The Battlefield

By DurtyRiter

Published on Apr 6, 2020


Disclaimer: This is an Adam's Gay Reader pulp story (#236) written by Kurt McCord. There is no copyright on it, so I wanted to share it with others before it gets lost forever. I have only corrected spelling and punctuation errors.

This story is set in the past and includes sex between adult males of different races and between related men. If this is unappealing or illegal in your location, please do not read this story.

Chapter 1: Freezing Hot Meat

His stirring must have awakened me when he rolled over onto his back. We lay side by side: he on his back and me on my side facing him. My head lay cradled in his arm. My arm was across his flat stomach. I became aware that my elbow had trapped his soft cock under it. I gently rolled his cock back and forth with my elbow. I realized his arm cradling my head was gently pressing my face into his armpit.

The smell of his armpit excited me. It was the smell of a man who worked hard, the smell of leather and horses.

In our country, water is scarce. So often, when working range, we went days without bathing. Often we smelled like raunchy goats. Perhaps a snooty Easterner would have taken offense, but I recognized it for what it was; accepted it. It was the strong odor of a strong man. I liked it.

I felt so good lying in the arms of a man, the blankets pulled over my head. It seemed like I was in a safe cave. I could hear the muted sound of the storm outside but I was safe and warm. Somehow the naked stranger had saved me from the freezing cold. I certainly would have frozen to death.

When I had started from my ranch house, the weather had been overcast; threatening but I really wasn't worried as I figured I would have plenty of time to reach the line shack before it hit.I had told the men I was going to check it out as we had had a report of smoke. I figured some stranger was squatting. I intended to run his ass out of there.

When crossing Pine Creek, my mare stumbled, throwing me into the freezing cold water. I was soaked. Letting loose a couple choice swear words, I remounted. But we had only gone a few yards when I realized she had come up lame. I thought to start back to the ranch but the line shack was closer so I headed for it.

Then the storm hit. First just a few snowflakes, but then it really came down. My clothes were soaking wet. The temperature was dropping fast. I knew immediately I was in trouble. I had to make the line shack. The drifts, caused by the wind, got steeper. Soon I was having to fight my way through each one. When I stumbled, the reins slipped through my numb fingers. The mare was gone.

I was almost blind from the snow, the bitter cold. The wind was slowing my movements. I felt fatigued and knew my strength was ebbing fast. I fell, got up, and fell again. Each time it was harder to get up. The cold was bitter.

Now here I was stripped naked, all curled up with a naked stranger, warm and comfortable. I was still half asleep. I kissed his broad chest in thankfulness. By accident, my lips caressed the nipple of his chest. I licked it with my lips, liking the salt taste left from the sweat of work.

My elbow worked back and forth rolling his soft cock against his stomach. I was still drowsy, half asleep, but it felt so good just gently playing with his prick. I half wondered who he was but was more interested in the feel of his cock. I felt my own prick start to harden then press against his hip.

He stirred, his breathing changed; I froze, stopping my gentle massage of his cock. In a second, his breathing deepened. I knew he had gone back to sleep. I kissed the nipple on his chest and sucked on it as a baby would.

My hand seemed to have a mind of its own as it started to caress the body I slept with. His skin felt so warm, so alive. I ran my hand over his chest, gently tugging at his nipple then down a flat stomach.

Without thinking, my hand slowly crept down until I felt his pubic hair. It just seemed the right thing to do. I ever so softly took the soft prick in my hand. I gently began to jerk him.

His breathing changed. For a moment I thought he had wakened, but then the slow steady breathing of a deep sleeper continued. I felt his balls, loving the silky feel of living flesh. Again his breathing changed. I stopped all movement, just gently cupping his precious nuts in my hand. He stirred a little, seemed to be feeling my caressing, then he drifted back to sleep allowing me to continue playing with his nuts that contained his fuck juice.

Again I clutched his cock and restarted my masturbation. I felt his prick grow firmer, longer. It filled my hand. Once or twice he seemed to stir as if in a dream, but made no move to stop me as his breathing continued its steady rhythm. It felt so good alternately firmly pulling, then relaxing his cock. I caressed his balls, ran my fingers up the underside of his cock. I knew he could feel it as his cock got firmer and firmer.

I kissed and licked his chest with my tongue, then licked downward toward my goal, running my tongue over his stomach and through his pubic hair. For some reason it felt different from mine. Then, while holding his cock, I kissed the head. I washed the head with my tongue. Again with my tongue, I pushed back the foreskin so I could lick all around it.

I knew he was feeling it as he began to thrust his hips upwards in a fucking motion. I took my hand away and lowered my head so I had the entire cock in my mouth. I pressed hard with my lips and then relaxed them. Soon we had a rhythm going. I knew he was awake from the change in his breathing. As he fucked my mouth, I had the entire length deep in my throat.

I felt him move. He put his hand on my head as in two hard thrusts his cock exploded. I drank his hot jism as it cascaded into my mouth. I realized he was drained as his hand relaxed on my head. I heard him sigh in relief, and then realized he had drifted back to sleep. I released his limp cock from my mouth. Then I crawled back so I was again cradled in his arm. I smiled to myself as I knew I had pleased the man who had saved me. With the warm taste of his jism in my mouth to remind me of his manhood, I started to drift off. For a brief moment, I remembered the time I sucked my first cock, then I too drifted back to sleep.

I awoke when I felt him move. The storm still raged outside. It felt so good and warm with his arm draped around my shoulder and my face buried in his armpit. God, he smelled good. I never wanted to move, but I forced myself awake and stuck my head out of the covers. I gazed into his brown eyes, set in a coal black face.

"Good morning," I said. I always was a brilliant conversationalist, especially early in the morning.

"Hi." He didn't really talk, as much as his voice seemed to rumble out of his chest.

"Man," I told him, "I don't know how you did it, but thanks. You sure saved my ass. The last I remember was setting the mare free to give her a chance. Then I hit something solid. I hope she is alright."

"The mare's fine. She came in, so I put her in the barn. She has food and water. Then I started watching for the owner. In a lull in the storm I saw you hung up on the fence, so I brought you in. What were you doing out in a storm like that?"

"Well I started out to check on this cabin. I thought I could make it before the storm hit. But the mare lost her footing in the creek. She threw me. She limped when took a few steps. I knew immediately I could not ride, so I tried to walk her. The storm caught me. When I fell again and again, I turned her loose hoping she would find shelter. All I remember after that is hitting something. I woke up here."

"You hit the fence, missing the gate by about ten feet. I brought you in. You were freezing, so I stripped you, put you in the bed, and crawled in with you as the best way to warm you up. You were one cold cowboy."

I said, "I'm hot now, thanks to you."

I ran my hand over his broad chest gently fingering his nipples before letting it drift down over his flat-corded stomach. I was aiming to grab his cock, but he stopped me.

His large calloused hand grasped my wrist. "Stop that," he said.

"Why?" I asked. "I want to play with your cock."

"No," he said. "I'm black. White boys don't play with black cocks."

"Look," I said, "I know you're black and I know I'm white. So what? I'd still like to feel your cock in my hands. But I owe you a lot. Some men just don't like to have sex with other men, so if that's it, then I'll stop if that's what you want. Do you object to having sex with a man?"

"No..." he hesitated. "But I'm black."

I pushed my hand further and felt his curly pubic hair. I told him, "So you're black. So what?"

"If you keep on and get me horny, I'm going to want to do things to you."

I finally had his cock in my hand. It was limp, but seemed larger than I remembered it from the night. I liked the feel of it in my hand. I squeezed it, feeling a slight response. I knew he liked having my hand caressing his manhood.

Liking the feel of him I asked him, "If I get you horny, just what are you going to do?" I squeezed his balls gently. They were too large for me to hold in one hand.

"Do?" he answered. "You keep playing with my cock and that black cock is going to ram right up your ass. You like a black man up your ass?"

I grinned at him, "Well now, I sure as hell liked sucking your black cock. So, would you ram that cock up my ass?"

"Damn right. I've always wanted to fuck a white boy."

I looked at him in surprise, "I just thought of something. If, as you say, you ram your black cock up my white ass, can my ass tell the color of the cock or will it just know it's a real man's cock? I wonder if my ass can tell the color of a cock."

"Man, you think of the craziest things. If you keep pulling on my cock, you're gonna find out what a real man's cock feels like. Just keep it up and you'll see."

I needed no second invitation. I played with his balls and ran my fingers through his tightly curled pubic hair. I masturbated his firm cock with a great deal of pleasure. I didn't know about him, but I was sure as hell getting hot.

He growled from deep in his chest, "You asked for it, and now you're gonna get it."

With that, he rolled on top of me; his big body pressing me deep into the mattress. He was heavy, but felt so good. I love to have a body covering mine. My skin tingled all over. He arranged our cocks so they were between our bodies, then started a slow fucking motion masturbating our cocks as they rubbed against each other. I grew hard immediately. In fact, we were both rigid. I slid my hands down his back, tracing each bone of his spine until I had both his ass cheeks in my hands. I urged him on, reveling in the feel of his buttocks as they flexed and relaxed with each stroke of his cock rubbing against mine and driving into my stomach. It felt so good.

My hands stroked and caressed his brawny back. I captured an ass cheek in each hand. I squeezed them with each powerful thrust of his cock. He liked the feel of his cock rubbing against mine as he dry fucked my stomach. Our cocks were masturbating each other causing a budding feeling of lust and desire. I wanted this man.

My hands caressed him, feeling each movement of his body. He supported his chest on his elbows. His eyes were closed in concentration on his bodily actions.

I felt his broad shoulders. Placing my hands on the nape of his neck, I pulled his head down to meet mine. I raised my lips to meet his. I nibbled on his broad Negroid lips as I made love to him with my lips.

He pulled back in surprise as if to consider what I was doing. Then he forcibly flattened his lips to mine. My lips parted. I ran my tongue over his lips. Again he hesitated before his wild desires took over. His tongue dueled with mine. He grasped my head holding it immobile as his lips worked over mine. Our tongues tasted each other, caressing, rubbing against each other.

Desire and craving surged through my body. A slight sweat broke out acting as a lubricant on our heaving chests. He drew back and gazed into my eyes. "Never kissed a white boy before," he said, "and never fucked one either. I'm ready now. I'm going to make you scream over my big cock."

He slid down my body between my legs, placing my legs on his shoulders, raising his hips, making my ass accessible to him. He spit on his hand, rubbed the spittle up the crack in my ass. I lay back in anticipation of the penetration, slightly uneasy because of his size, but with desire and wanting.

I felt his cock head press against me. The pressure increased. Try as I could, I just wasn't relaxed enough to allow him easy entry. The pressure increased. I felt pain as his head began driving into me.

He reached up, took my right nipple firmly in his hand. With a sudden twist, he squeezed hard sending pain shooting through me. At the same moment, he hammered forward with his cock and drove it deep in my ass. I yelled at the pain in my chest and my ass.

He calmed me. "Just relax. The worst is over. My cock is in your ass, and now we can enjoy it. Before I'm done you're gonna be begging for more."

I doubted it. He felt so huge, but now the pain was lessening. I felt so filled, like nothing had filled me before. He held me there, my white pussy embedded on his virile black cock. Hell, I didn't know if it was black or not. All I knew and felt was that a real man'scock was in my ass.

He smiled at me. "White boy, you've got this nigger's cock in your ass and I'm gonna go for a ride." He began to move, "I'm going to fuck you long and hard."

He pushed his cock deeper into my guts. I felt it inch forward a bit at a time. He was in no hurry. He just kept pressing his cock firmly, deeper in me. I couldn't believe it. It seemed to go on and on, just probing deeper in me. I heard him sigh as his hips ground against my ass. I felt the curly hair rub my ass cheeks. I reached up and gently grasping his head pulled his face down to mine; our lips met.

I ran my tongue over his lips. I felt them part. His tongue sprang forward to meet mine. I sucked on his tongue as our lips worked against each other savoring and tasting.

"You make me so hot. You like to kiss this stud with his cock up your ass?"

"Damn right! I like you: your lips, your cock. I like all of you."

He grinned, "You'll like me more before I'm through."

Slowly he started to move his ass. I felt his cock retreat. He never took it completely out. My ass still captured the head. He slowly thrust it back enjoying every inch as it worked its way up my guts.

But it didn't last long enough. In moments he was in full stride, rapidly sinking his cock deep so his pubic hair rubbed my ass time and again. He was starved for sex.

Abruptly he moaned, his head strained back, his eyes closed, and he hammered hard one more time. I felt his hot cum burst forth. His sweat dripped on my body. He shook with the force of his orgasm. His body pressed hard against my balls.

Suddenly I was cumming, spraying my juice between us and gluing our bodies together with my jism. He collapsed on my body, his sweat mingled with mine. I held him in my arms, drew his face to mine. I kissed him softly on the lips. We kissed gently but firmly as two people who have given each other complete satisfaction.

Next: Chapter 2

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