The Bar


Published on Aug 23, 2011


This is my first ever attempt at a story and I'd love your feedback - good or bad!

Obviously this is a work of fiction. Safe consensual sex is always the way to go - this is for fantasy purposes only!!!

It had been a crappy day. Everything had gone wrong. Two of my clients had been poached by rival firms of lawyers and I'd had an earful from my boss.

Normally I'd col down with a workout at my gym for an hour or two, but my car had broken down and I was damned if I was walking all that way in the rain.

That's why I was here - in one of the local gay bars. It was out of the way down an alley and pretty quiet. Probably because it looked so seedy. Dimly lit, patched up decor and about fifteen guys dotted around in dark corners.

I sat at the bar on one of leather barstools. Or at least I assume it was a barstool - it was covered in lines of silver gaffer tape to stop its innards falling out everywhere. I shrugged off my suit jacket, loosened my tie and asked for a large drink. This was all I wanted for the night. Peace, quiet and a drink.

After a few minutes of staring at my drink, I felt someone sit at the stool next to me and order a pint. I glanced up and saw a relatively attractive guy sitting next to me. Far too old for me - he must have been fifty if he was a day - and I prefer guys around my own age of 30. He had mainly white hair and he wore a pair of round wire-framed glasses.

I also prefer my guys to be well-muscled, like me. This guy was pretty scrawny. I went back to my drink.

After a moment, he leaned towards me. "What's your name?" he asked.

This was not what I was after, given the day I'd had.

"Please just go the fuck away," I hissed at him, before returning to staring at my drink.

I felt the older guy staring at he side of my head, before turning away from me to face the bar once more. ( Suddenly his hand shot out and he rammed my head forward into the bar. My glass smashed as my forehead was cracked sharply against the wooden bar top. There was a huge burst of pain in my head and I struggled to stay conscious.

In one graceful move, the older man slid off his barstool and stood behind me. He reached his arms around my sides, almost as though he was trying to hug me. Instead, he reached for the sides of my shirt and pulled sharply.

Buttons popped off my shirt and rolled away across the floor as he pulled my shirt open and down over my arms. He pulled my hands behind my back and made a couple of twisting motions, wrapping the shirt around my wrists and effectively tying them together.

All this had happened in a couple of seconds. I was still dazed from the battering my head had taken and was only just starting to come to. He kept one hand on my wrists and sat back on his barstool. With surprisingly little effort, he pulled me backwards off my stool, so I ended up sprawled over his knee, topless, with my abs scraping the rough material of his jeans - my hands tied with my own shirt. My loosened tie was still draped round my neck.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" I yelled, starting to struggle weakly. "Someone help me!"

I expected someone from the bar to come to my aid. Instead, the twenty-or-so guys were looking at me with some curiosity. No-one made any move in my direction.

The old man who had overcome me leaned in towards my ear.

"Don't you think you should apologise for swearing at me, boy?" he whispered. ( I started to struggle more strongly as my head cleared. I was convinced that he would be no match for my gym trained body. I was twenty years younger than him and strongly muscled. I knew I got admiring looks from guys at the gym, with my six foot, smooth body. This guy shouldn't be any match for me.

Unfortunately, he had me at a disadvantage. Not only had he denied me the use of my hands, but my angle spread over his knee meant that I couldn't get any purchase to push myself free. And the old bastard knew it.

"Fuck you," I spat at him.

He smiled at me.

"Now, now," he said, louder this time, as though he was starting to play to the room full of people, "Just relax - I don't think you're going anywhere."

His free hand reached over to a barstool and he tore off a piece of the gaffer tape that was holding it together. In one swift move he placed the sticky plastic over my mouth. It tasted of glue, leather and sweat.

"Now that we've dealt with that potty mouth of yours," he said, "Let's see the rest of you."

His other hand slowly slid down my lower back as I bucked and tried to get free. He reached round and unfastened by belt, unhooking my trousers. Then I felt him slowly pulling my trousers and boxers down in one gentle motion.

I couldn't believe it. I was totally helpless. This old man had subdued me easily and I was now naked - bare-arsed and gagged while spread over his knee.

Most of the guys in the bar had come closer and were watching us in a rough semi-circle. One of them whistled as the old man ran his hands over my tight buttocks. I shuddered slightly.

"Now until you'll say sorry, I think we need to teach you a lesson in manners," said my captor, still stroking my ass-cheeks. "Let's see how that butt of yours look when it's nice and red."

I saw him raise his hand and I tried to yell, but I was completely muffled by the gaffer tape. He certainly didn't go easy on me. His open hand slapped against my buttock with stinging force and I gasped with shock.

"You guys want to count for me?" he asked the crowd.

A chorus of voices went up. "One!" His hand rose and fell again and again. I hadn't been spanked since I was ten. Now here I was - thirty and being humiliated like a little kid again.

The pain in my arse was building as blow after blow fell. The crowd was yelling "twenty" when I knew I couldn't keep it together much longer. I was screaming into my gag, trying to wrest myself free but I knew it was no good. He had me.

At twenty one, the first tear fell. I tried to keep it in, but the pain was just too much. By twenty five, I was sobbing. By thirty, the tears were streaming down my face. I was trying to apologise to him - I'd have said anything at all at that point - but the filthy gag was stopping me from making any comprehensible noises.

He finally stopped at thirty-five.

I was shaking. My naked body was trembling as I was wracked with sobs. I was humiliated and in so much pain. And something else was happening too.

"James - he's got a boner," yelled a tall man at the front of the crowd watching my spanking.

My captor - who I now knew was called James - reached round my naked body and ran his hand up my shaft. I shuddered again.

"So you like this, do you?" he said, smiling again. I shook my head and tried to speak, to say that this was the most painful, humiliating day of my life. To tell him that I just wanted to go home and curl up and cry in bed. To tell him I was sorry - anything as long as he stopped the spanking.

Finally he released my cock. ( ( "I tell you what," he said, looking down at me and absently running a hand over my still-tender butt-cheeks, "I'll let you talk and let you talk - as long as you don't swear any more. Understood?"

I nodded my agreement, trying to bring my sobs under control. He quickly ripped the gaffer tape from my mouth laughing as I winced at the fresh pain he was causing me.

"Well?" he said.

I craned my neck round to look at him and felt the words rushing out of me in a torrent. ( "I'm so sorry, I'm really sorry, just let me go I'll never come here agin, just please let me go...."

A couple of men in the crowd of guys surrounding us laughed and jeered at how pathetic I was. James just smiled and held one finger to my lips, hushing me.

"I don't think an apology is really enough," he said. My heart sank. "I think that after all the trouble you've caused me, you'll have to help me to relax."

I nodded silently, hoping that this was all nearly over.

"I think I'll have to fuck you right here and now," concluded James, "I think sinking into that beautiful bubble-butt of yours should make me nice and relaxed."

I gasped. I couldn't comprehend the idea of him forcing me to have sex with him in front of all these other guys. In public.

I started to struggle again. "No!" I yelled, "No way! Get off me!"

James steadied me with one hand and started spanking me again. The crowd started up. "One!" ( "Please!" I pleaded, but James ignored me.

My struggles became weaker as the pain brought fresh tears and wracked me with more sobbing. This time James didn't stop until forty. And he knew that he'd broken me this time. I'd used all my energy crying like a little kid. He could do anything with me. ( "Are you ready to help me relax now?" he asked me.

I couldn't do anything but nod.

With that, he pulled me up of his knee by my hair and flipped me over the bar top, so I ws looking up towards the ceiling and my head was over next to the cash register. He nodded to the barman, Matt - a short, stocky kid of about eighteen - who tightened the tie around my neck and then tied it off to the base of the till. I could raise my head enough to look around the bar, but that was it.

The kid laughed at me and kissed me passionately after he had immobilised me. He he started gently playing with my pecs and pinching my nipples, making my cock start hardening again.

My hands were still tied with my shirt and they were now behind my back. With my weight pushing down on them there was no hope of me escaping. Finally, James spread my legs apart, ripping off my trousers, underwear and shoes. He then secured them to barstools using strips of gaffer tape. I was totally helpless, naked and bound in a `Y' shape, with my arse exposed over the edge of the bar.

James smiled and pulled out his phone. After taking a couple of photos of me, he slowly advanced towards me, unbuttoning his flies. He pulled out a long, thin cock and a very low-hanging pair of nuts. I could see he was very hard and dripping pre-come, much like my own cock.

"I'm going to enjoy this" he said, lining up his member against my unprotected arsehole.

In one swift move, he buried it deep inside me. I screamed as he battered in and out, forcing himself deep into me with each thrust. His old cock pushed past my sphincter and bred me, over and over again. The crowd of guys watching us whooped and cheered as he pounded me and several of them had started opened their trousers and were jerking off while watching James force himself on me.

After a while, his pounding slowed and he started penetrating me more carefully, rubbing up against my prostate. My cries started to turn into gasps as waves of pleasure radiated through me as I strained against my bonds.

I knew we were both getting close. I came first, cum fountaining from my untouched cock and spraying over my chest. James came almost instantly. I could feel the warmth of him erupting deep inside me, breeding me and marking me as his.

When his orgasm had subsided, he stayed deep inside me as he silently reached across to one of the bar stools and ripped off another length of silver tape.

"You'd better not waste any of my seed, boy," he said, "It's more than your life's worth"

With that, he pulled his cock out of me and instantly placed the tape over my tired hole, sealing his juices inside of me, where I could feel them churning, trying to breed me.

Still breathing heavily he turned to he crowd.

"Who's next then?" he yelled, to a general cheer.

I raised my head in horror as several guys started stripping off. James caught my eye and grinned. "Is that OK with you? Or would you like another spanking?"

I was beaten. My muscled body was now his to do anything he wanted with. I nodded silently and let my head drop back to the counter.

The barman hurried round the bar and pushed through the crowd.

"It's my bar," he yelled, "so I get to go next."

There was some grumbling from the other guys, but James nodded.

"Sounds fair" he said, zipping up his trousers, "But keep that cum inside him. I need to pop out for some supplies anyway." ( James left the bar without a backwards glance.

Matt grinned at me and shrugged his way out of all his clothes. I could see he was well built and he was handsome, but he looked barely old enough to be out drinking. And his cock - I almost gasped. His cock was huge. In spite of his short, stocky build, his cock was easily 10 inches long and as thick as a beer can.

Matt's smile widened as he saw me clocking his dick.

"Nice, eh?" he said, "Makes me even more of a man than you, doesn't it?" he added, grabbing my now deflated 8 inches firmly.

"It's a good job that James has already been in you," he said, grabbing my leg and positioning his cock next to my hole, "You'll need stretching for me."

With that he ripped off the gaffer tape covering my anus and sunk his huge cock inside me. It was huge. This kid dwarfed my cock. I could feel Matt's huge dick sliding into me, lubricated by the cum that James had left inside me. And it kept pushing up inside me until it felt like it took up my entire gut.

Finally James stopped, my nuts pushed against his stomach. He was buried up to the hilt in me. To my surprise he leaned in and kissed me again.

"I've noticed you in here before," he said, "You're gorgeous and I've always wanted to fuck you slow and hard."

And he did. Each thrust seemed to last for hours. His cock filled my being and I forgot about the fact I was tied over a bar being fucked in front of a crowd of strangers.

All there was was Matt and his cock filling me up. He was the real man. He might be younger than me, but I felt like the kid being taught how it should be done.

My cock sprang back to life almost immediately. I didn't think it was possible, but when he pushed what felt like gallons of cum deep into me, I erupted in cum again.

My chest was covered in sticky white jizz from my last two orgasms as Matt pulled out of me and sealed my ass up again with the gaffer tape.

One more kiss and he was gone.

To be replaced with another. This time a tall black guy. Then a shorter asian guy. Then a guy wearing a red cap.

On and on, each one came, fucked me, pumped their loads into me and then sealed me back up with gaffer tape.

By the end of it all, I think I'd been fucked almost twenty times and my guts were so full of these guys loads that my stomach was actually distended. My hole was on fire, my legs ached and I was exhausted.

I'd come another two times, meaning that I was coated with even more jizz, which was mixing with my sweat and slowly running all over my body.

Having shagged me, most of the crowd were now sitting down at the chairs and booths around the bar, just watching me.

That was when James came back.

His glasses were wet from the rain and his white hair was plastered against his skull, making him look even older. My master.

He was carrying a plastic bag and he headed straight over to me. ( "Had a good time I see!" he said, approvingly, as he ran his hands over my cum-filled, distended belly.

I moaned as the pressure built inside of me. I wondered if I'd explode before I was allowed to take off the gaffer tape sealing up my insides.

James started rustling in the bag and pulled out a small plastic device.

He held it up to me.

"Know what this is?" he asked. All I could do was shake my head.

"This is a chastity device," he said, placing the plastic clip on the head of my spent cock. I didn't have the strength to resist him.

Working swiftly he clipped the device together, until my cock was encased in a tight plastic prison. Finally he threaded a sturdy looking padlock through the base of the device and locked it home.

"You'll be able to piss but that's about it," he said, "No erections, no orgasms. You won't even be able to touch your cock when you want to."

James nodded to Matt, who untied the tie around my neck, letting me sit up shakily.

"Maybe one day you'll earn the right to look after your own dick again, but for now," I yelled as he ripped the gaffer tape off my legs, freeing them from the bar stool, "we'll keep the key in the bar."

He handed the key to Matt who placed it in the cash register.

James turned back to me and pulled me to my feet. I swayed unsteadily as the cum inside me shifted and pushed on my sphincter. The chastity device pinched my cock miserably.

"You can come here again next Saturday," he said."If you keep us happy, we'll wash your cock for you. If you do what we say with no questions, we'll let you get hard. Maybe after a couple of weeks you'll be allowed to come."

He gently steered me towards the door of the club. In a daze, I let him push me out into the alley the bar was built on.

It had stopped raining, but the ground was still wet underneath my bare feet. I was totally naked, with sprays of cum matting my chest and my cock sheathed in plastic. As the chill air hit my skin I started to shiver.

"What am I supposed to do now?" I asked, "I live three blocks from here."

"I don't care," said James. "Make your way back here in a week. Until then, I suggest you don't swear at old men in bars."

He winked at me, leaned forward and ripped the gaffer tape from between my legs. The cum of twenty guys spurted out of my ass and flowed down my legs.

The bar door slammed behind me.

Next: Chapter 2

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