The Bar


Published on Aug 27, 2011


Keep the feedback coming! One more chapter to go before the story ends.

Normal disclaimers apply - purely a work of fiction. Don't try any of this at home.

It had been a shitty day at work.

My trussed up cock had leaked almost non-stop, forcing me to spend most of my day trying to hide the wet patch in the front of my trousers. Trickier to hide were the dried marks around my ass where Gabe's four or five loads of cum had trickled out of my ass through the day.

I'd almost made the mistake of going to the urinal in the gent's toilets - before realising at the last minute that there was no way I could explain my chastity device to any of the other guys at work.

Basically, I was sore, horny, frustrated and tired. And I stunk like the cum-dump that my body was. I had a few odd looks from people in the office through the day, but eventually it was five o'clock and I headed for the gym, just like Gabe had told me.

The gym was my place to relax and I badly needed that after last night. I needed time to think about what to do next. A couple of hours working out sounded perfect.

I kept a set of gym clothes in my office and headed down to the gym. When there, I made my way to the changing rooms and slipped out of my stained suit and into my sleeveless t-shirt and shorts. It was nice to be in fresh clothes - even for a short while.

I started off on the treadmills to try and warm up before I did any weights training. After about ten minutes, I noticed out of the corner of my eye another guy start on the treadmill next to me.

I wanted to stay focused on my breathing, so I ignored him. After another few minutes I heard him say "I thought I recognised you!"

I turned to face him and felt a sudden chill. It was Matt. I flashed back to last night - being tied spreadeagled over the bar with Matt impaling me with his enormous, thick cock. In spite of the situation, it had been one of the most amazing fucks I'd ever had.

Matt was only about 18 or so, with an unruly mop of hair and a huge grin. He was stocky and I could see through his tight, black t-shirt that he had to spend a lot of time here at the gym - I guess I'd just never noticed him before.

Matt leaned over on his treadmill slightly without breaking stride.

"Nice to see you in here keeping that body in shape for us," he said. "How's the cock cage?"

I looked around desperately. Matt was being pretty loud and there were lots of guys who worked at my law firm that came to this gym.

"Worried someone'll hear?" said Matt, following my gaze. "Well we wouldn't want that would we? How about you follow me?"

Without a backwards glance he hopped off his treadmill and strode away through the maze of exercise equipment.

I wasn't sure what to do - he might be 12 years my junior, but he had the key to my chastity device. Essentially he and James owned my cock. I was pretty sure that if I wanted to get the cock cage off, I'd need to do as I was told.

I followed a little way behind Matt, who wove his way through the corridors at the back of the gym before moving into a small room to my right. I saw him put the lights on.

Without thinking, I followed him through into what I soon found was a small weights room. There were rows of weights as well as a number of different benches and machines for exercising pretty much every muscle in the body.

"No-one should come back here," Matt called over his shoulder as he wandered over to the main weights bench.

"What do you want with me?" I asked him, feeling apprehensive.

"What does anyone want to do with you?" he laughed, "Your dick is mine, which means the rest of you is mine, too. If you want the key, you'll have to work for it!"

He reached into his pocket and fished out a small, shiny key. I couldn't believe he'd brought it with him! I thought briefly about trying to take it from him by force, but within the last 24 hours I'd been bound and spanked by a 50-year-old guy and wrestled and spanked by a 25-year-old doorman. My confidence wasn't too strong.

"How about we see how obedient you can be?" Matt was saying. "If you're really well behaved I might give you this back. I might even let you cum. You'd like that wouldn't you?"

I nodded dumbly. My cock and nuts ached so badly I thought I'd do anything for some release.

"Well I want you to do a little workout, just for me." He patted the weights bench he was next to.

I went to sit down and he stopped me. "No clothes." he said.

I looked towards the door. He caught my eye and laughed. "No-one'll come in. Don't worry. We're way out back."

"OK sir," I said. Matt started laughing.

"Sir?" he said, "I love a guy like you calling a kid like me sir! James must have broken you better than I thought!"

Resigned, I stripped out of my clothes. Matt strode up to me and groped the chastity device. My cock leapt at his touch.

"Good boy," he said, "Nice and slick with pre-cum."

He moved his hands round to my arse.

"What's this?" he said, "This cum looks a bit fresher. You been fucked by someone after the bar? God you have turned into a whore," he snorted.

I blushed and nodded dumbly. I really was being turned into a whore. James owned me at the bar, Gabe owned me at home and now this kid, Matt, owned me at the gym.

Matt pushed me back onto the weights bench, his lip curled in disgust.

"Dirty old fucker," he said. "wait right there."

I sat quietly, naked on the weights bench as he rummaged through a cupboard behind me. What else could I do?( ( A minute or so later, Matt returned with several skipping ropes. He used them to tie my torso to the bench, stopping me from sitting up. Then he tied my wrists to the bar bell and my ankles to the leg trainer bars.

He placed several metal weights on the barbell and the leg trainer bars. I watched him put on far more than I would usually use. I knew I wouldn't be able to press them for long.

"Start," he said to me simply, "And don't stop until I tell you."

And so I did. I raised and lowered my legs over and over and pumped the barbells up and down again and again, waiting for him to tell me to stop.

But the kid didn't. He just watched me as the sweat started to bead across my naked body and pool under my cock cage. He said nothing as my arms and legs started to wobble with fatigue. He didn't even touch me. He just watched.

Eventually I put the barbells down into the clips.

"I'm sorry sir, I can't do any more," I begged.

Matt pulled the key out of his pocket again. "No?" he asked. "I don't reckon you're anywhere near what you can do. Keep going or I won't unlock your cock."

I had to cum. My whole body was desperate to be released. My nuts were full of cum and churning constantly. I had to get the key back.

Shakily, I started raising the weighs again. Matt, meanwhile, started stripping off.

"Keep fucking pumping," he snarled as I stopped to watch him. His body was smooth like mine, with just a light dusting of hair round his groin and under his arms. He was well muscled, with scrolling tattoos around both biceps and his cock.... wow.

That cock was only at half mast, but it was already as big as mine when I was fully erect. It was as thick as a beer can heavily veined. I remembered it ploughing into me, making me his.

Matt saw me staring. "Looking at what a real man's dick looks like?" he asked. He paused, waiting for an answer.

"Yes sir," I answered.

"How does it make you feel, knowing that I'm so much bigger than you?" he asked, striding toward me, now totally naked.

I choked on the words, but I knew I had to answer him.

"Like you're the real man and I'm just a little kid," I said, feeling the stab of tears behind my eyes, "Like you're older than me and so I should do what you say. Like I'm worthless."

Matt smiled and swung his leg over my chest, straddling me as I shakily kept pumping the weights in my enforced workout. His cock was almost at full mast.

"Exactly," he said, inching towards me, "You're nothing but a cum whore for me and anyone else who'll have you. You're barely worth me giving my cock to. But you want it don't you?"

I nodded - unable to take my eyes off his cock. It was just inches away from my mouth.

"You want to suck my dick more than anything, don't you?" It was closer still.

I nodded again. Matt's cock was all I could focus on - it was even taking my mind off the roaring pain in my legs and arms from the weights.

"Well I'll make you a deal," said Matt, pushing his hair back and pulling his cock away from me slightly. I let out a slight moan.

"I'll let you suck my cock right now if you can do another ten reps of your legs and arms."

He smiled.

The burning in my muscles was becoming excrutiating as I started on the final ten reps. All I knew was that I had to suck that cock. Sucking Matt would make everything better. But my arms and legs were starting to fail me. I only made it to eight, tortured reps before my muscles totally gave way.

"Awwww, never mind," said Matt, grinning and shifting his smooth body further away from my mouth. "No reps, no cock."

I had never been so frustrated in my life. My body screamed, but I was just too weak to do any more. I had never felt so spent before.

Matt moved slightly closer. "I could offer you a consolation prize?" ( I felt hope burning in my chest.

"Yes - yes sir?" I croaked, realising my mouth was dry.

"I'll give you a choice," he said. "I'll get the key and unlock your cage right now. Even jerk you off till you spray everywhere. But you'll never feel my cock in you ever again. Or, you can leave the chastity lock on and I'll fuck you right now, hard and slow. Your choice."

I couldn't understand why I suddenly felt indecisive. A night of getting fucked by Gabe while in a chastity lock had made me hornier than I had ever been. But to never have Matt ride me again? I was so horny that it seemed unthinkable.

Matt seemed amused by my dilemma.

"Does this help?" he asked, sliding himself off my bound chest and untying my legs. My leg muscles were too tired to even raise them, so he lifted them in his strong arms and sat down on the end of the bench. He placed my ankles on his shoulders and lined his cock up against my hole.

Then he slowly shifted himself forward until the tip of that amazing pole was just touching my ring. Then he waited.

My mind was screaming. I couldn't let myself stay locked in a cock-cage, but the feelings from my arsehole were blowing me away. Matt started slowly rubbing his dick around my hole, flexing his tattooed arms to keep my ankles in place on his shoulders. Buried underneath my legs he looked amazing.

I knew I couldn't resist him.

"Fuck me, please sir," I wheezed.

Matt feigned surprise.

"Really?" he said, "You want me to fuck you and leave the cage on your dick for the rest of the week?"

I nodded urgently, hardly believing what I was doing.

"Say it," he said, his brown eyes locked with mine, "Say what you want."

"I want you to fuck me with your massive man's cock," I said, realising I was pleading.

"And what should I do with your cock?" he continued, rubbing his tool round my hole again, driving me crazy.

"Keep it locked up! Keep the key," I almost yelled.

"Who does your little dick belong to?" he asked again.

This was getting too much for me to take. I needed him in me. I felt myself straining against the ropes, trying to inch downwards onto this kid's cock.

"Yours," I almost cried, "it's all yours."

Matt finally seemed satisfied and shifted position slightly, before plunging his cock straight into me, right the way up to his trimmed pubes. It was even better than I remembered. True to his word, he was hard and slow, hitting my prostate with each stroke.

At some point he stood up and strained me up against he ropes, his thrusts pushing his cock downwards into my ass. It was unbelievable. Mind-blowing. I was sure I was going to cum, even with the cock-cage imprisoning me and preventing an erection. Pre-cum flowed freely out of the chastity device's piss slit and ran down my chest. I was literally gasping for breath as he tore into me.

Then he pulled out and let my legs drop limply back to the bench. I looked up, feeling empty and somehow cheated that he hadn't filled me up with his cum.

He was breathing heavily as well and didn't even look me in the eye as he came round and untied the rest of my bonds. Then, with little obvious effort he forced me into a standing position and pushed me up against he wall.

He raised one of my legs awkwardly onto one shoulder and I felt his dick push into me again. He leaned most of my weight onto the wall behind him and then pulled the other leg over his other shoulder.

Soon I found myself off he ground, my legs wrapped round his neck as he thrust in and out of me faster and faster. Every muscle in his arms and neck were standing out in relief. But I barely noticed. His cock was even deeper in me than before. Every shift in his position brought me a new sensation.( ( All too soon, I felt his cock swell inside me, before he howled and erupted in a fountain of cum deep into my guts. He slowly slid down the wall, until we were both lying on the floor.

I was almost unable to move. But now the fucking was over I realised I was even hornier than ever. It had seemed less important while Matt was taking me, but I guess that now my body knew there would be no release, my need to cum almost hurt.

Matt stood up and, without a backwards glance picked up my gym clothes. He rubbed his sticky cock over them to clean himself off. Then he put his own clothes back on and walked towards the door.( ( "See you here tomorrow," he called out over his shoulder.

He turned off the lights and shut the door, leaving me exhausted in a puddle of sweat and cum.

Next: Chapter 4

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