The Bachelor Party Surprise

By Jaret Glazer

Published on Oct 2, 2017


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This story is inspired by true actual events that have been spruced up with a writer's embellishment. Enjoy!

The Bachelor Party Surprise -- Part One

Before I start a little bit about me. I am a middle age divorcee, with an athletic hairless body and bi-sexual with very strong submissive tendencies. For the past seven years I have been kept locked in chastity by various Mistresses and Masters and my intended. My current bride to be is aware of my submissiveness somewhat and enjoys being my keyholder, she has never been aware of my being bi.

The wedding was two weeks away and while it was going to be a rather laid-back affair as it is second time go around for both of us. My Best Man, Norm (and my best friend since grammar school) insisted that he was arranging the bachelor party and it was going to be in Las Vegas. I have been camming and in correspondence with a new Master (and in all places of course Las Vegas) for the past two months. When I discovered the plans of the party, I contacted my Master and asked if I came early for a day or 2 would HE have time for some real time in person training. HE immediate responded absolutely. I flew into Vegas on a Wednesday evening after work and was picked up at the airport by my Master. (My Master is a large mountain of a Man, 6' 250 #s, solid built and extremely hirsute and a cigar smoker.)

When I opened the door to his Jeep I saw a cloud of his cigar smoke and HE immediately instructed me to strip. As the car moved forward I began taking my clothes off as instructed. Master grinned at me and when I lowered my pants and thong HIS grin turned to a scowl as he saw I did not have a chastity cage on. He pulled over to the side and slapped my cock and balls admonishing me for being sloppy. HE then pulled out a metal chastity cage and demand I put it on and be quick about it. Once on, he set a pr. of bare alligator nipple clamps on my nipples while he stuffed a wet yellow jock in my mouth. Once in my mouth I was able t taste the acidity of the piss soaked jock.

Over the next 36 hours Master played and abused my body while his live-in boy watched and assisted. I was fucked for over four hours straight with a fucking machine and gradually increased girth size dildos to when he delivered me to my hotel he put a larger medium size butt plug in my now swollen and sensitive pussy. After I checked into the hotel, went to my room to get some rest, I saw Norm in the hallway about to knock on my room door. As I opened the door Norm said "you look like crap, what happen?" Norm entered the room with me and kept firing questions at me till I told him that I had a very rough night and need to get a little rest, and I would see him in a couple of hours. Norm, refused to leave wanting to know what was going on with me. Norm notice the bulged in my shorts and went to swat my ass where he felt the edge of the plug in my pussy.

Norm stated what the fuck is that and proceed to pull down my shorts and thong. A shock came across his face and then a devious look, while he demanded that I tell him and explain what the hell was going on with me. With a totally embarrassed and blushing face I broken down and start to explain and tell Norm all kinds of things that he never knew about me. With what I thought was a disgusted look and glare from his face I went to pull up my pants when he slapped my face and demand I leave them down. Norm then began a tirade on what rotten friend I was and how could I have kept all this a secret from him for all this time. Tears started to flow from me, and I babbled how I was so embarrassed and that I couldn't tell him all this because I was afraid of ruining our friendship.

Norm smirked and said that the only thing here was that I had cheated him out of 35 years of sucking and blowing him, and that all changes this instant. He proceeded to lower his zipper and pull out his rapidly hardening 8-and-a-half-inch cock, and stated that instead of me being his best friend, his cock was going to replace him as my best friend and that I was going to have to make up for the 35 years of lost blow jobs to regain his friendship. He forced me down on my knees then pushed his hard cock into my mouth and then clamped his hands on the back of head. He then steadily kept drawing my head down his cock forcing it to the back of my throat. I started to gag and cough to which he just chuckled and said cocksuckers are supposed to know how to hand a Man's cock, so if I didn't want to choke to death I better learn quickly.

Feeling the dampness in my hair, still holding my skull he leaned over and sniffed my hair and giggled saying you smell like piss. So, I gather you're a piss drinker as well, huh? With his cock filling my mouth I tried to nod my head in agreement. Over the next 2 and a half hours Norm proceeded to use my mouth cumming three times down my throat and pissing down it as well. When cumming the first squirts always went down my throat while he then would pull back to coat my tongue and make me swirl it around his cock before I clean it off his cock for him.

Before he sent me to shower and clean up so we could meet up with the rest of guys for a late lunch he demanded that I give him my Master's name and contact information. Once I had he told me to go soak in the tub for 30 minutes and then shower and come find him in his room next door. Norm also instructed me to not wear any underwear when I dressed. I started to object and he swiftly slapped my face and said things are changed now boy and you will do what I tell you without question or hesitation or suffer the consequences. Just for your information each time you fail the consequences will be worse than the time before.

As I soaked in the tub, it was my first chance, to reflect on the past 2 days of events, and all that has happened. Unbeknownst to me, Norm called Master J's number and had a full conversation together about me. As I soaked in the hot water my caged cock started to enlarge and ache as it stuffed the metal cage full. All I could think about was what have I gotten into and how was this all gonna end, to which I figured not well for me. Clearing my mind, I rested in the tub for a few more minutes and then showered and got dress to meet Norm and the rest of the guys. When I knock on Norm's door He shouted the door is open bitch, come on in.

My stomach dropped out from under me. Norm had never talked to me like that before. When I walked into the room, Norm was sitting against the headboard with his leg' spread apart and his cock at attention. He then asked if I saw something I liked. He then said that's okay you will learn to know and love my cock better than any other cock you have sucked.

Get between my legs and suck it boy!

You have ten minutes to take my cock and show ME how much training at sucking you have had.

I was contemplating what to do next half paralyzed from wanting to show my best friend what I could do and what he was going to do to me in front of others. I finally started to undress when Norm stopped me and said to just get between his legs and stop stalling, and making him wait. I crawl up the bed with my shorts and shoes still on. While I took his cock in my mouth. My lips were salivating thinking of taste of his cock in my mouth. Shortly after I was sucking him he ordered and helped position me to be at parallel with his cock. When done he unbuttoned my shorts and slide his hand down the crack of my butt. Of course, this sent my mind and mouth into overdrive as I was frantic to take more and more of his thick cock down my mouth and into my throat. I was starting to leak precum into my commando shorts. As Norm found and wiggled the plug sending new jolts through me as it tickled and teased my prostate. My entire body started to shake and tremble from this teasing. Norm then tapped my head and said to listen up and concentrate on his words,

You are gonna put a tight lip lock just behind the head of my cock and hold it there with your tongue on the underside of my head. I am going to piss in your mouth, and if you lose one drop you will sorely regret it for a very long time. Norm then proceeded to release his piss into my mouth. Not wanting to but afraid if I didn't, I started to suck his piss down into my belly. How low had I sunk drinking my best friend piss with my cock locked in another Man's cage and leaking more and more precum into my shorts.

When he was through pissing he told me to get up and dressed. He proceeded to start dressing when I said I was going back to my room for a minute and change shorts because of the obvious stains from all the precum. Norm stopped me and said I was going just like that. I was going out just as I was. I tried to reason and argue about it when he cut me short and said I had two options, 1 to go as is, or 2 to go with no shorts at all. What's it gonna be? I chose (not much of a choice) that I would go as is.

As we left his hotel room, he told me we had to hurry in that we were meeting the guys in 90 minutes and we had a stop to make before that. From the lobby we grabbed a cab and Norm gave him an address. We pulled up in front of a porn and video arcade shop. As Norm entered he told me to wait outside he'd be right back. Not even 5 minutes and Norm was back outside carrying a pretty full brown grocery bag. We grabbed another cab and while in route to meet the others Norm started looking in the bag as he told me that he had spoken to MJ while I was showering. My mind raced thinking OG this can't be good. Norm informed me that MJ was such a nice and friendly guy that he invited him to join us tomorrow night for the festivities. With a menacing evil grin Norm said that MJ was honored and accepted his invite. All I could think was SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! What the f was I going to do. Seeing my face Norm told me to relax telling me it was all good. When we returned to the hotel Norm left the package at the front desk and ask that the package be delivery to his room. We waited in the lobby lounge bar, the rest of the party started to trickle down. One of the guys (my fiancée's brother) Tim said that his Dad and Max's flight didn't get in till 11 pm. Max is Tim brother. The whole time Tim kept staring at my crotch looking at the wet spot. Tim was the youngest of all of us, and to keep peace he, his father, and brother were included in the stag weekend.

Norm who's just naturally aggressive in all manners, decided that we going to spend the afternoon down on Fremont Street. So the 10 of us climbed into two cabs and off we went. Norm, myself, Tim and Steve were in the back and Ralph in the front. Norm kept brushing his hands "accidently" across my cage and Tim's eyes caught him on a couple of occasions and looked me in the face with a questioning stare. When we climbed out of the cab Norm whispered in my ear asking if I was still leaking. As I nodded to him, he then whispered that Tim seem quite interested in what was going on. After walking around downtown and stopping to gamble at a couple of the casinos we all decided to return to the hotel to rest for a bit and then dress for dinner. We agreed to meet in the lobby for dinner at 8:00. As we went up stairs Norm told me to follow him to his room first, he had something to show me.

Once inside Norm's room, I was instructed to strip at the door and stand in the center of the living room facing the TV. Still too afraid of the consequences to not do as he said, I did just that. Once in the center of the room, Norm instructed ME to lock my fingers together behind my neck. Norm then went to his bedroom and returned with the brown shopping sack from the porn shop. He begin to remove the contents one by one and set them on the coffee table. Once he had everything displayed I was instructed to turn around and not speak till I was given permission, and if I uttered a word I would be spanked harshly. I was told to nod my head if I understood. I nodded my head as I slowly turned around.

Norm proceeded to open his slacks and let his hard cock pop out. He then sat on the sofa . I was told that I was to keep my hands behind my neck and my eyes on his cock at all times. Whether I was standing, kneeling, or laying on my stomach. Norm decided that it was time for me to learn of his conversation with my Master J. Norm described how Master J explained to him how I was a total submissive and need a strong guidance and influence to direct my life. Master J and he both concluded and agreed that my fiancée at presence was not able to handle the task, so Norm decide he was going to step in and take control until such time that Tessie could learn to control me.

I was about ready to burst into tears and beg him to forget this whole thing and let us go back to the way things were, when Norm reminded me of no speaking. Norm then told me that tonight when we came back after our night out that I was going to be sleeping with him, and tomorrow I was going to check out of my room and move everything over to his, for the rest of our trip. He started talking about how my life was going to change and how even after the wedding he was going to dominate and control me. Norm then said to show him I understood I was to drop to my knees and crawl between his legs. I was to then hold the head of his cock in my mouth and was to swallow all of his piss or that I could leave not as I was naked and the pictures MJ had taken before was going to be set up on Facebook. After a few seconds of deliberation I fell to my knees and crawled between his legs. (I didn't really have a choice I loved my fiancée but my fantasy of a lifetime was steering me in my face). Without thought of where this was going to end never crossed my mind.

On the coffee table, Norm started to explain that these items from the shop were ordered by Master J. The first item he picked up was a ball stretcher. The stretcher was a 2" band of neoprene with velcro at either end to secure it. My caged cock started leaking more precum on Norn's hand as he pull my balls down and wrapped the ball stretcher around my extended balls. Norm wiped my dick snot across my lips and told me to make sure I leave it there. Norm then raise me up pulling my hair and stated he was going to get a sample of my pussy. He stuck his index finger in my mouth and said to get it good and sloppy wet as it was the only lube my pussy was getting before he fucked me. Norm then started to work his finger in my pussy twisting from side to side as he forced the finger through my anal muscles. Forcing me to bend at the waist, he relented and said to get the head of his cock wet. When he felt I had enough spit on it he turned me around and bent me over the arm of the sofa. He moved his cock head to the crack of my pussy, said to take a deep breath and the proceed to sink his cock in as far as he could. The sheer force of it drove about 4" in when he grabbed my hips and pulled me further back on to his cock as he bucked forward driving another couple of inches in before he stopped to allow me to adjust to his fat cock up my pussy. All the time my brain was screaming in pain, all I could think about was how did my best friend, who was so totally hetero straight man know so much about fucking a male pussy.

This concludes Part One. Anyone want to read more of it? Let Me know at

Next: Chapter 2

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