The Bazaar

By Anonymous4371

Published on Oct 29, 2008



by Bill Smith (

Chapter 5


Julio would be the third addition to the his new owner's harem which already contained a sleek black slave from the Central African Republic and an exceptionally well equipped young male slave from the Ukraine. The black was still in his early 20s; the Ukrainian slave was 28 now, but still looked like he was about 21. Both had settled into their harem roles easily, thankful they had been sold into such an easy life. Neither resented having to yield their bodies up for their owner's pleasure whenever he wanted; neither had any trouble meeting the demands of pleasuring both their owner as well as his many guests and business associates around the clock; both actually relished the long hours of mandatory physical conditioning to keep their bodies in top form and desirability; and neither particularly missed any sexual activity with women over and above the occasional dalliances imposed on them by the emir's frustrated wives, unmarried sisters, and the occasional female oil executive they were loaned out to.

The black, 6'3" and extremely muscular, had a jet black hide, practically no body hair, clear jet black eyes, thin pink lips, a jutting jaw line, long black eye lashes, high cheek bones, huge pectoral development, tight abs, and a long, thick prick, neatly circumcised since his enslavement, that was well displayed at all times due to a thick genital band permanently encircling his entire sexual apparatus. This simple addition to his body allowed his ample prick to rest proudly atop his large peach-sized balls, usually in at least a semi-erect state and often dripping pre-cum if he hadn't been milked recently. His tits were pierced with rings so large they swung whenever he moved and, over the years, had stimulated his tits into growing three times their size before he had been outfitted like this. Finally, a small nose ring, welded into place in his septum, let anyone looking at him know instantly he was a fully owned slave, as if his master's brand on his butt and right pectoral didn't already announce that fact. The emir's son was his second owner to date.

The first time he had been sold it was to a tribal chief in his own country who was even blacker than he was and, at 18 years of age, he first found himself as one of the chief's litter bearers, a chained nude decoration at the base of his throne while the chief held audiences, and as the chief's main bed partner when he wasn't busy producing new heirs with one of his many wives.

But after two years of that, an agent of the emir, traveling throughout Africa looking for new trade opportunities as well as new slave stock, spotted the young handsome black and offered a price the chief couldn't turn down, especially when it was easy enough to replace him in that slaves in his country were in oversupply at the time. So, at 20, he became part of the emir's son's harem and had been there, happily, ever since. What had led to enslavement to start with at the tender age of 18? His father couldn't pay the tribal tax imposed that year, and turned his son over to the chief in lieu of his tax. It was a common enough arrangement and largely explained why there was an oversupply of slaves in his home country. His family regretted the loss, but they had plenty of other children coming of age, it was one less mouth to feed, and the son would be proud to know his transfer into permanent bondage had saved their family from financial ruin for a least that year. Every single one of the king's litter slaves had come as payment of taxes and every single one did take a distinct pride in being the salvation of their family's independence and social standing in their home village. Within their families and village, they were heroes. Once into slavery with their new owner, they were owned animals - nothing more and nothing less. Valuable animals, yes. But animals nevertheless.

The Ukrainian slave, being older, had a more varied history. An orphan at 15, he was reduced to hustling the streets of Kiev, selling himself to anyone with two rupees in their pocket. There were so many hustlers on the streets the police cleared them out periodically as public nuisances and those they caught were simply sold off to slavers as long as they promised to sell them out of the Ukraine. Thus, Boris, along with at last 150 other teenage boys and girls, found themselves shoved in a huge transport truck and eventually unloaded at a huge warehouse in Istanbul where they were, indeed, sold off one by one to whoever had the means to buy them.

Boris, being big and muscular for his age, was sold to a pipeline company laying the new pipeline through Northern Turkey all the way to the Mediterranean ports. There he was worked as a draft slave chained to a herd of other boys about his own age for the next two years. His overseers were harsh and demanding, but he was fed well, had clean straw and a clean tent to sleep in after his 12-hour work days, and the other demands on his body were limited to meeting the needs of his overseers who wanted little more than a quick sucking off or a good pounding of his butt. But each overseer had at least 20 slaves under his yoke to choose from each and every night, so Boris, despite his handsome good looks and appealing body was used little more than once a week or so. In between, the overseers paid little attention to what the boys did with themselves at night outside of making sure they didn't use each other (they considered that their right) and so Boris could relieve himself with his right hand almost any night he wasn't selected by one of the overseers for their own use of his body. Female slaves were kept isolated and he seldom even saw a female slave, let alone get the chance to relieve himself with one of them. Most of them he saw seemed to be in some stage of pregnancy. It was months later until he figured that one out - female slaves were busily producing the next generation of slaves you didn't have to buy - they would already be in place.

As Boris got older and filled out considerably, his bodily attractions became more and more apparent and the company owning him was always on the lookout for maximizing their profits. When he was barely 20, he was unchained from his team of workers with nary a word of explanation, whipped onto a truck with about 10 other especially attractive and well hung slaves of his own age or even a little younger and the next stop was a slave market where he was again put on the block stark naked, carefully appraised by thorough examination of every hole in his body, had his balls emptied repeatedly to satisfy curious shoppers, and finally was sold at a startling price (to him) to an agent for an emir in a oil-producing nation in the Gulf. After shipment in the cargo hold of a private jet to this new home, he quickly found he was the second member of the emir's son's private harem of male slaves, his only companion a tall sleek black slave who seemed happy to have some company and another body to help satiate his young owner and his many friends and relatives who had access to the harem.

In his new home, Boris was used frequently and thoroughly by a huge array of people who viewed him as no different than a thoroughbred horse or a valuable and entertaining pet. Usually, he got fucked several times a day (often more), was on his knees sucking a cock just as frequently, served stud to those who liked slaves servicing them that way at least once a day, and often performed sex with his black colleague simply to entertain his master and/or his friends as the mood dictated. Now seven or eight years later (he had lost track of the exact time) he was still doing the same duties day in and day out, but was totally acclimated to it by this time and thought little of what was demanded of him other than concentrating on doing it well or facing the consequences of a languid attitude - something a few severe whippings had permanently taught him you couldn't afford.

Now, a young handsome Italian was here to help them handle the ever increasing work load as the business associates of the emir's son had grown exponentially over the years and each and every one expected use of the harem as part of signing off on any long-term deals involving the oil riches swimming under the sands beneath them

Julio's training as a sex slave had been as extensive as his two new colleagues although it had been completed at the Bazaar's own training facilities in Alexandria (but initially in Italy), not the Central African Republic or the Ukraine. But the training of slaves as pleasure providers for their new owners was remarkably universal, as Julio found out the minute he compared his background to the other two slaves in his new owner's harem.

First, like all slaves, he had learned to adjust to constant nudity. That took a good month before he got over blushing as others stared at his naked body, openly assessed its attributes, and even made comments on his bodily features right in front of him as if he wasn't even there, let alone react to their assessments. At first, they acted as if he were deaf and couldn't hear their lurid remarks about his erections, his swollen balls, his inflamed tits, his dripping prick, let alone his cute butt, his open hole, his pouting lips supposedly just waiting to wrap themselves about a master's prick or twist its way up a mistress' clit. Then he realized that to them it didn't matter whether he heard them or not - for them, he was an animal and animals really don't respond to words being said around them or about them. If the slave understood the master's comments, it really didn't matter anyway. What the slave thought and felt about what was being said about him or her was totally irrelevant and had no consequence as long as they did exactly what they were told promptly and to the very best of their ability.

Second, he had learned to first tolerate, and after a few heavy whippings, cooperate fully with others fondling his body - all of it, including the parts he once thought of as private' to an individual. Compared to the black and the Ukrainian slave, Julio realized he had more experienced more trouble with this than they did, perhaps because he had been brought up Catholic, he mused with an inward smile.

Third, he had to submit to being milked whenever anyone pleased and, although pleasant when you hadn't been allowed to cum in days, it was strange at first when someone else literally stroked and squeezed your organ similar to a cow's teat being milked. But, after all, he was an animal no different than a cow, so he could see why those milking him thought little or it and certainly didn't expect any resistance on his part. Besides, as he soon learned, being allowed to spurt off after enforced abstinence of even a few days, was a welcome relief, not something a slave "endured." Soon, Julio, like the other slaves, eagerly looked forward to being milked and sincerely thanked his owners when their efforts were successful. But, of course, others didn't always milk him themselves - frequently they simply told him to milk himself under their direction. It was no different than jacking off before he was a slave - but now he did it at their direction, in public, and basically for their pleasure, not his. But, relief is relief, and Julio, like all other slaves under heavy control by their masters, learned to welcome any opportunity to empty his balls no matter where or when.

Fourth, Julio's biggest lessons were learning how to suck to a master's complete satisfaction whenever they wanted; how to take it up the ass anytime anyone had the urge; and how to fuck a mistress or a master exactly as they wanted whenever they wanted. He even learned how to best let an owner suck him off if that's what they wanted. Julio, like all other slaves (not just sex slaves) realized his body belonged to others now and they could do with it as they wished. They would enjoy jamming a prick all the way down his throat without him choking and gagging; taking even the biggest shafts up his backside in any position they wanted and for as long as they wished no matter what he thought about it; poking his own organ into a mistress or master under their exact directions without being allowed any debilitating orgasm on his part and making sure they experienced delights they had never dreamed of prior to their use of his body; and, finally, learning that he would only be allowed to relieve his own needs AFTER he had pleased his user (and not always then, dependent on their plans for using him later). It was his user's pleasure that mattered - not his. And anything his body could perform that would heighten a user's pleasure was expected of a slave; anything less than that and a slave was accordingly severely punished.

These were all lessons every slave learned, regardless of their other duties, and most slaves, regardless of what their primary purpose was, got sexually used a great deal. If a pleasure slave, then by their master or mistress on an almost hourly basis; if a brothel slave, almost continually by both sexes until their body simply wore out from overuse; if a draft slave, then by their whip-wielding overseer where full sexual use of slave's bodies was an expected side benefit to their primary task of extracting maximum work out of a work animal; if a manufacturing or factory slave, they were the supervisor's meat at every rest break, meal times, and certainly when they were back in their pens at night. For both draft and manufacturing slaves alike, an added duty was being assigned as "motivational incentives" where at night they were thrown into the pens of slaves who had exceeded their work quotas that particularly day. Hence, all slaves soon learned to view their bodies as playthings, cum dumps, a side benefit, or an earned prize. The slave him or herself had no choice in the matter, no rights of refusal, or even allowed a look of resentment or protest. On the contrary, they were to offer up their body with a willing smile on their face, their legs spread wide in invitation, and a quick and sincere thank you to anyone taking their pleasure with the slave's body.

That's why Julio, the African and the Ukrainian viewed themselves as extremely fortunate to be sold off to the emir's son's harem. Compared to others, it was an easy, even pampered life.

The African slave had worked as a litter bearer for years. But that didn't mean he wasn't fucked several times a day and it didn't mean he didn't spend a great deal of his time on his knees, sucking off anyone his master designated at that particular time. In addition, the other litter bearers fucked him almost every night when he wasn't called to the Chief's chambers and the Chief's studmaster had him breeding brood slaves three or four times a week to make sure the number of new slaves produced in the rutting sheds were kept at current levels, a big source of income to the Chief's treasury over time. So, ever since he had been enslaved, his body had been in heavy sexual use under the direction of others. Serving in the emir's son's harem was nothing new, except his balls had more of a chance to recharge now and his ass muscles weren't always sore now. When he had been chained to the throne of his former African owner, he had been on full display at all times, often with a huge erection. Now, the emir's son delighted in showing him off to this friends and relatives in all his glory and with a full dripping erection, but it was obvious his owner was proud of his possession and he was being shown off to enhance his owner's pleasure, not just as one of many displays of wealth around a throne. The African had learned to love his new owner - a handsome Arab prince - who fed him well, didn't overuse him, and even told him how pretty he was now and then. He was lucky to have a master who was young, good looking, hung well, and who took complete charge of very aspect of your life as if it was his God-given right, which, of course, it was in any religion in the world he knew about.

The Ukrainian slave, having spent a good part of his slavery in heavy toil as a pipe layer under the constant whip universally used with chained slaves bought for their muscles, knew first hand the plight of the vast majority of slaves in today's world - they were bought for the work that could be extracted from their bodies with little to no thought given to how the horrible work conditions and harsh discipline might shorten the work life of the possession. Like most others in a similar situation, he was roughly fucked by his supervisors regularly who viewed a thorough raping about as good as a sound bull whipping for a slave's overall education - the harder and more frequent, the better for the slave's ultimate instruction. Most of his supervisors were ugly, crude, and uncaring - slaves under them were an object to alleviate their lust and have the shit beaten out of them the rest of the time. When someone with some sense of what value good looks had when a slave was auctioned off and he was shipped off for resale, it was the luckiest day of his life. When he eventually found out he had been sold for use in a master's harem, he wept with pure joy. Since then, he had discovered how good a slave's life could be if you just had the right owner. Although used regularly and thoroughly, now it was clean, he was greased properly, and his master was not only good looking, but knew exactly what he was doing in bed so that it was easy to please him whether the master wanted a good sucking off, a good pumping of his slave's ass, or a good fucking himself by a well equipped slave. Even when offered to his owner's friends and business associates, they too proved to be in an entirely different class of slave user than the rough overseers of the oil fields. Never once did he feel ravished when his body was offered to others - he was used, of course, but not raped as such. Although their needs always came first, naturally, they never deliberately taunted him or caused him to suffer needlessly just for the fun or it. In contrast, they often let him have relief after they were completely through with the use of his body for the evening - real class to treat a slave so generously and a long way from when the overseers used to brutally whip him when they had gotten their jollies just because they could and they seemed to enjoy watching him scream and writhe in agony. Maybe it made their miserable lives out in the lonely barren oil field seem better - at least they were better off than a slave who was routinely raped and then beaten to a pulp. Boris recollected that these same overseers used to gamble themselves into heavy debt - debt so bad they sometimes ended up being enslaved themselves to pay off the loans. Once slaves themselves in the same oil fields they had once been supervisors, they rarely spilled any tears at the treatment they got being raped every night and whipped unmercifully. The minute they were enslaved, they knew what to expect and they knew nothing they did would change their lives now. So they did exactly what they told, tried to avoid the whip by working as hard as they could, thanked the supervisors for fucking them, and generally were silent and accepting in their new lives as bleeding, overworked, fucked animals.

Julio, Boris, and the nameless African slave (no one had ever bothered to call him anything but slave') got along well in the harem. They saw no point in competing with other for the emir son's favor in that all were used about equally. They all liked their new life under their new master who expected nothing less than perfection from his properties and generally got it. The emir's son never crossed the line between master and slave - he viewed them as his owned animals who were there to do exactly as he wished. He didn't love' them, he used them as his property. He appreciated their fine bodies, their nice manly equipment, and their willing attitude toward their work. The slaves were fed well, were kept properly exercised to that their bodies stayed in perfect shape, had decent clean accommodations, and any ailments were promptly attended to. Even though they were frequently given out as gifts, loans, favors, and bribes, those they were assigned to treated the emir's son's property as if it were their own and, although so heavily used at times they were sore and tender in spots, they were always given sufficient time to recover before getting another assignment. Hence, a bleeding ass from a particularly big, thick one up their backside, sore ass muscles from too much pumping and milking actions, a calloused prick from too much stroking, sore balls from too much heavy handling, swollen, angry tits from too much twisting and kneeding, a sore throat from one too many pricks being rammed clear down to their stomach, even a little retching from one cup too many of fresh hot cum being pumped down into their stomach - all of these things happened, of course, as they would with any half way attractive slave, but in their case such symptoms led to a work assignment not involving sex like helping out in the kitchen or helping the gardener, sex duties not involving the afflicted areas (such as sucking only if the ass was sore), or, sometimes, when they had been really worked over, a day off. All three slaves deeply appreciated having such a considerate master who obviously valued his human livestock and wasn't about to let it needlessly depreciate. What more could a slave want?

Comments always appreciated. Thanks. Bill Smith (

Next: Chapter 3

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