The Back Door

Published on Oct 21, 2005



Nick went to the back door. Nobdy knocked on the back door, except Adam. He cut the grass, planted the flowers that lined the back yard wall and front yard fence. Before he started the entire yard was just brown grass.

Now it was green with splashes of color.

Nick paid him and rewarded him with presents on his birthday and at Christmas. He let the boy swim in the small pool whenever he wanted.

Years passed as Adam grew from a skinny preadolescent into a tall teenager with broad shoulders. His pectorals develped too from the laps he swam at Nicks place and at the school pool.

More then once Nick stood in his upstairs window watching the boy work in the yard and swim while rubbing his crotch until he relieved himself. The kid was sexy to be sure.

And sweet too. They had sat on the back porch after an impromptu grilling and talked for hours about Adam's school, his brothers, his life and his expectations about the future. Nick listened and answered questions about everything from god to sex.

Adam wondered why he got hard looking at boys and girls. He wondered what life held for him. And he wondered why Nick wasn't married. Nick answered every question with honest answers, even the one about him being gay. Nick just nodded and kept coming back.

He took pictures of the yard for one of his classes and his teacher came by to check it out. "The boy talks about this place even wanted a grade for it. Everything here he did?"

Nick was as proud of Adam as if he had done it himself.

"He gave me an A" Adam said "guess I owe you".

Nick laughed. "Well when you're 18, you can pay me off" he laughed again and so did Adam. He knew it was a joke.

"Do you jack off?" Adam asked one day. "Can I swim anytime?" Adam asked next "What if a guy asks me to suck his cock?" "My brother and I jack off together is that sick?" "Why don't I get hard when Amy and I kiss?" "Can I come back after I go away to college?" Nick listened and answered.

One hot summer night he heard splashing and assuming some stranger was diving in his pool, he went to the window still naked from his bed.

But in the moonlight he saw someone swimming then lift themselves out of the pool. The moonlight reflected off his wet body and Nick's peni got hard. Adam looked more then just sexy standing there naked in the moonlight. He stretched and turned towards the house.

Nick wasn't sure if the boy saw his silhouette in the window or not. Adam took his penis and fondled it until it was hard and curved upward. Then he stretched one way and the other. Returning his hand to his penis he stroked it not looking at the house.

Nick watched and stroked his own erection. He didn't care if Adam saw him or not. The boy jumped into the pool and swam a lap then got out. His erection was still hard. He stroked and jumped back in the pool and swam a lap and got out. Adam continued this then started just swimming laps.

Nick exploded all over the window and stood watching the boy before going back to bed.

"I saw you in the pool the other night" Nick said to Adam as he was crouched over the garden wearing only his tennis shoes and speedos. His hard buttocks were turned up inviting Nick to pull the shorts down and lick the boy until he got excited or erupted.

"It's ok, just don't dive...cause if you get hurt nobody will know" Nick added refraining from petting the upturned butt.

"OK" Adam said without looking up "Sorry".

"Hey no problem, just be careful"

The day was sunny at the early hour. And knocking was persistent. Nick saw Adam on the other side of the door. The boy had turned 18 early in the week. He was delighted at the gift certificage Nick gave him.

"Though this was the best thing to give you since you're goign away to school" Nick said. Adam wrapped his arms around the man and kissed his cheek. "Thanks"

The hug wasn't unusual. The boy was free with hugs since he was 13, but the kiss was new.

"Gonna miss you" Adam added and Nick almost teared up. "But we have the summer ahead, if you want me"

Nick didn't think anything of what Adam said. "Sure the grass will grow and with your help so will the flowers"

Nick opened the door and Adam walked in peeling his shirt off as he did so. "Folks are away for the weekend, can I stay?" Adam asked.

He didn't wait for an answer as he unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them down revealing his naked body.

"Uh sure" Nick said watching the boy take his shoes off.

"There, I"m 18 and I've made a decision" Adam stood there. His penis was expandging freely.

"What's that?" Nick asked hoping he knew the answer.

"I want to do everything, I want you to fuck me, I want to suck you, I want to fuck you too, maybe you suck me, I'm not putting any clothes on until we've done everything" Adam blurted it out. "I've wanted this for years, but now I'm 18 and you can have me"

Nick didn't know what to do next.

A look of fright crossed Adam's face. His body seemed to shrink "Uh if you want me" he reached for his pants as if he suddenly felt a pang of modesty.

"Come here" Nick said.

Adam moved his body against Nick. It had been there before even wearing only his speedos. But this time was different.

Nick hugged him, moved his hands across the smooth skin over the boys buttucks and back up his sides.

Adam was as tall as Nick now so they could kiss quite easily and they did. Nick felt the boys hands on him, opening his shiirt and pants.

They were naked feeling each other with their chests, bellys, thighs and cocks. The kissing was long, deep, wet and exploratory too.

Adam knelt and tasted the man he had lusted after for his teenage years. Teenage years are longer then fact they seem endless, lifelong and tedioius.

Nick pulled him to his feet so they could kiss some more. Nicks hands returned to the round buttocks he had seen clothes and unclothed over the years. He had been patient. In adult years he knew the boy would mature overnight. He didn't know if they would every touch let along fuck. Nick had hoped it would happen and suspected that when it did, they would part forever.

"Can we fuck? Adam brethlessly begged.

"We have time" Nick said as he put his lips on the boys nipples.

Adam gasped "shit"

"We have all summer" Nick added then knelt to taste the boys nearly hairless nutsac and hard wet tipped cock.

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