The Bi Six

By Bike Man

Published on Sep 2, 1997



"The Bi Six" M/M, M/F, F/F, group Bikeman's Bisexual Fantasies #2

This is a work of erotic fiction. If you are underage, or otherwise prohibited from viewing text that is explicitly sexual in nature, or if such text bothers you in any way, do not read this. All text in this story is copyright 1996 by the author and can be reposted by others to USENET, and archived and distributed electronically provided that:

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This is a work of fiction.

This is part of a series of stories that I call, "Bikeman's Bisexual Fantasies." The reason I do is that I'm bisexual, and these are my fantasies. Get it? Cool. The reason that I say that is that some of the stories aren't bisexual in and of themselves. That is, they do not contain any characters who, during the course of the story, engage in sex with at least one member of the opposite sex and at least one member of the same sex in some combination. This one has lots of mix and match, but some don't.

The Bi Six

Part 1. The Beginning

From my point of view, this whole summer is pretty much perfect, but then I have always been a pretty selfish bastard. There are six of us, all of us more or less bi, and roughly grouped up as three couples sharing a four bed- room house with a pool in a really secluded, wooded area. It's not exactly perfect as far as everyone is concerned, though. First their is Susie. Tall, slim, blonde, extremely bright, good sense of humor, but just a little messed up emotionally, mostly because she hasn't admitted to herself that she's a lesbian, or at least on the far end of the bi spectrum. Her primary sexual interest is women. She and John (her boyfriend) are the only two in the group that won't talk about it. The other four of us talk about nothing else when she and John are off trying to pass for a yuppie het couple.

John is madly, helplessly, head over heels in love with this woman and she cares pretty deeply for him too. That's probably why she won't admit that an on going, long term, monogamous relationship with a man, even one as dear and sweet as John, isn't really what she wants. She hangs with the group because it gives her regular, rutting heat with Paula and Samantha. In fact, as nearly as we can tell, John rarely, if ever, gets Susie to himself.

Now, if we were the kind of friends that are good and kind and supportive of one another, we'd probably try to help Susie come to grips with her sexuality and stop stringing poor John along and help them both get on with their life. But the fact that she hasn't figured out what she wants yet means that John follows her around like a puppy waiting for her to unleash her awesome sexual appetite and energy on him. That makes the extremely buff, gorgeous, and well hung John-boy very horny and frustrated most of the time and I guess the rest of enjoy the results of that too much to be really motivated to help. Ain't we bastards?

Phil and Samantha are an interesting couple. Samantha loves sex. She loves every thing about it. Samantha is very cat like. She loves to snuggle her nose into the crook of your neck on cool winter nights. She loves to be massaged. She loves long, slow fucks where you just sort move your bodies against each other in a gentle rhythm like the surf and the orgasm, when it comes, is long and gentle as well. She loves to dig her fingernails into your back and scream and slam her body against yours so hard that you fear she'll break something. She loves women, men, and groups. She loves variety.

Phil is quiet, almost seems shy. It is hard to picture them together except that Phil seems to love to watch. He really enjoys watching Samantha do naughty things (and on that score she keeps him well satisfied) and of course, more often than not, it is Phil that is snuggled up with her on the long winter nights. Other than watching Samantha, the only thing that Phil really, really likes a lot is anal sex. Well, that's not true. Phil likes to suck cock too. In fact, he really, really likes to share a cock with Samantha. I've seen Phil get so excited that he came on the carpet while sharing my cock with Samantha. I had never seen a guy cum with nothing touching his dick before or since.

But Phil likes anal too, both giving and receiving. Samantha doesn't get into anal that much. She enjoys mounting him with a strap on more than she likes taking it. Either way she does it only once in a while, and only with Phil, partly because it appeals to her as being naughty (and she REALLY likes being naughty), and partly because Phil likes it so much (and she REALLY likes Phil).

Physically, the two are quite different as well. Phil is a skinny six footer who doesn't get much sun. He's got really dark hair, is pretty hairy everywhere but his head (he is, at 28, very bald on top) and the combination of the whiteness of his skin and darkness of his hair make him kind of eerie looking when naked (which is often around here.) Samantha is short, chubby, and large breasted. She's very dark complected, dark hair, and a very pretty face. Her face is not your standard European look, it is more middle Eastern or oriental or something, but I had never asked about her ancestry.

That leaves me to tell you about Paula and I. Paula is sweet, loves me dearly, and I think looks forward to the day when she has me more or less to herself most of the time. She really likes group scenes from time to time, and gets into them well when she's in 'em, but she likes one on one, huggy bear and kissy face stuff too. Me? I could easily commit to a lifetime of loving just her, but I really hope I don't have to just yet.

She's a petite blonde, but more of a honey blonde to Susie's almost white hair. She's about 5'5", cute little butt, and the smallest, perkiest, cutest breasts in the house, with little dime sized nipples that could poke your eyes out when she's excited. I am, at 6'1", the tallest person in the house, and a pretty average build in most of the ways that count.

We'd all met after having been out of high school for a couple of years, all of us in our twenties and ranging from poor as dirt to just a little bit richer than dirt, we'd found that by pooling our resources we could afford to rent a really cool house and still be able to afford to eat and keep the selection of jalopies running. Most of the time.

We'd all been friends for a while, and we knew that we were a pretty randy bunch, but we found out that we were all mix and match by accident. We owe it all to Sam. We had been in the place for about a week and I came home rather unexpectedly in the middle of the day. I had a job slinging fast food to pay some of my college expenses, and when it got slow they'd send us home.

I walked out past the pool and Sam was in the pool blowing Phil who was sitting on the edge of the pool with his eyes closed. "Careful Phil," I said, "this is more sun than you've caught in years."

Samantha looked up at me and smiled. "Hi, Marc, care to join us? The water feels great!"

"Join you in the pool, or the blow job?"

"That feels great too," said Phil with a smile, "take your pick."

My woody was beginning to get really obvious inside those fine polyester slacks that the restaurant made me wear, and Paula wasn't due home for a few hours, so I peeled the fast food finery and dove into the pool. "Don't have to ask you twice, do we?" teased Sam.

I swam up behind her and wrapped my arms around her from behind and started to massage her large breasts. She leaned back and kissed me. Then she went back to sucking Phil's cock. She was throating it all the way, licking, sucking. I was behind her with my hands all over her breasts, my cock resting in the crack of her butt, staring at the job she was doing on Phil.

"Damn, she's good at that, isn't she?"

"She's the best," sighed Phil, "Why don't you come up here beside me and give it a try?"

"You wouldn't mind?"

"I get a charge out of watching Sam do other guys. Other girls too. It's great."

"So Sam's bi?" I asked.

By this time I was seated next to Phil on the side of the pool and Sam had her face in my lap. She throated it all the way on the first plunge and then started licking the underside and the tip of my cock.

"Yeah, sometimes I think she likes the girl/girl stuff better than me."

Sam stopped sucking me long enough to say, "I don't like anything better than you Phil, you know that."

"That doesn't bother you, does it Marc?"

"Mmmm. Hmm? Me? No, hell no. In fact, I guess I'm kinda bi myself."

"You? What makes you say that?"

Sam switched back to Phil's cock. He tipped his head back and closed his eyes. "Well, about a year ago I was hanging out with a buddy of mine and his girl friend. We got pretty drunk together and he told me he'd always wanted to see his girl friend fucked by another guy. It took him a while to talk her into it, but she finally decided it would be O.K. We did all kinds of stuff that evening. Right at the end, she and I were in a 69 side by side on the bed and he comes back from the bathroom and entered her from behind. So here I am licking her clit and puss with his cock sliding in and out just inches from my face.

"She started bouncing around when she came and I kept licking and half my licks are ending up on the shaft of his cock. He starts moaning, 'I'm coming,' she takes my cock out of her mouth and says, 'Pull out, shoot it all over my pussy.' So he pulls out and proceeds to spray my face and her puss which excited the shit out of me so I'm licking his goo off her puss and pretty soon I start pumping cum all over her face."

Samantha stopped sucking on Phil's cock and just listened to my story. Phil didn't mind because he was caught up in the story as well.

"He says, 'there's more in the barrel, suck it out,' to her. I'm all drunk and think he's talking to me, so I start sucking the jiz out of his cock. He quickly has a second orgasm with my mouth wrapped around his cock which freaks him out pretty bad. He splits.

"I'm trying to figure out what to do when she kisses me with her face all covered with my spunk and I start licking it off of her and that gets us both all hot again, and we're still pretty drunk so we don't even really think about the consequences. So we fuck again and as soon as we come we pass out in each others arms in his bed.

"He comes back some time in the middle of the night and finds us all wrapped up in each other still, starts screaming. I'm all hung over, tired, and surly as hell. Ugly scene.

"Any way, since then I've spent hours thinking about how I sucked this guy off, how much I liked the feeling of his cock in my mouth, wondering what that meant, wondering if I'd ever get the nerve to try it again, masturbating with Paula's dildo in my mouth. Making love with a butt plug in. Watching gay and bi vids and wanking like a monkey in the zoo."

"No shit," said Phil, "Does Paula know about any of this?"

"Um, just between you and me, I just told you about the first time Paula and I made love."

"The wench!" laughed Sam, "She never told me any of this. Oooh! She's in so much trouble for keeping secrets from me!" Sam grabbed my cock and started licking at it again.

Phil watched Sam suck me for a couple of minutes in silence, then said, "And you've been wanted to do it with a guy ever since?"

"Maybe I've always wanted to, but I've thought about it more since then."

Phil leaned over and kissed me tentatively on the lips. I responded passionately. Phil said, "Come on Sam, lets get you out of the water before you turn in to a raisin." Phil and I each gave Sam a hand and the three of us stood by the pool and kissed and fondled each other for a few minutes.

Phil got to his knees in front of me and took my cock into his mouth. I grabbed the back of his head with both hands and started fucking his face. It felt so good.

"Spread your feet a little, please," said Sam. I spread my feet a little and I heard Sam behind me say, "Good, good." Then I felt a tongue flicking around my ass cheeks, then it was firmly against my asshole. She probed my ass as deeply as she could with her tongue, then the tongue was replaced briefly with a feminine finger. More tongue, then a little more finger.

My attention once again shifted to Phil's hot mouth and tongue. I grabbed the back of Phil's head and really started to fuck his face hard. I was humping fast enough that Sam could no rim me effectively so she stopped and came up beside to watch me doing her boy friend's face. Then she trotted off to the house. She came back with a tube of KY. She smiled at me as she fumbled with the cap.

Sam reached around back and started fingering my spit covered ass hole. She started working one finger in and by the time she had worked up to three fingers in my ass I was on the verge. She started fucking me with three fingers and I started filling Phil's throat with jiz. Phil backed off of my cock and milked my cock onto his tongue with a smile. "Damn, that was great. How can I ever repay you?" I asked with a grin. "Glad you asked. Why don't you lay down on the diving board while I think about it."

I walked over to the diving board and lay down on my back. Sam came over and stood beside me and mounted my stomach like a saddle with my cock in just the right place to be a saddle horn. She bent over to grab my ankles giving me a wonderful view of her tightly puckered ass and partially shaved pussy.

She pulled my legs up into sort of a squat position to give Phil handy access to my ass, and then scooted up towards my face. I grabbed her thighs and lifted her the rest of the way up to my face. My nose was pretty much buried in her ass and my tongue was in a perfect position to alternately probe her sweet pussy and massage her swollen clit. Sam has a really fleshy labia that is tremendous fun to lick and suck, and a large clit, nearly the size of the end of my little finger. I could just lick and suck this pussy for days.

While I was doing this, Phil was lubing my ass generously with spit applied lovingly with his tongue. I was in absolute heaven. Phil finger fucked my ass for a few minutes while I focused my attention on Samantha's lovely hole.

I was breathing through my nose, and evidently my hot breath was tickling Sam's butt hole because she would clench her sphincter muscle and thighs when I exhaled. I started breathing a little deeper, a little slower, and exhaling more forcefully. Sam would clench her ass on the exhale, then tip back and grind her tight little ass hole against my nose on the inhale. All the while I was massaging her clit with my tongue. It was roughly the same size as the tip of my little finger. Very much larger than Paula's little love button.

Suddenly, I felt something very cold on my asshole, and then something very warm and soft. He gently but firmly pressed his cock against the fresh KY he'd just applied to my ass and pushed the head in slowly and pulled back out. He pushed it in slowly again, a little further this time, and then completely out again. The third time there was nothing slow about it, he placed his cock against my anus and shoved it all the way in hard and fast.

Phil started pounding away hard at my ass and Sam, apparently excited by the sight of her boyfriend balls deep in my ass started bucking and moaning on my face. I ground my tongue a little harder on her clit and she leaned forward and rubbed her pubis hard against my face. Soon she stiffened and slowed the grinding to just lifting her pussy slowly away from my face and then pushing back down hard and lifting slowly away again.

She sort of collapsed on my stomach and I laid back, closed my eyes, and just enjoyed the sun on my face, the cock pounding in and out of my ass, and the large breasted woman laying prone on my stomach lazily licking my cock.

"What the fuck is this?!?" Paula's voice startled me out of my stupor and as I looked up I saw her disappear into the house.

"Oh shit." I said matter of factly. Sam swung off of me and started for the house.

"I'll handle this," she said. I didn't really have much choice but to let her because Phil seemed oblivious to the whole thing. His eyes were kind of glazed looking and he had a hand on either side of my waist and he was fucking me for all he was worth.

I wasn't enjoying the whole thing nearly as much as I could have since I was trying to dream up things to say to Paula. We had discussed my bi tendencies a bit and she'd made it pretty clear that that part was O.K., the thought of two guys turned her on, but she was the only woman for me. Still, I didn't ask Phil to stop, and in fact, my cock was starting to get really hard again.

Phil started making some noises that may have started out as words, but by the time they made it out his mouth they were nothing more than grunts and wheezes, and he came deep inside me with his teeth clenched closed and his face contorted into a wild grimace. He pulled out of my ass and slowly just sort of collapsed on my stomach breathing really hard.

He lay there silently for a minute or two, then said, "Thanks, thanks man, that was great."

I said, "Yeah, fantastic, but the longer I stay out here the more trouble I'm going to be in."

"Yeah, sorry man, I just couldn't stop."

"It's O.K., I didn't really want you to. I mean, that sounds bad, but I didn't really want you to."

Phil lifted himself up off of me and then grabbed my hand and pulled me up. My knees were all weak, and I was covered in sweat as I started for the sliding doors into the living room. "I better go with you to retrieve Sam, she can be quite the pit bull."

I figured that Paula had run off to our room, so I went that direction on auto pilot as my eyes tried to readjust to the darkness of indoors. I opened the door to our room and was greeted by an even darker room. While I stood there waiting for my eyes to adjust, I took it as a good sign that there was no sobbing. In fact, the room was a lot more silent than I thought it should be. The only noises were some muffled sucking and moaning noises.

When my eyes finally adjusted I saw Samantha and Paula laying beside each other on our bed locked in 69 position, lapping at each other's pussies. This I hadn't expected. "Shall we cut in?" I asked Phil, who, amazingly, was getting hard again standing there next to me. "Go ahead, please, I think I'll just watch."

Did I tell you I was a selfish son of a bitch? The thought of diving in between these two women, Samantha, short, pleasingly plump in all the right places, large breasted and raven haired, and Paula, petite, buff, small breasted and blonde, gave me a the boost I needed to go from firm to rock hard, and I never even really considered trying to talk Phil out of his, "I'll just watch, thanks," stance.

I knew though, that I had to concentrate my attention on Paula or there would be hell to pay later. Besides, if I pulled Paula into this it would be a very fun summer indeed. Paula and Sam were locked in a 69 position with Sam on top. Sam's grade A extra large breasts were hanging down and brushing against Paula's flat stomach. Sam was completely unaware of Phil and I, two fingers buried in Paula's snatch and tongue working Paula's little nub of a clit for all it was worth.

Paula had seen me by now but was pretending to ignore me and playing with Sam's fleshy cunt lips with her tongue and every now and again flicking over Sam's clit. I got down and kissed and nuzzled the top of Paula's head and said, "Having fun?"

"MMMMMMM!" is all Paula said while flicking Sam's pussy flaps around with her tongue. I really love a nasty looking puss, and Sam's is great! I went around to the back where Sam was busy rocking my girlfriend's world with her mouth and hands. I asked if I could cut in, and we replaced Sam's fingers inside Paula with my tongue. Sam turned her head sideways and continued working on Paula's clit. With me tongue fucking her and Sam giving her clit a tongue bath, Paula came pretty quickly, bucking and moaning, and biting Sam's thigh, which Sam apparently enjoyed.

Sam dismounted Paula and I flopped on the bed and pulled Paula to me. She guided my cock easily into her. She was incredibly wet, both from spit and internal juices and she bent over to kiss my neck and started slowly grinding her crotch against mine.

Sam took advantage of the slowness of Paula's rhythm with me to rim Paula. Every so often she would shift her loving attention from Paula's asshole to my cock and Paula's pussy. After a bit of this I heard Paula gasp a little. I looked up and noticed that Sam was working on Paula's asshole with a finger or two. Phil was watching this development with rapt interest.

Sam worked Paula's ass with her fingers for a bit, then she helped Phil slide his cock slowly into Paula's ass. I could actually feel Phil's cock entering Paula as it pressed against my own through the thin wall of flesh that separated them.

Sam came around front and climbed on the bed straddling my head and pressed Paula's face into her pussy. The sight of Paula's tongue caressing Sam's swollen labia, the feeling of Phil's cock pressing against mine inside Paula, and the idea of Paula making use of just about every orifice she has soon had me cumming hard deep inside the rhythmically squirming Paula. Apparently the whole scene had roughly the same effect on everyone else in the room because there was a great amount of moaning, screaming, and muscle tension for a little but, then, in a few short moments we were all just laying around the bed, staring at the ceiling, and panting.

Phil got up first and started rummaging around for his clothes. "Twice in one day, Phil," Sam said, slapping him playfully on the butt, "You're probably a pretty happy dude." Phil just grinned and blushed a little. "Come on," she said, "You still owe me a little something."

That was pretty much Sam all over. Tireless. As they left the room Paula rolled up on her side and ran her fingers through what little chest hair I have. "Sam told me that she and Phil sort of set you up. Seduced you. Is that true?"

"I didn't exactly put up much of a fight," I said.

"I figured that much."

"I'm sorry if it looked like I was doing something behind your back. I was just..."

"I know. Did you suck his cock?"

"No, didn't get a chance."

"Next time. I want to watch you do that."

"Did you enjoy the afternoon anyway?" I asked.

"Turned out rather well. Think we can get John in on it next time? I saw his cock once. It's huge, and he's yummy looking."

"When did you see John's cock?"

"No big deal. He was in the shower one day and I had to pee real bad and the other bathroom was in use. I thought I could sneak in and whiz and sneak back out before he got done 'cuz he'd just started it. I regretted sneaking in immediately because I could tell he was whacking it in the shower. He must have heard me peeing because he tore open shower curtain to see who it was. Biggest hard on I've ever seen, but he made me promise not to tell because he thought you'd tease him about whacking off."

"You had a big long conversation with him in the bathroom while he was standing there with a hard on?"

"No. After. He just closed the curtain and yelled, 'Don't flush.'"

I laughed. Yummy indeed! I snuggled into the crook in Paula's neck and we fell asleep.

Part 2. The Boys

Phil and I each had a cold beer and were sitting in the kitchen talking about very little. I had just gotten up from my nap with Paula. She, Sam, and Susie took off for the mall because Susie needed something to wear to a party.

"You O.K. with everything that happened this afternoon?" asked Phil.

"Yeah," I said, "Sam apparently convinced Paula that the whole thing was your idea, and she really enjoyed all of the attention this afternoon."

"My idea?"

"You and Sam's"

"And you?"

"I'm happy as hell. I've always leaned that way. And you'll have to excuse me for saying so but I think Samantha is sexy as hell," I said. "And Paula has the sweetest ass I've ever seen," added Phil.

"You two drunk or something," asked John, who had walked into the kitchen unnoticed and was pulling a beer out of the fridge.

"No, why?" I asked.

"Talking about each others GFs like that. And what way are you leaning?"

Phil and I looked at each other. John was a weight lifter, shaved from head to toe, buff and tanned. But he was also really straight laced, so we weren't sure what he'd say if he knew how Phil, Sam, Paula, and I spent the afternoon. He's also not really quick witted. Some people mistake John's lack of mental speed for stupidity. This is a mistake. He's quite intelligent, but his intellect seems to move somewhat slower than most people's. We give him all kinds of shit about it as good friends often do, but there is no disrespect in it.

I decided that honesty was the best policy. Later, Phil would tell me he thought I was a nut then. "Sit down, John."

"What's up?"

"We're all good friends, right?"

"I don't like the sounds of this already. Did I do something wrong?"

"No, no, no. It's just that we've all been good friends for so long that I don't want to start keeping secrets now," I said.

Phil was looking like he'd rather be someplace else. "The four of us, Phil, Sam, Paula, and I had a group sex thing this afternoon."

John's eyes were wide open. He took a big swallow of beer. "Really? Wow, and you didn't invite us? Bummer."

I could tell by the tone of his voice that he thought I was bull shitting him. "It was pretty spur of the moment. Anyway, I'm not sure that you would have wanted to be there. Didn't know if you were in to group things."

"Susie and I have done a threesome before. She brought a girl friend of hers along for a birthday present to me once. That was great. It was pretty much the other girl and I getting Susie off but it was still fun."

"It was your birthday and you and the other woman did Susie? What kind of birthday present is that?"

"Well Susie thought I'd get a charge out of watching the two of them for a bit. Then I sort of joined in later."

"So Susie's bisexual?" I asked, winking at Phil.

"Well, she did that once for my birthday. I don't know if she's bi. She was all moaning and stuff like the girls in the x-rated videos do. We've watched a few together and she asked me if I liked the girl/girl scenes. I said yes so she did that for my birthday."

"The whole bunch of us are pretty much mix and match, John."

"What do you mean?"

"Sam and Paula, Sam and me, Paula and Phil, me and Phil... You know."

John looked at Phil, then at me, then back at Phil, then back at me. "You and Phil? How?" he asked.

"Oral, an..."

"You sucked Phil's cock!?" asked John, his eyes getting big. Phil was looking pretty nervous.

"Well, No. But Phil sucked mine. He's pretty good."

"Fuck you, you're yanking my chain," John said, and took another swig of beer.

I just sat there looking at him. John polished off his beer and went to get another one. "You cum in his mouth?" John's question was still edged with disbelief.

"I did."

"You swallow it?" he was looking at Phil.

"Uh, yeah," said Phil.

"And you didn't do him back?" John sounded nervous.

"I did him back."

"But you just said you didn't blow him."

I just looked at him. John took another swig of beer. "He fucked you? You took him in the ass?" I nodded. "Does it hurt?"

"Not if you do it right."

"You assholes are jerking my chain, aren't you? You think that you're smarter than I am and you're jerking my chain just for laughs aren't you?"

"We're serious."

"So why tell me?"

"Well, for one thing, it was fun. We'll probably do it again. If that makes you uncomfortable, we'll try to make sure it happens when you're not around. And because we don't want to have a bunch of secrets from our room mates. It's kind of uncomfortable. For everyone."

"I still think you're fucking with me."

"We're not, I assure you."

"Show me."

"Beg your pardon?"

"Show me. I don't believe you. If you're serious, drop your pants and suck his dick right here, right now. Then I'll believe that you're not yanking my chain."

"John, listen, maybe I was wrong to say anything. Maybe you aren't ready for all of this. Sorry I said anything."

"I knew it! You jerks were fucking with me. You just wanted to see what I would do."

"Phil," I said, "do you feel like convincing the unbeliever?"

"Uh, I guess."

I undid my Levis and pulled them down around my knees. The whole conversation had been too touchy to be erotic, so I was marshmallow soft. Phil grabbed my soft cock, looked John in the eye, and licked the tip of my cock. Then he opened his mouth and took me in. He made a big show out of sucking in on it. He opened his mouth, grabbed my cock in his hand, and started licking along the bottom. I started getting harder.

I looked at John who was sitting there with his beer in his hand and an incredulous look on his face. Phil made an 'O' out of his mouth and started working on just the tip of my cock, in and out, in and out. I was getting close to as hard as it gets by this time, so I reached down and grabbed the sides of Phil's head and pushed him down gently until his front teeth were at the base of my cock.

"Wow," said John, "I've never seen that in person."

John came over by the two of us and stared intently as Phil continued to throat me. "Does that feel good?" John asked. I assumed he was talking to me and I tried to answer affirmatively but what came out wasn't words. "I'll take that as a yes. That's wild. You guys really all got it on together this afternoon?" I looked over at John. He was rubbing what looked like an immense hard on through his jeans as he watched. I looked back at Phil who was looking at me. I could tell he was smiling, though with his mouth full of my cock, there wasn't much evidence of it.

Phil started massaging the base of my cock and balls with his hand and pulled back and licked the underside of my cock with his tongue, his mouth open wide. I knew what he had in mind, and we gave John a great cum shot as I shot my load into Phil's mouth and splattered a little around his face.

"That was hot! I've never seen anything like that before. Could you guys do that anal thing you were talking about too? I want to see that." John wasn't even trying to hide his bulge anymore.

"Phil, I think willy is shot for the day," I said, peeling my jeans the rest of the way off.

"No problem." Phil was soon naked as well. I kneeled over the edge of the couch and Phil squirted some KY on my tightly puckered sphincter and quickly worked a couple of fingers in. "You're still ready from earlier, slut," said Phil laughing. He wiped some of the excess KY from his fingers on to his cock and shoved himself in.

John was openly rubbing his groin now. "Why don't you turn that thing loose?" I said. Phil and I watched intently as John dropped his pants. He was wearing thong underwear and he was shaved and tan every place that we could see. As he pulled his underwear off we were both somewhat shocked to see what a huge tool John had. It must have been at least eight inches, and thick. "Good God!" I said.

"Something wrong?" asked John.

"Nothing, nothing at all," I said, "bring that thing over here where I can look at it."

John was stroking up and down the full length of his massive tool. I reached out and touched it. John turned loose of it as I began stroking it for him. "It's beautiful." Phil was slowly and gently sliding in and out of my ass. I reached around behind John with my free hand, grasped his well muscled ass cheek, and pulled him towards me. I started licking at the base of his cock and just flicked my tongue back and forth across the underside as I worked up to the massive purple head.

"You planned this, didn't you?" Phil said, still slowly gliding his cock in and out of my ass.

"I wish I could take credit for it," I said. With that I wrapped my lips around John's cock and started working up and down on it. With each downstroke I pushed down a little bit further until every inch of John's beautiful tool was in my mouth. John took over and started pumping his cock in and out of my face. I just reveled in the feeling of being filled at both ends. Their rhythm was not the same so at one time they would be going in and out nearly alternately, at others their in strokes nearly matched.

Then I felt Phil's strokes getting in my ass getting quicker. Pretty soon he was slamming into my ass with such force that he drove me forward onto John's cock each time. John just stayed still and enjoyed it. Probably for the benefit of John as a viewing audience, Phil pulled out and shot all over my back. This appeared to have the desired effect on John who came deep in my throat. I somehow managed to swallow all of it. I guess I really didn't have a choice. John pulled out of me and said, "That was great! I wish I could get Susie to do that for me."

"Next lesson," said Phil, "is how to give as good as you get. But that will have to wait."

Part 3. The Girls

A night or two later, Paula and I retired to our room a bit early. We were both horny as hell, having passed out early the night before and slept late into the morning. I laid on the bed and Paula laid across it with her head on my stomach. I casually ran my fingers through her hair and related the above story to her, as best I could remember.

I had a woody by the time I was done, but Paula just lay there for lost in thought.

"No comment?"

"They made me promise not to tell."


"Susie and Sam."

"Promise not to tell what?"

"About our shopping expedition."

"You are going to anyway."

"I know," said Paula dreamily, "I was teasing you.

"We went to one of those sex toy and lingerie stores. They have a dressing room, but they won't let you try on the really intimate stuff. We were the only ones in there, though, and the woman in the shop seemed really eager to help us out. She was about the same size, height wise, as Samantha, but light complected with lots of freckles. Her hair was light brown and if I had to guess I'd say she's in her early forties. "She told us her name was Pat, and she said that she had some of her own personal stuff at the store, as did some of the other girls, that they usually just modeled for people but, since we were the only ones in the store, we could actually try them on.

"The sales woman was short and busty like Sam, and she said she had stuff that would fit Susie as well. 'What about me,' I asked.

"She said that I was one of those women who could buy the stock stuff off the shelf and it would look great on me, no problem. Sam and Suze used that as an excuse to call me a bitch and playfully push me around."

"And besides, you look better just plain naked than most, so you don't need lingerie," I said. Paula just gave me a smile and went on.

"We asked if there was dressing room big enough for the three of us to be in at the same time. She said no, but they had an employee's dressing room in the back that the girls used when they were modeling lingerie that was nice and big and that's where all the clothes were as well.

"So we all went back into this dressing room filled with mirrors, lights, make up tables, couches, pillows, and racks of clothes. We asked the woman if she was going to be missed in the front and she said there was a buzzer on the front door if anyone else came in, but it was a pretty slow time.

"So Pat found a white lace bra and matching crotchless panty for Sam and a red lace teddy for Susie and the two of them wasted no time in stripping and dressing up for us. Sam got up in front of us and put on a fashion show. She turned around wiggled her butt at us, Then she bent over and grabbed her ankles so we could see the darkness of her black pubic hair framed in white.

"We were laughing, catcalling, saying rude things to her, and she was loving it. Then she turned around toward us and grabbed her crotch kind of like Madonna and gyrated her hips against her hand.

"We were really getting in to it, so when Susie said, 'Show us your pussy,' Sam reached in with both hands and parted her pussy for us. She started rubbing her pussy and she was so wet from the whole performance that she slid first one, then her middle two fingers all the way inside. When she pulled them out she had some of that thick, mucus looking stuff on her fingers and she put her fingers in her mouth and made a great show of sucking on them. She said, 'Hey Paula, remember this stuff? Remember how it tastes?'

"Susie looked at me. I was turning real red. Susie said, 'You and Sam got it on?' I just looked at her, still blushing. 'And you didn't invite me? Bitch!' And she pushed me down on one of the pillows. I thought she had flipped out but she knelt down next to me, closed her eyes, and kissed me really gently on the lips.

"Then she got up laughing and gave me her hand. When she pulled me up, I pulled her in to my arms and kissed her back. She grabbed my ass and squeezed it."

"So Susie is gay, just like we thought," I said.

"And how," said Paula, "Pat said, 'whoa you guys, I can't have you getting the merchandise all sticky. You can fuck if you want to, but lets shed the teddy at least. It's not mine.'

"Well Susie just peeled out of it like that and grabbed me again. She pulled me into her arms and kissed me. She was exploring my mouth with her tongue and grinding her crotch against my leg. I could feel her juices starting to seep through my jeans. I reached up and began kneading Susie's breasts.

"Sam said later that she suspected the whole reason that Pat had let us use the back room was that she was interested in seeing us young women nearly naked and that watching Pat watch Susie and I kissing and fondling each other, she was sure of it, so she slid up behind Pat and asked her to help her unhook the bra.

"Pat unhooked Sam's bra and started to pull the cups off of Sam's breasts and Sam rolled her head back on to Pat's shoulder, her cheek lightly brushing Pat's cheek. Pat turned her face in towards Sam's and started kneading her breasts. Sam rolled around to face Pat. Sam put her hands on Pat's shoulders and started pushing her down. 'I'm going to need some help with the panties as well,' Sam said. Pat resisted going down on Sam right away. She wrapped her arms around Sam's waist and gave her a warm, passionate kiss. She pushed Samantha back to one of the couches and the two collapsed in a kissing, groping, writhing ball.

"Meanwhile, Susie was hungrily pawing at my clothes and keeping her face glued to mine as her tongue invaded my mouth. I had never had another woman so hot for me, and I must say it was lighting my internal fires. I just grabbed her butt and felt it tense and flex as she ground it against my leg. When she got my shirt unbuttoned she stopped kissing me and started frantically pulling it off of me. 'Get naked, bitch,' she said, 'I want to feel your naked skin against mine, I want to kiss your tits, I want to eat you, I want our pussies to touch.'

"I've never been especially turned on by coarse language, but Susie's voice was all husky and she had a look in her eyes that I've never seen, so I just went along with her. I pulled my jeans and panties off in one motion, and Susie managed to get my bra off. She pushed me back onto some pillows on the floor and sat down on top of me and just started kissing me and licking me all over."

"I'm getting jealous, but I'm getting a woody too," I said. "Keep going."

"You get a woody when the wind blows. Not that I'm complaining," said Paula, "and I had no intention of stopping. It's starting to get good.

"So Susie is all over me, and Sam is wrapped up with Pat, and the buzzer goes off indicating that Pat has a customer. I was startled by it, but Susie is completely unfazed. She's breathing heavily and kissing, sucking, and licking every square inch of my body, my armpits, arms, stomach, neck, and her hands are all over my body as well. She's on her knees on top of me and just crawling all over the place. She's doing all of this on one hand because the other hand is between her legs rubbing her clit at like a million miles an hour.

"Pat reluctantly pulled away from her embrace with Sam and went up front. Sam came over and knelt down behind Susie and started licking her ass, asshole, and pussy. Suze just sort of stopped what she was doing, put her head in my neck, and started moaning.

"I was pretty worked up by this time, so I scooted my butt up the pillow until Susie's face was in my lap. She immediately began licking the tender, moist folds of my pussy. She would alternately lower herself so that she could tongue fuck me deeply, then move up to my clit and massage it slowly and firmly with her tongue, and then dive back into my puss.

"From my vantage point I could watch almost everything Sam was doing. She had one hand up massaging Susie's clit and mons, and she was alternating between tonguing her pussy and her asshole. Susie was licking at me and kind of moaning and stuff. She was doing that thing that you do that I really like, you know, sucking on my clit for a second, then licking it, then sucking it. It felt great!

"Suze inserted one of her long, slender fingers into my puss and found her way to my G spot. The combination of her tonguing and fingering me was to much. I had a long shuddering orgasm. As soon as it was over, Susie crawled up and started nuzzling my neck and kissing me while Sam finished her off. She held me really tight and kissed me all during her orgasm. It was pretty nice.

"Sam was pouting about feeling left out when Pat came back in and two of them sixty nined each other off while Susie just lay there in my arms.

"So after that we were talking at lunch and she was telling us how much she enjoyed the afternoon with the two of us. We talked about it for a while and I said, 'This isn't fair, you have the boyfriend with the best body and the biggest cock and you prefer women. Not fair, not fair!'

"Then they made me tell them how I knew that John had a big cock. Then we said to Susie, "All you have to do is get John into partying with all of us and you can have the two of us all you want.'

"She said that there was no way in hell that John would ever go for the group scenes, especially if Phil and Marc were doing 'gay stuff.'"

"She called it gay stuff?" I asked.

"Yeah, isn't that a hoot?" Paula snorted, "Our little lesbian friend doesn't think her John-boy will get into the gay stuff."

"John is so horny for her he'd fuck mud."

"You know what we have to do, don't you?"

"Surprise party for Susie?"

"Surprise party for Susie!" She yelled.

Part 4. Getting John Ready for the Big Surprise.

We figured part of John's problem with Susie was that both of them were relatively inexperienced sexually. Neither of them had ever been with any one else with the exception of Susie's birthday gift and our recent trysts, and John was convinced that all it really took to get a woman off was love and a big cock. While neither of those things are bad, we told him, they aren't enough on their own.

We decided that we'd have the big bash in about a month on the day before Susie's birthday. Some of her other friends were throwing a party for her on her birthday, and we hoped to have the newly charged couple ready for it.

In the mean time, Paula, Phil, and I agreed to tutor John several times on how to take and give pleasure, and Sam, bless her heart, volunteered to show Susie the joys of penetrative sex with her collection of toys.

The first lesson for John started one evening while Susie was having dinner with her parents. We asked John to tell us about the last time he and Susie had had sex. From the description, we could tell that Susie hadn't enjoyed it too much, and from the sound of things it was because he'd tried to introduce that massive cock of his into her without nearly enough foreplay.

Phil asked him to get naked and get on all fours on the floor. He squeezed a little bit of KY onto John's ass and then pressed it against John's anus. In one firm push, he pushed the head of it into John's ass hole.

"Oh fuck! That hurts! Christ! What are yah doin' to me?"

"Just a little demo. Paula's going to kiss you and make you feel better."

Phil and I helped John stand up and Paula wrapped her arms around him and kissed him. As the two of them kissed, Phil began rubbing John's smooth, muscular ass cheek. Phil got down on his knees and licked and bit John's ass, then parted his buttocks and started licking his ass hole.

"Hey, that's nice," said John. "Can I take some of Paula's clothes off?"

He was looking at me. "Rule number one, John. Got a question for Paula, ask Paula," I replied.

"I'd really like to take your shirt off."

"This will make it easier," she said. She turned around and faced away from him. He fumbled with the buttons on her shirt. "The buttons on a woman's blouse are on the other side." She grabbed his strong hands and helped him unbutton her shirt. She had a bra that clasped in the front as well, so in seconds John's hands were massaging Paula's small breasts. She was still facing away from him, and was turned back over her shoulder kissing him. He started to run his hands down her front and tug at her skirt.

"Take your time. We have all night. Rub my breasts and pinch my nipples. Pinch them, squeeze 'em, fondle 'em. They're very sensitive and I like it when you play with them."

Phil lubed up a finger and inserted it into John's ass. He was still kissing, biting and licking John's butt. I thought Paula was showing remarkable restraint, considering how badly she wanted to try out John's huge tool. John continued to massage her breasts. I figured that her panties must be sopped by now. Phil worked another finger into John's gorgeous ass. John found the zipper at the side of Paula's skirt and pushed both the skirt and Paula's panties as far down her legs as he could.

I knelt in front of Paula and pulled the skirt and panties the rest of way off. I was right, the panties were soaked. I leaned forward and inhaled the musky sweet aroma of her excited pussy and gave it a quick, loving lick.

"Is he ready for his lesson yet, I gonna explode here," said Paula.

I pulled John's hands from around Paula's waist (his fingers were soaked with Paula's juice) and guided him to all fours again. This time Phil's cock slid quickly in to John's ass. "Any pain?" I asked him.

"No, it feels great. I like it."

"You can hurt Susie just as bad if you try putting that huge thing in before she's ready."

"Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. I got it. Oh! That feel's great!"

"Phil, you got yourself another butt slut."

"I love it!" said Phil enthusiastically.

I pulled Paula over to me and kissed her deeply. "I get him back when Phil's through, right?" whispered Paula.

"Yes," I laughed, "you get buff stud and his amazing wonder weenie back. Would you like a little something while you wait."

"Don't be a jerk Marc, you're my stud muffin. I just want to feel what it's like to have that big old thing inside me once. Maybe twice." She giggled and pulled me down on top of her on the sofa. I wriggled out of my clothes and slid my aching cock into her sweet box. Just the way it felt going in I knew that it was a good thing that she'd soon be getting a second helping because I wasn't going to last long enough to get her off.

In fact, by lucky coincidence, Phil and I came about the same time, Phil deep inside John's ass, and I deep inside Paula's exquisite pussy. John reached down between his legs and started jacking himself. I said, "Whoa, John, you've still got some work to do over here."

John looked at me quizzically. "Huh?"

"Paula wants to, uh, critique your technique."

"Really? Cool!"

I got up and John climbed on top of Paula on the couch. He held himself above her with his arms, his hard cock resting on her stomach, and began to kiss her deeply. Paula pushed his face away gently and said, "Um, pretend foreplay is over. Just put it in."

John obediently put the tip of his "dull surprise" against the delicate folds of Paula's moist mons and pushed it into her rather abruptly.

"Jesus John! Go a little bit slower. Let me adjust a little."

I'm pretty sure she was protesting more than she needed to. After all, I had warmed her up a bit and he isn't THAT much bigger than I am.

With John lifted up off of her that way, Paula could see his cock slipping into her. She was staring at it and saying, "That's it. Fuck me slow and easy. A little more. Mmm. That's it. Slow, slow. A little more now, a little deeper. You're almost there. O.K. Slow, do some deep, slow strokes. Mmmm. Mmmm. A little faster. Mmmm. Oh god."

Usually when Paula and I are face to face I get in all the way and grind my pubis against her to stimulate her clit, but apparently John couldn't get in that far (or she wasn't letting him). She placed her hands between her legs and started massaging her clit.

"Want to do her from behind, John?"

John looked up at me with a big grin on his face. "Sure." They untangled from each other. John lay back on the sofa and Paula spooned into him. John slid his cock into her pussy from behind and crossed his arms over her chest so he could massage her breasts as they lay there side by side.

I knelt down and started licking Paula's pussy and John's shaft. "Ooh, that's nice," said John. I continued to bathe the area where John's huge cock entered my girl friends tight pud. I concentrated on her clit, sucking and licking it and occasionally venturing down across John's shaft. Soon I felt Paula's muscles start to clench up and heard her start moaning low. She clenched and flexed and I started flicking my tongue rapidly over her clit. She started bucking and moaning and screaming.

When Paula's orgasm subsided I moved down and concentrated on licking John's shaft and smooth shaved balls. I was licking up the bit of his cock that wasn't deep inside Paula when he came. I could feel the pulses of semen as it rushed by under my tongue into Paula's depths.

Paula stood up and collapsed into my arms. I just held her tightly. She was trembling slightly. "That was like deja vu from your first time, huh?" asked Phil.

"You told him about that?" Paula was instantly alert and looking up at me.

"When he asked if I was OK with bisexuality I told him the story."

"Well, Mr. big mouth, lets go complete that deja vu feeling by falling asleep together again."

"Thanks, guys, that was great! And I really learned a lot!" said John.

"Not enough though," Paula laughed, "We're gonna have to give you lots of lessons before the surprise party."

With that, Paula and I gathered up our discarded clothing and went to our own room. "So, how was it?" I asked her.


"Did you like it?"

"It was nice. Kind of like really rich food. You wouldn't want that every day, but it was really nice."

"It tastes good too."

"Mmm, yeah. Next time we need to think up an excuse for you to blow him. I'd like to see that. My boyfriend's talented mouth wrapped around a big old salami like that. I still haven't seen you with a cock in your face."

Paula and I were face to face under the covers and all this was making me hard again. I grabbed her ass and pulled towards me. She pushed me down flat on the bed and mounted me, sliding herself all the way onto me. "Mmmmm. That's great." She kissed me on the lips and started rocking back and forth quickly on my hard on. "It's good to be home."

I reached up and massaged her breasts and Paula did her little "magic dance." I don't know quite how to describe it. She is on top and she does this little twisty, turny, flexing the interior muscles kind of dance on my willy at high speed. She does it when she is pretty tired and just wants both of us to get off so we fall blissfully asleep very quickly. Most of the time she falls asleep right there on top of me, sometimes we fall asleep still joined.

Tonight, however, after her little trick worked its magic into a sweaty, simultaneous orgasm for the both of us, she dismounted me and snuggled in at my side.

"Are you mad at me for telling Phil about our first, uh, date."

"Not really," she paused, "A little maybe. Why'd you do it?"

"Well, I caught Phil and Sam naked by the pool. Sam was blowing him. Phil asked if I wanted to join them. I was thinking that what I'd really like to try was taking Sam's place."

"Yeah, right. You were looking at Sam's big hooters and thinking, 'Banzai!'"

"No, I don't think so. I mean it happened pretty fast. I think if all I'd wanted was to fuck Sam I woulda just jumped right in. But I asked Phil if he was OK with it, or something like that. He said that the two of them did groups sometimes and that Sam was bi. He asked me if I was OK with that and something about the way he asked made me think he was asking if I'd let him suck my cock. And I really wanted him to."

"So you just said that you sucked my ex-boyfriends cock once and wanted to try it on some one who wouldn't freak on you?"

"No, I didn't mention any names at all. But Phil must have figured from the approximate time that I said that it must have been pretty close to when we started going out, or something. He asked me if you knew."

"So you said, 'Yeah, I'm still banging her.'"

"No. No, I didn't say it that way. What's the matter, honey?"

"I don't know. I guess it just bothers me. Our kids will ask us how we met and we'll say, well, she was going out with a friend of mine until one night all three of us got drunk and fucked and then she decided she liked daddy's dick better than daddy's friend's dick and that was pretty much that."

"That wasn't exactly it, and you know it. He was a shit, he treated you poorly, you deserved better and you knew it. I treated you much better that morning when I was hung over, confused, and pissed as hell than he ever had on a good day. And I was really concerned about you. He'd always been unstable and I didn't want him going off on you about something that was all my fault."

"How was it your fault?"

"Well, I'm the one that sucked him off. That is what set him off that night."

"That night."

"I'm sorry. I wasn't aware that you were so ashamed of the way we met."

"I'm not ashamed. Well, I guess I am a little."

"Anyway, if you remember correctly, that started a fight that finally ended your romance, if you can call it that, and I called you a couple of times to make sure you were O.K. I kept thinking that it was all my fault that you broke up with him. You said it had been a long time coming. We didn't start seeing each other until weeks later, and didn't sleep together again for a weeks after that."

"Yeah, but..."

"O.K., so we started dating after you broke up with a friend of mine. End of story. The rest of the intimate details we reserve for intimate friends."


"I mean, did your parents ever tell you about the first time they fucked?"

"O.K., you've made your point."

"Kiss me."

Paula kissed me and we squirmed our sweaty bodies against each other until we found a comfortable position and we fell asleep.

Part 5. Story Time with Samantha

"So does Susie have any idea that we're planning a surprise party for her?" I asked Sam.

"No clue. I feel sorry for the poor, dear girl. She's so horny she can hardly see straight. She really likes John a lot, but she's about half scared of that big cock of his. She and I are working on that fear, though."

"Oh, and how are you doing that?" I knew at once that I probably shouldn't have asked that question. Samantha and I were, for some odd reason, at home alone together. Given Sam's libido and my, uh, lack of restraint, talking about sex could easily result in the act itself, and while Paula was forgiving of a lot of things, one on one with the other women in the house was not likely to be one of them.

"I've got a pretty decent collection of vibrators and dildos. They range in size from timid, which is where Susie is now, to almost as big as John is supposed to be."

"Almost as big as John is supposed to be*?" I asked. Sam, on this hot summer day, had chosen to wear a halter top that would not have done a very good job of holding in Paula's smallish breasts. With Sam's generous breasts it was leaving very little to my hyper-active imagination.

"I've never seen it, but then I'm not as impressed by big dicks as you and Phil seem to be. Phil has been going on and on about how it is bigger than the biggest one I've got. You guys seem to be more into big dicks than we women are.

"Paula likes John's big dick too. She's been fantasizing about it since she first saw it, and she's been getting in to training John how to be a sensitive lover with it." My eyes finally left Sam's breasts and wandered down her midriff. Sam has a treasure trail down from her belly button to her pubes. Her pubes she trims away from her mons and legs, but the top she leaves alone. She was wearing a pair of white cotton shorts that came to just below her belly button. They too were a little too tight for her ample hips. The seam disappeared completely into her crotch as well, her pubic mound enveloping it from either side.

"Paula? Petite Paula? I would think he'd split her wide open. Jeez, you guys amaze me. Any way, I was going to tell you a little bit about how I've but I can tell by the way you're staring at my crotch that it wouldn't take long before you had a major woody and the two of us would be screwing on the couch and Paula would come in and all hell would break loose."

Just then the front door opened and John came in. Sam looked up at him, then turned around to look at me. The addition of a third changed everything. I smiled. "John, come on in here. Sam was just telling me how she's been getting Susie ready for the big party. Go grab three beers, if you would, please, and we'll have her start over."

As John left for the kitchen Sam looked at me with an evil little smile on her face. "You, Marc, are a very bad boy."

"Ain't I a little stinker? But you have got to see John nude. He is so pretty! And you're gonna love that cock as much as the rest of us do." I leaned forward on the couch and kissed Sam on the cheek. As I did so, I slid my hand into her crotch and pressed my finger in towards the disappearing seam in her shorts. She sighed and pushed her crotch against my hand.

I slid back across the sofa and was a respectable distance from Sam when John returned from the kitchen with three bottles of beer. He handed me mine, then gave Sam's to her. John's back was to me, but I could tell by the look that Sam shot me that he was lingering longer than he needed to, standing above her staring at her breasts. I winked.

"So, as I was just telling Marc, I was at home alone with Susie the other night," Sam started, "And she and I started talking. Eventually, the talk turned to sex."

"Does that happen often when you are around?" I asked. I was grinning at Sam, who looked annoyed.

"Shut up, Marc. Since Paula sort of let it slip that she had seen your cock in all its glory, John, I asked her how she liked having such a hung boy friend."

John was sort of casting a worried look my way. "She told me all about it, John," I said.

"She doesn't keep secrets very well, does she?" he asked.

"Aren't too many secrets around these parts any more."

"Anyway," said Sam, "As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted. I asked if she liked your big dick and she said she was sort of scared of it. So I suggested she start small and work her way up. She was completely bewildered by that.

"'But I started with John,' she said to me. Anyway, we kept talking and she admitted that she didn't have too much experience at all. I told her that was OK, I have enough experience for both of us, and I could teach her.

"I showed her this strap on that I sometimes use on Phil. We have several sizes of dildo that we use in it. The smallest is about six inches long and fairly slender. I told her that I'd wear that one and she could pretend I was John and we could make love and I'd teach her a few things.

"She thought that sounded like a good idea so I went in the other room and put on the dildo harness, some jeans and a shirt, and I went back into the living room and sat next to her on the sofa.

"We started kissing. She was fondling my breasts and I was fondling hers. I unbuttoned her blouse and took it off. She was wearing a bra that clipped in the front, which you can do if you don't have breasts the size of cantaloupe like me. That was off in a flash and I licked and fondled and sucked her breasts for a while.

"She has very sensitive breasts, John. Do you spend a lot of time just licking her nipples when you make love?"

"Um, to tell you the truth, no. I guess I kind of get in a hurry."

"Oh, never do that. You'll come soon enough. Take some time. Enjoy the softness of her body. Pay attention to what she likes. Linger and enjoy. Stop and smell the flowers. Oh, and speaking of flowers, Susie has the sweetest pussy. I worked her skirt and panties off and dove between her legs. You two are into trimming your pubes back, huh? Is that for weight lifting?"

"Uh, yeah," said John. "I do weight lifting but Suze does mostly aerobics. Either way the stuff can be kind of skimpy and you don't want a big old bush poking out all over the place. It messes up your lines."

"Whatever," replied Sam. "I'm in to the natural look myself. But then there's really only one kind of work out I ever get. Anyway, Susie has shaved most of her mound and its very soft and sweet. I tongued in and around that sweet pussy for a while, sucking on her clit and nibbling on her pussy lips. She really enjoyed the attention. She was moaning softly and running her fingers through my hair. Wrapping her fingers up in my hair and stroking it. Have you ever considered growing your hair out, John?"

"Uh, huh?" Sam had been caressing herself seductively with her hands while talking about Susie and John had what looked to be an uncomfortably large bulge in his pants. I looked at Sam and winked. She smiled and looked back at John.

"She was having so much fun running her fingers through my hair that I just wondered if you had ever considered growing it out. She was caressing my hair and pumping her hips into my face. I slid a couple fingers into her and twisted them and caressed her insides with them. I worked a third finger in and found her G spot. She has kind of a tricky one to find. Do you know where her G spot is John?"

"Uh, no."

"Do you even know what you're looking for?"

"Ummm, I guess not. I've never..."

"It's OK, John. It can be kind of tricky. Why don't you come over here. I can show you how to find mine while I finish telling you about how I fucked your girl friend."

By this time, I had a pretty good wood myself. Mine, however, wasn't as big as John's. John stood up and adjusted himself so it wasn't quite as uncomfortable and walked over to Sam on the sofa. "What do you want me to do?" he asked.

"I'm going to show you how to find a G spot, but first I need you to lube me up a little. You can't just slide a dry finger into a dry pussy without hurting some delicate tissue."

Knowing Samantha as well as I did, I sincerely doubted that she was dry right now, but I just smiled. John grabbed the elastic band on Sam's shorts and pulled. She lifted her hips and the shorts slid down to her knees. In one quick movement Sam discarded the shorts, spread her legs, and wrapped her legs behind John's head and pulled his face into the musky depths of her treasure box. John pulled back a bit and looked at puckered labia of Sam's beautiful puss.

Peeking out of a dense mat of dark pubic hair, Sam's labia were nearly purple, a little bit of dew starting to ooze from them. To my surprise, John hesitated there only a moment, then started tonguing and licking them like a man who hadn't eaten for weeks. Darn! I was sort of hoping I'd have to show him how it was done!

"Oh, yeah. Just like that," moaned Sam. "Mmmm, as I was saying, I was massaging Susie's G spot and I brought her almost to orgasm, then I moved up her body and planted a kiss on her mouth. My lips were still dripping with her pussy juice and she licked my lips and face to make sure she got it all. Then I kissed her again, and in the middle of the kiss I gently inserted the dildo. We masked our breasts together and I fucked her as slow and deep as I could."

Sam was telling us all of this with her eyes closed and she was rhythmically moving her hips to press her mound into John. I could stand it no longer. I unzipped my pants and stroked myself leisurely while watching the two of them.

"The dildo harness has some little nubs on it that massage the clit when you're all the way in. So I was pushing in to her as far as I could and I was twisting and moving. It didn't take long to get her to come that way. Oh! That was nice! Let's see if you can find my G spot now, John."

John pulled his sopping wet face away from Sam's pussy. "What do you want me to do?"

"Put two fingers in me, no, the first two. They're the longest. OK now turn your hand over. Slowly. You're getting warm. OK, now curve them a little. A little further. Right there. Feel that sort of spongy spot there?"

"Here?" Sam was trying to make eye contact with him but her was staring at her breasts.

"Mmm, yes, there. Massage it a little."

I walked over to the couch and said quietly, "You know, if he enters you from behind, he can probably find your G spot with his cock."

"Oh, yes," smiled Sam, "I bet he could at that." Sam pulled away from John and got down on her hands and knees on the sofa. John got on his knees behind her and slid his luscious big dick into Samantha's equally luscious twat. I laid on my back and squirmed in under Sam. John's cock was sliding slowly in and out of Sam's box only inches from my face. I wasted no time lifting my head and applying the loving attention of my tongue to Sam's moist labia and clit and John's shaft.

"You really like to do that, don't you Marc?"

"Love it," I said quickly, then returned to my "work."

Sam directed John for a little bit on how to stimulate her G spot. Soon, however, her vocalizations slid from speech to little grunts and groans. She was moving her head around and her hair was tickling my cock and balls in a very pleasing way. Then I felt her tongue against my cock and she slipped my meat into her mouth.

I was trying to concentrate on John and Sam. I was licking Sam's clit, John's cock and balls, and trying to listen for telltale noises and movements that let me know when I had hit a particularly sensitive spot. All this to keep my mind off the wonderful blow job Sam was giving, and the off the fact that her breasts were raking back and forth across my abdomen, in an attempt to keep from blowing my wad too soon.

Apparently, John and I did our work well, because soon I felt the muscles in Sam's legs stiffen and her whole body start to tremble. Fortunately for me, she let my cock drop out of her mouth before she really went off. I'm pretty sure that it wouldn't have survived all the bucking, jerking, and jumping she did.

John slid his cock out of Sam and deep into my mouth in one fluid motion. Sam got off of me and John lowered himself down to sixty- nine position. He wasn't nearly as good at sucking cock as Sam, but by that point it hardly mattered. We both just started pumping jiz down each other's throat, and my cock continued to throb and jump long after the well had run dry.

After John left the room en route to a shower I asked Sam what she thought of big cocks now?

"I'm really impressed with how well he's learning," she said. She smiled for a moment, then added, "It is a pretty nice cock."

Part 6. The Party

When Susie got home, there were four of us in the living room waiting for her with a great big gift wrapped box occupying the place that was normally reserved for the coffee table. We had banners saying, "Happy Birthday Susie!" and streamers and stuff, but since there were just the four of us, who she'd expect to be there any way, we felt no need to hide and yell, "Surprise!"

"Where's John?" she asked.

"He will be with us shortly," I said, "In the mean time. Why don't you get yourself a drink from the pitcher in the kitchen and come open your present."

We were all dressed more or less as we would normally have been, except that none of us had any underwear on, and we had chosen our most easy exit clothes so that we could get naked in a hurry. No shoes, no socks, no hose on anyone, not that that was all that unusual either.

I'm sure Susie knew exactly what, or in this case, who, was inside the box and had at least some idea of what was in store, because she poured herself a margarita (which we have a habit of mixing way too strong), downed it in a gulp, and poured another. Susie is usually a pretty moderate drinker. Likes to stay, "in control."

"You guys didn't have to get me anything," she said. She took another long tug at her 'rita.

"It is a very selfish gift," I said. Paula elbowed me in the ribs.

I wondered if someone had tipped Susie off or whether Sam's training sessions were starting to bring Susie out a little. She was normally a fairly conservative dresser, but tonight she was wearing a white knit dress that she had borrowed from Paula. It is tight and revealing on Paula's thin little frame, but on Susie, who is a few inches taller and a size larger it was almost transparent.

Her white bra and white thong style panties were clearly visible from the front. From behind, the only part of the thong that was visible was the waist band, showing Susie's athletic ass off very well. Paula whispered, "She looks better in that than I do."

"Close," I said, "but no cigar." It sounded like a bullshit, save- your-ass kind of comment that you toss off when you're girl friend catches you staring with your tongue out at a woman at the beach, but I was sincere. Paula just gave me a look that implied she wasn't buying it, though. She kissed my cheek anyway.

The box was just a frame of 2x2s with some gift wrapping on it, so as soon as Susie started to rip the paper off of one side John popped up through the top. He was wrapped in a red ribbon and a bow with another bow tied around his fat cock. Other than that he was nude. His body was shaved and oiled.

"What? What is this?" she stammered as her boyfriend ducked out of the box and stood in front of her. While Susie was staring at her naked boy friend, the four of us shed our clothes as quickly and quietly as we could.

"John, what are you doing? Look, everybody is staring at you..."

She turned around to see that she was the only person in the room wearing clothes. "What is going on he... Oh!"

Sam and Paula quickly moved to either side of Susie and peeled the tight knit dress over Susie's head. "We're you're sexual servants for the evening," Paula whispered, "Anything you ask of us is yours." To emphasize the point, Sam knelt in front of her and grasped the waist band of Susie's panties gently in her teeth and began pulling them off, making sure to slide her nose into a couple of tender spots on the way down.

I noticed that her bra clasped in the front, and volunteered for the dangerous duty of removing it, slowly, and gently kissing at the treasures I found there.

John waited patiently until we had her completely nude, then embraced her warmly with his well oiled body. "I love you, sweetheart. Happy Birthday."

The five us proceeded to explore Susie's muscular body with our lips. Susie has a slim body, and perfect, perky, size C breasts, nickel sized, dark nipples with little pencil-eraser style nipples that were wonderfully hard, and a great ass. In short, of the three, she was the most likely to appear in a Playboy magazine spread. Having found myself displaced from the delightful breasts, I was now on the floor, nibbling on her inner thighs, the back of her knees and whatever else I happened to come to.

Paula got down in a similar position in front and kissed the front of her legs and inner thighs. We'd meet in between her legs and kiss each other and then go back to the thighs and legs. We started licking at the same place on Susie's inner thigh so that our tongues were flicking against each other and we slowly started inching up into the musky recesses of Susie's box.

Meanwhile, Phil was standing behind her kissing her neck, shoulders, and the side of her face, John was kissing her lips, face, and neck, his saliva and tongue sometimes mixing with Phil's saliva and tongue in the same way that Paula and I were below. Sam was sort of sandwiched between John and Susie's chests, working alternately on both John's and Susie's.

Through all of this, Susie was just quietly moaning, gasping, and sometimes flinching as one of us would hit a surprising or tender spot.

Paula and I worked up Susie's inner thighs until, as if on cue, we both started delicately tonguing the outer folds of her pussy. She gasped. Paula and I shared the hot, sticky, thick mucus that marks the very beginning of arousal, but with the insistent prodding of our tongues, her whole pud was soon wet and slippery.

Phil, still kissing Susie's head and neck, had a raging hard on and was slowly grinding it on the back of my head. I shook my head a little to tickle him with my hair and both Paula and Phil seemed to enjoy it (I heard twin exclamations if joy from above) and so I did it again.

It didn't take too long before five mouths brought Susie to a power- full orgasm. She stiffened her well muscled body and yelled, "Oh my God!" a lot. When she stiffened her body, she also clenched her butt cheeks together and effectively cut me off from the action, but she grabbed the back of Paula's head and held her there while humping her crotch against Paula's face.

She still had her eyes closed and was breathing irregularly as if sobbing when the five of us stood up together and embraced her. "Surprise," I whispered into her left ear.

"Happy birthday," said John.

"What... what is this? What is this about? stammered Susie.

"This is about us wanting to make you feel good on your birthday, and also to let you in on a little secret," said John.

"Secret?" she asked.

"Not a big secret," said Samantha with a giggle.

"We're all bi!" said Phil triumphantly, "and your boyfriend has the nicest cock in the house."

John blushed. It sounds funny to say; here were six people who had all been extremely intimate with each other for weeks, all standing around nude with each other, but blush he did. It started with his face and pretty much went all the way down.

"You did gay stuff with Phil?" asked Susie.

Gay stuff! Christ! For the past couple of weeks she'd been on a steady diet of sex with Samantha, she'd just had a gut-wrenching orgasm while humping Paula's face, and it was still gay stuff. Icky! Some people!

I pushed my hard cock up against her leg and pulled her a little closer to me with my arms around her middle. "Me too," I said quietly into her ear again, "I throated your boyfriend's big cock all the way to the balls. Can you do that?"

She turned and looked at me with a mischievous look in her eye. "Anything you can do, I can do better!" she said.

"We'll have to see about that," I said loudly. I grabbed John by the hand and pulled him over to the couch. Samantha, in a surprisingly prissy move, wouldn't let John sit down on the couch until she had thrown an old, cotton blanket down to absorb the oil that covered him.

John's cock was rock hard. I got down on my knees and took his cock in my mouth and pushed down until my nose was buried in his finely trimmed pubic hair. I pulled back up and gave the tip a couple of licks. "Prove it," I said.

She got down on her knees and repeated my actions, right down to the licking the tip. She handed his cock back to me and I gave him three full, long, up and down strokes with my head. Paula dug through the stack of CDs on the mantle until she came up with some country collection (Susie and John's stuff. I'm strictly Rock and Roll and Blues) that had dueling banjos from Deliverance on it.

Susie and I gave John dueling head until one time, surprisingly enough, Susie did not relinquish John's cock when her turn was "over." Phil, obviously turned on by the sight of fresh butt, got down on his hands and knees and started licking at Susie's ass and puss. I guess that it didn't take too much of this to remind Susie of other needs. She got up, turned around, and squatted, taking John's thick cock into her pussy in a single quick plunge.

I gave Samantha a quick elbow in the ribs and said, "You taught her good."

"That I did. That I did," she said, and she went over to the two and got down on her hands and knees and began lapping at Susie's cunt and John's cock.

"Selfless," I said to Phil, "Selfless, tireless, and insatiable."

"Well I'm certainly not selfless," said Paula, pulling me down on top of herself in the middle of the floor. While Paula and I exchanged a couple of heated kisses, Phil maneuvered a beanbag chair in behind Paula so she could sit up a little, then proving that he wasn't all that selfless either, slid his cock in between Paula's face and mine as we kissed.

We both started licking and kissing Phil's cock and I pushed the head of my cock up against Paula's sweet little cunt and slowly slid it in. God, it felt so good. She was so tight. She was smiling at me, and playfully flicking Phil's cock with her tongue. I took the tip of Phil's cock in my mouth and sucked on it while Paula ran her tongue up and down the under side of it.

Susie had reached out and grabbed Samantha's head with one hand as she continued to buck and jump on John's cock, her tits bouncing all over the place.

Phil all of a sudden decided to make it a couples dance, and left Paula and I on our own to go enter his lovely Samantha from the rear. Sam put her head down out of the way for a minute or two so that Phil could lick Susie's snatch and John's dick at the same time, then she got back to it as Phil entered her.

Paula and I watched the four of them for of a few moments, slowing our own humping to nearly nothing. As interesting as the four of them were, I returned my full attention quickly to the beautiful woman in my arms. I inserted myself all the way into Paula and started grinding my pelvis against hers, trying to provide enough friction to her groin to get her off.

She arched up and added her own fingers to the grinding of my pelvis and was soon shuddering with an orgasm. I pulled her down onto me and kissed her hard. "I love you," I said.

"I know," she laughed. She got up and grasped my still rock hard cock with her hand. "Are you saving this for something, or would you like me to finish it off?" She licked the tip for emphasis.

"I think Susie needs to see her man take a gusher, and I'm not much for gushing after the first one," I said.

Paula smiled, "I think Susie needs to see John's chin dripping with gay stuff. I really do."

We returned our attention to the foursome just in time to see Susie bucking like a rodeo stallion on John's cock. John's balls were snugged up tight to his body as well, and there was a tell tale pulse in the base of his cock that let us know that Susie and John were enjoying perhaps their first ever simultaneous orgasm.

I couldn't help but feel a little swell of pride that it was the four of us that had made it all possible. Phil pulled away from Sam. I could tell by the state of his cock that he hadn't shot his load yet either. I was never able to tell whether Sam had come or not, as she always seemed primed for more no matter what. I knew what Phil was saving himself for, though.

Susie rolled off of John's half-hard cock and Sam immediately took it in her mouth to clean their combined juices from it. Susie was either reading my mind and Phil's, or she was looking for a way to divide the room boy-girl. Either way, the result was the same. She said, "John, you let Marc suck on you, but I still don't believe that you like that gay stuff. I have to see it to believe it."

"Come on up here John, lets show her what you like." I motioned for John to get on the coffee table. He was still slightly oily on the front. He got to his hands and knees on the coffee table and I was positioned in front of him with my cock conveniently at mouth hieght.

I held my cock in my hand and John opened his mouth. "Do you want this, John?" I asked.

"Yes," he said.

I playfully struck his cheek with the head of my cock. "Do you want to suck my cock?"


"Then ask for it."

"May I suck your cock, Marc?"

I hit his cheek with it again. "You didn't say 'please.'"

"May I please suck your cock, please."

"Yes you may," I said. I grabbed the back of John's head and slid my cock into John's mouth. He eagerly sucked at it and licked the underside of it.

Phil was busy stretching John's ass hole with his fingers and applying a good bit of lube as well. We had prepped John for this earlier, so with only a very little bit of fingering, Phil soon slid his cock into John's butt hole and started bangning away.

Paula and Samantha had joined Susie on the sofa and the three of them were gently massaging each other's various erogenous zones with their hands as they watched the three of us go at it.

I didn't really think Susie was going to be in to watching a long, drawn out, double penetration of her boyfriend. The novelty would wear off soon. This was, after all, her party, and I thought we should all get back to her soon. That and the fact that with all this stimulation I still hadn't come yet.

I renewed my grip on John's head and just started fucking his face hard. I could feel him gagging every now and again on my cock, and his eyes were watering a bit, but I just kept after him until I could hold it no longer.

"Oh, God! I'm coming!" I said. I felt several waves of joy juice pulse out of my cock and down John's eager throat.

"Did you really come in his mouth?" asked Susie incredulously.

In response, I pulled my dick out of his mouth and had him stick his tongue out as I milked the last few drops of semen onto his tongue. I didn't catch Susie's reaction because it was at that moment that Phil errupted in John's ass. He too pulled out and milked a few straggling drops of semen out onto John.

"Did you enjoy that, John?" I asked. He responded by grasping my swiftly deflating cock and sucking on it a little.

John went and sat on Suzie's lap. "The rest of the day, we five are dedicated to serving your pleasure."

"Um, thanks, but I think that I am going to retire to my room with my boyfriend. We have some stuff to talk about all of a sudden."

"Like what, for instance?" asked Paula.

"Well, like what all this means, and what the ground rules are and stuff. Because if I came home and found him sucking Phil's cock, that would be one thing, and I could handle it. But if I came home and he and Paula are fucking, I'm not sure I'd handle it all that well. You know?"

"Marc and I had to work through those issues as well," said Paula, "In fact, we are still working through them. As much as we want to pretend that this is all very sixties, free love and all, we really are three couples. That makes it a little wierd. Like I don't have a problem with Phil and Marc and John getting together for a suck fest. I have sort of a little trouble with Sam, Phil, and Marc doing it without me, but if I ever came in and found Sam and you servicing my man without me, I'd probably lose it.

"But the wierd thing is, if I went home to see my folks for a week or two, I don't think I would care if Marc did it with you, but I'd probably kill him if I found out he looked up some old girl friend. Jealousy has a tendency to defy logic."

"So we just say that same sex pairings are OK, mixed sex triples should always include partners, and foursomes and moresomes are always OK," said Sam.

Knowing Sam and Phil as I do, I think they thought that we were all being a bit prudish, but she did what she could to keep it in.

"You know, the more you know about your lover, what they like and don't like, the better. Perhaps we could take a few evenings over the next couple of weeks where each of us would have a night when we went one on one with each of the four others. Does that sound interesting and agreeable to everyone?" I asked.

"You mean I would spend the whole night with Sam one night, then sleep with John, Phil, and Susie on other nights?" asked Paula.

"Yeah. One on one. Geting to know each other in the carnal sense."

There was a general murmur of approval throughout the crowd.

"Great! Then it's agreed. Come on Paula, I saved the last dance for my sweety. See you all in the morning! Happy Birthday Susie."

The end of Part 6.

I originally thought of this story as a six-part story, but now, of course, I have fuel for a natural four more, and if interspersed with more group scenes, could easily be six more. No promises.

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