The Bazaar

By Anonymous4371

Published on Dec 21, 2008



by Bill Smith (

Chapters 18


Always eager to increase their profits, the marketing division of The Bazaar culled both history and psychology books for new ideas in how slaves could appeal to a customer base.

History told them that Ancient Romans, as well as Egyptians, often bought exceptional slaves simply to display their wealth, parade the exotic, or flaunt their absolute control over another human being. Consequently, Romans frequently paraded fantastically handsome male slaves and beautiful female slaves who were totally nude save their collar and leash, usually heeling behind their master or mistress. In this respect, they were no different than wealthy people you see today parading exotic breeds of dogs around with jeweled collars and fancy leashes. Other Romans (and many Greeks) displayed slaves that were genetic freaks (e.g., dwarfs, those with three legs or three arms, two noses, etc.) or with diseases that caused disfigurements (reptile skin, blotched hides, elephantitis, etc.). Especially prized were female slaves with oversized breasts, male slaves with colossal genitals, slaves of both genders that were freakishly tall or freakishly short, and those relatively rare slaves that were hermaphroditic. Of course, males shorn of their genitals entirely, the complete eunuch, had their special appeal for certain owners.

The Mongols favored displaying slaves that emphasized their total control over their possessions: naked slaves holding up a throne with their muscles straining, sweat pouring off their bodies; or slaves laying down to be walked upon as a luxurious carpet over a mud puddle; or sleek nude slaves being used as footstools or tables.

The Aztecs enjoyed displaying their enslaved enemies as completely terrorized and totally subjugated. The ultimate being, of course, their selection as human sacrifices in rituals where their beating hearts were literally torn out of their chests in public and very bloody religious ceremonies.

Of more recent historical interest, The American South of the 1800s had their share of owners collecting slaves they enjoyed displaying in public: exceptionally well-built black studs stripped to the buff and garnished with various "control harnesses" made a splashy display, especially if the stud was trained to show hard most of the time. Both mistresses and masters often displayed exceptionally well-endowed young bucks dressed in clothing especially designed to show off their attributes - usually skin-tight pants which emphasized their genitalia leaving nothing to the imagination and which literally advertised to the whole community how they were probably used in the privacy of an owner's bedroom.

All of these historical examples had one thing in common: exhibit of the exceptional coupled with display of absolute control. Both had their psychological appeal; together it was almost addictive in its appeal. The Bazaar's marketing staff knew this psychological motive was timeless - it would sell just as well now as it had for the past 3000 years.

But The Bazaar had certain modern advantages: highly selective breeding could actually produce the unusual and bizarre nowadays just as well as it was steadily producing better and better looking slaves, e.g., slaves with calico hides could be produced in a small number of mixed breed matings, and slaves could be produced with bigger and bigger genitals over several generations of careful forced-mating of those already possessing exceptionality in this area. And technology could help out, e.g., you could now tattoo an entire body in bright colors and unusual designs to create a unique offering; pharmaceuticals could induce permanent erections; bodies could be surgically "enhanced" toward bigger breasts, longer and thicker penises, more sculptured pecs, better looking facial features, etc. What slave dealers in Ancient Rome hunted for all over the world, The Bazaar could produce "in-house" where global searches failed.

It wasn't long until a special "boutique" for this new offering of display slaves was set up, adjacent but separate from the "pleasure slave" section that continued to prove so popular. But boutique didn't mean small. Nothing at The Bazaar was ever small: this boutique started out with over 3500 offerings and was growing daily. Any buyer visiting the new boutique would be hard pressed to claim he couldn't find anything appealing to him or her or a body wasn't available that would add to his or her prestige and even envy when he paraded the newly purchased display slave around his home community or corporate setting.

Most slaves offered in the new boutique had at one time or another been thoroughly trained as a pleasure slave in that the demands placed on them sexually would be similar to any other pleasure slave. But, in addition, display slaves were usually required to perform sex in public and often with total strangers, albeit with their owner's permission of course. Consequently, some display slaves had previously been sold as pleasure slaves. When traded in for something new and different, their bodies had been enhanced, new bodily decorations had been added, and extra training was scheduled so these slaves to be resold as display slaves were now unaffected by people staring at their naked bodies constantly, having total strangers feeling various aspects of their body in public along with a running commentary on their various bodily attributes, and performing every sexual act imaginable in the most public of situations: out on the streets, in the parks, in the middle of the marketplace, in the public baths, parks and swimming pools, in shopping malls, at sporting events, in theater lobbies, etc. It usually took some time before a slave got used to being fucked at a public restaurant right in front of everyone, and often with a casual passerby. Or sucking off a total stranger in a shopping mall simply because his owner thought it would be a nice diversion. It was one thing to get used to being paraded around totally exposed with all eyes upon you - that was humiliating enough. But to then be sexually used in public at an owner's whim was mortifying. Training in this area involved going from humiliation and shame coupled with blushing and crying to, months later, a stoic acceptance of their new life as a mere object of titillation without all the blushing, tears, looks of despair and feelings of unbearable shame novice slaves in their area were often burdened with. A well-trained display slave performed instantly, with no visible signs of resistance or shame, and even with a certain pride that his body could be enjoyed by others, no matter how bizarre or decorated or disfigured he might be. The fact the slave was often leashed and displayed along with a favorite exotic breed of dog, a trained monkey, or even an unusual reptile wrapped around an owner's neck only heightened the slave's awareness of his role in life now - a symbol of his owner's wealth, power, good taste, and love of living life to its fullest. As such, the slave was reduced to a pet, a symbol instead of a person, an animal decorated to his owner's decrees, and an mere extension of his owner's sexual proclivities.

The Bazaar's marketing staff tried to identify the most ostentatious places in the world to advertise the new offerings. Hence, Hollywood, Monte Carlo, Abu Dhabi, and Rio were all bombarded with TV, newspaper, and trendy magazine advertisements. Samples of display slaves were furnished to all the popular TV talk shows along with their new owners. As a result of this saturation advertisement campaign, it was quickly noticed that the super wealthy from all four places were more and more frequently sending their agents to The Bazaar for purchase of "display slaves" as they had seen in the advertisements, or, better yet, taking the time to visit the new boutique at The Bazaar themselves. Agent or owner, what they were looking for was a splendid specimen purchased solely to display an owner's wealth; to exhibit that wealth could buy total and complete control over another human being; and that human subjugation, with enough money, could be molded and then revealed to one and all at an owner's whim. All 3500 of the offerings at the new boutique were carefully trained to fulfill that psychological need for their new owners and had long ago accustomed themselves to being led around in public by a leash, flaunting their body's unusual characteristics as part of their everyday existence; and tolerating, even inviting, close inspection of every part of their exposed bodies, including, of course, sexual use of their body if desired by those their master deemed worthy of the privilege.

Although the advertising campaign led to dramatic sales increases, the biggest acceleration came when The Bazaar offered free first-class plane tickets and hotel stays at the Bazaar facilities to their most high-stakes buyers - those who already owned hundreds of slaves but were wont to keep up with the latest trends. The first sales junket was offered to 15 multimillionaires, nine of which had chosen to take the first scheduled trip - three from Hollywood, one each from Monte Carlo, Abu Dhabi, and Rio and 3 more who were long-term customers (one from New York City; one from London; and one from Shanghai). All nine were sequestered at the most luxurious hotel The Bazaar owned, located conveniently to the pens of the new boutique specializing in display slaves Their host was the head trainer for the new type of slave offered, a Mr. Mohammed Siad.

"I've scheduled a showing exclusively for the nine of you at 10 AM tomorrow if that's convenient with you gentlemen," Mr. Siad announced at the welcoming banquet for the small group of select buyers. "Since the pens for the new boutique are right next to this hotel, we can have the showing in this very room, which is easily converted into a small sales display facility. That way, you can actually view the offerings while enjoying your breakfast if you wish and won't even need to leave the comforts of the hotel. Of course, if you wish to buy, that is easily arranged via the computer terminals located throughout the room. Like all our other offerings here at The Bazaar, all paperwork and shipping arrangements can be handled easily by The Bazaar - as simple as electronic money transfers are made. We can have the showings terminate for lunch or, if you wish, you can also enjoy lunch here and we can continue showings throughout the day. As you probably surmised," Mr. Siad chuckled, "we have over 3500 offerings in this boutique already so the showings could go on for days. But, not to bore you, I decided to show you our most unusual and - in my opinion - some of our best offerings during the morning show. If you have something special in mind, please just fill out the form in front of you, gentlemen, and I can practically guarantee we'll have it available for you in full display tomorrow morning."

Seven of the nine filled out the check-list type form in front of them and handled them to the attendant slaves. The remaining two strolled over and talked privately to Mr. Siad, one giving precise details about his preferences for a display slave; the other inquiring about the length and breath of the display slaves' special training.

Once every guest had enjoyed their banquet, they quickly left to rest up from the long flight to Alexandria and to enjoy the well-trained pleasure slaves awaiting them in their hotel suites - usually two slaves per suite. Each of the buyers had been to The Bazaar many times before and knew the slaves awaiting usage had been carefully selected around their own preferences in bed slaves. The Bazaar kept careful records on these sorts of things - it's what made The Bazaar a first-class operation.

All nine found full relaxation and ultimate pleasure once the suite slaves assigned them catered to their needs. By morning, all nine were in a mellow mood - a mood that led to increased sales as The Bazaar knew so well.

As the nine entered the banquet room again the next morning, clean and fresh after being bathed, they enjoyed the smell of premium Egyptian coffee mixed with the tantalizing aroma of fresh baked pastries smothered in warm cum sauce. Fastened on 30 short pedestals around the perimeter of the room under blinding lights were the morning's initial offerings, each currently covered with a thin curtain.

Naked slaves, obviously selected for their beautiful (and now hairless) bodies as well as their ample genitalia, circulated among the guests serving rolls, coffee, and juice. All of the waiters were between 16 and 19 and all offered to add extra cum sauce to the rolls if desired, emptying their own balls on the spot for the fresh cum if requested.

Mohammed Siad lost little time in getting the showing started.

"Gentlemen, we will quickly preview some of our new line of display slaves while you are breakfasting, trying to give you an idea of the variety available in our new boutique. If you see anything that you might be interested in purchasing, just nod your head while it is being displayed and we'll deliver the slave to your table for a closer inspection when you've had a chance to see all of the morning's offerings." Walking to a the first display, he whisked the cloth away covering the slave chained to the pedestal. There was a gasp from the audience.

"The famous author Ray Bradbury once wrote a book called The Tattooed Man.' Well, here he is." The slave being shown was covered head to foot in bright colored tattoos, including even his prick and balls. At the end of his colorful prick, now semi-erect, a leash ring had been installed made all the more prominent because the slave, on his haunches, was slowly fucking himself on a huge white dildo - one so big in girth it was hard to imagine how the slave managed the insertion without grimmacing.

"God, think how many pricks of the needle that slave has had. Hurts to even think about it," a guest from Hollywood mentioned casually to the buyer seated next to him as he munched on a cinnamon roll drenched in warm cum sauce.

"Not as much as having that lead ring punched through the end of his prick," his neighbor laughed as he continued pumping the shaft of a young slave waiter next to him for a fresh load of sauce' on his almond butter roll. "It would be flashy to have that slave heeling behind you, though, especially if you had him on a penis leash. I imagine covered like that he would draw considerable attention."

"Even without the decoration, it's a nice body," his neighbor replied, "and he sure seems to know how to take a good fucking. Look at him go on that big dildo he's riding. Training like that doesn't happen overnight."

"I'm going for it," the man stroking his waiter vigorously said as he raised his hand not occupied. "At least look him over. That would look real good in Monte Carlo - they're never seen anything quite like it back home."

"Not even in Hollywood have I seen anything like that," the first man commented. "And in Hollywood these days, I thought I had seen everything," as he too raised his hand indicating he wanted to look this slave over more thoroughly.

"We're pricing the tattooed slave at $840,000 minimum bid," Mr. Siad announced, "although it will probably bring much more at open auction. The tattoo artist decorating the slave charged us $18,000 including the slave's various rings, but it took him over two weeks - the slave kept passing out from the pain of the needles, so we paced it out over two weeks. We didn't care that the slave was unconscious, of course, but you can't tattoo a prick very well when it's not totally hard if you want the design to show properly. But I especially like the ring through the end of the prick, don't you?" Mr. Siad said as he hooked a leash to the ring for emphasis. "Perfect for a display slave." The slave moaned softly as Mr. Siad tugged on the leash a bit but continued to pump his stretched hole up and down on the huge dildo beneath him. "We have four expressing interest in looking this slave over more thoroughly. Anymore before we move on? Incidentally, gentlemen, you can use the slave anyway you want, of course, as part of your inspection. We don't expect any of you to not try a slave out before purchasing. The slaves are all completely trained and expect nothing less - they are as eager to find a new owner as you might be to purchase them. Even slaves get tired of the holding pens, I'm afraid, although they can't do anything about it, of course," Mr. Siad laughed at his little joke. "Shall we move on to the next offering?"

Removing the cloth covering, the second display slave was an Arab youth partially clothed in traditional desert garb but cut to expose his genitals completely.

"A touch of Old Araby for a mere $400,000 ?" Mr. Siad asked as the slave now revealed looked wantonly at the prospective buyers, his organ fully erect. "Wouldn't this make a novel display on the streets of Rio or Shanghai or New York City?" Two hands shot up among the buyers, one of them coated with cum from the roll he was eating.

Mr. Siad moved to the next display which featured three Arab slaves under the cloth, all dressed in pantaloons. "A touch of Arabian Nights?" Mr. Siad said. "These three aren't terribly expensive even for the trio, and all are completely trained for complete satisfaction. To be honest, they were formerly pleasure slaves traded in for younger boys, but their previous owners were totally satisfied with them. But we thought they shouldn't be hidden away in someone's bedroom as a pleasure slave - they're certainly pretty enough to display out on the streets and the Arab background and dress only adds to the display appeal. Something really different, say in Hollywood or Duluth, Iowa as far as that goes. These Syrian slaves would enjoy being shown in Duluth, Iowa, or a small English town like Plymouth - a sensation there, I dare say," Mr. Siad laughed uproariously. Two hands shot up indicating this trio would be subject to some serious inspection before too long.

The next display seemed bigger than the others and took several drapes to cover whatever was under it. As Mr. Siad removed the cover, identical triplets stared out at the audience - all exceedingly handsome, all well built, and all partially covered by white briefs which somehow made them all the more tantalizing.

"Don't mind the slave's coverings, gentlemen. I can assure you what's under that tight underwear won't disappoint anyone in this room, but," he chuckled, "The Bazaar staff thought three big dicks presented at once might put you into shock. Can you imagine the impression you would make having three totally identical slaves accompanying you on a business trip or a little walk in the park or entering a hotel? Naked or clothed, they're going to make a lasting impression. How many triplets look like this? And how many triplets are identical? The Bazaar's actuaries claim the probabilities run over 210,000 to 1 and that, my friends, runs the price up accordingly. Three million for the three of them minimum bid. Obviously, this is for the very wealthy only, but doesn't it just say "rich" when you have these three on your leash. Sorry, gentlemen, we will sell them together only - that's where their value is. And all three are thoroughly trained to satisfy any whim or fantasy you might have - a gift for a beloved wife or a deserving son, an indulgence for your own bed, an exhibit where they fuck and suck their brothers - let your imagination run wild - with three you more than triple the possibilities. If nothing else, strip them down and have them accompany you anywhere - you'll find they are as identical under those tight briefs as they are everywhere else and they are fully trained to show hard on verbal command alone." With that, he clapped his hands, the three instantly whipped their briefs off and displayed their huge organs as they quickly grew fully erect and started dripping.

"Now that's some real training," one of the buyers on the other side of the room announced loudly as he raised his hand. Three other hands quickly were in competition with comments of "Amen," "It's a lot of money, but in this case, well worth it," and "They look Italian which makes it all the better in my opinion."

The next display was of a very well built Latino boy no more than 19 who had a look of total subservience to him, his head bowed and his hands neatly folded in front of him. He was shown in a pair of tight fitting briefs which did nothing to hide the large erect organ underneath.

"A nice Puerto Rican boy specially bred for market, sold at the age of 15 and has had both a master and a mistress since then. Traded in a few weeks ago for something a little younger, we decided to market him this time as a display slave due to his nice physique, his humble bearing, and the fact we don't have too many bred slaves marketed in this division yet. He'll do exactly what you want, of course, has a lot of experience considering his age, and none of his previous owners have been anything but 100% totally satisfied with him in or out of bed. He'd look nice accompanying you down the street and just reeks class if I do say so myself. Showy, but not too showy, for those of you into making a subtle yet impressive display of your wealth. But he's not all that expensive considering the quality of the goods - only $410,000 - a real buy if you just used him as a pleasure slave, but for a display slave he's about as low priced as any slave displayed here today." The slave being displayed blushed at the mention of his low price, but his erection showing through the briefs grew even larger and a wet spot on his briefs was obviously getting more pronounced. Five hands shot up on this one - it was the slave's shy demeanor, Mr. Siad opined.

The next display was a little brassier. Dressed in denim shorts so tight and old they were practically bursting off the slave underneath was a very muscular white boy who preened while he displayed himself under the bright lights. He licked his lips in invitation as he purveyed the audience of prospective buyers and the thin jean shorts could do little to hide his throbbing erection.

"Just one previous owner - a older woman - who, we understand, along with her son, gave this slave a run for his money. But, as you can see, some slaves thrive on heavy usage and this one flaunts his body at the slightest provocation - a perfect display slave. Perhaps even better stripped to the buff, because he's got pretty to show off under those jeans, but that's up to his buyer. Used goods and priced accordingly - $330,000. A real bargain."

Eight hands shot up when the price was announced. The exhibitionist slave was going to be busy being inspected by so many and knew he'd be worn out when this group of buyers were through with him. But, hopefully, he'd find a new owner among them and was sure he could satisfy them, whatever they might come up with. One thing was sure - whoever bought him, his body was going to be shown off almost constantly from now on but he knew he'd have no trouble with all those eyes devouring his body day and night - in fact, he liked the look of desire and envy in those searching eyes. It gave his life purpose.

The next five stands featured naked slaves in harness, slaves heavily chained, or slaves fitted with numerous control devices. Each in their own way was distinctive, attractive, and certainly conveyed their owner had real power and wealth. Each of the five attracted numerous buyers interested in further inspection of their bodies. In fact, Mr. Siad noted, there seemed to be more interest in these slaves than those dressed by marketing for display. Perhaps it was a mistake to cloth slaves destined for public display when selling them.

The next display after those five would put that to the test. It was a well built black slave with a huge erect phallus fully exposed, but costumed as a police officer ripping his clothes off like the ever popular strippers widely available in most towns nowadays.

"Full blacks always make for a nice display," Mr. Siad noted as the slave turned in place to fully expose his tight butt, his muscular back, and, turning some more, his bulging pecs and six pacs in front. The slave then lifted his balls to show the audience how big they were although that was evident anyway since he had been fitted with a very tight genital ring which guaranteed his genitals were always well displayed. The slave's skin glistened from a fine coating of oil, obviously lathered on him right before being chained to the sales podium.

"Minimum bid on this black is only $320,000, but, if you ask me, he displays best butt naked," Mohammed Siad chuckled, "instead of these costumes our marketing department keeps coming up with." Four hands shot up in that shiny blacks always tended to display well, especially when they were as well hung as this one.

Just at that point, an audible gasp could be heard from one of the waiters. He was being milked for a fresh batch of cum sauce by one of the potential buyers and couldn't totally control a loud moan as he emptied his load not only on the roll indicated but all over the plate it was on as well. In fact, his output was so great some of his discharge had spilled over on the carpeted floor as well as the hand stroking his shaft. A muffled scream followed the slave's moan as the waiter's supervisor wasted no time in taking his slave whip and lashing the slave's butt.

"You clumsy oaf," the supervisor yelled at the slave waiter whose butt was already bleeding from the whip's lacerations. "You know better than to get your cream on anything but the roll. Now get your sorry ass down and lick that mess off the master's hand and then get every drop off this carpet."

"Yes, master," the 17-year-old slave said as he quickly got on all fours and started licking his own cum off the master's hand. "I'm sorry, master," the slave tearfully apologized to his user as he slurped away as fast as he could.

"I sorry about this, master," the supervisor, himself a slave, said humbly. "This slave tends to get overly excited when he sees his older brother being displayed," nodding to the black being displayed originally in a policeman's outfit, "and probably shot off a load far larger than he usually does. Caught the little bastard by surprise, I would guess, and it looks like he shot out four or five times more than usual. Don't ask me why his brother turns him on - probably something going on before they were enslaved, master."

"How much to buy this waiter?" the master asked Mr. Siad, who had come over to the scene to see what was going on, pointing to the boy now licking up his cum off the carpet.

"It's his brother for sale," Mr. Siad laughed. "This young twerp is still in training - about all he knows to do now is deliver a good load. In a couple of more months, we might have something marketable. Right now, he's not worth much, I'm afraid. Now, his brother up their on the podium - that boy is fully trained and will give you years of satisfaction and will certainly make a fine-looking display slave."

"But I want this waiter just for his cum. It's the best tasting sauce I've ever tasted and if all I want him for is as a milk stud, what's the problem?" the master insisted. "Besides, he's young enough to keep producing for years."

"Well, if you want him half-trained, it's o.k. with me. As it turns out, he's cheap enough and when you've milked him dry, you can always trade him in on something trained for all the things most people expect out of a slave property. Tell you what. The brother turns him on obviously. Why not buy the brother and him at a giveaway price? You buy the black display slave for the minimum bid price of $320,000 and I'll throw this pair of big balls in for a mere $50,000 more. You could easily get that for him when you trade him in a few years down the road. In the interim, you'd have one fine looking black display slave to show off in public and this milk stud to keep your tummy satisfied. In fact, it might be fun to have the display slave fuck his younger brother right out in public for a little special novelty. Won't affect the younger one's output at all - in fact, it will probably increase it. How about it? $370,000 for the two blacks together. It's a real bargain."

"You're very persuasive, Mohammed," the buyer laughed. "I'll take both of them, but leave the waiter here for now. I may want some more of his delicious sauce while I'm looking over the rest of your offerings."

With that, the buyer again directed the slave to position himself so the buyer could conveniently milk him while continuing to munch on the cum-laden roll in his other hand. Already, the 17-year-old black was hard again and was so overjoyed at this recent turn of events he actually welcomed the handling, a small price to pay in view of the fact he would remain with his brother for the near future, at least. Within minutes of vigorous stroking, the young slave was again erupting onto yet another roll, but this time, under the watchful eye of his supervisor, he made sure all of his cum ended up directly on his new owner's roll.

Mr. Siad continued with his unveiling of his display slave offerings.

"The medical profession labels them as afflicted with priapism. They're freaks all right, but they make wonderful display slaves with their oversized pricks that draw attention in every culture. They're great for public display, but frankly, few can take them in due to their size without internal injuries so they're really unsuited for exhibition fucking. Likewise, few mouths can stretch enough to suck them off properly. So these poor slaves aren't left with much for relief except a good milking now and then. But, alas, even that isn't quite as showy as with those lesser endowed - they're so damn big their hearts just can't pump enough blood down there to get them totally hard - as you see them, semi-erect, is about the best you can expect. But isn't it a sight to behold?"

With that, five slaves meeting his description were unveiled, each showing as hard as they could. Six more hands shot up promptly in that slaves hung like this constituted a real find. The slaves being displayed smiled at the potential buyers stoically, realizing their destiny as display slaves was determined the minute they grew considerably larger than normal. It was easy enough to just stand there and be fondled, stared at, hefted, and commented on, and was far better than being shackled to a construction gang or sent to the mines. Still, it would be nice if they could get off more often than most owners allowed display slaves like this. They didn't get to fuck any more than a eunuch, they reflected sadly, but at least they could still be milked if their owner wanted to do so, and, if allowed, they could still relieve themselves. But they knew they would seldom be allowed this privilege in that most owners wanted them constantly erect, or at least as erect as they could get, given their huge size.

The final batch of display slaves unveiled were in various forms of restraint: usually harnesses, sometimes chains, sometimes face masks, sometimes restraining rings. Each and very one offered a unique appeal to certain buyers and when each was shown, one or two hands quickly shot up, practically guaranteeing they would be sold that day. All of this final batch managed to show hard at the time of their unveiling, reflecting months of good training had been beaten into them somewhere along the line.

When all thirty slaves (or some cases sets of slaves where they were being sold together) had been displayed, their provenance reviewed, and their prices announced, it was time for the more thorough inspections and trials usages the buyers had been promised. The waiters were dismissed as the food was cleared away but the handlers remained with whips readied for any corrective action that might be needed.

Soon the room was filled with the smell of sex sweat and spent cum along with the sounds of gasps of orgasm, moans of pricks entering tight asses, and gags of throats being forced open. Slaves were positioned with legs as far apart as possible, with their pelvises thrust forward, bent over with their holes fully exposed, and on their knees with their jaws extended as open as possible, saliva dripping out of their stretched lips. Some slaves were softly groaning as their organs were being stroked, their balls squeezed and hefted, their asschutes and throats stretched to the limit, and their tits pinched and pulled.

Four hours later, all the buyers were finished with their examinations of the slaves they had chosen to look over and pre-auction sales were being conducted by Mr. Siad as rapidly as his laptop computer could handle the informal bids and prepare the ownership papers. By 3 in the afternoon, all 30 display slaves (and/or sets of slaves) had a new owner along with the one partially trained black waiter who was being sold along with his older brother. Altogether, 37 slaves in all and all sold considerably above the minimum bid price.

Mr. Siad notified the shipping department to prepare the goods and the accounting department to prepare the appropriate bill of sales before reporting back to top management.

"Well, Siad, how did the initial offering of display slaves take off?" the management team asked him in the main conference room.

"Fair," Mr. Siad replied. "We sold all 30 easily enough, and then some. And prices held up fairly well. But, in my opinion, we can do without the suggestive clothing on the slaves. It didn't help a bit and finally, I just stripped all of them down to start with. Buyers like them butt naked and that's the way they're going to display them - that's obvious from the comments I picked up on. The ones hung like horses brought very good prices, so we want to keep on the lookout for the priapism boys if they're half-way decent looking otherwise. It's my understanding the Ancient Romans had the same experience with those types of slaves - a steady demand and great prices. But, frankly, I'm not sure we're doing any better with this display boutique than we would just selling them well trained pleasure slaves - the pleasure boys are all trained for full display at all times if that's what their owners want - and we're not getting too much extra premium on these display boys."

"But does the new boutique increase our overall sales?" one of the management team asked Mr. Siad. "After all, it's more convenient and it gives the illusion, at least, that The Bazaar is offering them something unique and special."

"The answer to that is an unqualified yes', sir. Most of the buyers appreciated having a small limited range of pre-selected slaves to look over, especially chosen for their display potential, and seemed willing enough to pay a little extra for the convenience of boutique buying, complete with a nice breakfast, comfortable seating, and no crowds to cope with," Mr. Siad said with considerable reflection.

"Well then, gentlemen, I move we continue operation of the Display Boutique for at least the remainder of the year. By then, we will know if demand holds up in this area, and we can make a final determination a few months from now. As it is, I understand we still have 3500 to sell and, at 35 or so a day, we've got a hundred days ahead of us before a final decision."

"All in favor, say aye,'" the chairman called for a formal vote. "Opposed, same sign." Everyone in the room voted for the limited proposal with the amendment that the matter would be reviewed in 100 days. Mr. Siad was thanked for his report and congratulated on his first day of sales.

As he left the room, Mr. Siad remembered that the Board had previously voted him a 0.0005% bonus on the selling price of each slave in this new venture for all his work in getting this new project off the ground. He quickly calculated his bonus for this day alone: approximately $5000 give or take a little. Not a bad bonus, especially considering his regular wages were quite respectable. No wonder he and everyone else who worked for The Bazaar liked the slave industry so well! At any rate, he planned to continue sales of display slaves for the foreseeable future.

The 3474 slaves remaining in the boutique's pens were not consulted on the matter. All they knew was they were most eager to get out of the small confining pens they were caged in when they weren't being exercised, bathed, or fed. It would be nice to get out and see the world and have a real owner who would be proud to show them off - even if it was butt naked on a leash with everyone gawking at them. But, hell, what else is new? They were slaves after all!

[This tale will conclude with Chapter 19, also posted.]

Next: Chapter 16

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