The Bear

By John Mann

Published on Jul 21, 2004


So this guy messaged me out of the blue - after finding my name on a local Yahoo group. He was in town for the afternoon, and was looking for a guy to play with - but I wasn't available. We had a nice chat, though.

I heard from him a couple of days later, after he's found my site. He likes my writing, and relates to some of the things I've discussed. He's in a similar situation: married, figuring out that he likes guys. His messages were much longer and more thoughtful than most guys I chat with. He seemed like a guy who thinks a lot - and you know how I like the guys with the big, bulging brains...

We talked more - and he was getting me interested. I just enjoyed hearing him talk about his experiences.

So it turns out he's coming back into town... or at least close to town. And he'll have some time off a couple of evenings while he's here. Well... evenings are the worst time for me - I basically never ever have any time in the evenings to meet with guys. But during the time he was scheduled to be here, I had one evening completely to myself. So - after some negotiating about schedules, we decide to get together.

He was a big, barrel-chested guy, which was no surprise, as he'd told me he was definitely of the bear variety - and a cute one, with bright brown eyes, and a sharp-looking goatee. He was looking a bit preppy - and somehow also, just a bit rugged.

We talked about the events of the day, our jobs, houses, hometowns, backgrounds, wives, men, etc. He had a bright, open, gregarious personality - lots of stories, smiles and jokes. He's definitely a storyteller - a communicator - and very comfortable to be around. We talked for a long time - over an hour, I think.

He finally broke the ice - "So, shall we get past that awkward moment" - and leans in toward me. "You like to kiss?"

I knew he did - it was one of the things we'd talked about, and he had actually bragged a bit about his proficiency with it. So, though I'm not usually into kissing with guys, I figured we could give it a try - and be more experimental than I usually am.

Wow! Lots of mouth, lips and tongue. All this intense intimacy, strength and power. Kissing moved into hugging, rubbing, embracing. It gathered momentum and energy. We did nothing but kiss and rub like that for ages. I'm usually not into this, but he was amazing!

This may surprise you to hear me say - but it was like sex with my wife. I've never had that level of passion and intimacy with anyone else.

Along with that passion and intimacy, there's a certain feeling I try to create while having sex with my wife - a feeling of overwhelming her with power (not rough, not forceful - powerful). A feeling of surrounding, enveloping and overwhelming her.

For the first time in my life, I felt that same feeling - but I was on the other end of the equation. Or at least for part of the time - we were taking turns.

So, we were having this amazing sex, getting hotter and hotter for each other, and I realized - hey, we still had all our clothes on!

At one point, he stopped to talk: "You're really hot"

I said "You're Overwhelming"

And we were kissing again.

Once again, kissing sounds so bland. We were in an intense passionate, active, powerful, lip-locked embrace. That sounds like a romance novel, but romance wasn't the mood - it was raw power.

Words fail me.

I realized a minute after I'd made that last comment to him - that he'd complimented me, and I'd given him a very neutral comment back. I hoped he realized that I loved how he was ravaging me - and hopefully I was ravaging him back in kind. But my mind was too overwhelmed to communicate any of this to him. I was overwhelmed.

He said - "This is what I like about guys - back and forth, from dominate to submissive. One minute you're doing me - then we switch, and you can be passive, and I can do you"

Other stuff we were doing felt just like fucking. I was pulling his legs up to his chest, as if I was going to plow right into him. I wanted to plow right into him. Later, he'd have me in the same position, and I so wanted him to plow into me - grunting and groaning. At one point later, we were cock to cock - with me on top, and we're both grinding and thrusting our hips - intensely fucking each other.

Well, during all this back and forth, tossing and turning, we'd slowly gotten down to our boxer-briefs. He moved down, and finally pulled my dick out and started sucking me.

Wow! His mouth was incredible - so much energy, pressure, smoothness, slickness - and once again, power. His action - it was almost like he was body slamming me every time he went up and down on my dick. It wasn't that it was violent, he just put his whole body into sucking me.

"Lord! How do you do that?!? That's amazing!"

Then he'd come up and kiss me some more. No - not kiss; ravage?

In my last couple of encounters, I'd tasted just a sense of this intimacy - enjoying the touching, the holding, the closeness. And in tasting intimacy, I'd realized that it was something I wanted more of. But in those situations, it was just a taste, and I was to timid to taste further. This was no taste. I felt like I'd grabbed the cup and gulped it down, with the extra running out of the corners of my mouth.

I was enjoying him ravaging and sucking me so much - I knew I was being selfish. But all these sensations felt so new, so different - I couldn't help myself. But I knew I needed to reciprocate.

So I got down between his legs, and pulled out his dick as he had mine, and engulfed it with my mouth. It was smooth and wet between my lips, my tongue, my mouth. But now - how do I do to him what he did to me? I used my hand; I kept my tongue firm along the bottom of his dick. I tried to bring the energy and power of my whole body to blowing him.

I don't know if I was doing to him what he did to me, but whatever it was, he liked it. His hips were bucking, his body was writhing. And then I moved back up his body to ravage him for awhile. I realized that I wanted the ability to do both - to be ravaging him and sucking him at the same time.

He was so into me blowing him, that I wondered - is he really close? Or is he just totally into this? Or both?

"I could be close - or I could wait - it just depends on what you wanna do"

Earlier, when we'd really gotten started with this intense passionate sex, I was realizing we weren't going to have time to finish. I knew how sex like this was - and it takes hours. But I also knew that he had somewhere to be soon. So I asked him:

"Well, if you're close, how about I get you off now, and you can come back later tonight?"

And he agreed. But planning to have him return got to me in a place I didn't expect.

"This feels so tawdry," I told him. "This is the first time I've ever fooled around with a guy, where I felt like I was cheating on my wife"

The only person I'd ever had that level of intimacy, passion, physical communication with, was my wife. I'd recently decided that was fine - and just thought it was part of how sex was with women - or at least, with her. And been very grateful that she and I had such good sexual chemistry.

But here was the same thing. And it got to me.

Anyway - so I started back to blowing him hard and fast, he was thrusting his hips, and we got a rhythm of bouncing him off the mattress, fucking my mouth. He got louder, and more intense:

"I'm close... I'm close..."

He kept thrusting -

"I'm close"


Gasping: "There!"

I brought him down slowly, jerking him off while I kept the head between my lips - feeling him pulse... pulse... pulse...

He was late - so I got him cleaned up - and out the door.

Lord, what have I gotten myself into?

Next: Chapter 2

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