The Bazaar

By Anonymous4371

Published on Nov 15, 2008



by Bill Smith (

Chapter 12


Each month, The Bazaar distributed a well-researched newsletter to its customers based on the latest findings from the fields of slave management, marketing and breeding. This month's issue was devoted to slave management and both Bill and Chad Williams found its contents both relevant and timely.

The first article was on a topic few owners liked to talk about: theft of an owner's property by suicide. The article started out that indeed slave suicide was grand theft of the first order taking away an owner's investment often in a matter of minutes. The slave could hardy be punished for the theft if the suicide had been successful and successful attempts of this heinous practice set a horrible example for the other stock on hand. Slaves are, on the average, more intelligent than the average horse, water buffalo or other draft animals. This allows them to be craftier than other types of livestock. Most types of animals, for example, are too dumb to successfully commit suicide, not having the brains to envision it, let alone plan out how to do it. But human livestock can not only conceptualize the idea of self-elimination but can sometimes figure out how to do it within the controlled environments in which they usually reside.

Good management would require, then, that slave suicide rates be reduced to zero and there were a number of steps that would assure just that:

  1. Slaves should never have access to any common eating utensils. Research had shown that 60% of suicides could be traced to using these as instruments of self-mutilation. The practice of making slaves eat out of fixed toughs or in pans on the ground with their mouth and tongues only to scoop up the food eliminated the need for the deadly instruments and had the added advantage of reminding slaves of their status as animals.

  2. Slaves should be penned or caged at all times they are not in a specific supervised work assignment. Such containment should include nothing more than rugs, blankets or rags on the floor, nothing to fix any type of self-made noose to (showerheads should always be so high they are well out of reach), there should be no electricity within the pens, no furniture of any type that might be reworked into a instrument of death, and nothing that could be stripped or pried away from the floors or walls. All pens and cages should be designed so they are always visible by an overseer, brightly lighted at night so the overseer can easily see what is going on within the pens.

  3. Shackles should be employed when a slave is outside his pen and under heavy supervision, but should be removed as he is locked within his pen or cage in that shackles can, with expert body manipulation, be used for strangulation or to induce arterial blood ruptures.

  4. Direct observation of all penned slaves is essential (many owners utilize closed circuit TV for this purpose) in that slaves sometimes connive with each other, e.g., they agree to strangle or asphyxiate a fellow slave in return for his sexual favors, food allotments, etc.

  5. Slaves should never be allowed near any electrified and/or razor-wire topped fences although these should be around any slave holding facility to prevent escape. But a dead slave atop an electrified and/or razor-wire fence is a total loss to its owner and, research has shown, is frequently used by slaves as a means of suicide rather than an attempt to escape where, most likely, once captured, his new situation would be worse than the one he was trying to escape from.

  6. Slaves should be kept on a strict exclusive diet of slave chow. Combinations of certain regular foods can be poisonous through allergic reactions, etc. Slaves are often aware of this means of suicide and will utilize if they have access to anything but the allergy free slave chow. Eating dirt is yet another way slaves can poison themselves (at least in large quantities) and should be disallowed at all times. Although such suicides only account for 1 to 2 percent of slave losses, it is easily avoidable.

  7. It goes without saying that slaves should be kept nude at all times so that visual inspection of their body is always available. Slaves allowed to cover themselves have been known to tie cords tightly around the base of their penis to eventually induce uremic poisoning, rupture an artery in the groin area so they bleed to death before it is noticed, or chew off their own balls for the same effect. Complete nudity is also, of course, conducive to maintaining a slave's proper self-image as an animal.

  8. Lastly, if a slave is successful in stealing his master's or mistress' investment though suicide, it should be made clear to others in his pen and work gang that they will be held totally responsible for this crime and consequently submitted to a series of long and extremely painful punishments, along with starvation diets, for allowing this to happen. Suggested punishment to be orally drilled into your slaves: first week - no rations and 100 strokes of the bull whip every night; second week - 50% rations and 3 burns with the electric prod every night; third week - 75% rations and 100 strokes of the cane every night; fourth week (if still alive) - 100% rations and 100 strokes of the standard slave whip every night; fifth week - 3 lashes with the razor-tipped whip each night. This punishment regimen leads to about a 2% stock loss but gets the message home, once demonstrated. With this punishment system in place, research shows that slaves will do anything necessary to prevent another slave from committing suicide in the future.

"Looks like we've pretty well covered the bases," Chad said as he finished the article.

"Thank God the two-legged animals haven't stolen anything from us yet," Bill put in, "and they better not. But I'm going to clip and save that article, because, if they did, that last point in the article is a damn good one. In fact, we should set that up now as far as making sure every piece of stock understands that's the ongoing policy of Williams Copper. I like the idea of slaves monitoring each other's behavior for our benefit. That's pretty clever if you ask me."

"I'm with you, Bill," Chad added. "They might as well take some responsibility for the other animals in their lot instead of shoving all the work on the overseers."

"It's kind of hard to understand the slaves' motives," Bill said. "Here they get all the food they want as long as it's just slave chow; all the water they want once they're locked up in their pens; they don't need clothes anyway; we don't work them more than sunrise to sunset usually; they get to clean themselves at night; and they've got a safe, clean place to sleep out of the storms every night. Now that we've compromised on the sex relief issue, they get to fuck and suck each other in the pens at night and, just to make sure they don't get blue balls, they're all milked once a week anyway. So getting their rocks off isn't an issue. I can't imagine what else a slave would want."

"Well, Bill, " Chad laughed, "they might want something to eat different than slave chow, see what's beyond their work assignment and their pen, a nice rag to decorate their body with, a day off once in a while, a place to be by themselves sometimes, someplace to sleep that was a little more than concrete walls and a metal roof, some heat on a cold winter's night, and a woman of their choice to fuck once in a while. That's just quick off the tip of my tongue. If you give me a moment, I can come up with some other things a slave might want' as you put it."

"Then they shouldn't have gotten themselves enslaved," Bill snapped back. "Which reminds me, that article did point out later than bred slaves rarely ever commit suicide. The author suggested that their expectations were nothing but what they were experiencing in the vast majority of cases and they viewed taking your own life as disloyalty to their owner - something crammed into them from the time they slipped out of a brood's womb. I wonder if you just bought up bred slaves to start with if you've have to fiddle with all the shackles, the barred pens, the constant observation, the razor-wire fences, and all that stuff. Looks like a overseer with a strong whip for keeping them on task might be sufficient."

"The Bazaar's Newsletter a couple of months back had an article on that, Bill," Chad said. "It claimed some new research on that very topic was in progress but the results weren't out yet. What they were testing was the way to do it, though. Would the premium cost of bred slaves in general offset the cost savings of reduced slave security if the findings supported everyone's suspicions? If so, and we switched to 100% bred slaves at sometime in the future, we could get rid of half of our paid overseers, save a little on building less secure pens, and quite a bit on shackles which we're always having to replace and repair."

"The question is probably mute, Chad," Bill responded. "The Bazaar's Newsletter already is reporting that breeding is rapidly leading to more disease resistance, bigger, stronger, and longer-lasting bodies, a more handsome product, genetically tailoring the animals to general classifications, and, the real argument if you don't buy the rest of it, dramatically lowered training costs. The example they used was in the breeding of slaves for the sex trade. Already they can produce a product that's more appealing to both sexes, has much bigger sex organs, and demonstrably greater sex drive. And being brought up as a sex slave from day one, they don't perceive any request made of them as weird, unusual, novel, or kinky. They just say "Yes, master" and get on with it to the best of their ability. Its' what the newsletter called complete lack of acquired guilt' sometimes still residing in the formerly free now enslaved."

"We've got quite a few bred slaves in the pens now, Bill. I'm going to ask the overseers if they notice any real differences in terms of handling them or their productivity. All we can really comment on are the boys we have here in the house serving us. And, knock wood, I can't complain about any of them, bred or not."

"Well, Chad. We've picked those house slaves out pretty carefully and it wasn't based on their origins as much as how well their bodies turned us on and their big dicks flopping around in front of them all the time."

"Point well taken, Bill. But when we get a report back from the overseers on whether they see any differences at all, we might revisit the topic. After all, you know as well as I do, the day will come when bred slaves are going to be about all you can get. And, by then, the breeding barns'production will be up to where their product will be so cheap the newly enslaved will be so expensive they'll be sold off as novelties only."

"We'll be old men by then, Chad. But, don't worry. With all the corrupt governments, war captives, unemployment, and starvation in the world today, we don't need to worry about supply. Look at those Koreans we just bought. Who would have dreamed their own government would be selling off their military draftees like that? I'm not complaining - look at the price we paid - and so far I don't think we have anything to complain about. The overseers say they respond to the whip just like the rest of the stock and can work just as hard. They tell me they actually eat a little less chow, tend to just fuck each other so far if given their druthers, and, in the weekly milking you agreed to finally, they yield about 10% more output."

"I guess I'm just prejudiced," Chad responded, "but those Korean animals look so much alike to me buck naked they look like they were all bred from the same sire."

"Well, the overseers have learned to tell them apart without checking their ID tattoos, but even they had trouble at first," Bill laughed.

"Who gives a shit if we do have trouble telling them apart? They were a great buy, have proven out in the mines, and haven't given us any reason to complain so far. Until bred slaves can undersell them, I'm satisfied with what you choose to buy at The Bazaar, newly enslaved or not," Chad announced. "Besides, I take it you're enjoying a few of them up in your suite now and then. I've just fucked two so far and whether I'm fucking their ass or their mouth, I can't tell any difference from those expensive pleasure slaves we sold off for some big profit."

"I wonder how your old black P44 is doing in that Adelaide brothel, Chad? My bet he's getting a run for his money. Not too many blacks in that area - especially ones at your beck and call in a slave brothel."

"You're probably right, bro. But that's what he was trained to do, so he's probably happy as a puppy with a warm meal in his belly."

"Or as happy as a black sucker with a gallon of warm cum in his tummy," Bill chuckled.

Comments are solicited and very much appreciated. Writers need feedback! Bill Smith (

Next: Chapter 10

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