The Beatles

By Phil R

Published on Jul 23, 2012


The Beatles

Chapter 3

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If it is illegal for you to read about consensual sex between two adult males stop now. If you have any comments please email me at Thanks for reading.

I was on dayshift when I got a panicked call from Marianne. He father had suffered a serious heart attack. Of course the girls had already been in touch and made plans. They would leave immediately, take the kids, drive the 200 miles to their parent's town and be at their father's bedside. Between them and their mom they would manage the kids. They would take the Beemer. Would Paul and I drive up later in the truck?

I called Paul at work and he'd already heard about the arrangements from Jennifer. He'd cleared some "family time" with his boss. He would come to my place after his shift and we could drive over to the girl's parent's place from there. I checked quickly with my boss about getting a few days off and told Paul we were good to go.

I finished my shift, went home, stripped out of my uniform and jumped into the shower. I must admit that I began to think about Paul as I soaped my body and soon I had a rather hard member. I gave it a few strokes fantasising about what his naked body might look like but I didn't bring myself to a finish. Part of me wanted to be on a bit of a buzz when he got here.

I busied myself cleaning up the family room while waiting for Paul's arrival. I set out snacks, made sure there were a few cold brews in the fridge and turned on the news to pass the time.

He arrived about an hour later. I answered the door and there was Paul with a big shit eating grin on his face. He held out his arms and we fell into a tight embrace. I let myself be pulled against his warm body and I soaked in the feeling of his muscles and his warmness and his freshly showered scent. I found myself relaxing. As we held each other any nervousness about seeing Paul again evaporated. It just felt so damn good to have him close. We hung on like that for a good long time and then he pulled away and said, "So are you going to ask me in Fuckwit? I'm all cramped up from driving that fuckin' Miata out here."

"Moron! Yeah, I guess you can get your raggedy ass in here. Bye the way, buddy, you're looking pretty buff. Been using the gym at work?"

"You bet. Looks like the same for you!" Then I stood aside to let him enter the house before me.

I watched Paul walk down the hall. His legs were a little more muscular now, but his ass was still small and tight. His waist was trim and his V-shaped back rippled with muscles. His hair was cut fairly short and I noticed a little male pattern baldness starting. But on Paul that looked extremely hot. It emphasized his big brown eyes. Yes, I was still enthralled with the guy.

Once inside and settled with beers (him in the chair and me on the couch) he told me that he'd been talking to Jennifer. The plan was that we'd spend the night here than drive up in the morning. There was no immediate need for us to be there and it would be safer to do the drive in the daylight.

I wasn't sure of the arrangements so I hadn't really planned any food for us other than snacks. I suggested that we go out and grab a bite to eat.

He said, "Naw, man. Let's order some pizza or something. I want you all to myself tonight."

Surprised, and without thinking I blurted out, "Still flirting with me I see." Then I blushed and thought oh God, what a moron! What will he think of me now? Jesus, I hope I just didn't fuck up a pleasant evening with him!

He smiled, winked and replied, "You bet your sweet ass I am."

When I heard his flippant words, something in me snapped. Too many years of frustration, confusion and longing for Paul had taken its toll. I got sad, then angry, then sad, then angry again. I tensed up. Tears welled in my eyes. I was fed up with the bullshit. Fed up with analysing. It was time to straighten this mess out!

I pointed my finger at him accusingly. My frustration came pouring out in an irrational tirade. I kept my voice low and firm.

"Don't do this to me Paul. Stop fucking with my emotions. Can't you see you're killing me? This has been going on for years! Let's get this on the table and settle it tonight. Why do you keep flirting with me? Kissing me on the neck! What the fuck was that all about? I don't give a rat's ass if this ends our friendship. If you never want to see me again, fine! I'd rather that than continue to try and second guess you all the time. I'm tired of getting hurt!"

I stopped dead. I'd finally run out of steam. I was drained. I sat shaking, looking daggers at him. Daring him to refute what I'd said. Terrified he'd get up and leave. Terrified he'd stay.

He sat immobile, breathing hard and staring back at me. I could see that my verbal assault made him angry and defensive. He opened his mouth to speak then thought better of it. He took a deep breath to calm himself. Then another. The expression on his face slowly turned from anger to sadness.

Moving cautiously he got up and came over and joined me on the couch. He faced me so that his right knee was pressed against my left. I felt the heat of it. And, as he had done so many years ago, he reached out and took my left hand in both of his. In a hoarse voice said, "John, I'd never do anything to hurt you. Never. I've missed you so much these last few years. Why aren't we close anymore?"

I shrugged.

And then he opened his heart. "Do you remember the day we met the girls?" I nodded yes. "Well, I was just about to tell you something. I was thinking about that on the way out here tonight. I was hoping that somehow I could finish what I'd started to say back then. That maybe somehow I'd get the opportunity. That the time would be right. I always regretted that I hadn't and maybe tonight I'll be able to finish what I need say. Now, thanks to your honesty, maybe that time has arrived."

I sat there mute but at least I'd stopped shaking. And, as I did back then, I waited for him to continue. Only this time I knew we wouldn't be interrupted. That the issue would be settled.

"You see, that summer I'd been thinking about you a lot. I realized that I had very strong feelings for you. I was determined to tell you. To get the truth out. Even if it meant losing you as a friend. Even if you hated me for it.... But when the girls interrupted us, I took that as some sort of sign. I thought maybe I had to put my feelings aside for a greater cause. That we'd be able to lead normal lives. Have careers. I don't know. It seemed like a good idea at the time.... Oh John, please tell me you don't hate me for telling you this."

I shook my head no.

"You don't like what I'm saying? You want me to stop? Or no you don't hate me? Say something John. Please."

"I like what I'm hearing. I don't hate you. I could never hate you. Paul, I love you." There! It was out in the open! Let the chips fall where they may.

Still irrational, I reached up with my right hand and placed it on his cheek. It felt warm. It felt like sandpaper. It felt good.

Paul didn't move. Didn't pull away. In fact he pushed his cheek a little more into my hand. I knew he liked the feel of it.

Acting with pure emotion I slowly guided his face toward mine. He didn't resist. As we got closer I felt his warm breath. After what seemed like an eternity our lips touched and we instinctively kissed.

We kissed once, twice, three times. It felt like dying and going to heaven. The meaning of this moment was a revelation.

Then damned if he didn't kiss my neck. No need for confusion this time. It was real! It meant something!

He put his arm around my shoulder and leaned over and zeroed in for another kiss. His lips parted. I opened mine in response. I felt his tongue slip into my mouth. I met it with mine. My whole body was responding. I was getting so hard my cock hurt, straining at the fabric of my boxers and jeans.

When we finally pulled apart we were both panting hard and looking directly into each other's eyes.

Paul said, "Oh God, John, I love you too. I've loved you since the second I entered that damn math class and saw you sitting there looking lost and forlorn. Unfortunately I was too young and stupid to trust my feelings and now I'm afraid I've lost you. It's too late for us now."

I thought for a second and then said, "Paul, you haven't lost me. It's not too late. Let's make a deal okay? Tonight is for us. Nobody else. If this is all the time we have, then so be it. I will be happy with a few hours. Let's not talk. I don't want to analyse. Whatever happens, happens. Tomorrow we can go back to our regular lives. But not tonight. Tonight this universe consists of two guys. Paul and John."

"Good! No more talk. Christ! All I want to do is kiss you again!" He moved close against me and we shared another long passionate kiss. His hand stroked my chest. My hand explored his rib cage, feeling the strength and heat of him. Then in a very playful tone he reminded me of a long ago conversation, "Maybe it's time to find out whether or not I'm circumcised. What about you, John, are you circumcised?"

I kissed him again. "Maybe," I said. "Wanna find out?" He nodded yes as he looked hungrily into my eyes.

Unfortunately, as exciting as the talk and the kissing were, our position was a little awkward. Something needed to be done.

Paul, let's get a little more comfortable."

"Sure, what should we do?"

"Let's go to the bed in the spare room." So I took his hand and led him to the double bed. The one he would have slept in tonight, alone, if this hadn't happened.

I lay down on my side and he did the same facing me. Our heads were propped in our hands. We grinned at each other.

"John, you're so fucking beautiful it takes my breath away."

"God Paul, I've always felt that way about you!"


So we embraced and kissed. We rolled around. Him on top, then me on top. We ground our bodies together. I could feel his hard cock straining against his jeans as it rubbed on my equally rigid rod. Hands slid under shirts and we felt each other's hard bodies and hairy chests. When he rubbed my nipples it sent a jolt of electricity through me. Amazing! Our necking and petting could have gone on forever it was so intensely pleasurable, but it was time to kick it up a notch. I sat up and straddled his thighs. I reached for his shirt began to pull it up. He quickly figured out what I was up to and raised his arms for me to pull it right off.

Lord Jesus but he was beautiful! Strong, muscular chest covered with a layer of soft, dark fur.

"Now you," he said. So I put my arms up and let him pull my shirt off. He flung the shirt away then reached up and caressed my hard pecs and the blond hair covering my chest.

"Pants!" he demanded. So I opened the button on his jeans and pulled down his fly. He reached up and did the same for me. I rolled off him and onto my back.

"Take everything off!" I demanded.

In a heartbeat we were both completely naked. Both as hard as rocks. It was my first view of his exposed manhood. "Looks circumcised to me!"

"You too I see!"

I reached out to hold his big tool. It was incredibly hard, yet it felt like silk in my hand. Paul groaned with pleasure as I gently stroked it.

He reached for mine. His hand closed around it I felt intense waves of pleasure. My eyes rolled back in my head.

We continued stroking each other like that for a while; enjoying the sheer pleasure of each other's touch.

Continuing to stroke him I began to kiss his chest, then his stomach and down his treasure trail until I was kissing his dark bush and smelling his intoxicating, manly scent. I picked up his cock and brought my lips to its purple head and kissed it. Then I ran my tongue over the sensitive underside of his shaft. He groaned again and thrashed his head back and forth on the pillow.

"Jesus, fuck, John that's incredible!" Emboldened by his encouragement, I put the head of his cock into my mouth and ran my tongue around it. Paul squirmed. I pulled more of his shaft into my mouth. He was dripping precum and I could taste the salty, slippery, sweetness of it. I cupped his heavy balls. I couldn't taste him and touch him enough.

"John, stop, I'm gonna cum if you keep that up. I wanna do the same to you, man. Lie back."

So I reluctantly let go of his cock and laid out on the bed.

Then it was my turn. He kissed my chest, stomach and finally took my straining cock into his mouth for a good work out. He started to move his mouth back and forth over my shaft and I, too, was getting very close to the edge.

"Stop! I'm getting really close, too."

He let go and once again stretched out beside me. We lay there panting and running our hands over each other's bodies and faces.

"I've never done this before, Paul, what should we do now?

"Me neither, John, but I'm about ready to burst. How about if I straddle you and we jerk off? I quickly agreed to that, he climbed on me, and held our cocks together. He started stroking, jerking us both. Waves of pleasure coursed through my body as I looked from Paul's eyes to our mated cocks.

I put my hand over his and held the rhythm with him.

After a few minutes I began to get close and I declared, "I'm almost ready to cum.

"Me too," he mumbled as we kept up a steady rhythm on our joined cocks.

Soon I was no longer in control of my body. My toes started to curl down. I arched my back. My hand clamped like a vice on his. Then the dam burst! Waves of orgasmic pleasure washed over me and my body convulsed as spurt after spurt of hot cum shot up and onto my stomach and chest. Paul climaxed at almost the same time and with an animal cry he matched me spurt for spurt until we were spent. Utterly drained. There was a lake of cum all over my belly and chest.

Paul collapsed on top of me, the wet stickiness of our love between us as he wrapped his arms around my neck and I wrapped my arms around his back. We were breathing heavily in a state of post-orgasmic paralysis.

"Paul, that was beautiful. This is beautiful."

"Oh, John, I feel so close to you right now. I'm so glad we got to share like this."

We lay like that for several minutes until our breathing slowed to normal and our cocks deflated. Then we agreed a shower was in order. Of course we showered together and it was a good excuse to rub soapy hands over each other's wet bodies. To get a good look and feel of each other's equipment. After a few minutes of this we both began to show signs of excitement again.

We considered jumping back into bed, but we were both getting pretty hungry. So we dried each other off and agreed to take a break to eat. I phoned for a pizza.

While we waited we sat snuggled together on the couch. Paul had his arm around my shoulder and I rested my head against his chest. He stroked my hair as I ran my hand up and down his side.

The pizza arrived. I grabbed another couple of beers. We ate pretty fast. No time to lose! We practically ran for the bedroom again.

In the next few hours we did just about everything that one man can do to another. Yes, some of it hurt a little, at first, but pleasure soon erased that. We found trust and intimacy that we never dreamed possible. Finally, in the wee hours of the morning exhaustion overcame us and we spooned together to sleep.

We didn't wake up until well after 9 in the morning. Then our day started with kisses and another bit of fun. It was after 11 by the time we had showered and eaten breakfast.

Our time was drawing to an end. It was a bittersweet moment when we had one last long hug and headed to my truck.

Paul drove and I either held his hand or rested my hand on his thigh if he needed both hands for driving. We talked. We agreed this had been a wonderful one-shot deal. We could live with that. At least now we knew what we meant to each other. We would keep this to ourselves. No use hurting our wives, right?

We arrived at the parents' house that afternoon. We were reeling from the last 24 hours and must have been projecting something. Both the girls looked a little wary as they greeted us. Of course Paul and I were delighted to see our respective children again. It was the diversion we needed. There was lots of laughing and hugging and kissing!

We ate a light dinner. Our mother-in-law was at the hospital but Jennifer explained that there was no need for everyone to be there. Right now their father needed rest more than he needed company. He was scheduled for a stent procedure the next day.

After the kids were put to bed the four of us settled in the living room. Paul and I had beers and the girls each had a glass of wine. Jennifer started the conversation by asking, "So, did you guys have a good time together?" It was, of course, a simple question, but for Paul and I it was also a very loaded question. We sat there with guilty looks on our faces.

Finally, Paul said as neutrally as he could, "Yeah, it was great to have some time to ourselves again."

Jennifer, as usual the spokesman for the girls, said sarcastically, "We just bet it was...."

Paul and I didn't know how to respond so we remained silent. Waiting for the axe to fall.

Jennifer looked at Marianne, nodded to her, and then turned to Paul and I and said, "Marianne and I have a confession to make. First, it's obvious from the way you too can't keep your eyes off each other, and from you're guilty attitudes, that you've been into mischief. And we know that in the last couple of years you guys had drifted apart and we could tell that you missed each other. None of this is a surprise for us. We knew from the minute we spotted you guys--I think Paul was holding John's hand—that you guys were more than just friends. Somehow though, our instincts told us that you were the right guys for us. We just hoped that it would work out. And it has. We soon realized that you guys hadn't ever "consummated" your relationship, and we actually felt a bit sad about that. I mean you guys obviously loved each other. But overall, Marianne and I couldn't be happier with the way things worked out. We also knew leaving you two guys alone for the night was like lighting the fuse of a powder keg." Then she stopped talking just as suddenly as she started and looked at Marianne again.

This was apparently the signal for Marianne to contribute her two cents worth. "Jennifer and I know you love us. That you love the kids and you love your jobs and heck, you really love your lives in general. But we know that you also love each other. And believe it or not, we're fine with that. We want you guys to be happy. We're banking on the fact that you don't want to change your lives drastically. So we've come up with a plan. Well, a suggestion, really. We, uh, hope it would work for you guys and for all of us really...."

It was Jennifer's turn to take over as Paul and I continued to sit as still as stones. I was afraid to look at Paul, but I knew my face was burning bright red. But so far, if I was actually hearing correctly, this was not any sort of nuclear bomb being thrown into our lives. In fact, Marianne's initial words seemed to provide a ray of hope for all of us.

Jennifer took a deep breath and began. "We've all seen the movies Brokeback Mountain' and Same Time Next Year,' right?" Paul and I nodded yes. "Well, we're proposing something like that. We all carry on in the lives we love but something like once a year you guys go on a skiing trip, or a hunting trip, or whatever, and have some quality time to yourselves. Marianne and I don't care what you get up to as long as you come back to us at the end of your little holiday. We promise to love you and respect you and never give you a hard time about this. What do you think of that?"

After a moment of thought Paul looked at me and raised his eyebrows questioningly. I thought the girls had come up with a killer plan. I was relieved and delighted. I nodded yes to Paul. He then looked at the girls and through his smile said, "Deal!" He raised his beer bottle toward them and said, "A toast to love and life and a promise never to hurt you or the kids."

"Ditto," I said.


Almost two years later....

I am writing this from our balcony on the fifteenth floor of the Queen Kapiolani hotel in Waikiki. This is our second getaway. Paul and I have come here because it's warm and we can spend most of our days in a state of undress or near undress.

Back at home Paul and I talk regularly on the phone. We encourage regular family get-togethers. We maintain a respectful distance at these gatherings and honour our promise to the girls. (Well, maybe a quick kiss and a little grab ass now and then when nobody's looking.) But we're happy that we feel close again. Perhaps even a little like brothers.

Back to the present:

To my right the Pacific Ocean stretches endlessly. In front of me is Diamond Head. And to the left I can see Paul reclined on our king-sized bed, reading. His back is propped against the headboard. His legs are stretched out in front of him and crossed at the ankles. He is wearing only a pair of black boxer briefs. He looks stunning.

Paul senses me looking at him. He lowers his book and looks back at me. We stare into each other's eyes. Slowly he reaches down and begins to stroke his obviously growing bulge. I reach down and stroke my equally responding package through my bathing trunks.

Paul smiles at me and says, "C'mere."

I respond, "Okay," as I rise to take the few steps to the bed.


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