The Bag of Candy Weekend

By Ronald Speener

Published on May 25, 2018


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Chapter 7

"Here we are," he announced. "We need to go to the upper tip of the island and then land on the other side."

"Can't we go straight around from here?" I questioned.

"No, this side has no place to land and the approach from below has too many rapids." So we paddled up and around to a gravelly area where we could pull the canoe ashore. Stud led the way through overgrowth and brambles along a faint path. He stopped and pointed up. In front of us was a large tree.

"Yes, a tree," I stated with some condescension. He pointed again and up. About half way up was a platform, a tree house.

"I built it last year," he said in reply to my look of surprise. "It is above most of the surrounding brush so it has a nice view."

"How do we get up?" I asked. "I am no good at climbing robes. Just ask my high school gym teacher."

Stud laughed. "There is a ladder on the other side of the tree." He grabbed my hand like an excited kid and pulled me around. There on the other side was not a ladder by my definition. It was just some scrap timber nailed to the tree at uneven intervals. "You expect me to climb that?" I whined.

"Just take your time and keep your feet toward the center of the rung."

"Easy enough for an athlete like you. I get uneasy on a stepstool."

"Don't worry. Go first and I will catch you if you fall."

"Sure," I huffed. "We both break legs and then get eaten by wolves."

"There are no wolves here." He smiled, "only bears."

"Great" I wailed as he pushed me onto the first rung. It was not that bad, although I complained loudly all the way to the platform. The platform was not just a platform. Once up you were on a deck and what looked liked a collapsed roof. Soon Stud was standing next to me. "It looks like we need to climb back down. All fallen down." I said as I gestured to the debris on the platform.

"Not so fast," Stud said to me, "I need your help first." He led me to a piece of wood lying under the roof. "While I lift on the roof you upright the 2x4." He point to the piece of wood under the roof. "We're goin' to do a barn rais'n." Stud picked up a corner of the roof and I went to the 2 x 4. As Stud lifted, I up righted the 2 x 4, which was on a hinge. The whole roof unfolded like a tent and we had four walls. Stud slid more 2 x 4s into place and we had a solid room.

"Well slather my ass in honey and call me a beehive," I said in amazement.

"I do construction for a living," He replied as if what just happened was as ordinary as making coffee. "Do you like it?"

"It OK"

"Just OK!" Stud miffed. "It took a lot of engineering." He opened a mesh door fastened with Velcro. The inside was small, but the walls were all screens.

"This is amazing," I said, truly in awe. "But it is missing a chandelier." I pointed to the vaulted roof.

"I will be sure to add that" Stud laughed. "Now what?"

"You are my slave from now until I release you," I said.

"I'm your slave?" I slapped Stud across the face.

I spoke again harshly before the shock came of Stud's face. "Slaves never talk unless given permission."

"What if I need to say something?" I slapped him again.

"I decide if you need to say something," I said with a sweet smile. "Slaves do not wear clothes unless I say." Stud quickly striped. "Stand here and do not move until I give you permission." Stud stood still, his arms at his side.

Michelangelo would have drooled over the naked man before me. Stud was a deep tan from the waist up from going shirtless at construction sites. And milky white below the belt line. He had a little trickle of dark hair running from the navel to groin which was covered in fine black hair. Stud started to move. "Still," I commanded and raised my hand. Stud froze. I could see a little stirring of life in his dick. This was going to be fun. I started inspecting him as I had seen on the series Spartacus. I felt his biceps, patted his chest, checked his teeth. Stud snorted at the last, so I gave his balls a good yank. He yelped and stood still. "Spread your legs and bend forward." I barked. He immediately complied. I walked behind him and ran a finger between his ass checks, lingering around the rosebud that twitched when I touched it.

I walked back in front and stood with my crotch inches from his face. "You will do for a diversion." I said with no emotion. Stud stood up and smiled. I slapped him. "Did I tell you to stand?" He immediately bent over again. This was going to be a lot of fun; Danny had taught me a few tricks. Stud may get more than he bargained for. "Stand," I commanded.

Stud stood tall and attentive. A little apprehension was in his eyes, but he was determined to play the role he wanted. I casually brushed against his cock, like the sleeve of a shirt hanging on a department store rack. "There are a few things I need from the boat." I paused. Stud started to speak but then stopped himself. He was learning. "I need rope, and an oar, and my backpack."

Stud bent to put on his pants. I grabbed them and threw them off the platform. "Did I give you fucking permission to dress!" I had seen drill sergeants in the movies and borrowed that tone. Stud looked at me, then descended the tree into the growth that we had just struggled through. I thought that he might call this charade over, but he seemed committed, so far, to play his role. He was soon lost to my sight, but I could hear him cursing the whole way to the canoe.

While Stud was off gathering the items, I looked around the platform. Nothing up here would do. So I descended to look for a suitable site. Heading in the opposite direction of Stud, behind some brambles was an old campsite with a stone fire ring. There were a couple of smooth-barked trees, a handful of river rocks, and cattails where the island met the river.

Soon the sound of Stud cursing through the verdure grew louder. I heard Stud drop the stuff on the ground. "What the hell" Wafted above me as Stud stood on the platform and did not find me. I had this big butch guy flummoxed. Let the games begin.

"Slave, come."

Stud came stumbling into my boudoir sweaty and scratched. He dropped everything by the fire pit and looked at me as if I was demented. I slapped him on his cock. "I told you not to speak without permission. And what do you do but defy me when I am out of sight." I don't think Stud was ever treated that way, and, under other circumstances, I would be laying on the ground rubbing my jaw. But he just hung his head like an errant dog.

"I need three of the cattails over there. Young flexible ones. And fill this water bottle" I pointed. Then I rummaged through my backpack and handed him a knife, blade pointing toward him, and the bottle. Rebellion quelled, he went and cut the cattails and filled the water bottle. He returned the knife handle toward me.

"Before we begin some rules. I plan on abusing and degrading you. Drive you to the edge of climax and back down. I will do no permanent damage or harm which will be evident when you are shirtless at work. If at any time you want to stop, your safe word is `Timothy.'" He stood as if he was at attention in the military. "Do you understand?" Stud nodded.

I did not smile but stared Stud in the eyes. "Repeat the safe word."

I caught Stud in a dilemma. Stay pig-headed and continue with Timmy or comply. I was enjoying his turmoil. Finally, he turned his head and said, "Timothy." I won the first round and the rest were all mine.

I did not smile but turned saying, "Timothy is your safe word. If you say my name, I will immediate stop whatever I am doing, allow you to dress and we return to the canoe. Do you understand?" Stud nodded. I was feeling particularly nasty and asked, "What is the safe word again?"

Stud did not pause long this time, but held his head down and mumbled, "Timothy."




Stud, exasperated yelled, "Timothy."

"Good boy." I patted him on the top of the head.

I took the oar and rope, slapped Stud's legs far apart and tied the oar to his ankles. Opening my bag, I pulled shaving cream and a razor and started lathering his balls. At first shock hit Stud's face and then he relax as the sensations of the cream and my hands against his sack. His eyes widened, however, when I started with the razor. "I hate getting pubic hairs in my teeth." I explained as I moved behind Stud to shave his crack. This was hard to shave because Stud kept twitching.

I walked around him examining my work. No nicks or cuts. I took the water bottle and squirted water, front and back. The water must have been cold because Stud shrank back, almost loosing his balance. "You fall over; I leave you on the ground." Stud stood straighter.

Once washed, I ran my hand around his smooth balls and ass. His cock liked it. I liked it. I went and pulled the Twinkie from the backpack and slowly unwrapped it and took a bit. "Good," I crooned, "Filled with cream, just like you."

I waved it under his nose, let an edge graze his lips, squeezed a little out and dabbed his nipple, which I then slowly licked. His cock was ridged, mimicking the forest. I smiled and handed him the Twinkie. He took it not sure what I wanted. I smiled slowly, "Fuck it."

"What?" he asked. I hit him on the ass with a cattail.

"I said `fuck it.' You do know how to fuck? You fuck your wife, don't you?"

He nodded but did not say a word, still confused.

"God straight guys don't get visual puns. I want you to fuck a Twinkie, like fucking a twink." I shook my head and took his hand with the Twinkie placing it at the head of his cock.

He must have thought I was crazy, but he fisted the Twinkie into his cock until it was mush.

I knelt in front of him; the damp loamy ground gave a little beneath my weight. Slowly I licked the remains of the Twinkie from his cock and balls. I licked slowly inside his foreskin, which had bits of filling in the crevices. His dick quivered as I washed the sensitive head. Cock and Twinkies is a good taste combination. Cleaned, I continued until a felt his sack start to tighten, and then I stood inches from him, violating body space. I smiled the most innocent smile. His hands clenched at his side in frustration. "All in good time. When I say it is time, slave."

"There, slave," I yelled and pointed to a spot under a maple tree. Stud tried to walk to the spot but the oar limited his movements to a duck like waddle. "Arm out and crossed at the wrist." Stud's arms went out. I tied his arms with rope and swung the excess over a branch in the maple. I pulled the rope until Stud's arms did noon. Stud groaned a little as I pulled with most of my weight and his arms stretched to a painful position and he had to stand on the balls of his feet. I slapped Stud's ass with a bit of the rope and told him to be silent. Fear entered his eyes as I tied the excess rope to his balls. "This is a trick one of Danny's friends taught me. You lower your hands; you pull your balls." I left just a little less tension so that he had more than toes on the ground.

I circumnavigated Stud looking at my handy work and inspecting Stud's lean tan body. I rub a hand across his left butt cheek. Then across his chest and then lightly down the side of his cock.

"Are you doing OK?" I rubbed the head of a cattail across his nipples and down to his balls.

Stud nodded affirmative and smiled.

"Just say my name, and we're done." Silence

I took one of the cattails Stud had retrieved, stood in front of Stud and rubbed softly the brown tip. I walked behind Stud and slipped the cattail between his legs and teased his scrotum. Stud quivered slightly. "Slave, you may say one word only to me."

Stud thought. "Uncomfortable."

I took the cattail and swung it hard against his ass. "You will always address me as either sir or master." I hit his ass again. Two red marks appeared. I walked around to face Stud and gently stroked his left nipple; I kissed it and licked it with my tongue. Then I grabbed it, pulled it out and twisted. Stud's face contorted in shock and pain, but, admirably, he said nothing. "Pleasure alone is boring. Pain alone is demoralizing. But together in proper is life." As I continued to speak, I walked around Stud teasing him with the cattail. "The problem is to find the proper proportions. It is not always 50/50. Some people like 60/40 others like 20/80. Danny, the zookeeper, was 10/90. He liked to be abused. But I'm more 80/20. That might be a character flaw. We must find your sleep number."

I took my index finger and shoved it into Stud's mouth. "Make it good and wet" he sucked on it like a baby at a nipple. When it was very wet, I went behind Stud and shoved the finger all the way up his ass. He muffled a cry of surprise and pain. "You like that? You, play toy." I paused, twirled my finger, making sure I hit the prostate. I removed my finger. I walked around to face him. I ran my finger across his lips and then into his mouth, "You like the taste of your ass, Toy? Enjoy your ass in your head?" Stud nodded weakly. "Good Toy. You may now talk until I point this shit finger at you." I took my finger from his mouth.

"Thank you master." I hit him hard three times across the chest. "What did I do to offend you, Master?" I hit him three times on the chest, red marks began to show. I hit him three times on the back and twice on the butt. Stud paused, breathing deep to reduce the sting. He nodded. "Forgive me." I took two of the cattails and hit him twice very hard on his taut abdomen. "Conversation has a price," he stated. I lashed his dick three times. He winced. He understood that each word was a strike of a cattail.

I knelt in front of Stud and took his swollen red dick into my mouth and sucked slowly. He started to moan and thrust his groin. His sack began to tighten; I stopped and stood. He was close to coming and frustration showed on his face. I pointed my finger at him,

"Why stop?" I hit his cock twice.

"Pain has its pleasure and pleasure has its pain." Stud only nodded. I released his arms and balls from the ropes. Stud shook them to return circulation. I stood in front of him looking into his hazel eyes, pleading for sexual release. But I was not ready for the coup de grace. Suddenly, Stud grabbed me and kissed me with the intensity of sexual frustration. Because his legs were still hobbled to the oar, he lost his balance, and we both fell, Stud on top of me. "Sorry, are you hurt, are you hurt," he kept repeating. I squirmed out. There was Stud face in the mud trying to stand, but because of the oar, he could not. I could not help it but I burst into a fit of laughter. Stud did not see the humor. He needed to be trained, so I walked over, put a firm foot on his back, and shoved him deeper into the mud. "Stay," I said. Stud stiffened and lay submissive. "Good Toy." I took three cattails and beat his prone backside until red welts began to show. "How dare you take liberties to touch me without permission? I should leave you here tied to a tree." I shove his face into the mud with my foot and let him struggle for breath. Danny had taught me that the master must always be in control, but he must also be forgiving and reward.

"All I need is my name and this stops." I heard nothing except heavy breathing.

I walked over to my little travel bag and pulled the bullet vibrator I always carried and the butternut squash. Stud could not see what I retrieved. But he was afraid of another ass whooping and did not try to raise his head.

I edged the squash in his line of sight. "Later, if you are real good, I'll shove it up your ass. You said you wanted to try double penetration, this will be good practice." Stud eyed the phallic object warily.

"Just my name." I waited for "Timothy," but it never came. I reached over and grabbed the gourd, rolling it down his back. I played with the tip in his crack, spreading the checks wide so he would feel the girth. "Just one word." I did not want to damage a fine specimen of meat. I tossed the squash aside.

Removing my clothes, I tossed them in front of Stud so he would know I was also naked. I sat on his back, turned on the vibrator and slowly ran it across his neck, shoulders, arms, arm pits--that made him squirm, earlobes, middle of the back, ribs. He was ticklish and squirmed; I tried to be random running the vibrator slowly in each place. But the general direction was down his body. Soon I was working the buttock and the legs. I lingered on his feet, paying special attention to the soles and between the toes. I moved back up along the inside of the leg and the inner thigh. Stud was responding. I pulled his cock from under him so it was facing south toward the feet. He had a massive schlong, and it was hard. It must have been very uncomfortable, but Stud never voiced a complaint. I now took the vibrator and put it to full duty. I lingered on the head of his dick, inside the foreskin, strolled around his balls, circled like a hummingbird his rosebud. Slid it inside and made it dance. Meanwhile I slipped a condom on and was ready. I pulled the vibrator out and quickly slammed my cock into that quivering hole. Stud humped in shock. I fucked him with an animal intensity that I have seldom felt. I orgasimed and screamed like a saint with a beatific vision. Stud orgasimed and screamed like an animal.

I removed my dick; I removed my condom. I took the condom and squeezed the contents onto Stud's back. I finger-painted and massaged the goo into his back, enjoying every twist of muscle. Then I lay across his back and whispered in his ear, "Good Toy"

I lay there awhile enjoying the cool air on my back and Stud's warmth on my chest. We had supper to catch. I untied Stud's feet from the oars and commanded him to stand. Stud rose covered in mud, looking primitive like the natives of Guinea that I have seen on the Nature Channels. Stud's body left indents the ground, his dick clearly outlined. If I had plaster of Paris, I thought. The last little puddle of white from Stud's ejaculation was being licked into the earth. "We need to clean up." Stud looked down at me and then himself. Mud had a new hunky planet. He smiled like a boy who had just successfully raided a neighbor's garden for strawberries. Irritated, I commanded, "Grab the towels."

Stud searched and found the towels, never saying a word--he was a good student. He led me to a spot on the island where a small eddy slowly turned. He walked into the water and sat. I followed.

"Holy shit!" I exclaimed, "This water is fucking cold!" Stud just smiled at his secret revenge. Passive-agresive behavior could not be tolerated. I took my hand, cupped it and slid it across the top of the water creating a large wave that struck Stud in the face. Stud just smiled--solid, silent Stud. I washed as quickly as I could and scrambled out of the frigid water. My cock had turned blue and my sack was trying to hide inside me. I dried myself off quickly and wrapped the towel around myself for warmth. Stud slowly emerged from the water, a male Venus. He dried himself off, walked over to me and enfolded me in his massive arms. His warm body felt divine. After what seemed an eternity, I said, "Stand back slave," Stud, startled from his moment, stepped back. "Slave, you have performed well today. You have been obedient and loyal and one great fuck. Therefore, I free you. From this moment on, you are no longer a slave but a free man."

"Thank you master." I scowled at Stud. "I do not say master as a former slave but as a humble student before a master teacher." He walked over and kissed me so gently on the lips. "Now it is time for me to teach you how to fish."

We dressed, packed things into the canoe. We slowly drifted down the river back to camp eating the potato chips I brought. We caught ten trout. Actually, Stud caught nine. I caught one, and it was of legal size.

We stumbled back into camp at about dusk with our supper. We wander around back to the patio where everyone was gather with a joint and a drink,

Carlos was the first to notice us. "So the mighty fisherman are back," greeted Carlos, "But where are the fish?"

"They were too busy fucking to fish." joined in Demetrius. Stud pulled the fish from behind me. "Holy shit," responded Demetrius. "Did you fuck at all?"

Leo stood, "I'll take those and clean them."

"I'll help," volunteered Carlos.

"Clean by the river," yelled Jack, "We do not want bears around tonight. This time of year they are very hungry." Jack walked over to me and gave me a big hug. "Welcome back." He smiled. "I assume that you enjoyed yourself." I smiled. "From Stud's face, I know he did." His hand brushed against the side of my face. "You had some mud."

"I fell," I hastily replied.

"I am sure your fell, but into what mud hole?" Jack replied with a lecherous grin.

That night we dined on grilled trout, the best I have ever eaten, roasted potatoes and a good white wine. I was very contented. I was very glad I came.

After supper, we again drew from the candy bag. I was partnered with Demetrius.

Next: Chapter 8

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