The Bag of Candy Weekend

By Ronald Speener

Published on May 19, 2018


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The Bag of Candy Weekend--Chapter 2

We were off. Here I was in a car with five hunky straight men heading into the unknown wilds of the north. Immediately, they started talking about women; women they wanted to fuck. women at work, women they saw on the street, women in the movies. Who was hotter, J-Lo or Angelina, Beyonce was added. Leo offered Jennifer Aniston.

By the time we stopped at the Denny's in Janesville for breakfast, I was depressed and felt totally isolated. They were always careful to include me in the conversation, and I gladly gave an opinion based upon my fine sense of aesthetics. But I was afraid that my comments were purely academic. Once we piled back in the car, Leo still sat in the back but Carlos and Demetrius changed seats. Carlos in his tight jeans gave a bulge that I had to force my hands not to touch.

Suddenly Carlos says, "I heard a cute limerick the other day, I know you like limericks Stud."

"Yeah, let's hear it," Stud replied.

Carlos cleared his voice like he was giving a grand speech and said.

A guy liked the lass

"Why does it always need to be a lass," interrupted Stud. The others hushed him and Carlos continued.

A guy liked the lass from Pertushie

Whose cat sitting job was so cushy

He'd stroke a little fur

Till there's a purr

From one happy little pussy.

"I don't get it," said Leo, "Is the guy the cat sitter or is the girl? And why is he petting the cat if the girl is the cat sitter?"

Stud turned around and looked at Leo, looked at me and shrugged. "I have one too you might like Timmy." I cringed at being called Timmy.

There once was a lad named Fred

Who was considered an expert in bed.

When asked why

His simple reply

"It was all in the use of the head."

There ensued a long conversation and arguments on the value of mental foreplay and being into each other over performance and looks. Leo was all for the mental aspects of good sex. Demetrius commented that that was probably why he was divorced; sex needs to be dirty, rough and messy to be effective. Jack was more into the physical appearance as the first turn on, Carlos agreed but added that there needed to be some personality otherwise it is sex with a blowup doll. Then Stud turned to me and asked what I thought.

"Everything said is true," trying to sound erudite, "and all of it is important for satisfying sex, but the head in the poem is a word play for a dick and the head on the shoulder." I smiled sucking on my lips. "While each can have sex without the other, good sex has both."

"Finally," Stud yelled, "someone has got it. For guys if the dick is not happy where is the sex." Turning around, he force me into a big hug that almost had me in the front seat with him. "Glad you're along Timmy (he said my name with a big wicked grin), someone with brains. I'm sure you know how to use your head." He sent a smile that said sex.

Then the conversation turned to best uses of a dick and best ways to masturbate. It quickly devolved from left hand or right hand, to vibrators, American Pie, jello, pudding, vacuum cleaners, farm animals. At which point everyone agreed that we were to the point of depravity. Until I mentioned electro and sounding, which I then explained in graphic details. One for me, I could sound more depraved than they I thought. Gay men have raised the pleasuring of the penis to a high science.

"Ouch" was the general response.

"Have you indulged in these pleasures?" Stud asked. The tone was more curious than playful. I just smiled back at him. I figured let him image all he wants. It serves him right for calling me Timmy.

Just north of Mauston, we stopped for lunch at a Mom and Pop dinner where we had the best apple pie ever. We bought a whole one for that night. We got back in the car with Leo still in the back but Stud upfront riding shotgun. I was between Demetrius and Carlos. Interesting that I was always in the middle.

"We are getting close now. We should be there in less than an hour." Said Jack. "We take 94 to Brockway and then into the woods. No phone, no civilization, no one caring what we do."

Stud turned around and looked at me, "You ever suck dick, Timmy?"

I was taken off guard by this question, of course I have, often. But how should I answer, so trying to take a middle ground without lying I said, "I tried it in college...curious." This was not a lie because I was curious how Tom's dick tasted. He was a fellow student in my accounting class. We were project team mates, and fortunately for me bed mates. It was not a real lie.

Stud nodded, "My wife hates to suck my dick, and I have been told it is a very nice one. I don't know why. I can fuck her in the ass, but my cock in her mouth is disgusting. I've never found it objectionable, right Jack?" Jack said he didn't mind either.

Bells were suddenly going off, was I along as the boy toy? Did I mind? Maybe I would show them that I was not a toy but the puppet master. Interesting, very interesting. Or maybe just horny, so much man meat.

We turned off I 94 onto a narrow two lane road and then a left onto a two lane dirt road. Then right onto a single lane dirt road full of ruts and rocks that Jack smoothly avoided, mostly The trees crowded the road like an angry mob, and I felt the terror of Little Red Riding Hood alone in the forest with hungry wolves. After several twists and turns. we came to a clearing with a small wooden structure in the middle. I must have seen too many HGTV shows because what was in front of me was not any cabin I'd seen on TV. This was small, very small. It had shingle siding set on a stone foundation. There was a wood door with a small overhang and a window on each side that had closed wood shutters. A metal chimney came out of the middle of a metal roof. I had a gut feeling that the place was not well insulated. So this is rustic. No this is Clampett's before the oil, I thought.

"So what do you think Timothy?" Jack asked.

"It is rustic," I managed to reply. "I can't wait to see the Martha Stewart touches inside."

Jack laughed as we pulled up next to the front door. "You guys grab the luggage, Timothy brought luggage, while I unlock the front door" Jack popped the back, and he took me by the arm, I think he was afraid I would bolt, and unlock the door to the cabin. The first thing I saw was the cast iron stove with the flue rising straight up through the ceiling, which was wood paneled. As I looked around, all the walls were wood paneled in a light reddish knotty pine. I had seen pictures of grand cabins in Architectural Digest. Here made me feel that I was inside a cigar box. One old, stuffy, must, cold cigar box. There were windows in each of the sidewalls and a sliding glass door on the back wall leading to a deck. Under one of the front windows was a large table and three chairs. Three more chairs were arranged around the stove. Under the other window was a sink. My eyes widened, was that a hand pump on the sink? I stiffened myself to no electricity. but this was running water. And I bet the water is frigid. Stud and Carlos brought in the luggage. Stud had my carry-on. He just looked at me and my bag and shook his head. Demetrius and Leo started removing the shutters. It was obvious all of them have been here before and knew the routine. The added light did not help. Everything looked used, second hand. Creature comforts were not a priority. I tried to remember if we passed a Sheraton or even a Motel 8 on the way. The floor had a couple of rugs that need a good Rug Doctor.

"Where are the beds," I asked as I looked around the room.

"Against each wall, they fold down to save room." replied Jack.

I looked again, but saw only area maps. Jack saw my confusion and walked over to one wall and pulled on the map frame. Down came a bunk bed. "There is a single bed like this on the other side."

"Three beds?" I asked.

"I hope you do not mind sharing," Jack said with a grin. I grinned back, but my grin was fake.

"Where is the can, I need to pee." I asked.

"If you need to pee, find a tree. Out back is the outhouse." Jack said with a big laugh at my sudden terror.

"You said it had a toilet."

"I does, outside. You did not ask if it was inside."

"I just assumed"?

"I said rustic"

Stud and Carlos were almost in hysterics over my blanched face. With the dignity of Anne Boleyn on her day of execution, I marched out to the nearest tree outside of view, unbuttoned and peed. I felt myself turning from cultivated gay into an animal. Soon I'd eat raw meat and pie with my fingers. face smeared like a feral child.

I walked back into the cabin and the five guys were sitting around the stove, which had a small fire going. There was a stack of wood sitting under the sink. I pulled a chair over by the stove and sat and sulked.

"Heh, Timmy," said Leo, "You want a joint?" I had not noticed that smell when I came in against the background smell of the wood fire. I nodded and took a toke. It is amazing how a little weed can melt a sulk. Soon we were all laughing about my discomfort. I was part of the gang. One of the guys.

Carlos reached over and grab at my crotch and pulled out a portion of my underwear. I had forgotten in my pique to button all my buttons.

"Look at this," Carlos said, pulling more on my underwear. "His shorts match his t-shirt. That is so queer."

I blushed and everyone laughed. "What do you expect? I am queer." I tucked my skivvies back into my pants and buttoned my jeans. Carlos looked mortified that he had offended me by using the word "queer". I reached over and down the front of Carlos's jeans and pulled. "Honkey white, so very predictable." I smiled the words back at Carlos in good humor. Demetrius almost fell on the floor laughing.

Stud stood up and pulled down the zipper of his jeans and said, "Don't feel so bad kid, I didn't wear any underwear, so my dick matches my chest." As he said this he pulled apart both sides of the unzipped jeans to expose a huge uncut cock. My jaw dropped. "Close your mouth, for now." Stud laughed, "Now you know how I got my name." Everyone laughed as he strutted around showing it off to everyone.

"After driving, I am ready for a walk. I want to show Timmy my two acres of paradise before it gets dark," Jack said while Stud slid everything back into place, much to my disappointment.

So we all went out the sliding doors to a large wood patio that overlooked a large open area borders by ferns, trees, and white flowers that looked like lilies. I have been to many city parks but this was the first time I saw nature nature. Beyond the trees I could hear water from a stream and discern a narrow path leading in that directions.

"Christ," I said, "look at all those trees."

Jack looked at me with surprise, "You've never seen a forest before?"

"Never," I said, "I have never been out of a city. I've been to San Francisco, Key west, New York's Central Park, but never wild outside."

"Never camping in college. Wild orgies in the woods?" chimed in Carlos


Stud looked at me and said, "It is even better stoned. It becomes alive and talks to you." He handed me a fresh joint and lit it with a Bic from his shirt pocket.

"Be sure to share, I could use a little intimacy with nature." added Leo.

Jack was almost dancing like a kid with a secret. Here I was a neophyte, a virgin that his could impress with this parcel of land he loved. "Come, Come," he said as he pulled my arm. Off we went down the path to the stream. It was not the Chicago River; it was smaller and cleaner. Cattails lines parts of the bank like weennies on a stick. There was a small beach with very small shells (I did not realize shells could be away from the ocean) where the current swirled back on itself. The water was reddish brown like tea. I stooped over the water. It was cold when I put my fingers in to play, I let the water flow between my fingers like silk, like a soft touch after satisfying sex.

"Tomorrow we can go swimming," Jack enthused. "It will be cold, but very refreshing. It wakes everything up."

"Makes the gonads retreat to higher ground," groused Leo.

"Swimming, aren't there alligators?" Jack shook his head no. "I didn't pack a swimming suit." Then I giggled to myself as I realized I did not need one. Everyone else started to giggle too. We sat there, and each time I looked at Stud, I would start to giggle. Then everyone would start to giggle. Rustic was not so bad.

"I'm getting hungry," said Demetrius as he stood up. "Me too," added Leo and Carlos

Jack and Stud on each side of me grabbed an arm, hoisted me to stand, and arm in arm we headed back to the cabin in the woods. Jack had brought enough steaks and shrimp and fish and pork chops and potatoes and broccoli and carrots and bread to feed us all for a week. I may have packed excessive clothes but Jack packed excessive food. "How are you going to keep it cold since there was no refrigerator and no electricity?" I asked confused. I had never been far from a fully stocked refrigerator.

"I have a root cellar," answered Jack. My face was blank; my eyes looked around for an answer. "A root cellar is a hole in the ground, like a basement. The ground stays a very cool 38 most of the year. Better than a refrigerator, no electric bill." I nodded like I understood. "We'll do pork chops tonight." No one complained, "Maybe we can do some fishing tomorrow and then have fresh trout tomorrow night."

"That sounds like fucking fun!" exclaimed Stud. "I haven't fly fished in years." I frowned, again confused. I knew what trout were because I had it once with almonds. But fly fishing, why would one fish for flies. (I was very naive back then). Jack went out on the patio where he had a wood grill. He started a fire in the grill with some paper and small branches. When it was healthy he added two quarter logs. "Wood fire is the best way to cook meat," he told me. I mumbled yes. "Are you starting to enjoy yourself?" he asked. Surprisingly I was; it might have been the dope.

"Yes," I replied. "Everyone is so nice."

"Wait until latter," he grinned, "They have not warmed up yet. We can get very rowdy. But out here anything is permitted. No neighbors but the bears and owls." Again a big grin.

Stud walked out. "Nice night." I agreed. "Should see plenty of stars. Have you ever seen stars outside the city?" he asked me. I asked if there was any difference. "Come," he said to me. Jack waved me off. "I will start a fire pit." Stud put a firm hand on my butt and pushed me gently off the patio. Going toward the right and into the growing shadows of the trees, I kept imagining beasts looking at me in the darkening hours. I flashed Mirkwoods. We came to a circle of stones surrounded by thick logs. Under a small lean-to made of rocks and timber was a large pile of logs.

"It must take a lot of work to chop all this wood?" I said to Stud.

"Yup, a lot of chopping, Hard work, makes a man sweat," he looked at me, "Maybe tomorrow you can chop."

"I don't have a clue how."

"You take off your shirt and swing an ax at a log with all your might." I winced and he laughed, "I gotta pee. You been to the outhouse yet?"

"No, I peed ealier on a tree, like a dog." He looked at me like my following him was not an option. "I guess I could shake a little out."

"Yeah, follow me. Best to find it before dark. After dark you need a lantern." He took me off to the left on the other side of the clearing where there was a small thin shed with a huge dick and balls painted in lurid pink with thick purple veins. "This is it. It is a two seater" Again I looked confused. "Two crap holes," he explained.

My buzz suddenly tanked. "We shit in a hole?"

"Yup, it does have toilet seats and toilet paper, sort of."

"What do you mean 'sort of'?"

"If no one has yet brought out toilet paper there is always a supply of newspaper." He looked at me and enjoyed my unease. "I personally like using the comics. Beetle Bailey wiping my ass is my joke to the time I was in the Army."

"You were in the Army?"

"Yeah, five fucking years. Liked it at first, but then it got weird." He swung open the door to the outhouse and held it for me and bowed like it was the entrance to a fine restaurant. The inside was not as bad as I pictured. It was paneled like the cabin and the toliet seats were cleaner than most gas station bathrooms. There was a long thin window over the toilet seats that let in some light. But it was covered only with a fine mesh and not glass, so the weather inside was the weather outside. I went in and stood over the hole furthest from the door while Stud took the one closer. I pulled my dick out and started to pee. As I peed, my eyes wandered. Over my hole was this glossy picture of a nude, well-hung man. I turned my head and looked at the other walls. They were covered with nudes too. Then I looked at Stud. He was looking at me with an interesting look waiting for my comments. Then I looked down and saw Stud's massive dick pissing waterfalls. "Jesus Christ," I said.

"Like what you see?" he said with a smile.

"Not what expected."

"Now for that question I asked you earlier. Do you suck dick?"

I reached out and gently touch his cock and nodded. His cock nodded back.

"Later, definitely. Jack thought you were gay. He always seems to know."

"Are you gay?" I asked.

"Hell no!" again I was confused. "I like women well enough, but there are just some things you can do with a man that you can't do with a woman. I just like gay sex sometimes."

"Are any of you gay?" I asked confused and anxious.

"No all straight, except maybe Leo is more gay than the rest of us."

I was scared now. Had I been lured up to this no mans land to be gay bashed and left for dead or worse. Chainsaw Massacre popped into my head. Like a cornered animal, I looked around for an escape, found none, and felt despair.

Stud saw the terror in my face. He touched my arm to reassure me. I jumped. "Easy Timmy, no one is going to hurt you or force you to do anything that you do not want to do. We are all friends and happy to fuck each other." Stud finish peeing and turned to face me, his meat hanging out to dry. "So I take it Jack never told you what the weekend is about"

"No, just a trip to his cabin with some of his friends. Never a fucking orgy."

"Do you object to fucking orgies?"

I had to stop at that. I had never had an orgy. A few threesome, which were great. But an orgy, five men. "Only in theory," I replied, "I've watch porn orgies and gangbangs." I hesitated. "I've thought about it, but never expected to be the entree."

"Timmy," said Stud, "you are not the entree. You are a participant free to do as much and as little as you want."

"Why did Jack ask me?" I looked at Stud. God, he was handsome. I looked down. He still had not tucked away his dick, the foreskin hung like satin covering a bronze sculpture.

"You need to ask Jack that. I think he finds you very attractive." Stud looked at me, studying me and my reaction. "Look at the hard-on you're starting; you want to have some fun." Stud smiled like a Christmas kid and shoved his dick back in his pants. I buttoned only the top button of my jeans. Stud noticed. "Lets get that fire pit roaring. We have logs to burn."

Stud gently took my arm and led me across the clearing. Five men, five men, I thought. I have five hunky, hungry men. What fantasy dream am I in. I smiled to myself, I will be sore come Tuesday.

Next: Chapter 3

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