The Away Meet

By Mathew Reeve

Published on Jun 13, 2019


GENERAL DISCLAIMER: This story contains sexual situations between adult males. It is mostly based on real world experiences.

If you find material of this nature offensive then you should not read any further. All characters in this story are over the age of 21. If you are under 18 years old in the US or under 16 in the UK you are not legally allowed to read this story. Any resemblance to persons living or dead, or to any events that may have occurred, is purely coincidental. The author claims all copyrights in this story and no duplication or publication of this story is allowed (except by the websites to which it has been posted) without the consent of the author. Nifty does not exist without donations. If you enjoy these stories, please donate here:

CONTACT/FEEDBACK: Thank you for all your feedback. I love hearing from you guys.Feel free to email me at

mreeves5819 AT

This is my second story, read my first series "The Alumni Association" here on Nifty.


Chapter 1

It was cramped in the minivan. Kevin sat next to me in the middle row and Sam sat in the back with all our gear. Our coach, Aaron drove down the highway. It was the height of summer and hotter than balls outside. We were on our way to one of the biggest swim meets of our lives. Only the three of us had made the time cuts and it was cheaper to drive to Southern California than fly.

Kevin, Sam and I had grown up swimming together. We'd known each other since we were six. Now we were heading into our senior year of high school. All three of us were older than most of our class, each turning 18 before the start of the school year, which was about a week away.

We went straight to the swimming complex and got into the pool for a quick workout. Afterwards, we drove to the hotel a few miles away. We stopped at a sandwich shop for dinner.

It wasn't the nicest hotel around, but we really just needed a place to sleep. Aaron checked into his own room and handed us the keys to ours. We knew the routine. We had a few hours to relax and then to bed, we had a big week ahead of us. We walked over to the stairs and up to the second story of the complex and down the open walkway to our room. Kevin opened the door and we saw that there were two queen beds inside. It wasn't a big deal, we had all slept in the same bed before. Heck, we were happy because it was normally two guys to a bed. To us, it was normal. We'd spent most of our lives hanging around each other in nothing but a speedo, which doesn't leave much to the imagination. We'd also seen each other in the shower and changing, so it wasn't a big deal to sleep in the same bed as each other.

The room was hot so Sam walked over to the wall mounted AC unit and fiddled with it. The fan started blowing, but the air coming out wasn't cold, it was cool.

"Fuck," Sam said. "I hope this gets colder, otherwise this is going to be a long week."

Kevin stripped off his shirt and kicked off his flip-flops and plopped on the bed. Kevin had red hair and a small patch of hair on his chest. His shoulders were broad and the muscles of his torso were well defined. We were all pretty cut, swimming as much as we did resulted in a very fit form.

I took off my shirt and sat on the opposite bed. Sam removed his shirt and laid down next to me. Kevin flipped through the channels on TV for awhile while we all relaxed from the drive. About an hour later, Kevin got up and grabbed his bag.

"Well, it's about time guys," he said. "Might as well get this done with, so we can get to bed early."

He opened his bag and pulled out a pack of razors, clippers and shaving cream. For competitive swimmers, shaving before a big meet was necessary. Taking off your body hair and first layer of skin made you feel faster in the water. And when hundredths of a second can make the difference, we take any advantage we can.

Sam got up and went to the bathroom and started the water. We'd done this dozens of times before. I got up and dropped my shorts, leaving me in my underwear. Kevin stepped out of his and we walked into the bathroom with our supplies. Sam was in his underwear too. He had got the towels out. Kevin plugged in the clippers and started clipping his chest hair. I didn't have much hair, the chlorine kills most of it, so I stepped into the bathtub and rinsed myself off. When Kevin finished he handed the clippers to Sam. Sam was the hairiest of the three of us. He quickly trimmed his chest, stomach and the trail down to his pubes. I was secretly jealous of Sam, I wished that I could grow hair like he did. It made him seem more like a man. He clipped the hair on his legs too. It fell onto the towels he had put on the floor.

"Hand me the shaving cream Kev?" I asked. He tossed me the can and I picked up a razor from the pile on the floor. I began to lather up my legs. I kept the water from the tub running and began to shave my legs, cleaning the razor every so often.

"God, I swear this takes longer each time," Sam said.

"Dude, you're so hairy, of course it's going to take awhile," Kevin said.

"Yeah, well only compared to you two would I be considered hairy. I guess that means I make more testosterone than you two. Prolly why my dick is bigger too," he said while grabbing the front of his boxers.

"Yeah, that's exactly the reason," I said and rolled my eyes.

"Hand me the clippers," Kevin said. Sam handed them over.

He pulled down the front of his underwear, just enough to show the base of his cock. Kevin began to trim down his pubes.

"Dude, careful! You're getting your pubes on me," Sam said.

"Small room, you're more than welcome to leave," Kevin said. Sam shrugged as he took the can of shaving cream and began to shave his face. I could pick out the ripples of each of his ab muscles.

"Gah," Kevin said. "I nicked myself." He reached for the toilet paper and pulled out a length of it. "My pubes are everywhere, sorry guys." Kevin pulled down his underwear the rest of the way.

"Seriously?" Sam said.

"They are in the way. Just want to make sure the bleeding stops," Kevin said. "You jealous? It's not like you've never seen my dick before."

I finished with my legs and had moved onto my arms. Sam was finishing with his face.

"Well if you're done with the clippers," Sam said as he picked them up. He pulled down the front of his boxers, exposing most of the base of his cock. He began to trim his bush, which was much thicker than either Kevin's or mine.

"This hair is getting everywhere," he said and dropped his boxers too, shaking them out over the towel.

I had never thought of either of them in a sexual way, but I could feel my cock responding to my environment. The three of us were casually hanging out in the bathroom, two of us were completely nude. I finished with my arms and stepped out of the tub. Sam handed me the clippers.

I took a deep breath and decided that since both of them were naked, I might as well do it too. I dropped my trunks. I was nervous because I was a little plump, but neither Kevin or Sam seemed to notice. I began to clip my pubes. Kevin had moved on to shaving his legs in the tub.

"Need me to clip your pits Tom?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, could you?" I answered.

I lifted up my arms and Sam stood in front of me. His face was near my armpit while he gently held one of my arms up he clipped the hair. I looked down and saw that our cocks were nearly touching each other. I held my breath as my heart raced. I could see my cock growing. I willed it down, thinking about anything else. Then it happened, Sam's cock brushed up against mine, filling out as it did.

"Oops, sorry about that man," he said and moved away.

"Looks like you two are getting excited, does shaving turn you on?" Kevin said.

I looked over and saw that Kevin's cock was plumped up too.

"Haha, very funny. It looks like it turns you on," I shot back.

Kevin looked down and nodded. "It's got a mind of it's own," he said. He was finishing his legs in the shower. Sam finished both of my pits.

"You know you should clip that too," Sam said as he motioned to my stomach. I had purposely left my treasure trail from my belly button to my pubes. I didn't want to shave it off, it took forever for me to grow that. I had no problem growing my pubes back, I actually kept them trimmed most of the time. Before I said anything, he started the clippers down my front. He put his hand right above the base of my cock and clipped. The hair fell down and covered my semi-erect cock. He gently brushed the hair off my cock. I couldn't believe that Sam was touching my cock.

"Sorry, I just didn't want it to get all over," Sam said.

"Thanks," I said, hoping that he would ignore my growing hard-on.

"Can you clip my pits now?" Sam asked. I nodded and took the clippers from him. I glanced over at Kevin who was shaving his arms now.

I got close to Sam's armpit and carefully guided the clippers over the skin, making sure not to get too close. I could smell the chlorine mixed with sweat coming from his pits. I could feel the heat from his body. I repeated the process on his other armpit.

"Can you do my chest again? I didn't get that close because I was afraid of cutting myself," Sam said. I began to clip his chest. He still had a fair bit of hair there. I finished his chest and started down his torso. I used my other hand to pull the skin taut over his abs to get as close as possible. I continued down, around his belly button and I kept going. I was now going over his bush again, closer to his cock. Was it getting bigger? Sam grabbed his cock and moved it to the side, allowing my to clip closer to the base. I looked up at him, I was now on my knees. He just looked down with eyebrows raised expectantly. I continued and he moved his cock to the other side.

"Woah there," Kevin said. "You two need some privacy?"

"Fuck off Kev," Sam said. "I'd much rather use the clippers and get close than shave my pubes, the razor burn always sucks. I don't want to end up with a bloody mess like you."

I looked over and saw that Kevin was sporting a semi too. He also had a piece of toilet paper wrapped haphazardly around his cock. Kevin shrugged. He had finished one of his arms.

"My turn," Kevin said and stepped out of the tub. He put up his arms and I started to clip his armpits.

Sam stepped into the tub and lathered himself in shaving cream. He propped one leg on the edge of the tub and began to shave his leg.

I finished with Kevin's pits and he grabbed a can of shaving cream and began to put it on his other arm and chest.

"Can you do me a once-over too?" Kevin asked and nonchalantly gestured down to his cock. He began to shave his arm. I carefully went over what was left of his treasure trail and below his swimsuit line. You could clearly tell where that was, the tan line was unmistakable. When I got closer to his actual cock, I looked up, expecting him to move it to the side. He was busy shaving his arm and didn't look down at me. I figured that since we were all guys and all had the same parts I'd just move it myself. I took my left hand and cradled his cock and balls and moved it gently to the side. Kevin didn't even flinch when I touched him. I had never touched another guy's dick before. It felt familiar and different at the same time. And warm. I could tell he was half hard. I trimmed the side near his quad and then, with him still cupped in my hand, moved him to the other side and finished there. I let him go and his balls dropped. They were definitely bigger than mine. His cock stood out a little straighter after I let go.

"Thanks," he said and moved onto his chest. Sam was finished with his legs and now doing his chest too. I didn't really have any hair there, but shaving wasn't just about removing the hair. The fresh feeling of new skin made you feel slicker in the water. I grabbed a new razor and started on my chest too.

"Can you guys both do my back?" Sam said. Kevin and I looked at each other and shrugged. Sam did have a hairy back and he obviously couldn't do it. We put shaving cream on his back and both started shaving. It went quickly. Kevin was faster than I was, I was worried about cutting Sam. Kevin finished his side and to my surprise, continued down across Sam's ass, spreading shaving cream as he went. I finished at his lower back and followed Kevin's lead.

Kevin took the showerhead and rinsed Sam's backside and then smacked him on the ass.

"As smooth as a newborn baby," Kevin said.

"Hah, very funny," Sam said.

"My turn," Kevin said, handing Sam a razor and turned around and stepped into the tub. The tub wasn't big enough for the three of us, Sam stepped out. He was dripping wet. I noticed that his cock was hard.

"Gunna stare at it or what?" Sam said. "Looks like you have the same problem."

I looked down and saw that my cock was pointing straight up.

"Any day now guys," Kevin said.

I sprayed the shaving cream on his back and rubbed it around. Sam began shaving his side and I started on mine. We both reached Kevin's ass at the same time and kept going. Sam even moved Kevin's asscheeks apart and shaved down his crack a little. Kevin handed me the shower head and I rinsed him off.

"Your turn Tom," Sam said. "Get in the tub."

I stepped into it, awkwardly moving around Kevin who turned to face me. His hard cock hit against mine.

"Sword fight!" he said and laughed. I turned around and felt as both guys lathered me up and started to shave my back. Sam repeated what he had done to Kevin and shaved between my asscheeks. I rinsed off and stepped out.

We dried off with the clean towels. All three of us were sporting erections.

"Too bad there aren't any girls here to take care of these," Sam said, looking down at his hard cock. It almost pointed straight out. He was bigger than I was. I measured myself at 6.5 inches, Sam had to be at least 7 inches. Kevin's pointed straight up like mine, but his looked just a little smaller.

"Yeah, haven't had a girl take care of me in awhile," Kevin said. I nodded. We went to an all guys school, so we didn't see girls everyday. Each of us had on and off girlfriends throughout high school, but none of us had a current girlfriend. It was just too close to college and wasn't worth the effort knowing it most likely wouldn't last more than a year.

"Only one thing to do," I said and walked into the room. It was still warm inside, the AC still only blowing out mildly cool air. Kevin and Sam followed, both just carried their towels.

I found the remote and changed the channel. I flipped through a few channels and landed on a "Girls Gone Wild" promo video. Remember this was before smartphones, so porn wasn't readily accessible. I sat down on my bed. Kevin sat next to me, not too close. Sam sat on the other bed. There was a long moment of silence. Kevin's hand slowly moved from his side to his thigh. My cock twitched. I wasn't watching the TV as much as I was trying to sneak glances at Kevin. I leaned back a bit and saw the Sam's hand leave his cock.

"Fuck I'm horny," Kevin said, his hand gently brushing his cock. "I gotta take care of this. Anyone bring lotion?"

"I got some," I said and walked over to my bag. I pulled out a bottle of lotion and tossed it to him.

"I'll be right back," Kevin said and walked into the bathroom. He closed the door behind him.

"Hah, we know what you're doing in there Kev," Sam said.

"You would want to watch Sam!" he responded.

"What are we going to do, take turns in there?" Sam asked. He looked at me. I shrugged.

Giant cartoon balloons covered the tits of the girls on the screen as they lifted their tops and shouted. They jumped around the hotel room they were being filmed in, taking shots off each other's bodies.

"Can't do it when you're talking to me Sam," Kevin shouted through the door.

"It's okay, I know you're shy," Sam said. "I'm surprised you're not done already. Heard it took all of 5 seconds for you to cum with Sarah." The door opened. Kevin walked out, his cock glistened with lotion.

"How do you know about that?" he shot back. "And it was at least a minute."

"She told me. Right after I gave her the ride of her life," Sam said.

"Fuck, that was just once!" Kevin said.

Sam was openly stroking himself. "Toss me the lotion asshole," Sam said. Kevin tossed it over and sat back down on the bed next to me.

"Tom, here," Sam said and tossed it to me. I squirted a few pumps onto my palm and began to jerk off.

"This isn't good enough," Kevin said. "Where's the real porn?"

"You bring your dad's porn tape?" Sam asked.

"Uhh, no. I think he'd notice if it was gone for a week, plus, there's no VCR here."

"Too bad, that'd be a big help here," Sam said as he stroked. "Good scenes in that one."

Had Sam and Kevin jerked off together before? I figured it couldn't hurt to ask.

"Your dad has a porn tape?" I asked.

"Yeah, sometimes Sam and I watch it when my parents aren't home."

"Sometimes is an understatement Kev, we've almost worn that thing out!"

"When I first found it, I didn't know what it was, until I popped it into the VCR. Sam was spending the night in our basement and we were looking for something to watch. It was at the top of the closet down there."

"Yeah, it was the first time I learned what jerking off was," Sam said.

We all continued to stroke our cocks as we watched the promo on repeat again. I took the remote and flipped to the premium channels.

"What are you doing Tom?" Kevin asked.

I navigated through to the adult "After Dark" selection and flipped through the porn flicks. "

"You know Coach will know that we got a porn right?" Kevin said.

"Yeah, so?" Sam said. "He was 18 once too. We can split it, it's only 19.99." Kevin shrugged.

"That one!" Sam said as the scene of a gang-bang displayed on the screen, functioning as the cover for the video.

"Well, if we're going to do it, yeah, that one," Kevin said.

I clicked the "Buy" button and it began to play.

It was a gangbang scene and played out like they all do. However, the ratio of men to women leaned heavily on the male side. One chick was getting railed in the pussy and the ass by two different guys. Another had a girl sucking a guy's cock while she was plowed from behind.

Any hesitation about jerking off together had evaporated. Kevin was furiously jacking his cock next to me, shaking the bed. Sam was on the edge of the bed, glued to the screen, fist pumping his cock. He looked even bigger than before. I was working my own cock, but slowly. I wanted this to last.

"You ever try jerking off with your off hand?" Kevin asked.

"Yeah, it takes longer," I said. Kevin nodded.

"I solved that," Sam said. "If you put your right hand to sleep, then jerk off, it feels like someone else is doing it, cuz its numb."

Kevin and I both nodded. That made sense. Sam got up and sat down on our bed, casually stroking his cock now.

"How many times do you guys jerk off?" Sam asked.

"Broad question," I said. "Like in a day, a week or a month?" I said.

"A week," he replied.

"I usually jerk off once a day, sometimes twice. If we have a really hard practice though, I usually just go to sleep though," Kevin said.

"Yeah, about the same," I said.

"Less if I have a girlfriend, but even then they never put out enough," Kevin continued.

"Yeah, me too. I'm always horny," Sam said. "Girls never want to suck or fuck as much as I do."

I was keenly aware of how close Sam was to the two of us, sitting in between Kevin and I. Our elbows were touching. Sam was looking at Kevin's cock now. He nudged Kevin with his left elbow and Kevin looked at him, then down at his cock. Some sort of silent communication going on between them. Kevin nodded and then Sam looked toward me.

"Tom," Sam said. "Can we let you in on a secret?"

"Uhh, yeah, sure. What?" I said.

"We all jerk off cuz we're all horny all the time. And since its senior year we probably won't be getting too involved with any girls because we'll be going off to college soon. After I broke up with Sarah and Kevin split with Addison, we've been helping each other out," he continued.

"Helping each other out?" I asked. I had a pretty good idea of where this conversation was going. My cock twitched in my hand.

"Really gotta spell it out for this one, huh Sam?" Kevin said as he grabbed Sam's cock in his right hand. Sam took his hand off his cock and let Kevin start stroking him.

"We got tired of jerking ourselves off. It's not gay, we're just helping each other out. It feels way better than doing it yourself. That cool?" Sam said.

"Yeah...that makes sense," I said. Sam moved his hand over to my thigh. He waited until I moved my hand from my own cock and then he took me in his hand and started stroking. I closed my eyes. It was 10 times better than jerking my own dick. He knew what he was doing, putting the right amount of pressure underneath the mushroom head.

"Glad it feels so good," Kevin said. "You gunna help me out?"

I opened my eyes and looked at Kevin, who was waiting expectantly for me to grab his cock. We shuffled back on the bed a bit and formed a kind of circle. He squirted some lotion into my palm and I took hold of my first cock. It was warmer than I had thought. I could feel the blood pulsing inside with each heartbeat. His cock felt familiar. I had just held it a few minutes ago. But now it was completely hard. A new sensation, stroking a hard cock that wasn't my own.

"There we go," Kevin said. "Sam's given me the best handjobs I've ever had. I guess it's because we're guys and knows what feels good. Girls never use the right amount of pressure."

My breath caught in my chest. I couldn't believe this was happening. My best friends and I were sharing a special experience, jerking off in a hotel room before our swim meet. I had thought about something like this happening, but never thought it would. Our glances started out on the screen still, but gradually moved to each other. Alternating between looking at our own cocks and each others.

"Feels good," Kevin said.

"Yeah," Sam said.

"Really good," I agreed. "Better than any handjob I've got before." I was trying to keep myself relaxed, I didn't want this to end.

"Kev, slow down," Sam said. "I'm getting close."

"Yeah, me too," Kevin said. They both looked at me. I flexed my asscheeks together, engorging my cock, making it even bigger.

"Looks like Tom's ready too," Sam said.

A few moments later, I felt Kevin's balls as they tightened and his breathing became more shallow. His body tensed. I knew what was coming and it turned me on even more. Sam must have felt the same thing in me. Everyone picked up the pace of their stroking.

"I'm close," Sam said.

"I'm cumming," Kevin said.

I just grunted and spluged all over my chest and Sam's hand. Kevin's cock shot out thick ropey strands of cum over the bed and all over Sam. Sam came too. He convulsed as cum erupted from his cock. I didn't think that someone had that much cum in them, it got everywhere.

We laid there, cocks softening in each other's hands.

"That was great," Sam said.

"Time to get cleaned up," Kevin said and got up and headed to the shower.

"Gunna sleep good tonight," Sam said as he got up and followed him into the bathroom.

Fuck, this was going to be a great week, I thought.

Next: Chapter 2

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