The Awakening of Harry Potter

By Robert Smith

Published on Feb 5, 2021


NOTE: As ever I sadly don't own the copyrights for any of the characters or locations mentioned in this work of fiction. The story itself is now well and truly planted in the timeline of The Order of the Phoenix with the film series rather than the books being the main source of inspiration. If you'd like to send feedback, thoughts or requests then I'm always happy to hear them. Enjoy!

Chapter Nine: The Irish Stallion

"Just forget about him Harry, he's an idiot!"

Ron had apparently noticed that Harry had barely taken his eyes off Seamus all evening. Thankfully the conclusion he'd come to is that Harry was still stewing on their confrontation from the start of term.

"Ron's right Harry..." Hermione paused for just a second as if those particular words had left a bad taste in her mouth. "Seamus will come around. They all will. They're just scared."

"I know..."

Harry didn't really want to talk about this. His sullen and short responses had largely stopped Ron and Hermione from broaching not just the subject of Voldermort's return but their fellow student's reactions to it. Not that Harry had given either of them much of a chance to really bring the subject up. He was spending less and less time with his best friends these days. He found little comfort in their company and much preferred spending his time hidden beneath the invisibility cloak.

"Besides you need to study." Hermione pushed a pile of books toward Harry. "You're falling behind."

"I know..."

Harry tried to focus on the mini stack of books that Hermione had moved in his direction. Hermione was right, he was falling behind and he knew it. An unfortunate consequence of the time he'd been spending hidden away beneath the invisibility cloak was that his studies had suffered. That's why he was here in the Gryffindor common room tonight and not secretly prowling the hallways of Hogwarts. He'd told himself that tonight he was going to study and at least make some effort to catch-up on the ground he'd lost following Crabbe and Goyle around.

Unfortunately Harry's commitment to study had been challenged the moment Seamus had swaggered into the common room. It had been just a day since the journey into Hogsmeade that had ended so eventfully. Barely a minute had passed without Harry thinking about what he'd witnessed. Turning it over in his mind and trying to find more reasonable explanations for it. He'd even dreamed of it. Dreamed of Seamus and those powerful confident thrusts. It would have been a struggle to focus on schoolwork regardless but with Seamus actually in the room it was impossible. How could he look or think about anything but Seamus?

Sure enough despite his best intentions Harry's eyes were drawn back to Seamus. Back to the Irish stallion. He was in a loose fitting black t-shirt and baggy grey jogging bottoms that seemed to obscure his powerful muscular frame but Harry could still see it. The squareness and strength of his shoulders and the pronounced powerful curve of his biceps. Once again Harry marvelled that he hadn't noticed any of this before. It was all so obvious now.

"I can't concentrate in here..." Harry pushed himself away from the desk he was sharing with Ron and Hermione who both looked alarmed. "'s too loud!"


"I'm going to the library!"

He'd risen to his feet now and dropped a couple of the books that Hermione had presented to him into his bag. He needed to get out of the common room. He needed to get away from Seamus if he was going to have any hope of getting any studying done.

"Shall we come?"

"No!" Harry immediately regretted the severity of his tone as he shut down Ron's suggestion they all decamp to the library. "No, it's fine. I'll be fine."

He could tell that his attempts to soften his tone and response had not been successful. Ron and Hermione were sharing concerned glances as he departed the common room with his bag slung over his shoulder. There was nothing he could do about that though. He needed to put distance between himself and Seamus if he was going to have any hope of thoughts of anything other than Seamus filling his mind.

For a moment Harry contemplated disappearing back under the invisibility cloak. He was sure he could find some kind of distraction from Seamus and that rented room in the Three Broomsticks beneath the cloak. Harry fought against this temptation. He knew that he was spending too much time wrapped in the invisibility cloak and hiding in shadows watching the other young wizards of Hogwarts. It wasn't even really thoughts of Seamus that had distracted him from his studies since term began but rather his growing obsession with Crabbe and Goyle. He'd spent weeks following them around the castle and lingering outside rooms he knew they were in just so that he could glimpse them walking down corridors.

But this wasn't entirely true. He hadn't just glimpsed them walking down corridors. Harry's mind flashed back to the changing room and to the sight of both Crabbe and Goyle in their underwear. The way their large powerful bodies had been so different to one another. Crabbe with his soft rounded edges while Goyle was all hard solid mass. And then there was the shower. A moment Harry thought he'd never forget and yet he hadn't thought of it at all in the last 24 hours. He hadn't pictured Goyle beneath the stream of water cleaning the sweat and grime from his body. He hadn't remembered the way his large cock had swung slightly from left to right as he walked naked from the shower.

Harry found that he could still remember every detail of Goyle's naked body. The mass of muscle had been so impressive to him. He'd thought Goyle so similar to Dudley but in reality they were quite different. Dudley seemed to occupy a space between Crabbe and Goyle combining the soft roundness of one with the hard solid mass of the other. He could vividly remember the strength and power Dudley possessed. The surprisingly solid muscle of his arms and shoulders matched with the softer roundness of his chest and stomach. And then there was Seamus...


For a brief moment Harry thought he'd collided with a wall. He'd been storming through the hallways of the castle entirely lost in his thoughts and as he rounded a corner there was a wall. It had knocked him backwards and sent him tumbling to the ground. The air had rushed from his lungs. But it couldn't be a wall. Not even Hogwarts, with all its peculiarities and strange quirks, had walls that just appeared around corners.

"Oh! Are you ok Potter?"

It hadn't been a wall. It had been a person.

Harry couldn't see who it was, his glasses had been knocked off as he tumbled to the floor but he didn't need to see them to know who it was. He recognised the clipped posh tone and he thought he could see a blur of blonde hair that confirmed it. He had collided with Cormac McLaggen and Cormac had undeniably gotten the better of the exchange. As Harry fumbled around on the cold stone floor attempting to locate his glasses he felt himself being gripped by the arms and lifted. He almost felt like he was floating back to his feet as Cormac pulled him up without so much as a strain or grunt.


Harry felt his glasses being pushed into his hand. For just a split second his fingers were entwined with Cormac's. His hands felt much smoother than Harry might have expected. And then there was firm tugging and gently smoothing swipes as Cormac straightened out his ruffled clothing.

"Seriously are you ok Potter? You kind of went flying there!"

As he slipped his glasses back on his vision returned to crisp clear images and Harry was able to take in the concerned expression filling Cormac's face. Up close Harry was able to appreciate Cormac's striking blue eyes and the way his pale skin so perfectly matched his blonde hair. Harry had never thought of another boy as pretty before but somehow that seemed the perfect word to describe Cormac.

"No! Yeah I'm fine. Done a lot worse. Quidditch, you know..."

Harry thought that he might be babbling and that it might be embarrassing but it was hard to tell. He was however sure he'd now been starring too intently at Cormac for too long. But then Cormac broke into a broad smile that displayed dazzlingly white teeth that seemed to light up his entire face and Harry couldn't bring himself to look away. Cormac didn't seem to notice or if he did he didn't seem to care. Harry supposed he must be used to people starring. How did you go through life with that face and not get used to people starring?

"Fantastic! I thought for a moment I'd killed the boy who lived!"

Cormac's laugh was like a booming bark although to Harry's ear it seemed to lack any genuine amusement. It was just a practiced sound to let people know he'd made a joke and Harry couldn't help but play along. He too laughed and tried his best to reflect Cormac's dazzling smile back at him.

"Not quite but I mean... wow!"

Harry gestured at the size of Cormac and in a moment of daring patted down the man's shoulders and chest. They felt so incredibly solid as Harry's hands gently knocked against them. No give whatsoever. Harry had obviously realised how built and muscled Cormac was but admiring from a distance wasn't quite the same as seeing it up close and personal. He was bigger than Harry had realised.

"I'm surprised you haven't tried out for Quidditch yourself."

"Well I intended to this year. Would have made the team as well I'm sure but there was an incident. A stupid bet really." Harry was sure he'd heard something about this. Snippets of an overheard conversation perhaps. Cormac had eaten Doxy eggs on a bet and been violently ill. "It doesn't matter now though"

"Our loss I'm sure. Maybe I could put in a word for you..."

Impossibly Cormac's smile seemed to become brighter at this suggestion. His entire face seemed to be lit up with excitement at the prospect of joining the team.

"I'd be an excellent addition. I trained with the Harpies over the summer, family connection, and they're talking about possibly signing me when I leave school which would be great obviously. But I'm not sure. The Harpies aren't what they used to be you know!"

Again the booming laugh to indicate that he'd made a joke. Once again Harry couldn't help but play along. If he was honest he hadn't really taken in much of what Cormac had to say. The words themselves had washed over him but he'd taken in the sound and noise of them. The tone and crispness of Cormac's voice and the polish of his accent was almost like music. Harry thought that he could listen to it all night.

"Although I'm surprised to hear you'd put in a word for me. What with Weasley being a friend of yours. Of course just between you and me I think it's going to be a difficult season for us with Weasley as keeper. I know he's your friend but I caught sight of him training earlier and he just lacks the technical and tactical mastery of the game."

From the words Harry was registering he was beginning to understand that Cormac, like Ron, must be a keeper. He'd assumed from the sheer size and strength of Cormac that he'd be a beater. Indeed he'd collided with beaters during games and it had felt like dropping onto a mattress in comparison to running into Cormac. Harry couldn't help but to continue to take in the size and strength of him. It seemed so strange that all that power and solid muscle would be paired with such a pretty face.

"But you must know that yourself of course. I'm sure you've played with him before. I'd certainly bring more technical skill and tactical knowledge to the team."

"Right. I'm sure."

Harry felt a little bad agreeing with Cormac's assessment of Ron's quidditch skills. In truth he didn't agree with Cormac but he desperately wanted him to continue talking. He wanted the music of that voice to continue washing over him as he took in the remarkable beauty of his face. The soft white skin, those crystal blue eyes, the strong defined jawline and that incredible smile that just seemed to radiate light.

"Anyway listen to me just wittering on! I'm sure you have places to be but we'll catch-up later Harry Potter!"

The palm of Cormac's hand had gently slapped down on Harry's upper as he bid him farewell. A friendly gesture Harry had witnessed him use with his friends when they parted ways.

"Yes. Definitely."

Cormac had already turned the corner when Harry shouted the words after him. He was pretty sure he'd made an idiot of himself but he didn't care. For the first time in a while his head felt clear and light. With something approaching a spring in his step Harry headed toward the library.

The smell hit him as he arrived at the top of the main staircase. Breakfast had already been served and the scent of bacon, egg, pancakes and various freshly baked pastries filled his nose. A handful of students lingered outside the Great Hall but most had already filed in to enjoy that morning's delights. Harry tried to remember the mornings of previous years when he'd practically skipped down these grand stone stairs and into the Great Hall. He'd been so caught up in the majesty and magic of it all. Everything had been so exciting. Now he just felt tense and heavy all the time.

He supposed, given all he'd been through the previous year, that the constant gnawing in the pitt of his stomach was to be expected. He'd witnessed a classmate, someone he might even have considered a friend, die and seen a great dark wizard who wished to kill him rise from the dead. He should feel tense and on edge. And yet Harry understood that this wasn't the root cause of his problems. In fact he wasn't sure it factored in even a little. He was a whirl of hormones and emotions but none of them seemed connected to Cedric or Voldermort. It was like he'd consumed a love potion but one without any specific target. His attention and obsession shifted from one person to the next and it was all consuming. Not to mention the confusion that came along with these growing infatuations all being targeted at boys and not girls.

Harry had never really thought much about his sexuality before this most recent summer. He'd had a series of embarrassing and awkward interactions with girls at Hogwarts in his first four years but they'd never really risen to anything remotely sexual. Nothing more than a quick peck on the lips or the closeness of a single dance at the Yule Ball. But now almost every waking moment of Harry's day was filled with deeply sexual thoughts and desires about the young wizards of Hogwarts.

Last night his dreams had once again been dominated by images of Seamus and the events he'd witnessed in Hogsmeade. That tight defined muscled body tensing with each powerful confident thrust. But Seamus hadn't been alone. Last night he'd been joined by Cormac and the two of them had been engaged in some unspoken contest. Each trying to thrust harder and deeper than the other. Both looking to prove their superiority in the moment. Cormac, bigger and more powerful, a sly cocky smile on his face and arrogance radiating off of him and Seamus all intense focused aggression each clearly defined muscle of his body pulsing.

Harry had woken to his sheets and pajamas stained in cum. That was why he was late to breakfast this morning; he had needed to discreetly dispose of his stained clothing and not for the first time this term. He wondered if anyone else was feeling this weight press down on them as well. Everyone else seemed so normal. Ron, who had spent the last weeks of summer allowing Harry to greedily worship his cock, seemed entirely unphased and upon return to Hogwarts had begun a series of ill fated pursuits of girls. Even Seamus, who Harry now saw in such a different light, seemed so relaxed and free. No burden of confusion or overwhelming lust weighing him down.

Still last night he had made progress. After literally running into Cormac Harry had been able to complete at least a couple of homework assignments without being overwhelmed by his thoughts of Seamus or Cormac or Crabbe or Goyle or Dudley...

Harry pushed all this from his mind as he arrived outside the Great Hall. He was determined to make a fresh start today. He'd already removed the invisibility cloak and Mauraders Map from his bag this morning. No longer would he spend his free time secretly following the wizards of Hogwarts around. He was going to make an effort to make things like they were last year. Before the summer and before Dudley had changed everything.

Stood in the giant imposing doorway of the Great Hall it took Harry just a few seconds to spot Ron and Hermione, the trademark blazing red hair of the Weasley family always made Ron easy to pick out in a crowd. As Harry made his way toward Ron and Hermione he began to take note of the figures sat around them. Most mornings this term Harry, Ron and Hermione had sat for breakfast with Fred, George and occasionally Ginny. Harry had come close to enjoying those mornings. It reminded him of the mornings they'd spent together in the Burrow. This morning however Hermione wasn't surrounded by the collection of red hair that was the Weasley clan instead Neville, Dean and Seamus were with them.

Harry had known that sooner or later he would need to spend time with Seamus; he'd just hoped that it would be later. Much later. And that he'd have time to prepare. A chance to guard himself against the rush of thoughts and desires that Seamus was sure to ignite in him.


A thick muscled arm was blocking his path and Harry immediately knew to whom it belonged. Cormac McLaggen's voice was unmistakable to Harry's ear. Once again Harry knew that seeing Cormac again would be unavoidable but he'd really hoped to avoid it for just a little longer.

"Join us! Come on sit down!"

Cormac's giant and impossibly white smile was welcoming Harry as he elbowed the people sat around him to make space for Harry next to him. Harry had just enough time to mouth an apology to Hermione before Cormac pulled him down to the table and into the space he'd cleared for him.

"I was just telling the guys here about running into you last night." Cormac gestured toward the group of wizards in his immediate vicinity. Harry recognised faces but struggled to put names to them. "Telling them about our chat and how you seem alright to me!"

"Oh, right..."

"Just between you and me Potter..." Cormac had leaned in close now as if he was sharing some conspiratorial secret but the volume of his voice didn't change a bit. Every word he said carried to the rest of the group. "I think the problem is the company you keep. Don't get me wrong I'm sure they're lovely and everything but the Weasley's just aren't great wizarding stock. You need to surround yourself with a better class of wizard. My father would never stand for the Prophet writing such terrible things about a family friend."

There was a murmur of agreement around the table. Harry was making a real effort to focus on the words Cormac was speaking and not just the delightful lyrical sound of them. He was sure if he could just let the actual content of what Cromac was saying sink in then he wouldn't get lost in those deep blue eyes or that beautiful smile.

"I don't understand it Potter! I mean, you have money, you should be mixing with the who's who of society. I can tell you my family wouldn't be filling your head with these fantastic stories just to get ahead."


Harry had wanted to leap in and defend the Wesley's. He had wanted to make clear that no one was filling his head with any kind of story and that everything he'd said about Voldermort was true. But that delicious clipped voice of Cormac just kept going.

"Perhaps I'll talk to my father and see if we can invite you over to the house for Christmas. You can see how a wizard of your standing should be living."

For a moment Harry allowed himself to sink into the fantasy of Christmas with Cormac. Getting to spend hours listening to him talk about his accomplishments and achievements. To just drown in that sweet tone and accent. To be able to spend weeks bathed in that smile and staring at his gorgeous face. All of his features seemed so perfectly matched that strong jawline complimented by soft delicate lips and a sleek angular nose.

"A wizard of your means should not be spending all of his time with the Weasleys."


Harry realised that his attempt to start fresh this morning had already been derailed. Just this brief interaction with Cormac and Harry was already hooked. He was lost in those eyes and consumed by his powerful shoulders. He couldn't help but remember how solid Cormac had felt last night or the ease with which Cormac had lifted him back to his feet. This was a man who deserved to be worshipped. A God-like figure. And, Harry understood, Cormac knew it. He radiated a confidence and arrogance Harry had never encountered before. There was no evil or malicious intent to it. Cormac just understood that he was a superior physical specimen and deserving of adulation and praise because of it.

"Anyway, enough about that. One should never talk about money in politie society. That's what my father always says."

"Makes sense!"

Harry didn't really know what else to say but it seemed the response was acceptable. Cormac's booming laugh echoed through the hall and just a second or two later the rest of his friend group echoed it as if the most hilarious joke had just been told. Harry just about raised a weak smile. He wanted with all of his being to dislike Cormac McLaggen and his perfect face but he just couldn't do it. He wanted to worship and serve this man, this superior being.

"So I was thinking about what you said last night."

"What I said?" Harry struggled to remember much of anything that had been said by either of them last night.

"Yes! About putting a word in for me with Johnson." The memory was coming back to Harry now. Cormac meant Angelina Johsnon, the current Gryffindor Quidditch Captain. "I was thinking that you should really see me play. That way you can really understand the skills I'd bring to the team. So how about it?"

Harry stared blankly at Cromac. He wanted so much to agree with whatever he was proposing but he didn't really understand what was being proposed.

"You and I have ourselves a little training session. You can see all that I have to offer."

"Right. Yes. Excellent idea!"

"I'd say we do it today but I have other plans. A date." Cormac looked to the right end of the table and caught the attention of a pretty sixth year witch Harry didn't really recognise. He winked at her, she blushed and Harry fully understood why. "But how's Friday for you?"

"Friday's great!"

"Well then it's a date!" Cormac winked at Harry this time and Harry hoped to God that he wasn't also blushing. "Right come on then Potter lets get you off to class!"

In another display of that impressive strength Cormac lifted Harry off the bench seat that ran alongside the table and pointed him in the direction of the exit. Surrounded by Cormac and his pals Harry was hustled out of the Great Hall. He hadn't had a single bite to eat.

Harry couldn't stop thinking about his conversation with Cormac.

He should have been focusing on History of Magic and Professor Binns' droning lecture about some important historical event or another but he'd long given up on that idea. Struggling to pay attention was just part of History of Magic even Hermione seemed to find Professor Binns' long and winding lectures a chore. So Harry didn't feel so guilty that as soon as the class began his mind was turning over the details of his breakfast with Cormac.

To his surprise though Harry was not drawn to Cormac's playful declaration that they had made a date. Nor was he obsessing over the flirty wink he'd deployed in Harry's direction. He wasn't even contemplating getting to spend the afternoon with Cormac showing off his athletic prowess or the athletic gear that Cormac would be wearing and the way it would highlight his large muscular frame. Instead Harry's mind kept returning to one thing; money.

No matter what his father's advice might be Cormac had brought the subject up repeatedly. Harry had money.

It was true. Harry's parents had taken steps to secure his financial security before their deaths and while he still didn't fully understand wizarding currency, even after five years of experience with it, he'd been repeatedly assured that he could afford to live comfortably for the rest of his life. This was what kept turning over and over in his mind but he couldn't understand why. He couldn't understand why he remained stuck on this point like a record jumping and scratching back to the same note again and again.

"...and he paid for these services..."

The words broke through from Professor Binns' lecture and it was like a lightbulb going off.

Harry wanted to leap up in celebration. It was as if he'd solved a particularly difficult riddle. A feeling of triumphant euphoria washed over him. The record was unstuck and a glorious song was playing in his mind. Beautiful, perfect Cormac had, without realising it, presented Harry with a solution to his problems. He had presented him with a way to lift the crushing weight that had been pressing down on him all term.

He had money.

Harry's eyes slowly drifted over to Seamus who occupied a desk on the opposite side of the room. He might almost be sleeping. His strong shoulders hunched over the desk and his square jaw resting in his hands. Harry allowed himself to remember the intensity and confidence Seamus had displayed in that rented room in Hogsmeade. The way he had known the older wizard desired him. The almost playful way he'd stripped off knowing how badly that wizard had wanted to see it. And not just see but feel and taste. And nothing could erase the intensity with which Seamus had thrust into the wizard. The power and strength as he'd forced himself deeper inside. Those long confident strokes that had turned the older wizard into a satisfied quivering mess.

Harry wanted Seamus and Harry was going to have him.

This was not some distant obsessive crush. It wasn't like following Goyle, so out of reach and untouchable, into the showers and wishing he could taste him. Wishing he could feel that cock grow hard and thick in his hand. Seamus had been paid for his services. Harry had witnessed it with his own eyes. Not just the services but the payment. The older wizard had handed over two separate pouches filled with coins. Seamus had most definitely been paid for his services and Harry had money.

To say that he was nervous would be an understatement.

When he had begun the process of enacting this plan Harry had felt supremely confident but slowly that confidence had started to fade. And now, as he sat waiting in the darkened room, Harry's confidence had completely deserted him. He was convinced that he was making a horrible mistake and that he'd somehow completely misinterpreted the events he'd witnessed in Hogsmeade and was hurtling toward a disaster. The sinking heavy feeling in the pit of his stomach was growing and growing.

When his History of Magic class had finally drawn to an end Harry had wasted no time in returning to the Gryffindor tower and his shared bedroom. He'd practically been sprinting through the crowded corridors of the castle weaving in and out of the students gathered in them. He was still high on confidence in the plan as he dug through the chest at the foot of his bed. Pulling out odd socks, old books and long forgotten trading cards before finally revealing the collection of golden and silver coins scattered across the bottom of the chest. He scooped up the Galleons and Sickles and carefully shovelled them into a dark leather pouch.

With financing secure it was time to enact step two of the plan. He'd grabbed parchment and a quill and began furiously scribbling out the message he'd spent most of the History of Magic class constructing. A mysterious summons to a mysterious location. He addressed it to the Irish Stallion and carefully placed it on the pillow of the bed he knew belonged to Seamus.

The more he thought about this plan now, sat in the semi-darkness of the abandoned classroom, the more Harry realised what a terrible plan it was. He'd been flush with the excitement of his realisation earlier in the day and allowed himself to get carried away. Seamus wouldn't respond to some mysterious note left on his pillow. Why would he venture to an empty classroom late at night based on a mystery summons from a mystery wizard? It made no sense. And what if he did show up? He'd be angry at the discovery of his secret and how would Harry ever hope to explain how he knew these details about Seamus?

This was going to end badly. That was the realisation that hit Harry like a train. Suddenly he was struggling to breathe. Taking in sharp shallow breaths that were making him feel woozy. He was in a full blown panic. He needed to get out of the room. Harry was scrambling off of the seat he'd been occupying. Trying to will himself to take deeper slower breaths. Forcing his breathing to return to something close to normal.


That Irish brogue was unmistakable and stopped Harry in his tracks. His chance to abandon this ridiculous scheme was gone. Seamus had arrived and there would be no backing out now. Whatever was about to happen Harry had come too far to turn back. And so he took a deep breath to try and steady his nerves.


"What are you doing here?"

Even in the growing shadows of the room Harry could clearly make out the increasing tension in Seamus' body language. He was puffing his chest and squaring his shoulders as he balled his fists. Seamus was ready to fight.

"Waiting..." Harry recognised that his voice was shaking. It lacked the confidence that Seamus was projecting. "Waiting for you."

Seamus took a step toward Harry and instinctively Harry took a step back to maintain the distance between them. Amazingly it hadn't really occurred to Harry what would happen when Seamus arrived in the room. He'd summoned Seamus to this clandestine meeting but given no real thought to what he might say to him or how Seamus might react to what was unfolding. His mind had instantly jumped beyond this point. It had jumped to focus on Seamus' powerful and defined body. To wondering if the Irish stallion would taste as good as he looked.

"And why's that Harry?"

That thick Irish accent had dropped to something close to a growl now. A growl that hit Harry like a bolt of electricity sending a strange tingling sensation through his body. Harry tried to speak but he couldn't find the words and his mouth was suddenly bone dry. And so with words failing him Harry did the only thing he could think of, he pulled the dark leather pouch from his pocket and threw it toward Seamus. It landed with a metallic thud at his feet.

"What's this?"

Again Harry found himself unable to speak. He just gestured vaguely toward the pouch almost willing Seamus to examine it and put the pieces together himself. Slowly, his eyes never leaving Harry, Seamus bent down and scooped up the pouch. He seemed to take a moment to judge the weight of it in his hand before pulling it open and examining its contents.

"Is it enough?"

The words escaped Harry's mouth in an excited rush. Three words pressed into one. His tone sounded so unfamiliar to him. So unsure and weak.

"Enough for what?"

Harry couldn't read the expression on Seamus' square features and his tone wasn't giving anything away either. He must surely have been able to piece together what was happening here by now. The note that had summoned him here and the pouch filled with coins weren't subtle. And yet Seamus was playing dumb. It was as if he was toying with Harry.

"The..." Harry took another breath to try and steady himself and his voice. He didn't want Seamus to hear the way it was quivering. "The Irish stallion!"

There was a shift in Seamus' expression now. A thin crooked smile spread across his face. Just a hint of pride at this alias.

"And how would you know about that?"

"I... I just do..."

Seamus took another step toward Harry and this time Harry made no attempt to maintain the distance between them. He allowed Seamus to move closer and closer until they were stood face-to-face. Harry could see the curiosity and interest burning in Seamus' eyes and make out the confident almost cocky smirk that dominated his square jaw. He wanted to reach out and touch him. To press his hands against the Irishman's solid chest or run his fingers over his powerful shoulders but he resisted. He still couldn't tell what was about to happen. Seamus' fists were still in tight balls.

"Harry Potter..." Slowly Seamus began to circle Harry. Eyeing him like a piece of meat as he spoke. "...the boy who lies. Always so many great stories."

Harry felt an anger rising in him now. The same anger he'd felt at the beginning of term when Seamus had questioned his account of Voldermort's return. He could feel his own fists balling up and his nails digging into the soft flesh of his palms. Seamus noticed as well.

"You want to fight me Harry? Is that what you want?"

Seamus' voice was directly in Harry's ear. He could feel the warm heat of his breath as the gentle Irish growl was almost whispered into his ear. His anger subsided immediately. He had no interest in fighting Seamus and not just because he was sure he'd end up on the losing side of that conflict.


The weakness had returned to his voice. His whole body seemed to have deflated. Seamus was shorter than him and yet in this moment he seemed to tower above him. His large square shoulders cut an imposing figure that made Harry feel small. But there was no shame to go along with this. The heavy weight in his stomach had been replaced by fluttering butterflies and he could feel the excited rhythm of his heart pounding in his chest.

"So what do you want?"

Seamus had completed his circle of Harry now and they were once again face-to-face. Harry struggled to maintain eye contact. The desire to look away, to look down at the floor was almost overwhelming but Harry couldn't bear to look away. He wanted to take in every detail of Seamus' face now that it was this close to him. The straight square lines of his jaw that led to an almost cute little dimple in his chin. For the first time Harry realised that Seamus' eyes, just like Cormac's, were a bright sparkling blue not the golden brown he'd imagined them to be.

"I..." Harry had to force the words out. He didn't recognise the croaking sound as his own voice. "... I... I want you..."

Harry wasn't sure what response he'd been expecting but the rumbling chuckle that was emimating from Seamus wasn't it. Each deep sound of mocking amusement stung Harry like a slap to the face.

"Please..." It was an ugly cloying pleading sound. "... I can... I can get more..."

Seamus turned away from Harry now and began to head to the exit. The dark leather pouch full of coins was back in his hand and he was throwing it ever so slightly into the air with each step. The jingling and clanging of the coins echoing in the room. Harry couldn't believe that he was watching Seamus leave. This was not how he'd imagine any of this unfolding.

"Who knew Harry Potter was so pathetic. All those big heroic stories but look at you now."


Seamus stopped at the door, his hand resting on the handle. The leather pouch of coins disappeared into his pocket and he turned back toward Harry. That twisted cocky grin still firmly planted on his face.

"But it is a bit hot in here don't you think?"

Harry's heart stopped and time seemed to slow to a crawl.

Without saying another word Seamus pulled the light loose fitting t-shirt he'd been wearing over his head and off. Once again Harry was able to take in the astonishing sight of Seamus' defined and powerful upper body. The thick squareness of his shoulders and the slight protruding of his chest gave way to that remarkable stomach. The dark shadows of the room only seemed to highlight the ripples of his muscled stomach more.

"That's better, don't you think?"

Harry couldn't speak all he could do was nod his agreement. It was much better.

Seamus was once again closing the gap between the two of them moving closer to Harry with confident strides. In no time Seamus was within reach of Harry. That solid mass of muscle was just a few inches away. He could reach out and touch it. He could feel the solid pale flesh. And yet his arms wouldn't move. They seemed stuck at his side as if there was some invisible force pinning them down.

Gently Seamus took hold of Harry's wrists and slowly raised his arms. Harry's fingers passed tantalisingly close to Seamus' skin. His fingertips could almost brush against the muscled flesh. Then finally Seamus guided Harry's hands onto his chest. Harry's fingers pressed against the firm muscled skin and soaked up its warmth. Slowly, making sure to savour every moment, Harry allowed his fingers to explore Seamus' upper body. He could hear himself moaning gently as he ran a finger down the soft thin hair that ran down the centre of Seamus' chest and marvelled at the way the Irishman's nipples grew harder as the tips of his fingers caressed them.

Harry didn't know where to go next. He wanted to experience and feel every inch of Seamus. That ripped stomach was calling him. He wanted to know how it would feel to run his hands over the ripples of those defined abdominal muscles. But Seamus' shoulders and arms were calling him too. Square and powerful. Harry decided to save what he was sure would be the best till last and forced his hands to move back up Seamus' chest to his shoulders. They were a knot of tense and tight muscle that showed no sign of give as Harry pressed his fingers into them and so his hands slid down and onto Seamus' arms.

Responding to Harry's touch Seamus lifted his arms and, as he had for the wizard in Hogsmeade, bent them flexing the hard won biceps for Harry to feel. And feel them Harry did. His hands closed around them, squeezing and pressing at them greedily. Amazed by how solid they felt and how they seemed to pulse in his grip.

Wanting more Harry found himself leaning into Seamus and ducking down to his right arm. His lips and tongue pressed and lapped at the skin. Kissing, licking and gently sucking on the throbbing muscle beneath. And then his mouth was making its way back up Seamus' arm back toward his shoulders. As he kissed his way up Harry felt Seamus' hand close around the back of his head and guide him toward his armpit. Hungrily Harry dived into the pit burying his face and nose in the thick dark hair. The smell and taste was amazing. He kissed and licked more furiously and found himself sucking on the skin and hairs harder.

"Yeah that's it. Get in there."

Seamus pushed him deeper into his pit. Harry's nose was squashed against the skin but still he wanted more. He wanted to climb in deeper and lap up every part of Seamus that he could.

As Harry greedily snacked on Seamus' armpit his hands continued to explore. Once again he felt that solid chest as he slid down and finally got to run his fingers across that stomach. Harry had never felt anything like it. It was an explosion of sensations as his fingertips brushed over the rippled muscle. A series of solid unyielding bumps on Seamus' stomach ringed by a firm indent into the flesh. His fingers pressed, squeezed and pinched at the flesh. Trying and failing to find a soft spot.

And then it stopped.

Seamus pulled Harry free from his armpit and took a step back once again creating distance between the two. Harry was left confused and panting. Desperately wanting more of Seamus. He moved to dive onto Seamus but was stopped in his tracks by the steely look in those blue eyes.

"I think you've had enough."

"No! Please!"

That devilish grin had returned at the sound of Harry's desperate pleading.

"You haven't had enough?"


"You want more?"

"Yes! Please! Yes!"

Seamus watched Harry squirming and begging with amusement in his eyes. Harry could tell that he was enjoying the power and control he had over this situation and over Harry. In this moment Harry felt he might have given Seamus just about anything he asked for. To have had just the small fleeting taste of him wasn't enough. It had only increased the hunger and desire for him. The feeling was almost burning Harry up.

"Can you handle this?"

As he spoke Seamus took a firm grip of his cock through the dark tracksuit bottoms he was wearing. Harry could see the outline of the beautiful cock he knew was hidden beneath those trousers. Harry could remember how inviting that cock had looked and how badly he'd wanted to taste it almost every second of every moment since.


Instinctively Harry dropped down to his knees and for just a moment Seamus seemed caught off guard by this display of desperation. But then the grin was back. Bigger and wider than before.

"Come on then..."

Seamus used his finger to signal Harry forward and Harry didn't need telling twice. He lurched forward and dived onto Seamus' crotch, his mouth and tongue searching out that cock through the material of his trousers. As he got to experience minor seconds of Seamus' cock pressed against his tongue and lips Harry's hands grabbed at the waistband of the tracksuit bottoms and yanked and tugged at them. It was an awkward struggle but finally Harry managed to pull the trousers down and expose Seamus' cock.

The cock was exactly as Harry remembered it except it seemed bigger somehow now that it was directly in front of him. The base was smooth with no hair to be found and now that they were right before his eyes Harry could tell that Seamus' balls were hairless too. Without wasting another second Harry dived forward and wrapped his lips around Seamus' balls. It had disappointed him how unimpressed Ron had been with his balls being kissed, licked and sucked, something that had driven Dudley insane. Harry had missed the feeling of those big heavy balls in his mouth and so he closed his lips around Seamus' and sucked. Gently at first but as he heard a low rumbling moan pour out of Seamus a little harder.

Seamus tasted amazing. Sweet with just the right amount of salty sweatiness. It was a taste Harry was more than happy to enjoy for as long as he could. So as he continued to lick and suck on Seamus' balls he began to stroke on the large Irish cock. It felt good to have the heat of someone else's cock in his hand. Better still to feel it growing harder and thicker to his touch.

While Harry felt he could spend hours savouring the flavour, weight and texture of Seamus' balls Seamus had other ideas. It seemed he was growing impatient. Harry felt fingers entangle themselves in his hair and take a firm grip. He was being pulled up and off the Irishman's balls. They left his mouth with a satisfying pop as Seamus pulled him to the head of his cock.

Once again Harry noticed the lack of foreskin covering Seamus' cock and couldn't resist running his tongue over the exposed purple head. The tip playing ever so slightly with the piss slit. The sharp intake of breath from Seamus at the movement of his tongue made Harry want to tease the head of his cock more. To slowly and carefully lap up the precum beginning to leak from his cock. But once again Seamus was impatient and he pushed Harry down onto his cock. Harry opened wide and took the head into his mouth.

"Show me what you can do Harry!"

Seamus didn't let up. He kept his pressure on the back of Harry's head pushing him down on the shaft. Every time Harry thought the pressure would let up and he'd be free to move back to the tip of Seamus' cock he was proven wrong. Seamus just kept pushing him down. Further and further onto the shaft. Harry could feel and hear himself beginning to sputter and choke on the cock. He could feel his spit beginning to coat the shaft. He had no idea how far down the shaft he was but Seamus just kept on pushing. Even as Harry began to struggle Seamus kept on pushing. Pushing the head of his cock down into Harry's throat.

"That's it!"

Harry felt his nose press against skin and realised that he had made it to the base of Seamus' cock. He felt the swell of pride within him at Seamus' faint praise but could also feel his throat fighting and choking on the cock. Still Seamus held his head firmly in place. And then he thrust his hips forward and somehow his cock forced its way deeper into his throat and Harry couldn't take it anymore. He spat the cock free of his throat and fell back taking in deep panting breaths.

"I thought you said you could handle it?"

Seamus was laughing at him now. His rock hard cock covered in thick wet spit with individual lines of it running from the head to Harry's mouth like the beginnings of a spiderweb. Harry would not be defeated though. Just as he'd seen the old wizard do, Harry dived right back onto Seamus' cock. His lips wrapping tightly around the head and then shaft as he dived deep on it. Choking and gagging himself as he once again tried to reach the base.

"Good boy!"

Seamus seemed impressed with the greed and hunger with which Harry was devouring his cock. His fingers were no longer entangled in Harry's hair. Harry wondered if he'd been able to look up if he'd have seen Seamus, eyes closed and hands behind his head just enjoying this blowjob. Allowing the pleasure of it to fill him up.

Harry though still wanted to more. He wanted to feel Seamus inside of him. He wanted to experience those deep confident strokes. Reluctantly he once again spat Seamus' cock out.

"Fuck me! Please!"

Seamus seemed not at all surprised by this desperate plea from Harry. In fact the satisfied smile on his face suggested that he'd been expecting it.

"Bend over..."

Seamus pointed at a desk just to their left and Harry wasted no time in doing as instructed. Leaning over the desk on his elbows and forearms and sticking his arse out toward Seamus. For his part Seamus grabbed at Harry's trousers and roughly tugged them down. He lowered them enough to expose Harry's naked backside and the top of his legs. Like Seamus Harry had opted to forgo underwear for this particular meeting.

Harry tensed slightly as he felt both of Seamus' hands pressed down on the cheeks of his bum. He remembered the way Seamus' hand had slapped down on that wizard's bum and how much Seamus had seemed to enjoy doing it. And he remembered the way Dudley had whipped him with a leather belt and the way the pain of it had turned to an intense pleasure. Seamus though made no move to slap his hands against Harry's soft flesh instead he pulled the cheeks apart.

"Damn that's a tight little hole Harry!"

There was a warm wet feeling around his hole and Harry realised Seamus had spat on it. One hand was then removed from his bum and he felt something pressing at and around his hole. It was too thin and gentle to be Seamus' cock so Harry decided it must be his finger. Carefully Seamus rubbed and almost tickled at Harry's hole with the tip of a single finger. The finger pressed against him and Harry could feel himself opening ever so slightly.

"So tight! This is gonna be fun!"

Another spitting sound. Harry understood that this time Seamus would be spitting on the head of his cock. Combining his own spit with the copious amounts of Harry's that had slicked and lubed up his cock. And then he felt it. The warm slick head of Seamus' cock pressed between his checks. He braced himself as he felt the head of Seamus' cock against his hole. He'd taken Dudley's cock which was thicker and longer but that had been months ago now. And Dudley had never really given him all that much time to think about it. His cock had just been forced in without warning. Seamus was taking his time. Almost as if he were savouring the tightness of it.

"Oh... fuck...fuck..."

Harry couldn't help but cry out as the head of Seamus' cock pushed into his hole. So slowly and deliberately. Seamus really was savouring the tightness of it. He seemed to be enjoying the way Harry's hole squeezed at his cock and almost fought against it. It was a battle Seamus was always going to win though and he continued to slowly move his cock deeper inside Harry. Every little bit of the shaft that moved inside of Harry brought a new moaning crying response from him. The pleasure was very quickly taking over though. The satisfaction of having Seamus inside of him. The feeling of joy as that thick cock filled him up.

After a minute or so Seamus was buried in Harry to the base. His hips and thighs pressed against the exposed skin of Harry's backside. The pain had entirely subsided for Harry now and he was experiencing a wave of intense pleasure. A wave that slowly withdrew as Seamus' cock began to pull out of him and then came crashing back down over him as Seamus thrust back inside.

"Oh fuck yes!"

While Harry cried out with each thrust of Seamus' hips Seamus let out a deep visceral grunt. It reminded Harry just a little of the rumbling animalistic grunts and roars Dudley would make when fucking him. In almost no time Seamus' thrusts had fallen into a steady and confident rhythm and Harry was entirely overwhelmed by the pleasure of it. Being fucked by Dudley had been a rough, quick and almost violent feeling. Deep stuttering thrusts as Harry struggled with the relentless unforgiving power of Dudley. With Seamus it was entirely different. It was a smooth fluid motion. Long confident strokes and thrusts. There would be moments when Seamus would fuck him hard and faster. His bum would slap against Seamus' thighs and Harry thought he might explode from the pleasure of it. And then Seamus would go slower and give Harry the chance to luxuriate in the feeling of those smooth confident thrusts.

Harry was sure he'd cum at least once as Seamus' moved in and out of him. He could feel the warmth of his load on his stomach and more dripping down the side of his legs. He thought maybe he'd just been cumming this whole time. His cock just a steady stream of cum as orgasm after orgasm rolled through his body. Suddenly he fully understood why Seamus had taken on the moniker of the Irish stallion. No name had ever seemed more fitting to Harry.

"You want my cum?"

"Yes!" And Harry did want Seamus' cum. He wanted to feel that warmth explode deep inside him the way it did when Dudley came inside him. "Do it inside me!"

"No! On your knees!"

Harry felt an enormous sense of disappointment and emptiness as Seamus withdrew his cock from his hole. He wanted to feel Seamus back inside of him. To feel those deep confident strokes again. But then his brain caught up to the situation and screamed at him that Seamus was about to cum. He remembered the deliciousness of Seamus' flesh and the sweetness of his cock and quickly turned and dropped to his knees.

"Fuck yes! Take it!"

Almost the second Harry dropped onto his knees Seamus came. Harry got just the shortest glimpse of the orgasm surging through his tight muscled body before cum was flying at him. Spurt after spurt exploding from Seamus' cock. Harry felt it hitting his face and hair. He could feel it on his chin and nose and a slight burning as some dripped into his eyes. He had no doubt his glasses would be covered too. But the greatest drops were on his lips and tongue. Seamus' cum tasted fresh and almost fruity. It was, like the rest of him, delicious.

Harry greedily swallowed the thick pools that landed on his lips and tongue and used his fingers to guide streams from his checks toward his mouth. He wanted to taste every drop. Carefully he pulled his glasses from his face and let his tongue lick the cum stained lenses clean. He could hear Seamus once again chuckling to himself no doubt as he took in the pathetic sight of Harry desperately trying to find and taste every drop of his cum.

Without saying another word Seamus left the room. Harry, still basically blind as he licked his glasses clean, was only aware of Seamus' departure because he heard the opening and closing of the door. For a minute more Harry continued to scoop cum into his mouth and lick his fingers clean. Satisfied that he hadn't gotten as much as he could Harry allowed himself to savour this moment. To savour the complete satisfaction of it. For the first time in as long as he could remember Harry felt light and relaxed. There was no more tight knot of anxiety in his stomach and no crushing weight pressing down on his shoulders. Everything just felt right.

Next: Chapter 10

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