The Awaking

By Joey Romero

Published on Jul 6, 2007


See chapter one for Disclaimer

Writers notes: I know there's no sex in this story yet but there will be. I just want to see how far I can go with story before I add the sex scenes so bare with me at moment and tell me what you really think of my story if I should go on or should I give up writing all together just let me know and a great thanks to those who love this story with out you I would have stop awhile ago. The prologue for chapter 2 is under the awaking 0 sorry for the problems.

Chapter 2 Always and Forever

As the man and Adrian shared there kiss under the moon light. Adrian looked into the man's preying blue eyes. Adrian could tell there was a lot of sadness and sorrow that lies within them for him. Still looking into those eyes he started to move off of the man that was underneath him but the man just held on tighter to Adrian so he could not move not one inch.

"Why do you run from me Kai"? the man said with a great sadness in his voice.

"Because you got the wrong guy, my name is not Kai but Adrian".

"Sorry but I'm not the one you are seeking" Adrian said now turning his face to the ocean.

The man pushed Adrian's blond hair to the side of his face causing him to turn back to the man's preying blue eyes once more.

"You are the one I'm seeking my love, but you may not know it yet because of all the loss and pain we had to go through so many years ago".

"But for now my love you need to sleep".

Adrian was staring into those eyes and slowly started to go into a deep slumber on top of the man chest. The man once more ran his fingers through Adrian's soft blond hair looking up at the night sky with his royal blue eyes.

"Soon my love you will remember every thing the pain and the sorrow we went though, but most of all the love we shared for over a thousand years ago".

Adrian a woke the next morning in his bed thinking about the events that took place last night .

"Was that all a dream"? "no it can't be, it was to real to be a dream and he called me Kai"

Lost in his thought he'd turned to the clock on his night stand.

"OH shit, I'm Fucking running late for school", Peter is going to fucking kill me if I make him late again".

Now he was getting up like a pore man fighting for is food to get ready for school. Grabbing every thing he could to get ready. He could hear the honking of his best friend Peter's old beat up car calling for him. Adrian got dress and ran out the front door with out saying bye to his Dad, he hoped in the front seat like always did .

"Man what took you so long"? Peter asked

"sorry man I didn't get a good night sleep again"

"well if you two would stop acting like a married old couple, may be we'd make it to school on time" Jessica yelled in the back .

Adrian turned to the back of the car to see Jessica upset about some thing.

"so Jessica why are you in a bad mood this morning"? Adrian asked with a grin on his face. Before Jessica could say anything Peter broke out into a laughter.

"what's so funny"? asked Adrian who know was looking a little lost at the time.

"oh nothing, its just the reason that miss thing over there is in such a bad mood is"

"if you say one word I'll knock you in the middle of next week , you got that" Jessica said with a bit of rage in her voice.

"did I miss some thing"? Adrian look even more lost than he did before because he'd didn't have a clue what his friends where talking about. Adrian turned back to Jessica giving her that puppy dog look he gave all girls when he wanted some thing. Jessica knew that she could not resist that look of his but then again what girl could. Finally she gave in

"if you really must know , I will tell you"

"just don't look at me that way, you know I hate it when you give that look".

So she when on tell Adrian about the movies being sold out and that Peter left her to go flirt with some girls .

"so is that what your mad about" Adrian asked with a little disappointment in his face

"no that's not even the worse part of the story" Peter started laughing again. Jessica slapped Peter in the back of the head.

"What the hell was that for" Peter yelled in pain at Jessica

"well if you keep your eyes on the road and your big mouth shut" she said with a smile. So she started once more where she left off. How Peter left her to go flirt with some girls so she ways left there to do nothing until Peter was done. She said that she was going to get Peter to take her home when she saw him the guy of her dreams just standing there. She told Adrian that she went to go flirt with the guy that look like to be a god or some thing but when she did the guy didn't give her the time of day. He'd just looked at her with those big hazel brown eyes like she was nothing and blow here off with a smile on his face. Right then and there Adrian jaw dropped to the floor broad of the car. No man in there right mind could resist Jessica's looks, no guy could but this guy did and it was getting under Jessica's skin. Peter was now laughing as they where parking in the school parking lot. As Adrian got out of Peter's car he stared to feel a little hot. Then this bright light came over Adrian causing him to faint.

"ADRIAN"! Peter yelled well trying to catch his fallen friend. Adrian awoke in nothing but darkness he'd got up from the ground and started walking into more of the darkness .

"HELLO"! he'd yelled but no answer

"HELLO" he'd tried it again but this time he could hear a voice.

"A scattered dream that's like a far-off memory, A far-off memory that's like a scattered dream".

"I want to line the pieces up, yours and mine".


Adrian yelled. But before he could get any answers a blinding bright light came over him once more causing him to close his eyes . When Adrian opened his eyes, he was at some kings banquet hall. There was a man standing next to Adrian. He'd looked like some type of jester. Adrian tuned to the jester and notice he'd kind of looked like him . A little shorter than him but the same eyes and blond hair.

"Fine fish, tonight, lad. Eat up! We may not eat so well again tomorrow." The jester said to Adrian.

The jester belched contentedly as the last of the fish he dad purloined from the kitchens. The rest of the fish vanished into his gulled, as he scowled at the door. The scowl made the scar on hid cheek twist into something fierce and harsh for a moment before his face lapsed into a foolish smile. Adrian looked at the jester a little lost. The jester looked at Adrian

"what is it prince Kai?" the jester had a worry look in his eyes.

"What did you call me!" Adrian said a little shocked.

"Are you feeling alright prince Kai"? the jester said once more.

"Yes I'm fine Kirin, just a little tired is all."

Wait how do I know this guy name, some thing in my head tells me that I knew this guy fro along time but how? Adrian thought to him self. Adrian broke his train of thought

"hey Kirin"

"yes Kai" looked at him with the same foolish smile.

"what's going on here Kirin?" Adrian asked.

"that's right your father did not tell you what this banquet was for did he?" Adrian nodded no.

"well you see one of your sisters Aura suitors is a vampire prince of the mountains of the western wall."

"What a vampire!" Adrian said to Kirin.

"But why would one of the vampire princes would aim so low for one of my sisters" he'd ask Kirin

"who knows, maybe they are here to join the two kingdoms or kill us all" Kirin said with a foolish smile.

"Kirin, I have one more thing to asked you." Kirin looked at the young prince

"what is it my prince?"

"do you know the prince's name?"

"Aw, yes I do his name is prince Ran."

Than Adrian woke up in the nurses office. There was his friends waiting for him to wake up. He saw his friends at his bed side

"Hey buddy" Peter said with a smile on his face.

"We'd thought that we'd lost you there for a minute" said Jessica

"What happen" Adrian now trying to sit up in the bed he was in.

"Well you got out of the car and just fainted, luck the new guy was around or you would have hit the ground hard" Jessica told him.

"What new guy?" Adrian asked his friends a little lost.

Peter than waved his hand to call someone in the room.

"This is the new guy that helped you here" Peter said

Adrian looked at the guy and was in shock, this was the guy from the night before that saved his life for those things. Losing his train of thought the new guy held out his hand and said

"Hi I'm Dorian" he said with a smile on his face.

"Well", me and Jessica have to get back to class and Dorian said he'd would give you a ride home." Peter said with a foolish smirk on his face.

As the left the room Dorian turned back to Adrian who was now getting out of bed. As Adrian did this his knees gave in causing him to start falling , Dorian caught him before he hit the ground. There they where both young men in each others arms with the window open with a small light breeze coming in. Adrian heart started to be faster as the excitement awake a power lock away all those years ago. The thought of sex never had that type of effect on him before, touched by his more dangerous nature. Adrian looked up at Dorian's royal blue eyes and smiled. Dorian could tell that some of Kai's power has awaken, because Adrian's eyes were not the bright green they once where but a amethyst red. Adrian looked at Dorian

"how will we get home?" Adrian asked a little lost now.

"Who do you think your talking to dragon boy?" Dorian said with a smile on his face, his body pressed closely to the slender smaller body of the man he loved.

"You've been gone for a while and I've learned some new tricks." The air began to glow as his fingers traced symbols into the air.

"Some of them are really good" Dorian said.

There wasn't any smoke or light ,no darkness , just the blink of an eye and they were back in Adrian's room. Dorian grabbed hold of Adrian, an arm easily reaching around him as he steadied himself. Adrian looked up into Dorian's eyes, a single tear fell from his eye.

"What is it my love" Dorian asked his lover, slowly wiping the tear from his eye.

"I love you Ran"

"and I you, my prince"

Now in each others arms sharing a lover's sweet kiss , falling on top of Adrian's bed.

Tell me what you think if you have any ideas that would help the next chapter let me know at or at laters

Next: Chapter 4

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