The Bait

By moc.liamtoh@tsac-tuo

Published on Oct 9, 2023



The Bait

This story involves sex between multiple adult men. It involves coercion, but in the end all actions are consensual.

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He's the one I will target, I think. He's handsome – alpha male – nice body, but not ridiculously buff – confident, but not overtly arrogant.

I glance over towards him and smile briefly when our eyes connect, sensuously turning on the rhythm of the music to gyrate my hips and tempt him with a clear view of my pert cheeks. I have a good arse, you know. I have an arse that attracts just the right type of man. We're available,' they shout. We're available, and you won't believe how good it will feel when you ram your long, rock-hard schlong into the warm hole between us.'

My name is Ticho – and yes, I am aware that you've never heard of anyone called Ticho' before – I am 20, look two or three years younger, and I am in love. Not with him, he's just the bait, the means to an end. I am pretty good-looking, I think – too tall to be considered a Twink, I suppose, but I am slender, long-limbed, and baby-faced. Other than my length, I look like your stereotypical bottom, which is convenient, because a bottom' is exactly what I am.

"Hey ..."

I slowly spin back, pleased to see that my `mating dance' has had the desired effect of attracting my prospective partner. "I am Aidan ..." His hand wraps around my waist and touches me gently, just in the curve where the small of my back turns into the mount of my buttocks.

"Ticho!" I try to introduce myself over the loud music.


"Ticho! That's my name ... T – I – C – H – O – Ticho!"

"Oh right. I've never met a Ticho before."

"Really?" I grin my best smile to signal that I am not nearly as surprised as my reply might have suggested. Up close he is as handsome as he had looked earlier, fortunately. In these sparse-lit clubs you always have to have an excuse ready, in case your handsome prince turns out to be a pox-scarred troll when you get a proper look at him.

I move an inch closer into him, to subliminally signal my availability without being seen to make the first move. He's the Alpha, so in his mind he needs to take the initiative.

As I intended, Aidan's other hand makes it over to my waist too, so that he can take a good grip on my body, pulling me towards him. We're of similar length, he may not like that. I slightly sag to be an inch or so below his eyeline.

"I like you, Ticho. I think you are cute ..."

"Thanks ... And you are gorgeous."

We're chest to chest now, and I can feel his junk against my groin, not hard yet, but already feeling substantive – something I can enjoy later.

Aidan is a good kisser – a great kisser perhaps even. Full-on, but not aggressive, lips, tongues, noses, half our faces get involved. His hands are now where they always were aiming to go, on my award-winning arse, probing, rubbing, kneading, and enjoying the idea that he will be ploughing that furrow tonight. While we are swaying on the beat of the music, my fingers reach his crotch, find him a little firmer already, a nice fat snake curled up in his trousers.

"You like what you feel?" he whispers, and I groan happily in confirmation.

"I live just a few minutes away," I inform him not so delicately that I am ready to proceed. So is he, it seems, because he pulls me into him hard and snogs me forcefully.

"What are we still doing here then?"

By the time I open the front door, he is rock-hard and rampant. I know, because he's pushing himself against my backside, his cock grinding my crack through two pairs of jeans. Inside, I let him snog me again, feel his hands slide into my shirt to explore my bare skin. I undo his fly to give myself easier access to rub his erection.

"You're an eager little minx, aren't you," Aidan grunts.

It feels good: long and hard, not as large as the one I really lust after, but definitely big enough to satisfy my desire to get ravaged. "I need to get fucked, Aidan. I need someone to rip my arse with a giant cock ..."

"I have just the thing!"

With his hands under my buttocks, he lifts me up, so that I can wrap my legs around him and let him carry me into the living room. Our kisses are getting feverish, our rubbing and touching and poking is getting frantic. With me sitting on the edge of the dining table, his cock is inches from my hole, and if it weren't for our clothes, he could just ram it in and take me there and then.

Not much longer now, I am sure.

"Where, baby?"

"Here on the table? On the sofa? In bed? I don't care, just drive that monster into me and take me to heaven."

That is when he enters the living room.

In just a tight t-shirt and shorts, he shows his body in all its exquisite muscular shapeliness, exuding sheer beauty and masculinity.

"Oh, you brought a friend ..."

Aidan jumps back in shock, wide-eyed at my brother's sudden appearance. Or rather, he would have jumped back if I hadn't had my legs wrapped around him.

"Aidan, this is Luca, my big brother. Luca, this is Aidan, my shag for tonight."

Where Aidan is beautiful, Luca is absolutely gorgeous. Luca has the body of a demigod, the face of a movie star, and the manhood of a prize stallion. Luca is the man I truly lust after.

He knows – a few years ago, I showed him that my body was for the taking if he wanted me, subtly first, not so subtly afterwards. I flaunted myself for him, until he pulled me into him, kissed me gently and told me that it couldn't be. He cannot give me what I want, because it would be wrong between brothers. And I understand it, I really do, but it is hard to be close to the most gorgeous man alive, and to be denied his love for a stupid reason like kinship.

Since then, I have continued to love him, and I have had to make do with sex by proxy.

Aidan is an alpha male, but Luca is the next level up. Where Aidan is merely confident and attractive, Luca radiates natural charisma like a 1930s X-ray machine. Where Aiden likes to fuck submissive bottoms, Luca knows that when push comes to shove, every man, woman, or animal is desperate to feel Luca's manhood inside them, and he graciously provides it.

Like me, Luca likes men, Luca likes athletic, alpha-type men ... Luca lusts after men like Aidan.

And Aidan might not have known until now that he urgently wishes to be fucked by a more virile man, but the confusion in his face shows that it is beginning to dawn.

"Hi, Aidan," Luca welcomes him with a gentle warmth that surprises people, but somehow seems to add to his manliness and dominance. If you dare to display yourself so softspoken and tender, you must be a real stud.

A single finger on his jaw turns Aidan's face towards my brother's for the mildest and most fleeting of kisses.

Luca knows that we are not competing for the affection of my `date'. He knows that I brought Aidan to him like a cat bringing home a mouse it caught, as an offering to appease the master. I picked Aidan to bait my brother into sex. If Luca and I cannot have sex between just us two together, then I'll have it through the body of an intermediary.

"Hi, Aidan," my brother repeats.

"Hi, Luca ..." the whispered response finally comes.

The guy seems mesmerised – confused by his own feelings, because he knows he is a Top, but he's unable not to feel desire for Luca. Not desire to fuck him, but desire for his approval and his love, desire to be filled by that manhood – bulging in the tight shorts – and if nature had worked differently, desire to carry Luca's babies. I am confident that for the first time in his life, Aidan feels the need to submit to another man ...

... that is the effect Luca has on people.

I slide my hand down Aidan's briefs and find that he's not just hard, but throbbing and leaking with pent-up lust. I pull down the interfering garments and, leaning forward, take his head into my mouth, playing my tongue along his foreskin. He's got a good cock, girthy rather than excessively long, but it is a cock which will fill me properly and which I will enjoy a lot. Not as much as I would enjoy Luca's behemoth, though, of course.

My ministrations remind our guest why he came here, and he kicks his jeans and briefs off his ankles, while his hands begin to undress me. I see glimpses of Luca's hands rubbing Aidan's chest and abs, glimpses of Luca's groin riding against his hip.

"I don't think I want that ...," he begins, but his objection lacks conviction and power.

"Of course you do ...," Luca's quiet rebuke lacks neither of those things.

My `offering' might express some doubts, but he certainly isn't trying to get away from my brother's affection.

I am still on the table, now topless and with my trousers around my thighs. Aidan in front of me is exploring my buttocks, available because I am still bent over, servicing his cock with my lips. He has lost every stitch of clothing already, so that Luca – still in his T and shorts – has unlimited access to touch up his backside.

"Your bed?" my brother suggests, the final confirmation that he has accepted my gift to him. I have picked the right bait, and now I will get rewarded by a share of his love ... by proxy.

My new friend has stopped resisting, caught between his wish to fuck me, and his desire to tend to the force of nature that is my brother. Between us, we escort him to the bedroom – the temple where people are able to worship Luca to the full, the holy-of-holies, my bed as the altar where we will sacrifice Aidan's self-image. I fling away my trousers as we make our way, so that I am ready to receive Aidan.

Aroused by an unobstructed view of the flawless beauty of my brother's upper body – topless too by now – I wish to be fucked, destroyed, ravaged, torn asunder ... I don't even care if someone were to go in dry – I need a man inside me now, or I will start to scream the house down.

"Fuck me, Aidan," I beg, throwing myself backward onto the mattress, grabbing my ankles, and offering my backside. "Prepare me, grease me up, and ram that throbbing pole into me!"

Aidan's greased-up fingers save the day, taking some of the pressure building inside my soul. He knows what he is doing, obviously, because he targets my prostate instantly and makes my mind sing with boundless joy.

"Oh, Fuck! Yes! Eeeh ..." The weird high-pitched moan is mine, I realise.

I arch my back to give him access, access for his fingers, but even more importantly, access for his fuck-pole. I need him inside me soon, because Luca is about to impale him, and I want to be in on the action – I want to be on receiving end of that power.

"I don't ..." Aidan's objection to my brother's fingers exploring his hole is even less convincing than before. "I am not into ... I don't want you push your fingers into me."

He's in luck then, because neither does Luca. He might apply some lube down his mate's crack, but he will want to enter the hole while it is still closed, clasped tight, ready to grip his monster when he forces it in.

"Fuck me, Aidan!" I repeat. "Line up your horse cock and drive it in up to the hilt!"

That is all the encouragement he needs, because he shuffles up and pushes his fat dickhead against my eagerly waiting hole. His hands on my ankles to push back my legs, he leans in and starts to force himself into my belly, and I am ready. I am willing and open, eager and relaxed, I practically ingest his manhood, pulling it into my body.

"Bloody hell," Aidan sighs as he bottoms out inside me in a single thrust. "Are you hollow?"

We let him loose on my arse for a minute, pumping and driving, long-dicking deep into my gut, before I find my brother's eyes and nod that it is time. I don't want Aidan to cum yet, or he might not be able to handle what is about to happen ... The real action is yet to start.

Released from the confining shorts, Luca's manhood is looking magnificent as it stands proud from his groin: long, fat and hard – a cock that could make a bull elephant feel inadequate. As it is pushed against his hole, Aidan turns his head and looks shocked at what he is about to receive.

"No, no, no ... No, I am not into that!"

I clasp his face between my hands and force him to face me. "Yes, you are. You want this. You chose to join us, knowing that this is what would happen to you. You long for Luca, you lust after him, want to feel him inside you!"

"Are you sure ...?"

"I am." I am sure that he lusts after Luca ... not so sure he'll enjoy the next half hour, but sure again he'll remember and cherish the memory for the rest of his life.

He allows me to pull him down onto my lips for a kiss, a forceful full-on snog that may be able to stifle some of his screams. Or maybe not ...

Luca rams into him ...

... a violent thrust that forces half his gargantuan dick into Aidan's virgin hole ...

... and the victim screams like a stuck pig, despite my lips covering his mouth. He screams and begs, screams again when the other half of Luca's tool follows through. Aidan has just been deflowered by my stunning brother's glorious manhood. And the force behind each of those thrusts drove Aidan's own tool into me with delicious violence.

"I am going to fuck you now ... try to relax." Despite the aggression with which he just compelled Aidan to accept his first anal penetration, Luca still manages to sound kind and considerate, "it will be easier if you relax."

I let go of Aidan's face, because I need to ready myself – when Luca starts to long-dick someone's backside, it is every man for himself. I grab my thighs and spread my legs to ensure that I am ready to absorb every available inch of man-meat that Luca will force into me.

Not his own meat, of course, but Aidan's cock which is rammed into me every time my brother lunges into the body between us. Aidan squeals and moans when well over a foot of girthy cock slams into him repeatedly, I yelp with delight when that causes about 8 inches of fat meat to drive into me. He's suffering, I know, but he isn't asking us to stop. He's in agony, but he is also having the most arousing experience of his life.

He is servicing the most beautiful and captivating man on this planet, and if that isn't worth a little pain, then what is?

"Fuck me ..." I am looking at Luca as I say it, I am thinking of Luca as I say it. He smiles and tenderly runs two fingers down the side of my face. He cannot – he cannot fuck me, but he can use Aidan to give me a taste of the force behind his monster.

He is ready to let rip!

I feast on the sight of those bulging muscles writhing under bronzed skin as they power the violent thrusts of his titanic cock. I imagine that he is fucking me, that I am helplessly impaled on that giant pole, suffering and begging for mercy, even though I know that I really don't want it to end. I wish that I was Aidan right now, despite the tears in his eyes and the pathetic meowing sounds that escape his throat with every lunge. He's passive in all this. He is long-dicking me, but the motion is entirely powered by the long, hard, metronomic thrusting of Luca's phallus into his gut.

"Harder, Luca," I encourage him. "Fuck me harder! I want to die on your cock!"

"You've got a great arse, Aidan," he says as he smacks a cheek with his open hand. "Hot as fuck, tight as fuck, but able to take my monster cock without complaint."

There is pride in Aidan's eyes that he is doing a good job, I believe, a small smile on his lips. Gratitude that he is allowed to serve the handsomest, strongest, most charismatic man in the world, and pride that his backside gets complimented by that idol.

Luca pulls out entirely, or almost entirely, and I can see the strength in his shoulders and biceps as they take a firm hold of Aidan's waist. I can see the tension in his glutes and his hamstrings as they prepare to impale a man on a cock the size of my forearm.

"Hold on!"

Luca thrusts. Aidan screams, eyes bulging, and slides a foot up the mattress, driving his own fat cock into me. I squeal with lust and smack the back of my head against the headboard as I am pushed up the bed by the force of my brother's legs.

Luca has already pulled out for the next thrust.

My gut absorbs another assault. The back of my head takes another hit ... and again ... again and again ... on and on.

I am the first to cum ... after how long? Hours, it feels like, even if it was probably only minutes.

I am the first to cum, perhaps because I can see the beauty of my brother's gorgeous body as the fucks me violently.

I am the first to cum, shooting a load across my chest. My sphincter spasms while my balls empty themselves, setting off Aidan, who fills me with his scorching hot seed. Luca rams in his behemoth one last time, forcing it as deep as it will go as he empties his horse balls into the helpless man stuck between us.

"Fucking Hell!" Luca pants, pulling out and rolling over onto his back next to us. "Fucking hell, I needed that."

Aidan is lying on my chest, still half-buried inside me. He looks shellshocked at what just happened, although it isn't clear whether that is about the fact that he just took a cock up his arse for the first time, or the violence with which it happened ... or a combination of the two, perhaps.

My brother gets up and gathers his discarded clothes. At the door, he turns around and finds my eyes. "Good choice, Ti," he smiles beautifully, filling me with boundless love for him – and with pride for having done well tonight.

I sling my arms around Aidan, still motionless on top of me. His eyes are wet, although he isn't exactly crying.

"I didn't want get fucked," he says quietly. "I have only ever Topped."

I don't reply.

"I don't think I am well enough to go home tonight. Can I stay here?"

I tenderly kiss him and tell him that he can stay for as long as he wants. I mean it, because he is not the type of man I'd kick out of bed. He smiles briefly, gratefully, and lowers his head on my chest.

"Will your brother still be home tomorrow morning? ... Do you think he might want to do this again?"


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