The Battlefield

By DurtyRiter

Published on May 23, 2020


Disclaimer: This is an Adam's Gay Reader pulp story (#236) written by Kurt McCord. There is no copyright on it, so I wanted to share it with others before it gets lost forever. I have only corrected spelling and punctuation errors.

This story is set in the past and includes sex between adult males of different races and between related men. If this is unappealing or illegal in your location, please do not read this story.

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Chapter 9: Chinese Power

I felt so good. Solomon had just finished using my ass for his pleasure and mine. We lay in each other's arms, surrounded by the smell of good healthy sex, warm and snug while the storm still raged outside our small cabin.

I stirred, looking at him. "Solomon, it looks like we are going to be here all day, doesn't it?" He nodded and I continued, "Well, I was thinking. Your fucking technique isn't so hot."

His eyes snapped open in surprise, "What?"

"Yeah, I think you've got lousy technique."

"What do you mean, I've got lousy technique? I get my cock up your ass, don't I?"

I ignored his question. "So I was thinking that maybe you should practice your technique, say maybe every hour on the hour."

He grinned, "And what about the half hours?"

"Oh, I could give you a nice blow job. But..."

"But what?"

"I don't know if you could last all day."

His huge arms encircled me hugging me close.

"I think it would be a good idea for you to practice, that is, if you could last."

He growled, trying not to laugh, "Don't worry about me lasting. I go all day and all night. Just you wait and see. Hell, you just like a lot of sex. I'm just the big black dude that can give it to you."

By this time we were both laughing at the idea of him practicing his fucking. Hell, that is something no one needs to practice. It comes with the territory.

He ran his hand over my ass, "I sure like the feel of that ass. I'm going to fuck it so much I might wear it out. Shame to wear out an ass like this." He ran his finger up the crack causing me to squirm.

"It ain't so little. You should see the ass on my cook. He's Chinese, has the smallest ass I ever saw."

"Tell me about it."

Shortly after I inherited the ranch, the old cook quit. The only cook I could find was a young Chinese guy.

It was one of the best moves I ever made. The guy was a great cook, especially making pies. The crew thought he was the greatest. If there is anything a cowboy likes, it's good pies.

George Wu was rather small. I mean in height: just a little over five feet tall, but I soon learned he was strong as a little bull. He would lift a hundred pound sack of potatoes with ease, then walk away with it. I think it was the ease with which he did it that surprised me... it made me realize his strength. As his shirts were loose fitting, one couldn't see his upper body, however, his tight jeans showed off his small ass.

Even with his baggy clothes, it was easy to see that his butt was very small in relation to the rest of his body. Some of the boys commented on it wondering what it would be like to see him naked. But he ignored all approaches.

I don't know exactly how it started. I was just about to enter the mess room, when I heard Steve, probably the biggest man on the spread say, "Wu, you must have the prettiest ass on the spread; just made for a big healthy cock. Tonight I think I'm going to try it out."

George Wu spun around, grabbed his cleaver and threw. It sailed directly over Steve's heads sticking in the door jam. It quivered with the force of the throw. There was no doubt Wu could hit what he aimed at. He looked at Steve, "No one fucks with my ass for two reasons."

His voice was very calm, but it sent a shiver through me as I could feel the deadly serious of it. In the dead silence, he continued looking directly at Steve, "And, if the cleaver doesn't stop you, I put some Chinese powder in your food. You sit in the shit house all day. I no fuck you and you no fuck me."

He turned his hack, knowing he had made his point. No one even thought of arguing.

As I stepped inside the room, I heard Red, the foreman, say, "Mr. Wu, Steve was just kidding. On this ranch, no one is forced against his will to do anything. So if anyone tries anything, come to me. Steve will stay in line as long as you keep putting out those pies. Think we could have some dried apple pies tomorrow?" Red, as a good foreman should, knew how to keep peace in an outfit.

Wu nodded, then smiled. "Tomorrow, you get dried apple pie." He grinned, "Should I make a special pie for Steve?"

"Hell no," said Steve laughing. "Your special pie scares me more than that damn cleaver. That scares me enough."

Everyone had a good laugh. The incident was passed over, but the message was clear: Wu was not to be fooled with.

Later on that day, I took a bad spill from my horse. It spooked. Even though I grabbed for the saddle horn, I was too late. I hit the ground with a thud. I'd never hit the ground so hard. By evening, I could hardly walk I was so stiff and sore. I even had trouble sitting down at the table for the evening meal. The boys thought it was funny, but I sure didn't.

After they had all left, after finishing their meal, Wu cleared the table, then spoke to me.

"Mr. Boss, I'm very good giving a massage. I could take a lot of that soreness out of you. Make you feel much better. If you like."

I told him, "Mr. Wu that sounds great."

"You go in the living room by the fire. I fix the big table as a massage bench."

In a few minutes, Wu came in with some blankets and sheets. He handed me a drink. "Drink this while I make up the table. It will relax you."

It had a strange taste with the whiskey, so I asked him, "You sure you didn't put some of the powder in this drink you were telling Steve about?"

He laughed, "No, that powder just relax you. I don't even have any powder for Steve, but I bet he thinks I do."

I grinned at him, "He sure as hell is scared you do."

He had finished with the table saying, "Mr. Boss, get undressed. Lay down here on your stomach. I get some oil from the kitchen."

I had trouble getting my clothes off, but I managed it. I finished off Wu's special drink. With a sigh, aching in every muscle, I lay face down on the sheets as he had told me.

He took off his shirt, "I'll get plenty hot before we done. I no like to get my shirt sweaty."

For the first time I saw his chest. "Man," I whistled. "You're built like the proverbial shit house." He was. He had muscles on muscles. Nothing bulging, just everything in perfect proportion. I told him, "Damn Mr. Wu you really have a build on you. Everything is just right, not too big not too small."

He grinned as he went to my head. "Now just close your eyes. Let me work on you. I take the soreness out of your body."

He poured some oil, I guess it was cooking oil, on my shoulders. Then his hands went to work. First, he just gently spread the oil around my shoulders. Then his fingers dug into my muscles. I groaned in protest, but he ignored me. His strong fingers worked the muscles back and forth. Then, when he finished on one section, he gently stroked the muscles he had been massaging. It was almost like a caress it felt so good.

My head lay on its side. When he reached for the lower part of my back, his crotch pressed against the back of my head pushing it into his crotch. The smell of his groin penetrated thru my nostrils. He smelled all man, as a real man should.

He worked down my spine, alternately prodding then caressing. I gave myself up to his hands. With my eyes closed, I surrendered to my sense of feel. I could feel the tenseness flow out of my shoulders and arms. My neck went limp as his fingers rubbed the soreness away.

He shifted to the side of the table. I felt him pour the oil on my butt. Then his hands were kneading and prying, pulling and fondling my ass. He poured oil so it ran down the crack. His fingers chased it deep in the crack. For a moment I thought he was going to finger my asshole, but he didn't. Just pummeled my ass...then stroked it smoothly and gently.

As he got between my legs, his fingers spread my ass cheeks. I wondered if I should stop him, but I didn't. He rubbed the oil deep in the crack of my ass, letting some of it roll on my balls. It didn't seem to bother him a bit to be working on my butt, my asshole. It sure as hell began to bother me though! I could feel the blood start to flow into my cock.

I liked the feel of his strong fingers working over my legs, working the soreness out of them. He slapped me gently on the ass saying, "OK, roll over. Now I do the front."

As I complied with his order, I realized my cock was getting full from all the fondling of my ass. He said, "Don't think of anything. Old Chinese say when getting a massage, just feel my hands. Keep your eyes closed. Just let the breath come easy. Only feel my hands as they work. Mr. Wu make you feel real good, real happy."

I thought I heard him say, "And Mr. Wu happy too," but I wasn't sure.

He moved up to my head, spread oil over my chest. His hands began to work over my tits. I felt his fingers dig deep into my chest muscles, rubbing the nipples, pinching sometimes, then gently rolling them between his fingers. The sensations rolled over me. His strong fingers worked the back of my neck. I could feel the tenseness leave me; a feeling went through me. A quiescent, drowsy, peaceful feeling. I felt lethargic as his hypnotic fingers manipulated my body. I just seemed to melt under his fingers rhythmically working back and forth. All my muscles just let go. Even my cock relaxed, falling to the side.

My mind seemed to be parked someplace else as his hands manipulated my inner thigh. I felt a warmth spread from his hands up through my cock. I never knew I was so sensitive as his hands worked up my thigh, brushing against my balls. He took them in one hand spreading oil all over them, as well as oiling the base of my cock. I was startled, wondered just how far a Chinese massage went. Did he intend to massage my cock and balls? His hand brushed my cock aside. One hand brushed over my balls. The other spread the oil through my pubic hair at the base of my cock. My cock stirred with a mind of its own. It started to grow as the rubbing and heat from his hands brought my pulsing blood into it to stand straight and tall. He seemed to take no notice.

I was disappointed when he turned his attention again to my chest, ran his hands over my tits. The emotions spread up from my groin to my tits following the lead of his hands. With a start, I realized that my arm had extended from the side of the table. I could feel his groin press against my elbow. He would press forward, then gently retreat causing my elbow to force his cock and balls from one side to the other. Could it be he was doing it on purpose? My mind raced. Was my cook trying to seduce me? What the hell was going on?

Before I could voice an objection or question him, his hands went to work on my stomach. I forgot about my elbow as he placed his genitals on my hand, which was laying limply on the table. In gentle and slow movements, he swayed back and forth, causing my hand to rub his balls through his cotton pants.

At first, I thought it was an accident when he pressed his crotch against my elbow, but now I knew it was deliberate. Was his seduction to get me to play with his groin? I wondered at how far he intended to go; after all, I was still the boss. He was my cook. Cooks just don't fuck the boss, do they?

I could feel his cock and balls through his cotton trousers as my fingers closed on his crotch. There was no conscious thought on my part. I just gently cupped his balls, gently played with them. I really wasn't conscious of playing with my Chinese cook's balls. I just took pleasure in rolling them around with my fingers. It just seemed the right thing to do. After all, he wasn't objecting, so why not?

Through the haze of contentment I felt, I heard him say, "Just a moment," as he withdrew his crotch from my hand. I heard a noise. Then he took my firming cock in one hand, with the other he rolled my balls around. I felt him press forward against the table. He shifted a bit, then pressed his naked genitals into my hand. He had stripped off his clothes. He as now as naked as I was!

"Play with my cock. Get me ready for you," he said.

He poured a bit of oil in my hand. I spread the oil over his balls, took his cock in my hand covering it completely with the oil. In a moment I felt his rod begin to stiffen, so I increased the pressure. I felt my cock grow along with his. It was almost as if I was pulling both of the cocks at once. His oiled cock grew in my hand just as mine was growing as he masturbated it.

I felt a drop of clear pre cum ooze out of my cock head. Wu sighed, "You make me feel good. How does this feel?"

I felt his tongue caress my cock head drinking the drop leaking out my piss slit. I almost jumped. It was so unexpected. I loved the way his lips pressed, then relaxed on my cock pushing the foreskin back with his lips. Then he took the whole rod in his mouth, sinking his lips deep in my pubic hair. No one else had ever been able to take my entire cock in one swallow. Maybe the Chinese sucked cocks different from white folks. Naw, he was just good. I loved each inch as he explored my rigid prick. I could feel the pre-cum oozing out...he drank every drop.

My hand closed automatically over his cock and balls. I liked the feel of his oiled skin as it slid forward and back under my fingers. He too, was hard. The massage as such was forgotten. I just let myself go, willing to follow his lead. The thought flashed through my mind: What would people say if they saw my Chinese cook sucking on my cock as I played with his balls? I immediately disregarded the thought. Who cares? I liked what he was doing. I waited for his next move.

It didn't take long. I still had my eyes closed which seemed to make me more aware of what his hands were doing. I felt him move as he pulled his genitals from my grip. I felt lost. When playing with his cock, it seemed he belonged to me. But now, without his balls in my hand, it seemed I had lost him.

Not for long. I felt him push my legs wide apart to give him room to get between them. His tongue bathed my cock head as my prick oozed more and more pre-cum. I could feel urges run from my balls to the top of my head.

He pushed my knees back, thus raising my ass. He slid a pillow under it, exposing it to his attack. He ran his finger up and down the crack. He rimmed the asshole with his oil coated finger, then pressed to the side, gently slipping a finger up my asshole.

The thought hit me: my cook is getting ready to fuck me! Had he planned this all along? Massaging and caressing my body to get me hot so he could fuck me? Did I want it to happen? To be fucked by my cook?

What did it matter? He was a man. It had been so long. I knew I wanted it. I wanted a Chinese cock up my ass. Is there a difference, or is cock just cock; black, green, yellow, white or red.

He left no doubt as he worked his finger around my ass, stretching and pulling it. Each time he rolled his finger, I felt surges of energy race up from my groin. I was getting so hot! I broke out in a light sweat. I clamped down with my ass muscles on his finger. I wanted to hold it in me.

He worked two fingers up my butt. He wanted to stretch my ass to better take his cock.

I felt cheated as he pulled his fingers out saying, "You like that, don't you?"

"Hell yes, it feels so good."

"My cock will feel better. It's been a long time since I had such fine ass as this." I felt a new intruder press against tight muscles which had snapped shut when he removed his fingers. It probed gently. My ass didn't open up readily to the attack. He pressed more firmly. The pressure increased. His oiled cock slipped inside the muscles guarding my asshole.

Once the barrier was breached, he continued to press gently but firmly until his penetration was complete. I could feel his pubic hair rub against my ass cheeks. I was stuffed by a Chinese cock.

His hands pinned my shoulders to the mat as he started a slow withdrawal until only his cock head remained in my ass. Then he forcibly drove forward ramming his cock deep in my guts. At first, my hands gripped his shoulders as he held mine. I could feel the sweat on his body as his fucking rhythm increased. I let my hands roam down his back until they reached his driving ass. It added to my enjoyment to feel his driving ass with my hands as it drove and retreated. I could feel the deep penetration of his cock. There was no thinking, only emotions washing over our bodies.

He whispered, "It's been so long."

I realized he was driving faster and faster. I knew he was out of control. No longer thinking, just answering his basic emotions as he drove hard again and again. His pace was rapid. The sweat dripped off him onto my chest. He had no thoughts of me, just the desires coming from his cock.

He slammed hard into my ass once again. I felt him pause. His head went back. His whole body strained. The stomach muscles were like sculptured granite. He grunted, gasping for breath, and yelled something in his native language. I felt his cock swell. It blasted its load of cum up my guts.

His strokes were short, hard. Then he seemed frozen in time. All his muscles outlined with the force of his explosions. Finally he sighed, collapsing against my chest, trapping my cock between our bodies. It had been so fast I had had no time to shoot my wad. I wrapped my arms around his body, hugged his sweaty chest to mine. Our hearts beat a tattoo of drum rolls.

I whispered, "Man, what a stud you are."

"No," he answered, "It was too fast but I couldn't help myself. I haven't had anyone for months."

His cock was still deep in my ass coated with his cum. I felt him stir...and start fucking me again.

"What the hell?" I asked. "So soon?"

"This time I go slow and easy and make it last. Give your ass a good workout. I'm ready now because it's been so long. This time I give you pleasure not just myself."

He started slow and easy. I felt his balls slap my ass with each thrust. I knew I was in for a long ride. He thrust deep each time so I could feel his balls slap against my ass. I felt his cock hair press against my hot butt. Each thrust drilled my ass. Each time I felt pleasantly stuffed, stuffed by a rampant cock. Each time a thrill raced up my body. My head rolled back and forth as his cock drilled me uncounted times.

I joined his rhythm. Each time he started to withdraw, I clamped down with my ass muscles attempting to hold him deep in my guts. He gasped, moaning each time I squeezed his cock with my ass. My prostrate spasmed with each thrust of his rigid cock.

Time and time again, the motion went on with the pleasure sweeping in waves over me.

With our mutual pleasure, we were as one: two separate bodies joined by his moving firm cock.

It seemed like hours. No one had ever fucked me like this before. I felt his actions gradually increase in speed. His balls slapped my ass harder, smashing into my ass as his cock searched my deepest guts. I wished it would go on forever.

Again and again, he slammed hard and then harder. My ass muscles worked on his cock. His hand grasped my cock. He masturbated me faster and faster. I was on the edge when I heard him gasp, his head went back, all his muscles strained with the force of his explosion of cum in my ass. His body gleamed with sweat. It drove me over the edge. My toes curled as the emotion rushed up my body. It was like an electrical charge rushing up my body. I too was drenched with sweat.

Slowly his emotions ebbed as he collapsed on my chest, our sweat mingled. My cum was spread between our bodies. I put my hands around his body holding him close. I ran my hands down his back, fingering each bone in his spine. I grasped his ass cheeks with both hands holding him tight retaining his cock in my ass. I never wanted it to leave it felt so good.

Finally, he raised his head locking our eyes together. Neither spoke. Slowly and gently he pressed his lips to mine. A gesture of thankfulness, joining us with a feeling of unity, of desire. It felt almost like I was kissing Roberto. A kiss that sealed our sexual unity. A binding of two men. I felt like I had gained and received something precious.

Finally, he stirred, letting his softened cock slip out of my ass. I felt I had lost something important, but my ass could still feel his invasion. I told him, "Oh, man, I want you all the time. It feels so good. I know when I have a real man."

He smiled, "Yes, it was good. You have a hot ass. Just made for a strong cock, my cock."

He slid off the table and picked up a towel. "Lay still while I clean you off. You sure shot a lot of cum."

He took the towel and rubbed over my body, wiping the sweat and cum away. I swung my legs over the table, took the towel from him and proceeded to clean his body of the evidence of our sexual action.

Throwing the towel aside, I told him, "Now that we are both clean, let's get our strength back resting in my bed."

Wu looked at me. "You know, don't you, if we sleep together, I'm going to fuck that hot ass of yours all night long."

I grinned, "I thought of that. In fact, that's the idea, but there is one thing." I seemed to hesitate.

"What's that?"

"Well, I think it would be a great idea if I used my mouth to get your cock hard."

"You mean, you want to suck on my cock?"

"Damn right, OK?"

"Let's get to bed, I don't want to waste a minute. Will you really suck my cock dry?"

Next: Chapter 10

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