The Beast

By Greg Stevens

Published on Dec 12, 2023


The Beast

Fiction by Greg Stevens

This is a work of fiction. All names and places are fictitious.

The Beast -- Chapter 1

My recent divorce from my wife of 11 years left me feeling confused about life in general. I packed up my stuff, moved to a new town with a new job, and decided it was time to work on myself for a change. The apartment complex I moved into had a great gym and provided a convenient opportunity for me to get back into shape. I hadn't realized that at 42 years old it would be a bit more difficult than when I was in my 20s or even my 30s. I set some tight goals and quickly developed a routine. I felt great within a couple of months and in no time, I was nearly back to my college football body that I had badly neglected for too many years.

I got into a great routine, and I felt proud of my progress especially when the younger guys would ask me for tips or make comments on my newly defined muscle. I liked being the older guy and watching the younger guys working hard at bulking up. happier, youthful cockiness and hormones reminded me of a happier more youthful time in my life.

I began to pay more attention to them as they moved around the gym and in the locker room after a hard workout; stripping off their sweaty gear and flexing in the mirror as they assessed their progress. I would run my eyes over their bodies examining every muscle, every movement. I would look at the way their chests swelled, their biceps flexed when they posed or how their muscled legs and firm asses would move as they padded through the locker room. As I watched them, thoughts entered my mind; thoughts I tried to push out quickly.

I tried hard to convince myself it was a combination of loneliness and hormones, but it was getting worse. I began to watch them more intently as they pumped iron, sweat running down their faces and chests. I looked up at their shorts as they spotted me on the bench press, seeing their youthful packages wrapped in a jockstrap.

My thoughts grew and so did my dick as I imagined what it would be like to run my hands over their firm bodies. To explore, slowly running my hands over their rounded shoulders and then down their biceps. I wanted to feel the ridges in their washboard abs or feel the furry chests as sweat clung to the hairs. My thoughts never went further than just touching. I only ever imagined feeling their muscles in a non-sexual way, but regardless, I would ultimately need to go back to my apartment to relieve my aching cock. I would shoot a load relieving the feelings for a time telling myself it was just a fantasy. A dream.

A few weeks passed and I began to relax more. I knew the guys I liked to watch and those that I would secretly think about when I was alone in bed. In my fantasy, I would have one of the guys over for a beer. He would be wearing a t-shirt and I would ask him to pose for me. He would strip off his shirt and allow me to run my hands over his body. I would help him out of his pants and work my way down over his muscled hairy thighs, legs, and ass. I would see the bulge in his jock, but I would never take it out or touch it. It was just a fantasy. A wild dream that I would never act on.

Then one day as I was standing at the dumbbells working on my biceps and triceps I noticed Karl the gym manager walking a new guy through the gym. I had never seen this guy before, but I could not stop staring at him in the mirror. My eyes followed him as Karl showed him all the equipment. There was something about this guy that was different from any of the guys at the gym.

He looked to be in his mid-twenties but there was a maturity to him. His hair was dark brown and in a short military-type cut. He had a trimmed beard in the same dark brown that gave his face a rugged masculine appearance. He was wearing a dark blue suit with a white shirt and a tie. The suit could not conceal the strong body beneath it. As I watched I could feel my dick swelling quickly and I dropped the weights back on the rack to cover my bulge. I wiped the sweat from my forehead with the back of my hand while the towel was used to conceal my bulge. A few minutes later Karl walked the new guy out of the gym.

I switched up my workout time hanging waiting to see the guy again. Finally, mid-week I saw him enter the gym; It was late and most of the other guys had already finished their workouts and left. I watched in the mirror as he began checking the place out. He wore a t-shirt that had the sleeves cut off revealing large, rounded shoulders and defined arms. Portions of his chest were visible where the shirt was cut revealing smooth skin with wisps of hair peeking out from under the shirt. On his lower half, he was wearing a pair of soft shorts stretched tightly around his ass and legs.

"Hey what's up?" He asked passing by me and looking at the weights. I held my towel in front of my quickly hardening cock. "Hey," I said. "New here?" I asked, trying to calm myself. "Yeah, just moved into the building a week ago" He explained. "Tyler," he said extending his hand. "Josh," I said reaching forward awkwardly. His hand was strong and rough, but also soft and warm. The feeling sent a charge up my arm and caused my dick to jump.

I watched Tyler as he moved passed me; there was a power to him, not just physically but in the way he carried himself. "Hey Josh, can you spot me for a minute? I want to check out the press" Tyler said and positioned himself on his back on the bench. His massive chest seemed to expand as he raised his hands to grip the bar. His shirt folded into his mid-section revealing 2 nipples surrounded by soft dark brown hair.

I quickly moved to rearrange my cock to conceal my boner before I took the position behind the bench. Tyler took a breath and pushed the bar up with ease. He quickly pumped out a few reps bringing the bar to the center of his chest each time, then placed the bar back on the cradle. In a swift movement, he sat up and swung his legs over the edge of the bench. "That'll work. Thanks," he said turning to look at me. His eyes met mine just for a moment before I looked away. I moved back to the weights but continued to follow Tyler in the mirror watching his every move.

When Tyler left the area, I moved back to my bicep curls, but I couldn't focus on my workout. My dick throbbed in my shorts and my breathing was becoming erratic. I grabbed my stuff and headed back to my apartment. "Fuck" I said to myself, as I began to pace around the room. My heart was beating fast, and my dick was painfully hard and straining the jock strap. I reached my hand into the top of the elastic band and gave my cock a squeeze. A wave of sensation rushed over me as my warm hand connected with my hard dick.

"NO," I said loudly as I pulled my hand out of my shorts. A thin clear line of precum arched like a thread from my hand before snapping off. I began to pace again, trying to push the thoughts out of my mind. "He's a beast," I said to myself as I moved back and forth my heart racing. "Nothing will ever happen," I said, trying to placate myself. I began to quickly focus on other things, but then images of the Beast began to waft back into my mind. My resolve was weak as my hand returned to my hard cock. I stroked my dick imagining the Beast's firm body, the cut-up t-shirt over his massive chest, and the tight brown nipples waiting for my fingers to play with them and tease them.

Warm cum filled my jock and ran down over my balls. My hand held my spasming meat as the orgasm quickly passed leaving me breathing hard and feeling guilty. I headed to my bathroom and turned on the shower. As I waited for the water to get hot, I removed my clothes and looked at my reflection in the mirror. Cum matted my pubes and a feeling of guilt and anger came over me. I showered off and got ready for bed, the bad feelings slowly subsiding.

The next day, as I was working out on my legs, I caught a glimpse of the Beast. He had just entered the gym and had his towel draped over his shoulder. He wore another t-shirt with the sleeves cut off showing the sides of his massive body. I watched as he swaggered through the gym hitting machines and working on sets. A few times I saw him lift his shirt, and for the first time, I got a good look at his abs. They were defined and the same soft dark hair lightly coated them.

I watched the Beast intently as he moved through the gym. Sweat coated his body and soaked through the t-shirt as he moved. Several times, I felt like he was looking back at me, and I tried to avert my eyes. Finally, he sprayed down the last machine with the cleaner and wiped it off with a towel. He reached for his large water bottle and tilted his head back as he took a long swig. Water ran over his chin and down his body. "Fuck" I said under my breath as I stared.

The Beast removed the bottle from his mouth and held his arm up pointing the bottle in my direction as if acknowledging that he saw me. I forced an awkward smile and nodded back in that "bro-like" way, trying to be as casual as possible. The Beast left the gym, and I could feel my heart racing in my ears and my chest. Once again, my dick was hard, and I needed to relieve myself. I gathered my stuff and quickly walked through the gym to go back to my apartment.

As the door to the gym closed behind me and I turned in the corridor to get to the elevator I walked right into someone. I looked up and it was the Beast. His massive body was inches from me. "Oh B... I mean Tyler, sorry man" I said, realizing I almost called him Beast. The Beast just stood there as if he were unfazed by my crashing into him. "No problem, man. I was hoping we could talk. I just moved to the area and don't know anyone. Interested in grabbing a beer sometime?" He asked. "Yeah, sure that sounds great," I said. "How about now? I have some cold ones up in my place." He added.

"Now?" I thought to myself. I desperately needed to JO, and I was coated in sweat. "Oh, um maybe another time. I am all sweaty and really need a shower. The Beast laughed "I am too. Come on up" he said and turned to lead the way. My heart was beating fast in my chest as I followed the Beast to his apartment.

His unit was in the second building while mine was in the first. Both buildings were interconnected at the sublevel where the gym and parking garage was located. This made getting to the gym or the garage easy as you did not have to go outside to access the 2 buildings.

We arrived at his apartment, and he opened the door, and I followed him in. His furniture was in place, but boxes were still unpacked and stacked in the corner. "I'll grab the beers," He said leaving to go to the kitchen. A moment later he returned and handed me a bottle. "Grab a seat, Josh," he said. "My shirt is all sweaty," I said lamely. The Beast laughed and with a quick tug pulled his shirt up over his head. "Me too, take your shirt off," he said then took a seat on the sofa. My eyes went directly to his massive chest as I slowly took off my shirt. My body was good, but nothing to compare to his.

"Have you lived in the building long?" The Beast asked. I explained about my marriage and how it failed. How I had neglected my body and lost focus on taking care of myself. "What about you?" I asked, trying not to look too long at his body. "Military. Army. 5 years. I was deployed 3 times to theatre. I got into a bit of a situation and ended up leaving on an honorable before anything else went down." He said without going into any details.

"So, what do you want?" the Beast asked, bluntly breaking the brief silence. "What do I want from life?" I asked trying to understand his question. "No. What do you want from me?" He asked. I could feel my face turning red, but I didn't answer. "I saw you checking me out the first day I walked into the gym with the manager. When you spotted me on the bench press, your boner was inches from my face and tonight you watched me go through my full routine." The Beast said. "I didn't" I replied weakly trying not to sound defensive. The Beast chuckled.

"It's the ok man. You're not the first guy to check me out." The Beast replied, then moved and placed his hand on my bare shoulder. A fearful instinct shot through me, and I stood up pulling myself from his hand. "I am not into guys. I never did anything with a guy before" I blurted out, my voice rising as I made this proclamation. "But you want to" the Beast countered. It was a statement, not a question. "I should go. I have to be up early" I said and grabbed my shirt.

As I headed for the door, the Beast blocked me. "Hey Josh, I am sorry if I read it wrong," He said and then he subtly flexed his chest and abs. I tried to talk. I tried to move, but I couldn't. His massive body that I had thought about was directly in front of me. The Beast reached for my hand and brought it to his chest. "Touch it," He said holding my hand against his bare skin.

My hand began to move slowly as if by itself. I ran it between his pecs and then down to his washboard abs over the soft fur. The Beast took my other hand and brought it to his chest as well. "See it's not so terrible. You know you want it" he said and there was a sense of control in his voice.

I moved my fingers closer to one of his brown nipples. For the first time, I could see the dark ring surrounded by soft hair; the puckered nipple that I fantasized about touching. I moved my index finger dragging it over the tip. The Beast took a slight breath. Then I began to circle it with my finger as the tip seemed to get harder. The Beast flexed pushing his hard chest out. I brought my thumb to the other nipple and gently pinched the tip between my fingers applying very light pressure.

"Oh yeah, Josh" The Beast exclaimed under his breath. He placed one of his large hands behind my head and started to pull me to him. "Suck it, man," The Beast said pulling me to his body. As my face got closer, I could smell the masculine musk coming off his warm body. I closed my eyes as my lips touched the hairy area around his nipple then my mouth closed on the tip.

The sensation was weird and felt...unnatural. I began to pull back, but the Beast held my head. "Suck it I said" The Beast demanded. Again, I tried to pull away, but the Beast held me tight. "You know you want this," he said harshly. As fear overcame me, I twisted my body, and I was able to pull away. The Beast looked frustrated. "I should go," I said, but the Beast stopped me. He backed me up until I came into contact with the wall, his body pressing into me, holding me in place.

A moment of panic and regret came over me. Tyler, the Beast, was young enough to be my son, but he was bigger and stronger than me and though I tried (at least partially) to push him off of me, I couldn't compete with his strength. Slowly I stopped pushing back and took a deep breath. Part of me was thinking about how to get away from him, while another part of me was excited.

I could feel the muscles of the Beast's body as he pressed against me. The Beast lowered his head towards my neck, his lips touched my neck, and my body broke out in goosebumps. I could feel the whiskers of his beard and then a warm wet feeling as his lips parted and began to lick and kiss my neck. Waves of sensations rushed over my skin and down my body, my dick jerked in my shorts, and my breath caught in my throat. "That's a good boy," he said softly in my ear before going back to kissing my neck. "Boy" the word echoed in my head. Did he call me a boy?

The Beast backed up giving some space between us. Once again, I reached for his chest and began to feel his body. The Beast flexed his arms and raised them over his head, I watched as the large deltoid muscles expanded and his chest raised; he held his arms above his head revealing his hairy pits. I moved my hands up his delts feeling the muscled ridges, moving further up to his pits, and running my fingers through the sweaty hair.

His body was mine to explore as I moved my hands down the centerline of his body, over the defined abs, feeling his narrow waist. "Pull down my shorts" the Beast ordered. I reached for the material and worked it down over his hips. Underneath he wore a white jock strap that was bulging and straining against the weight of his heavy cock. The head and a couple of inches of his shaft poked up proudly above the waistband.

Like the rest of the Beast, his dick looked massive. The mushroom head was large and dark red. The Beast moved his hands down the sides of his body and slipped them into the thick elastic band of the jockstrap, then continued moving his hands further down his legs sliding the jockstrap as he went. His dick was rock hard. It was very long and very thick and was nestled above a large patch of dark brown hair.

The Beast stepped out of his jock and stood in front of me and began to run his hands over his abs and down to his cock as he watched me. He then placed his hands on his dick, one over the other like someone holding a baseball bat, and began to slowly stroke it. He moved his hands up and down on the thick shaft. As he did large amounts of precum oozed from the tip. The Beast removed one hand and ran it over the tip, smearing the precum. The mushroom head glistened with the clear fluid as his finger moved. Then he took some more precum from the tip and brought the wet finger up to his nipple and smeared the precum over it, matting the hair that surrounded the brown circle.

The Beast moved his hand to the back of my head and began pulling me towards the precum-coated nipple. "Lick it boy" The Beast did not ask, he ordered. He continued to pull me to him. With the wet nipple only about an inch away, I could smell the precum mixing with his masculine musk. My tongue darted out and I closed my eyes as I tasted the salty clear fluid on his hairy nipple.

I began to swirl the nipple on my tongue, placing my lips around it and sucking it into my mouth. I told myself I had no choice, but a part of me wanted this. "Fuck yeah boy. Your mouth feels so good" The Beast moaned, then he let go of his dick bringing his other hand to my head. He pulled my head away from his nipple and brought his face close to mine. "That was very good, boy," He said looking directly into my eyes.

The Beast then pulled me to him and wrapped his large, muscled arms around me. His rough hands moved down my back sending shivers over my skin. His hands moved gently but with purpose lower on my back. Then I felt his hands move into the waistband of my shorts and jock and then on my bare ass. The Beast pushed my shorts down over my ass and down my legs.

The Beast placed his hands on my ass and gently began to pull me closer to him forcing our hard cocks together. He moved his hands to my hips and began to grind himself into me, forcing his dick against me. "Yeah boy, you feel good!" he said as he gyrated his hips. His dick throbbed hard sliding up my body. I could feel the wetness from his precum making his dick slide easily against my skin. My dick mashed between us and I could feel the patch of his pubes rubbing on my balls.

"Fuck boy you got me so hot," He said with a crude grunt. Then roughly placed his hands on my shoulders and pinned me back against the wall. His eyes worked down my body to my dick. My eyes followed his. "Fuck that's a nice cock, boy," He said, and I felt a bit of pride rush over me. Before I could do or say anything the Beast dropped to his knees and moved faster than I realized swallowing my dick in one gulp.

A rush of sensations flooded my body that started at my dick and moved in waves through every part of me. I sucked in a breath and closed my eyes as his warm mouth surrounded my hard cock. The Beast began to suck my dick making hard long movements, taking it as far back into his throat as he could before pulling his head back. I opened my eyes and watched as he continued this movement. His bearded mouth surrounded my cock as his head bobbed back and forth.

The Beast knew what he was doing. He knew how to suck a dick better than any woman I had ever been with. The feelings were too strong and any last inhibitions I may have had quickly slipped away as my dick was being devoured by the Beast. I lowered my hands and began to run over the Beast's head feeling his short military-cut dark hair as he bobbed back and forth. For a moment he tilted his eyes upward and looked at me, then returned to working on my dick.

My dick began to swell, and I felt my heart racing as my orgasm was getting close. "I' cum...." I grunted as I felt the orgasm begin quickly. My body tensed and I caught my breath. I closed my eyes tight trying to hold off, but the Beast did not stop. I let out a ragged breath and gripped the Beast by the shoulders as it began to move through my body. Then, at the last second, the Beast held my dick in his hand and pulled his mouth off, freeing my cock. One single stroke of his hand and cum shot from my dick splattering white milky cum on the Beast's dark beard.

My body shook uncontrollably as more cum shot out hitting him in the face. I continued to hold on to his shoulders as my knees began to buckle under me. The Beast squeezed out the last of my cum allowing it to fall to the floor. Then he rose to his feet standing in front of me. My load coated much of his face, some getting on his chest.

"Lick it off," The Beast said, and he made it clear it was an order not a question. "No. No way" I said feeling my fear rise again. The Beast moved closer bringing his cum soaked face to me. "I said lick it off boy" his voice was harsh, and I could smell the fresh cum as I turned my head away from him. The Beast grabbed me by the hair and pulled me back. "Lick it," He said simply and pushed his wet chin to my mouth.

Reluctantly and against my will, I began to lick the wet slimy cum from his chin. It was already cold as my tongue began to lick it. The fine hairs of his beard prickled my tongue as I sucked up the wet mess. "See that's not so bad," the Beast said as I continued doing as I was told. As my tongue moved over the wet beard, the Beast moved his mouth so that it covered mine. His tongue began to probe my mouth swirling it around. "Damn boy your cum is sweet," He said, pulling his mouth from mine, a sadistic grin on his face.

The Beast released me and stepped away. His dick was still rock hard, and I feared what would happen next. There was no way I was going to suck his dick no matter what happened. The Beast looked at me and smiled. "You can get dressed now," he said abruptly. I began pulling up my pants, stuffing my wet, spent cock back into my jock, then moved past the Beast to find my shirt. Once I slipped my shirt on, I moved cautiously to the door, expecting that the Beast was just playing another game with me and would stop me. "See you at the gym, tomorrow?" He asked as if nothing happened. I looked back at him still standing there naked, his large dick sticking out hard and proud, then I turned and left the apartment.

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