The Battlefield

By DurtyRiter

Published on Apr 12, 2020


Disclaimer: This is an Adam's Gay Reader pulp story (#236) written by Kurt McCord. There is no copyright on it, so I wanted to share it with others before it gets lost forever. I have only corrected spelling and punctuation errors.

This story is set in the past and includes sex between adult males of different races and between related men. If this is unappealing or illegal in your location, please do not read this story.

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Chapter 2: Meat

It felt so good lying there beside him, our bodies relaxed and warm under the blankets. He cradled my head in his arm. I let my hand drift lazily over his chest and stomach. I liked the feel of his warm flesh. I gently played with his nipples. My hand strayed down over his yielding stomach capturing his limp cock. Hard to believe that the limp flesh in my hand could be so firm and demanding; give such pleasure. Pity it couldn't stay hard all the time, but then man wasn't made that way, was he?

He stirred, then threw back the blanket, swinging his feet to the floor. "I'd better check that fire."

I started to follow him to help, but he said, "Stay in bed, I can take care of it. Got lots of wood. I saw the storm coming and spent all day yesterday laying in a supply. No need for both of us to get cold."

I watched him stride toward the old cast iron stove we had in the line cabin. One leg of the stove was gone. It was propped up with a piece of wood. We seldom used the cabin. Everything was old cast-offs from someplace else. The two bunk beds sagged. They had seen lots of service. No sheets, but the blankets were clean and more importantly warm. It was a good place to hole up in with the blizzard I could hear raging outside.

As I watched him stoke the fire with the wood he had cut, I realized just how big and strong he was. He was about six feet tall and probably weighed in at a little over 200 pounds. All of it was hard muscle. No fat on this stud.

He turned and strode back to the bed, his cock and balls swinging like metronomes as each step pushed them back and forth. He smiled as he watched me looking at his cock and balls. "Like what you see?" he asked as he slid in beside me. I pulled the blankets over us. I pressed my body to his to warm him.

"Damn right! You are one hunk of a man with one hell of a cock. Tell me, do you exercise a lot?"

"No, just work long and hard. But I sure as hell know one thing: I am sure going to exercise that pretty white ass of yours. So I guess you can say I'm going to exercise this weapon of mine."

"Sure hope you keep your promise," I said.

"Say," he asked, changing the subject. "What's a feller like you doing out in this storm anyway?"

"Well a passerby told me he saw smoke in my line shack, so I came up to investigate. In fact, I intended to kick your ass out of my shack, but we ended up with you kicking my ass around with your cock. I guess it is all right for you to stay as long as you know how to use that thing between your legs. Of course, if you wear out, I will kick your ass out of my shack."

"I ain't gonna wear out. If anything wears out, it will be your ass." He laughed. He thought a minute and then asked me, "What do you mean your line shack?"

"I guess I haven't introduced myself. I'm Thane and this is one of the line shacks on my ranch. I own the place."

"I'm Solomon. How can a young white boy like you own this place?"

"I ain't so young, not after two years in the Union army."

"You fight against the rebs?"

"Yes," I hesitated, "I fought too long and too much."

He ran his hand over the scars on my body, "You get shot?"

"Reb bullets at Gettysburg."

"How did it happen?"

I didn't know what to do. I didn't like to talk about the Civil War I had fought in for two long years, "I was just a soldier doing his job."

His voice was low and calm, "I would like to hear about it. I would like to know why you like to have sex with a black man. How you got from the east to a ranch in Arizona. You say you own this ranch. We have all day. That storm is going to last. But if you don't want to talk, that is OK too."

"Oh hell, it is no secret; I was in the Union army the last two years of the war. I'm from Philadelphia, but joined the 1st Minnesota as I had a friend in that outfit. He died beside me at Gettysburg. Damn, what a way to go."

I had never talked to anyone about the battles I was in; especially what had happened at Gettysburg. Yet for some reason I felt like telling the man laying beside me. I guess when you lie naked beside a man without the subterfuge of clothes, one can trust. The truth is just natural at that point.

"I never talked to anyone about it. As I said, I signed up. The bonus looked pretty good. I got $300 for taking the place of a rich man's son in the draft. That looked like a lot of money. Anyway, I signed up. Happy and proud I was doing the right thing for my country. They marched us down to Virginia, where we had a few little fights. Then Lee started his raid up the Cumberland Valley. Hell, we didn't know where he was going and the generals just had us wandering around. I don't think they knew where they were going either."

"General Meade was put in charge. The armies both stumbled around Pennsylvania until we met up at Gettysburg. We, the Rebs and us, made hell look normal."

"We were ordered to Little Round Top, just a pile of rocks on top of a little hill. They told us it was the key to the battlefield. I guess it was, because the Rebs tried hard enough to take it."

"We forted up in the rocks and could look down at the Confederates below us. It was a beautiful summer day, that July 1, 1863. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and a slight breeze was blowing."

"I never knew what it was going to be like, those three days the battle lasted. Hell can't be that bad. I watched the Rebs form up a straight line. I found out later it was Company F of the 6th North Carolina."

My voice was low and came slowly as if torn from my guts. I felt it all over again. Waiting for the attack, the sweat poured from me. I felt like I was at Little Round Top all over again.

"While we waited, they came through near the peach orchard, then through the wheat field and up the hill. Straight at us. We were dug in. Their battle flags were flying as they came on with their officers in front, sabers in hand. Oh, it was a pretty picture and we listened for the sergeant's orders for the right time. Then we fired a volley."

"Bodies fell, but they hardly missed a step. We fired again and again, and finally they were forced back, leaving their dead. They formed again and came on again. And then again and again."

I was there. I was cold. My breath came in a gasp as if the wings of the raven of death had brushed me. Again, it was so real just as in my nightmares of those days.

I gasped for breath, then brokenly went on. "For three days we stopped them. They fell back. Reformed. Came on. Sometimes in the rocks we met them face to face, bayonet to bayonet, knife to knife. Using our guns as clubs. Smashing in their faces." I whimpered, "Oh God, let me forget."

Solomon's strong arms pulled me to him. His rough calloused hand gently caressed me as he shared my pain. His voice was husky, "Let go. Just say it and let it go." He soothed me as he would a child.

At last I had someone to tell about those three days. Three days of killing. Three days trying to live. One face remembered, a boy of maybe 15, I smashed with my rifle butt. Oh God, why?

"And then," I groaned, "after three days it was over. They came no more. They were all dead. Company F had died to a man coming forward, always coming forward."

"Suddenly, I was smashed back and I lay among our dead and dying. Bullets had found me. Finally it was all over and silence fell over the fields. Had we won? I don't know. Maybe he generals could tell you, I can't. I know of the dead piled around me like cordwood. I know the heat, the sweet smell of blood, the flies... Oh God, the flies; they were everywhere. They fed on the dead and dying and the blood. Blood was over everything and everyone. Flies and blood. I know that while F Company was dying to a man, so were we. For every ten men who marched onto Little Round Top, two of us crawled out. Or, rather were carried out."

Finally I quieted and grew calmer. I had felt the death cold as I told Solomon my story. The raven of death had passed by for now. Now the heat of his body seemed to seep into mine. His large calloused hands stroked my cheeks and his soft murmuring worked on me. I grew calmer and somehow, someway it seemed I had finally let go of Little Round Top and Gettysburg. It was gone. Maybe the nightmares would go too.

Solomon's rough hands were tender and soft as they stroked my body, calming me and saying he understood without saying a word. He felt what I was feeling. He too had suffered. A black man in the 1860s while now free, still suffered. Most, if not everyone, thought of them as inferior even though all the nice right words were said.

His voice was low but calm as he asked, "Does that have something to do with the way you treat me, a black man?"

I turned my head and looked at him. "A black company was in the line beside us. They bled and died just like us. Their blood on the ground was as red as ours. If they had run, we would have all died. The ground doesn't ask about the skin color of the man who shed the blood, it just accepts it. Yes, I guess it was there on the battlefield that I accepted all men."

We were silent for a long time, each with his own thoughts. I didn't know about him, but I was calm as if a weight had been lifted, that I finally could tell some one. I liked the feeling of his hands as they roamed over my body searching out every part, making me feel wanted. Feeling someone cared. Solomon and I had a peace we shared. Something shared by real men, strong men.

How long we lay quietly beside each other, I don't know. Our hands just roamed and felt the other's body. It felt so good. His hand, which was twice the size of mine, stroked my stomach and then gently captured my cock. I could feel him milking it much like he was milking a cow. Or he would cup my balls and gently roll them around. I could feel an urge build in my stomach as my cock hardened and rose.

"You like old Solomon to play with you?" he asked.

"Damn right. You make me feel good."

"You ready?"

"You bet, any and all the time."

He drew my lips to his. I felt his tongue run over my lips and then insert itself. I met it with mine. I liked the sensation of our two tongues meeting. I felt the urges start to flow and my cock firmed.

"Roll on top of me," he ordered.

In a second I was laying on his body. I arranged our cocks side by side pressed between our two bodies. I could feel his pubic hair in mine. He ran his hands down my back fingering each bone in my spine. They cupped my ass. He pulled the cheeks apart and ran his thick finger up and down the crack. No part of my body was a stranger to him. The fires of desire were building hotter and hotter as our lips would meet, separate, and then retouch in common understanding.

He broke our lips apart, placing his lips to my ear and whispering into it, "You know what I want?"

He didn't wait for an answer. "I always said I would kill the man who tried to fuck me. But now, I want you to fuck me. I want us to be part of each other>"

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yes I'm sure," he said. He pushed me down between his legs before he swung them up so they rested on my shoulders, opening his ass for my assault. I didn't hesitate. I wanted his offered ass like nothing I had very wanted before.

I wet my cock with spit and rubbed his asshole with some. I pressed my cock to the opening. I could feel the resistance and pushed harder. Suddenly I felt his legs on my shoulders relax and his asshole no longer resisted my cock. He opened himself to me. Immediately I pressed forward hard. A slight pressure and then I was imbedded in him.

What an incredible feeling. The heat of his ass surrounded my cock. If possible, I grew harder. I thrust forward burying my cock in his ass. I could feel my pubic hair smash as I fully penetrated him. Slowly, oh so slowly, I began to thrust and withdraw fucking the ass I loved. In and out. Each time in felt better and better.

Slowly, I felt him respond. At first he just permitted my attack, but now,he was meeting my attack by thrusting his ass backwards to meet my cock. I knew he was enjoying my cock just as I had his. We were happy and content and I wished it could go on forever.

But that was impossible; the urges were too great. Without thought, my thrusts sped up and he met the rhythm. The old bed creaked and for a flash I wondered if it would fall down.

There were no more thoughts after that, only the reaction of two healthy men having sex. Beautiful, lovely sex. The passion was too much. I felt it start somewhere in my legs, build up through my balls, and finally come blasting out of my cock as I emptied myself in him. Suddenly, I felt him spasm and his cock was shooting its gism over his body. Some of it splashed up on my chest. My entire body was tense with the force of the passion.

I felt the passion pass. I took a deep breath. My muscles went loose as I collapsed on his body. His legs slipped from my shoulders. He held me in his arms, the sweat of our bodies gluing our chests together. I closed my eyes in peace. I was safe. I had found a man, a lover.

Next: Chapter 3

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