The Benefits of a Personal Trainer

By moc.oohay@ydaerdor

Published on Aug 31, 2021


The Benefits of a Personal Trainer

Part One

Vincent and I

OK, before I get started, fair warning: this story has a happy ending. Everybody gets what they want, even though not everybody knew what they wanted or what they needed to become at the beginning. Life, right?

This is not that kind of story, but full disclosure: Vincent and I met in a public toilet, or rather, outside one. Both of us had been innocently relieving ourselves at the urinals in the rest room of a downtown mall, and as our eyes wandered, we clocked each other. I reddened at getting caught so easily, but he was waiting when I followed him out a moment later. We went for a drink, and in future always told everybody that it was in the bar that we met.

The relationship developed quickly and pretty effortlessly from there. I was smitten with this adorable guy with the slightly diffident manner who had appeared in my life. We clicked. We were the same age (28), same height (5'9), and about the same weight, around 150 pounds. Me? I've got kind of regular bro features, short red hair, sparse body hair and a lot of freckles everywhere. Vincent wore his dirty blond curly hair long, with a middle parting, framing an angelic face. There was usually a little blond scruff on his upper lip and chin, but this didn't make any difference whenever he tried to get into a bar; he was always asked to show ID. He was a dancer (but had been sidelined from performance by a knee injury a few years out of dance school; he was transitioning into teaching and choreography by the time we met) with a dancer's body, not muscular but well-defined. His high, round hairy butt was my favorite part of him from the moment we met.

Vincent moved in with me six months after we met. He didn't seem to mind very much when, after repeated attempts to fuck him when we starting seeing each other, I gave up. I wasn't working with much in the dick department to begin with and had never been able to stay hard properly to fuck anybody. And I didn't really want to anyway. As much as I loved all of Vincent, I couldn't manage it with him, either. Trouble in paradise? Nope: so little did he seem to care that I figured he must have a low sex drive. And I had never liked the idea of getting fucked, so we quickly put that idea to bed, to our mutual relief. Early on, sex became a small part of our strong and settled relationship. There was a dildo, quite a big one, bought by me, in the bedside table drawer, which got used now and then when Vincent's ass seemed to need it. I liked watching it disappear into his perfect ass after I had licked it until his hole quivered in anticipation, and he always came extra hard when I fucked him with it.

I loved that he did not come across as super gay and I think he felt the same about me. Neither of us felt any pressure to "perform" as gay. If we were sexually repressed, it was clear that we had not got together to unrepress each other. We never talked about other men and our devotion to each other made the idea of sleeping around on each other out of the question. A future of domestic happiness seemed to be ahead of us. I know, right? Textbook boring. All that was going to get shaken up, but it took a while before it did, and came out of the blue when it happened.

Rex and I

When Rex took me on as a client at the gym where he had a personal training business, he warned me that I would need to make a long term commitment if I wanted to see results. Two years later, his firm guidance and my hard work had certainly paid off. Not like one of those staggering transformations you see documented in those `My Three Year Muscle Journey' YouTube videos, not like I had turned into a completely different person. But I had added about 25 pounds of solid muscle, now tipping the scales at a very well proportioned 175 on my 5'9" frame. I was never going to be a muscle beast, but I liked how I looked now. Vincent sometimes made complimentary comments about how much bigger I was than when we met.

I didn't think a lot about Rex in the early days. He was "just" my PT. From the start, I felt kind of complacent knowing I had made the right choice in taking him on. Or lucky that he had taken me on, whichever it was. We did our sessions twice a week - I could afford his prices on the money from my corporate relations job, and some family money gives me a lot of leeway when it comes to discretionary spending - and with very little conversation or personal interaction. I knew increasingly that I trusted Rex to look after me. He radiated strength and calmness. Assertive, for sure, based on an obvious, totally justified and unshakeable confidence in his own skills and personal presence.

He was 34 when I met him, with the sort of looks that turn any head effortlessly. I never asked him, but I would say he must be about 6'2". His mother's side is German, his father's Lebanese. He doesn't take after his mother looks-wise. To look at him, you would call him Middle Eastern for sure. He wears his jet black hair long and slicked back on top, with a high tight fade to the sides, and always had a few days' dark stubble growing on his strong jaw.

But from the neck down, he was a mystery to me. In all the time we trained together, I never saw him wear anything but a baggy track suit, a ball cap usually jammed low on his head. I knew he had to be very big under all that shapeless fitness gear, but had never seen it. He trained himself at another gym. I respected his physical presence, but it was not as if I lusted after him. This was a good thing, from the point of view of me concentrating during our training sessions. Every now and again, though, if he moved in close to guide my movements or tell me how to do something better, I would get a whiff of his scent, which was gone as soon almost as soon as I was aware of it. It always left me momentarily disorientated.

Eventually, we started to chat more during our sessions - when I started to need longer rests between sets as I started to lift heavier - usually work stuff from me, sometimes a remark about life at home with Vincent. One time, a long way into training with him, I finally showed him a photo on my phone of Vincent, taken at an event when he was dancing. His eyebrows raised, for a moment, he grunted and nodded, then we moved on to the next exercise. Rex never gave much away about his own personal life; I got the impression that he tended to pick up girls and keep them for a while but was for periods of time unattached. He was always friendly, but maybe a bit aloof.

We had just finished our second weekly session one Thursday when he suggested we go to his office for a chat. I followed him through the main gym office into his private room.

"Have a seat", he offered, waving me towards a chair. "Listen, Jason", he began, his deep rumbling voice friendly but determined, "I have been thinking that it might be time to wrap up our training sessions. You've done a good job" - this was Rex's all purpose phrase for expressing his approval - "and I'm not sure there is much more I can teach you. I don't like to hold onto clients once they have got the kind of changes they were after. And you are motivated to train well on your own. So how about it? Shall we call time?"

I was taken aback. This came out of nowhere. I had learned over our time working together not to argue with Rex. His suggestions usually came across as orders - well mannered, polite, but final. Fifteen minutes later, having aired every reason I could think of to continue the arrangement, Rex would not budge. We were done. But I think I was more surprised than upset, and when Rex shook my hand and pulled me in for a hug, I felt pretty good. I couldn't actually get my arms around him to return the embrace.

I said, wanting to be friendly, that we should do something socially and not lose touch. Rex seemed to think this over for a moment then said, to my surprise, that that we should do that.

"Why don't you invite me to dinner? I'd like to meet Vincent after hearing about him all this time. I would invite you to my place but I don't cook."

I spluttered that dinner would be fine. I said I would check with Vincent and get back to him with a date. He said, like it was obvious, that the following Saturday would suit him very well.

Rex and Us

Vincent didn't seem very interested when I mentioned that Rex would be coming over for dinner the following Saturday. He just about remembered that Rex had been my gym trainer for almost as long as we had been together.

"I hope he doesn't stay too late", was all Vincent said. "I'm rehearsing a new piece all day and I'm gonna be tired by the time I get back on Saturday."

"I will cook, babe, no problem", I offered. And nothing more was said.

Come Saturday evening, I had everything ready well ahead of 7 pm when Rex was due to arrive. But no Vincent. He finally came through the door just before 7 pm, complaining that the rehearsal had gone on and on, long past when it was supposed to finish. He hadn't had any time to shower or change at the dance studio, and was still in his workout gear - track bottoms over tights and a cut off t-shirt. The musk he gave off after a day's work in the studio hit me as we hugged each other in greeting.

"Aww babe, that sucks. Everything's ready, so all you need to do is just go clean up", I urged. He gave me a quick peck on the cheek and disappeared into our bedroom. I suddenly felt liking following him and bury my face in his ass for a while, but our dinner guest was due any minute.

The intercom buzzed at exactly 7 pm. When I opened the door to Rex, I was completely stunned by the sight in front of me.

The man at my door could have been related to my trainer Rex from the gym - same height, same hair, same uber handsome face - but there the similarity ended. This was not Rex of the baggy track gear and ball cap. To come to dinner at my place, Rex had chosen a tight, red, fine mesh V neck t-shirt and jeans so tight that they looked like they had been painted on, accentuating every curve of his ass and legs. He wore calf-high snakeskin boots and, around his neck, a chunky gold chain that perched high on his chest mounds. Chest hair was abundant in the plunge of his V neck t-shirt, and short, black hair also covered his forearms. The sleeves were cut high on his shoulders, so tufts of dark curly pit hair from his underarms poked out, too. Rex's outfit didn't leave much to the imagination, except for the extent of the package inside the pronounced bulge in his crotch, which drew my attention.

"Hey, up here, Jason", he laughed, catching me lingering over that crotch a moment too long. Fuck, busted already, I thought, as I reddened and muttered a brief, spluttering apology. He waved a hand in friendly dismissal, stepping into the hallway. I pointed him through the door into the living room and as he went in ahead of me, I got a look at the thickness of his massive back and the slabs of triceps muscle to the rear of his huge arms. I had never, in all the time I trained with Rex, imagined he had a body like the one I was now trying and failing to perv over discreetly. So hot, so unobtainably, fantastically hot, I thought. I couldn't figure out why Rex, who had never given me any reason to believe he was other than 100% straight, would show up at my place dressed to show off his assets in a way that was 100% certain to give any gay man a boner. Like the one I was already struggling to hide as I followed him into the living room.

"Jason, have you decided what you are wearing tonight. I thought maybe just a t-shirt and shorts, but - ". Vincent had wandered into the living room, still not showered but stripped down to his dance belt. He stopped talking when he caught sight of Rex, and stood just staring. Rex too a couple of steps towards Vincent and offered him his hand.

"Uh, Rex this is my partner Vincent. Babe, this is Rex, who you can see has, uh, arrived." I laughed weakly.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry, Rex, prancing around nearly naked. Running late." Rex nodded gravely in acknowledgement of the apology, but didn't reply. He and Vincent stood, still shaking hands. They seemed literally unable to take their eyes off each other. Vincent grinned. Rex smiled and nodded again.

"Vince, babe, why don't you go finish getting ready while I sort out some drinks for us?", I said, rather loudly, to move things along socially, but really to break the spell between them which was fascinating to watch while making me instantly very nervous. Vincent looked reluctant to leave Rex, but he turned after a moment and disappeared back into the bedroom.

Rex watched him go, then turned to me and raised an eyebrow.

"Well, now", he said. "You never said that your partner was so beautiful. Congratulations. I guess I would say you are lucky."

"Umm, it's sweet of you to say that, Rex. He is something else, isn't he? Some people think he's out of my league, but I'm definitely lucky whether he is or he isn't." I paused. "I mean, I always assumed ... you being straight and all, you wouldn't want to hear too much about my boyfriend."

Rex shook his head.

"Nah. You don't get it, Jason. I don't think of myself as straight, or anything else that might slow me down when it comes to getting what I want." He added, bluntly: "I fuck anything I want."

"Oh, got it. Wow. That's very ... clear."

"And you, Jason, do you get what you want?"

"Vincent and I have a really good life together", I said. "We are monogamous, and in love, and we, umm ... we like each other physically." I hoped that was enough to get us off the subject, but Rex just looked expectantly at me.

"How about that drink?", I said, moving towards the kitchen door.

"Whiskey, thanks. No ice."

"We mostly drink wine around here", I said. "But I know there's a bottle of really good single malt somewhere that my dad gave me for Christmas a while back. It's great that it is gonna get opened."

I found the bottle of whiskey at the back of a kitchen cupboard, and had just poured out some into a tumbler when Vincent came into the kitchen, now dressed in a pair of track pants, white Nikes and an old t-shirt advertising his dance school.

"Oh my god, Jason, you kept that quiet. You never mentioned that your personal trainer is a super hot muscle tank. I mean, fuck, he is unbelievable. Is he even real? I thought you said he was straight."

I started to explain that what we were seeing was not the look I was used to for Rex, and wondered how I could repeat what Rex had told me about his sexual interests, but I stopped when it hit me that Vincent had not showered and had a hard on. I raised an eyebrow and looked meaningfully at the bulge jutting out of his shorts. He shrugged and grinned. (Vincent? Is that you?, I thought)

"Is this for Rex?" He asked quickly, picking up the whiskey. "I'll take it through to him. White wine for me, please." He turned in the doorway, a look on his face which I had not seen very often, and not for a long time. Lust. "Jason, baby, this could be fun. Please let's just go with it."

My hands were shaking as I poured a glass of wine for Vincent, and one for myself. My mind was racing as I realized that something was maybe about to happen that I could not stop and I was not sure how I felt about it. But my own dick was already stirring and with a "Fuck it" whispered through gritted teeth, I went back into the living room.

The first thing that hit me when I approached Vincent and Rex was the strong scent of their musks mingled in the air, as if sex had already been going on for a long time in an airless room. Vincent's slender body was pressed up against Rex's rock solid muscled body, his hands stroking Rex's heavy biceps, his face turned up to meet Rex's. Rex kneaded Vincent's ass with both his hands. They were kissing deeply.

Rex looked sideways at me and raised an eyebrow. I stood, wine glasses in hand, my mouth hanging open.

"Jason", he said. "Have a seat."

Rex and Us

I stumbled to an armchair and sat heavily down in it, watching my boy friend make out passionately and shamelessly with this hairy, muscled up sexual magnet who had invited himself into our home. Vincent was now grinding his bulging groin against the inside of Rex's thigh. A wet spot had started on his shorts.

Rex broke off the embrace and stepped back, looking slowly from Vincent to me.

"OK, fellas, we are gonna do this, right?" We both nodded in unison, without a moment's thought or hesitation. "Let's get you both undressed now." Vincent looked at me for a second before kicking off his sneakers and stripping out of his top and shorts. His thick, uncut 6" cock stood throbbing and leaking. Rex looked Vincent up and down with obvious approval. Rex looked at me briefly and said, a note of impatience in his voice "Hurry up, Jason."

I stood up, unable to take my eyes off of them while I fumbled with my clothes. Finally naked, my almost 5" dick also leaking freely, I faced them, shaking with nerves and lust.

Rex gave me a once over.

"Yeah, that's the body I helped you build, Jason. You did the work, and you paid for it, and you are a tidy unit now. Good job, man."

I sensed there was a bit of condescension in this comment, but stuttered a thank you, anyway. Also, Rex had not actually said anything bad about my dick, which made me relax a bit.

"So, fellas", Rex said, taking a long slug of his whiskey, I don't want to keep you waiting. You can undress me now." He sat down on the couch, his legs spread wide, the heels of his boots resting on the floor.

Vincent did not hesitate. He went down in his knees and started to struggle with pulling a boot off one of Rex's feet. I scrambled to do the same, easing the other boot off. Rex lifted his arms high above his head and we pulled the skin-tight muscle t-shirt off. His chest and abs were covered in swirls of short dark hair, thick hard nipples pointing down and out. The musk coming off his pits was intense. He settled back on the couch, clasping his hands behind his head. Vincent crawled up one side, burying his face in one wet, bushy pit and I followed his lead. It was almost unbearably hot, licking and sniffing the deep recess of Rex's pit. Vincent moaned.

After some more of this, Rex said, folding his arms across his chest: "So, take a break guys. Tell me, what do you two like to do with each other?"

Vincent caught my eye before licking his lips and swallowing hard.

"Mostly we just jerk off together sometimes", he said, very quietly. "Jason likes to lick my ass. Sometimes he uses a dildo on me." (Shit, I thought, this is Vincent's "I cannot tell a lie' thing.)

Rex looked at me. Up shot one eyebrow, questioning. I nodded slowly, to confirm Vincent's brutal summary of our limited sex life.

"So, jerking off a bit and no actual fucking. Shame, guys. But I can see why. I'm guessing you are useless at fucking, Jason. And Vinny here (Vinny? I thought) - you are a bottom if I ever met one. But - sorry to put it this way - lazy as fuck in bed. I bet Jason's not the kind of guy you are thinking about when you jerk off together. Is that about right?"

I hung my head and could feel my face getting red. Vincent sighed and nodded decisively. Rex was right on all counts.

"Glad we got all that out of the way. I'd say I didn't get here a minute too soon. Well, Jason, I guess if you like jerking off you are gonna like what I have in mind." He smirked at me. "As for you, beautiful", he said, caressing Vincent's neck, "no more jerking off for you. I can tell you need breeding real bad, and I'm your man for that."

He stood up, waiting. Without a word or a signal, Vincent and I helped him peel off his obscenely tight jeans. I have no idea how he got into them, but getting him out of them was a challenge.

Stripped completely naked, Rex's full, hot masculine glory was overwhelming. Jutting straight up past his thick pubes and navel, almost to the base of his pec mounds, stood the biggest cock I had ever seen in person, and probably in porn. Definitely over 10", and thick from root to circumcised head. The definition of well hung. His big, hairy, balls hung low, pushed out from between his thighs. His ass was covered in a light dusting of hair, which became thicker and darker where it disappeared into his crack. Stripped and revealed in all his powerful glory, he seemed to completely fill the room.

He looked at Vincent, then me.

"Now, I know you two are not used to dealing with a dick like this, but I want you both to get on it and do your best."

He settled back on the couch and folded his hands behind his head again. I reached out to touch Rex's cock, barely able to believe he was letting me. Vincent cupped and stroked his balls with one hand. Rex grunted and shut his eyes.

"Just keep on stroking my nuts, Vinny, while Jason gets this big fucker lubed up with his mouth."

My jaw was aching almost as soon as I started sucking Rex's cock, but it felt like the most important thing in the world to make him feel good: I kept going. Vincent's face was buried in Rex's balls. Rex grunted again and started to thrust his cock deeper into my mouth. The smell coming off his crotch was so hot. I started pumping my dick but stopped myself in case I came involuntarily before anything had really started to happen. Vincent had started jerking his own cock but Rex, lazily opening one eye a bit, noticed this and slapped his hand away.

Rex had reached around to play with Vincent's butt by now, and had one finger deep in his hole. Finally, he sat up and said, decisively:

"OK, Jason, that's enough. Scoot back over to your chair and leave the rest to me."

I reluctantly took my mouth off Rex's cock and returned to the armchair. He gathered Vincent up in his arms and then turned him over, so his legs were splayed off the couch, his feet resting on the floor. The contrast between them was amazing to see. Rex eased his swarthy, hairy muscle body on top of Vincent's pale, smooth, lithe body, his club of a cock glistening with my spit, poised at Vincent's puckered hole. Rex turned to look at me, waiting.

Rex paused at that moment and looked over at me. His face held a question. I nodded, hypnotized by what I saw. "Please fuck him, Rex. Please." It sounded like I was begging when I said it. It was Vincent who was begging, loudly, a couple of minutes later when Rex had worked his cock deep inside his ass. The effortless power of his fucking was awesome to watch.

"Is this what you want, Vinny?"

"God yes, fuck me, Rex."

"Is this what you need, Vinny?"

"It's what I need, Rex. Please, please", he yelled. Rex's hips bucked as he sank his mighty fucker completely into Vincent's hole, At that, Vincent's untouched cock spurted heavily and he groaned in ecstasy.

Rex continued thrusting fast and hard into Vincent's ass, and what they were saying to each other became panting whispers. After a while, Rex looked at me briefly, not even noticing me frantically pumping my dick, then nodded one final time. He grunted, roared, and came inside my boyfriend's upturned ass. For me, it was like having a ringside seat at the live filming of the best porn movie ever. I finally jizzed, whimpering, onto my belly at the same time as Rex finished his conquest of Vincent.

Rex pulled his cock slowly out of Vincent and rolled off him. Vincent in turn rolled onto Rex, flinging his arms around his upper body and nuzzling his bull neck.

"Whose ass is this, Vinny?"

"Yours, Rex. Totally yours."

"Good answer, baby. Jason, eyes up here now." I looked directly at Rex.

"You happy about this, Jason?" I nodded yes.

"You think Vinny deserves a cock like mine?" I whispered that he did. "Speak up, Jason, let's hear you say that again."

In a clearer, louder voice, I said how much I had enjoyed what just happened and how much Vincent deserved to get properly fucked by a cock like his. It felt liberating to say it.

Rex and Us

Somehow, after all that, we got around to dinner. Vincent went to the bathroom to clean up and reappeared in track pants and slide ons. The only thing we had big enough for Rex to wear was a bathrobe, which Rex pulled on over his wide shoulders and left open at the waist. The two of them settled down on the couch and made out some more while I got dinner on the table.

The main thing I remember about that meal is that Rex ate everything in sight. (Feeding the beast, I thought) The conversation was relaxed and mostly unmemorable. Rex asked Vincent about his work at the dance school and Vincent explained about the injury which had ended his onstage career. He complimented Rex on the work he had done with me - "Jason is way bigger than he was when we met" - and admitted that, now that he was no longer dancing himself, he often thought about how much he would like to put on some muscle and size. This was news to me. I imagined my lithe, slim boyfriend muscled up. Hot as fuck.

"I hear guys say that all the time who never do anything about it", Rex said. "I bet you would be a fast gainer, Vinny, as long as you eat enough along with the training. You would have amazing proportions with some more upper body muscle mass and a some more bulk in just the right places on your ass and thighs."

Vincent was hanging on every word of this.

"Fact is, I got a vacancy in my schedule, now that Jason has decided to train on his own." I began to protest that it had not been my idea to end our training relationship, but Vincent jumped on this offer fast, saying he would love to try the gym.

Rex considered this for a moment. "OK. First session is free, of course. If we keep going, I will just bill at my normal rate. No mixing business and pleasure, right?" he laughed.

After dinner, Rex drank another whiskey then announced he had to go. "Clients from 10 am onwards tomorrow morning, fellas. Got to pay the bills. But I'll stay longer next time, that's a promise." (Next time? OK. Wow, I thought.)

He dressed slowly, as we watched. At the door, he shook my hand, looked me straight in the eye and thanked me for dinner. "And thanks for this, too", he said, nodding toward Vincent, who stepped eagerly into his arms for a goodbye kiss.

I didn't plan to say it, but found myself saying, with real feeling: "No Rex, thank you. For everything." Then he was gone.

Vincent and I slumped against the hallway walls, facing each other.

"Well", he said. "Wow." I nodded slowly. "Jason, I've never been fucked like that before."

"I know", I said.

"Jason, he is amazing. I really, really liked it."

"I know", I said.

He looked at me searchingly. "Did you ... ?", he began.

"Oh yeah, I did, too. A lot."

Without another word, we went to our bedroom, stripped and fell into bed. We were both asleep within minutes. I remember wondering, as I drifted off, whether I had just been sort of cucked, or started couples therapy. Or both.

Next: Chapter 2

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