The Best Weekend

By Joey D

Published on Aug 29, 2002



All the usual disclaimors, etc apply, don't read if your under 18, etc. This is a work of fiction, based on true events. Any similarity to any person, real or fake, is purely coincidental!

Part 1: Introduction

This is a little background story about Alex and Joe. As well as other people mentioned, Bill, Mike and Shawn.

Joe (Me) and Alex have been going out for about 2 months before this, but they really only had one sexual experience since then. This weekend is supposed to be the one they've been waiting for. A couple days to relax and be together. I'm 21 and Alex is 17. Alex's frame is smaller than normal kids his age, so he is short, about 4'5" where as I'm about 6'0" and have a much normal frame.

Mike and Shawn are brothers, Mike being the older and my best friend for 7 years prior. Shawn isn't much younger and I consider him a friend as well, hence the reason that I'm staying with his family for the weekend. Mike has to work, so he is unable to spend the weekend there, which is a good thing. The less people there are, the better...hehe.

Bill is my cousin and is only in the story for a short time, to add to part of the plot that may happen later!

Well, here it is, The Best Weekend, by Joey D.

Part 2: The Best Weekend, by Joey D.

"C'mon, Alex, come with us. It'll be fun, plus we can finally be together for a whole weekend!"

"Joe, I can't...I want to, but I have to work. I hate this, I know, but there is nothing I can do about it."

"Whatever. Do you know how easy it is for you to just stop what you're doing and come along...I work with your dad for crying out loud?"

"Listen, I want to go, but I just can't...I need the money I get paid like $80.00/day."

"Fine, be that way!"

"I'm sorry Joe...I love you!"

"Yeah, love you too! See you later this week when we play D&D!"

"Okay, see you."

So that's it. I'm going to Shawn's dads' house and spending like 3 days there. We are going up there on Thursday and coming back on Sunday. I really don't want to go without Alex, but what can I do? He just won't listen to me. Oh well. We are actually going up there on Thursday to go swimming at Shawn's grandmas' house. She has an indoor pool. It'll be fun, but I want to see Alex all wet and half naked in a swimming pool... so bad!

So, we played D&D and Magic on that Tuesday. Alex and I just snuck out and made out for a couple of hours...everybody was wondering where we were, but we just told them that we went for a walk...we were bad! But anyways, it was still boring, my job just starting wasn't that good, but paid good, and I needed Alex to be there for me, but that didn't work out either...anything else not going to work out?

So, Wednesday came around and I called him to let him know that I'll miss wouldn't believe what he said:

"So, I'll miss you Alex..."

"Yeah, well you don't have to worry..."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, my dad had his shoot today which means that I'll get to go with you."

"OH MY GOD!!!!! Are you serious?"

"Yep, pretty serious, aren't you happy?"


Needless to say I was extremely happy! I went to work the next day, worked until 4:00pm, which sucked badly. But, I got through it okay. Alex went up with Shawn. Mike stayed behind to take Bill and me up to their grandma's house. Bill is my cousin and is also bisexual. He likes Alex as well but doesn't know that Alex and I are going out. I showed up at Mike's house and unpacked my stuff from my car and piled it into Mike's. Bill didn't have any "stuff" because he wasn't staying there. He was going to go up with Mike and me and then come back with Mike the same night.

We stopped at McDonalds on the way up to Shawn's grandmas' house. When we got there, I got out of the car and went around to the trunk to get my stuff out. I picked up my bags and turned around toward the pool house...and nearly dropped all of my bags on the ground...there, right before me standing next to the door to the pool house was Alex, all drenched and soaked, half naked whirling his towel around his body. Oh My God!!!! He was HOT!! Beautiful!! I looked over at Bill and seen him gaping as I did a second before...All I could say was "WOW" to Bill. He nodded in agreement. I walked toward the pool house and greeted my baby who was glistening in the sunlight like some bright star from space. Right now it was about 5:00pm...we had about 5 hours before Mike & Bill had to leave. FUN!!! Alex didn't want to swim anymore because he just got done swimming for like 2 hours...oh well, that boy was getting in that pool, even if I had to throw him in there!!

Right after I jumped in the pool, the others came from downstairs and the bathroom, ready to swim. They all jumped in making quite a big splash. We all had a lot of fun for about an hour when Shawn and Mike's cousins came over. Then we swam for another 2 hours. The whole time, I couldn't keep my eyes off Alex. I even got to hold his hand a couple of times while pulling him around the pool. It was a heck of a lot of fun. I knew Bill wanted to stay longer...he was having just as much fun as I. Unfortunately, that couldn't happen, he asked too late.

Afterwards, we got out and had some dinner. Shawn's grandma makes the best food ever, but this time we only had hot dogs, hamburgers, macaroni & cheese and chips. Basically, we had a cookout. We ate, and then played a little "Magic."

Later that night, Alex, Shawn and I were up in the guest bedroom, watching TV and hanging out. Bill and Mike left a while ago and we were just trying to pass time. We ended up watching Alex's favorite show, Gundam Wing. I was lying at the foot of the first bed, next to the door and Alex was lying on the second bed, about 2 feet from the first. Shawn was lying down on the first bed, watching TV as well. Alex was drawing pictures out of my AD&D book and I was writing another fiction story about Alex and me. I never show him my stories, but they are quite fun to read. Maybe I'll show him someday. At around midnight, Shawn was getting tired so he went into the bedroom he was going to sleep in and left Alex and I in the guest bedroom. We sat there, watching TV for another half hour, just to make sure Shawn was asleep, and then Alex got up, came over and sat next to me on the floor. I looked up from where I was writing and kissed him on the lips. He kissed back and we started to French kiss, slowly working our tongues in each other's mouths. I loved him so much! I couldn't believe that I was going to be alone with him after so long of waiting. He has the cutest body I've ever seen.

He pulled me by the hand up to his bed and made me lay on my back. I did as commanded and he got on top of me, leaned down and started to kiss me again. I couldn't resist. I grabbed him and pulled him closer and held him in my arms, trying to swallow his tongue as fast as I could. He lowered himself down to where the bulge in my pants could've knocked him out and started to unzip my pants. He then unsnapped them and pulled them down, with a little help from me. He reached into my boxers and grasped my 6.5" dick. He pulled it out and just stared at it. The look on his face was priceless...I wish I could have taken a picture. He looked up at me smiling and then leaned over and preceded to put his mouth over my dick and start sucking. I lost it. This was the most wonderful moment in my life. I honestly couldn't believe that this was happening to me. I ran my fingers through his short hair as he sucked. He made a whimpering sound and kept sucking. I wasn't going to hold out much longer, so I stopped him, brought him up and kissed him, tasting my precum on his lips.

"You better stop before I cum in your mouth. We wouldn't want to rush things, huh?"

"No, I guess not," as he smiled.

I then continued to remove his shirt and shorts and left him lying next to me in his boxers. I just stared at him. His bulge was just as big as mine and looked wonderful through his boxers. I couldn't stand it any longer. I threw off his boxers and finished taking off the rest of my clothes. I then leaned over him this time and kissed him on the lips. He wanted more, but I was teasing him. I licked down his chin, to his neck and then over to his left nipple. I continued to suckle on his nipple for a couple of minutes, biting and watching him squirm. I then moved to the other and did the same. I then moved down to his stomach, licking all the way to his belly button and down to his brown patch of pubic hair. I stuffed my face deep inside that lovely jungle and came out right at this giant redwood tree. It looked like it was pulsing and the branches had been ripped off, leaving a purple/red tip. I came out and put my mouth over the tip and started to suck my lovely friend. I sucked him furiously without end. He just moaned and grinned. I started to move even faster and harder, wrapping my tongue around the tip every time I came up and then back down again to the base, licking and sucking all the way. Now it was his turn to run his fingers through my hair. I didn't mind, I kept going, and pleasing my baby. He stopped me after a couple of minutes and brought my face up to his. He said the one thing that drove me crazy...

"I want to fuck you!"

I couldn't resist!! I agreed and laid down on my back with a pillow under my ass and my legs up, spread eagle. Alex went over to his bag and brought out a tube of lube. He got between my legs and smiled down at me. He then squirted some on my ass and then in his hand and rubbed it up and down his dick. The motion was almost enough to make me cum right there. But, it never happened. I wasn't going to allow myself to miss this wonderful opportunity to see my friend fuck me for the first time. He was going to lose his virginity in my ass tonight and it was driving me up the wall and back down again.

Alex leaned forward ever so slightly. I could feel his cock enter my ass. He pushed slowly at first until he was all the way in. I gasped. He closed his eyes and pulled out quick and pushed back up to the hilt. When it got all the way, he opened his eyes and gasped. He then started to fuck me slowly!

"Does it feel good, Joe?"

"YES!! I love you! Fuck me, Alex! HARD!!"

He closed his eyes again and grinned for a sec, then fucked me at a steady rhythm. I lay there, with my hands under my legs, holding them up, watching my cute friend fuck me for the first time. The sight was pure bliss. The feeling of his dick moving in and out of my tight ass and the look of pleasure on his face was almost too much. He moved his hands to my legs, holding them up for me. I took the opportunity and started to jerk off while he fucked me. He opened his eyes and looked down at me, grinned, then closed his eyes and continued fucking me. He must have been going at the same pace for about 5 minutes or so, in and out, in and out, squeezing his eyes shut and ramming this cock deep into my ass. I was getting close with the jerking off, so I stopped. I wanted to cum when he did. He opened his eyes and smiled. He then leaned over, pinning me down, and started to fuck me. He kissed me passionately, with lust, then continued fucking me. He was starting to fuck me harder now. I could tell he was getting close. He pumped me harder, slapping against me every time he pushed in. I was going crazy, the feeling was going to make me cum and I wasn't even touching my cock. He slowed to a stop and leaned back up and looked me in the eyes. I knew what he wanted and I nodded to give him the ok. He put his hands on my legs again and started to fuck me with the most fury I have ever seen come out of his little body. I resumed jerking off and soon was jerking as fast as he was fucking. He clenched his eyes shut, while he fucked me, opened his mouth and was making a small whimpering noise. I was going to blow my load! I knew he was close. I could read it in his face, the strained look, the opening of the mouth and the all of a sudden steadiness in his movement. He opened his eyes and slammed one final time, emptying his entire load into my ass. At the same time I blew my load all over his chest and down the front. He collapsed onto me, spreading cum all over his body and mine. He looked up at me and kissed me, then whispered:

"I love you. That was wonderful. Thanks."

"I love you too and no problem...just remember, next time it's your turn!"

He grinned and got up. His cock slid out of my ass with a "pop." He went and grabbed a towel out of his bag. It had some "toys," and other trinkets. He dumped them on the bed and wiped himself off, then wiped my body off and my ass. We kissed once more before going to bed. We didn't get to sleep until like 2am. What a wonderful day and night. And this was only the first of three!!

The next morning, I woke before Alex. Considering our "little" excursion the night before, I could understand. I just sat there and stared at Alex's half naked body on the bed across from me and jerked off, with the thought of him fucking me from the night before. I cleaned up and got dressed and went downstairs to see Shawn watching TV and his grandma cooking breakfast. She asked me if I wanted some, I told her yes. So, she cooked me eggs, bacon, sausage and pancakes...and she got me some orange juice. What a breakfast!! I ate and Shawn asked why Alex was still was 9:30am. I told him I didn't know but that I would wake him.

I walked slowly into the room, hard as a rock, walked over to his bed and sat on the edge. He opened his eyes and smiled at me. He then reached down and under his boxers to touch himself. Then, he brought his hand up and allowed me to sniff it. The smell of his body was sweet and yummy. It was awesome. I leaned down and kissed him for a couple of minutes. As I came back up, Shawn walked in and told Alex if he wanted breakfast, its downstairs. I followed and watched him eat. Wow, he was so cute. It's a wonder Shawn didn't say anything. Of course, I wasn't really paying attention to him anyways.

Afterwards, we went upstairs to watch TV and play some CD-I. Alex wanted to try it since last night. It wasn't long before I wanted to go swimming again. I told them where I was going and headed downstairs. They both looked at me like I was crazy. It was hot! I'm going swimming!! So...Alex and Shawn didn't follow. I went downstairs and changed into my shorts and jumped in. After about a half hour, Shawn and Alex came down to swim. Alex was finished changing first, so he came over and jumped in the pool right next to me. He came up and started to feel my now rock hard cock under my shorts. He grinned and pulled close to me and kissed me. Shawn came out of the bathroom just as Alex swam away in a hurry. I was standing there, watching him, wondering when I'll be able to hold him again, hopefully, before tonight. We swam around for a couple of hours until Shawn's grandma and grandpa came down and started cooking lunch. It was really hot now, so we got out and let ourselves air dry. We played Magic until lunch was finished, and then ate up. It was pretty good...basically, leftovers from the night before.

After lunch, Shawn called his dad and found out he wasn't going to be home until late so to stay another night at Shawn's grandmas. I was a little ecstatic until I found out his grandma was going to have guests over. Now Shawn will be sleeping with us. I was so disappointed.

We got dressed and decided to head out to the Troy Fair. We missed `Savage Garden' the night before and we were now going to hang out there for a while. We walked around, looking at farm animals and souvenirs. I was staring at Alex's ass the whole time. By the time we left, I got some cotton candy, Alex picked up some nachos and Shawn got an apple. We went back to his grandmas and went swimming until dinner, then ate and went swimming until 11:30pm with Shawn's cousins. We didn't do much that night. Alex slept on the floor between both beds; Shawn and I were each on a bed. Alex made this little smile before we turned off the lights. I melted and lay down with the biggest smile.

About an hour later, Alex hopped up into my bed. I was a little surprised because I really didn't think we were going to do anything tonight. As he snuggled closer to me, I realized he was naked. I was getting harder and harder by the second. I leaned in and kissed him, then moved down to his neck and around his ear. He just moaned. I whispered for him to be quiet. He said that he'd try. I smiled and kissed him again on the lips. I reached down and started to rub his cock and stroke it. It was hard as a rock, as was mine. He reached over and started to rub and stroke mine. I was so horny from not being able to touch him all day that I was kind of close. I made a decision that I wanted it. I needed to be fucked again. I reached over to the side of the bed, where my bag was, and got the lube. I told him that I wanted to be fucked. He smiled and reminded me that it was supposed to be his turn. I told him that we could do that tomorrow night. He smiled and said okay. I handed him the lube and turned around so my ass was facing him. He rubbed his cock and my asshole with lube. He rubbed all around, pushing a finger or two into my ass. After it was plenty lubed up, he slowly brought himself closer to me and moved into position. It went in a little hard this time, so I told him to go slow at first. He obeyed and started to fuck slowly. I could feel all of him inside me, each time he pushed back. This position felt different and I could feel more penetration this way. I liked it and I loved it when he fucked me. It felt so good. It didn't take long before he was pumping as hard and quietly as he could. I was jerking myself off and was starting to get close. He whispered in my ear that he wanted to cum inside me. I told him yes. He proceeded to move faster after that, slam, slam...oh GOD, and it felt so good. I couldn't hold it anymore; I flipped up the covers and came all over the sheets on the other side of the bed. His pace quickened and I could sense he was close; he slammed one last time and BAM! I could feel his jizz fill me up. I could feel wave after wave of cum sink deep inside me. It felt so good. He pulled out and grabbed a towel that he had on the floor. I cleaned him, myself and the sheet the best I could then handed him the towel back. We laid there for about an hour or two, in each other's arms before he went back down to his sleeping spot. Damn! The second night of three and it was just as good as the first, if not better! I leaned down, kissed him and told him that I loved him. He replied that he loved me too and we went to sleep.

We got up the next morning, ate breakfast and prepared to go to Shawn's dads. We hopped into his car and drove over the hills to his dads. Alex sat next to me in the back seat. We sneaked around, holding hands when possible. I even boldly touched his inner thigh. I could tell he liked it because a bulge started to appear. After that, we arrived at Shawn's dads' house. We got out, grabbed our stuff and went inside. We said hi to Shawn's dad and sat down to watch TV. We sat there and talked about how Shawn's dad has been and how we were and how the past couple days have been like. Alex sat next to me on the loveseat in the kitchen. Basically, Shawn's dad's kitchen is the "living room." It has a chair, loveseat, coffee table and TV. Plus the other side has a counter with stool chairs and sink, stove and fridge.

We just hung out for the day. We went to Video King and got some movies. We rented a western, action flick and The Blair Witch Project. Alex hasn't seen The Blair Witch Project yet. We watched the movies up to dinner, in which case we ate and watched some TV. We played some Magic and then got ready for bed. Alex and I stayed up in the kitchen to watch The Blair Witch Project. Shawn already went to bed as well as his dad. He slept in the living room.

We put in the movie and sat together in the chair, I, being on the bottom, Alex on my lap. He was scared of this movie by the time we got done. A couple times, I squeezed him tight when he started to shake. When the movie was finished, he turned around and kissed me passionately for about two minutes. God!! I love this boy!! He got up, taking my hand and turned off the VCR and TV, then escorted me to the living room. Shawn was sleeping on the couch and the loveseat is across from that. Then in the corner is the stove, which isn't on due to it being summer. We were sleeping behind the loveseat. We made sure all the lights were off. Then he pulled me over to a sleeping bag laid on the floor. I took off my shirt and shorts so that I was only in my boxers. Alex did the same. I lay down on the sleeping bag and he came down and lay on top of me. I could feel the warmth of his body. Then he slid off me and to my side. We just lay quietly, in each other's arms on the sleeping bag for about fifteen minutes. After watching The Blair Witch Project, Alex wasn't sure he actually wanted to do anything. I sort of agreed and we ended up laying there, cuddling. It was a while and he finally said something, at a whisper:

"I love you, Joe."

"And I, you," I replied

And then I felt it. He was getting hard. That, in turn, made me spring to attention in my boxers. I could barely make out a grin in the dark on his face. I brought my hand over to his chest and started to rub it. He looked at me and we kissed passionately for about a minute or two. I reached down and rubbed his cock through his boxers. He turned over onto his back and pushed his boxers off. He then helped me finish undressing. We then just lay there, feeling the warmth of each other's bodies and the throbbing of each other's cocks. Alex whispered something into my ear:

"You've had your turn...twice. I want mine. I want to be fucked! It's a feeling I want to experience for the first time...with you!"

"Ok, but we really can't do it here, in the living room."

"Why not? It's a little daring, but it would heighten the experience ten fold!"

"Hmm...Ok, sure, we can try it. You wanna get the lube or should I?"

"You. I want to "assume" the position!!"


I got up, went over to the table and grabbed the lube out of my bag, came back to the wonderful sight of a puckered ass and two legs standing in the air. My baby was lying on his back, with his legs up in the air, ready for me. The sight drove my hard-on to painful lengths. I knelt down and kissed him. He was shaking. He must be nervous.

Whispering, I said:


"Yeah, you can tell, I'm shaking."

"Yeah, that's normal."

"Yeah, but is it supposed to be make me hot?"

"Hehe, well, sometimes..." I smiled.

I squirted some lube onto his puckered asshole and then onto my cock. I stroked myself a couple times and then moved lower to enter, but then remembered that it's his first time and rubbed the lube all around his asshole and then slowly pressed against his anus, pushing my finger in...slowly. He groaned and started to push back...a natural! I could tell he wanted it. The look on his face and the way he looked at me only confirmed it. I brought the tip of my cock to his ass and slowly pushed against it. He took a deep breath. I continued to push slowly until the head was in. He released his breath and started to breathe a little harder. It went a lot smoother now. I stopped only a little more in and waited for confirmation to proceed. He looked up, opened his eyes and nodded.

"Go slow."


I slowly entered him until I was in to the hilt and I stayed there so he could get used to it. He opened his eyes again and resumed breathing normally.

"It feels so full and big."

"Yep, does it feel good?"

"Yeah, a little."

"Good. Do you want me to go on?"

"Yeah, slow at first."


I pulled back out slowly and then back in. It was so hot inside my friend, the feeling was simply amazing. I let out a groan the same time I entered him for the 2nd time. He did too. I tried to be a little quieter, but it was hard. I continued, slow and picked up the pace after a couple minutes. The look on his face and the pleasure of fucking my hot friend was driving me over the edge. At one point, he looked up and said go faster. I proceeded to pump harder and faster than before. There was even a slapping sound to go along with our groans. I was sure Shawn could hear, but neither he nor I cared! I reached down and started to jerk him off as I slammed, but he stopped me.

"No, I think I'm going to do it without your help!"


I kept going, pumping at a steady pace. The feeling was starting to become really intense. I knew I was hitting that secret spot by the way he looked at me and when he said he could do it himself. I was so close!

I whispered:

"Can I cum in you?"

"No, I want to lick it up off my body!"


"Fuck me, Joe. FUCK ME!"


I moved faster and faster. I couldn't stand it much longer. I pumped in and out in and out a couple more times. I pulled out at the last minute and shot my load all over the front of him. I didn't realize it, but he was jerking madly. He shot his load straight up and hit my chest. The last few spurts of cum fell and mixed with the cum on his chest. I leaned down and kissed him. He stuck in his tongue and we kissed for a couple seconds then he pulled me away.

"I want to taste our mix."

I leaned down and scooped some with my tongue, then put my lips to his and we sapped boy jizz back and forth.

"I love you, Alex!"

"I love you too, Joe. That was the best experience I've ever had. Thanks."

"You know your welcome and I would do it anytime. And I know you would do the same for me."

We lay there the entire night, together, in each other's arms. We didn't realize at the moment that it would look weird if we were caught together...oh well. I'm not sure either of us cared at that moment. When we woke, it was daylight. Alex looked up and smiled. I loved his brown eyes. I leaned down and kissed him. He grinned even more. Well, the day was Sunday and we were going home finally. I had to work tomorrow and really didn't want to go back. Plus I wanted to sleep in Alex's arms more. God, I love him!

Luckily, Shawn and his father weren't up yet, considering that we were naked on the floor together behind the loveseat, it would have looked...not right! We got up and dressed, ate breakfast and watched some TV until they got up. The day kind of sucked. All we did was finish watching the movies and then pack for home. Oh, and lunch was in there somewhere. Around 4pm, it was time to go and as we were packing the car, Alex came over and wanted to talk. I took him around the house to a secluded spot.

"Joe, I want to tell you something..."

"Ok, what is it?"

"I love you. A lot! I want you to know that because I'm not sure if you did."

"Of course I did, Alex. I love you too and you know that, more now than before."

"Yeah, your right."

He hugged me and kissed me for a couple minutes. Then we finished packing the car and hopped in, ready to go home.

The trip was kind of long, about an hour and a half. So, we had plenty of time to slip our hands where they shouldn't be. We talked about a lot of things, about the weekend and when we could do it again. But it almost seemed like Alex was a little sad. I wasn't sure why, I mean we wouldn't be able to spend every waking moment with each other and that was a bummer, but still. After arriving home, Alex hopped in my car and I drove him home. On the way, he started talking to me again about the weekend.

"I miss you already, Joe and I haven't even left you."

"I know the feeling. Hey, why don't you come over to my house later tonight? Maybe we can hang out and, well, you know..."

"Maybe, that would be awesome, but I don't think that my parents will let me, but I'll ask and we'll see. I would love to come over."

"Ok, well ask them when you get home and I'll call you when I get home and we can discuss it."


When we got to his house, he blew me a kiss. I caught it and slipped it into my pocket. I loved him so much. Well, what a weekend! I'm glad I was able to spend it with him. I loved every minute. Now, on to home so I can call him and see if he can come over. It would be so cool and we could end the weekend with a bang!

I arrived at home and went in, grabbed the phone and called him. He answered and I was ecstatic. But he didn't sound happy to hear my voice. Something was wrong.

I said, "Hey, can you come over tonight?"

"No. Joe, I have to go. I'll call you as soon as I can."

He hung up. Something was wrong. Oh My God!!! What happened? Did his parents find out somehow??? All these thoughts were crossing my mind; I'm not sure what happened. Needless to say, that night was a restless night. What a crappy ending to a perfect weekend. Well, I'm sure I'll find out what happened tomorrow. The end!

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