The Battlefield

By DurtyRiter

Published on May 9, 2020


Disclaimer: This is an Adam's Gay Reader pulp story (#236) written by Kurt McCord. There is no copyright on it, so I wanted to share it with others before it gets lost forever. I have only corrected spelling and punctuation errors.

This story is set in the past and includes sex between adult males of different races and between related men. If this is unappealing or illegal in your location, please do not read this story.

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Chapter 7: Disaster

I lay in Solomon's arms just thinking about Roberto. How great it was to know him, to work with him. Oh yes, how great it was to have sex with him. I loved it at the lake when we would take a swim to wash the dirt and sweat off. Lots of times working a ranch is dirty hard work.

We went every day we could to the lake for our swim. He made sure I never got a chance to dunk him again. We would dry off on the bank, then make love. Sometimes he would fuck me. He had been right, I always asked for more. Then sometimes, we would play with each other's cocks until they got hard. We'd suck each other until we came. I always liked the taste of his cum on my tongue.

I lay there absentmindedly playing with Solomon's cock. Rolling his balls back and forth. My mind was far away on Roberto. I felt sad thinking that he was gone.

Solomon jolted me back to the pre-sent when he asked, "Where you been boy. Who you thinking of? You play with my cock like you weren't here. You thinking about someone else's cock, not mine?"

"Hell, no one could forget a cock and juicy balls like this." I hesitated. "Yes, I guess I was thinking of someone else. I was thinking of my love for Roberto. He taught me everything. I never met anyone like him, now he is gone."

"How so? Tell me about it. That storm is going to last all day so we have lots of time. I want to know all about you."

"Well, it's this way ... "

Roberto had been coming to my bed for weeks. I'd never been so happy. Usually at work we were assigned together. We worked hard as hell. I was finally getting back in shape. After the war, the hard work, good food and working in the open air all day, was finally getting my body in shape. I felt better than I had in years. I smiled at that thought that maybe it was because all of Roberto's cum I was drinking.

It was to be our last day at the lake. I felt so good. The sun was bright and hot. We had our swim, then lay on the bank to dry off, playing with each other's body. It always seemed like the first time. But somehow, though nothing was said, somehow it was different. I've often wondered if somehow Roberto sensed what was to come.

Most times Roberto enjoyed fucking me first. I never objected. One doesn't with someone they love. Now he merely said, "Thane, partner, I need to have you fuck me. Now!"

I was surprised, but didn't hesitate. As he got on his hands and knees, I moved between his legs spreading them with my knees. I spread his cheeks with my hands, looking right at his asshole. It was a puckered round target. Without thinking, I placed a kiss right on the fluted ring. I ran my tongue around the ring. Roberto moaned in pleasure.

"Partner you sure as hell make this old stud hotter than hell. That feels so good." He moved his ass from side to side. I followed his lead with my face firmly implanted in the crack of his ass. It felt hot on my cheeks. I sucked on him to give him more and more pleasure. It made me feel so good to be making my partner squirm with pleasure. His cries of emotions were coming faster now with each sweep of my tongue on his asshole.

Finally, he cried out, "Enough, enough! You've got me so hot I can't stand it. Get your cock up there is my ass. Fuck me, fuck me, partner."

I needed no urging; I was as hot as he was. I could feel and smell the sweat coming from our bodies. I didn't hesitate. I positioned my rampant cock at the entrance, then pushed. At first there was resistance, then his asshole relaxed allowing my cock to slide into his guts. He grunted with the pain of the entry but urged me on.

"That's the way. Get that hot cock up my ass. Make me feel it."

I used my ass muscles to flex and drive my cock further into him. I hesitated, thinking I might be hurting him, but he made no response to the penetration, so I drove my cock deeper. I kept up a steady pressure and finally felt my pubic hairs press against his ass. My groin was plastered against his butt. It was as deep as I could go. It felt so good.

I marveled at the heat surrounding my cock. It was in a hot oven completely encircling my cock. He sighed in pleasure as he felt my invasion of his butt.

I slowly withdrew my cock, feeling has ass muscles squeeze it in an effort to contain my rod. I drove it into him again. It felt so good being in charge of his ass. A wave of power, of authority, of being in charge swept over me. I felt so big. My whole essence was in my cock. My cock seemed to have a life of its own. My whole body was wrapped into my driving cock. I would slowly withdraw and then quickly drive it forward.

Roberto grunted with each driving stroke. At first I thought I was hurting him, then realized he was expressing noise of pleasure and desire. A desire for more and more cock. This virile macho man loved the feel of my driving cock. He liked as much as I did when his cock was invading my ass.

It took no conscious effort on my part. One is born with the instinct to fuck. It is so real, so inherited. My hands ran up the side of his rib cage, slid under his chest, grasped a nipple. His head came back as I twisted, turned the nipple, making it stand erect as his body responded to my touch. My cock was in command of this stud. A stud stronger and bigger than I am. And my cock was in command of him. I knew it was with his consent, but still my cock was driving both of us.

Slowly, ever so slowly, I felt my actions increase. There was no deliberate thought just a response of our bodies to my driving ramrod. I was slamming hard and then harder into him. I took a firm grip on his hips to hold him in position to accept my manhood.

Oh, if it could just go on forever, but I felt the inner urges of my body urging me on, rushing towards a climax. I grabbed his prick, began to masturbate it in rhythm with each thrust of my cock. Roberto's moans were rising in pitch and frequency as his body responded to my demands. It was too much. I felt it start in my toes, rush up thru my groin and explode out of my cock. I flooded his ass with my cum. It was too much for Roberto. I felt his cock enlarge, as he shuddered with the force of his orgasm, then his jism was exploding into my hand. I collapsed on his sweaty back as he slowly sank into his pool of jism the bed.

We both were panting for breath with the force of our organism. I slowly allowed my limp cock slip from his ass. I rolled to his side. His face turned, his lips met mine in a kiss of thanking, a gentle kiss. A kiss that bound us closer together. He whispered, "My little stud, you make me a man. I love you, partner. Promise me you will fuck me again like that soon, very, very soon." His arms went around me. He drew our sweaty bodies together.

I felt so big, so full of being a man who this man was accepting me. With my head cradled on his arm, the smell of his body in my nostrils, I drifted off to sleep.

The sun beating in the window brought me awake. I reached for Roberto, but he was gone. I don't know when he had left, but I felt a great sense of loss looking at the empty bed. I understood as no one on the ranch ever talked about his sex life with their buddies. I didn't know what my Uncle Ben would say about my having sex with Roberto. "Shit," I thought, "People are so narrow minded."

For the next couple of weeks, I lived in a heavenly daze. I worked hard all day at anything that needed doing around the ranch. There always seemed something to do. Much of the time Roberto and I would work as a team. But many times we had to work alone.

I liked the work. I also liked having Roberto step thru my window at night, slip in bed with me. I was happy, Roberto seemed happy. He was laughing, seemed eager to smile. All the men commented on it. I think some of them guessed the reason, but no one ever said a thing. The western thing of "mind your own business" was in effect.

It felt like someone had kicked me in the balls. I was sick in the stomach. How could it have happened? Everything had been going so good. Roberto was happy.The work was hard. I was living in a dream world. Here I was living an ideal life. Roberto and I loved each other. We found great satisfaction in each other. Our bodies were open books to the other. Nothing was held back. Each time we met it was eagerness and desire, love and compassion for one another.

Now, my guts ached. I hurt all over. I had lost Roberto. Just when everything had been so great.

I saw it start. I had just ridden in from the range and was looking forward to sharing my bed with Roberto. I saw the strange rider ride up to the corral, never dreaming he would change my life. I saw Roberto greet him. They seemed to know each other.

For the first time, I really studied the stranger. He was old with a face much used by time. A nose bent from blows in the past. A scar ran down the edge of his chin. He was thin and reminded me of tough raw hide dressed in trail worn clothes. I sensed a change in Roberto. It was just a feeling, but I knew something was happening. Finally, I saw Roberto nod has head, turn away from the stranger.

He turned, started to walk away, looked up, saw me. He stopped, coming to a complete halt. He started to turn back to the stranger. For a time he seemed frozen, then he started towards me. I didn't have to be told anything. I knew something bad was about to happen.

Roberto stopped in front of me. He seemed unable to speak. He took a deep breath.

"Thane," he said, "There is no easy way to tell you. I have no option. I have to leave in the morning. I have no choice. My father is dying. He wants to see me before he dies. Thane I must go." "But Roberto, we, I mean... well, I mean, what about us?"

"I know, Thane, I know."

"Roberto," I said. "I'll go with you."

"No, Thane. That's impossible. My family would never accept us. I must go in the morning. Pedro and I have a long way to go."

I mumbled, "But... well... I mean..." Then I burst out, "When will you come back?"

Roberto hesitated for a long time. "I don't know. You see, It's family. I am the oldest son. I may have to stay and look after the family. I just don't know. I don't know."

I asked him, "Tonight'?"

"No, Thane. It is better we break off now. I might not go if I slept with you tonight. It is a duty. I must go."

"I will never forget."

"Nor I." He turned his back striding away.

In the morning. I saw him ride out with the stranger he called Pedro. He hadn't come during the night. I had waited anxiously. Hoping he would come and hoping he wouldn't. I never wanted to see him again. Yet I was up early to see him ride out. It was the worst day of my life. I don't know how I got through the day. I was in a stupor. I couldn't believe he was gone. My Roberto, gone. I wandered around all day. I think I did my work, but don't know how I got by. I had to face it. I was on my own. I felt like I had no one in the world.

The days went by, each one ages long.

Next: Chapter 8

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