The Benefits of a Personal Trainer

By moc.oohay@ydaerdor

Published on Sep 2, 2021


The Benefits of a Personal Trainer

Part Two

Vincent and I

It was a couple of weeks before Rex managed to fit Vincent in for his first training session. Vincent had not stopped talking about Rex since the night he came to dinner and was excited to see him again. I had not stopped thinking about him myself. I jerked off a lot, replaying that evening over and over in my head. Vincent put up with my constant beating off, but didn't join me. He didn't have to ask what was fuelling my fantasies. The dildo stayed in the bedside table drawer.

When I got home from work late afternoon the day Vincent had his first gym session with Rex. He was already home, crashed on the bed, just wearing track bottoms. I leaned over to kiss him hello.

"How long have you been home, babe?", I asked.

Vincent scratched his ass absently and said, "Dunno, maybe a couple of hours. Rehearsals finished way early and Rex fitted me in at the gym sooner than we planned. Turned out I had something to do when I got back, so early worked out good."

"Oh yeah, how did your first session in the gym go?" I wanted to know. Vincent's face lit up. He said it had been excellent and he thought finding his way around the gym equipment was going to easy, under Rex's supervision. Rex had said that on the evidence of his first gym session, he was a natural. Vincent said he felt totally at home in the gym.

"But, oh my God", he said, "that dumpy workout gear he wears to train clients sure does cover everything up."

I said I knew exactly what he meant. "But what did you need to get done at home, babe?"

"You'll see", Vincent said, easing himself up off the bed. "How about we get some dinner going? Rex is coming over in a couple of hours."

"What? Rex is coming over? First I heard." Vincent could hear the surprise in my voice.

"Chill out, Jason, it's just dinner, right? I thought you'd be OK with it."

"Sure, sure." I said, recovering. Why am I panicking?, I thought. I want this for Vincent, for us. I desperately wanted to see Rex again, and to see them together again. "I'll go see what's in the fridge."

Five minutes later, as I was rummaging around in the fridge to find enough of something to feed two normal sized people and a muscle beast at short notice, Vincent wandering into the kitchen, butt naked.

I turned round and started: "Maybe we could make - ". I stopped dead when I saw him. The thick bush of blond pubes had been shaved away completely from his groin.

He saw me staring, and laughed a little.

"You like?" he asked, wiggling his hips so his dick and balls swung slowly. "That's what I came home early to do."

"I ... I ... wow, that's a surprise. Where did that come from?"

"Oh, it was Rex's idea. Well to be honest, not an idea really: he kinda told me to do it. He doesn't like me hairy down there."

I let out a slow breath and started: "Vincent, don't you think it's going overboard to just do something like this because rex gets some random idea? I mean ..." I gestured half-heartedly at his denuded groin. I wasn't sure I actually had an argument for not doing what Rex wanted in this case, as the removal of all the hair from Vincent's groin made his body look even more sexy. I was already hard.

Vincent shrugged and said: "Also, Rex says that we will enjoy fucking more if my ass is shaved clean, too. He said you would help me with that."

Hard or not, I was struggling with all these directives. "Oh yeah? But fuck, honey. I like your hairy ass. You know that."

"Yes, Jason, I know. But that's not what Rex wants. And I want him to be happy. And if it really will make fucking feel even better, then I am up for it. Totally. And I can't do it myself. So, unless you've got a better idea., can you please come into the bathroom with me right now and get this done?"

For Vincent, this was speaking very firmly and I got the feeling I didn't really have any choice. Again. So I followed him into the bathroom, where the evidence of his earlier "grooming" session was all over the floor and in the sink. He ran the tap until the water was hot, then filled up the sink. He handed me his razor, shaving gel and an electric shaver, then leaned over, folded his arms over the edge of the sink, and waited.

I ran my hands over his furry rear end one last time. That close, I was pretty sure I could smell sex on him but it didn't seem like the moment to start asking questions about that. I was sorry to see the hair on his ass, thicker in his crack, which I had always loved, fall away as I buzzed it all over with the electric razor first, then wet shaved him totally smooth. But by the time I had finished, my dick was leaking in my pants. Vincent's stood up rock hard against his hairless crotch and belly. I leaned in closer to check for stray remaining hairs, and was entranced by the sight of his smooth, puckered hole. I had never seen it exposed before.

"How's it look?", Vincent asked, his voice shaking a bit with excitement.

This was all pretty pervy, but so hot. I ran my hands over Vincent's ass, then slowly drew one finger up the length of his crack. He moaned quietly. Then, more boldly, I leaned in and licked the now smooth skin of his crack. He moaned loudly this time, then his ass spasmed as his responsive hole flexed open. He panted as I tongued deep into his brown hole, and gasped. "I can't wait for Rex to slide his cock in there again", he voice husky with lust. I kept going, getting into the idea more and more of making his smooth ass ready for Rex.

And then I felt a spurt of warm, sticky fluid all over my face. I stopped and ran my tongue around my lips experimentally. Salty, and honestly, the cum tasted better than any I could ever remember swallowing. My cock strained and leaked in my pants.

"Oh God, Jason, I'm sorry, I didn't think that would happen." Vincent looked a little concerned, but there was also amusement in his eyes as he twisted around to look at my wet, shining face and bulging crotch. "Rex took me into his office to sign our training agreement after our workout session. He's gonna send the bills to you, by the way. Anyway, I didn't have time to clean up after."

This "explanation" was offered in a somewhat take it or leave it spirit, I thought. I was speechless. Now I was definitely feeling a bit cucked. Vincent plowed on:

"Hold up the hand mirror for me please, Jason - I want to check out my ass in the big mirror." He inspected his freshly shaved, leaking butt in the mirror at length and then finally nodded with satisfaction. "It feels so different when you put your tongue up my ass compared to before. I bet Rex will love it. What do you think? Will he love fucking me with that big cock of his even more like this?"

I put the hand mirror down, bent him back over the sink, and, pulling his ass cheeks apart with my hands, I methodically licked the rest of Rex's cum out of his crack and hole. When I was done, I said: "It's beautiful, Vincent. Rex will love it."

Rex and Us

We were putting together a scratch dinner when the intercom buzzed.

"I'll go", Vincent said, speeding out of the kitchen. I heard the front door open a couple of minutes later, the sound of muffled voices, then silence. When they didn't appear after a while longer, I went through the living room to the hallway. Rex had arrived, apparently straight from his own gym workout, and was wearing the gear he had trained in: skin tight white UnderArmour top, thigh length matching shorts and a pair of black high tops. The white gym gear contrasted hotly with his dark, hairy skin. His workout pump was obvious from the veiny bulges of his striated muscles; he had just arrived but his musk already hung in the air around him.

Vincent's track pants were around his ankles. Rex was slowly turning him round, surveying his smooth groin and shaved ass, making grunting sounds of appreciation. Vincent stood rooted to the spot, his hard on jutting shamelessly out from his smooth belly.

"Jason." Rex said. "Hey. Good job here, dude", he said, running his fingers over Vincent's right ass cheek while his thumb probed deep into his crack. This is perfect."

I shrugged and grinned stupidly at the praise. My mouth was suddenly dry.

"Just make sure it stays that way, right? Every few days should be about right."

I promised to take care of shaving Vincent's ass in future as long as Rex wanted it that way.

"Good man. Oh yeah ...." he continued, all the while kneading Vincent's butt, "I hear you got a face full of my cum second hand."

My face flushed, and I nodded, looking down at the floor.

"And ...?" Rex prompted, grinning. "How was that, Jason?"

"I wasn't expecting it", I blurted out. "But ... I admit ... it was amazing to get your load sprayed all over my face and then lick the rest of it out of Vincent's ass."

"He loved it", Vincent chimed in.

Rex smiled slowly, and after a moment, nodded as if deciding something to himself.

"Yeah, I bet he did. Super happy that worked out all around. We'll have to make sure you get a chance to clean up after me like that again." He let this sink in for a second. "Hey, listen - there should still be a lot of that bottle of whiskey left from last time I came over. Wouldn't mind one before dinner."

He let go of Vincent's ass and headed through to the living room. We both followed, slightly dazed.

We managed to get dinner in first that evening. Again, Rex ate everything in sight. I made a mental note to cater extra any time he happened to come over right after training. He drank whiskey with dinner, turning down the wine which Vincent and I were drinking. I watched him eat and I found myself wondering what it would be like watching him train in the muscle gear he was wearing. Hot as fucking fuck, I decided. Vincent watched him pretty carefully, too, but I sensed that it was not thinking about how Rex looked training that was on his mind. Eventually, as we got to the end of the food, our conversation petered out. Rex leaned back from the table and looked from me to Vincent. His gaze stopped on Vincent.

"Bedroom now, guys."

Rex looked at our big bed approvingly, and heaved himself onto it. He didn't take his high tops off but it didn't seem like the moment to fuss about shoes on the bed. Vincent scooted onto the bed beside him and began slowly to run his mouth over the thick muscle of the biceps on Rex's right arm. Rex lifted up both arms to flex for us, smirking a bit. His cock was already snaking down the inside of one thigh in his UnderArmour shorts, every inch of it pressed in bulging relief against the fabric. I stared hard at it, lust and anticipation written plainly on my face. Rex grabbed a handful of Vincent's hair and guided his head down to his groin. Vincent's tongue obediently darted up and down the outline of Rex's huge dick. Some unspoken signal passed between them and then Vincent pulled the shorts down past Rex's knees and swallowed as much of his cock as he could take. He choked on it a bit at first, but then found his stride and got down to the serious business of pleasuring Rex's massive tool. Rex urged him on, softly telling him that he had a hot load of jizz coming up. I looked on, my heart beating fast.

"I know you aren't used to dick this big, Vinny" - Rex glanced in my direction - "but you are doing a good job". This praise caused Vincent to double down on his task. But all the time Vincent was reacquainting himself with his dormant cocksucker skills, he never once touched himself. ("No more jerking off for you", Rex had said). Rex must have noticed that I had clocked this, because he explained: "He came like a champ this morning, handsfree, when I bent him over the desk in my office and fucked him. But this blowjob is a one way deal."

I was sitting on a straight back chair, by now opening jerking off and turned on even more by the image Rex had just put in my head of him breeding Vincent's ass again just a few hours earlier. After a while, Rex's grunts and moans became louder and closer together, and, clamping Vincent's head firmly onto his cock, he shot his load. There was a lot. What hadn't gone down Vincent's throat had plastered Rex's hairy belly and groin. Rex subsided and things stopped for a minute. Then he shifted his weight slightly, opening his legs and tilted his pelvis forward so his hairy ass was on display. His eyes turned to me.

"Jason, I know you love a hairy ass. Question is, how good are you at asslicking?"

I was on my knees between Rex's parted legs in an instant.

"Do you want to kiss my ass, Jason?"

"Oh god, yes please Rex, I wanna kiss your ass so bad."

"Kiss my ass, Jason", Rex ordered, as my face hovered inches away from the upturned hard globes of his butt. While Vincent applied himself to licking every drop of cum from Vincent's hairy belly, I kissed Rex's ass repeatedly, then buried my face in the dense thicket of damp hair in his crack, running my tongue up and down its length and then finding his hole. The musky smell invaded my nostrils. Not gonna lie, I loved eating his ass even more than Vincent's. Within a minute or two I couldn't hold back any longer and I jizzed crazily all over myself. Rex eased his ass down, settling back on the bed. "Good job there, Jason."

Rex rolled over onto Vincent, almost concealing him from view. I stood up, making my way round the side of the bed, then crawled into it and lay beside Rex. They were both sound asleep within minutes. It took me a while to drift off, as I surveyed the tangle of their bodies. They looked perfect together. I realized, as sleep finally came, that I was happy and grateful to be part of what had started between Vincent and Rex.

Rex was up and out early the next morning, leaving us in bed. We edged into each other's arms, occupying the space he had left.

"Damn, Jason, you were out for the count last night," Vincent murmured. "Snoring like hell. I thought you were gonna put Rex off his stroke. He damn near kicked you out of bed."

I said reflexively: "My bad." Then, suddenly fully awake, "But his ... what? Hang on, you mean you guys were fucking in the night while I was asleep?" I felt offended at being left out, and disappointed at missing Rex plowing Vincent again.

A short, dirty laugh from Vincent. He rolled away from me, wiggling his ass as he buried his face in the pillow and wrapped his arms around it. Then he said: "Rex left something for you in there, Jason. He said to tell you to make sure you get all of it."

Epilogue: 18 months later

"If I was bein' honest, I'd say long as I could fuck three times a day and not skip a meal, I'm good." (Frank Ocean: `Futura Free')

Vinny (Yeah, I know: I didn't like the nickname at first, but after Vincent started calling himself by it when giving his name, I decided to just go with it and like it, too. It suits him now.) turned out to be the fast gainer that Rex predicted he would be. He has piled on 25 pounds in the gym. He was always a good eater, but now that he needs extra fuel for all that growing muscle, he eats twice as much as he used to. Our grocery bill has soared. he does two sessions a week with Rex - my old slots - and two with me. It's all packed onto his glutes and thighs, shoulders and pecs. Rex has tailored Vinny's workout routines with a laser focus on developing the perfect V body shape he promised. (His waist is still only 28"). His ass sticks out a mile behind and his muscle tits - there's no other word for them now - stick out a mile in front.

Rex is pleased as hell with his work. He must be, or he wouldn't be at our place at least a couple of times a week, sometimes more. He's got his own set of keys now. So if he decides to stick around for three or four days in a row, that's all good. He doesn't talk about what he does with his spare time when he's not spending it at our place. We don't ask. He usually arrives straight from training. If Vinny has been working in the dance studio all day, the two of them can make the living room smell like a locker room in about five minutes just by sitting on the couch together while they wait for dinner. This makes me very horny, but then, a lot does: my inner pervert climbs out of his box pretty easily these days. I think Rex likes the idea of me making dinner with a raging hard on.

Even though Rex has turned Vinny into his exclusive and devoted bottom, he's made a man of him at the same time. He is more self-confident and decisive - and very proud of his growing body. Most of the time now, he copies Rex when it comes to dressing himself. I won't say he's become vain (but I wouldn't blame him if he was) but he knows that Rex likes how he looks poured into a tight muscle t-shirt and jeans that barely contain his big ass. Rex has woken him right up sexually; and having seen them together many times now, I can definitely say that nobody would describe Vinny as lazy in bed these days. They clicked physically the moment they met but watching them merge together when they fuck now is, no lie, humbling.

Big surprise: the dildo comes out of the bedside drawer a lot these days. I now fuck myself with it sometimes while Rex fucks Vinny. He must have mentioned to Rex, because it was Rex who presented it to me one night just as they were getting started, saying only: "You know what to do with this, right? Vinny sure as hell doesn't need it anymore, but ... go ahead, knock yourself out, Jason." I looked at it doubtfully, then at Vinny. He shrugged and said: "You can at least try it, Jason. I mean, I know it's better than nothing."

I never thought I would get off on having anything up my ass, but once I learned how to plow myself with the dildo while I jerked off, that changed. Knowing that Rex thought it was good for me, I started to love it. Definitely better than nothing. So yeah, joining the dots, it's like Rex is fucking us both at the same time. He never touches me (not part of the deal) although I get to touch him sometimes, usually when he is in a mood for some muscle worship, then it's all hands on deck. When he puts on the extra large, heavy gold-plated cockring we gave him for his birthday and struts around the apartment with his big, throbbing weaponized cock swinging, he looks magnificent. He gets off on the effect his presence has on us both. The physical sexual bond is completely between him and my boyfriend, but I am pretty sure that having me around is part of what Rex needs from us.

We've made some space for Rex's stuff in our bedroom. We got an even bigger bed, so when Rex stays over, there's lots of room for the three of us. But I've been kicked out of bed unceremoniously by Rex more than once and made to sleep on the couch if my occasional snoring has been too distracting when they are trying to fuck in the middle of the night.

Vinny and I have never been better - we're tight. We are physically relaxed with each other in a way we never really used to be. I love it when we cuddle. But I love even more watching my hot, sweet man change into a rutting animal when he and Rex go at it. It's all good.

That's pretty much the whole story. As I said at the beginning, this story has a happy ending. The three of us never talk about "the three of us". We each got exactly what we needed. I don't think Rex is going anywhere soon, but if he decided his work was done with us and bailed tomorrow, Vinny and I would be in the market for another Rex real quick.

Is Rex our bud, then? Not really. Is he our boyfriend? No, that doesn't fit either. Although he is, 100%, Vinny's lover. So, is Rex our bull? Maybe yes. And if you are wondering what that makes me ... well, nobody's ever said the "c" word about me; not in my hearing, anyway. I'm good with that. Vinny and I are talking about getting married. When we do, Rex will be our Best Man. Yeah, I know, right? Never was that title more deserved.

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