The Barber Who Got Under My Skin

By Damian

Published on Oct 27, 2010


This story, a work of fiction, is told in alternating segments from the perspective of a young dermatologist named Wade and his even younger neighbor, a barber named Jeremy.

If you're under 18, go play a video game instead. Better yet, go do something nice for someone. If you want to reproduce this story in any form, please ask my permission first.

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  • Damian


I've been in a lot of really erotic situations in my 25 years, but I have to admit that standing naked in front of Wade while he touched me all over under the pretense of a medical examination had turned me on like nothing ever had before. When I took his hand and placed it on my hard dick after we were finished with the so-called "examination," I about shot off right then and there. The touch of his silky smooth fingers was heavenly, and I was really getting into it.

To say that I was disappointed that he had to leave right then is the biggest of understatements. I couldn't believe that he could just walk away when we were finally crossing the line into something overtly sexual between us.

Literally and figuratively deflated, I stayed naked for the rest of the evening, hoping he would return, but he didn't. I finally took matters into my own hands, so to speak, and jacked off alone like I did almost every night. I replayed the exquisite feel of Wade's eyes and hands on my body and nearly levitated off the bed as I exploded into one of the strongest orgasms I'd ever had.

But when it was over, I was still alone and very much aware of it -- and feeling really sorry for myself. I tossed and turned all night, hearing crickets chirping away outside my window, as well as the occasional tom cat on the prowl, probably getting far more from his night than I had gotten from mine.

I thought for sure that Wade would call the next morning, but he didn't. I was really bummed. I felt like I had put myself on the line with him and had all but successfully seduced him when he said he had to leave. I tried to avoid looking over at his house, but it was dark and lifeless anyway. Where was he, and why was he avoiding me? Had I gone too far? Was he really straight after all? Or was he just scared of me? I had to know, but I wasn't going to be the first to call.

The ball was in his court, and I was at his mercy. It was a situation that I wasn't used to being in, and I didn't like it one bit.


I felt both relief and anger at what I had done, pretending that my pager had gone off just as Jeremy took my hand and wrapped my fingers around his steely hard cock. At first I was relieved that I could escape from a situation I wasn't prepared for, and yet -- more than that -- I was angry at myself for walking out on Jeremy like that.

What was the matter with me? Here was this beautiful young man standing naked in front of me and obviously wanting to "up the ante" to a sexual situation, and I didn't have the courage to meet him even half way. Does he hate me now? Could he ever forgive me? What should I do next? After driving around endlessly, I slipped into my house through the back door, leaving the lights off so I wouldn't attract his attention, and spent the rest of the night in my bed in complete turmoil -- and in my accustomed aloneness.

As if to rub my nose in my unwanted solitude, the chime clock in the living room announced the lonely arrival of each early morning hour -- one bong, then two an hour later, then three an hour after that -- all of which I clearly heard before finally dozing off before the fourth one.

The next bongs I heard from my always-reliable clock announced the arrival of 9 a.m. I hadn't slept that late in years, but I hardly felt rested. I dragged my sorry ass to my shower and tried to wash my sorrow down the drain along with yesterday's body residues. The residues left, but the sorrow stubbornly remained -- along with the image of Jeremy's disbelieving face when I told him I had to leave his house last night.

Even my usually reliable cup of black coffee failed to stimulate anything within me but more self loathing. I felt like an empty shell, and any idea I had of doing anything remotely productive with my morning failed to move me to any sort of action. All I could do was focus on my sense of shame, and my anger at myself for acting less of a man than I had thought I was before Jeremy walked into my life and took his clothes off.

Finally, around noon, I got a grip on myself. Well, not literally, but I finally realized that I desperately had to see Jeremy again -- and soon. He had obviously wanted to have sex with me, and I had to admit to myself that I'd been a fool to cut things off just when they were getting good. I was no longer 12 years old, and Jeremy wasn't my brother. I wanted another chance to become the man he expected me to be before last night's debacle.

When guys stripped in front of me in my office, I was strong, confident, and clearly in charge -- just the opposite of how I had felt and acted last night. So an idea crept into my head. To make things up to him, I had to become as vulnerable as he'd been with me the night before. My mind was made up -- now it was time for my untested body to follow through with my new-found resolve.

With shaking hands I picked up the phone and called the number that he'd written down for me on one of his visits. I'd never been so scared in all my life, yet I knew this was something that I really needed to do. I could feel my reticent cock expanding in my briefs.

"Hello," he answered.

"Hi, Jeremy. It's Wade."

"Umm, hi, Wade. What's up?" If he only knew!

"Jeremy, I'm so sorry I had to leave so abruptly last night. Like I said, I'm on call this weekend, and my pager hasn't stopped going off since I saw you last night."

"Umm, well, I understand, Wade. You have to do what you have to do." I could hear thinly disguised anger in his voice, which made it all the harder to say what I intended to say next.

"Jeremy, I got another doctor to cover for me this afternoon, and I wondered if I could invite you over for a while. That is, if you're still speaking to me." My heart was practically thumping out of my chest.

After an agonizing pause, he said, "Well, I guess so, if you really feel you have the time." The thinly veiled sarcasm in that remark nearly wiped out my resolve, but I plunged ahead.

"Yes, Jeremy, I owe you big time for walking out on you last night like that, and I want to make it up to you. Come on over here, and, uh, bring your barber shears with you -- okay?"


I was still fuming inside at what Wade had done just as I was turning over my naked body to him last night so willingly, but he did make the first call and sounded apologetic and sincere. But why did he want me to come over with my barber shears? Did he expect a haircut, or need his hedge trimmed? But I did as he said and appeared on his doorstep 25 minutes later. (I intentionally kept him waiting for a while.)

Wade looked a little sheepish as he opened the door and invited me in. We shook hands kind of awkwardly. I thought he looked particularly nervous.

"Uh, hi, Jeremy. C'mon in. Would you like a beer or something?"

"Sure. Sounds fine," I replied. Our relationship had taken a big step backwards since last night, and I almost felt like I didn't know what to say to him. I tried to keep my tone neutral without being cold. I said little as we took our beers and sat down in his living room. I would've been more comfortable on his front porch, but he didn't seem to want to go there.

"Jeremy, I, uh, want to apologize again for last night. Being a doctor often means that my social life suffers from it. I hope there are no hard feelings."

"That's fine," I lied. "You did warn me that you were on call, but I was sorry to see you leave so abruptly." With me in my frigging birthday suit and completely erect, I thought, but didn't say.

"I don't blame you one bit for being upset with me, Jeremy. That's why I wanted you to come over this afternoon and why I traded call duty with another doctor. I'm all yours for the whole afternoon -- that is, if you want that." My throat was dry, and I could hardly breathe!

Wade looked so pitiful sitting there on the edge of his sofa with his knees together and his hands clutching his beer, looking so remorseful. I had to crack a smile in spite of myself. That seemed to break the ice a bit, so we talked about stuff and nonsense for a while and eventually he noticeably loosened up. I was sitting across from him, with my legs crossed at the ankle, and he seemed to be looking frequently at my bare legs and into my crotch.

That's when it finally hit me -- Wade was a complete closet case and had probably seldom -- if ever -- gotten laid! He was obviously attracted to me but didn't know how to deal with it. Suddenly, my whole attitude changed as I saw him in a new light. What kind of a sweet, cute, naive guy have I got for a neighbor? I wanted to go over and sit next to him and just hold him and stroke him and tell him that it was all right -- that I understood and would be patient with him. But I didn't want to scare him off.

After a second beer and more prattle about nothing of substance, I asked Wade why he had asked me to bring over my barber shears. His hair was a bit unruly but not all that long.

"Oh, uh, that. Uh, Jeremy, I wondered if I could ask you a bit of a favor. I know I probably don't look very hairy to you -- after all, you have seen me in shorts -- but I sort of have this rather embarrassing problem on my back."

"Oh?" Suddenly I was intrigued with where this was going.

"Yeah, God must have decided to play a little joke on me when he made me. The only place he put much body hair was on my back, and I just hate it. It's not all that much, but it looks pretty goofy on my otherwise smooth body. I was wondering if, uh, you would mind giving me a little trim back there."

"Sure thing, Wade. Where would you like to do it? Probably not on the front porch, huh?" By now, my anger at him had dissipated, and I wanted to put him at ease and have some fun with him.

"Uh, no, certainly not. Even my back yard isn't totally private. Maybe we could do it in my bathroom, where it would be easy to collect the hair off the tile floor afterward. Are you ready?"

"Lead the way, even though I've already spent some time in there myself."

"Yeah, I guess you did the first day we met, didn't you?"

I picked up my shears and followed Wade up the stairs to his bathroom, staring at his cute little pants-covered butt and looking forward to seeing him with his shirt off for the first time. He had it off by the time we got to the bathroom door and hung it on the doorknob. I could see a patch of hair on his lower back and a little on his upper back, but nowhere near the amount of hair I thought he was talking about. Anybody else could live with that, but I guess Wade had his reasons for wanting it trimmed.

But what happened next took me totally by surprise. Wade took off more than just his shirt. In a flash, so to speak, he was standing in front of me with nothing but his briefs on. He was facing away from me, but I liked what I saw. In fact, I liked it very much!

He had a nice, well-proportioned body with nice shoulders, a trim waistline, and a small but well-rounded ass that filled out the back of his briefs very nicely. I'd already seen him in shorts, but I was impressed with his smooth thighs and nice feet. He seemed to be trembling a little.

I plugged in my shears and went to work on his back. It didn't take me 30 seconds to trim off what little hair he had back there, but I took it as slow as I could, running my left hand over his back to be sure I got it all. He flinched when I touched him, but I thought I heard a soft moan of pleasure from him. From the goose bumps that I saw (and felt) on him, it occurred to me that Wade probably wasn't used to being touched, but I thought I could feel his muscles loosen as he relaxed a bit.

I pulled his briefs down to his ass crack to be sure I got all the hair that was on his lower back and then told him to turn around so I could check out that side of him. I sat down on the closed toilet seat as he slowly turned himself around to face me. I was greeted by the sight of a bulge in his crotch that surprised me by its size and apparent firmness. It was obvious that this experience of being touched had turned him on. And now I was starting to feel just as turned on myself. He stood there so beautiful and sexy between my open legs.

"Sorry, Jeremy," he apologized. "I didn't think just getting trimmed like that would get me so aroused. I'm embarrassed."

"No problem, Wade. Why don't we just slip these briefs down a bit so I can check your bush? Maybe it could use a little trimming, too."

He didn't say yes or no, so I just set the shears down, slipped my eager fingers between the legs of his briefs and his bare skin, and gently pulled down his last remaining item of clothing, fully exposing his beautiful uncut cock to my eyes for the first time. It sprang up with a thump on his belly when it got free of his briefs. Although thin like the rest of him, his erect dick was longer than I thought a man of his size would have -- probably a good seven inches. A pearl of pre-cum appeared on his dick tip, providing more proof of just how turned on Wade was. I could relate because my own cock was straining against the confines of my briefs.

Once free of his hips, his briefs fell to his ankles, and he kicked them off to the side, standing before me completely naked now. I drank him in with my eager eyes.

"Now I know how my patients must feel when I ask them to get undressed," he said, smiling weakly. "So this how you felt last night?"

"You have a very nice body, Wade. You have nothing to be ashamed of." That was an understatement on my part, but I wanted to take things very slowly so he wouldn't get spooked. "And yes, I felt just as vulnerable last night standing naked in front of you. This sort of levels the playing field between us, doesn't it?"

I turned my shears back on and took a few swipes at his surprisingly full bush, pulling his erection down a bit so I could trim the top of his pubes, too. When I touched his balls, he jumped a bit but didn't try to stop me. I carefully trimmed around them, wishing it would take longer than it really did. No way did I want this to end, but I didn't know what I should do next. I didn't know if Wade was ready for what I wanted -- desperately wanted. He was so beautiful standing there naked and hard, and I wondered if he had any idea just how desirable he was.

I loved the irony of the situation -- I'd had to stand naked in front of a doctor many times in my life, but here was a doctor standing naked in front of me! And a fine specimen he was.

As more pre-cum emerged from his piss slit, Wade rested his hands on my shoulders and took a step forward. That's when I finally was sure that he wanted this as much as I did. I eagerly but gently ran my hands up the sides and backs of his thighs. When I got to his warm, round butt, I squeezed his cheeks -- one in each hand. Then I cupped his balls in my left hand and moved his foreskin, alternately hiding and then exposing the shiny head of his rock-hard and leaking penis. By then Wade was groaning loudly with pleasure. Like it had a mind of its own, his cock quickly found its way into my very willing mouth, and I sucked the pre-cum off of it.

"Oh, my God!" Wade uttered, like he couldn't believe how good this felt. He stood on his tip-toes, holding onto my shoulders and then running his hands up into my hair. I sucked on him gently at first, enjoying the sweet taste of him. But before long he was eagerly slamming his prick into my mouth until I could feel it entering my throat.

At this rate he wasn't going to last long. I decided it would be best to sacrifice duration for intensity, so I started sucking him faster and harder. He responded as I knew he would.

"Oh, Jeremy, I'm going to cum if you don't pull off...aargh!! H-o-l-y s-h-i-t!!!"

I couldn't have pulled off in time if I had wanted to -- and I definitely didn't want to. Wade squeezed my shoulders hard as his body tensed to the max. His ramrod hard cock began pulsing and spurting cum like it would never end. I'd never taken a load as big as this one -- nor as sweet -- and I eagerly swallowed every drop, barely keeping up with him.

As his dick finally retreated from my mouth -- I had kept sucking till he begged me to stop -- Wade's body collapsed against me. Not a word was spoken -- his body had said it all. I held him tightly to keep him from falling -- and because I didn't want to let him go. I pulled him into a sitting position on my lap with his legs straddling me. He held onto me tightly, still coming down from his high.

We held each other silently that way for a long time. Neither of us wanted to break the spell by talking. Finally, after several minutes, he sat back a bit and looked me straight in the eye.

"That, my friend, was...incredible! I never knew I could feel that way."

He kissed me on the forehead, and then on my cheeks and closed eyes. I lifted my head a bit, and then our lips met -- gently at first, and then in a way that knocked my socks off. I felt his cock rising between us again, as well as my own, still in my unwanted clothes. I felt my shirt buttons coming open as Wade's hands explored my upper body.

"Um, this was your first time, wasn't it, Wade?"

"How did you know? Was it that obvious?"

"Hmmm, well, I kind of thought so."

"I wish I could deny it, but yes, I was a 33-year-old virgin until you came along. Now look what you've done," he grinned.

"Are you sorry?"

"Do I look sorry? It was way overdue. And you know what? I'm glad my first time was with you."

"Me, too, Wade. I feel honored."

After a pause he added, "Jeremy, I have a little confession to make."

"What's that, Wade?"

"That call I got last night wasn't real. I'm not on call this weekend. I pretended my pager was vibrating because I was so turned on by seeing you naked -- but I wasn't ready to deal with my feelings about that yet. You have to admit that the whole thing came up unexpectedly...if you'll excuse the pun! I needed some time to get myself mentally ready. Can you possibly forgive me?"

"Why don't we take this conversation to your bedroom, Wade? I'm going to show you just how forgiving I can be."

I stood up and Wade wrapped his legs around my waist as I carried the naked doctor to his bed, laid him down, stripped off my clothes, and climbed in beside him.

(To be continued. Reader feedback has convinced to me take this story a bit farther than orginally planned. Keep your feedback coming -- it keeps me movitated. Thanks! Damian at

Next: Chapter 4

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