The Battlefield

By DurtyRiter

Published on May 17, 2020


Disclaimer: This is an Adam's Gay Reader pulp story (#236) written by Kurt McCord. There is no copyright on it, so I wanted to share it with others before it gets lost forever. I have only corrected spelling and punctuation errors.

This story is set in the past and includes sex between adult males of different races and between related men. If this is unappealing or illegal in your location, please do not read this story.

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Chapter 8: Ben's Bed

The days went by so damn slowly I could count the seconds. I had been in love with the ranch and everything around it. Now it seemed as ashes. I had a bad taste in my mouth all the time. The crew let me alone. They knew my problem. While they were always friendly, I didn't return their overtures of friendship. I just wanted to be left alone. I really wasn't too nice a person to be with. I wanted to hit back, to take out my misery on someone else. Shit, I was really fucked up. All because someone I loved had fucked me by riding off.

I knew I was being unfair. I didn't like myself too much when I thought like that. Oh, hell, I was acting like a little kid and I knew it. Perhaps I should go in the corner and pout. I knew I was being infantile, but I was hurt that he would leave me. Me, the guy he had taught to love him and everything about him.

Yeah, I also started to drink too much. Ben always had booze in the house. I usually had a drink or two after dinner, but that was all. I started to hit the bottle. I got up with hangovers, didn't shave every day. In short, I started to act like an asshole.

It came to a head one night. We had had dinner. Ben and I were in the living room. I had just poured myself a big jolt of booze. Ben never said a word, just looked at me. I knew he was pissed off, but I didn't care. He came over to the sofa, sat down beside me.

His voice was quiet and low without criticism. "Having a hard time?"

"Yeah," I almost snarled.

He kept his voice calm and low, "Yes. it sure is tough to lose somebody that has been giving you lots of fucking."

I was startled that he knew about Roberto and me.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, I think you know what I mean. You and Roberto have been sleeping together, right?"

"Well yes..."

He continued as if I hadn't spoken.

"It's just natural when two healthy studs sleep together that they sure as hell have a lot of sex together. You ashamed you slept with Roberto?

"Hell no, but he left."

"Yep, he left because he had to. Lots of times, duty comes first. Tell me, are you ashamed of what you and Roberto did?"

My head came up, I thought I might as well have it out with the old bastard. "No, I'm not ashamed."

"Good, that's what I wanted to hear. Never be ashamed for honest feelings and honest love."

At some point he had placed his arm around my shoulders. Now, he drew me close to him. I could feel the heat from his body as he pressed my head to his chest. My nostrils were filled with the smell of leather from his vest, with his sweat from a hard day's work. I liked the closeness.

"Thane," he said, "We can't always have things the way we want. Roberto had to leave. He is the oldest son. He is responsible for his family. I know it was good that you and Roberto found each other and had sex. But now he is gone. You must realize he may never come back. You have to accept that. I wonder what Roberto would say now if he saw you like this, half drunk, unshaven and unhappy as can be."

I told him, "He wouldn't like it. He was always so clean."

Uncle Ben's hand gently rubbed my upper arm and shoulder. I knew what he was saying was true. Roberto wouldn't like it and suddenly I knew I didn't either.

He gently said, "Why don't you tell me about the first time you had Roberto."

I hesitated. I thought he was getting awfully personal, but I told him. "We had worked hard all day in the sun. We were dirty and sweaty. Roberto took me to the lake. It was the first week I was here. Well, I'm a good swimmer and I dunked him. Of course we were naked and started to wrestle. The feel of his naked body got me excited. I became aroused. He felt it, played with it. He led me to the bank. We lay down in the grass. There he sucked me and taught me how to suck him. Then that night he came to my room and taught me all about man to man fucking."

Ben said, "Just thinking about it makes you hard, doesn't it?"

I knew I was, and told him so. He carefully placed his hand on my thigh, determinedly moved it up to my crotch. He cupped my balls and cock thru my jeans. I was surprised but made no resistance. Talking about Roberto had made me eager for attention.

He told me, "I like playing with a young stud's balls. It feels good, doesn't it? If you want me to stop just say so."

I spread my legs in answer, giving him ready access. "I like what you are doing to me. It feels so good to have your hand on my balls. Even through the jeans."

His hand seemed hot thru the jeans as he rolled and squeezed them. I could feel my cock getting hard, straining against my pants.

Ben asked me, "If this feels good, will it feel better if you unbutton your fly so I can feel a man's balls in my hand?"

I didn't answer him. There was no need to. I just opened my fly inviting him without words to slip his hand inside my jeans and grasp my balls.

I gasped as I felt his marauding hand manipulate my cock. His hand encircled it, pressed backwards toward my groin forcing the foreskin to uncover my engorged head. His hand slipped down under my balls, exposing them to the air. My cock thrust upright from my open jeans. He pulled my balls out so they were exposed to his hand. His hand worked up and down milking my prick, just like he was milking a cow. His strong hand was sending urges from my crotch to my head. This man worked me so I was filled with desire for him.

He chuckled, then whispered in my ear. "Do you want me to stop?"

"Lord, no. It feels so good."

"Open your shirt."

When I obeyed, he immediately caressed my nipples. Then took one in his mouth. He sucked, then took little bites. Not enough to hurt, just enough to make me squirm with pleasure, then he said, "I think you're about ready now. Spread your legs. Just lean back and enjoy."

I didn't argue. I complied immediately. In one movement, Ben was kneeling in front of me, grabbed my cock to hold it steady, then pressing his lips to my cock head. He used his lips to push the foreskin back. He kissed and played with my cock's head. His lips sank lower on my cock. He was in no hurry. He knew that each time his lips worked on my cock it was sending rushes of pleasure through my body.

Finally tiring of the teasing game, he pushed his lips lower, buried his nose in my pubic hair. He had my entire length of cock in his mouth. I could feel it pushing against the back of his throat. It didn't seem to bother him a bit. I knew he had done this many times before.

While sucking on my cock, he pulled my jeans down around my thighs, thus freeing my cock and balls. His head pistoned up and down on my shaft. I could feel his lips working each fraction of an inch as he traveled up and down my cock. What a wonderful hot feeling!

He pulled his mouth free of my cock, to my regret. In a moment he had used his tongue to wash all around my balls, making them move back and forth before capturing them with his mouth, sucking my balls inside his sultry wet mouth. I moaned in pleasure.

Ben pushed my legs back raising my ass off the sofa seat. His tongue licked under my balls tracing a line back to my asshole. I squirmed under his attention. I felt myself rushing to climax.

I warned him, "Ben, you're going to make me cum in a moment you're making me so hot. So damn hot! God Ben, what a man you are! Oh God, I can't hold it back."

He growled, "Let it come. I want your young hot spunk."

It was all I needed. I thrust up hard as he again engulfed my stiff rod in his mouth. It was too much. I grabbed his head with both hands to hold it in place. Instinctively, I began to thrust my hips upward, fucking his sucking mouth. With one last thrust, it happened. I rammed up hard, freezing in position as I climaxed. I blew my hot sperm in his mouth. He took it all and sucked for more.

Finally, I was drained. My head fell back, all my bones turned to jelly. My hands fell from his head to my side. I felt drained, at peace. A good orgasm can make the world turn rosy. For a time, it is complete peace.

I slowly went to my room feeling calm and rested. The session with Ben had relaxed me, changed my outlook. I now knew that Roberto would not be coming back. I had to put him aside. Oh, I knew I would never forget him, but I now knew I had to be getting on with my own life. I ran my hand over my whiskered face. It felt rough. I felt dirty. I had always been clean shaven, but now I felt ashamed that I had let myself go.

Well, I thought, that sure as hell will change as I stripped off my clothes and climbed into bed. I pulled the covers up, but just couldn't sleep. Something was bothering me. For the longest time I couldn't think what it was, then I realized I was thinking of Ben. While he had given me a hell of a lot of pleasure, I had not responded. I just accepted it. Then I remembered Roberto had always insisted that we both be satisfied and happy. Should I have done something for Ben?

I didn't have to have second thoughts. I slipped out of bed, pulled on my old tattered robe as I walked up the hall to Ben's room. I knocked on his door.

"Yes," he called, "Who is it?"

"It's Thane, I'd like to talk to you."

"Come in." he said.

I walked inside, approached the bed and took a deep breath. I wasn't sure how he would react. "Ben" I said, "May I sleep with you tonight? Also, I would like to talk to you."

He raised the covers. "Slip in."

I dropped my robe, sliding into bed with him. It felt good to feel his naked body on mine as his arm cradled my head as I settled down with a sigh of contentment. Our naked bodies touching each other felt so good. My hand caressed his barrel chest as my head dropped on his shoulder. The male odor of his armpit was strong in my nostril. My hand played across his chest, rolling his nipples, one after the other, gently twisting and rolling them between my fingers.

"Just what's on your mind? As if I didn't know?"

"Oh yeah, I want to feel your body, but I also want to talk about some things. Some personal things that have bothered me."

"Fire away. What do you want to know?"

"Is this why you and Dad had a disagreement? The fact that you like men?"

"Yes, your dad found out I was having an affair with a schoolmate and it led to a fight. He just never understood, so I left Philadelphia and made my home here in the West. Here, a man can do what he wants as long as he doesn't step on his neighbor. Your dad never got over it. He just didn't understand. He never wanted anything to do with me after that."

"I think he did. He wrote you several letters you know."

"What? He did? I never received any."

"I know. He never could bring himself to mail them. I read about it in his diary. I really think he wanted to make up, have contact with you, but just could never do it. He says in his diary that he might have been wrong about you."

"That's good to know. Thank you for telling me. I feel better now."

"That's why when I first came, you said I was only going to stay a week. But I'm still here. Why only a week?"

"Well, knowing of the trouble with your dad, I didn't know if you would have the same attitude. I didn't want to fight with you if you did. I had my life and was happy with it. I thought it best to put a limit on your stay in case we didn't get along. I just didn't want to fight with you."

"I was that way. What changed your mind?"

"The first day you were here, when you cleaned all the horse manure out of the barn. I gave you the job thinking it would get rid of you. But when I saw how you weren't afraid of work, and in fact did it when you weren't strong yet, I knew I wanted my only relative to stay around. Sure am happy you did."

"Am I glad you did. I never want to go back to Philadelphia. I don't know how long you will put up with me, but I'm staying in the West. You work me hard, but I'm not afraid of that. In fact, I like to work." I snuggled up to him saying, "Give me your hand."

I took his hand in mine. When he didn't offer any protest, I placed in on my ass. "What do you think of that?"

"I think I have my hand on a fine young ass." His fingers began to work rubbing, squeezing one cheek and then the other. He said, "It appears to me, you think I might like to use this firm ass."

I laughed, "I don't want to force you to do anything you don't want to do." 105

"You won't. But you know damn well I want to use that young ass the way an old stud knows how to use it, right?"

I shifted my hand to grasped his limp cock. "You sure as hell can't do much with a limp noodle like this."

He laughed. "Just give it time, boy. You'll find out what that old cock can do."

"Looking forward to it."

As I played with his cock, Ben kissed me on the lips, then washed out my ear with his tongue, sending shivers through me.

He whispered in my ear, "Thane, Thane, Thane, you make this old stud feel young again."

I told him, "Your rod in my hand has the same thoughts. It's growing like a young healthy stud."

He laughed as his lips sought mine. As his cock was growing, it soon would be demanding as were his lips. They forced themselves on mine, working and moving as our lips sought each other. My lips parted to accept his tongue to be met by mine. He pressed harder against me as his hips flexed slowly, his rod fucked my hand. Young, old, what difference did it make? Now, all we could feel was the beginning of healthy sex between men.

We broke the kiss. I felt pressure on my head to force it down his body. I took one of his nipples in my mouth pressing it strongly with my lips. I nipped it gently as I heard him sigh with pleasure. His hand on my butt gripped more firmly, then he ran his finger down the crack jolting me with pleasure.

He pressed on my head. I let myself be moved towards his cock. I knew he wanted me to suck on it, but I wasn't ready just yet. I took my tongue, washed over his stomach, stopping to wash around his belly button. He really didn't hurry me now. He just let me go my own pace. His cock was firm in my hand.

My lips reached their goal, his cock head peeking forth from my encircling hand. I placed my lips on the cock head to kiss away the drop of pre-cum leaking from his cock. He was so eager he thrust his hips upward trying to fuck my mouth. I resisted. I wanted his pleasure to last. I used my tongue to run all over his head. Relaxing my hand, I ran my tongue the full length of his cock.

Ben lay still, submitting himself to my tongue and lips working on his cock. His sighs and means told me he was enjoying every second of it. I washed over his balls, taking first one, then the other, rolling them around in my mouth. I licked under his balls as he spread his legs, then raised his ass to give me more access. I went back to his cock, taking it in my mouth, I swallowed all of it. My nose was buried in his pubic hair. His head was pressing against my throat. I was able to take all of it. Roberto had taught me well. His hips worked as a slight sweat broke out over his body.

"Oh, Lord, not too much. I won't be able to hold back. You are too much."

I didn't want that, so I shifted my position and sought his lips. His arms tightened around me, holding me tight. God, he was strong. It was like the embrace of a bear.

He told me, "I'm so damn hot that if I don't get in your ass soon, I'm going to explode. I don't want to waste it fucking your hand. Roll over onto your side."

As I did as he ordered, and his arms went around me drawing my back to his chest. His groin fit perfectly around my ass. I could feel the entire length of his body pressing against my back. His hands ran over my chest fingering my nipples. I could feel them stand out as he played with them. His hand ran over my stomach, fingered my belly button, taking my cock in his strong fingers. His groin pressed against my back. His iron cock was trapped between my ass and his crotch. His solid meat was like concrete pressing against the crack of my ass, but he made no effort to invade me.

Now that my ass was open to him, Ben was in no hurry. He liked the feel of his body pressing on mine. His fingers searched out every inch of my chest, stomach and groin. He played with my balls, sometimes tightening his finger pressure. Not enough to hurt but giving the unmistakable message of being in control. I made no objection. How could I, it was what I wanted.

Using his hips, he ran his cock up and down the crack in my ass, teasing me. I moved my ass as much as I could, trying to get him to hurry.

"Damn, Ben," I said, "Stop playing around. I want you up my ass."

"Shut up," he growled, keeping the laughter out of his voice, "I know what I'm doing. You need to be good and hot, eager to enjoy this man's cock."

"OK, OK, you're in charge."

"Damn right," he laughed as he chewed on my ear, then washed the inside with his tongue. I shivered.

He grasped his cock, then rubbed it up and down the crack in my ass. I heard him spit on his hand and knew he was wetting his cock to make its entrance easier for me. It pressed against my tiny hole. He grabbed my hips, pulled me back to increase the penetration. My muscles resisted the pressure. He pressed harder. I felt the muscles strain. Just as before, suddenly it relaxed allowing the head of his cock to enter my hole. The pain was sharp but hardly unbearable. I heaved a sigh as I felt his cock ram up my ass.

He withdrew his cock leaving only the head enclosed in my butt. Slowly he pushed further, then retreated. Again, I felt the intrusion of the invader. Finally, his hips pressed against my ass. I felt his pubic hair smash on my ass cheeks. He gave a sign of accomplishment as he knew he had invaded me as far as he could.

"What a fine hot ass you have. Just made for an old stud's cock. It feels so hot in there. My cock is surrounded by hot living flesh pressing all around it. Men were made for this."

I told him, "You make it feel so good. I love to feel that log of yours up my ass."

"Now get ready for a long hard ride. It isn't often an old stud like me gets to sample young ass like you. You are prime beef, just prime." He slowly picked up a piston action, advancing and retreating, back and forth, again and again. Each time his cock created a response in my guts. It spread throughout my body. All my thoughts were taken up with the cock reaming out my ass. Each time it moved, it rubbed a super sensitive spot. Jolts ran through my body. In seconds I was sweating. Soon could feel the sweat from Ben rubbing against my back as he held me tight to him. I threw my head back on his shoulder. He nibbled on my ear. My body was aflame with emotion. His cock was creating a person whose only thought was the cock ramming his ass. I wanted more and more of it. Oh, if it could only go on forever.

Ben was grunting with every thrust. Each time his hips flexed, he rammed me harder and faster. Soon he was gasping with each piston action of his hips. Ben was grooving on the hot young ass. It wasn't often he got a piece of young ass. He knew he was going to make the most of it. He slammed harder and harder. Soon he could feel the jism building up in his balls. One last time, he slammed forward into the young ass and then his cock exploded, unloading his man juice up the tender ass. He yelled in pleasure.

It was too much for me: I merely touched my cock and I too shook with the force of my cum jetting forth. I sighed in pleasure.

How long we lay there coupled by Ben's cock, I don't know. Slowly his cock softened and slipped from my ass. Ben rolled onto his back and I lay beside him.

He said, "I could die fucking your ass, it felt so good. I don't know if you make me think I'm a young bull or just a worn out stud, but I sure want that ass again and again."

I leaned over Ben, rubbing our sweaty bodies together, "The way it felt, you are a hell of a young bull; a toro. My ass belongs to you anytime and every time you want it." I hesitated. "Ben," I asked, "Is it alright if I sleep here tonight?"

"Sleep with me tonight! You try to leave, and I intend to shoot your balls off. Naw, I can't do that." he hesitated. "I like to suck on them too much. But you try to leave, and you got a fight on your hands."

"Ben, I'd sure as hell like to fuck better than fight, so I guess I'll stay."

"Besides, I want to fuck that ass all night long, if it is okay with you."

"I'm looking forward to a night of little sleep. I guess the only sleep I'll get is when your cock wears out."

Next: Chapter 9

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