The Bar


Published on Aug 29, 2011


Last chapter of this story! Hope you enjoy it. As ever, this is a work of fiction, etc. Not to be taken literally, or as a good idea to act out in real life!

The week had gone surprisingly quickly.

Every night, when I got home, Gabe would be waiting for me in my apartment. Usually he was just wearing a pair of my tracksuit bottoms, leaving his tight, hairy torso exposed.

He'd wash me down from my day's exertion, strip me and then get me to cook us some food. He took a real interest in me and my day and we talked over our meal. Then he would strip, sit me on his cock and bounce me up and down until he came deep inside me.

He'd typically tie me to something overnight - a chair, the coffee table, even the kitchen bench - and would come through and fuck me three or four times through the night as and when he felt horny.

To begin with, I was so humiliated to be powerless in my own home, but I soon started thinking of it as our apartment. I couldn't understand why, but I felt like I was actually falling for him.

In the morning Gabe never let me bathe his cum away, but would send me to work covered in his slime.

I would work all day and then hit the gym. Matt would meet me there. He'd lead me back to the private weights room, tie me to the equipment and work me until I was exhausted.

He always gave me the choice of unlocking my cage or fucking me. He knew I was helpless whenever I saw his hard, young, tattooed body and his enormous cock. He filled me up each night with his seed.

Then I'd go home to Gabe. He knew about Matt - in fact he just laughed when I told him.

"Good that you're always being looked after," was all he said.

Then came the weekend. Gabe had me all to himself. We moved his stuff into my apartment on the Saturday. On Sunday I spent the whole day tied to the dining room table. He pounded me more than twenty times through the day. The only food he gave me was the cum he scooped out of my ass.

On Monday, my routine ran as normal. Work, Matt fucking me at the gym then home to Gabe. And here it was - 8pm and I was sat on Gabe's hairy cock, sunk all the way up to his heavy balls, my body twitching with each of his thrusts.

All this time and my cock was still locked in James' chastity cage. By now my body was constantly aching to cum, regardless of what I was doing. My mind couldn't focus on anything but sex. I leaked pre-cum perpetually and my balls were bigger than they had ever been, just churning with cum that I was aching to squirt. At work I'd taken to squashing wads of tissue paper down my pants just to mop up the constant flow of clear sticky fluid from my chained dick.

Gabe's slow fucking wasn't helping me tonight either. I thought I'd lose my mind soon.

But suddenly Gabe stopped bouncing me. The pressure on my prostate eased.

The young man pulled me back into his hairy chest and kissed my ear.

"It's a big night for you, isn't it?" he said, hugging me tight.

"Big night, sir?" I asked him blankly.

"It's been a week since you became mine. A week since you went to the bar." One hand snaked down and rubbed against the cock cage, making me spasm slightly.

I couldn't believe it. I'd completely forgotten.

"I've been down and had a chat to James," Gabe continued, "And we both think that you've behaved so well this week that you should be rewarded for that - as long as you keep behaving. What do you say?"

"A reward?" I asked, feeling flushed with excitement, "Does that mean you'll let me..."

Gabe suddenly shifted his cock inside me, making me gasp. ( "We'll see," he said, resuming the rhythmic motion of his hairy cock up and down in my guts, "But we're going to go back to the bar together tonight and see what happens."

An hour later and we were walking back up the alley to the bar, where everything had changed for me last week.

I was wearing nothing but a tight sleeveless vest and a pair of speedos that Gabe had found in one of my drawers. A fresh load of Gabe's cum was leaking out of my ass.

But I didn't care. I might be set free tonight. My cock might become my own again. For that I would do whatever Gabe said. And Matt and James and - anyone. I had to get released from the torture that was the chastity device.

I started towards the door, but Gabe pulled me back. ( ( "Not so fast," he laughed, pulling off my clothes. I was now as buck naked as I had been a week ago when James left me standing outside the bar naked. Then Gabe led me into the bar by pulling at my caged cock.

As we walked through the door I could tell that they'd been waiting and preparing for me.

The tables and chairs had been rearranged into a semi-circle in front of the bar, with one bare table placed in the middle of the semi-circle. Every chair must have been occupied - maybe forty guys in all.

Gabe led me into the centre of the bar, where James stood waiting for me.

Even though he'd taken complete control of my cock, I'd only actually met James once -and for most of that meeting I'd been spread over his knee being spanked until I sobbed like a little kid.

But I'd still recognise him anywhere. James was mid-fifties with all white hair. He stood about half a foot shorter than me, but still looked pretty trim for his age. He wore trousers and a shirt.

I still couldn't believe that this was the guy who'd physically beaten a tall, muscled guy like me. But he'd dominated me, broken me and taken control within the space of half an hour.

Although maybe I shouldn't have been surprised, I thought, looking at Gabe, still steering me by my cock, and Matt, stood grinning behind the bar. These two guys were so much younger than me, but they were also now in complete control of me. I just didn't understand how.

Gabe led me to the table next to James and patted the table top - indicating that he wanted me to sit on it.

I felt the cold wood on my smooth butt cheeks as I obeyed. I could feel myself blushing from head to toe as forty men stared openly at my naked body and my caged cock, which to my total humiliation started to drool again. One or two of the men jeered.

Gabe went and sat down at one of the tables, leaving me alone with James.

"We have here what used to be a fine specimen of a man - a lawyer!" he announced to the bar, putting one arm around my bare shoulders. "But he's become a well-behaved, obedient little boy this week." There were a few scattered cheers around the room. "But before we reward him for his good behaviour, we need to make him look the part!"

I felt a chill run through me as James patted his trouser pockets, before pulling out a pair of hair clippers and a razor.

"Obedient boys don't have hair all over their bodies, do they?" he called.

"No!" came the yell from the men in the bar.

James came towards me wielding the clippers. I wanted to try and stop him, but I was so desperate to get my reward and rid myself of the cock cage. I had to cum.

James went for my head first, giving me a number two shave all over my head. I could see myself in a mirror on the other side of the bar. It was a bit shorter than I usually had it, but it actually didn't look so bad. I could certainly get away with it at work.

Then, to my surprise, James pushed me back so I was lying on my back on the table. He pulled my arms over my head and tied them to the metal pole running round the bar, exposing my arm pits.

James put the clippers down and twirled the razor in one hand, while running the other over my bound body. I bucked at his touch.

"Now our boy here is pretty smooth already," he said to the crowd, "But he needs a few bits shaving." More cheering. "Unfortunately I seem to have forgotten my shaving foam."

"Now normally I'd just dry-shave him," James continued, "But he's been such a good boy. What can I use that's slick and sticky?"

There was open cheering now. I struggled against the ropes that tied me to the bar, but they were tight.

Matt leaned over the bar. "I would keep being a good boy if you know what's good for you," he whispered. I froze.

James had picked someone from the crowd. It was a chubby forty-year old guy that I would never have given the time of day to. Which I assume James knew. This guy had just got his lucky day.

The chubby guy pawed at my body with one hand as he unzipped his flies, pulling out a small, hard cock. Without any preamble, he thrust into my hole and started fucking me in a frenzy. Unlike Matt, James and Gabe, this was no fun.

It was somehow even more humiliating. I was just a fuck-toy for a guy that no-one would look twice at. The crowd knew it. And loved it. Especially as I was till dripping pre-cum over my stomach. ( It didn't take long for the guy fucking me to get close to cumming. God I was jealous, with my cock locked away for a week! Just as he was about to spray, he pulled his dick out of me and hurried round to my side.

He wanked his cock briefly before exploding over my armpit. Zipping up his flies, he wandered back to his table, running his hand down my body. I was so desperate for sexual release I could feel my body arch into his touch. The crowd jeered again.

James wandered over and stood over me with the razor. He rubbed the chubby guy's cum into my armpit and then made me lick his fingers clean.

He proceeded to use the cum as a lubricant, shaving my armpit totally clean of hair using the razor.

When finished, he looked back to the audience. "Who's next?"

A heavily muscled guy bounded up to my ass. He was grizzled and wearing an outfit that seemed to be made up entirely of leather and studs.

"I've got to get some of that ass," was all he said, unveiling a huge cock. Not as big as Matt's but very heavily veined. Just like the chubby guy, he plunged straight into me.

This time, though, he played with my caged cock as he fucked me. I bounced up and down on the table as he ploughed ball deep into me. I was getting really overstimulated by all this. I started moaning loudly, pleading with him to fuck me harder and harder.

Again, it didn't take long before he pulled out of me. I almost screamed with frustration as he unloaded his jizz over my other armpit. As he went to sit down, James cleanly shaved that armpit too, again making me lick the leather guy's cum from his fingers.

The next three guys came and went in quick succession, each fucking me, pulling out and then spraying over my pubes. James rubbed the cum in again, then produced a blindfold.

"Let's make sure we can have a grand reveal, eh?" he said, before slipping it on me. Everything went black.

There was a slight pause before I felt a fourth guy push himself into me. I recognised the cock, the rhythm and the feel of hairy balls slapping on my ass. It was Gabe. After a few minutes he came inside me, before pulling out and leaving me leaking his juices.

James rubbed Gabe's cum round my arsehole before starting to scrape all the remaining hair from around my crotch and anus. I'd never felt this violated before.

Finally the scraping stopped.

A cheer went up from the crowd, so I assumed that James had finished and I was now totally hairless, like a little kid.

"We have one final thing to do," said James, suddenly. I felt something being slipped over my head and placed in my mouth. From the rubber taste I assumed it was some sort of ball gag.

My moans of arousal were dulled by the gag. I could feel saliva dripping down the sides of my mouth.

"I'd like to thank Karl for coming on such short notice," said James, to another cheer from the audience.

There was an odd sound of equipment being plugged in and then a hushed silence.

Suddenly I felt a huge pain tear into my left pec. I screamed, but the gag took away all the sound. I thrashed in my bonds, but they were firm.

The pain continued for what felt like hours, slowly moving from left to right across my chest. Eventually, the sharp pains stopped, left with a burning sensation across my pecs. I barely heard the cheering and whooping from he guys in the room.

Suddenly, James whipped off my blindfold. It was a couple of moments until I was able to focus on my reflection in the mirror across the bar. When I finally managed to get things clear, I was almost knocked back in shock.

I was as bare as a little kid. There was no hair anywhere on my body. I hadn't been like this since I as 12. I looked vulnerable. The lack of pubes made my cock cage stand out even more clearly, the pre-cum still oozing out of me.

But across my chest was a huge, red, sore section. It looked like my ass after James had spanked me. But clearly visible across it was one word. It was in bold, black letters that stretched between my nipples. They had tattooed the word "SLAVE" on my body.

I couldn't contain it any more. I wept. I just couldn't take it any more. These three guys had taken away my cock, my body hair - but more than that they'd taken away my manhood and, with this tattoo, they'd taken away the last shreds of my dignity and control and my will to resist.

Suddenly I felt Gabe standing beside me, hugging me tightly around my shoulders.

"You've been such a good boy," he said. I felt my tears start to dry up. Somehow Gabe being near made me feel better. "Does your chest hurt?"

I nodded, still unable to talk through the gag.

James appeared on my other side.

"There's only one thing for that!" he said, loudly.

The rest of the room seemed to take this as their cue. About ten guys stood up and formed a circle around me. James stood back but Gabe stayed, holding me.

The men pulled out their cocks and started to jerk themselves off over my bound, shaved body. After a minute or so, the first few started to cum - partly on my chest, where it soothed the sting of the tattoo, but also on my stomach, my legs and my naked, shaved groin.

As soon as a guy had cum on me, he was replaced by another guy and then another until everyone except James, Matt and Gabe had anointed me with their hot, sticky juices.

Finally it stopped. I was soaked in the jism of forty different guys. I could feel it coagulating all over me in a thick, sticky white layer. It stunk. And after a week without touching my dick it was the most arousing smell.

Smiling, James walked round to between my spread legs. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out the key to my chastity device.

He inserted the key and the lock fell away. He unclipped the cage and my cock sprang free. I could have wept again. Instantly my cock grew to its full eight inches, straining to cum.

I was pretty sure that the slightest touch of my shaved cock would make me spurt. But James seemed to have other ideas.

"I didn't say you'd been that good," he laughed. He placed two fingers under my balls and pushed on what must have been a pressure point for my cock. After a moment, I could feel my dick deflating, even though I was actually shaking with desperation to cum.

Within a minute, my cock was limp again and, before I could get hard, James swiftly pulled out my cock cage and locked my cock up again.

"Hope you enjoyed your time out?" he asked, "You deserved it!" A ragged cheer went up from the crowd.

I couldn't believe it. I'd done everything they asked and my dick still wasn't free. James really had complete control over me - he could even force me to get hard and go soft. Even that control was lost to me.

I looked up at Gabe - the guy who'd once been my doorman, but who now lived in my apartment and made me ride his cock each night. Gabe just whispered, "Keep being a good boy!"

"Well, it looks like everyone has had their fun for tonight," called out James, "Well, except for our slave here." He nodded towards my bound, gagged body, still covered with the room's cum from my neck down. "So I think it's time for him to go off to bed!"

There were a few heckles and moans from the audience.

"Don't worry," James called over the noise, "We'll be back same time next week!"

The heckling turned back to cheers as James turned his attention back to me. He loosened off the rope tying me to the bar and sat me back up on the table. Gabe removed my gag and Matt appeared, carrying my clothes.

I was completely shell-shocked from the evening. I was shaking and hardly able to stand. I barely felt Gabe pulling my t-shirt on over the thick layer of cum I was coated in. The sleeveless T was soaked instantly and stuck to me, letting everyone see every contour of my body.

Gabe pulled on my speedos and I could barely feel the cum pooling in them and settling round my shaved cock.

I don't really even remember how we got back to my apartment. All I remember is finding myself being washed in the bath by Gabe.

My cock cage was gone - I realised Gabe had a key too - and Gabe had managed to clean all the cum off my body. Gabe was completely naked, his hairy, tight body on display. His semi-hard dick bounced up and down as he cleaned me.

Every time my cock got hard, Gabe pushed two fingers under my ball sack and my dick went soft again. ( "Something I learnt from James," he said, smiling.

He carefully washed my chest, with it's slave tattoo still red and sore.

Finally, Gabe toweled me dry and led me through to the lounge.

Matt and James were there. They were both buck-naked as well. I'd seen Matt naked before - every time he raped me at the gym, but I'd only ever seen James' cock. For a guy in his mid 50's he was in good shape. He wasn't as hairy as Gabe, but what body hair he had was pure white.

My cock cage was laid out on the coffee table that Gabe liked to tie me to overnight.

To my surprise, Gabe led me past the coffee table and lay face up on the couch. Then he beckoned for me to lie on top of him. I could feel his hairy chest and abs pushed against mine and our nipples scraped together. My dick was sandwiched between us, instantly returning to full mast.

I felt him moving his cock until it was pressed against my arse hole. Then the magnificent feeling of Gabe's dick pushing up into me. I wondered why James and Matt wanted to see this, but I soon found out.

Matt wandered over and knelt on the edge of the couch next to my head. His smooth body was all I could see. I felt him pinch my nose shut and my mouth automatically opened.

His ten-inch cock thrust into my mouth, completely gagging me. He started rhythmically fucking my mouth deeper and deeper, until I could feel his smooth balls against my chin with each thrust. He might only be eighteen, but he knew what he was doing. I noticed Gabe licking Matt's balls, encouraging him in is pounding.

Gabe and Matt set up a steady fucking pace - Gabe in my ass and Matt down my throat. I could feel my cock rubbing against Gabe's hairy stomach and without a chastity device I knew I wouldn't last long.

Then I felt James kneeling on the other end of the couch. He ran his hands over my lower back and buttocks. Then I felt some extra pressure on my hole.

Even as Gabe was steadily pushing into me, I felt James penetrate me. He began thrusting in synch with Gabe. I tried to gasp or scream - I don't know which - but Matt's beer-can thick cock was a highly effective gag. I was filled at both ends.

After another minute, I felt my churning balls rubbing against Gabe's abs and I knew what was going to happen. Finally I came.

A week's worth of cum spurted out of me, rope after rope of it. I screamed and screamed in ecstasy, but it was all lost as Gabe's monster dick was still gagging my mouth.

And my orgasm went on. I was still spraying cum between me and Gabe's writhing bodies when I felt James tense and cum deep in my guts. He pulled out of me and sat back, panting. The extra lubrication of his cum seemed to trigger Gabe and he I felt his familiar jet of jism warm my guts. Gabe, however, stayed buried deep inside me and carried on rubbing his masculine, hairy body against me.

He was milking me now, my cum still spurting out of my cock with every shift of Gabe's body. I didn't know how much I'd cum, but I could feel a sucking, squelching noise every time I shifted on top of Gabe's body.

Finally, as my 10th or 11th rope of cum finally signalled an end to my orgasm, Matt came in my mouth. It overwhelmed my ability to swallow and I choked slightly, with some of Matt's fluid leaking out of my nose.

Matt pulled away and Gabe pushed me upright, into a sitting position. Ribbons of my cum stretched between us as we parted and I could see that Gabe's whole torso was a mat of dark hair and my cum.

Gabe put one hand on my thigh, and I could see he was running with sweat from his exertions. He looked deep into my eyes and said, simply, "What do you want us to do now?"

I absently wiped away some of Matt's jizm that was running down my upper lip. I looked at Gabe, so sexy and manly. Then at Matt - who was barely more than a kid, but had come to dominate me and own me in ways I barely understood. Finally at James, who as twenty years my senior, but had taken a confident. strong thirty-year-old lawyer and broken him, turning him into a naked, hairless, tattooed slave boy.

I knew what I had to do.

"Lock me up again," I croaked, my throat still sore from Matt's assault.

The three men smiled.

"Are you sure?" said Gabe, holding my face in both of his hands.

I nodded. "Please, sir, lock up my cock again."

"You know what it means," Gabe persisted, "Matt will take charge of you at the gym and I'll own you the rest of the time - except for Monday, when we'll take you to the bar and let James and his friends have some fun with you."

For the first time since this all began I felt sure of something. I couldn't lose Gabe. Or Matt. Or even James. Somehow they completed me. They'd made me a kid and I knew that I needed them to look after me.

"Please just lock up my dick, sir," I said again.

Gabe flashed me that sunny smile of his.

"We may think up things for you that are even more humiliating," he warned.

I rolled off the sofa and started kissing Gabe's feet, then Matt's then James'. They started laughing at me.

"Please own my dick, sir," I started begging, "Lock my cock up - it's all yours. I'm not worthy of having it." I has become the tattoo on my chest - and they knew it.

Amazingly, Gabe's dick was hard again. Without a word, he pulled me up off the floor and sat me on his knee, impaling me on his hard cock again.

It felt like home, but my battered dick was still soft after the immense orgasm I had sprayed earlier. I could feel Gabe's sticky chest rubbing against my back.

Gabe beckoned to Matt and James as he started bouncing me up and down on his rod. Together they picked up the pieces of the cock cage and quickly locked it in place. I noticed that there were now three keys - one each for Matt, Gabe and James.

Once it was firmly padlocked in place, I felt Gabe erupt in me once more - less than last time but still enough to warm my guts.

Sighing, Gabe reached round and pinched my nipples.

"So," he said, "What do you think of piercings?"

My other two masters started laughing.

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