enough for the both of us. His moans and whimpers mixed together as his smooth cock started fucking the space between us using only the force of mine and Luke's shared thrusts into his hungry ass. His entire body convulsed as he held me closer and harder weeping for his dad. . . to stop. I teared up hearing him beg for it.

"Please don't hurt me anymore dad, I can't stop it. I can't resist it anymore. Please stop."

I knew deep inside of myself he wasn't begging for us to stop so I reached top speed with my thrusts and fucked him as hard as I could. I could almost feel his soul pouring out of him as I slammed into his hard, hairy body. Unlike every other fuck I've had or given, this one was different, a catharsis was brewing inside a double dicked ass as all three of us groaned and moaned. I held onto Kyle's muscular back as his cock throbbed against my stomach. He lifted his head from the nape of neck and kissed me hard. The force of his tongue and pressure of his kiss drew me into him. He swallowed my tongue and fucked my mouth as all three of us came.

The force his Kyle's cock spasms against my stomach made my own cock tremble and swell with want of release. With my mouth vacuumed to his, I released a harsh moan into his mouth, and he inhaled it like air. Luke, above both of us, mouth wide open, moaned as his cock flooded the tight hole we shared. I couldn't resist releasing as his trembling vibrated my own cock. I could feel my entire midway tighten up and my cock spasm as whatever was left in my cock released inside of the tight hole. At the same time my stomach flooded with spunk trapped between the two of us. No ropes, or squirts, but a flood of hot cum poured out between our bodies. The liquid spilled out to my side and dripped down from my side to the rock beneath me. Our simultaneous orgasm shook all three of us out of our bodies. We stayed shaking and throbbing, inside and over each other until the running spooge running down my obliques cooled and dried.

I kept my eyes closed as I was not yet ready to come back to reality. My mind again floated on a storm cloud, lightning erupting around me, striking my skin and sparking deep down into my soul. I felt like I was dead, completely removed from an earthly form and somewhere distant and celestial. I could have been in the presence of god, I felt so tiny and insignificant while also feeling as if I understood everything. I was endless but nonexistent. Nebulous, I floated.

Hands massaged me, fingers explored me. I could feel the orgasmic sensations rolling over me, but I stayed inside of my orgasm letting my senses take over as I was too high to resist, nor embrace them. And when I opened my eyes, two cocks greeted my hungry mouth. Al and Oso jerked their thick uncut cock over my face. My mouth fell open immediately as their heads prodded my lips. With one gasp I took Al's cock whole and swallowed it down.

I felt someone worshiping and licking over the flood of cum on my stomach and my cock but Al lifted his leg over me and straddled my chest, denying me a glance at whoever it was. His cock didn't leave the warmth of my maw as he positioned himself over me. I wiggled my tongue under the hood of his tight foreskin and tasted the trapped precum underneath. He moaned at my delicate but playful blowjob. At first, I savored his flavor. The salty and sweet flavor of an unwashed man body. He wasn't sweaty, but he had not swum or cleaned up since the day before and the lingering hot musk of his body sent my mind into a flutter. His shaved tight groin smelled like salt and booze. He had sweat out his hangover and I enjoyed the scent. I attempted to reach for his cock so I could retract his foreskin and see his cock, but I realized my arms were trapped under his legs. Al realized what I wanted, and he pulled his cock from my mouth and lifted it. His smooth balls hit my chin as he displayed his obelisk of a cock to me.

It was big, as big as D's at least, if not bigger. D's cock was the biggest of all the guys here and I almost gasped at the sight of it. I didn't quite process how massive it was a moment ago, but as I laid directly below it, I could marvel at the perfection of it. His shaft was tick from the base and slimed as it reached the head, but the head was ticker than the base. His tight foreskin outlined what looked like a perfect cock head ring sloping down to a rounded tip. Though the turtleneck of his foreskin blocked my view of it, I could visualize the shape of it. I wanted it back into my mouth, but Al wasn't done teasing me. I opened my mouth again I reached with my tongue and pulled his massive balls into my mouth as he teased revealing his cock head to me. He stroked his smooth cock until his foreskin would uncover, then retract, denying me a view of his beautiful cock. I rolled my tongue over his low hanging balls, massaging each one as I stared at his cock in anticipation.

"Watching all the others, I know what you like."

"Oh," I said with his balls still in my mouth. "What do I like?"

Al grinned as he pulled his balls from my mouth, "You like people doing the opposite of what you ask. You're a, 'no means yes, and stop means harder' type of bitch. Tell me I'm wrong."

"You're wrong, again, Al."

His face shifted. His cold hard gaze turned to sharp icicles stabbing me.

I lift my face to his gooch and say, "Imma 'I want it all' type of guy." I tongue his midway and savor the flavor of trapped sweat. His man musk was stronger here and I dove my face into his crack.

Above me somewhere Jr. said, "I would stop trying to limit that one, Al. You might not survive another half-baked assessment. Though, I do want to try that one."

Al shivered at my touch. His unscapped midway and ass crack tasted delicious as I devoured his flavor. I swallowed every droplet I created until I reached his actual hole. Al was grinding against my face until he was far enough for my tongue to reach his rim. The second I lapped the edge of his hole he fully convulsed above me. His moans vibrated down his body into my mouth. When he gave me full access, I tongue fucked his now gaping pit. He tasted like pure man sweat and I wanted every drip of flavor in my mouth at once. I attacked his ass with my tongue as hard as I could until he collapsed on top of me. I eased up as he begged.

"I'm going to cum," his moaned and I wiggled back up to his cock. He gripped the base of his cock hard and still and I got a full view of the magnificence of it. With his foreskin fully retracted, his head on full display, my mouth watered. "I want to face fuck you."

I just nodded with my mouth open and he took a second to subside his orgasm before shoving the entire length of it down my throat. He lifted my face to his groin, and I resisted gaging his cock head slid down the curve of where mouth meets throat. He gently brushed his thumbs over my cheekbones and started to thrust into my face. I griped my own thumbs inside my fists and squeezed them until it hurt. I resisted every urge to lurch and gag as he put all his force into each thrust into my face. our eyes remained locked together as his groin slammed into my face. His dark eyes watched me for a hesitation, a resistance to the force he used, but I wanted it, even if my body shook with displeasure, I wanted him.

I couldn't even breathe as he conquered my throat, even breathing through my nose didn't work. I held on until I couldn't stand it and tapped out. He withdrew his cock from my throat but continued to fuck my mouth. I inhaled a deep breath through my nose, and he slapped my face.

"Stupid little fag, you could've passed out." I just stared back at him as he quickened his thrusts. "I'm going to cum, don't move, don't even lick. Take a deep breath."

I nodded as he pulled my face deep against his groin. He held my face still as his cock twitched and convulsed inside of my esophagus. His cock head filled the tunnel of my throat as it convulsed, and Al shuddered above me. He didn't thrust, instead his cock itself jolted hard to where even his balls rocked at the motion. His cock exploded with each jolt and I resisted the sensation to swallow and simply let his cum spill down my throat. He held me there for what felt like a minute, as his pulsating cock slowed. He stared down at me, blank faced, body completely still as only his groin throbbed an unlimited supply of tasty cum into me. His hands felt my face as he stared down to me. His dark calculating eyes pierced me like Jr. and I instantly saw the likeness. Their dark eyes were exactly the same. Cold and analytical as if to see in the darkness.

After I sucked the last of his cum from his uncut cock, he leaned down and said, "You are something else." He withdrew his softening cock from my mouth and slapped me with it. I gasped for breath and he ran his head around my lips. Strings of cum clung to my lips to his perfect head as he lifted it for display again. I followed the pulsating veins running the length of it. His cock must be at least an inch bigger than D's. . . and I swallowed it whole.

Satisfied he used me enough, Al pushes himself up and I looked around and realized Kyle was still licking up his cum off my stomach and licking up my still-hard cock. His hands massaged my thighs, up to my groin and smeared his lake of cum into my slender torso and followed his motion with a long lick. Luke was at the edge of the rock heaving and smiling. His round belly and chest drenched with sweat. His limp red cock dripping with our mixed loads.

"Insatiable," Jr said. He kneeled over me, opposite Oso, dangling his hard cock over my cum covered mouth. "Your still hard."

"I'm spent," I said. "Even if I'm hard, I can't. It's too much."

Oso lifted my limp and abused body from the hard stone. The rough surface left an imprint throughout my entire back. Kyle released my body and winked at me as I slid out from under him. Jr. gently brushed the small pebbles and dirt from my sensitive skin. I Oso pulled me up to his lap where I awkwardly moved my sore legs around his torso.

"Look at them," Jr. said as his tender lips kiss my ear lobe. I look over everyone once again. Al sat naked next to D and Benny, their faces broken with laughs and smiles as they joke about the day's sexual exploits. Like I've never seen them before, their eyes didn't drift away from the obscene conversation, but instead their eyes held each other, confidant and alive in their replay of what they had done to me. I always saw how hollow their conversation was, but I didn't understand why. But I think they had never tried to understand each other before. . . they held secrets that defined their entire lives. The secret resentment and blind acceptance of each other kept them guarded with a macho bravado that hid their true selves.

And then Kyle, he didn't discover anything yesterday. It had always been there, hidden and despised for so long. We forced it out of him. His stern militant face, aged past his years from the stress and fear of who is and denying what he wants was now young and bright. He leaned up against the edge of the stone and just smiled. A childish grin that revealed everything about him, revealed his innermost desires. I could have kissed him he was so cute. But then I turned to the bear holding me close to his chest.

Oso's dark terra cotta skin blushed red and his sharp white teeth broke the smooth blemish less surface of his skin. His liquid brown eyes glimmered at me as the sun fell. His long damp hair clung in chunks down to his thick dark brows. I mapped the outline of his face, his pronounced cheekbones and chubby cheeks. I ran my finger down his sharp jawbone and circled his square chin. Jr. watched me from my shoulder. His hands holding my waist and his smoke breath pungent in my nostrils.

"I want you to fuck me, Flaco," he whispered. "I want both of you to fuck me."

"Both of us?" Jr asked.

Oso reached one hand to Jr's face, and the other mine. His warm hands feel our skin down our cheeks to our lips and his thumbs outline our lips until I take his appendage into my mouth. I kiss it gently and tongue it playfully. Jr. turns to me and smiles with Oso's finger between his teeth.

"I'm down," he said.

"Yeah, I'd like it if the three of could share each other," I said with a grin. "That choice earlier wasn't fair, I want both of you, I want the three of us to be together."

"The choice wasn't binary, Flaco, we don't play by the same rules as the breeders-"

"I'm right here," Al said. His eyes again on us, analyzing us. "But I take your point."

Oso's eyes swell as I kiss him. "I've came more times today than ever before in my life. Even now, I still feel like I'm orgasming. I don't know how long I'll last."

Oso just kissed me harder as he laid himself onto his back. "I want this more than anything, I don't think I can wait."

Jr. laughed. "I can't either."

I stood up from Oso's lap and lifted his knees into his chest. As tired as I was, my cock hungered for him, my mouth craved him, and I dove my face into his ass without a second thought. I lost myself in the taste of sweat and ass as hair clung to my tongue. His pink hole hidden in a forest of long black hair in a sea of tight red/brown skin opened up for me like a morning glory at dawn. With just a little tease with a flick of my tongue it gaped open. My tongue massaged the rim, tasting every crevice before exploring the virgin cave begging for exploration. Though I teased for too long before Oso was begging through his moans. I flicked tongue around the rim, mapping every spot before Oso cried. His hole pulsed as I tormented it, and I could already imagine my cock being swallowed up by its beauty.

Jr. dove face first into Oso's long cock and balls. We met in the middle and licked each other's tongues to share the flavor of the bear beneath us. He pain special attention to Oso's tight sack as he jerked the thick cock above him. Jr.'s teasing was rougher than mine, a little nibble and tug sent Oso into convulsions. I too figured being bitten would satisfy him as much as biting, but the way he reacted, it was more than that. He was like me and like playing with power. When he fucked me, I gave him complete control over me. He squirmed and moaned as we took complete control of him. Jr. held his legs to his chest, and I held his hands to his side. The weight of both of us forcibly worshiping every inch of skin from groin to ass made him cum without ejaculate.

We puppeteered his body using only our mouths and he danced as much as we allowed him to. His cock swelled and flooded precum that I reached for instantly. My tongue circled the head of his cock and lapped up every dribble of the sweet, sweet nectar. I kissed Jr. with my slick tongue and shared it with him before returning to the pit I planned on conquering. I dove my tongue as deep into the begging and gapping asshole. I pushed my face as far into his sweaty ass crack as I could as so my tongue could explore as deep as I could reach. This sent Oso into a new orgasmic fit, and Jr. focused on simply holding the bear down so I could have my way with him. The rim of his hole pulled my tongue farther in every time I plunged in and held me so I wouldn't leave. And when I retracted, his ass opened up for me, giving me room to get as deep as could.

I worked as much spit into the hole as I could, but I couldn't wait to shove my cock into him, and every idea in my mind on how to satisfy him turned to that selfish want. I craved my cock being sucked in the same way, I wanted to feel the depths that my tongue couldn't reach, and I want it all to myself. The image of me and Jr. double dicking him popped into my mind and I brushed it off. I wanted to conquer his hole myself.

I got to my knees and lined up my throbbing cock to his hole. Its abuse was glaring but, it was ready for combat, and I had no intention of denying it. I pulled back my foreskin and rubbed my throbbing knob against the burning hot hole.

"Let me see him," Oso said from below Jr.'s body. I look down and see Oso's face, scared and anticipating below me. Jr. lifted himself from his restraining position and kneeled at Oso's side, looking from the two of us, back and forth.

"You're so sexy, Flaco. I want you inside me." Oso lifted his hands and felt my tight stomach and outlined new muscles forming in my abs. "I can't believe this is real."

I leaned forward and kissed him hard. His entire body embraced me, legs locked behind my back, arms gripping onto each other behind my back. I moaned into his mouth as my head was swallowed by his ass.

"Oh my god," he moaned. His body pulsed around my head as it wanted more of my length. I held back, I wanted the control this time, and as much as it felt orgasmic to let his ass consume me, I growled in resistance. Oso didn't stop though. His hole pulled at my precummy head, begging for full entry. I pulled my mouth from his and nestled deep into his nape. I found a nice piece of salty skin and sunk my teeth deep into his flesh, right as he gasped at the sensation, his hole opened around my head. I cocked my hips and thrust deep into his hungry ass.

Oso yelped from the force of my cock and covered his mouth with one hand to quiet him. I pistoned his hole fast and hard until my body begged me to stop. Biting and sucking his neck and covering his moaning and crying mouth the whole time. His hole couldn't swallow and open with the speed I went at so, it took the battering by staying gaping. I almost came, but I slowed when my muscles fatigued. I let go of my bite and lifted myself from his embrace.

"Holy fuck," he gasped out the second I let go of his mouth. With my pace slowed, his ass now swallowed my cock deep. Its tight undulation took my cock to my balls and I enjoyed the sensation as I repositioned.

"Sorry Oso, but I'm going to fuck you as hard as I can." I gripped his ankles and put them on my shoulder when Jr. straddled his torso. His tan cheeks opening up as he backed up on Oso's rock-hard cock. I fingered his lubed ass and guided it to the seven-inch cock pulsating behind him.

"I've always wanted to try this," he said with a huge grin.

I gripped Oso's cock from around his legs and positioned it into Jr.'s slick hole. Oso was whimpering as his head plopped into the tight rim of Jr.'s tight pucker. And with a strong hard thrust of my fatigued and burning hips, I shoved his cock all the way into Jr's ass. Jr. instantly shot load after load onto Oso's chest and face.

"What the fuck was that?" he said through a shuddering moan. I gritted my teeth and pushed my protesting muscles into Oso's tight, hard body. I put as much force into as I could, so that his own hips pushed into Jr.'s firm ass. Both of them moaned in pure ecstasy as I forced fucked Oso into fucking Jr.

"Holy shit," Al said from my side. His towering cock full mass. I gazed over all the adults around us. Their eyes wide as I shoved every inch of my cock into Oso's ass over and over again. I gave them a gritted smirk as their hands gripped around their hard cocks and they stroked to the sight of us. Jr remained riding his orgasm and Oso's cock when I pulled his body back and licked his ear. Like a backwards C he curved his body to remain taking Oso's cock and allow me to taste the beads of sweat forming on his face.

"I fucking love you," I whispered into his ear.

"I fucking love you too."

I couldn't stop my cock from begging for a release. My body shook as I plunged my cock deep into Oso's tight ass and pumped load after load into him. My entire groin contracted and released, contracted and released as I came. Oso moaned as his entire body broke out in gooseflesh. His ass swallowed me and when I couldn't handle the sensation, I pulled out and collapsed backward. Oso's exposed hole oozed my cum and my own cock continued dribbling and twitching for minutes after. I could have died right there it would have felt the same.

Jr. stood up and flipped Oso to his kneed and took him from behind without a break. He fucked him slow but hard and I watched, disembodied, from a distance that felt like lightyears. I floated on cloud nine from repeated and constant orgasms. But I stayed focused on the beauty before me. Their two dark bodies slap fucking before me. Oso's delicious cock swaying below him, spurting cum in every direction like a sprinkler on meth. I wanted to crawl under their bodies and catch ropes of cum like snowflakes on my tongue, but I couldn't even move I was so tired.

I heaved deep breathes as my eyelids dropped. The last thing I saw was six men spurting cum all over each other. Beasts of manhood, growling and snarling as their bodies released everything all over themselves and each other. A literal flash flood of cum raining down and I dreamt of nothing else.

** Thank you all again for the support and complements. Please send your critiques and comments to I love reading your feedback and suggestion, as well as what you want to do to Flaco, Jr., Oso and the others. (I'm sure they'd be down, lol.) The next installment will be the ending to this story so please email me for updates or suggestions. Also, please remember to donate to Nifty, unlike me, they don't run on dirty thoughts and limited synonyms for butthole. lol **

Next: Chapter 5

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