The Big Camping Tripp

By Lucky Slevens

Published on Sep 27, 2019


The Big Camping Tripp Part 2

** This story is a fantasy and does not attempt to represent actual sexual or romantic relationships. This story depicts homosexual sex and sexual situations between minors and adults, if this is a trigger, a turn off, or illegal where you reside please avoid this story. None of the characters or locations are based anywhere near reality. Please read Part One before continuing with this story as events pick up here right where they left off. Also, please consider donating to Nifty, as they are the wonderful reason I started writing erotica, so if you enjoy this story, please donate. **

D sat in his folding chair fast asleep with a beer slipping from his grasp. I walked over and took the half empty can from him and chugged the remaining content. Jr. was also tired and dozing off in his chair. I yawned as their drowsiness became contagious. The high noon sun and dying fire heated the campground enough to blanket my sore and abused body. D's cum still leaked from my recovering hole, my jaw ached from slurping and sucking a cock too big for it, and my hyper sensitive skin from the blasts of orgasmic electricity made every movement hurt. My muscles were fatigued to the point of cramping . . . but I craved more. My limp cock reacted to the desire but its throbbing semi chubby hurt and my empty balls ached.

I knew I would pass out the second I sat down, so I set everything up incase anyone returned to the camp while we slept. I stashed Jr.'s bottle of lube back into his backpack. I tossed the empty cans of beer into the fire. I covered Jr.'s bare-naked body, save for his pair of hiking boots, under a light blanket. I put on a pair of boxers and pulled my chair a ways away from Jr.'s and passed out. I dreamt of that boulder by the lake. Laying on the warm stone by the lake with Jr. next to me. The wind was cool but not sharp, the air tasted like crisp water and pine trees. We held each other each simultaneously the big and little spoon in what I realized was an impossible configuration of bodies. But it was a dream I savored because in that dream I was alive, open and free to express everything in my being without being shamed, afraid, or silenced. I simply existed, and that feeling alone made me feel like I owned the world. I wanted to stay there, live in that dream for as long as I could. But . . .

"Flaco, you alright?" Oso asked, shaking me from that utopian dream. My entire body was covered in a cold sweat, I coughed violently as I woke and sighed loud at the sight of who woke me.

"What? What do you want?" I asked as his face became more worried. My mouth was as dry as a desert and my body was sorer than before, if that was possible.

"You're shivering and shaking," I adjusted my vision on the three men standing above me. Cisco, Al, and Oso all stood above me in a sentinel way that concerned me. I stood up and rushed to the cooler where I grabbed a bottle of water to chug down. My skin was covered in a layer of clammy cold sweat. Jr. was fast asleep, snuggled under his blanket. D was in the same position he was in when I stole his beer, except his mouth wide open and emitting an ultrasonic snore that bellowed over the whole campsite.

"Lucky I didn't go with y'all." I chugged again and the three of them just watched me in worry. "You would have had to carry me back, huh?"

"Yeah I guess so," Al said. "You alright, kid? We thought you were dying when we were walking up."

"Yeah, just need to sweat out what ever bug that was. You guys get anything?" I asked as I realized I was wearing only my underwear and boots. I walked over to my tent and pulled a shirt out and slipped it on.

"Your dad did, downed a massive twelve point buck right where it was standing. Beautiful creature. He's a prize for the records, kid." Al started to unload his four-wheeler and the small trailer it hauls from the back of his truck. Cisco and Oso also started unloading their bikes and loading up lamps and flashlights.

"Oso took two shots and hit one," Cisco added, "but we haven't tracked it down. There wasn't a lot of blood so it might have only been a graze."

"I think it was a bad shot, I must've been distracted." Oso looked down, and though I gritted my teeth at him, knowing exactly what was distracting him, I didn't even give him a look. Our threats seemed to have had an affect on him.

"Well good luck out there, don't stay searching past dark." Oso just nodded at me as I opened another bottle of water. "And there is always tomorrow, shit you have the rest of the week," I said trying to be nice. "Don't stress about it."

"Tomorrow's a no go," Cisco said. "We're celebrating tonight with your pops, he bagged the biggest buck I've ever seen. We're getting wasted tonight."

I just sighed and returned to my chair. Oso gave me a sad look and they started to the trail.

"Rest up kid," Cisco said throttling his engine. "We probably won't be back until dark, have dinner ready for us."

"Sure thing," I said and they went off.

D and Jr. were waking up from the noise and I just let out a massive sigh. "They didn't suspect anything."

"Well, its about three, we have like six hours before they get back," Jr. said with a shit eating grin.

"I'm fucking dead, my whole body feels like it's falling apart."

"I have some painkillers," D said standing up. He stretched for a moment, his hairy torso flexing with every motion. I enjoyed the sight, he enjoyed the audience. His body, though not toned down was muscular and hard, with a thick carpet of hair covering every inch. I literally just wanted to lick him, but couldn't even stand so the desire faded away.

"I need one too," Jr. said. He stood up, revealing his naked body from under the blanket. As D went to his tent, Jr. walked up to my slumped body and started kissing my hard but sore body. He pulled me into an embrace and let me enjoy the taste of him. His tongue made circles on my neck before ending with a peck, but his touch made me shiver and the sensation reminded me of how sore I was. I moaned in both pain and pleasure but when my legs felt weak I let go and fell back into my chair.

"I think I need a hot bath," I said collapsing in my chair. "My muscles are so sore."

D came over with a pill bottle and shook out a couple little blue pills. He handed us one each and we took them instantly. I dry swallowed mine and nestled into my chair waiting for the melting pleasure of some sort of relief of this pain I was in.

"It's not instant," D laughed. He walked over to his truck and pulled down a massive cooler. He carried it to my dad's coolers and emptied its content into themÉ mostly beers, but also sandwich meats, and other small packages of food from his to my dad's cooler. Then he drained just the water from the pull-tab at the bottom of the coolers into his big one until it was full of ice water. He stirred the half melted ice water around and said, "Jump in!"

"What? Why would I do that?" I asked.

"It'll help," D said. "The cold water will constrict your blood vessels and muscles and push the lactic acid out of them, that's what's making you sore. It also boosts your circulation after you start warming back up, making you heal faster. You'll need to chug a bunch of water though, to do the flushing I mean."

"How the fuck you know all of that?" I asked.

"This body don't sculpt itself," D just flexed his muscles and smiled at me like a dumb ass. He just said the most intelligent, scientifically sound thing I've ever heard from him, and he still looked like a fucking idiot.

Jr. said, "He's right, it'll help. An ice bath, a cigarette and a heavy painkiller, everything the body needs." He pulled a cigarette from his backpack and lit it. He jumped into the cooler, no hesitation. His face winced but he was completely submerged except his knees and head without a sigh or even a long exhale. The cooler overflowed a bit, but Jr. just sat in it a few minutes, dragging his cig, concentrating probably on not jumping out a screaming.

I stood up and walked over to the large cooler, big enough to sit in, but too small to submerge myself in. D stood behind me and lifted my shirt off of my torso and kissed my neck. "Get in, heal up," he whispered to me. His fingers slipped into the waistline of my boxers and slowly slipped them down my cheeks to my ankles. He kissed my crack and I shuttered at the sensation. His strong rough hands on my body felt orgasmic, and I got hard at the feel of him.

Jr. watched us from the cooler. His eyes followed D's massive hands run over my pale slender body, feeling my skin. He licked his lips at the sight of me shuddering in pain. D held my limp body to his strong frame, not letting me collapse into a puddle. He felt how weak I was, probably because I had no fat, barely any muscle and haven't eaten anything other than meat in the last few days. D, gently stroked my cock, teasing it but not trying to make me cum. I leaned back into his body and let him molest my frame as if I was a toy for him to play with. But again, my knees were weak from standing and I let him hold me up as I buckled under the weight of myself.

Jr. lifted himself out of the ice bath slowly and rushed to his chair with his blanket. The shrinkage was real as his uncut penis was just a shriveled up piece of skin against his body. He was shivering but mostly composed. "Get in, babe. It will help."

I lifted one foot in and dropped it into the freezing cold water. I let out a loud gasp as I lifted the other in. "Holy Fucking FUCK!" I shouted.

"All the way in, baby fag," D said as I started to lower myself in.

As soon as I was in my whole body tensed up and I started shivering. The ice was up to my chin and ice was trapped under my butt cheeks in jagged and uncomfortable ways. I gasped and groaned as my body screamed at the stabbing cold I was forcing it to endure. Then a diesel engine was grumbling up the path to the camp.

I almost stood up to see but D shook his head. "Just rangers, you stay for about five minutes."

"Five minutes!" I shouted, "Fuck That!"

"D's orders," he smiled.

The engine cut out and doors clicked open and slammed shut. I started counting the seconds to five minutes and enduring the sharp stabbing pain. Two men in Game and Fish uniforms entered the campsite. One was a gruff and tired looking man of about forty, with an unkempt beard and a baldhead. The other was a clean cut white guy with a military style flat top. He had sharp features like a sexy Satan. His sharp chin contrasted his thick, sharp eyebrows, and dark green eyes and long dark eyelashes. They looked at me confused when they approached, but I just smiled.

"Hola rangers," D said extending his hand out to them, "what can we do for you?"

"We heard the shots and came to verify the tag matched whatever was killed," the young one said. His eyes darting from Jr.'s completely naked, sunbathing body, to my, completely naked, ice bathing body. "And we would like to know what exactly is going on here?"

"Well the guys with the tags haven't come down the mountain yet, don't have any idea when they'll be back, probably around dark. This here is Flaco, he is super sore from scouting the last two days, and I decided an ice bath would be the best remedy." I just waved uncomfortably at them. "That there is Junior-"

"And I've been feeling pasty pale lately, need to get some sun. I also just got out of that fucking bath and am warming back up."

"How old are y'all?" the gruff looking one asked.

"I'm eighteen," Jr. said. "Flaco is eighteen, and-"

"My ass you're eighteen," the gruff one asserted. "I need some ID's."

Jr. stood up, buck ass naked and walked to his tent, pulled his wallet from his jeans and handed it to the ranger. He was confidant as he showed him whatever he had. I assumed a fake id to buy cigarettes.

Both peeked inside and just nodded. "Okay, and you?"

"I d-didn't b-bring anything with mmm-me, off-ficer," I feigned as my body was shivering from the cold. "I d-didn't d-d-d-drive, I dddidddn't dddraw a t-t-tag, I l-left evvverything at home." I still had about thirty seconds left but couldn't stand it. I stood up out of the freezing cold water and stepped out. Jr. quickly rushed over to me with a blanket and wrapped himself over me and pulled the blanket over the two of us. The warmth of his skin felt as if I jumped into a fire.

"Come sit down, babe," Jr. said as he guided my steps to my chair next to the dead fire. He pulled himself off of me, snuggled the blanket around me and sat me down. His long boner standing straight up in my face. I blushed at the sight, and peeked to the two strangers just watching us with wide eyes. I was already feeling better but the radiant heat and direct sunlight also felt like blowtorch on my skin.

The rangers just kind of stood awkwardly at the edge of the campsite until D asked, "Well rangers, you can wait around here for the guys to come down the mountainÉ might be a while though I'm sure we can figure out something to entertain you."

"Naw, we'll come back around sundown." The sharp faced one said quickly. His eyes adamantly locked on Jr.'s boner.

The gruff looking one watched Jr. and me closely, and then he said, "Well, we should make sure the little one doesn't get hypothermia."

The sharp faced one got super red as his partner approached me. "Luke, I think we should just go, I'm sure the kid is fine." Still, his eyes didn't leave Jr.'s beautiful cock, standing in brilliant display. His face didn't look over twenty, but the way his features laid on his face made me think he could be fifty or older. It was as if he was constantly stressed out and it took a toll on his face. But again, I couldn't be sure. I watched the other one, Luke, approach and he was definitely older. His mid length beard had lots of greys, and his shaved head hid the fact that he was in fact balding. He sort of looked like Benny, if Benny was a balding white man. I enjoyed they way they looked at me, with craving, lustful, hungry eyes and I was a meal laid on a dish ready to be devoured.

Luke didn't answer his buddy as he approached me. His stone like face and messy beard disguised his intentions, but the massive budge growing in his pants couldn't disguise the lust guiding him to me. He walked up and knelt next to me. He checked the pulse on my wrist with one hand and my pulse on my neck with the other. "Well, you already feel warm, your pulse is high, but since you just froze yourself, that's to be expected." He felt my feet for a pulse and peeked up the blanket to my growing boner. He stared inside a moment and just licked his lips.

"Luke, really?" ranger Kyle said. He watched us intently, like we were a car crash he couldn't look away from.

"I'm just checking he has circulation," Luke retorted.

I reached down through the blanket and started stroking my numb, tingling boner. The ranger licked his lips again. Jr. also knelt next to me and watched me stroke under the blanket.

"How does it feel?" Jr. asked me.

"A little numb. Is that normal?" I asked the ranger. He reached into the blanket and started stroking me. I moaned at his touch. He was gentle with me and soon the tingling and numbness faded. He reached in with his other hand and started to massage my balls. I adjusted myself so he had access to my hole as well. He removed his hand from my balls and licked his fingers. He reached back in and started to massage my hole. His eyes were locked on mine the whole time he massaged me, loosening me up. I was still very sensitive from D's massive cock, but his fingers were gentle. I squirmed and moaned as his delicate finger started to linger at my pucker and make smaller and smaller circles, waiting for an invitation in. I nodded at him and felt his middle finger enter me slowly, but easily. I rode his finger, undulating my ass on his hand until I felt his knuckles on my cheeks.

The heat of his finger massaging my insides made my cock ooze precum. He felt the liquid running down his hands and fingered at the source. My piss slit was super sensitive from the ice bath and I squirmed at the sensation of his thumb running up and down the tip of my cock.

D was laughing as he started massaging Kyle's shoulders. "Be carful with these two," he whispered loud enough for all of us to hear. "These two little cum sluts will drain you dry."

Ranger Kyle resisted D's touch but he also seemed to be enjoying it. His feign dismissals were silenced as Jr. walked up to him and felt his chest. His hands slid down the starched uniform to his thick utility belt where a massive budge appeared almost on command. "You guys are really horny, huh?"

Luke answered, "We've been contracted to stay up here for four weeks for this hunt. We're two weeks in and my balls are so blue they might fall off. I didn't even think of bringing a fucking porno. And we don't have Internet to jack off to . . . and Luke's hand jobs suck."

"This is weird!" Kyle said, "Their boys!"

"At least they aren't hairy as fuck, you fucking Sasquatch looking mother fucker."

D was just laughing at the two. Jr. slowly undid the ranger's shirt revealing a thick field of hair. Jr. buried his face into his chest and the ranger looked like that alone was going to make him cum. He held my boyfriend's face to his chest shaking as if he has never been licked before. Or maybe these two are just craving human touch. Though two weeks is hardly a test of endurance. But again, now that I guess I'm sexually `activated' I don't know if I could deactivate for two weeks.

D sat down at his chair watching us, grinning ear to ear. Hid deep dark eyes watching everything we did. He was completely relaxed as if this was something he always did. He loved this, and he was totally in his element. I could imagine him now, hosting hardcore orgies and sex parties. Walking from man to woman, fucking them as hard and as long as he could. He was exactly that type of person, but I hadn't known this about him for as long as I lived. I always just thought he was the dumb one of my dad's group. Now, I think I know him better than my dad does.

Luke's finger continued to wiggle inside of me, his hard gaze not waning from mine. I opened the blanket revealing my naked body where Luke dived into my flat hairless belly, licking me up and down. He removed his finger from inside of me and squeezed at my chest. He seemed a little disappointed I didn't have tits, so he just squeezed my chest together and licked the faux cleavage. I worked on undoing his shirt, lifting it off of his shoulders revealing his, almost as hairy as Kyle's, chest and back. I let him enjoy my body, which I knew he was imagining was a woman's, but was snapped back to reality with my hard on greeting him when he reached for my pelvis. He flipped me over then and started tonging my ass. I moaned as his beard ticked my cheeks and hole.

As my ass was being worked open, I watched as Jr. started pulling ranger Kyle out of his entire uniform. In seconds, he was only wearing his untied boots. Jr. slowly worked up the ranger's hairy muscular legs before reaching his large hairy balls. My boyfriend licked them gently before taking them into his mouth. Kyle was moaning like a woman, high and loud as my boyfriend worked on each nut, one at a time. His long cut cock throbbed as Jr. worked below it. His beautiful pale white dick stood straight up, flush with the hairy torso of its owner's body. I wanted to taste the clear liquid oozing out of the tip. Kyle saw my craving eyes and motioned for Jr. to move. The two of them approached my chair and I swallowed his cock down until his pubes tickled my nose, eyelids, and forehead. He really was a sasquatch. But his hair smelled like man, which sent my libido into overdrive. He yelped as his cockhead popped behind my tonsils his knees bucked. He held onto my head as I slurped up every drop of precum dripping out of him. Jr. was kissing and licking my ear as I swallowed the skinny yet long cock without gagging. My whole body now bucked from a wicked tongue diving into my ass. Jr. held me tight as I moaned and twitched at every intrusion into my body.

"I think you're a pro now, babe," he whispered. I removed the cock from my mouth and kissed him hard. I sucked his tongue out of his mouth and nibbled at the tip. His eyes grew wild as I slurped on his lip and flicked his tongue with mine.

"Thanks, coach," I whimpered back. Kyle's cock stood eager at our face so I pulled it in between our mouths and we worked on it together. I could taste both a tasty cock and Jr.'s smoky spit as we slurped up the member between us. Every time our tongues met, we lingered on each other, making out with each other and the cock at the same time. Then Kyle would thrust between our mouths as if together, our mouths made a hole for him to fuck. He loved it; he absolutely loved our hot mouths on his cock. He stared down at us with a desire I think I felt deep into my stomach. He really needed us on his cock.

Luke stood up and stroked his cock between my ass cheeks. I adjusted my body and positioned my ass to invite him in. D was standing behind him, dropping lube onto his hand and massaging it into Luke's long slender cock. At first I was a little disappointed it wasn't as thick as D's, but I was also relieved I didn't have to endure another stretching like before. Though, my body craved a cock that would probably tear me open and exit my mouth, I knew that was silly.

D guided Luke into me, whispering something to him, but I couldn't hear and just enjoyed the sensation of being fucked again. My body let Luke invade it easily, his slim but long cock diving inside of me without resistance. His moan rumbled deep as the head of his cock slid further and further inside of me. Jr. held me as I shivered and moaned. My knees on the folding chair shook as I realized Luke was the longest cock I've ever had, its length extending further into me, far past where even D had penetrated me. I suddenly panicked as the image of his cock stabbing through my body and exiting my mouth suddenly popped into my head again. I felt as if that was exsactly happeing to me as his cock dove deeper and deeper into me. As I felt his pubes against my ass I shuddered and buckled at the sensation of a cock piercing me up to my throat, or at least that's what it felt like.

"Holy shit babe, you took all of it," Jr. said to me. He held my face into his chest. I didn't look back as Luke started thrusting into me, using me as the closest substitute for a woman he had. More than once, he reached for my chest, feeling for tits, and every time he didn't find what he was looking for, he slapped my ass hard. His deep long strokes and the rush of adrenaline with every unexpected slap made my hard cock flinch and drip more and more precum. My whole body felt every thrust and I could have came at any moment if I only touched my cock. But my body still hurt and holding onto my folding chair was all I could do to keep myself from completely collapsing.

I didn't know when it started, but I soon felt Jr. shaking against my face. His strong arms griped me tighter. He started moaning harder and harder against me. I looked over to see Kyle speed fucking him in fast hard trusts. Kyle wasn't reserved anymore. He was ready to use us as he wanted. I guess we weren't too young to be his cum rag. I smiled up at Jr.'s face and leaned down to kiss me. We moaned into each other's mouths as our respective rangers fucked us as hard as they could.

Then D said, "Slow down cowboys. You have all afternoon to abuse these fags." He walked over to Kyle, stood behind him saying something I didn't care to listen to.

Luke slowed his trusts and I heard Kyle's fast slams into Jr.'s ass slow as well. I couldn't stand the unsecured feeling of the chair and I motioned to move and Kyle slid out of me. I got off my knees and turned to kiss the man with the longest cock to ever fuck me. His wild beard tickled my face as I licked his lips and played with his tongue. I lifted one leg around his body and coaxed his cock back inside of me. I had to find the right angle, and lift my cock and balls so they weren't in the way but since he was about my same height, his cock slid back into me without struggle. I had to bend my torso into a C shape to be able to ride his cock and lick his lips at the same time but I made it work. I was still sore, and my knees felt like they were going to fall off so this had to do. Kyle's whole body shivered at his entry into me and I held onto his neck as he plunged into me. His large hands felt over my whole body, squeezing my ass cheeks apart as his cock rammed into my hole, feeling my hairless torso, gripping me into an embrace. His hands felt hot against my still cold body, and his cock, even though not fully inserted into me, filled me up. His hot mouth enjoyed the probes with my tongue and he kissed me back, hard. But his eyes were closed the whole time as if he was imagining a woman's face on my slender, pasty, curve-less, hairless body. I felt a little turned off at the sentiment, that I wasn't hot enough to get him off on my own and I think D noticed. He approached us with his thick cock in his stoking hand and stepped behind my ranger.

D whispered, "Look at him." Luke's eyes opened, his dark blue irises glittering in the sunlight. "He sexy isn't he?" Luke just nodded. D continued, "He's letting you fuck him, he's letting you abuse his body how ever you want, he's giving himself to you. Don't be ashamed, use him to get off."

"He looks like a teenager," he said. His eyes suddenly dark, guilty.

"He was old enough to sneak into my tent while I was passed out drunk to practice sucking cock. If he doesn't want it, he can say no, stop, or a safe word if he wants to. You want your ranger to stop, kid?"

I shook my head as he trusted harder into me. "Please," I begged through my moans, "Don't stop."

"How old are you really?" he asked. His eyes guilty, but also serious.

"Eighteen," I said. He was still fucking me the whole time. "Well, close enough."

"Fuck kid," he said stretching my cheeks apart to fuck me deeper and harder. "You need to learn to lie better." His pumps started to quicken. "I'm going to cum inside of you."

"Please, please cum inside of me," I whispered. I leaned back giving him as much access to my hole as I could in the face to face position we were in. He bent his knees and thrust full force into me in fast hard pumps. Every inch of his cock hit every pleasure point in my body with every movement until I felt my hole filling and he was grunting in low growls like an animal. He stared into my eyes the whole time he came. Watching me twist and moan mid orgasm. My whole body had broken out in sweat, I shook as his trusting slowed and his moans evened out. His whole body shuddering as I leaned into his chest and kiss his hard and hairy pecks. His cock softened up immediately after cumming and as it slipped out of my hole, I felt the flood of cum he unloaded into me pour out.

Luke kissed me over and over again, lifting my face to his and licking my lips down my neck to my chest. His beard tickled my electrified skin. I let him enjoy my body, let him taste my skin, let him enjoy me as his toy. He licked me up and down until he got to my eager cock, and he licked it but gave me a funny look. I guess I couldn't expect a straight man to finish me up. He tried sucking me, and I gave him credit for trying . . .

I could hear Jr. and Kyle still going at it behind me so I turned to see Kyle lying out on a blanket, legs up in the air with Jr. fucking him. I was almost shaken until I saw how much Kyle was enjoying it. He was feeling himself and moaning loud with every thrust. His eyes were rolling to the back of his head and he begged for more with every thrust.

"All I did was put a finger in," D said to me with a proud look on his face, "he came inside your boyfriend instantly. His G spot is fucking sensitive as fuck. I think he just realized a little somin somin about himself."

Jr. smiled at me "You want to finish him up, babe?"

I shook my head. I gestured for Luke to stop whatever he was doing to my cock, and he almost thanked me for releasing him from what he knew was his duty but really, really didn't want to do. I walked over to the two men on the floor, knelt down behind Jr. and positioned myself to enter his cummy hole. Ranger Kyle had literally flooded Jr.'s ass and I loved the feeling of his hot spunk dripping all over my cock. "I love you babe," I said as I slid into him. "Imagine how different this trip would have if you didn't grow a pair and tell me how you feel?"

"I know I wouldn't know how good you feel inside of me," he said arching his back to kiss me.

I started thrusting into him, pushing my refreshed muscles back to fatigue by fucking him as hard as I could. Jr. didn't even have to fuck the ranger below him, my thrusts alone were enough for the both of us to fuck the now grunting ranger Kyle. His eyes watched us wide and his hand stroked his hard cock until it exploded over his chest and stomach. His moans were high then deep, like an animal dying of pure pleasure. Kyle's submission to us, his open and inviting body below us was alive now. My balls swelled at the sight of the ranger's tick webby cum sprayed over his hairy body and soon I was groaning deep and low.

Jr. twisted his arm around to hold my face to his as I started cumming inside of him. He kissed me as my eyes rolled to the back of my head and felt my cock burst inside of his smooth tight hole. His mouth held me to reality as I drifted off to commune with the universe. My soul whooshed past the stars as if I flew at the speed of light, watching the stars align before me. I felt a thin thread keeping my soul tethered to earth as my ejaculations that propelled me into pure bliss were not of this Earth.

As I returned from my comic orgasm, I felt Jr.'s ass still swallowing my hard cock and I moaned harder and harder as he continued fucking the ranger Kyle. His ass backed up onto me and then thrusting forward into the ranger's hard and hairy ass in smooth motions. His moaning continued as he lurched forward I gripped my hands around his neck, squeezing lightly until he released a low stifled growl and I felt his ass tighten around my whole cock. He pumped the ranger full of cum in slow hard thrusts. Kyle was panting and moaning, squirming at the sensation of being filled to the brim with cum.

"Holy shit!" Kyle shouted as if he was cumming again. his whole body heaved and surged as Jr. unloaded into him. He too was in another universe.

Jr. collapsed back onto me, and I held him as pine needles and rocks stabbed me in my back. I didn't care, I saw ecstasy was a place on this Earth. I held the only path to it, the only person, hot panting and shaking in post cumming electrocution that could give me world-shaking orgasms. I too was panting, basically gasping for breath as he came back to reality. I knew where he was, deep in the infinity of the universe. Our orgasms were cosmic in scale.

"Told you these little cum sluts would drain you dry," D said from his chair, beer in one hand, fully erect cock in the other. "And Flaco literally only started having sex yesterday. They grow so fast," he said with a proud smile and shaking his head.

Ranger Luke said as he sat down, fully naked in my chair across from D "So, are you all related? Or what kind of fucked up situation did we walk into?"

Ranger Kyle was wiping himself off with a towel and pulling up a chair as well. "This sounds like a story I need to hear. Cool if I grab a beer?" D nodded to him.

"Well," I said, grabbing my stashed bottle of whisky and taking a sip. Jr. handed me a cig and I lit it. "It started the day before yesterday, when this bitch finally grew a pair . . ."


The sun started to fall behind the trees when I started the fire, cleaned the four foot in diameter steel wok we used to cook, and pulled several packs of bratwurst, buns, and sliced cheese. I set up the wok over the fire and set up my tongs, a couple beers and laid the buns out on a plate next to the fire.

"So," Ranger Luke asked as Ranger Kyle sucked on his cock, "your friend is threatening to rat you out to your dad? Is he blackmailing you?"

"No, nothing like that," I said spacing out the brats on the hot pan. "I think he's been like mentally abused or some shit by his fucked up parents and thinks that it's just how it should be."

Jr. showed Kyle the pinching the hand technique after he gagged on the massive length of the cock before him. I smiled at Jr. through the steam and flames of the fire between us. D was passed out from Kyle's newly found craving for cock up his ass. D was all too happy to feed that craving. But all of us were tired from the day. I came more times today then my entire life until this point. Though I loved every minute of it, I was more than ready to take a dip in the river and sleep the night away.

As Luke came into Kyle's hungry mouth I heard a distant ATV engine. We were already pretty much dressed but once the distant noise hummed closer we were all ready to take inconspicuous positions around camp. Jr. stirred D awake, the rangers pulled their chairs away from the fire, and I continued cooking the brats, pouring a full beer on them and bring it to a simmer.

When the headlights of the first four-wheeler pulled in we saw a massive elk head and pelt tied to the front rack. When Vidal cut the engine the two rangers approached them and my dad, Benny, and Oso jumped off the small trailer in back. Underneath them was the rest of the animal's body, skinned, gutted and cleaned.

"Officers," my dad exclaimed, obviously on top of the world. "Hope you haven't been waiting long?"

"Not at all," Luke said extending his hand. My dad reached out and took it. "Looks like you got one hell of a buck." He pulled the tag that was taped to the antlers and read it over.

Kyle pulled out a long measuring tape and took all of the dimensions of the ancient looking buck. The second four-wheeler pulled up as the two rangers were recording all the dimensions on a little notepad. Cisco and Al jumped off their ride as soon as they were close to the campsite. My dad was pulling the body from the trailer and hanging it from a tall tree. I turned away from the sight of the still bleeding corpse being strung up.

"We heard three shots," Luke said writing down the last of the measurements.

"Oso missed, twice," Cisco said. Oso just slumped into his chair, tired, ashamed, dead eyed. "We tracked it down for five miles, nothing. The shot was only a graze."

"We'll head back up tomorrow afternoon," my dad said. "Scout it out, but tonight we're drinking."

"Well deserved," Luke said. "I'll have to double check the records, but this might be the third, maybe the second largest buck on this range. Definitely top twenty in the state." My dad cracked a beer and cheered to that, and everyone joined in lifting a beer and cheers to my dad's record. I continued working on the brats on the wok, rotating the buns so they warmed evenly.

Though I felt bad not being in the conversation when Jr. told his dad about D, I did get to see his reaction from across the fire. His eyes widened and he just double took between me, Jr. and D until he just nodded and hugged D in a weird, slightly awkward and slightly sexual way. My soft cock grew a little as I imagined Benny and D fucking each other. Even my mouth watered. Their large forms next to my slender Jr. made me imagine all of us together. But I was also acutely aware of the guys next to me. My dad, Vidal, Al, Cisco, all stood a step away from me and I worried even the wrong look would get them suspicious.

I watched Jr. and Benny scheming from across the fire, D and rangers, Luke and Kyle joined in. Benny also seemed shocked as the two rangers, who he just met, seemed to confirm they also fucked his son. Again he just gawked at us. Everyone else was distracted with cheers, praises and cracking new beers. I started pulling the brats off the wok into a bun with a slice of cheese inside. It was two separate worlds here, the macho bravado of killing something, and the macho bravado of men fucking men. And I knew which one was more satisfying.

I called out- "Food!" And everyone pulled around the large serving plate. All of them were exhausted and dirty, my dad, Benny and Al were covered in blood. I snapped my tongs at them and told them, "Clean up first!" My dad just scoffed as he lifted a cooler, pulled the tab and washed his hands under the trickle of water.

"Someone needs to go down the mountain tomorrow," my dad said. "More ice, beer, food, and to take the buck down."

"Well," Benny said, also washing his hands from the cooler water. "D was saying he'll take Oso back up to the lake, I think I want to go back up as well, take my boy. If you want to go back down the mountain, I'll take your kid too."

My dad seemed to ponder on the idea a moment, drying his hands slowly on his jeans. "I don't know Bennito, wasn't planning on driving down `til Friday."

"Y'all going to be sore as shit tomorrow, hung over as fuck. Ten bucks says if you climb up tomorrow y'all pass out before you make it to the lake. Rest up, load off the meat at Chris's, he only lives like two hours away. And dunno what? You drag his pussy ass up here, he needs to get away from his wife and kids. Don't worry about us hermano, we'll take the bikes up half way, hike to the lake, scout it out, have lunch, watch for the elk, come back down before dark and be ready to hunt the next day."

My dad seemed to contemplate that plan over in his head a couple times before nodding in agreement. "We'll need gas for the bikes too, more beer, water . . ."

"Make a list," Benny said to my dad shaking him on the shoulder. "And make these damn borracos pitch in eh!" he exclaimed to the group as every one lifted a second beer in cheers.

Cisco exclaimed, "Damn full day for R and R, ese?" he shouted as he lifted a beer straight up and down his throat.

My dad pulled me aside and asked me if I was feeling better. He said, "Oso and Cisco said you were all sick when they came for the bikes. That you looked like death and shit."

The sentiment took me aback. I expected a scolding, not concern. "Yeah, just needed to sweat out a bug or something. Took an ice bath and it cleared right up."

"Ice bath? Like football players?" He asked taking a brat and eating half in a single bite.

"D said he does it after working out and it helped a lot. I feel much better, must be out of shape."

"Need to get you into some sports, all that fag shit you do won't help you long run, boy." The insult stung at my chest and a lump stuck in my throat. For a second, just one stupid second, I thought it wouldn't devolve to this. I grabbed my own brat and sat straight down onto the very chair I got dicked down on only hours before.

My dad walked straight up to me knocked the brat out of my hand and shouted, "You listen when I'm talking, boy!"

"Why?" I asked harshly. I didn't feel myself stand up, but I was standing eye to eye with my father, the man that scared me more than anyone in the world. "You insult everything I fucking do. You never talk to me, just at me. Why should I listen to a fucking word you say, Dad? Why? When all I'll ever hear is your disappointment?"

"You'll listen because I'm your fucking father, that's why. Fucking bastard, you have no respect."

"And what can I do to earn an once of respect from you? Drink the blood of my first kill? I did it, just like you did, and your dad, and your dad's dad. I took the blood out of the still hot heart of my first mule deer and drank it right in front of you. Was that enough? No! Should I join the football team? Would that make you proud? Because they don't want me, I'm too skinny and can't put on weight. Basketball? You didn't even go to my games!" My dad's eyes flinched and he walked away from me, waving me off as if I was being dramatic. I didn't realize the whole camp was silent, watching me scream at the top of my lungs at my father. Jr. stared at me from his chair, desperately wanting to hold me, and I was desperately hoping he would. But also, scared shitless what would happen if he did. "What can I do, dad? Could I do anything, anything in the world to make you happy? Is there even a thing like that?"

"I've done everything for you," my dad said cracking open another beer. "You want to act like a little sissy fag with all them talks of college, nobody here went to college and look at us, real men," he said pounding his chest like an ape. His eyes blazed with a fire I knew too well. There was no arguing with it. It was a wild fire that'll burn everything in its path. "Real men, boy. We take what we need from the land, do honest- hard work, and we are happy with that. Why isn't that good enough for you, huh? Why you always looking at the stars rather than what's around you? You are an ungrateful little bastard."

"Maybe, dad," I said slowly, tears welling up in my eyes. "Maybe the stars seem closer. Maybe the stars seem like they wouldn't shit on me every chance they'd get, shit on every single thing I do, say, think, and then tell me to be happy about it." I walked to my tent, jumped in and let the torrent of tears fall. I wasn't even sad, I was so angry but I couldn't scream, couldn't even say anything. Just tears.

"Crying, like a fucking faggot, wonders why I don't respect him . . ."


I woke up in a daze, unsure of my surroundings. A tent, a pile of clothes, a half empty pint of whiskey, and a half naked Jr. holding me in his strong arms, reminded me of where I was. There wasn't a sound from the camp, just the low hum of the wind, the distant songs of morning birds, and the sounds of crickets and cicadas. It was dark outside the tent; that morning twilight that doesn't warm you up but tells you warmth is coming. I kissed the thick arm holding my frail skinny body from completely falling apart. I knew what I did. I knew what I said. A wave of panic washed over me, the sensation was short lived though as Jr.'s arm squeezed me tighter and I suddenly felt safe.

"You awake?" I asked as quietly as I could.

"Yeah," he said with a low whisper. His thick lips brushed against the back of my neck, and his hot breathing felt as if it was warming my entire soul.

"Sorry," I said. I felt a tear drip glide down my check to his arm I rested on. "I guess I looked pretty pathetic last night."

Jr.'s breath suddenly stopped. What ever he was thinking I knew it was about me. I knew he would say I was stupid, that I just should have bit my lip, done what ever I needed to do to placate my father as I always do. I knew these strategies by heart now, but I seeming never feel used to hearing everyone tell me them over and over again. I braced myself for it.

"I would have slapped your father last night. I could have killed him I was so angry. If you had asked me, I would have stood up right next to you and slashed his throat, right there, in front of everybody." Tears welled up again, but this time they felt happy.

I giggled at his sentiment, "Bit extreme babe, but thank you."

"You need a smoke? I need one," he asked. I just nodded.

We dressed quickly and I peeked out the tent to see if anyone was awake but the camp was empty. As we were stepping out of my tent, a face caught my attention. Oso sat right next to his tent watching us, a book in his hand. I was frozen in place. Jr. just scoffed at him and walked to his tent and grabbed a couple cigarettes and a joint. I walked over to him, he had returned to reading his copy of Giovanni's Room.

"Good book?" I asked.

"Yeah, but its terrible," he said. He seemed sad as he flipped the page. His dark skin and jet black hair made him look more Navajo than Mexican even though I knew his dad was only like a fourth native, and his mom was white. He wore only a wife-beater with basketball shorts revealing his large frame. I always assumed he was fat, because he wore many layers, always with at least a beat up black hoodie. But he was toned, with pronounced muscles, and a slender waist.

"I like that classics, Dante, Paradise Lost, Oedipus Rex. . . I'm not allowed to read anything else really. I guess I'm lucky I get those."

"I like them too," he said flipping another page. "But I always like the ones that end sadly the most." "Why?" I asked. Jr. approached us and waited for me, ignoring Oso as if he didn't even exist.

"Reminds me of something I sometimes forget."

"Reminds you of what?"

"We aren't allowed to be happy, real stories don't ever end with a happy ending. They remind me not to get my hopes up."

I stood there a moment before Jr. pulled me towards the river. I suddenly felt extremely sad for Oso, not because he said the most depressing shit I've ever heard, because that was literally the most depressing thing I've ever heard in my life. But because I felt as if he believed in what he just said. He believed he wouldn't have a happy ending.

Jr. and me smoked on the river rock where he first jacked me off. I remember not feeling ashamed for it. I felt alive. I felt as if Jr. woke me up from a daze. I felt in that moment, and every moment since, I have never been closer to happiness as if it was a location. And I knew it was. I knew it was where ever I was with Jr.

"Jr.," I said exhaling a long stream of smoke from my nose and mouth. "I think I love you."

"Welp, your high."

"Hey, you don't get to do that, you already dropped the L word."

"Did I?" he said taking the joint from me and killing it with a single long inhale. He held it in a long moment and exhaled with a, "I don't remember."

"Well, I love you." I took the cig from my ear and lit it. I watched river rush past us, uncaring of our feelings, oblivious to our lives. It only catches a glimpse of us, here in this moment, and moves on the settle somewhere else, to live its own life as a part of something larger. Just like us.

Jr. leaned up against me, his head tucking itself into the curve of my neck. "I've always loved you. I've always wanted you, just you."

"I know." I kissed the top of his head, inhaling the scent of him. I savored every second of his sweet smell. "You stink though," I said, but in reality, his scent was hypnotizing for me. I could literally jerkoff to the smell of him. But maybe it wasn't the smell itself, maybe it was just him.

"I know," he said. "But I can tell you like it," he said leaning in for a kiss. I didn't even look over my shoulder to make sure no one was watching when I kissed him back.

We watched the sun finally peak above the horizon and the sky change colors before we heard movement from the trail. Benny was in his long johns and boots walking towards us.

"Oso said you'd be down here," he said, "Were leaving before everyone wakes up. Let your dad cool off before he sees you."

"How bad was it?" I asked. "After I went to bed?"

"He didn't stop talking about it all night," Benny said. "He was drunk and didn't let it go. It's not good, Flaco, not good at all. Just let him cool off and I'm sure it'll be fine once he cools off and sobers up."

"Doubtful," I said dragging my cigarette and watching the sunrise.

We dressed quietly, loaded up everything onto the ATVs and filled them with gas. Benny drove one with D and Oso in the trailer, and Jr. drove ours with me on back. We just started the bikes when Al jumbled out of his tent and told us to hold up.

We sat there motionless, we didn't plan for anyone else to come with.

"I can't stay here guys, let me tag along," he said loading up his pack and jumping onto the trailer with D and Oso.

"Fuck," I said under my breath.

"Don't worry," Jr. said, "even if we have to split up from the group. Today, you're all mine."

I was carful not to be too affectionate riding with Jr., taking every opportunity to hold him tight around the waist when the terrain was rough, but letting go as soon as we were clear. Al and Oso watched us closely from the back of the little trailer pulled by Benny.

"You think Oso told him about us?" I asked Jr. "They're staring at us like we killed their dog." They were about fifty feet ahead of us, and the lake was coming into view.

"Maybe, but they definitely have something on their mind."

Al, Benny, Vidal, D, and my dad were all friends since they were children. And though they were all technically like family to me, I had to admit, I knew almost nothing about Al. Not that I knew the rest of them all that well, as I learned on this camping trip, it's really hard to know anybody. Turns out Benny, who I thought was just a cool guy, a mechanic, and a master huntsman, also fucks his son, who turns out isn't actually his son, but the offspring of his cheating wife. Sleepy D, who I thought was just an idiot, is actually a bisexual nymphomaniac. Al though, I never did get a read on him. He was always just there, didn't speak much, didn't make an impression, was always just there.

Al was the exact opposite of Cisco, where Cisco was loud, highly animated and always talking; Alberto was quiet, reserved, and always listening. He had a keen eye; I did know that about him. He once tracked a deer I shot for seven miles by footprints alone. And now his dark thoughtful eyes were glued to Jr. and me. I had the feeling that, even if Oso had told him everything he saw the other night, he had already known from just looking at us.

When we were close to the lake, we turned off the bikes and walked to the massive rock at the river's neck. I smiled at the sight, I really did love this place, and no one was going to take that day away from me.

"Al, Oso," Benny said, "you want to scout the north side?"

"No," Al said in a grunt. "I think we all should stick together." His words were harsh and I suddenly felt terrified. His tone spoke as if he knew exactly what Benny was trying to do, what this whole trip centered around. Nobody said anything, even D who always had a quick comeback just stared at his friend as if he didn't know him.

Jr. just walked to the rock, pulled and lit a cig. He leaned up against the boulder and asked in a smoky exhale, "What do you know, Al?"

Al just stared at my boyfriend. "Something is going on, and I don't like it. Benny, I don't know what you're scheming but this has your scent all over it. Derrick, you're not so dumb to not know something is up, so you're in on it. Oso didn't want to come, and something happened the other night that freaked him out. Something involving you two," he said looking at Jr. and me back and fourth.

"Look, Al," D tried to say. But Al quickly cut him off.

"I trust my gut more then I trust all of you mother fuckers. What's going on? Drugs? What?"

Jr. gestured for me to join him so, I stood next to him, holding his hand. Al didn't even react. He just watched us. I turned and kissed my boyfriend, hard and long, inhaling his exhale, tasting his smoky breath.

When we released, Oso was looking away, D and Benny were watching Al and Al just stood there, a grim expression on his face. "So, fags. Should have figured. And you two knew about this?" he asked Benny and D.

"Of course," Benny said. "Junior is my son, I know him more than anyone else. I knew long before even he did. Didn't take his virginity, but still taught him everything he knows."

"You sick fuck," he said to Benny. "And you, D? What do you have to do with this situation? Benny I could understand, him and Junior are as thick as thieves. As fucking sick as they are, I could expect that from them. But I don't understand why you would be okay with this."

"I fucked both of them," he said shamelessly.

"You fucked your best friend's kids?" Al asked. And once he said it, I heard the way it sounded.

"You know me, Al, I'll fuck anybody, anytime, anywhere." D smiled a wicked smile at his friend, which looked more like a challenge than a grin.

"You're all sick," Al said harshly. "So what was the plan? Did Oso see you two fags and now you bring Oso out here to threaten him?"

Oso's eyes widened, realizing he almost rode up here alone with four people all in on the secret he had threatened to expose.

"No," Benny said. "Oso has obviously been abused, physically and mentally, by both his parents. I wanted him to come up here and show him this stuff is natural. That his religion shouldn't shame people like him and that he could enjoy his desires."

"You calling my nephew gay?" Al said ready to throw down. D and Benny were ready to take him on as well.

"When Oso caught us fucking," I said to Al, stopping the brawl. "He was jerking himself off past cumming. He was literally torturing himself for getting off to the sight of us. Right, Oso?"

Oso was a deer in headlights. His gaze blank and scared as he looked at me, then to Al, and then back to us. "No, IÑum. . ."

"What the fuck is going on here?" Al shouted to all of us. "Are all of you fucking gay?"

"Guilty!" Jr. said in a high ringing voice and limp wrist raised high in the air. "Must be genetic, bio-dad."

"What?" Al said squaring up to the two of us. "What did you just call me?"

"Junior's not my biological son, Al." Benny said. "You remember when I almost ripped my balls off jumping a fence when we were kids? Kind of an early vasectomy, I never told you huh? That I couldn't have kids." Al just stared at Benny, anger and shame growing on his face. "I knew you were fucking my wife, friend, and I didn't care. I loved the both of you too much to be angry about it. But you standing here pointing fingers, acting like a moral judge and jury, while having blood on your hands isn't just laughable, just sad and pathetic."

"I have a kid?" Al asked after a long silence. He seemed to be running a timeline in his mind, reviewing everything he thought he knew about everything. "But- we always used a condom. She said it couldn't be mine . . . we always used a condom. Didn't we?" he mostly asked himself and soon he just crouched down and went completely silent.

Benny just stood there a moment, and then approached his buddy; "I'll always forgive you for fucking my wife, Al. But if you want to invoke some sort of morality on this fucked up situation, your sin made the big guy's top ten list. Ours are barely mentioned in the far corners of the book, listed after shellfish and mixed fabrics. Climb off your high horse and give up the act." Benny patted his friend on the back and walked over to Oso who had been watching, mouth agape, at everything that just transpired. "Don't worry, Oso, we may be heathens but at least we know how to have a good time . . ."

Al watched us from the shore of the lake. Jr. and me swam buck ass naked, kissing and splashing without inhibition. His stare was blank and unnerving, as if he wasn't watching, just staring at us. But we felt safer now that he confirmed he wouldn't out any of us to the rest of the group. I think he was in shock. But its not everyday you find out you have a son after you find out he's gay.

"How long have you known he was your biological father?" I asked.

"I forced daddy to tell me after I found out he wasn't my bio-dad. He didn't know either, could have been a few guys. My mom wasn't subtle so it was easy to track down who it might have been. But once my dad said it might have been Al, I knew it was him. The universe hardly works in mysterious ways, the most ironic is the most plausible. Though, it is hard to be sure without a DNA test."

"So he might not be after all?"

"I guess, but that's not really the point. He fucked his best friend's wife for years. He is the most likely candidate as my sperm donor. That simple fact supersedes any bullshit he tries to invoke on us, even if we are all fucked up, he's right here beside us. That's all that matters."

I half understood the logic of that, and was half horrified. But at the same time, I knew why Jr. took this stance. It wasn't Jr. problem to wrestle with as he already had a dad. It was completely up to Al to wrestle with his own demons.

I stayed there a moment, floating in the cool clear water, watching Al literally wrestling with all the emotions we just unloaded on him. He looked broken, exposed . . . he looked like a child caught doing something bad.

Then I turned to the rock, the stone I now know too well. D smiled down at me. He was on all fours, completely naked, taking a beating from behind. Benny smiled down to me as well, watching his son and me swimming below as he fucked his life-long friend in the ass. I swam closer to the rock, climbing up the eroded side of it until I could peak over its edge. D was on all fours, his massive cock wagging in the air as Benny fucked him as hard as he could. The slapping sound of hard thrusts echoed over the lake. Oso sat at the far edge, watching them. He was fully dressed, but wore a massive tent in his jeans that he didn't even attempt to satisfy. He peaked at me from the corner of his eyes, but looked away as soon as he noticed me looking back.

"You want to try with me, Oso?" I asked genuinely.

"No, its weird." He looked away from all of us.

"Well at least your not hurting yourself." I lifted myself up onto the top of the rock and sat at its edge. I was dripping wet still and shook myself like a dog. Jr. was floating on the surface of the water. I smiled down to him, admiring his perfect skin, his sexy body, and his twitching chubby. I craved him inside of me again, just like the first time we were on top of this rock. His daddy holding my virgin body still and he entered me. I got hard just thinking of that first time.

I sat there a long while, watching the water ripple around the guy I loved, listening to the hot sex of the two men who would shake the world to keep us from harm, thinking about all the turning and twisting emotions I felt over the last few days. I couldn't stop a smile from breaking my face. Just yesterday, D and Benny didn't know about each other, about each other's sexual desires. And now they're full force fucking each other, not needing to hold back against each other. Oso was scared shitless of all of this but he's sitting here, enjoying the view as much as me. And though Al is still freaked out about it. He's sitting right below us, not running back down the mountain . . . which I'm hoping is a good thing.

"Flaco," Oso said behind me. I turned away from Jr.'s naked swimming body to look at the faint voice that called me. Oso was sitting right behind me, his back to mine. "What if hell is real and it was made just for us?"

"Sounds like a good time to me."

"I don't know what to do. Its all I've known for as long as I've been alive."

"I could show you," I said.

"We can show you," Jr. said from the rock's edge.

Oso looked scared, but nodded to us. I stood up and pulled off his ugly beat up black hoodie. Underneath was a black muscle shirt showing off his hard pronounced muscles. If Jr. had a swimmer's build, Oso was a body builder. His large biceps, strong shoulders, carved neck muscles, and defined pecks made my mouth water. His tight, dark red-brown skin made each curve and valley of his body more pronounced. I knelt down behind him and kissed his neck. He instantly pulled away, but caught himself and let me continue. I kissed his neck up to his ear and licked his lobe. He shuddered at my gentle touch, and I enjoyed the sweaty taste of him. Jr. sat down next to us and watched.

I ran my finger over his muscle shirt and felt his hard stomach, pecks and neck. He reacted to every inch of my touch. I could feel his heart racing like a drum under his chest. He was nervous but ready for my touch so I slipped my fingers under his shirt and felt his hot skin. He radiated heat and I knew my hands felt like ice against him. I felt him up until I could lift the shirt off of him, and revealed his bare torso to the crisp air. I kissed his hairless back. He was moaning at my every touch now. And I knew he was ready to do more. I pulled him to lay down and rested his bulky frame on the rock, his eyes looked up at me, terrified. But I straddled him, sitting on his pelvis. I could feel his hard cock through his jeans and smiled at him. He still looked scared but ready for me so I leaned down and kissed, licked and inhaled every inch of his torso. His hard body tasted sweet and salty at the same time, and I savored every lick. I worked my way down to his stomach where every thing I did seemed to make him squirm. I licked his hard abs until he grabbed my head to slow me down.

"I'm going to burst," he said panting.

"Just breathe," Jr. said. "Don't cum yet." I stopped to let him slow his breathing calm down. I slowly undid his jeans and exposed his massive cock. I stared in complete disbelief. He was as big as D. When we caught him jerking off to us, he was already flaccid . . . I just didn't expect this. His massive cock flinched and begged for something to stimulate it and I couldn't help but devour the thing whole. I didn't think how Oso might react, but in that moment, I didn't care. His cock was all I could think about. I just swallowed his cock past my tonsils and licked sucked and coaxed it to burst in a mere seconds.

Oso squealed as he dropped load after load into my mouth, his high screams of pleasure were punctuated my hard pelvic thrusts into my throat. I gagged as I tried to swallow his sweet cum and suck his colossal dong at the same time. I couldn't even breathe through my nose and soon I was gagging uncontrollably on his cock. I was almost drowning on cock and cum when I tried to lift my head but he pushed my head down further and face fucked me hard. I couldn't breathe but all I could think was, at least I'll die satisfying a cock. I tapped out but release didn't come right away . . .

As soon as he released me I pulled my mouth away gasping for air, choking on the gallon of cum still in my mouth. Large blobs sprayed from my mouth as I coughed everything shot into my throat. I gasped for as if I had been underwater too long, coughing more cum up every breath.

"Sorry, I couldn't help it!" he shouted, lifting himself from the rock to check on me.

"Lay back down," Jr. said in a hard voice. Oso obeyed. "Babe?" he asked. I smiled and nodded that I was all right. "See, he loves it." I returned to the cock below me, still rock hard standing straight up, and ready to impale someone. I kissed the head, thanking it for the sweet load that almost killed me. I licked it up and kissed down the shaft, licking what left over cum I could.

I focused on working the massive cock slowly, gently, as softly as possible. Jr. knelt down beside me, bringing his head down to Oso's nipples. The sensation must have been too much for him because he came again into my hungry mouth, soft squirts oozing onto my tongue. His hand, again, shoved my head as far onto his cock as possible, forcing his head down my throat. But this time I was ready for him; I pinched my hand and let his throbbing soda can feeling cock unleash into my throat. His moans echoed all around us, reverberating around the lake. He squirmed like a worm beneath me, and I resisted the urge to hold him down. He could easily overpower me if he wanted to, and if we pushed him too far, too fast, he'll freak out. Right now, he's enjoying himself. And I'm enjoying him too.

Jr. leaned over to me and kissed my cummy mouth and tackled me to the hard cold rock. Oso watched him hold my arms down and bite my chest. My body instantly reacted to his forceful gesture. I was hard in seconds and my half moans were also half shouts of pain and fear all mixed together. Oso's eyes widened as Jr. lifted my legs up and started to enter me. His cock was slick enough with precum but it still hurt a little for him to try dry. I moaned with a face that he instantly read and understood. He reached behind him and grabbed the bottle of lube at D's knees.

As Jr. stared working my hole open, D smiled wide at me as Benny fucked him in hard long slow thrusts. They've been going at it for at least an hour, flipping each other over and taking turns fucking one another.

"You two make a good couple," I said as Jr. entered me in long slow thrust.

The two of them just smiled at me. Oso also watched us. His eyes wild with lust as he jerked his still hard cock. But soon my focus slowly turned back to Jr. on top of me, my ankles at his ears, his shit eating grin and wild eyes staring back at me. The last time he fucked me was also the first time he fucked me, also on top of this rock. Since then, I've grown a little. I'm not as scared and I'm a lot more adventurous.

"Hit me," I whispered to Jr. his eyes widened as he slapped me gently across the face.

"Shut up, not a peep bitch," he said, thrusting harder into my body. I felt his hard and tight torso as his thrusts made me orgasm without cumming. My skin broke out in goosebumps and a heat flowed throughout me that felt like I was in the middle of a volcano pre eruption, which made me moan louder and louder. That is until Jr. slapped me again, this time a little harder, and covered my mouth with his hand. "I said shut it," he shouted at me. The suddenness of the assault made my stomach drop, the fear made my whole orgasming body react in a violent tremor. I felt like the volcano erupted and I couldn't hold it back. Just the sight of Jr.'s strong flexing body, revealing all his macules as he slowly fucked me in hard passionate thrusts made me boil over and the look of pure lust in his face sent my cock wild.

Without even touching it, my cock burst all over my chin, chest and stomach. Jr. reacted to me undulating, shaking, tightening body by unleashing himself inside of me. But that didn't stop him from fucking my limp, trembling body. He just flipped me over and kept going. My moans were almost shouts as I tucked my head into my crossed arms and watched the pinnacle of perfection that was Jr. use my ass how ever he wanted to.

"I said quiet," Jr. said pulling my face up, covered my mouth and held my torso close to his. I moaned louder into his hands and he licked my neck. My whole body was still trembling, every inch of my skin was sensitive to every touch. And that's when Oso decided to approach me. His eyes were wild with lust and my body was completely open for his assaults. He started with feeling my neck, wiping up my cum with his gentle but large rough fingers and licking me up from them. I attempted to moan at his touch but Jr.'s hand muffled anything I that escaped my mouth. Oso dived his face into my torso and licked me up slowly and gently, careful to torture my hypersensitive skin with just his tongue. I felt over his hard body as he got on all fours to worship me. His hard strong muscles flexed with every movement and I caressed every valley and mountain of his back.

Then he moved to my cock, his tongue licking up my spent cum from my pubes. I was already on the verge of cumming again, but I held myself back so he could enjoy my cock and I could enjoy his tender tongue and hot mouth on my dick.

"He wants you to suck his cock," Jr. said to him. His thrusts slowed, his body no longer rammed into my body as if he was trying to tear me open. Now he just massaged my hole with his mushroom head. Keeping one hand wrapped securely over my moaning, drooling mouth, he wrapped one arm over my neck and held me in a tight chokehold. He gave me a squeeze, telling me he could choke me out at any moment, but released the tight grip to a loose one as soon as I felt a mild panic. Again, he knew exactly how to tell my body to be afraid, but my mind knew I was never in any real danger. In fact, I had never felt safer than in this moment.

"I don't know how to do it," Oso said meeting our eyes with an ashamed look.

"You're torturing him by not doing it. Just don't use your teeth, virgin."

Oso returned to my cock, licking up the pre cum from my piss slit. I trembled at his hot mouth taking in the head and his gentle sucking and lapping. The sensation of getting fucked and getting sucked at the same time made my body shake in Jr.'s grasp. He held me tight and securely as Oso stared to work my cock head in his mouth. His slow and gentle tongue worked methodically at uncovering my head from my tight foreskin. Then he touched me, his hot hand on my balls made me almost cum instantly. But I wanted him to practice so I concentrated as hard as I could on lasting as long as I could. Oso, satisfied he wasn't hurting me, stared to take more of me into his mouth. My slender shaft slid down his tongue until I could feel the back of his mouth. He didn't gag on me as he stared to suck and lick and bob up and down on my hard cock. Then I realized he didn't have tonsils. I closed my eyes and felt around inside his throat with my cock and didn't feel that familiar border behind the tongue and before the throat.

Slowly, and so slowly that I didn't notice the change, both Oso and Jr. ramped up their speed until I snapped my eyes open and moan/screamed without a hand to muffle me. Jr. held my shoulders as he rammed me as hard as he could. The violent thrusts hit every pleasure point in my body that felt so orgasmic it almost hurt, and I wanted desperately for him to stop, but also for this sensation to last forever. Oso was moaning as my dick swelled inside his mouth and I was unconsciously fucking his face so hard he didn't even have to move to have my entire cock slide from his thick juicy lips to the back of his throat. My balls swelled, my body quaked and I imagined that this is what a seizure felt like. Involuntarily, my body jerked and thrust, shook and heaved as I unleashed everything I had into the eager mouth wrapped around my cock. As I shuddered to a winded, and shuddering stop I felt my ass filling with more cum than was already pumped into me. Jr.'s nails dug into my shoulders and I felt his heaving torso collapse into my back.

Jr. kissed my sweaty, electrified skin. Oso kept working my softening cock as he came on the rock below him. His moans reverberated through my cock down to my balls. I shook at the vibrating sensation. D was collapsed on his back next to me, squirming as Benny, riding on D's massive cock, shot load after load onto his stomach and chest. D was thrusting up into Benny, moaning that deep grunt I now associated with a tidal wave of cum. All of our collective moans, grunts, screams and pants, heaves and breathless gasps for air echoed over the lake where the herd of elk simply watched and sipped at the cool water.

And then I saw Al, he watched from the rock's edge with wide and shocked eyes. He looked like he just witnessed a divine act of God. . . or possibly the sinister work of Satan. Either way, I was acutely aware that he was jerking off at the sight of us all cumming at once, all of us in an astral plane to our own, in some cosmic reality far from earth as our orgasms seemed to intensify each other's and tune us to a higher sensitivity, in turn amplifying our orgasms higher and higher.

We all came together on that rock and it was the best orgasm of my lifetime.

To be continued . . .

** This story is work of fantasy and in no way attempts to represent real sex or relationships. People, locations, and scenarios are entirely made up and do not represent real people, locations, or scenarios. Thank you to everyone who reached out for Part One, your kind words gave me the motivation to write as fast as I could. I do hope you enjoyed Part Two as much as I enjoyed writing it, but if you have comments, questions or critiques please email me at Thank you again =] **

Next: Chapter 3

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