The Battlefield

By DurtyRiter

Published on Jun 12, 2020


Disclaimer: This is an Adam's Gay Reader pulp story (#236) written by Kurt McCord. There is no copyright on it, so I wanted to share it with others before it gets lost forever. I have only corrected spelling and punctuation errors.

This story is set in the past and includes sex between adult males of different races and between related men. If this is unappealing or illegal in your location, please do not read this story.

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It will soon be the turn of a new century: 1900. How things have changed and remained the same.

It seems just yesterday that Roberto came back from his trip to Mexico. Yet it was over forty years ago. We have shared for all that time. To get into bed with him is just as exciting today as it was the first time he stepped through my bedroom window the first time we made love.

But things have changed. The town is more awake now than when I arrived forty-some-odd years ago on the stagecoach. The railroad was pushed through our valley in 1869, the same year the intercontinental was joined in Utah. This started the town's growth. Why, today we now have two churches. Of course, two more bars went in too, so I guess it evens out. Where would churches be if the bars didn't get you drunk so the church could sober you up?

Some time ago, I got a message by word of mouth that California didn't have any snowstorms. I laughed. I knew it was from Solomon. The cowboy delivering the message had a puzzled look on his face, but I didn't tell him the meaning. I sometimes remembered the night I had spent with him. Later, I received a package containing two beautiful gold nuggets with a note: "Hit pay dirt." Never knew where.

Mr. Wu and Steve left the ranch. Wu found me another Chinese cook to take his place, but I never found out if he gave Chinese massages. Wu and Steve have a small ranch not too far away. We see each other once in a while.

I never did get together with the sheriff after freeing the Indian. He moved away before we had the opportunity. When Roberto returned, I was never interested in anyone but Roberto.

Jamie is doing fine. You might remember the tyke who stopped me from killing his brother when he fought with bayonets? Well sometime after I inherited the ranch, he came walking in looking for a job. His brother got himself killed. He was on his own. I had some doubts, but he had spunk, so I put him on as a helper for the cook. This is one time I laid down the law to everyone on the ranch. He was only 13 years old. I made damn sure none of the men sexually abused him.

I needn't have worried. Hawk took him under his wing, teaching him the ways of nature. Lord, for a while I thought he would turn into an Indian.

Jamie was smart and within a few days he knew what was going on among the men and also between Wu and myself.

He finally asked me about it. Wu and I explained how some men like women and some men like men. He sat there at the kitchen table, thought a bit, said, "I think I'll like women."

And that's the way it was. He never had any desire for men. I allowed him to make his own choice. I remember the day he told me after a barn dance he was going to marry Nancy. He was 15 at the time, but he knew. Several years later, he married her. It was a tough time helping him through his courtship and finally marriage.

Now he has two boys who Roberto and I spoil rotten when they visit. After all, we're grandparents, I think.

The graveyard on the hill where Ben is buried has grown. Red, the foreman, along with Hawk, the Indian, had joined Ben. Roberto and I both want to rest there.

Back in the '70s, we had some Indian raids and trouble, but they always passed the ranch by. I've often wondered if the food I gave to the starving tribe when I got the sheriff to release Running Wolf was the reason. Or maybe it was the time at the lake. I just don't know. I never saw him again after the session at the lake.

Sometimes, it seems only yesterday that I came to the ranch. Yet I know Roberto and I have shared the same bed and each other's bodies for almost forty years. He just yelled at me to stop the damn writing and come to bed. I can tell from the tone of his voice that he is laying there playing with his cock. It's not completely hard yet. He always wants me to join him. I've never refused.

We're growing old as the years have passed. But thinking of Roberto, feeling his naked body, his invading cock when he penetrates me or when I fuck him, it always seems like it is the first time. Well, I'd better go...


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