The Bachelor Party Surprise

By Jaret Glazer

Published on Feb 22, 2018


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Daddy insisted that I take a nap as tonight activities will definitely take a toll on me. He still hadn't told me what was going to be involved, but I trusted that he was going to make sure I was well use. I laid in bed trying to take a nap, but couldn't rest as so much was going through my mind, and having my father-in-law finding out about my dark side really bothered me. So many people were learning my secret that I feared it wasn't going to be a secret for much longer and that my marriage would be the shortest marriage of record.

Pussy boy was woken from his resting with a sharp slap on his bubble butt and Daddy telling him it was time to get ready for this evening entertainment.

Daddy told me that I had to clean out thoroughly and led me to the bathroom. Daddy filled the douche bag and sprinkled something into the water. I was then made to get on my knees with my face kissing his feet. Next, he stuck the nozzle into my pussy and released the clamp on the tubing and my stomach gurgled as it was flooded with the water. When the water was finished entering my ass the nozzle was removed, and I was instructed to stand and shake all around. My stomach was starting to gurgle and I barely made it to the toilet seat before my insides started to exploded spewing everything forcefully out. This was repeated constantly for the next 45 minutes before Daddy was satisfied I was thorough clean and empty.

Next, Daddy forced me to put on a pr. of male slut panties, they had a metal cock ring sewn into it with a cut out for my cock and balls to come out through and no backside for easy access to ass hole.

Daddy then ordered me to get on the edge of the bed on my knees with my face in a pillow. HE then began to slide a finger up and down my smooth hairless crack brushing his finger across my pussy hole teasing it. Each time he touch my hole HE slightly pressed against my hole pushing in teasing my hole ordering me to push out. Daddy then applied some Slam Dunk to his fingers and instructed me to push out as hard as I could while he slipped one lubed finger into my pussy. As he did I could feel a strange tingling sensation in my hole. Daddy explained that the tingling was caused by the clove oil that was in the lube.

As HE slid the second finger in along side the first my dick got so hard that it was pressing against all the sides of the cage. When HE inserted the third finger into my pussy I started moaning louder and louder as I was backing up onto to his probing fingers. Daddy smacked my ass and stated how much HE enjoyed seeing his pussy boy love his pussy played with.

Daddy removed his fingers and grabbed the black split tongue plug and popped into my pussy. HE then told me to get up as he laid my clothes out that I was to wear down to the party. As we dressed, the phone rang and Daddy answered it. Master J then told Daddy that everything was in place for after dinner and was set-up in the kitchen gallery for the private room we had. Daddy told Master that we would be down in about 10 minutes.

Meanwhile, Sal had been preparing for tonight's festivities by relaxing after he had a simple chat with his youngest son Tim. He explained to Tim that he was no longer gonna tolerate Tim arrogant and disrespectful behavior. That tonight he was going to apologize to Norm and his friend Master J and that they would be allowed to decide what appropriate punishment Tim would receive. Tim started to mouth out to his dad, and Sal smacked him against the cheek, and grabbed Tim's belt buckle and yanked his pants down to his knees, slamming Tim down across his lap and began to spank his butt with a dozen smacks. Tim in shock started to shout "what the f" and Sal in his loud deep voice said "if you utter another sound, I am gonna make you attend tonight's party in just a T-shirt and a diaper! If you are gonna act like a spoiled brat, I will make sure you are treated like one." Tim totally embarrasses knowing his dad voice and knew he was serious and never uttered another sound during his spanking.

What shook Tim even further was while his dad spanked him his cock got rock hard and knew his dad could feel it against his thigh. When Sal let him up Tim kicked off his pants and ran to the bathroom and locked the door. Tim sat on the toilet with tears running down his face trying to figure out in his mind what was happening, and why he was his cock was so hard from getting spanked. Twenty minutes later when he exited the bathroom Sal told him "to relax and take a nap as it was going to be a long night and you better be on yor best behavior or else".

Around 7:30 we all started congregating in the private dinning room that was set aside for us. There was a table set-up with all kinds of different wines, beers and sodas. On the other side of the room a buffet table had been set-up and the staff were laying out the food for everyone to help themselves.

At 8:00 Norm asked everyone grab a plate and help themselves to food and to take a seat. When everyone was seated, the wait staff started handing out glasses of Champagne as Norm stood and said he wanted to thank everyone for coming. He then turned to me and said "Phil first off congratulations and how wonderful an idea this was to celebrate in Vegas. Everyone please raise your glass, as we wish the happy couple to be all the best." Norm then explained that once dinner was through and the dishes cleared there would be entertainment for all to enjoy. When Daddy Norm sat down he whispered in my ear that I was not to eat any of the food on my plate, and that while others were eating I was to walk around to each of the tables and chat with everyone. Sal stood and make a simple toast how happy me and his boys were that Phil was joining our family. Everyone started to eat.

When the food was all cleared out, the drinks table was restocked and a bartender set-up for some alcoholic beverages and mixers. In the far corner of the room a boom box was turned on and the room filled with all kinds of music. Norm addressed everyone and informed them that tonight entertainment was about to begin. In came three girls dressed in Vegas showgirl style costumes. Daddy whispered in my ear that I was to meet him at the elevator and if any one asked I was to tell them that I wasn't feeling well and need to go back to the room for a bit.

When Daddy found me in the hallway he told me to follow him and do everything he told me. Instead of getting on the elevator he had me follow him down a service corridor. At the end of the corridor, I saw Master J standing there next to a black box that was on wheels.

Almost in unison Daddy and Master both instructed me to strip down to my panties. Master then informed me that I was to be my guests main entertainment. That from inside the box I was going to be sucking any and all guests as well as allowing them to fuck me and then cleaning there cocks and drinking all piss that everyone was allowed to feed me.

I was fit with a spandex hood that had a built-in blindfold. Around my balls that hung through the cock ring in the panties and through the chastity cage a rubberized band with something attached to it was fitted to my balls. Very shortly afterwards I was to learn that it was a shocker collar to help keep me focused on my sucking and drinking of all cocks. To each one of my limbs a nylon Velcro restraint was attached. The black split tongue plug was removed from my pussy and stuck in my mouth with instructions that is was to be spotless. I was lifted and put in this box. I was then maneuvered into position where my mouth was forced against a rubber hose that was about 2 inches in length and about 2 and three quarters inches in width. My hands attached to eye hooks in the front and legs spread wide and attached to the rear. Nipple clamps were attached to my nubs and ropes attached to them were tied to my big toes. My balls were stretched forward and attached to the nipple clamps. My pussy was jammed against a cut out hole. It was snug tight fit, and I was unable to move in any direction. The lid to the box was place on top and screwed down. From the outside no one would be able to tell who was in the box.

Daddy bent down and gave me instructions that I was to satisfy every cock that came through these holes. Failure to do so would result in and then he gave a long shot of the shock collar to emphasis his threat. The box was then wheeled for a bit and I would hear the music of the boom box. Daddy then interrupted the music and announced that we were ready to proceed with the main attraction entertainment. He announced that inside the box was another lady that has agreed to accommodate anyone interested in cumming down her throat with their piss and/or cum. In addition, everyone was welcome to fuck her in the ass with or without a rain jacket. She has been tested and medically cleared to be free of any and all STDs. A loud ruckus of laughter and yahoos broke out, and guys were all starting to rub there crotches. Norm announced the tonight's entertainment was arranged by Master J and for his generosity he should be allowed first dibs.

Master J said thank you, and just a bit of advice if her oral and ass service seems to be slacking off all they need to do was to push the buzzer button on the top and that should correct her service. He then sank his cock completely in the rubber tube and said, "bitch you better get all kinds of slobber on my cock because it's the only lube your ass pussy is getting!" After a couple of minutes, Master J removed his cock with a loud pop sound, He then walked around to the end and slammed his cock full depth into the waiting ass pussy. Master J lit a cigar and let out a loud "MMMM good, this pussy is so sweet" as he slowly long dicked that ass pussy. While he was tapping that prime pussy, guys were jostling waiting there turn to dip their cocks into her mouth.

After Master J had finished he walked to the other side of the room got a beer and watch the guys being entertained. While he sat there watching a timid Tim came up and approached him. Tim started to speak, and Master J immediately cut him off and said, "unless you are here down on your knees and your eyes cast down to apologize to ME, you have nothing to say." Tim, muttered under his breath "mutherfucker, who the fuck do you think you are?" Master J looked right at him and said "I'm the bastard that's gonna teach you some manner, and train you on how to show respect to your betters, that's who the fuck I am."

As Tim turned to walk away J grab him at the waist unhooked Tim's belt and pulled it from his pants. Master J then told Tim "you have to the count of 4 to drop to your knees and full heartedly beg for my forgiveness or I will strip you right here and spank you in front of your brother and father. Believe me when I spank you it will make the spanking Sal gave you this afternoon feel like he was playing pattycakes." With that Master J started to count, One, Two, Thr at which point Tim dropped to his knees.

"Well timmy, seems like we have some catching up and learning to do! First off, unless I give you permission otherwise, you place is on your knees, knees spread as wide as possible, head bowed down, eyes focused on my feet, and your hand clasped together at the elbows behind your back. This is known as Rest position and the position you are to always assume unless ordered otherwise." Master J took a big inhale of his cigar and blew the smoke down on to timmy. Master J then used his right foot and kicked the inside of timmy knees indicating to him that he need to spread his leg wider. Master J then told timmy "The next position you need to learn is Attention. This position is basically the same as Rest, but in this position your hands are clasped together, finger intertwined and held behind your head at the center of your neck. Assume the Attention position NOW!" As timmy assumed the Attention position, his face was assaulted with a big cloud of Master J's cigar smoke. Master J then instructed timmy that when he was in this position his ONLY focus was to be on his Master's crotch. timmy started to get a deep red blush in his face as he was about to open his mouth, when he heard his father's voice speak to this man who was belittling him.

Sal spoke, "Jaret, I am so glad to see that you and my son are hitting it off so well together. I do believe that he will benefit from your training and will lead him in the long term to be much more productive life. Just look how well Max benefitted from it." Jaret requested that Sal send Max to his room in ninety minutes, so he could assist him in cleaning timmy body up. "I think having his older brother there helping and giving encouragement might help timmy take this initial instruction more seriously."

Sal leaned forward, bent over and whispered into timmy's ear, "son, I have decided that you will definitely benefit from an extend visit here in Vegas, staying with Master Jaret. Just as Maxie went through years ago, I think Master Jaret's training will make you much better in being obedient and respectful to others. Starting tonight you will be staying with Master J for as long as HE thinks you need. I want you to play full and complete attention to everything HE has to say, so you can come back home to us."

timmy's mind was just spinning uncontrollably so, he himself could not form words of any sort. timmy wanted to beg his father not to do this to him, that he would promises to obey and behave. timmy was trying to think of what he could say to his father that this time would be different, and he really would behave. Master J instructed timmy to stand up and give his father a hug and say good bye as he might not be seeing him for a while. timmy started to open his mouth in rage, and Master J bitch slapped him hard telling him that he was being so good, and not to spoil this opportunity. Otherwise he would strip him here immediately in front of all the people here and then march him naked upstairs. The choice was timmy's. timmy's only response was to his Dad wanting to know why he was allowing this to happen to him. Sal said that he was too old to be so out of control and he was going to have to learn control.

Master J walked over to the pleasure box and interrupted the best man who was getting a blow job. As Norm was pulling his cock out, Master J bent over and soft spoke to the pussy boy inside, telling what a great job he was doing and to keep it up, that he would return in a couple of hours to check on him.

As Master J stood up he allowed Norm to finish his blow job while he whispered to him that he was heading up stairs for a bit. He was starting a new project with Sal's youngest. This caused Norm to squirt his cum with a force that took the pussy boy by surprise. Master J said that Norm was welcome to come watch for a bit after the party was over down here. He would be back in a couple of hours to close it down.

Master J walked over to collect timmy and escort him up to his room, he over heard Norm tell the pussy boy "... if you spill one drop of my piss I will make sure that I drown you in a toilet filled with piss and shit bitch!" Norm then proceeded to release a forceful gusher of piss straight down the pussy boy's throat. The lines were now 4 guys deep at each end, with guys stroking their cocks waiting another turn to get into the bitch's holes.

Norm was still so excited at the prospect of watching Tim / timmy being brought down a couple of pegs. He has always been a pain to be around or deal with to see him get his comeuppance would be great fun to watch. In fat while he was standing at the side of the box every time his cock flecked Norm hit the buzzer to give the pussy boy in the box a jolt to his balls. And better who ever was fucking him got the pleasure of the pussy boy choking the crap out of there cock.

Felix who was fucking the pussy hole at the time yelled out "... damn I may have to marry this bitch she is squeezing my cock so tight she is in love with my fat cock in her" Norm just chuckled to himself thinking if he only knew that this was his co-worker, he'd have the bitch pregnant within 30 days.


Upstairs in Master J's suite, he had timmy striped naked and tear running down his face from being slapped. Master Jaret told him he was never to speak unless he was asked a direct question which would only require a Yes, Master Sir or a No Master Sir response. Any other response or additional words got him a slap to the face. It took a good 20 minutes to get him to shut his mouth but after enough face slapping he got the message. I then dragged him to in front of the sofa and put him on his knees, right where I sat down full clothed.

I told him he had to listen very closely and carefully. I explained that once I have unfolded what was to be expected of him any time I had to repeat myself he would be punished. I didn't understand would not be and acceptable excuse.

I explained the four basic House Rules and told he would have to memorize them and expect to be tested repeated. Failure would result in immediate spankings until he could repeat them verbatim without hesitation.

House Rules:

#1) boy(s) are naked at all times regardless of who is present.

#2) boy(s) are to be clean shaven smooth from the neck down.

#3) boy(s) are responsible for eating all cum and drinking my piss.

#4) boy(s) are NOT allowed to j/o or cum without my direct permission and supervision. When a boy is allowed to cum his pussy must be filled with cock or dildo and is without benefit of his own hand.

I then informed timmy that his brother max would be joining us shortly and he would assist ME with your beginning basic training. The panic shown on timmy's face was priceless. He wanted to object but knew better to not say a word. I let timmy know that max understood very well what was going to happen as several years ago max was in the exact same position as he was. I let him know that not only would they be brothers in blood as well as mentally bond in service as well. That they would share the spirituality of brothers in service to those that were superior to them. timmy shock his head in disbelief, for the last couple of years his brother max always seem to hold him at distance, aloof. Now, things seem to make better sense. As timmy was trying to sort things out in his mind he heard the knock on the door and he began to feel a sinking feeling in his stomach,

Next: Chapter 5

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