The Bag of Candy Weekend

By Ronald Speener

Published on Jun 1, 2018


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Chapter 10

"That strong?" I asked.

"That strong," said Stud.

I did not want to get drunk, so I vowed to sip slowly. I took a sip from the straw. "Holy shit, what is in this?" I exclaimed. "There is enough alcohol in this to kill a horse."

Leo leaned over and whispered in my ear, "I have another duplicate glass we can switch out when no one is looking." He gave me a kiss on the cheek. I nodded in appreciation.

"Now to the fire pit," declared Jack. I started to rise to walk to the fire pit, but I was shoved back in my chair. Stud, Jack, Carlos and Demetrius each took a side of the chair and lifted it up and carried me to the fire pit. They all began to chant, "Timothy, Timothy, fucker extraordinaire."

The meal that Stud and Jack prepared was sumptuous. A large pot hung from a tripod over the fire. Water was furiously bubbling. Jack threw in corn, potatoes, carrots, onions, celery, and handfuls of spices. Jack popped some champagne and poured me a large glass. I had absentmindedly left the other drink on the patio. No one seemed to notice. He then poured the others sufficient quantities to satisfy Nero. He needed to open a second bottle, and I saw three more there along with wines.

"To Timothy, our guest and friend," yelled Jack. Everyone raised his glasses.

Stud took some sausage that he cut up and threw into the pot. "Now, Timothy," said Stud. I looked at him in surprise at his using my preferred name. "Now, Timothy, because you earned the respect of each of us and deserve to be called Timothy. We have a custom where each of us says what was appreciated or not about the weekend."

Demetrius stood, "I would like to go first." Everyone approval. "I learned that Timothy is honest." Jack and Stud looked confused. "He had the balls to tell me I was a bad fucker. I have given it some consideration and will try to be less aggressive and more considerate."

"I thank you; you have a dick that should send everyone to heaven," I said, "use it for good, Young Skywalker."

"As you say," he snickered, "Master Yoda."

Leo stood next. "I want to thank you Timothy," he started, obviously nervous because he looked at the other guys and then me. "You have accepted me for who I am, and now I can accept me as who I am." Again, he paused, "I know my divorce is good for my wife and me...Thanks." He smiled broadly at me and sat down.

Carlos came up in front of me and did an extravagant flourish and bow. "I shall always cherish our afternoon together. The sharing of my wine was most touching."

I blushed, "The pleasure was all mine."

"No," Carlos replied, "The pleasure was all ours. It is an honor to know you." Then Carlos bowed again and stepped back.

Stud looked at Jack; Jack waved him to proceed. "Timmy, you have opened new possibilities with sex," he said. "My wife will thank you."

"What we did was very tame," I laughed. "If it were Danny..." Everyone looked at Stud and me; they had heard my stories about Danny,

"I need to invite both of you to one of our parties. I would like to meet Danny," Stud said, "He sounds liberating." Then Stud made room for Jack.

"I am so happy that I invited you this weekend. I hope you are pleased too?" I nodded an enthusiastic yes. "Not only have we had fun, but I like to think I have gained a friend that goes beyond this weekend"

I looked at each of these men: strangers to me, intent on man-on-man bonding through excessive sex. I realized that I like each of them in his own way. "I thank each of you for the time we have shared individually and as a group. I was timorous about coming, but I am so happy I did. You know guys..."

Jack interrupted, "We will continue after supper." He then throw six large lobsters into the pot along with assorted claims. Where Jack got all of this I never found out. I can only assume he had them shipped for Sunday delivery.

Carlos, Demetrius, Leo and Stud left for the cabin and soon returned with the large kitchen table and chairs. Soon the table and chairs were set up near the fire. A tablecloth appeared and candles, plates and silverware were placed. Demetrius and Carlos ran back to the cabin for the other accompaniments for the meal. Soon the table was loaded with salad and serving plates for the content of the pot.

"Supper is ready," bellowed Jack. Stud came over to Jack and helped him move the large pot to the table. I started to stand to go to the table, but I was pushed back and my chair was carried to the table. Jack took three bottle of fine French white wine and placed them down the on the table. And so, the feast commenced. A large lobster was placed on my plate, its tail towards me. Leo snickered. I looked a Leo and smiled. I then started to stroke the tail suggestively. Everyone looked at Leo as he let out a loud guffaw. The other guys we more intent on the pot and did not see my foreplay with the lobster. Leo was laughing too hard and so just gestured for everyone to eat. Soon the contents of the pot was disgorged on my plate and on all the other plates. There was laughter, wine, and food. And then more food, wine and laughter.

Once the forks and knives slowed and sporadically clicking, like the last few kernels of popcorn, Jack came over with a bunch of grapes and wine. He seated himself; slowly, he ran a grape around my lips, and then gently urged it between my lips. The grape was cool, tart and sweet. He took another grape, ran it across his lips, then mine. I shucked it in greedily along with his fingers. It was a scene from a Rome B movie, yet I enjoyed each sybaritic sensation. We shared the wine, white and sweat, from the same goblet. He kissed me gently like a moth. His lips delicious with wine and grape. "Your lips are like wine, and I want to get drunk," he whispered

Jack rose, bowed and started throwing grapes at me. I tried to catch a few in my mouth, but most bounced off me. The others cleared the meal, while I was dodging fruit.

"It is time we finish the ceremony and presentations." He looked at me and smiled. I felt a sudden foreboding--what else was planned. "Timothy, you are expected to give one hell of a closing speech."

I was never fond of public speaking. In college, I had a theater class, one of the required humanities. We had to read from plays in front of the class. I chose the opening from Richard the Third--"Now is the winter of our discontent..." After I was done, the professor asked what my major was. I said accounting. "Good", he said, "a wise career choice, because you will never be an actor." Of course. the class burst into laughter; I slithered to my seat. The good side was that a couple of the actor guys came up afterwards and offered to help with future presentations. Naturally, I took them up on the offer. We did not do much practice; we fucked mostly. I did improve enough to earn a B in the class. But then I did fuck the teacher too.

My reminiscence was interrupted by the chant of "Timothy, Timothy, Timothy..." I looked up and saw coming across the lawn a small table with sparklers carried by four naked men and led by Jack. They set the table opposite me. Foremost on the table was a statue of a man squatting and holding his ding-a-ling, which reached to his ears. The balls were as large as oranges. Jack came around wearing just a red velvet cape with gold lame' trim and carrying a gold scepter. "Now our weekend revels are ended." Jack said with histrionic bravado. "We have honored Priapus," He gestured to the statue, "and placed our dicks on his altar, rather in his altar." Jack went over to the statue and ran his hand up the shaft. "As our newest initiate, Timothy, you have met and conquered the five challenges. You have risen to the organ notes of Priapus. You have come through adversity to rise. You have given much." Someone giggled, I thought Leo. "You have taken much"

Stud broke in, "Come Jack, finish it up." Jack turned around and waved his scepter at Stud. "Hush, don't interrupt this solemn and august ceremony. You offend Priapus and he may make you flaccid." Stud hushed but was nudged by Carlos and Demetrius.

"To continue," Jack looked back at the other men to check their decorum. They did their best to remain serious, but failed. "Timothy, the Paramour of Priapus, you are now his priest. Be a friend to those in need." Jack came over kissed me on the lips, undid the zipper to my jeans, pulled them down, bent down and took my whole dick in his mouth. At which I became extremely hard. "Behold," Jack said as he stood, "Priapus," and he gestured with his scepter, which I suddenly realized had a glans finial. He then took a small jar from his cape. Taking red paste from the jar, he covered the shaft of my hard penis.

Stud rose, strode toward me, bowed to me and proclaimed, "Hail Timothy, Paramour of Priapus, may you always instruct the ignorant in the ways of our god." he then rubbed blue coloring on my scrotum.

As Stud stepped away, Demetrius stepped up. "Timothy, Paramour of Priapus, guide everyone on the straight path." "Yeah straight," broke in Leo. Demetrius gave Leo a hard look and continued, "Stand erect in in the fold of Priapus." At this Demetrius could no longer keep a straight face and worked valiantly to maintain dignity, but failed. Like a pebble into water. laughter and giggles rippled out. I could not hold back and with difficulty regained control while he put yellow coloring on my nipples.

As Demetrius tittered his way back to the group, Leo came up, "Timothy, Paramour of Priapus, let kindness and patience guide you." Leo paused and looked at the other men and then smiled impishly. He took pink coloring and rubbed it on the head of my penis. He rubbed softly and persistently until I thought I might cum. I realized that was his intention. With a devilish grin he said, "May you fill the whole of man's desire."

Carlos stepped forward. He held his hands high for silence. The men straightened themselves like schoolboys returning from recess. Once some decor returned, Carlos said theatrically, "Timothy, Paramour of Priapus, when at the temple of our god give of yourself freely and do not ask for yourself. Then the god will shower you with all his golden treasures." He took green color and with a soft and sensuous touch, made my nipples green around Demetrius's yellow. He then drew lines from my nipples to my cock. I finally noticed that each of them had cocks painted like mine. I was the only one with the green lines. I guess straight guys need a path to find my dick.

Jack came beside me and raised both my arms above my head. "Welcome the newest member of the Paramours of Priapus." Everyone cheered. "Now," Jack continued, "we have a little token of our appreciation." Stud carried a small tray from the table. He set in front of me. On the tray were brown paper bags and something covered in the same material as Jack's cape.

Jack handed me the first bag. I cautiously opened it and chortled. I dumped the contents onto the tray, some falling to the ground; it was a bag of about 30 or 40 condoms in various colors, scents, flavors and textures. "Do you think my sex life is that active? Do not judge by this weekend."

Demetrius spoke up. "One can never be too prepared."

"This is enough to last me over a year," I replied.

"You better pick up your pace, then," yelled Leo.

"Maybe, I should give them to you," I yelled back to Leo.

"Maybe," Leo yelled back, shaking with mirth.

"Yea, Leo." added Carlos

"Next," said Jack after the interplay. He handed me the next bag.

It was much heavier that the first. I cautiously opened the bag. The first thing I pulled out was a three pack of scented body oils. "These are the inducement for the first bag," said Jack.

"What, my good looks and charm are not enough," I laughed back. Next, I took out a bottle of lubricant--strawberry flavored. Last was another bottle of lube--sandalwood. "The sandalwood what you use?" I asked Demetrius. He nodded. "I like that scent. It is a turn on for me."

"I need me some," yelled Jack and Stud at the same time. Jack pinched my exposed nipple. "You don't think this is our last time?"

"Maybe we can do a three-way," added Stud.

"Maybe," I confirmed. My sex life was improving.

Jack picked up the cloth-covered item in the center of the tray. "Timothy, High Priest of Priapus" The five guys knelt, placed hands on their genitals and said, mostly together. "Hail Timothy, High Priest of Priapus."

"This is a little reminder of this weekend. It's a trophy," added Stud.

"Like that given for bowling?" I asked with a laugh. This brought guffaws from every one as they imagined balls and pins.

"Yes," replied Jack with a straight face. "Drum roll, please," directed Jack and all the men began slapping their chests. Jack slowly raised the velvet cloth to reveal a giant Mr. Dick dildo all painted gold with clear rhinestones running down from the head. "It says, `Timothy--Paramour of Priapus--Master.'" Jack turned the trophy around so I could see the inscription. I smiled appreciatively. Everyone started to clap and laugh and make rude comments.

"I know you have had black bro'," yelled Demetrius. "but have you ever had gold?."

"If it is too small, they have larger," yelled Carlos

"Bet'cha could swallow the whole thing," Leo added.

I mimed various sex acts with the trophy, but I was also very touched. Once everyone had wise cracked enough. Jack raised his hand. "Now it is time for Timothy to say a few words."

I flashed back to theater class and began to sweat. But what the hell, these were friends.

"Fellow Paramours of Priapus, I am deeply honored to the bottom of my throat to be inducted into this fraternity. The erection (sniggers from the guys) to this high company has me on my knees in thanks to the god Priapus, the god of the profligate phallus. I must admit that the initiation rituals took more out of me than I planned. ("All of us," said Jack) When Jack first asked me to participate in this weekend, I was not sure that I could rise to the occasion ("You, raised plenty," snarked Leo.) But with your encouragement, supportive prodding and poking ("You're a good pokee," interrupted Demetrius), I was able to stay on the hard road that is required by the Paramours.

"I want to thank Danny, my ex, for priming my pump and teaching me the fundamentals of pole worship. (Several "hear, "hear.") And I want to thank each of you for your generous offering of friendship. It is every gay man's fantasy to seduce a straight man. But here I was seduced by five straight men. This proves that all men have a little queer in them."

"You got that right, girl," yelled Stud

I smiled directly at Stud. "Some of you have more than a little. This is why this trophy is important to me and will stand firmly in my bedroom. Can I turn this into a lamp? (They laughed). I don't know what else to say. But thanks."

My mumbled conclusion was almost in tears over the comradery I felt. I knew that it would never happen again. Everyone started to hoot and holler as each engulfed me in his arms. It was so warm.

"Enough of this love fest," intruded Jack. "We need to get to bed because we head back to Chicago tomorrow."

"Back to our wives," added Carlos, "and our lives." The bag of candy weekend was almost over, and I must admit I was physically and emotionally drained. Jack had one more surprise. As shots of Jaeger and drags on weed were passed around, I heard a whoo, whoo, whoo of an air pump. Leo and Stud were inflating a huge air mattress.

A little confused I looked at Leo. "Tonight we all share the same bed under the stars."

"I like that," I said. Leo hugged me and said, "Thanks for this weekend."

"One more for our team," I smiled and hugged him back.

Everyone started to jump on the air mattress, which bounce a person on off. Once everyone settled and blankets pulled up, some one suggested a jack off contest. I think it was Stud. Everything was getting fuzzy from the booze and the dope. I think I won, but I not sure what the rules were. I think men never out grow adolescences.

Carlos started singing the Whiffenpoof song:

We're poor little lambs

Who have lost our way

Baa Baa Baa!

We're little black sheep

Who have gone astray

Baa Baa Baa!

Gentlemen songsters off on a spree (someone sang pee)

(Doomed...) Doomed from here to eternity

(Lord...) Lord, have mercy on such as we

Baa Baa Baa!

Only Carlos knew all the words, but we all had the baa, baa, baas down.

To the crackling of the fire, I rested between Jack and Stud under the stars. I was too wound up for sleep, too many nerve endings still firing.

I played an obscene game of Twister extricating myself from the jumble of bodies—left hand by Stud's nose, right foot between Leo's legs, face almost into Demetrius's crotch. Once free, I grabbed my blanket and sat on a log on the opposite side of the fire from the guys.

I had an amazing weekend, and this worried me. Was I that big of a slut? I mean I had more sex in three days than I have had in the past three months. No more than the last year. Was this a mistake? I stared up at the stars, bright thousands. If each were a gorgeous man, would I fuck them? Part of me said yeah; the other part yelled "cum whore."

Was I so shallow that I would do any gorgeous man? I realized my standards did not limit me to gorgeous. I enjoyed romps with the less gorgeous, the less endowed, the over weight, those without the chiseled abs that could cut or with average penises. I was attracted to smiles, inquisitive eyes, laughter, rumpled and ruffled. Danny is not a gorgeous man, not a hunk. He is skin is as pale as a cave cricket. He is too thin for his height, a blade the cuts air and not displaces it. His body, although lean, is muscled but not cut. He has strength that does not bulge. He is wickedly fun, playful, curious and adventurous. He is contrary, stubborn, over-sex. His cock is average and tilts to the left when erect. He is not perfect, but I still dated him. Maybe I am not all that shallow for looks. Maybe I just like dick in all its manifestation.

Maybe I am a "cum whore." Is that bad? I love sex, not just the ejaculation, but also the foreplay, the smells, the exploration. I have declined a few hunky men because it would be just a fuck. I am not Demetrius, but I could not be Carlos. Carlos's approach, while amazing, was too much work. I want fun and spontaneous sex. I think Danny taught me the value of that. I need to call and discuss this with him. He'd probably call me a fool and ask if he can come next time.

I yelped as a hand grabbed my shoulder.

"Timothy." A voice behind me.

I turned is fright, fists ready. There was Demetrius, naked and tentative. I had never noticed how thin, no fine boned he was. He was close to six feet, muscled like a swimmer. His round, pretty face looked hesitant. "Can I sit down?" he asked. I slid over on my log and patted a spot beside me. "Am I really that bad a sex?' his voice was plaintive like he wanted a lie but needed the truth.

"Yes." I patted his hand to indicate I was not angry. "It was the worst fuck I have ever had."

"That bad?" I nodded. "I thought you liked my dick?"

"You have beautiful dick that matches a beautiful body. But you used it like a weapon. I felt violated and abused."

"I'm sorry." His voice seemed sincere. He shivered, so I shared my blanket with him. "I just thought all gay men like fast and furious."

"Some do, I do occasionally, but I like to be part of the fast and furious. You threw me on the bunk and almost raped me. I was an object to fulfill your needs. I was not a person."

"Oh." Silence filled the night like an abandoned house. "I saw you with the other guys here and each seems to think that what you did with them was special. Not just fucking, but meeting their personal need."

"I tried, but they also met my needs too." I put am arm around him for warmth. "Sex is about more than one person."

"True." He took several deep breathe and exhaled little puffs of cloud. "I'm from the south side of Chicago. At ten, I was a drug courier for the local gang; it was that or be dead. I learned to not take shit from anybody and to bully my way to what I want. That attitude has helped me in my job. I am a very successful trader. It's not as bad as "Wolf of Wall Street", but close."

"Do you like the job?"

"I love it. So much adrenaline and testosterone, even from the women. It is more intoxicating than a bathhouse" My eyebrows lifted at the last statement, but I left it. "I think between the job and my mother's comment."

"Your mother?"

Demetrius emitted a soft laugh. "When I was ten or eleven, my mother walked into the bathroom. I had just been paging through a playgirl I found in our garage. I had a serious woody." He took a slow breath, hints of smoke swirling around. "She was not mad. She just looked at my cock and said `Boy with a prick like that no girl will want you. They might say they like large, but they lie. Nope, no girls going to ride that monster, so you need to get in quick, do your business and exit.'"

"It is impressive, but with skill and sufficient preparation, it should not be an obstacle. Stud is almost as large and I managed him." Demetrius could not see the smile. "What does your wife think?"

"She says she does not mind, but I think she does."

"If you fuck her like you did me, I'm surprised that she has not left, just out of sexual frustration."

"She likes the lifestyle too much, but I do not think there is much love. I married her because she looked good on my arm. She married me because the jewelry looked good on her fingers. I know it is shallow. We've stayed married ten, no, eleven years and have three wonderful children. I would like the love."

"You need to forget what you mother said and think of your wife and her needs during sex. Be a tender lover."

"I don't know how." I sensed Demetrius close to tears. "Could you teach me? I know I have no right to ask after yesterday. Please?"

"I hate it when men beg for sex. I mean." I studied Demetrius's face and the desperation. "Sure, let's go to the cabin, and you can slowly take me. If I say stop, stop. If I say slow, slow. You understand."


"You realize that I am not doing this for you but for your wife." I grabbed the blanket and he puppy dogged me to the cabin. I will not classify the time as great sex, or even good sex, but it was definitely competent sex. Once I convinced him, with a couple of whacks to the balls, to pay attention to me and what I wanted. He relaxed and enjoyed the sensations. It was a revelation that sex is not brutal but gentle, not rushed but leisure, not a duty but a pleasure.

Back at the fire, Demetrius leaned in and kissed me gently on the forehead. "Thank you. I think that was the first time I have truly enjoyed sex. I loved the way you scrunched your face each time I dove in."

"That is the look you want on your wife's face." Demetrius nodded, returning to the sleeping horde. I sat, letting my rectum return to its usual size. Were all straight men inept at sex? I wondered. I mean, Demetrius, Leo and even Stud on some level. Maybe not all. Jack is more than competent, not particularly flashy but enjoyable. Carlos now was amazing, a one time amazing. I can hope I can do the same with someone I consider special, perhaps Danny. I think I miss him.

Jack startled me as he slid beside me and helped himself to part of my blanket. Wisconsin nights end of May are still fucking cold. "Mind if I join you?" This was more a statement of fact. I slide closer to him, partly for warmth and partly for comfort. He was the ringmaster, the fixed point of this circus weekend. "Was that Demetrius I saw leaving you?" It was a simple question without hidden layers.


"Did you?"

"Yeah" Jack said nothing. He just slid an arm around my back and pulled me closer. "He was hurt and confused when I told him he was the worst fuck every."

"He was?"

The question did not need a reply. "He wanted to know why."

"You told him?" The upward rise in his voice added curiosity and alarm. "I assume he took it well, since I see no obvious bruises."

"My ass might say different." I laughed softly which caused Jack to laugh. "God he knew nothing about having reciprocal sex. In, get off, out was the way of sex." Jack patted my knee' it felt good. "I mean, I'm gay. I like sex, and often. Sometimes it's more about me getting off; however, the guy I'm doing is the same. No harm, no foal. Straight guys are so uptight, so selfish, so afraid. Do all your mothers scare the bejesus out of you and your willies?"

"My mother was very open and frank about sex." The statement was a mixture of awe and embarrassment.

"Yet, you are still timid about some aspects of sex."

"Most guys get sex education from peers or older males, which is not the best source. I can see it being cock centered."

Timothy had a good laugh. "I'm gay, all my sex is cock centered. But I understand what you are saying."

"You at least have sex with someone who knows what a man wants because he wants the same thing. Men do not know what pleases a woman and Vis versa. If you try to learn, you are either a player or a slut. I've been married fourteen years, and I still don't know what pleases my wife, and she sure does not know what pleases me. I suppose this is why I like these weekends; I can explore sensations I cannot ask her."

"Jack," I put my head on his shoulder, "you need a lesbian friend who can educate you and your wife needs a gay friend to educate her. No sexual tension, honesty, with no embarrassment."

"Do you know any lesbians?" Jack asked. "You can be my wife's gay friend."

"No way in hell," I perked my head up. "We have fucked silly, and you want me to talk to your wife about my sex with you, without your name. You're an idiot."

"Yeah, often, so my wife says." We lapsed into companionable silence, "Why are you sitting out here alone?"




"Don't give me that crap. What are you thinking about?"

"I talked about Danny and me doing all sorts of crazy sex, but we experimented over several months, and feeling each other out as to limits and desires. What has happened this weekend is something I have never experience. It all happened fast; no time to think. I am trying to fit it all into how I see myself. I'm an accountant for Christ's sake: sober, sane, stodgy. Here in the wilds surrounded by trees, my ass and my dick became open season. And the most disturbing part is I love it." Jack just sat listening, listening. "What happens Tuesday? Can I put the genie, or the dick, back in the bottle?"

"Timothy, you will be fine. It is just a weekend; our relationship at work might be strained if you allow it. I am your friend first. Just treat me as a friend, we can lunch together and go to the gym together, even have drinks. I want you to meet my wife."

"At some point everyone will know I'm gay."

"Why don't they already know? You convinced Leo to be honest, why can't you? If the chicken coop wants to cluck over my having a gay friend, I don't give a fuck. I like you Timothy as a friend, gay or not. You worry too much about others."

"Thanks, I want to be your friend too. I am less sure about your wife." Jack laughed.

"It will be cool." I could feel Jacks warm smile. "It is not just Tuesday that is bothering you?"

"Yeah," I exhaled slowly, "Am I a slut ready for any dick that peaks it pointy head at me?"

"Yes, you are a slut." I slapped Jacks shoulder. "In a good way. Stud and I have been having the Memorial Day weekends for seven years. The first year it was just us and a gay neighbor of Studs. It was a lark, a gay adventure. We discovered that we returned with a different energy; our love making more intense. Over the years we added Leo, Carlos, and Demetrius. Each year we brought a young gay man that we fucked industriously. In return, he gave mind bending blowjobs. They were sluts; it was just the sex. You a very different Timothy. All of us have discussed you."

"What?" I was miffed.

"We discussed how different you are. Sure, you put out for each of us, but it was never just sex. It was personal. I was not just a dick in your ass; it was my dick in your ass--the person that was attached to the dick. That is why Carlos took you on a picnic yesterday. He has never done that before. And Leo coming out. I've know for years that he was closeted and hoped at some point these weekends would convince him. Even Wham-bam has learned from you. You make us feel good, you make us laugh, you make us care."

"Then why don't I feel good about myself?"

"You said you have no regrets about any sexual encounter you have had, even the bad ones. Do you have regrets about this weekend?"

"No none. It has been amazing. I will remember and cherish each of you, even Wham-bam. You are amazing wonderful people who are great in bed." My funk still refused to flee.

"I think Timothy the issue is that each of us have someone to return to, and you do not. You return to an empty apartment."

"Leo's going to an empty apartment." I defensively countered.

"True. Because of you, that apartment is a future. He still has a wife though. They may divorce but I don't think it will end their friendship now that he is honest. You need to meet her."

"You spout crap liking a fucking shrink."

"You know you did not come here alone, you brought a friend."

"A friend, Rod or Peter?"

"No stupid, Danny. He was constantly in your conversation. I think he may have a portion of your heart."

I looked up at all the stars; in the midst, was Mars, "Yeah, Danny."

Next: Chapter 11

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