The Bar


Published on Aug 26, 2011


Thanks for all the feedback on the first instalment - great to hear from so many of you. Hope you enjoy the next chapter! As ever - this is a work of fantasy. Don't try this at home - it's illegal and unsafe....

Thoughts and comments at

I looked at myself in my bathroom mirror. I saw a thirty-year old guy with blonde hair and blue eyes. Smooth and well muscled.

I also saw what tonight had done to me. My hair was a mess. There were long streaks of dried cum trailing across my abs and up onto my chest from the four or five times I'd been brought to orgasm by being fucked by a room-full of strangers.

My treasure trail and pubes were matted with more cum, with long streaks trailing down both my legs. I could still feel James pulling off the gaffer tape he'd used to plug my hole, letting all the mixed jizz from the men he'd let fuck me flow out.

I stank and I could feel that congealed globs of sperm were still dripping from my abused hole. Turning round, I could still feel the heat radiating from my ass where I'd been spanked like a little child, over James' knee. I could still see the trails left by the tears on my cheek where I'd sobbed as the old man slapped my ass cheeks and made the crowd count along. ( Worst of all, though, I could see what he'd done to my cock. Shriveled from overuse, it was tightly encased in a shiny, clear plastic case. There was a small slit for me to piss through, but it was totally inaccessible, locked away with a key that was now secured in the bar's cash register.

But I'd have to think about that later.

My night wasn't yet over.

James had left me naked in the alley outside the bar and told me to return in a week. As he closed the door, I heard him click the lock down on the inside of the door. I realised that there was no way I was getting back in there that night. Even if he'd let me in, I knew he'd drag me over his knee and break me again.

I had to get home. But that was an apartment three blocks from here and James still had my wallet and keys inside the bar.

I looked around in the alley and managed to find a dirty, red blanket that had been abandoned behind a bin. It was filthy and stank, but then so did I. I wrapped it round me and it hid most of the signs of abuse I'd taken all night.

I managed to get most of the way home through back alleys and side streets and the few people that were around that late at night avoided me.

I only started to have problems once I reached my building.

There was no way inside without passing Gabriel. He was the doorman for the building. He had a strong Eastern-European accent and had let people in and out of the apartment block for at least five years.

He was about twenty-five, dark hair and dark eyes. He was a little shorter than me and usually wore some nondescript, shapeless grey uniform provided by the building managers. We'd never really talked t each other, but I knew he held a key for every apartment in the building.

I stood in the mouth of the alley across the street and saw Gabriel stood dead centre of my building's doors, at an easy attention. It was late, so the rest of the street seemed pretty deserted.

I knew I had to move fast and I decided the only way this was going to work was if I was as casual as possible.

Wrapping the filthy blanket around my shoulders tightly I padded across the street. Gabriel saw me about half way and his mouth fell open in surprise. This was definitely not how he was used to seeing me. By the time I reached him, though, he had started to smile.

"Evening Gabe," I said, forcing a smile.

"Evening Mr Forester," he replied, raising one finger to his hat in a small salute. His grin widened as he nodded towards the blanket. "You either had a really bad night or a really good one."

I managed to produce a reasonable approximation of a chuckle and nodded vaguely.

"I don't have my keys on me," I said, "Could you let me into my apartment?"

Gabe shifted his feet slightly, his shiny patent shoes squeaking slightly.

"I could," he said, "But that would put me in a difficult position."

"A what?" I replied, "I guarantee that it's not any more difficult than the position I'm in right now."

Gabe's wide smile returned, showing a dazzling set of white teeth set behind his short, stubbly beard.

"Well I could get fired for just letting someone into an apartment," he said, "Especially if they're in your current state - no offense."

"But you know me - it's my apartment!" I almost yelled. Hold it together, I thought - I needed Gabe to let me in and upsetting him wouldn't help me.

"You can't be too careful," he said, smoothing a crease on his coat. "I'm guessing you've not got any ID under that blanket?"

"Come on Gabe, just let me in," I said, trying to keep the pleading out of my voice.

He sighed in a slightly exaggerated way and then nodded.

"OK," he said, "But I need to cover my back on this one." He pulled out his phone. "I'll need some photos of you to prove that it was definitely you that I let in."

"Not a chance!" I hissed, "Just let me in - if you want money....."

He ignored me and started tapping at his phone.

"It's your choice of course - I can take the photos and let you in, or you can stay out here." he said, looking at the phone.

I was stuck. I had to get inside and get cleaned up. And he'd already seen me in my current state as a cum-dump.

"Fine," I said, "Just get it over with."

Gabe nodded and angled his camera phone at me. There was a clicking noise as he started photographing me.

"Now open the blanket," he said.

I cursed mentally, but there was nothing I could do. I felt as helpless as I had done when I was spreadeagled naked over James' knee getting the spanking of my life.

I opened the blanket. Gabe's eyes widened and he started laughing. He continued snapping photos of my naked body streaked with cum. He paid particular attention to the chastity device over my cock - even reaching out and repositioning it to get a better shot.

After what felt like forever, he finally stopped and put his phone back in his coat pocket. I closed the blanket.

"I guess that'll do," he said in his strong accent, "I can't leave the door while it's my shift, so I'll give you the key to you apartment and you can let yourself in."

He rustled in his pocket and produced a copy of my apartment key.

"Go upstairs and let yourself into your apartment," he said, "I'll be up in an hour or so when my shift finishes to get the key back. Don't clean yourself up or put any clothes on until I get there. Just stand in the bathroom and leave the door to your apartment unlocked."

"What do you..." I started, but Gabe cut me off.

"I do know where you work, Mr Forester - Mark," he corrected himself, "I don't think they would understand these pictures would they? And this is such an expensive apartment."

He'd got me. And from the perfect smile on his face, the bastard knew it.

I nodded miserably and headed towards the elevator.

"One hour, Mark," he called after me.

"And I think you'll be calling me `sir' from now on."

So here I was, waiting as I was told, staring at myself, naked in the bathroom mirror. I wasn't sure how long it was before I heard the front door to my apartment open and heard footsteps heading towards the bathroom. I turned as I heard Gabe entering the room and he stopped, still dressed in his uniform, smiling that sunny smile again.

"You did as you were told," he laughed, "You are a sensible boy aren't you?"

"Yes, sir," was all I could think to reply.

Gabe positively beamed at me. His eyes roved over my naked body as if appraising me.

"Well, let's start," he said, finally. "I think you should help me off with my clothes."

Dumbly, I headed over to him and helped him shrug off his heavy coat. Underneath it, he was wearing a three piece suit that hugged his body. He wasn't broad, but he looked wiry, with his torso tapering to a v.

Gabe stood pretty much stock-still as I slowly stripped him. His jacket and waistcoat both came off easily.

I started to unbutton his shirt. As the buttons opened, his torso was slowly revealed. His chest was a dark mass of thick black hair, which tapered down his tight, defined body, to a wide treasure trail that ran down past his belt.

He was definitely smaller than me, but even I had to admit he was one hot guy.

Now he was naked from the waist up, I reached for his belt, but he stopped me.

"Let's get you cleaned up first, eh Mark?" he said.

He led me over to the bath and told me to kneel. He took the shower off the wall and ran the water until it was a pleasant temperature. Then, slowly, he started to wash me. First my hair, then he worked his way down my body, washing away the dried cum over my body, caressing each part, each muscle as he went.

His touch was so gently, I could feel my cock trying desperately to come to life. But it was still trapped, locked away beyond my reach and the tight pinching feeling of my cock trying to inflate in its cage was enough to stop me from getting aroused.

Gabe could see my cock twitching and just laughed, washing the chastity device with soapy water.

Eventually he'd washed me clean. He then told me to turn around and kneel on all fours in the bath. I felt him playing around with the shower. I was so relaxed from his gentle cleaning of my aching body that I was almost relaxed.

I suddenly felt a sharp pain as he thrust the shower head deep into my ass. I yelped and almost burst into tears at the sudden assault.

"You'll never be properly clean until we've washed you out," said Gabe softly, ruffling my wet hair like I was a ten-year-old.

I could feel the water pushing at my innards as my guts filled with water. Just when I thought I couldn't take any more, Gabe pulled out the shower head and the water boiling in my guts sprayed out all over the bath.

Gabe repeated this a few times until he was satisfied, all the while caressing my hair.

Finally he told me to dry myself off and passed me a towel. ( While I rubbed my aching body down, he disappeared into the living room. James' cock cage defeated my efforts to dry my dick and I eventually gave up.

When I was mostly dry, I was a little uncertain what Gabe was expecting me to do. After a couple of minutes I followed him into the lounge.

I found Gabe sat on the sofa, now completely naked. I could see that the wide treasure trail led down to a mass of jet black pubes and tight, hairy legs. Gabe was rubbing his cock, which looked to be thick and about 8 and a half inches long. He was't my usual type but I had to admit he looked thoroughly masculine and hot as hell.

"Come over here and sit on my knee," he beckoned over when he saw me.

"Yes, sir." I made my way over, my bound cock swaying as I walked.

I went to sit sideways on his knee but he stopped me.

"Not like that," he said, "I want this," he rubbed his cock suggestively, "buried up your arse. Why do you think I wanted you cleaned out? My jizz isn't going to share space up there."

I hesitated.

"You want me to sit on your cock? Sir?" I added hastily as I saw him frown.

"Well Mark, I'd sit on yours," he replied, laughing, "But it looks like it doesn't belong to you any more." He rubbed the chastity device, making me gasp. "Now unless you want those pictures showing round your law firm, you'd better sit on my cock. Now."

I felt that familiar feeling of helplessness as I nodded, turned and slowly lowered myself down onto his thick cock.

I could feel it sliding into me. Fortunately I was still pretty stretched from my fucking by Matt in the bar, so Gabe's cock didn't present too many problems for my aching hole.

"Yeah, Mark," breathed Gabe, "Push that fab arse down onto me. You're one hot guy."

I felt a strange stab of pride as my arse finally reached his hairy balls. He was deep inside me - all 8 inches of his thick, veiny, Eastern European cock. His hands reached round me and started rubbing my six-pack and nipples.

My cock began to ache again, longing for release that I knew wasn't going to come.

"Now," said Gabe, "Tell me what the fuck happened to you tonight. Every detail."

"I'm not sure I can talk about it sir," I replied. I couldn't bear the idea of re-living the humiliation.

Gabe reached up and swiftly slapped my face. It was hard enough to sting and I jumped slightly. I could feel tears of shock come into my eyes - what was wrong with me? Why was a thirty year old professional so close to ears all the time?

"You're my little bitch" said Gabe, all the smile gone from his voice, "Now tell me what you did tonight."

I buckled. I started telling him about my night. The spanking, the fucking, everything.

Part way through my story, he shifted position slightly. His cock started rubbing against my prostate. I gasped as my cock tried in vain to inflate in its plastic prison.

"Keep going," said Gabe, simply, as he started to slowly push in and out of my hole - almost tenderly.

So I continued. I told him about James and the gaffer tape and about the chastity device that had been forced on my cock.

By now my dick was leaking rivers of pre-cum, even though it was unable to become erect. I could feel it dripping down my balls and pooling on my thigh.

Finally I got to the part where I had met Gabe in the front of the building - only a couple of hours before.

"And here we are," he said, "In your apartment with my cock buried inside you and you leaking like a little bitch."

He scooped some of the sweaty pre-cum off my balls and fed me it, still moving in and out of my hole, pushing onto my love nut.

I couldn't stop moaning. I was his little bitch and I was totally in his power. I could feel his chest hair rub against my back and his stubble scrape my neck as he kissed my shoulders.

Suddenly I felt him tense. He yelled as he shot spurt ofter spurt of hot cum deep into my ass. I had had many men cum inside me that night, but none felt like they had made such a deposit as Gabe.

He held me close, breathing heavily as his orgasm faded. I could feel his cock deflating inside my hole. I could have screamed with frustration as my pre-cum slowly stopped trickling from my cock. I desperately needed some release.

Gabe chuckled behind me. "No fun for you, I'm afraid," he said, rubbing my cock-cage, which was now slick with pre-cum. "I reckon this James is the only one that can help you out there - and that won't be for another week!"

Gabe pushed me into a standing position. I could feel the cum starting to trickle out of my asshole.

"Given how much pre-cum you've leaked everywhere, I'd say you like someone else being in control," he said, standing in front of me and tugging at his cock. His hairy, spent balls hung low.

I lowered my head. I didn't know what to say. It had been a terrible night, but my cock had constantly betrayed me. I'd never orgasmed before as I had done at the bar - which only made my chastity all the more difficult now.

Gabe wandered over to my coffee table and swept the magazines off with a flourish.

"Lie down on your front on this," he said.

I obeyed him. It was a big coffee table, and supported my whole body, with my legs and arms dangling over the sides.

Gabe wandered off into my bedroom, returning with some of my work ties.

Without a word, he started tying my ankles and wrists to the four legs of the coffee table, leaving my spreadeagled and helpless.

He then reached between my legs and pulled my caged cock out from underneath me, so that my dick pointed straight out behind me.

"I think I'll stay the night," he said. "I hope you don't mind?"

"Of course not, sir," was all I could say - I wasn't in any position to say much else.

Gabe licked some of his come out of my ass and then continued up with his tongue all the way up my back. I shuddered at the feeling on my bare skin. Then I heard he sound of him taking some more photos of me, bound, naked and helpless.

"I'm heading off to bed now," he said, coming round to stand next to my head. I craned my neck up to try and see him, but could only get my eyes level with his hairy cock.

"I get horny in the night," he said, "so you'd better be ready for me. Now kiss me goodnight."

He pushed his cock towards me. I opened my mouth to kiss it and he pushed it deep into my mouth. I could taste his cum and my ass juices on it. But it was clear what he wanted me to do.

I suckled his cock until it was clean.

What had I become? This morning I was a top-class lawyer. This evening, I was an old man and then a doorman's slut. I'd lost the right to use my cock and I'd lost control of my life in my apartment. ( Gabe patted me on the head and pulled out of my mouth.

"Night sexy," he said, before striding away. I saw his hairy ass-crack as he turned his back on me and left.

I struggled to get comfortable without any support for my head. Gabe's cum was still leaking out of my ass and was pooling on my cock. Eventually I started to drift off, exhausted from the day.

I woke with a start after what could have only been a few hours. I felt something on my back and deep inside me.

I heard Gabe's voice next to my ear. He was laying on my back, firmly fucking me in a slow rhythm.

"Shhhh," he said soothingly, "I told you I get horny at night."

Eventually he came again. I could feel his fresh sperm sloshing around inside me, trying to impregnate me. I knew Gabe was younger than me, but I felt so helpless I was the one that felt like the kid.

My imprisoned cock leaked pre-cum again. Gabe scooped it up and fed it to me before kissing me passionately, forcing me to clean his cum-covered cock in my mouth and then heading back to my bed.

This happened three more times through the night. Gabe woke me, raped me and then went back to bed.

When I woke up for the final time, I could see sunshine through the curtains of the lounge I was tied down in. Gabe came in and without any preamble forced his cock in my mouth.

"Don't suck it," he said, stretching and giving me a view of his hairy, tight, young little body, "I just like it when my dick's stretching your mouth. It reminds me that you're really mine. Muscles, mouth and arse. I can live with someone else owning your cock. For now."

"Anyway," he continued, "I'm guessing that you should be getting to work. I'm going to untie your arms and legs. Then you can get dressed and go to work. I take it you'd normally go to the gym straight after?"

With Gabe's fat cock firmly in my mouth, all I could do was nod slightly.

"Good," he said. "Do as you normally would. I want you to keep this lovely body of yours. I've got to go back downstairs to work anyway. I'll take your door key back and I'll see you when you get home - about 7ish. Then we'll pick up where we left off."

He laughed softly. "It'll be a fun week for me, but it might be a bit frustrating for you." He nodded towards my cock, aching in its plastic prison. It was covered in Gabe's dried on cum from his repeated fucking of me through the night.

Gabe pulled his hairy cock out of my mouth and untied my arms and legs. I stood up shakily, feeling coming back to my arms and legs. Gabe slapped my arse hard.

"Remind you of last night?" he said, smiling. The hairy bastard knew he was in total control of me. I was helpless as the younger man ran his hands over my body. I was already almost out of my mind with the need to come and my cock instantly started dripping clear liquid again. ( Finally he released me and patted me more gently on the arse.

"Off you go", he said, "Go and get dressed."

I moved towards the bathroom.

"Where do you think you're going?" he asked sternly.

"I'm going to take a shower, sir," I said, starting to feel uncertain.

"No-one said anything about a shower Mark," said the doorman, "I want to know that my juice will be dripping out of your arse all day. So you walk around with a few wet patches in your pants. You'll live."

"But, I'll stink!" I yelled, "I can't go to work smelling of cum!"

In one quick movement, Gabe moved across to me and pushed me hard. I landed on a chair and he was on me in a trice.

"I was a wrestler in school," he said, as he pinned my arms and flipped me on my back. I was older and stronger than Gabe, but Gabe was clearly trained. His knees locked around my neck - his hairy cock rubbing into the middle of my back.

Then he started spanking me.

"It seems like this is the only thing you understand," he shouted, "How many did James give you? Thirty-five? I reckon we can top that."

I thrashed and yelled but it was no good. I couldn't dislodge him as he rained down blows on my unprotected arse. I felt the fight going out of me as the younger guy thoroughly tanned my backside.

After about fifteen minutes, he stopped. I had stopped struggling and was back to sobbing, like I had been last night when James had done the same to me. My rear was on fire.

Gabe was breathing heavily as he slowly rolled off me.

"Do we understand each other now Mark?" he said, "You don't question what I tell you to do or I'll pin you down and spank the shit out of you. And then show those pictures of you naked and covered in other men's cum to your entire office. Do you understand me?"

I struggled to get my breathing under control.

"Yes sir," I said. I found myself actually leaning forward and kissing his feet. What had I become? "I'll go and get dressed and keep your seed all over me all day."

Gabe smiled. I couldn't believe the waves of relief that spread over me at the thought of him being happy with me. My aching arms and legs, my burning butt cheeks and the furious ache of my balls, desperate for release, meant that he'd won. I just couldn't fight him any more.

I was entirely his. And his beautiful smile as he pulled me close to his hairy little body.

I went to get dressed. Even my cock swinging as I walked meant I started leaking pre-cum.

It was going to be a long week.

Next: Chapter 3

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