The Bet

By Steve 1

Published on Feb 13, 2004



I started placing bets with the Chinese woman. Like any gambler, I had a few good bets right off the bat and that got my interest up. But soon, like an old crack whore, I just couldn't stop. I would gamble on my lunch break, right after work before I got home, and just about any other time I could get away. The urge was killing me really; I had no control over my life, or anything else that was supposed to be doing. But I just had to make that one killer bet. It was a 100 to one shot; a great looking thoroughbred racer, and I knew if I got this one I'd never have to bet again. But then great looking thoroughbred races came and went, and it took my dreams of riches with it; but it took a lot more. You see, I bet everything I had on that damn horse, and I lost a whole lot more. I guess it shouldn't have surprised me when I saw the Chinese woman waiting for me by my car in the parking lot of the big arena. "That was a pretty big loss little man," she said. "Yeah just let me go to my bank, and I'll get your money." The look in her eye told me that she didn't believe me. I wasn't sure where else to do, so I jumped in the Porsche and took off. As a looked back in my rear view mirror, I'm sure I saw a gleam in her eyes and a wicked smile. Her red satin robe with the shiny gold trim is burned in my memory to this day because I knew at that point that I was screwed; there was just no way out of this.

My losses came to almost $50,000.00, and that by itself wouldn't have been that big of a deal, but I had a huge mortgage, a big car payment, and so much other debt, then I didn't even open the mail anymore. How in the fuck was I going to pay this? Even if I could get a loan, the payments would be way beyond me, and I was not about to move back to my parents again. It was with this sense of sinking despair that I pulled up to my modest condo, I heard the phone ringing before even parked the car. I dashed into the house hoping it was my parents calling; I really needed a friendly voice right then. Second shock of the night; the Chinese woman (I didn't even know her damn name), and my home phone number! "How in the hell did she get that number?" I thought as her soft voice cooed to me. "You have a very large debt young man, and I have bills just as you do. I need to know when I'll get my money" she continued, "I know you are nice boy, I'm sure your parents could help you out" she finished sarcastically. By now I was starting to panic; I hadn't even said a word. My mouth was dry, and I fumbled for excuses. She wouldn't be put off. I had until noon on Wednesday to come up with the money. Needless to say I didn't sleep much that night. There was no way I could ask my parents for the money, and if they found out I had been gambling, it would be a colossal disaster. So I stood looking at my 5 ft. 10in. frame in the full length mirror, and even though I've been working out lately, I looked terrible. I knew I had to break this habit, but there wasn't any way I was going to do it tonight . So a stripped off my boxers, and climbed into bed.

That was Sunday. By Tuesday I was a nervous wreck. Wednesday was right around the corner, and I was no closer to figuring out how in the hell I was going to come up with $50,000.00! Wednesday morning came, lunch came, and 5 o'clock came; it must have been the longest day of my life. I decided to stop at the gym and work out afterward and workout my frustrations. Besides I figured it might help me come up with a brilliant idea on how I was going to get out of this mess. It was Wednesday so I was working arms. As I settled and do my third set of preacher curls, I noticed that a man had been watching me from across the gym. He was a fairly stocky fellow, about five nine with the handlebar mustache and a full head of brown hair. As I looked up at him, he smiled broadly. I looked away, trying to remember if I knew this fellow from somewhere. I finished my work out about 30 minutes later, and headed for the showers. As I came out of the shower area, he was standing there waiting for me. As he held out his hand to shake mine, I asked, "Do I know you from somewhere?" "No, but you're going to soon". He had the same sly grin of the Chinese woman and I was about to ask him what he wanted when he said, \ "I'm Dave. Mrs. Lieu sent me to pick something up from you... I believe you owe her some money". This was the first time I had heard her name, but I knew exactly what he was talking about. "I don't know what to tell you guy," I added quickly, "but I don't have $50,000.00, and I need some more time". At this point we're walking out of the locker room and he put his arm around me like a friendly older brother. "Let's continue this conversation outside". By the time we got to the parking lot, I was visibly shaken. "Dave, if you'll just give me some time, I can get the money". "Come on, kid, we've checked you out. You're broke, and your folks aren't doin much better. You are circling the drain kid, but I'm here to pull you out". I noticed that this guy was solidly built and hairy – he kind of reminded me of that bull character in the Greek stories – the minotaur..., and I felt a sense of comfort with him, but I wasn't sure why. I was thinking that he had some plan for me to go to work nights in a Chinese kitchen to pay off the debt, and as if he was reading my mind, he said "I might be able to get you some work to pay Mrs. Lieu off. It's tough – might be really tough for you, (as he stood back and sized me up), but it's a lot better than what she had planned for you". I could just imagine what that was. Rumor was that Mrs. Lieu was a front person for the Chinese mafia, and she played the role well. First as an innocent old woman, but when it came to money, a change came over her. Dave went on to explain that this "job" would be working for him, and that he would pay Mrs. Lieu off immediately, and then I would be in his debt until the whole sum was repaid, plus interest. I was breathing a sigh of relief – the thought of dying some horrible death, or having this bruiser beat the crap outta me to teach me a lesson was looming in my mind. "What kind of work do you need me to do? I am pretty strong, and I can sling hash or even clean floors (though the thought was pretty grim...)" "No, it's a little different than that, kid", he finished and broke into a wide grin. I'll meet you tomorrow at the gym, and we'll go out after for a beer and I'll explain everything". The next day was very hectic at work, and I barely looked up to see that it was time to go home. I was already on my way, and had forgotten about the gym (maybe on purpose) when something clicked in my head. I turned the car around and headed back to the mall where my gym is located. Dave was already there, and he was working up a huge sweat doing bench press. This guy was pretty stacked, and I guess I was admiring his physique when he said "Hey, you stare any longer and I'm gonna think you're sweet on me!" I always hated guy who make gay cracks in the gym – the thought of two guys together really made me sick. So I swallowed my revulsion, and headed over to the bench press. "So, guy, are you gonna work out, or just stand around?" I told him I'd be right back after I put my workout clothes on. I didn't really care to be working out with someone else, but I figured if I was nice to him, maybe the work would be easier. Boy was I wrong. We lifted together, and it was rather uneventful, except for the fact that he was a lot stronger than me, and every time he lifted his hands over his head, I noticed his shirt pull up over his hairy stomach, and his sweat stained workout pants looked like they hadn't been cleaned in weeks. I never really noticed guys in the gym, and especially not in the shower. But this guy had a half a hard on as he stepped out of the shower, and I was starting to get the idea of what he wanted me to do to repay him. He was covered in hair from his neck to his ankles, and his dick, and although not terribly long, it was really thick. I averted my eyes as he turned towards me, and I busied myself with putting on my clothes. We didn't say another word until we got to the parking lot, and he said "Follow me". It was a command, and I didn't really like it, but I figured I would hear this guy out and make my decision.

He drove a long way across town, and I was completely lost by the time we stopped at a locals bar in an industrial part of the city. He was halfway across the parking lot by the time I found a spot and I had to run catch up to him. The place was really dark, one of those hole-in-the-wall dives that my friends wouldn't be caught dead in, and that suited me just fine for this meeting. Even though it was only 7:00, there was a thick haze of smoke on the ceiling, and we slid into a booth with a leather back. It was perfect for a discreet conversation. "I'll get right to the point" Dave said quickly. "I have three jobs for you to do for me, and if you do them all to my satisfaction, I will pay the debt with Lieu." At this point I started to get that shaking feeling again. I was a trapped rat, and I could see only one way out. " go on", I said nervously. "if you don't finish all three jobs, then I'm gonna have to do what lieu told me to do the first time, and that would be a damn pity". I realized I was leaning to hear him across the table, and I moved visibly backwards at this suggestion. "After you complete the first job, I'll give you the option to do the other two. If you wanna quit, that's fine. All bets are off" he said through a thin smile. "but I'm not gonna tell you what the other two are until you get down with the first one". Now I was really getting nervous. This was sounding more and more like a drug deal or a murder, and I was looking for a way out of the booth, when Dave said, " don't worry, kid, none of this is illegal, even though it might hurt a little". That did it. Now I knew he really wanted sex. And though the thought of that revolted me, I've always figured that I could do just about anything for ten minutes, and this shouldn't be any different.

"Do you wanna go along with this" he asked? After a long silence, I said, "I guess I don't have any choice do I?" Of course I knew there was always a choice, and like everything in life, I was trying to pick the lesser of two evils. "What the fuck, tell me what the first job is".

The first job was easy. I had to give him a full body massage at his house, using massage oil. Of course I had to be naked, and I knew he would be to, the sick bastard. We went straight to his house from the bar. Actually, I was glad to be getting it over so soon. His "house" was actually an apartment above an old abandoned factory not far from the bar. I felt strange leaving my car on the street, but he assured me it would be O.K. I had to take three deep breaths before I could walk up the stairs to his loft, all the while swearing I would never gamble again. Well, he got right to it, wasting no time. He pulled his shirt off over his shoulders, and I watched his massive back muscles flex beneath the carpet of hair. "This had to be the strangest shit I've ever gotten into", I thought as I followed him towards the bed room, which was actually just an oversized king bed in one corner of the room partially hidden behind a leather drape. I was thinking about what a great place this would be to bring that little bitch from work to fuck, when I looked down at the task at hand. This bear of a man was completely naked and lying face down in the middle of the giant bed.

"The oil is in the top drawer, and I forgot to tell you this is a two hour session". I opened the top drawer of the big dresser, and found the oil, but not before I saw that two pairs of handcuffs, various leather straps, and a few other things of which I didn't even want to guess their use. "That's for later sweetie" he chuckled. "Hey man, you got the wrong guy for that crap". He told me not to worry; he would start me out easy. This was really starting to look ugly. Now I had never given any one a massage before, much less another dude, but I did my best, and I was surprised to look at the clock, and see that over an hour had passed since we started.. I was sure he had even fallen asleep at one point. Now he had told me that I needed to be naked, but he was face down when I started, so I left my underwear on. He started to shift his body weight, and I could tell that he was about to turn over, so I got off of him, and stretched my shoulders a little bit. "It's time to do the front, and don't worry you don't have to touch my dick little straight boy". I wasn't planning to no matter what he said to me, but I couldn't help seeing that all of his muscles were enjoying my ministrations. The thickness of his penis amazed me. It had to be as big around as my wrist where it joins his body, and I was thinking how hot it would be to fuck a girl with that thing, when he said, "Don't stare to long little straight boy, you might get a taste for it, and another thing, get those fucking skivvies off unless you wanna start all over with this tomorrow night". I didn't even answer him; I just pulled my Calvin Klein's off, and straddled his knees. I worked on his muscular thighs, calves, and, at his insistence, even his hairy feet. When I got to his chest, the oil and the hair all mixed together like a big wet dog. He made me touch every part of him except his groin; he told me exactly what to do and it was completely clear that if I didn't, all of this would've been wasted time. He was a few inches taller than me, so when I reached out to carefully massage his armpits as he directed me, I felt my cock touch his hardness, and it was very warm. I had just about had enough of this, when he got up and pulled his underwear on. "It's time for you to go; you do good work. You think you're up for the next job?" "I can just imagine what the next job was going to be" I thought; in fact I was pretty sure. "Yeah, I'll do it, but can I have a few days?"

Part 2 I had a few days to think about what I had been through. It was really strange at the time; of course it was the first time I'd ever given a man massage, and I figured it would probably be the last. Still, he intrigued me. Dave was obviously in control and I think he knew that there wasn't anything I wouldn't do to get out of the debt and I owed Mrs. Lieu. And he could've pushed me a lot further right up front, but he didn't. I didn't feel near as threatened by him as I thought I would, even though there were a lot of things I would rather have been doing on a Wednesday night! But since I had never been naked with a man, and certainly never touched a man like that, I wasn't really sure what I was supposed to be feeling.

On Friday morning before work, I stood naked in front of the mirror after I got out of the shower. I was thinking about my time with Dave again, and getting pretty worried about what the next task was going to be. I ran my hand down my muscular chest and looked at the light trail of hair on my stomach. "Dave's chest was a thick carpet compared to mine" I thought, absentmindedly. I pulled on my cock a little bit, and felt it thicken beneath my fingers. Even though I get a lot of compliments on my size, Dave's was much bigger; probably twice as big around as mine was. The more I thought about what would be like to fuck someone with Dave's big cock, the harder I got. As I realized what was going on I turned quickly to get dressed. I guess I felt ashamed at getting aroused with those thoughts in my head. And that immediately turned my attention back to task number two.

I got to work fifteen minutes late again, and after getting my coffee, I turned my computer on. The very first e-mail was from Dave! "He has my e-mail address too?" I said right out loud. This guy's influence seemed to be filtering into every aspect of my life. "Hey boy, did you have a good time on Wednesday? Well you did a halfway decent job, but certainly not $50,000.00 worth. For job number two you're gonna have to get dirty"... "Oh shit, here it comes" I said silently.

"This job is gonna take three hours, but for the first one you'll be all by yourself. When you get home tonight you'll find a video camera set up in your bedroom, right next to your TV. There will be a tape in your VCR and I will be watching through the internet via the camera. I want you to strip, and kneel on the floor in front of the TV. You'll also find a pair of handcuffs underneath your dresser. I want you to hit the play button on the VCR, cuff your hands behind your back, and watch the movie. Don't try to get up, move away from the camera, or turn the TV off. If you do any of that, the whole deal's off and you know what that means".

While I was reading this the thought kept running through my head that this is too much, just like I did about the massage, and about getting naked with another guy, but I kept on reading...

"When the movie ends I'll be there, and you will have two hours to make me cum. If you can do it in that time, your debt will be erased. No third job."

I guess I knew I was gonna have to suck his cock sooner or later, I guess I just wasn't counting on the video camera, the handcuffs, or the cum! "Did he expect me to take it in my mouth? Or even worse, swallow it?" The thought of that was already starting to make me retch, and now I was really starting to doubt that I could finish all three jobs. But I had to.

He closed the message by giving me a link to a website and a password. A postscript followed; Things guaranteed to make me cum-

  • sucking on my nipples (I knew I could do this, it couldn't be much different than with a woman);

  • deep tongue-kissing (I wasn't sure about this one, but I figured I'd do it if I had to)

  • begging me for my thick dick (I took an acting class in college, this I could do)

  • eating my ass (this was out of question!)

Well I certainly never sucked a man's cock before, but I was going to tonight and I was going to make this bastard cum quicker than he ever came before! And the best part is I would be through with him forever, and I would never place another bet with that bitch Lieu!

I waited until everyone had gone to lunch before looking at the website. It was encrypted and ultra secure, but the password got me right in. It had a variety of pornography, both videos and pictures. And of course, it was all of men. I watched a couple of videos, especially those where guys were getting their cocks sucked. It didn't turn me on at all, but I wanted as much reference I could get before tonight. The guys all had impossibly long dicks, and the man on their knees seemed to be able to swallow them completely. I knew I wouldn't be able to do that, but I learned a thing or two. I was just about to turn it off, when I noticed a link in the bottom of the page. It read, "Private cam".

I figured that it must be an area of the site that I wouldn't be allowed into, but when I clicked on it, a new screen popped up, and a young guy I appeared in it. He looked to be about 22 years old, and there were tears running down his face. The camera was positioned on the floor, so I could see his facial expressions, and the position he was in relative to the room. He appeared to be bent over a contraption like a sawhorse, and he was tightly restrained at his hands ankles and knees. He had blond hair and very light blue colored eyes, which were blood shot and appeared to be pleading. He had duct tape across his mouth. It only took me a second to take in the entire scene, and for some weird reason his imprisonment fascinated me. The image did not look like a video; in fact it appeared to be a live broadcast! Across the boy's smooth back a man in a mask and leather pants entered the room. He was shirt less, and I'm almost certain it was Dave! The boy craned his neck to look behind him and a look of recognition and fear filled his eyes as he struggled violently to get loose. Because of the camera angle I couldn't see anything below the masked man's waist, but the boys whole body thrust forward as the man apparently thrust his cock into the boys ass.

At this point I realized that I had an erection, and to make matters worse, the cute blonde from accounting was headed over to my desk! Even though I had the volume down very low, I could hear the boys muffled screams as he was raped. I quickly closed the window, not believing the scene or my reaction to it.

After some mindless chit chat with the blond, I tried to reopen the site. For some reason, I couldn't access it again, for it all for the rest of the day.

I was planning to leave work early so I could get home and spy on Dave as he set my apartment up; but I got a strange popup window on my screen while I was in middle of my work at about 3:30. It said

Don't come home before six...

It was an order, and I had no idea where it came from but I wasn't about to disobey.

At six sharp I had my key in the door. I was still wondering how this guy got his access to my personal life, including my security apartment, and I was half expecting someone to be there when I walked in the door, but the place was empty. I didn't even take my shoes off before heading back to my bedroom. Even though I was expecting it, it made my heart stop; a high quality camera attached to an internet router and server, connected to my cable modem, and the VCR flashing "pause". I was gonna do this and get through it, and I meant to get it over with quickly. I rushed into the bathroom, showered, shaved, and combed my hair. It struck me how I was acting like I was preparing for a date! Some date this would be... I follow the directions exactly. I hit the pause button and the video started playing. It looked just like one of the porno videos from the website. I realized I was naked, and it hit me that the whole world could be watching me in my bedroom right now! I gritted my teeth and groped under the dresser for the handcuffs. They were very heavy black metal, and I glimpsed a u.s. army logo on the side. The key was of course nowhere to be found. I clasped one hand on, and easily hooked the other behind my back. I soon discovered that if I rested my hands on my muscular ass, it eased the strain on my shoulders considerably.

The video was already playing, and I kneeled to watch it. It was just like any porno that I've ever seen, except that the man getting sucked had a huge cock, I guessed it must have been 9 inches long, and very thick. A good looking younger guy (was he the boy from the sawhorse?) was kneeling in front of the high backed chair that the guy with the big cock was sitting in. If Dave was expecting that these scenes were going to get me aroused, he was mistaken. I was keenly aware of my dick, and I wasn't getting hard, but after a while my knees started to hurt. I flexed them up and down by lifting myself up, but not too far, remembering Dave's words of warning. After about 30 minutes of different cock-sucking scenes, the screen went blank. I thought maybe the videotape stopped or the tape was the wrong length, but I waited as I was told to do. My eyes were wandering around the room in boredom, when I noticed the screen had changed. The words were in large bold print:

"You are a cock sucker"

I felt my face turning red, and the anger was welling up inside me. The screen changed:

"Repeat after me – I am a cocksucker"

Dave's low voice followed, reading those words. The screen and the voice repeated itself three times, and realizing that the camera was on, I complied. My face was red and I was angry. I was no one's cocksucker, but that wasn't what I was being forced to say, and what I knew I would soon be forced to do...

What followed was a series of short approximately five minute videos of the same type thing, followed by the black screen with the white bold letters "I am a cocksucker" and "Repeat after me", followed by Dave's voice, which was getting more insistent, even growling.

The scene flashed on the screen as I was in the middle of my mantra; it was the young boy over the saw horse, only this time there were several camera angles, and it was clearly Dave fucking him. My cock went immediately hard. Now I really flushed with embarrassment. This could not be turning me on, but it was, and I couldn't look away from the screen. The scene flashed out quickly-it seemed like only three seconds. The cocksucker video continued, followed by the text, and I repeated immediately, almost wishing it would end, and returned to the boy's rape. After a few minutes, the scene flashed again, and this time, Dave's pants were off and he wore only the mask. It was a half leather mask like the hangman used to wear. He was gripping the boys ass tightly, and red marks were clearly visible where he had been beaten-maybe was some kind of belt? The boy had ceased struggling and seemed resigned to his fate. Just as Dave was pulling out his swollen member, the screen when blank again. I couldn't believe it! I was as hard as a rock, and I wanted to see how it ended, but the video was over. I heard the latch turn in the back door, and Dave was in my room.

He was wearing a plaid lumberjack shirt, tight jeans, and work boots. He wore a black Oakland A's baseball cap, and he marched right into my bathroom and took out his cock to piss. I kept looking straight at the floor and it seemed like he would go on forever. I looked up as he was finishing. His cock looked big as a horse's from where I sat on the floor, and I was hard but I wasn't thinking about what I had to do next. I ran over other things in my mind that Dave said turned him on; I was gonna suck his nipples and beg him to let me suck his big fat cock. He had his shirt off and his 501's we're open to the last button. He didn't have any underwear on.

He walked right up to me and grabbed the back of my neck, and pulled my face into his hairy belly. My nose went straight in his naval, and I remember that he smelled clean, and I was glad of that. I glanced at the clock; it was already 7:30, I had until 9:30 to get this over with. I was trying to get my face up to his nipples but he just stood there like a statue, and I couldn't reach them, so I ran my face over his furry stomach and kissed it lightly. My cock was no longer hard, but he'd taken off his boots and socks, and he was rubbing his furry foot up and down on my crotch. Actually it felt good, and the longer I could get away with not having his cock in my mouth the better I felt I was doing. He seemed to be enjoying the way I was going over his stomach with my lips and tongue but I knew that wasn't going to be enough, so I said "Dave, if you sit..." but I didn't get the rest out because he slapped me hard across the face. "Never speak unless spoken to, don't open your mouth unless I tell you to". Well, this was going to make things harder, because I counted on using my mouth to get him excited so I could get this over quicker. Dave took a few steps backwards, and slipped his hands into the waistband of his jeans. He began to pull them down and I could see that he was having trouble getting them over his bulbous ass. He had snapped the last two buttons and was very slowly pulled his jeans down. His cock was not fully hard, but it was thick, really thick, and I noticed up close that his balls had been shaved smooth.

It made his manhood even more impressive. He pulled his jeans over his big calves (I always admired guys with big calves-I could never get mine as big as I wanted them), and finally stepped out of them completely. He sauntered back over to me and put his cock in my face. Since I had been instructed to not open my mouth, I didn't. I heard him chuckle. He turned his waist from side to side, batting the thick and quickly hardening meat against my face. I closed my eyes, but he put his hand on my chin and lifted it up. He was rubbing my face all over his crotch and I could smell every inch of him. I felt myself starting to gag, so I took a deep breath and remembered what I had to do. Dave started forcing one of his big fingers into my mouth. I thought he wanted me to suck on it, and as I started he slapped me again although not quite as hard. He was exploring my mouth with his fingers first one, then two and three. His cock was very hard now and it was right next to my face. I could feel the heat of it. The next thing I knew it was in my mouth. I remember reading that it tasted salty somewhere, but he didn't have much taste at all. I kept my mouth open and tried to keep my lips over my teeth so I wouldn't scrape him-I always hated it when women did that to me-and when he was fully in my mouth my lips were completely stretched around him-he was that big. Dave started fucking my face in earnest. My jaw and my lips quickly went numb and the spit was running down my face as I tried to work my tongue around him with goal of getting him off as soon as possible. I still didn't know how I was going to manage taking his cum in my mouth, but I guessed I would know soon enough.

It seemed like he held my head and fucked my face for a full hour, although it probably wasn't more than twenty minutes. He started to slow down a bit and he was getting a lot harder, and I thought he was about to cum, but he didn't. He just forced his member deeper into my throat until I couldn't breathe. I held my breath as long as I could; I could feel my face turning blue as I tried to turn aside, but he had my head firmly in his grasp. Just when I thought I would blackout, he pulled out and I took a quick breath. He shoved immediately back in, and I felt I knew what the boy in the video must have felt like, but I prayed that I would never have to do that!

"You can speak boy" Dave growled at me. He seemed to be mad and I didn't know why-I think that seeing me scared of him turned him on-and I was definitely scared of him. I figured it was now or never, so I started, "Please big man, please let me suck your dick" I recited the words just as I've heard them on the video earlier "Man I really want you to come in my mouth, I want you to push it down my throat" I said earnestly, hoping that I wouldn't have to actually taste it. "I cum a lot boy, are you really sure you want it like that? You might choke on it" I thought he was just saying that so we could come in my face like the guys on the video did or make me taste it, so I said "No, please I want it all the way down the back of my throat" "But I could do this all night, so don't get your hopes up-you made another bad bet boy!" Fuck – this was gonna be tough.. I had to think – oh yeah – the nipples! "May I taste your nipples, sir" I asked, pleadingly as I could muster... I wasn't watching the clock... Dave pulled a chair up from across the room and seated himself in front of me, almost on top of me actually. He had my whole body in between his muscular, hairy thighs, and his hard cock was pressing into my chest. I dove immediately into the task at hand, licking, sucking, kissing, everything that my mouth could do to his nipples to please him. He began to groan in pleasure-I was making progress! I felt his cock thicken and press even harder against my chest. "Please sir, please come for me. I wanna be a real man like you" I was really laying it on thick and heavy now, I knew he was getting close. "You ready for my hot load boy?" "Yes sir" I nearly screamed out to him." I guess I assumed that he was gonna blow his load on my chest, since that's where was. But big Dave had other plans. It all seemed ago in slow motion, and I remember that I was hard, maybe was from all the talking, but he stood really still against my body and tensed up, and before I knew what was happening he threw me down the floor on my back and straddled my face. I thought he was gonna actually start sucking me, but he didn't. He just pinned my head between his legs and shoved his dick straight down my throat, past my windpipe, and I didn't even have time to take a breath. He was supporting himself on one muscular arm and the other one was wrapped under my neck pulling my face even more deeply on his dick.

I tried to struggle out from under him-I knew what he was about to do, and I wasn't ready for it - I didn't want it! I wanted to tell him to kill me instead, or beat me or make me work at the Chinese restaurant-absolutely anything but what he was about to do, but of course I couldn't say a word. His bull balls were pressed into my nose and his hairy stomach was planted firmly on my chest. I remember seeing his big calves flexing as he flowed into me. He was hunched over me doggystyle, and his meat surged in my mouth with each pulse, and my mouth was so tired and stretched I thought it would never get back to normal. And of course, he pulled up before it was over completely and filled my mouth just as I was trying to gasp for air, and I coughed, and sprayed his load all over his crotch, legs, and of course my face! I was furious, but I couldn't really say anything, it was over and I didn't have to do anything else with this sick bastard. That's when I noticed the clock... It was after ten – I didn't get him off in two hours! And as if he was reading my mind, as he was wiping the sweat from his chest and face with his shirt, he said, "Now that was a nice! But look at the time, I have to go."

I knew I was beaten. I figured I could outsmart this big dumb ass but I didn't, and Dave pulled me to my feet, and put his tongue right in my open mouth. I couldn't even close my mouth or resist him, because my mouth was so tired, and because he held my head as he did it. His moustache scratched my face, kinda rough, but kinda soft too. He pulled me into his furry body, really hard, and ran his hands all over my backside and ass. He reached down and stroked his cock a few more times, and brought his gizz-covered hand up to my face, and wiped it all over me. I was holding my breath, but as I opened my mouth to breathe, he pushed his fingers in and I got another taste, and it was salty! He led me into my bathroom, and he took a towel, and wet it with warm water and cleaned me up. I was still handcuffed, and I was too ashamed to say anything or even look at him. He didn't say anything either, I think he knew what I was thinking. He took off the handcuffs, got dressed, quickly disassembled the video equipment (this was all taped!!!) And told me he would call me next week. I mumbled something that I don't even remember, and I locked the door and fell right in my bed.

I spent all day Saturday in bed recovering from the horror of it. I went to church-I hadn't been in over a year-but I desperately needed a place to go. I told God I was done with gambling, I was done with sex (at least with men) and I was completely done with Dave. I wasn't going to do anything else with him-I'd ask my parents for the money, I would explain it all, I get a loan against my 401k-in short I would do anything, anything but continue this game. I didn't go out Saturday night because I was too ashamed to be seen in public. I imagined that everybody knew what I had done, that everyone knew I had my face covered in another man's cum, and that I had swallowed it. Even worse, I imagined that I would see Dave at the corner sports bar that I went to some Saturdays. In my bad dream, he was there talking to all my friends when I walk in. They turn and see me, and they all start laughing.

By Sunday afternoon I was feeling a little more like myself. I even headed out to the mall and flirted with the girls is a little bit. I've always thought of myself as a good looking guy and I've never had trouble attracting women. If it was time I started doing it again, but there was the matter of Dave...

Part 3

I had a religious experience. No matter what happened, I was finished, with gambling, and mostly, with Dave. I couldn't stop thinking about what happened. He aroused a sense of fear in me, and yet, there was something else, and I couldn't quite put my finger on it yet. But I didn't care. I would get therapy, and I would move and start a new life. My parents lived in Texas, and that was about as far away as I could manage from Boston. My Mom understood immediately – I told her I had to get out of town and away. I'm sure she thought it was a woman, or gambling debts...who the hell knows – she didn't know the truth, and that's what mattered most.

I hadn't even made it 200 miles – I was barely out of New England when the car started having problems. I didn't understand why it was overheating – I took great care of my car – it was my pride and joy. But here I was in some hole in Pennsylvania looking for a garage. I limped up what passed for main street and stopped in front of a diner. I guess I was getting hungry, and there should be time to find a place before it closed. Anyway, I don't remember the place much at all; just this; I wasn't in a great part of town, and there weren't a lot of people around, and I had the strangest feeling that I was being followed. I assumed it was my paranoia about Dave... geez, Dave; I hadn't thought about him for hours – I wondered how pissed he would be when he found out I had quit my job and left town. No one knew where I was, not even my best friends. I didn't even give my boss notice – just sent him an email and took off running as fast as I could, away from Dave.

I was just rounding the corner by the diner when a big guy – he looked to be about 6'4" and over 300 pounds-stood in my path. He had on a leather biker jacket – I remember it because I literally found my face in it, and I was surprised at how strong the leather smelled. He had a pretty big belly and a full beard. "Where ya off to, little guy?" he asked me, in a friendly way. I didn't feel threatened by him at all, even though I quickly realized I was quite alone on this street, even if it was off the main street. This was one of those old steel towns that most folks had left long ago, and there just weren't many people in town. "Looking for a place to eat, actually" I said, feeling pretty sure of myself. After Dave, I felt like I could handle anything; sorta like I was "initiated". "The name's Arvind, but friends call me Vinny – I know –it's a bullshit stereotype for Italians, but it does fit me!" And it did. Vinny was a big boy, and could have easily been a Mafioso... Shit, this was not happening... could this guy be.. "I just got into town myself – had my bike rebuilt a few weeks ago, and I need to give it a rest before I head back to California. I came all the way out here to meet this stupid bitch, and she dumps me last night. I'm such an ass". He seemed to be genuinely hurting, and I might have even seen a tear in his eye, but I was still doubtful. "What kind of work do you do Vinny?" I asked the big man, as we walked towards the diner. "Graphic artist". Wow. I would have never guessed that. I told him I was in accounting (until recently), and I made up a story about going to Georgia for a new job. I had an aunt there, and I used the name of the town she lived in. Vinny and I ate together in silence. This place was really a ghost town. Every once in a while a car would drive by and kick up some dust, but for the most part, the few locals sitting on the sidewalk, or watching from their passing cars ignored us completely. Vinny told me he had some pot at his hotel, and offered to smoke it with me, but I was way too gun shy for that, and I politely turned him down. I thanked him for the conversation, and began walking towards the garage. "At least let me give you a ride – the shop is a ways from here and you might not make it before closing" he said. Well, a ride couldn't hurt. I didn't even know this guy, and he couldn't know Dave, or anything I was going through, so I gratefully accepted his offer. It was then that I remembered that Vinny was riding a bike, but I had already committed, so I waited while he pulled out his Harley roadster – and a huge one at that – from a side street where it was gracefully hidden. The big bike rumbled to life and I climbed on in the seat behind him. I had to hold on to his massive back, and my crotch was pressed right up against his back – a fact that I did not like one bit – but I had no choice – the seat was formed that way, so I grimaced and held on. The wind felt great in my hair, and we flew out of the grimy town into the country side. I was forgetting my worries completely and enjoying the scenery when I realized that we were heading away from the town. I couldn't imagine a garage out here. "Hey, are you sure there is a garage out here?" I yelled over the road and wind noise. "Sure enough little man" he bellowed back. "Just sit back and relax!" Where had I heard that before? Shit, now I was worried. We were moving farther and farther from the town, and here I was without my car, and it was getting seriously dark now. It was with a pounding heart that I stepped off the bike after Vinny stopped, near the intersection of a small country road. "What's going on man?" I asked nervously. "I have a friend stopping by in a few minutes; you will want to meet him" Gulp. I swallowed hard. "If you want money..." I started, but Vinny held his hand up to stop me. "Don't insult me" he said, and he wasn't the friendly guy from the diner anymore. Vinny sat on his big bike, and watched me intently. I kept trying to avert my eyes, and pretend I was doing something... I don't know what the hell it would have been... I walked over and took a piss, and when I did, he stood up and walked a few paces closer. He was keeping his distance, kind of like he wasn't going to let me run away—as if I knew where I would run to. "What do you want" I finally asked him, almost pleading. I was desperate and scared, and getting cold and tired of being a sucker. "Doesn't matter what I want, or what you want for that matter." He sounded a lot more intelligent than earlier. He had lost his southern drawl, and he was more threatening. He made me think of a corrupt prison guard. After about 10 minutes of this mind fuck, a van pulled up – I could hear it from a ways off, and I was secretly hoping it was a stranger, but my hopes fell when I saw the smile cross Vinny's mouth. "About fucking time" he growled to the driver, who was wearing a white cowboy hat that hid his eyes. Vinny "asked" me to help him with the bike, meaning to roll it up into the van. I did as he asked, thinking, still hoping that this was a misunderstanding, that maybe he wanted money, but I had a bad feeling about it. The inside of the van was almost completely empty, and the bike fit almost horizontally against the front, which was separated from the driver by a plywood panel. It looked like it had been used as a plumbing supply truck. I could make out the pegs in the panel where things had been attached. I was turning to get out of the van when Vinny's big hand stopped me cold. "Sorry fella. Someone has plans for you. And if he didn't, I sure as hell would!" It had to be Dave, but how! How was this possible? I was too scared to ask, and the driver had apparently gotten out and had closed the back van doors. Vinny and I were alone and the truck started to move. After a few minutes, I lost it. I started to cry, like a baby. I thought I was so together, and somehow I had fucked it all up. Had Dave had me followed? What was going to happen now? Did my parents know? As these thoughts raced through my head, I hung my head and sobbed. Vinny came over a few minutes later and actually put his big arm around me. He didn't say a word, but he was trying to comfort me, and it was genuine. I leaned into him – he was really a mountain of a guy, and let loose. Everything that had happened was bearing down on me now, and I felt like my world was ending. Hell, it might be for all I knew. So I guess I didn't really resist when the big man lifted my face up and gently kissed me. I may have pulled back, but he was so caring, and even though I was his captive or prisoner, I felt safe with him. His kissing got more insistent, and he pulled my hand down to his crotch. Somehow I felt if I could please him, he might let me go, and maybe there was a way out.. my mind was racing. His jeans were tight, and the shape along his leg frightened me. He was huge – I couldn't even guess the size, but he kissed me even harder as I stroked it. The tears were still running down my face, and Vinny had ceased kissing them, and he was starting to get on top of me. His weight took my wind, and he didn't stop kissing me. His thick black beard was rubbing into my face and his massive cock pressing hot into my crotch. We were on a small mountain of moving blankets, and he started to grind into me with the movement of the van. "Man, Dave will kill us both" he said, between gasps for air. That was it. I pushed with all my might, and knocked the monster off me. I was pissed. "You are working for Dave! How in the fuck did you find me?" I screamed. The van had stopped. Before he could answer, the doors flew open, and the cowboy driver stuck his head in. "Tie him up and quit fucking around" he said. But that was the last thing I heard before his hit me with something heavy and flexible, and I passed out.

And yes, when I woke up, I was stoutly tied, and gagged. We were in a house, and I felt nauseous and I had to piss like mad, but I couldn't even move. I was tied with rope, and my arms were drawn way up behind my back. My pants were around my ankles, and Vinny was straddling me, fingering my ass. "UMMMMPPHHHHPPPMMPPPHHHH!!!!!!!" I shrieked into the duct tape that was over my mouth. As I became aware of my surroundings, I realized that Vinny and I were alone in a sunlit room, with the shades drawn. He had one massive leg drawn across my lower legs, and due to the position of my arms, and the fact I was face down in the smelly carpet, I couldn't turn much. When Vinny realized I was awake, he slapped my ass, really hard. His big hairy mitt that I had accepted in friendship only a few (hours, days?) ago was spanking me like a boy, and it HURT! He shifted position and began to grind his waist into my legs and bare ass – he was going to rape me! Shit, I was praying for Dave at this point – at least Dave was kind – this guy was like a big ape in a zoo. If he put that thing in my ass, I was sure I would pass out from the pain. I had heard of guys as being described as "hung like a horse", but Vinny truly was. I couldn't imagine how he could have sex with a woman. Maybe that's why he had me here! Christ, my mind was racing – how do I get out of here????? At this point, the bruiser flipped me over and pulled my pants completely off. My shoes and socks were no where to be seen, and I was thinking, strangely enough, that I would be embarrassed to be running down some country road like this. But I was ready to. Vinny pulled my legs apart forcefully – I was struggling, and he was sweating to control me, even tied as I was – and my feet came to rest on his meaty backside. He started to unbuckle his belt, and then I knew he was going to rape me. The tears started to come again, and I felt like I was going to choke. That's when he leaned in and started talking to me, really close to my face. I couldn't respond, and he kissed me alternately, and licked me, and rubbed his crotch against my much smaller ass, until the denim started to hurt me. "You want me, dontcha baby?" (Vigorous shaking of my head "no"...) "I think I can tame you before Dave gets here - plant you on my big cock. Would you like that?" (more pleading looks, muffled cries and head shaking) "It's not so bad, once I get it in. A tight boy like you though, probably be better to just shove it in quick, and get the pain over. And then, I know you'll like it. I'll tame you, and take you out of here – would you like that?" At this point, I was really crying like a baby and shaking my head. This brute was going to rape me on this smelly floor in god knows where. "Fuck!" he said, turning his head. Someone was coming up the road. I was saved, just in time. Vinny reached down and grabbed my exposed nuts and squeezed really hard. "If you say anything about this to Dave, he will be pissed, but so will I. He will leave you alone, and I promise you, I swear, I'll make you regret it. Do you understand?" He was right in my face – I could smell his beard and musky breath. The pressure on my balls was intense, and I was shaking my head up and down to say "yes". Vinny got up and quickly dressed me and sat me in the chair. I heard the vehicle roaring up the driveway now. Someone was in a hurry, and I was afraid to say, it was to see me. Dave blew right in, past Vinny, and pulled up a chair, sitting in it backwards, right in my face. "I'm really mad at you, little man" he said. I gave him my most pleading look, and even tried to stretch my neck out to him, at which point he slapped my face so hard, I saw stars. "Throw him in the bedroom. I'll be in there in a second."

Vinny threw me around like a sack of potatoes, and ran his thick tongue in my ear as he did it – Dave was out of the room somewhere, and I heard a shower running. "Remember what I said baby" he whispered to me. "I can hurt you in ways you haven't even dreamed of." At that point, he threw me on the bed, which was musty, but otherwise clean.

After a few minutes Dave came in, and all he had on was a jock strap.

The Last Job... "Time to pay the piper", he said cheerily, and he flexed and stretched his muscular frame like a large black furry cat, and approached the bed. I could feel his weight on the bed, and I rolled unceremoniously into his massive embrace. The duct tape was ripped off (VERY PAINFUL!) and I gasped for air as Dave forced his tongue into my mouth. "You've been bad. But Daddy's here now, and I'm gonna punish you, and reward you if you're good." I was glad to be free of the brute Vinny, and maybe that's why I relaxed a little bit. Dave reached over to the side of the bed, and pulled out a blue pill from somewhere. "This will make it a lot more fun for both of us" he said. It was Viagra. I recognized it from my Dad's medicine chest. I took one a few years back to see what it would do, and the memories of the painful hard on that lasted hours remained with me. Dave pushed it gently but firmly into my mouth, and gave me a drink of his water. After fifteen minutes of Dave kissing me, and his muscular/hairy thighs pressing into my crotch, I was about ready to explode. "Now the fun starts" Dave said, as he dwarfed me under him. "Now we do part three, and because I had to wait a week, I get you for three days! I hope you're ready!"

"Oh God save me" I said, to no one else but myself..."

The Rape Dave immediately lifted my legs to his muscular shoulders, and though I tried to resist him, I was too tired, and he was too damn strong. I guess it was my time to get it, time to pay up. I clenched my eyes shut expecting the worst, but the big man was rubbing his hard cock against my ass, slowly, but with great pressure, and the feeling was... good. I began to rub back against him, figuring that I may as well enjoy this rape as best I could, and it was feeling good, although I knew when he put his fat cock in me, it wasn't gonna feel so good. "You like that, huh boy?" Dave growled at me, as he pushed insistently at my opening. "It feels good, but is there anything I can do to keep you from doing this, Dave?" I knew the answer already, especially given the fact that I had run from him, and made him go to all of the extra effort to find me. He leaned in very close to me, and whispered in my ear... "No little man. You are mine. I'm gonna break you tonight, no matter how long it takes, and by Tuesday, you will be begging me for my cock. Do you understand me?" I did understand him, and it wasn't worth begging anymore. I would just have to deal with this, and hope I could come out alive. Maybe there was a way out of here, but I would have to get past Vinny, who had been conspicuously quiet for the last few minutes... I could find my way to the highway, maybe flag down a passing motorist... I was shocked back to reality by a sharp pain in my chest – Dave was twisting my nipple savagely. "DID YOU HEAR ME?" he screamed at me, right in my face. "Yes sir, please Sir, I am sorry, Sir" I wailed out, twisting away from his iron grip on my chest, but it was no use. He kept up the pressure as he continued to grind on my ass, and my legs were getting sore over his shoulders. All of it had me sweating profusely and wanting relief, but there was no letup. Dave reached up and I could see his sweaty jockstrap in his hand. Before I could protest, he shoved it in my mouth, and held his hand over it. "Don't let that fall out until I tell you too" And he added, with a wicked grin, "I might have to go to town to get duct tape, and leave you alone for an hour or so with Vinny!" Now THAT got my attention. I held the sweaty garment in place. It tasted salty, and smelled just like Dave's crotch. I remembered the revulsion that I felt as I drank in the musky smell of him during the last "job", and recalled how it was nothing compared to this. I was in a remote(?) house, with my hands tied behind my back, completely naked and gagged with a jockstrap, and no one knew where I was, and I wasn't expected for days. The rapist on top of me was one thing, and the guard in the next room was even worse. Dave was pushing the head of his cock against my ass. I clenched down instinctively, and he smirked. "You can't keep me out, baby. Daddy's gonna fuck you tonight. Might as well open up to me and submit, cause I'm gonna have ya." He was right, of course. In that position there was no way to keep him out, and he was hard as a rock. As my sphincter started to open, I felt a blinding pain, unlike anything I had ever felt before. I saw lights, and I tried not to scream, but there was no way to stop. The gag stopped me for a minute, but I spit it out quickly. "PLEASE, OH GOD, IT HURTS! PLEASE STOP, PLEASE!!!!" I was wailing at the top of my lungs, and I'm sure the brute in the next room was laughing his ass off. Dave backed up a bit. "I'll give you one more chance to keep that gag in, and after that, it gets ugly". Of course I should have shut up, but I couldn't. "Please Dave, don't gag me again, give me another chance, let me suck you, or massage you, or pay you, anything, but please..." I was cut off, as Dave slapped me hard across the face. "You don't listen, do you? You are a spoiled little brat, and I'm gonna tame you" Dave easily rolled me on my stomach, and after placing several pillows under my waist, he laid heavily on me. "Now it is rape, boy" he whispered. I wondered if he was trying to keep Vinny from hearing him. Dave reached around and put one big forearm around my neck, like he was going to choke me, which he did, although not to the point of passing out. The other big paw came up and held my mouth. And then, he pushed it in. Not just the tip, or the head, but he slid his entire shaft into me until I could feel his balls and hairy crotch against my ass. My hands were still tied behind my back, and I grasped desperately at his hard stomach, trying to push him back or make him stop, but he was determined to rape me, and he did just that. The pain was so intense, I couldn't even try to scream, and so I choked back tears and tried to take it "like a man". Geez, I bet this isn't what Dad meant... Dave was a fucking machine, and I was the blond boy in the video. He pulled his big cock all the way out, and slammed it back in, over and over again, until my legs were numb from his beefy body pounding me. After a time, he said;

"If you can shut the fuck up, I'll take my hand off your mouth, and see if we can both enjoy this. OK?" I shook my head, because I was really at the point of passing out, and his forearm was really hurting me. When Dave saw that I was going to be quiet, he lifted himself up on his arms, so only his cock and crotch was in contact with my body. He fucked me like that for the longest time, and I could feel heavy drops of sweat pouring off of him and running down my back. Amazingly, I wasn't really hurting anymore, and due to the Viagra, my cock was rock hard. I almost felt like I could cum, and I realized that I was lifting my ass up to meet his assaults. "Daddy's dicking ya good now, boy" he said, as he fired his cock into me like a hot poker, or a race car piston. Tell me what you want, boy, tell me how much you want me to fuck you" I was saying it before he even finished, and it was like I was in a haze. "Please fuck me Dave, please give me your cock. I want to please you, to serve you. Come on, big man, hammer me, hammer me HARDER!" I yelled, and I meant it. At this point, he did. I thought he was all the way into me at first, but now he really got going. He was hitting some point up inside me that was sending jolts of electricity through me. I couldn't touch my cock, but it was rubbing against the bed, and I was afraid I was going to cum. I didn't think it would be a good idea unless I was told I could, so I did my best to resist it. After another 15 minutes or so of this, Dave turned me back over. He untied my arms (boy they were sore), and the look in his eyes told me I had better not fuck with him. I was so weak, and sore, and... horny(?) that I couldn't do much anyway. He positioned me facing him, on his lap. My legs were bent so I could straddle him, and he was leaning against the headboard.

"Now I'm gonna fuck you and you are gonna kiss me while I do it. Any problems with that?" I shook my head. I wanted him back in me, protecting me.. from something... "Now, wrap your arms around my neck, and get close". I did exactly as he said, and didn't utter a word. My face was still stinging, and I wanted to please him at this point. His mouth tasted just like it did last week, and his rough handlebar moustache still scratched, but it felt good. When he entered me, it was gentle, and I was glad; I was sore from the pounding, and I felt like this was my reward for cooperating so far, and his tongue pushed way back in my throat, and I was feeling like I was his property. I rode Dave's muscular thighs and kissed him, and I was feeling real bliss, though I did not understand the feelings at all. We moved like one animal, sweating together, with our mouths locked in place. Of course, it didn't last, because I began to cum, and I started to warn him, or ask permission, but Dave shook his head "No" and let me go on. I started to get dizzy, and I felt him get much harder in me, and push in much farther. I began to cum against his hairy belly, and I put my head against his neck, and said softly, "I'm sorry I ran, I'm really sorry. I want to please you, I really do, I'll do anything for you, go anywhere for you" and I would have. "Be quiet baby, Daddy's making you his now" Dave said as he filled me to overflowing. His juices ran down the inside of my crotch, and he clenched his eyes closed, and kissed me harder. And I liked it. Dave lifted me off him, and kissed me again. "I've been watching you for a while, boy, even before you met Lieu". This didn't even seem strange to me. I watched him get up, and wipe the slime off of his waist. His cock was half hard, and the depth of what had happened was hitting me. "Don't think about it right now – just be happy" he said. I didn't say a word, but inside I felt a welling up, and a warmth for him that was undeniable. I smiled. "Can you sit there a minute while I clean up, or do I need to tie you to the bed?" I assured him I would be good, and I intended to, but as soon as he left the room for the bathroom, I looked for a way out, and the window was it. It was old and painted shut, but I pried it up, and prayed neither of the men in the next room would hear it. Truthfully, I wanted to stay with him, but I saw a chance, and felt like I should take it, so I did. Escape The cold night air rushed in the room, and I stepped out of the sill. I couldn't see where I was going, and I tumbled roughly into some boxes that were stacked outside in a carport, or so I thought. I was naked – my clothes had been destroyed, and I was not going to stick around to find something to wear. I took off like a deer across a moonlit field, expecting to hear rushing footsteps behind me, but there were none. A few more steps though, and I heard the door slam in the distance, and I heard Dave yelling. "God dammit – I'll fucking kill you!" and "Yes, get him, FUCK!"

Wow, he was really mad. I had better move faster, I thought, and I did. The soles of my feet were taking hell from rocks, roots, and various other things in the night darkness that I couldn't avoid, and I was sure they were bleeding. I heard a truck starting, and tires squealing, and coming towards me. I ducked into the first building I could make out, and laid flat under a dirty worktable. It looked like some sort of place for shooing horses with tack and nails barely visible in the pale gloom.

I lay shivering for about 10 minutes and I ceased hearing shouts and engines, so I got up from my hiding place and peered cautiously out the door. The night air was dead except for the hum of a distant highway... which direction; and could I make it there before Dave found me?

I stepped back into the building to get my bearings, and see if there was anything I could use to wrap around me. I smelled leather and beer and I remembered where I knew it from just as I heard the words "Pretty". Vinny's big arm was around my shoulder, and he was sweating from the chase. He pushed me roughly to the center of the room and stepped over me, and he didn't waste any time. He unbuckled his belt hurriedly, as if he knew he couldn't have me for long, and I watched his strip his pants and coat off. He had on a wife beater T under his leather, and when his boxers dropped, I crawled backwards away from him, but there was no other out.

"Now it's gotta be quick boy. And I think that Dave will forgive me, after you running away like that"

Vinny was already half hard as he kneeled down on top of me. I felt his cock stiffen against my belly and I clawed helplessly at his massive back. I felt myself going face down again into a straw floor. Vinny pulled the roll of duct tape from his coat and sealed my mouth. No one was gonna hear him torture me, and I was sure that that was exactly what Vinny had in mind... This brute was a lot bigger than Dave, and a lot rougher. I was scared of him, and not like I was with Dave. He didn't even need to restrain me; I was so tired, and he was so much bigger than me. I felt his big hairy belly press down on my back as his big forearm reached around to position his horse dick at my hole. Vinny's bluejeans were around his ankles, and held there with his biker boots, and my bare legs were trapped underneath them. He kept trying to force his cock in, but it was just too big. I was clenching as hard as I could, and struggling. Vinny laughed a sinister laugh and reached under me. He used his rough paw to spread my legs, and lay in between me. Now I couldn't keep him out, and he wrapped his arms under my neck and over my head, so I was completely immobilized, and with one swift stroke, he forced his cock in. "There ya go baby, got the big cock in ya now" he slobbered in my ear. His rough beard was against my face, and I felt his hot breath as he held his cock in me. I was virtually impaled on him, beneath him. He didn't need to hold me down, his cock was so hard and he was so heavy that I couldn't even wiggle free of him. And he couldn't hear my cursing, crying or screaming, and he didn't care, cause he had his cock in my ass. Now the pumping started in earnest. He went really hard and fast, not like Dave had done. Vinny clearly wanted to punish me for something. And this was punishment. I felt like my whole world was coming apart, and just as I was sure I couldn't stand another stroke, he rolled off of me.

RESCUE I saw Dave in the dim light – apparently, he had kicked Vinny hard, and the big lug was off me. I felt a warm sensation in my crotch that I'm sure was because of massive bleeding. I didn't care; it was so good to have him out of me, and I was so glad to see Dave, even though I knew he would be mad at me. Dave was panting from running, and he wiped the sweat from his brow. He didn't say a word, and I barely saw it coming. Dave reached behind his belt and pulled out a gun – some sort of automatic I think.

I closed my eyes as the shot rang out in the night, sure I was going to die here in this dump, but I didn't. The only pain I felt was the dull throb in my ass and the bruises from Vinny's punching and grabbing on me. I dared to open my eyes, and Dave was pulling Vinny's body out of the door. "Get up" he yelled at me, and I did. I pulled the tape from my face. "If you move as much as 10 feet from me, I'll kill you and dump you with Mr. Wonderful here. And you'll rot together for eternity. Do I make myself clear?" "Yes Sir" I said weakly, and I followed him into the night.

We had almost made it back to the house, when all hell broke loose – again. It seemed like there were a hundred police, and, amazingly, my Dad. The rest I have forgotten or blocked out, but I remember Dave smiling at me from the back seat of the cruiser, and how warm the wool blanket felt around my back.

I was so ashamed, but not of what my Dad thought of me, but for running from Dave. I realized that I loved him, and that I wanted him again, but I didn't think I would ever see him again.

Release Three months later I found myself in a limo. I had a promotion at the company my Dad wanted me to work for (a friend of the family), and that was going well. But I thought of Dave constantly. I hadn't gambled again, and I don't think I had even beat off in that whole time (it was a full week before my ass stopped bleeding and hurting), but other than that, my life was great. I guess I knew I would go; when a package arrived for me in the office courier marked "private", my heart skipped a beat. Inside was a plane ticket to New Hampshire, and a note that said "take the white limo. You will know the one." The green New England country side rolled by for miles, and I wasn't even nervous. This was meant to be. As I stepped out of the car I noticed for the first time (as it was already pulling away) that the driver was wearing a white cowboy hat – I guess some of the old team was still around! But where was I? I didn't recognize anything in this remote region of wood, and then I heard a snap. I dropped my bags and turned – there was Dave standing under a spreading oak. His hands were in the pocket of some worn jeans, and his goatee was gone. He was unshaven, and handsome as hell. I rushed over to him and without saying a word went straight to his arms. He wrapped me in his powerful embrace and kissed me long and hard before saying "Now the debt is paid. You came on your own, and now you are truly mine"

"Anything you want, big man" I said, as he held me tight. "Tonight I'm gonna make love to you in front of the fire on the rug, and get you drunk on red wine, and fuck you silly all night" And he did...

The End

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