The Best Intentions

By moc.snoitcudorphtaedfolegnanellaf@nimda

Published on Oct 22, 2014


A/N: I do not own stargate or any related characters to the series this is a work of complete fiction and I don't make any assumptions about the real actors sexuality.

3:30 Am

A quiet pissed off know rocked my door. Clearly this wasn't a social call as I got out of bed and flung on the nearest boxers I could find because stupidly I had gone to sleep in only what god gave me. What a fool I was, as I stumbled over to the door and swiped over the pad I found a red faced Makay standing at my door tablet in hand and a beep rapidly emitting from it. Oh crap! Was this because I had posted another chapter to the story last night to the mainframe.

"You and I need to have a word NOW!" oh this wasn't going to be pleasant in the slightest. Wordlessly Makay Stepped in took off his shoes and walked to my desk. As I was reaching to close the door I managed to get a face full of the wall near the door. The one wall I hand tried to make out with sigh.

Makay stifled a giggle a giggle can you believe it a man like him giggling. Well if you're going to die might as well leave them laughing.

3:46 Am

After 15 minutes of telling me off for writing a story on him and Sheppard. Makay turned around and blatantly admitted that even though I shouldn't have he was enjoying trying out the ways in which I detailed in my stories of which him and Sheppard made love he would defiantly would like to try someday.

With lightning fast reflexes he planted a passionate and violent kiss on my lips. Oh God Yes! After the moment of being taken aback it was time to return the kiss deep and forcefully back.

Obsession this is what people had after tasting the sweet wine that was my sorted and explicitly detailed story even if my kiss the other night ended in me setting Mckay slightly on fire as I returned the kiss he planted. How in the world the 1 candle I had in the room set him on fire I will never know but now here I am 3 weeks later. stuck on the other pier with the jammed door and this stupid slow ass pad I will never know,

I have no idea why I was made to fix this stupid relay nothing is in this section of the city and people never come out this far. But now im stuck and im writing contemplating writing a follow on chapter to my sorted story.

3 hours later outer perimeter guard posting (overseen by Commander Sheppard)

Sheppard hated these performance reviews with a passion especially these ones in the outer piers of the city it was dead quiet and the guards he put out here where the ones he didn't like. The night was going to drag as these fools acted like perfect soldiers for their review. Shepard just wished they would cut the act and sleep like they usually did so he could go back and watch the football games that came from earth they had been waiting for him all week.

As Shepard gave up he heard a muffled but audible " You Slow F***ing Pad Just Save Already" behind a door with a blown controller on the wall. As he made for the door the profanities kept flying like a sailor stubbed his toe on a machete blade. taking the knife out of his pocket Sheppard jammed it in the door and prised it open to revile one of the lab techs wet and wondering around swarming at a clearly water logged pad. as he called out to the person he tripped and sent the pad and everything on it hurtling into the ocean.

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