The Bachelor Party Surprise

By Jaret Glazer

Published on Oct 29, 2017


Thanks to the all that have contacted ME. I am glad that so many of you are enjoying this. Please remember to give and give generously to they need all the financial support they can get.

When he felt I had enough spit on it he turned me around and bent me over the arm of the sofa. He moved his cock head to the crack of my pussy, said to take a deep breath and the proceed to sink his cock in as far as he could. The sheer force of it drove about 4" in when he grabbed my hips and pulled me further back on to his cock as he bucked forward driving another couple of inches in before he stopped to allow me to adjust to his fat cock up my pussy. All the time my brain was screaming in pain, all I could think about was how did my best friend, who was so totally hetero straight man know so much about fucking a male pussy.

The Bachelor Party Surprise - Chapter 2

As I laid stoic across the arm of the of the sofa with my balls stretched down from my caged cock, Norm must have felt that I was I was not enjoying my predicament and lacking in enthusiasm to his violation of my body so he leaned over to the coffee table and picked up another item from what had been in the shopping bag. He flipped open the top of the tube of Ben-Gay and without skipping a beat of fucking my pussy, squeeze a gob of it on my balls and told me to work the ointment into my balls. Before he finished his instructions, I let out a loud yelp and cry as the ointment began to burn my skin. Norm then slapped both my pussy cheeks and said "shut the fuck up, I didn't give you permission to open your mouth". With tears starting to flow I leaned on one elbow and with the other hand I smeared and rub the crème into my balls. Norm lay on my back and whispered into my ear what a good pussy boy I was.

After what felt like an eternity, my best friend and my best man howled and delivered a flood of his sperm into my pussy. I counted/felt 7 strong squirts in my pussy. While holding me tight to his chest he leaned over and picked up a different type of butt plug then I had ever seen. It looked like two tongues split apart. He stuffed this into my mouth with instructions to get it as wet as possible because this was all the lube it was getting before it goes into my pussy. Norm then bent me forward again and slide his cock from my pussy, he then squatted down and work the plug in to my pussy still filled with his cum.

With the plug in my pussy, it felt strange and very full. Norm then pulled me up by my hair turned me around and forced me to my knees to clean his cock. Norm told me he wanted me to show him how much I loved sucking his cock. He wanted me to make love to his cock with my mouth. He wanted me to be devoted to his cock as my fiancée thought I was devoted to her.

After about 20 minutes of making love to his cock Norm pulled back removing his cock and said let's take a nap, we have about 2 hours before we have to get ready to meet the guys. He had me to lay next to him and spoon with my plugged pussy against his crotch. His hands were all over my nipples teasing and squeezing them. The more he teased my nipples the more I would grind back against his cock squirming as my cock painfully harden in its cage making me moan and groan as my cock swelled even larger in the now painful cage.

At 7:00 Norm woke me as he started to dress with a slap to my still plugged pussy. He said let's go to your room so I can select what you will wear tonight. When we entered my room, Norm told me to strip. He then selected my used jock that I had worn on the plane when I flew into Vegas, a tight printed t-shirt and black short which hugged my pussy and made the cage prominent in my shorts. When we met the guys in the lobby, Tim was staring at my crotch and then walked up to me and asked if I was always this happy to see him. Norm announce that he found a restaurant and made reservations for 8:30 so we had to get a move on. The restaurant Capo's was set up like an old speakeasy and inside was rather dark inside with dim lighting with longer linen table clothes.

The table we had was a round booth that seated 5 and a table added to accommodate our group. Norm directed me to sit in the middle center of the booth and he scooted in next to me. Norm suggested that Derek slide in on the other side of me. Derek was an old college buddy and roommate of ours who was African American. Derek gave credence to the stereotype beliefs of African American males. As the rest of the guys filled in the booth and table Norm whispered in my ear that I was to open the button of my shorts and to lower my zipper half way down. I turned my head to Norm and with the widest, beggingest eyes tried to plead for him not to do this. Norm just mouthed NOW! I was too embarrassed not too, for fear of what would be the retribution for not doing what he told me. In trying to disguise my shame I took a drink of water while with the other hand I unbuttoned my shorts and lower the zipper to half-mast. When I was done I just nodded my head briefly. Smirking, Norm dropped a hand under the table while he leaned over and got Derek's attention and whispered in his ear behind me asking Derek if he could keep a secret. Norm then proceeded to whisper to Derek that without changing face or he should check out with his hand what was between my legs. Derek puzzled by what Norm was referring to, Derek dropped his hand below the table while Norm's hand spread the flaps of my pants wider and pulled my caged dick and balls out further.

A wide grin spread across Derek's face and he chuckled out loud and spoke out saying "guys, I got to tell this about when we were all in college.... (blah blah blah blah). My heart was racing so fast and hard I could not concentrate on what Derek was saying. I downed a full glass of wine and was reaching for the bottle to pour another when Norm stopped me and said hold up soldier the night was still young and I needed to pace myself. I slumped back against the back of the booth but after a minute Norm whispered for me to sit up and then slide a hand down the back of my pants and was checking to make sure the plug was in place. By this time our entrée started to arrive and I couldn't stop just shoveling my meal down my throat. All I kept thinking was the faster this meal was over the sooner I could get out of there and away from Norm.

Norm made a toast and then everyone else followed suit and made a toast or had something nice to say, except for Tim. He made a condescending comment and Norm kinda called him out about it. Several of the fellows decide to order some coffee and Norm order one for himself and me without even asking. While waiting for the coffee Norm told me to "button up" and I was so relieved. When the coffee arrived, I watch Norm pop something into his mouth not sure what it was and then he dropped something into my coffee and whispered don't say a word and that I was to drink my coffee down and swallow it all. As I had done so all day long I just followed what Norm instructed me to do. While we were in the lobby of the restaurant guys divided up deciding where they wanted to go. Norm mentioned to Derek that we should share a cab back to the hotel. Derek quickly agreed and once in the cab Derek started questioning Norm on what was going on and what the hell was that contraption on my cock. Norm looked at me and spoke two words "Open NOW". As I was so becoming accustom to doing, I knew what Norm wanted and I unbuttoned my pants and lowered the zipper to expose my caged dick.

Norm began telling Derek about my walk of shame this morning and all that he had learned about me. Norm began looking at Derek and asked why he wasn't surprised by all this and Derek responded with an off handed comment that his cock and my mouth were well acquainted old friends since sophomore year in college. Norm pissed all over again about having never been invited to enjoy my talents, Derek told Norm that it had been over 10 years since he had had the pleasure of my slutty talents and his only regret was that he had never had the pleasure of being able to tap my "ass". While a wide grin and smirk Norm pushed me forward and told Derek to check this out. He took Derek's hand and slide in down the back of my pants until they reach the flange of the butt plug I was wearing.

Norm then informed him that I no longer had an ass but a sweet full pledged pussy starving for thick hard cock to keep it occupied. Norm then invited Derek to come back up to his room where he could join Norm in making up for all those previous missed opportunities and while there was no longer an opportunity to "tap that ass" because that ship had long sailed, but he was welcome in helping to stuff a very hungry pussy.

When we reached Norm's room he immediately told me to "Strip and be quick". While stripping Derek saw the coffee table filled with the supplies that was picked up early this afternoon. Derek picked up the bottle of poppers and came up behind me, and ordered me to take his cock out. While I was doing so he started to feed me the poppers instructing me to breath deep as he switched back and forth from each nostril 3 times. As I was feeling the effects of the poppers I was sudden feeling very woozy and moaning out loud as Derek started working my nipples. Derek kept asking "how hungry is that pussy boy?" While this was going on Norm came up between us and bent over and removed the plug from my pussy. Upon seeing the slime and dirt from my pussy on the plug, Norm chuckled and said watch this, Derek. "Okay pussy boy, what does your Master, Master J make you do with this plug?" Shaking my head, I pleaded with Norm not to make me clean it. Norm backed up to sit on the couch and asked Derek to pick up my cell phone and video record this. Norm then told me to drop to my knees and crawl over to him. While I hesitated, Norm shouted "bitch, you have to the count of 3 or I will take my belt to your pussy and not stop till Sunday night. AS I immediate dropped down Norm said good pussy boy, what did Master J make you do with the used plugs boy? Tell us, NOW!"

He'd make me beg him to be allowed to clean it with my mouth, while he played with my pussy hole fucking me with his cock and toys.

"Well, don't you think Derek and I deserve the same adulation and respect?"

"Yes, Sirs absolutely, Sirs."

"That's much better, pussy boy. So, let's start this over pussy boy, what have you got to say to ME?"

Master, might I please have the privilege of cleaning the dirty plug my pussy soiled for you?"

"Whoa, hold up pussy boy, did you just call ME, Master? Do you think Master J would approve of you calling another Man, Master? I don't think so. Hence forward you will call ME, Daddy N or DN and Derek can be Sir Derek. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Daddy, may I clean the dirty plug for you?"

"Yes, you can pussy boy, I want you to put the whole thing in your mouth and suck it clean for ME and leave it there till I tell you to remove it."

Norm then turned to Derek and asked if he was ready to fuck the pussy boy`s pussy and fuck it hard. Derek wide smile said it all. Derek look for the lube and Norm told him he didn't need any the plug and all had me very wet and open, what more did a pussy boy need. Derek said he would be right back that he need to piss and Norm said to hold up he didn't have to go to do that, that's what a pussy boy is for and he can take care of it for you, all you need to do was decide at which end he wanted to feed it to me. Daddy Norm then remove the plug from my mouth and wiped the saliva all over the hair on my head. He then told Derek to fill it buddy and then they both laughed. I drank Derek's piss for 3 minutes non-stop while he emptied his bladder down my throat. Derek told Norm he could get very use to this type of service very easily. Daddy Norm informed Derek that he fully intended to and a whole lot more. Over the course of the next two and a half hours I was never without at least one cock in one of my holes but more often I was with a cock at both ends at the same time. And as to how much piss I was fed I'll never know but my stomach was protruding the whole night. By the time Derek left for his room I was exhausted and collapsed on the floor to fall asleep.

I slowly awoke from sleeping on the floor, to the sensation of my pussy being fingered and then the slimy finger being wiped across my lips and into my moustache. Norm grinning face leaning over and softly saying morning pussy boy time to rise and shine. In his other hand Daddy Norm was holding the butt plug and told me that I needed this to go in your pussy so we can get to the gym.

We were all going to meet for breakfast at 9:30. After finishing getting dressed I noticed my cell phone had messages. As I was checking my messages I noticed one was from Master J and he instructed me that today I was only to have liquids no solid foods. I mentioned this to Daddy Norm and he thought that was a good idea as well. When we hit the gym, we saw a few of the guys of our bachelor party just finishing their workout routine, and of course Tim had to add the comment "I would tell you good morning sleeping beauty, but it definitely looks like someone didn't get their beauty sleep." Ignoring Tim we started on our workout routine. After 45 minutes Daddy Norm told me it was time to hit the shower and then dress for breakfast.

When we hit the lobby, I spied my bride to be's, father Sal and other brother Max, so I walked over to say good morning. "Glad you could make it, hope you had a good flight?" "Yeah, we got in late and crashed last night, was a long day, but we are ready for some fun and excitement now." "Well great DN has today fairly loosely planned out for us. And tonight, he has a private dining room and some entertainment planned, all sounds like fun." We headed into the restaurant for breakfast and several guys started talking about last night's activities. Daddy Norm handed my room key to Derek and asked if he could give a hand and gather everything from my room and bring it to his. Derek chuckled and say sure but it will cost, and Norm replied that he was sure I would be happy to pay the price whatever it was. As Derek left to empty my room, Daddy Norm guided me to his room, and once inside order me to strip. He removed the plug from my pussy and ordered me to open my mouth and insert the plug into my mouth. He then instructed me to keep it in there till he told me otherwise.

Norm then picked up one of the items from the coffee table and proceed to the bathroom and I could hear the water running. He called me into the bathroom, he unlocks the cock cage tells me to stand under the shower and get myself completely wet. While in the shower I spied Daddy Norm, putting on some rubber gloves and got very nervous. Daddy Norm ordered me out of the shower and told me to stand on the rug in front of him. He then proceeds to wipe and coat my body with this white crème and tells me to just stand there. After a couple of minutes, I start to feel this tingling sensation, as he tells me the white crème is hair remover and the longer he leaves it on the less I will have to shave in the future. The tingling sensation starts to give a heated effect. While I am standing their Daddy turns on some clippers and he starts to use them on my moustache and side burns. Daddy Norm then tells me that eventually we won't have to do this as the hair should stop growing, period. All that goes through my mind is how am I going to explain being hairless to those that see me at the gym, etc. being totally hairless. By the time the crème is really feeling like it is burning there is a knock on the door and Daddy Norm tells me to go answer it. I really want to say something to him but he just glares at me and I start to back down and head to answer the door. I look through the peep hole and see Derek in the hallway with all my luggage. I crack the door open and stand to the side behind the door to let Derek in and a feel a hard slap to my lower cheeks. Daddy Norm speaks to Sir Derek and tells him what perfect timing he has. Daddy then instructs me to go back to the shower and make sure I thoroughly wash myself to remove all the hair crème from my body, so that Sir can start to collect his payment.

While I am showering I hear Derek howling with laughter, and asking Norm how does he plans to pull this off. I can't hear all the conversation but my heart starts racing and as I glance down I see my uncaged cock sticking straight out and hard as steel. Of course it doesn't stay uncaged for long. When I re-enter the room, Daddy Norm has a glass of ice water that he uses on my hard cock to make it go soft. Once soft he immediate locks the cage back on me. Daddy removes the plug that was in my mouth. I can still taste the slime from the plug in my mouth. Daddy then tells me to take the head of his cock in my mouth as he has to pee while Sir is going to fuck my pussy hard this morning.

Once finished pissing, Daddy removes his cock and wipes my face with it. He then tells Sir that he has an appointment .to meet with someone in the lobby for preparation for tonight's festivities, and if Derek would be so kind as to keep me occupied while he was gone.

Well guys, sorry for the lapse between chapters but I hope you all enjoy! The next chapter is already in progress.

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