The Beast

By Greg Stevens

Published on Dec 17, 2023


The Beast

Fiction by Greg Stevens

This is a work of fiction. All names and places are fictitious.

The Beast -- Chapter 2

"Fuck you. Fuck you" I said in my head over and over as I left the apartment. I wanted to go back and kick the door. I was angry as I left the building and walked outside into the cold. I had completely forgotten to use the passages under the buildings as I crossed the parking deck to my building. By the time I entered my apartment most of the anger was replaced by a sense of guilt, embarrassment, and shame. What had I done? What did I allow Tyler to do to me? Why didn't I fight harder to stop it?

I moved into the bathroom and stripped off my clothes. Dry patches of cum clung to and matted my pubes as I assessed myself in the mirror. I had a hard time looking myself in the eyes as the guilt washed over me. I ran my hand down my body, slowly feeling the muscles of my chest, down my abs. I turned and got under the warm flow of the shower tilting my head back to let the water wash over me and cleanse me. I ran the bar of soap over my pubes and dick trying to clean off the evidence of what had happened.

I made excuses to help get past the guilt: "It was just experimenting; it will never happen again" or "I didn't do anything wrong" I even added: "no one will ever know." The excuses seemed to make me feel better, even though I knew they were all lies. In any case, I decided to avoid the gym for a few days and just take a mental break.

As the week passed, I was able to push most of the thoughts out of my mind. I decided it was time to face the gym once again. I knew that Tyler "the Beast" liked to work out later in the evening so I timed it so that I would be there and gone before he arrived. "Hey Josh, how's it hanging man" several of the guys called as I walked through the gym. I waved back and smiled but it felt like everyone was watching me. That everyone knew my dark secret. I felt my face turn red as I redirected myself to my routine.

I told myself I was being paranoid that no one knew what had happened as I began working on one of the machines. Within a few minutes, my mind was focused on my workout and everything and everyone just faded into the background. It took about 30 minutes before I started to feel good about my workout. Sweat ran down my face and back soaking my shirt. A sweaty shirt was always an indicator of a good workout from my perspective. I avoided making eye contact with the guys and pretty much stuck to myself. I even stayed clear of certain machines so I wouldn't be asked to spot any of the guys. When I finished my workout, I didn't stop at the locker room, I just made my way to the door to leave.

Back in my apartment, I was feeling much better. I felt like I could move past the incident and not have to think about it anymore. Over the next couple of days, I got back to my old self at the gym, walking around and talking to the guys a bit more, I even spotted them when asked. Things felt back to normal, and I was able to enjoy my workouts again.

"Hey man, how's it going?" I heard the voice as I was re-racking the weights. I glanced up in the mirror to see who was talking, and I lost control of the weight slamming it into my thigh. "Oh man, that looks like it hurt" I heard the Beast say. "It's all good," I lied trying not to let the pain show. "I haven't seen you in a while, everything good?" He asked. "Yeah, just busy. You know how it is." I said, looking around the room to see who was watching.

"Hey, you should stop by for a beer. I managed to clear out all the packing boxes" The Beast said, and I detected a bit of a grin on his face. "Thanks, man. I appreciate it but, I think I have to pass" I said trying to sound stern. "Come on you know you enjoyed it," The Beast said, lowering his voice. I could feel my face turning beet red as he said it. "No," I said my voice rising for a split second before I gained control. I grabbed my towel from the bench and began to walk away. "You know where I live" the Beast added as I passed by him.

I left the gym feeling renewed anger as I made my way quickly through the underground corridors to my building, then up in the elevator to my apartment. I tried to shake the thoughts out of my head as I pulled off my shirt and shorts to shower the sweat off my body. I began to think about the Beast and started to feel bad about being so rude to him. I guess in some ways I was flattered that he was interested in me. The gym certainly had its share of good-looking guys to choose from. "Why me? I was old enough to be his father." I thought to myself.

I shook my head and laughed at the thought as I flopped on the sofa and flicked on some tv. I began surfing through channels trying to find something mind-numbing to watch before bed. I finally settled on a network detective show. The ones that are so formulaic that you can figure out who the suspect is within the first 5 minutes.

Just as the big reveal was going to occur there was a knock at the door. "Hey there," I heard the voice before I realized who it was. The Beast was standing in my doorway with 2 bottles of beer. "It's a peace offering," He said, holding both up with a grin on his face. The Beast was wearing grey sweatpants and an army green military-style vinyl bomber jacket that stretched across his body.

"Can I come in?" He asked as I looked at him. I stopped to think about it but finally, I stepped back and let him in. "This place looks great," he said stepping into my living room. "Thanks," I said, trying to not sound cold or rude. The Beast handed me a bear and tapped his bottle to mine. "Hey, I wanted to apologize if I did something wrong." He said flatly, taking a swig of beer. I motioned for him to sit on the sofa, and I took the chair across from him.

His words "If I did something wrong" echoed in my head. "Did he do something wrong?" I felt myself getting angry as I replayed what had happened. For a moment the room got quiet except for the rustling sound of his army green bomber jacket as he moved. "I didn't want that" I finally said under my breath. It felt sort of good to say it. There was a pause. "I think you did" He replied, and I felt my face blush.

"No, I didn't," I said defiantly, getting to my feet. The Beast placed his beer bottle on the table and stood up. He took a step closer to me and then reached for the zipper of the army bomber jacket and slowly pulled the zipper down. I stared as he revealed his bare, muscled torso. The Beast then took another step towards me, and I felt a sense of alarm "It's ok," he said placing his hands on my shoulders.

A warm feeling rushed over me, and I could feel my dick getting hard in my pants. "No. You should leave!" I said, trying to convince myself. "You know you want this," The Beast said gently, and his voice seemed to wash over me. "I can't," I said in a low whimper as I felt my determination begin to wane.

The Beast's eyes locked on mine as if he were studying me. Then he reached for the army green bomber jacket and pulled back one side revealing his hairy pec. "Touch it," He said, looking me straight in the eyes. There was a look of control in his eyes that seemed to compel me to do as he said. As if moving on its own, my hand raised and touched his chest. "That's it. Now play with my nipple," He said. My fingers began to close on the brown puckered nipple feeling it between my forefinger and thumb.

The Beast inched closer as my fingers continued to work on his nipple. He slid his hand down from my shoulder moving it slowly to my lower back. Then placed it above my ass, and he pulled me to him. My body came into contact with his. I felt weak and numb but at the same time, I could feel my dick was rock hard and straining on my underwear. The Beast placed his hand behind my head and began to move closer. His lips gently touched mine. "No," I said, pulling my head back. The Beast's hand pulled me to him. "Yes," he said, and his lips touched mine again. I tried to turn my head away, but the Beast held me still in his powerful grip.

Bristles from his beard pressed against his face as his thick tongue pressed past my lips and entered my mouth. The feeling was strange at first, but I felt that I had no choice but to allow it. As I forced myself to relax, the Beast's kiss became more intense, his hands ran down my body pulling me tighter to his body. Then I felt his dick pressing into me hard in his pants.

"Good boy," he said, moving his lips from my mouth and moving them closer to my ear. The Beast reached for my shirt and began to pull it up over my body. He looked me over as if he were inspecting me, then backed up and sat on the sofa. I stood silently, feeling very awkward as he sat and watched me. "take off your pants." The Beast said, firmly. My fingers moved slowly as I went to the button on my pants. In my head, one voice was saying it wasn't too late to back out, while another voice was telling me to go for it.

"Do it, boy!" The Beast ordered from the sofa, taking another swig of his beer as he watched. The button popped open, and I lowered the zipper and then began to pull my pants down. I stepped out of them and stood in just my underwear feeling very self-conscious. My dick was hard and pushed out against the cotton material causing them to tent. "Come here." The Beast instructed and I began to move forward. The Beast placed his hands on my hips and maneuvered me between his legs, then he took the beer bottle and ran it over my balls through the cotton. I could feel the cold through the thin material as he continued to rub it on me. "Drop your shorts" The Beast ordered looking up at me. I pulled the elastic out and over my hard dick and dropped them down my legs.

Precum dripped from the tip as I stood in front of the Beast. I could feel my pulse racing and I tried to control my nervous shaking. The Beast took his finger moving it over the head of my cock and began to play with the precum. While I watched he brought his fingers to his mouth and licked it off. "Get on your knees," he ordered, and I slowly moved down not knowing what was coming next.

The Beast reached for the tip of my dick and wiped up more precum, then he placed his wet fingers on his tongue and moved forward placing his mouth on mine. He moved his tongue in my mouth as his kiss intensified and he pulled me closer to him. My hands moved to his thick thighs to balance myself.

The Beast broke off the kiss just as I was starting to relax into it. I opened my eyes and saw the grin on his face. Then he placed his hands on the top of his sweatpants and lifted his hips and pulled the sweatpants down his legs. He wasn't wearing any underwear and his large dick was rock hard and pressing against his body. The Beast sat back on the sofa and grabbed his beer and took a swig as I stared at his massive member.

"Touch it," He said with a smile. I moved my hand up and placed just my fingers on the shaft as if I were holding something fragile. "It won't break. Touch it!" He said sharply. I wrapped my hand around his thick shaft holding it still. "Stroke it" He ordered, and I began to run my hand up and down slowly. "Stroke it! I said" and he covered my hand with his and began running up and down his cock. "Yeah, boy that's it. Now get it wet" He ordered. I removed my hand and brought it to my mouth to try to get it wet.

"NO. Use your mouth." He said with a sneer. I looked into his eyes and there was a burning seriousness. "No," I said, firmly, ready to back away. "Yes." He replied softening his tone, but there was nothing soft about it. "You know you want to." He added with a grin. I wasn't sure what I wanted. I wasn't sure what I was even doing. I moved my eyes from him, then down over his torso still covered in just the army green bomber jacket open wide to show off his muscled chest, and abs. He pushed his dick forward so that it pointed straight up, sitting proudly above his hairy pubes and balls.

I just stared not knowing what to do, not knowing what I wanted to do. "Go ahead," he said and flashed me a smile. My dick throbbed as I moved forward. I took his dick in my hand and opened my mouth above it, then took just the tip into my mouth. His dickhead was warm on my lips and there was a slightly salty taste to his precum. "That's it, boy," He said as I acclimated my mouth to this strange new feeling.

Slowly I began to take more of the big cock into my mouth. I could feel my lips stretch as I worked down the shaft. As my nose got closer, there was a musky smell that reminded me of the locker room after a workout. There was something about the smell that made my dick jump as I breathed it in. "Suck it," The Beast said, and I felt his hand running gently over my head. I began to pull my head up and then push it back down. My movements were slow as I navigated this new experience.

"Suck it boy. Use your mouth, it won't break" He said, sounding somewhat impatient. I began to move my head faster up and down the shaft. As I began to build a rhythm, I became focused on what I was doing. I wanted to please him. To bring him to orgasm, and those thoughts motivated me to do a good job. "Oh yeah boy, that's so good" he moaned moving his hands over my head and neck. He began to gyrate his hips coordinating his movements with mine.

"Stop!" he said, placing his hand under my chin and pulling my head off his cock. His big dick dripped with saliva and precum that ran down the length of cock to his pubes. "Stand up!" He ordered and placed his hands under my arms helping me up. He reached down and pulled his sweatpants completely off then sat back on the sofa running his hand over his wet hard cock.

"Sit on me," He said, and taking my hard dick began pulling it like a handle towards him. "Straddle my lap and sit on me." He said again as I tried to figure out what he wanted. I placed a hand on his shoulder to steady myself, then I placed a leg on each side of his body and sat down facing him. The Beast placed his hands on my ass and pulled me closer to him until I could go no further.

The Beast took both of our cocks holding them together, then he began to stroke them. His wet cock slid easily against mine as he ran his hands up and down our cocks. "Give me your hand," He said and he stopped stroking. He released one of his hands and took and took my hand then spit into the palm and placed it next to his. Then he began to move his hand and mine up and down our cocks. I matched his movements, and we stroked both cocks in unison.

"Yeah, boy that feels so good," he said, and a look of pure sexual enjoyment covered his face. I placed my free hand on his shoulder which was still covered with the army green bomber jacket. I pushed it back so that my hand touched his warm skin. Our hands continued moving up and down our cocks and the feeling sent uncontrollable feelings through my body. The Beast smiled at me and without thinking I bent forward and covered his mouth with mine.

The Beast took his free hand and brought it behind my head pulling me deeper into the kiss. Our tongues intertwined as we continued to stroke both of our dicks together. All thoughts, all reactions were out of my control as my body raged from the encounter. I had reverted to pure animal instinct as our bodies were connected. I began to pant as I felt my dick swell signaling that I was close. The Beast pulled my head back, an intense desire on his face. "Don't cum" He said sternly.

I was so close, but I felt compelled to listen to him and stopped my hand to stop moving. "Good boy," the Beast said, and his response made me feel like I did something well, and that he was proud of me. The Beast began to move his hand again and the sensations rushed back across my face. This time he stared at me, watching the signs of pleasure as it worked over my face involuntarily.

"Do you like that?" He asked. His voice was soft and sexy. "Yes," I grunted. "Yes, what?" He asked. I was lost in all the feelings and didn't know what he expected of me. "Yes, Sir," he said, emphasizing what he wanted me to respond with. "Do you like it?" he asked again. "Yes Sir" I grunted feeling my sexual energy rising with my voice. "Good boy!" he said again, and my body tingled from his approval. "I'm close Sir." I panted feeling our dicks rubbing together. The Beast continued stroking and his body became rigid. I could see the muscles of his chest contracting as his hand began to stroke faster. My body trembled and I could feel the orgasm surging through my body as I inched closer.

My body sputtered as I tried to hold back the sensation just a bit longer. "Fuck" the Beast said throwing his head back. His whole body stopped for a moment, even his hand, then I felt something warm and wet hit my chest. The smell of warm cum lingered in the air. The Beast began to stroke again pumping more cum out. The Beast's warm cum ran over us and a moment later my cock began to spew cum. I looked down as white creamy streaks of my seed shot onto the army green bomber jacket as well as areas of his chest and abs that were exposed.

The Beast's hand slowly stopped moving as our body rose and fell with deep breathing. As my orgasm passed, the awkwardness and guilt began to waft back in. I looked down at what had happened as if it were an out-of-body experience. The Beast looked at me and smiled. With his fingers, he scooped up my cum, from the army green bomber jacket and brought them to his lips, and licked it with his tongue. Then with his hand still on the back of my head, he pulled me to him.

The Beast's lips covered mine, and I tasted my cum on his tongue. The Beast moved back and scooped up more cum, from the puddle between us. This time he brought his fingers to my lips. "Lick it clean" he ordered, his hand holding the back of my head. I moved my mouth forward and began to suck his cum coated fingers into my mouth. "Good boy," He said as I licked the cum from his fingers.

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