The Awakening of Harry Potter

By Robert Smith

Published on Feb 2, 2021


NOTE: As ever I sadly don't own the copyrights for any of the characters or locations mentioned in this work of fiction. The story itself is now well and truly planted in the timeline of The Order of the Phoenix with the film series rather than the books being the main source of inspiration. If you'd like to send feedback, thoughts or requests then I'm always happy to hear them. Enjoy!

Chapter Eight: Under the Invisibility Cloak

The heat of the Hogwarts Express was almost unbearable.

Usually this journey was among Harry's favourite moments of the year. The journey back to Hogwarts after a long lonely summer removed from magic and trapped with his muggle family. Not this year though. This year the journey was a stifling and infuriating one. There was no joy in being reunited with his friends this year. Although Ron and Hermione were doing their best to pretend that everything was normal nothing was. Harry could see and feel the eyes on him. He could sense the whispered conversations about him. The accusations being made. He'd been hidden from all of this at Privet Drive and then Grimmauld Place but now the harsh reality of the wizarding world's reaction to Voldermort's return was upon him. The denial and fear of it. Harry was the fantasist seeking attention.

This wasn't the real reason for Harry's deteriorating mood though. Nor for the growing anger and resentment he could feel building in his gut. He'd never be able to admit it to anyone but Harry didn't want to be on this train to Hogwarts. There was an alarming part of him that wanted to abandon a return to his magical studies to return to Little Whinging. To return to Dudley.

Ron had provided a wonderful distraction to Harry's pining for Dudley. The handful of weeks at Grimmauld Place had been highlighted by almost nightly entanglements between the two best friends. Every night as they readied themselves for bed Harry would initiate what he could only describe as a worshipping of Ron's cock. Licking, kissing, sucking and tasting every inch of it hungrily bringing him to orgasm. And Ron would just let him. He made no attempt to stop Harry or guide his movements or actions. He'd simply lay back and let Harry greedily consume him. And then when it was all done they'd retire to their own beds.

Harry had been looking forward to these nightly trysts continuing. His mind had been filled with thoughts of stealthily slipping into Ron's bed in their shared dormitory and of Ron stifling his moans and whimpers so as not to alert the other boys. Or maybe they'd slip off together under the invisibility cloak. The distraction missions they'd spent years practicing taking on a whole new dimension. But it wasn't to be. Last night after Harry had returned to his own bed Ron had broken their usual pattern. The room wasn't silent save for Ron's deep gulping breaths. Instead Ron was nervous and awkwardly speaking. He was telling Harry how he'd been thinking about the start of the new term and being back at Hogwarts. He talked about how he thought they should stop. How it would be for the best. And Harry had agreed. There had been a horrible ball of disappointment in his stomach but still he'd agreed.

So now there was no Dudley. And no distraction from Ron. Just a year of school stretching on forever. A year of school before he could return to Privet Drive and Dudley. That was what Harry had to look forward to. At a time when his mind should be filled with nothing but concern and fear over the return of his greatest enemy and the darkest of dark wizards all he could think about was counting down the days until Dudley.

"Harry..." Hermione shook him free of his thoughts. "We're here!"

The train had stopped Harry realised. He had arrived back at Hogwarts. But there was no mad rush to escape the train and clamber onto the platform. Apparently Hermione had allowed Harry to stay locked away in his daydreams until the majority of his fellow students had bundled off the train and already begun their journey to the main castle. He was thankful for that at least. A few more precious moments without those stares and whispers.

"Shall we go?"

Hermione was smiling at him but she couldn't hide her nervousness. No doubt she could sense his mood. The anger bubbling away just under the surface.


Together Harry and Hermione made their way past the empty compartments of the Hogwarts Express to the exit. As he stepped off the train Harry let the cool early evening air wash over him. It was a welcome relief after the stifling heat of the train. Despite the mixed emotions of his return to Hogwarts the familiar sights, sounds and smells of the magical school lifted his spirits. He really did love it here.

"I'm surprised the Ministry is still letting you walk around free Potter..."

The sneering greasy tone of Draco Malfoy was unmistakable breaking through the cool quiet of the early evening. Harry knew without turning to look that Malfoy would be flanked, as he almost always was, by Crabbe and Goyle his two lumbering friends come bodyguards. Malfoy would only be willing to provoke if they were by his side ready to step in and physically knock back anyone who would dare to stand up to their leader. Of course Harry had known that interaction with Draco would be unavoidable, Hogwarts was large but not that large, but he was entirely unprepared to deal with his chief tormentor right now.

"...You better enjoy it while you can. I expect there's a cell in Azkaban with your name on it!"

Draco finally appeared in Harry's line of sight confidently striding into his view with both Crabbe and Goyle by his side as expected. All three were dressed in black the apparently unspoken dress code of the Slytherin house. As Malfoy's delicate and pale features twisted into a snarling grin Harry couldn't stop himself. He lunged forward determined to tackle Draco. To strike at him.

His determination however came to nothing. His arms remained solidly at his side and his feet firmly planted in place. He stretched and strained but got no closer to Malfoy. For a brief moment Harry considered that he'd been cursed and magically stopped in his tracks but then he registered the pressure on his arms and the heat of someone behind him. He wasn't being magically held in place but physically restrained. Harry knew without doubt that Ron was the one holding him back. He could recognise his scent. Not just the smell of his deodorant or particular brand of soap but something more. The musk of Ron Weasley he supposed. Harry could feel the heat of his rage subsiding as he became aware of Ron's presence behind him.

"What did I tell you? Complete nutter."

Harry became aware that as he'd lurched toward Draco to tackle him Crabbe and Goyle had closed ranks around him and it was to them that Malfoy was now speaking. Free to goad Harry further safely behind the mountain of flesh and muscle that was Crabbe and Goyle. Harry couldn't help himself as Ron held him back he found his eyes passing over Crabbe and Goyle. He was taking them in as he'd started to examine all of the men he'd come into contact with this summer. The sheer size of them. He could imagine their power and strength. Would it be like having two Dudley's?

"Just stay away from me!"

Malfoy was already walking away as Harry half heartedly spat the words at him. He wasn't even sure Draco had heard him as he practically skipped away laughing and joking with Crabbe and Goyle. Harry couldn't help but notice how small and delicate Malfoy looked in comparison to his would be bodyguards. They towered over him. Both so broad and powerful but different too. Goyle was all developing muscle, the baby fat of previous years replaced with a solid looking mass. Crabbe seemed rounder and softer but no smaller. Harry could feel himself reacting to the pair. A stirring in his jeans as his mind filled with far from wholesome thoughts.

The thoughts and stirring were cut off by the sensation of Ron relaxing his grip. Harry felt the pressure removed from his arms and stumbled forward slightly. He'd been leaning and straining forward this whole time without realising it and Ron had been holding him back. Seemingly with ease.

"It's only Malfoy. What do you expect?"

Harry pushed the cubicle door closed with the back of his heel as he rooted through the contents of his bag. Much as he had over the summer holidays Harry had taken to carrying the bag with him at all times. For show he'd thrown a couple of books in it as well as some other school supplies but its true purpose had not changed since the summer. The invisibility cloak was with him everywhere he went and earlier in the week he'd added a second essential item, the Marauders Map.

It was the magical map of Hogwarts that Harry was looking for now. He located it, after wasting precious seconds fumbling through loose parchment, at the bottom of the bag. No matter how carefully he arranged the contents of the bag Harry could not maintain its order. He supposed there must be a spell to help with that. Hermione would no doubt know it but he wasn't entirely sure on how to broach the subject with her so his bag was destined to remain a mess.

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good"

Harry whispered the magical phrase, not wanting any other potential occupants of the boys toilet to hear, and watched as the map came to life. The ink swirling and dancing across the parchment before forming into the shape of Hogwarts. And then the map began to populate itself. Magical dots indicating each of the teachers and students currently to be found on the Hogwarts grounds and exactly pinpointing their locations.

"Where are you?" He was searching, as he had everyday since adding the map to his bag, for two names in particular. "There!"

Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle.

Harry didn't immediately recognise where the two were located but what was more striking was that Malfoy didn't appear to be anywhere nearby. Ever since the run-in on the platform station that first evening back at Hogwarts this was how Harry had spent any free period or free time following Crabbe and Goyle. It was as if he was back in Little Whinging secretly following his cousin around the village. Only this time Harry was under no illusion as to what was prompting this behaviour.

The first day really had been unplanned though. He took some comfort in that. He'd left a class shared with Slytherin house, and specifically Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle, and had just found himself trailing them. It had been pure luck that the invisibility cloak was still buried in the bottom of his bag. He'd just never gotten around to removing it after leaving Privet Drive. It hadn't been planned. He'd just slipped the cloak over himself and followed the three Slytherin wizards as they made their way around Hogwarts. He'd watched Malfoy snarl and goad passers by and then watched Crabbe and Goyle leap into action to protect him. And he'd watched the two hulking mass of boys toss a first year he didn't recognise between them like he was a ball. The strength and aggression drew him in. It was intoxicating to him.

While it was true the first day had been unplanned everyday since had not. He'd set out to find them on day two and lucked upon them strolling through the grounds. On day three he hadn't been so lucky and despite his best efforts he'd been unable to find any trace of Crabbe, Goyle or even Malfoy. That was when he added the Marauders Map to his bag. For nearly a week since then Harry had made excuses to slip away from Ron and Hermione during any free time they found themselves with to go in search of Crabbe and Goyle.

"Mischief managed"

The second magical phrase deactivated the map and returned it to seemingly blank parchment. He dropped it back into his bag and draped the invisibility cloak over himself. He'd committed Crabbe and Goyle's current location to memory, they didn't appear to be moving, and carefully ducked out of the cubicle he occupied and then the bathroom itself into an almost empty Hogwarts hallway. With now practiced ease Harry weaved in and out of the few students that were still lingering in the halls and made his way down a collection of twisting and rotating staircases.

Today he was particularly eager to find Crabbe and Goyle. Not only were they in an unfamiliar location but for the first time since he'd begun following them they were without Malfoy. Today Harry had the chance to discover what Crabbe and Goyle were like away from Draco. When they weren't protecting him from a fellow student he'd pushed too far or tormenting a smaller wizard for his amusement.

Harry couldn't quite piece together the friendship, if that's what it was, between Malfoy and his two bodyguards. He didn't understand why, when they were so much bigger and so much stronger, Malfoy was the leader of the group. They could so easily overpower him and squash him like a bug. And yet they didn't. Harry had also begun to realise in recent days that he thought he might like Crabbe and Goyle. Obviously he was physically drawn to the two but in the snatched moments of conversation between them he'd been able to overhear they almost seemed funny. There was a relaxed and enjoyable banter between them that Harry recognised in his own friendship with Ron. While Draco had remained cold and aloof, Harry had found himself drawn to Crabbe and Goyle and thought that in another life, at another time the three of them might almost be friends.

Finally Harry arrived at his destination and it dawned on him where he was, the Hogwarts gym.

As Seeker on the Gryffindor quidditch team, a position he'd occupied since first year, Harry was vaguely aware of the existence of this room although he'd never actually stepped inside it. As Seeker he'd never seen much need to visit the gym especially as the rest of his time at Hogwarts had kept him in fine shape but he'd still heard mention of it. Beaters and Keepers spoke of their visits to the gym and maybe other school friends too. As he pictured Crabbe and Goyle in his mind he decided it would make perfect sense that they, unlike Harry, would visit the gym.

When Harry carefully slipped into the large expanse of the gym he immediately found himself wondering why he had never visited before. The smell alone set his senses alight. A wonderful mix of sweat and testosterone that smelt like heaven. Mixed with the smell were the sounds. Underneath the clattering and buzzing of machinery and weights were low grunts and groans and deep rumbling breaths. It was all almost overwhelming.

The sounds and the smells though were nothing compared to the sights. The room seemed to be the exclusive domain of the boys of Hogwarts, as far as Harry could tell no witches were anywhere to be found, and the boys had abandoned school uniform for more suitable workout clothes. Some wore tracksuit and jogging bottoms and others shorts with a combination of t-shirts and varying types of sleeveless vests covering their upper bodies.

Slowly, trying his best to maintain an awareness of his surroundings and the movements of the wizards around him, Harry made his way through the gym. Ostensibly he was looking for Crabbe and Goyle but he found it difficult to focus. His eyes were freely wandering around the room drawn to new figures and broad frames everywhere he looked. Wizards he didn't recognise, but certainly wished he did, passed in and out of his vision. And occasionally a wizard he did know would come into view and he'd find it impossible not to linger on them.

Harry found himself stood for a moment watching an older wizard he vaguely recognised from the Gryffindor common room, Cormac maybe, performing pull-ups on some kind of metal construction. His arms bulged and strained each time he pulled his chin to above the bar and small beads of sweat were beginning to form on his brow and dampen his blonde hair. Harry forced himself to move on but was immediately stopped in his tracks again as Seamus came into view. The young Irish wizard was on an identical metal construction set opposite Cormac, Harry was now sure his name was Cormac, completing his own pull-ups. Seamus' pull-ups were more fluid though and faster. He barely seemed to breaking a sweat as he pulled his chin to the bar and Harry was surprised by the size and definition of his biceps. Seamus it seemed was deceptively built.

Once again though Harry forced himself to move on. He had had an awkward and unfortunate conflict with Seamus at the start of term. The Irishman had accused him of lying about the return of Voldermort. Or at least his mother had. Nasty words had been exchanged and blows may have been struck if Ron hadn't once again intervened. With hindsight looking at the ease with which Seamus was completing those pull-ups Harry decided he'd been lucky to avoid a physical confrontation with him.

Finally, tucked away in their own private corner of the gym, Harry discovered Crabbe and Goyle. The pair were a study in contrasts. Crabbe seemed entirely disinterested in the concept of exercise or working out. He was leaning, in loose fitting shorts and t-shirt, against a mirrored wall. If he'd performed any exercise during his time in the gym it hadn't been enough to break a sweat. And yet Harry was still in awe of his size. He was rounder and softer than Goyle but could still pass for a mountain. His shoulders were broad and powerful and his legs, in particular his thighs, seemed three or four times the size of Harry's. How he'd found shorts to cover them let alone hang loosely from them was a mystery to Harry.

Goyle meanwhile was the picture of intensity as he lifted a pair of heavy looking weights in each hand. His face was fixed in an expression of determined focus that Harry had never seen before but found undeniably appealing. The facial expression was nothing compared to the rest of Goyle though. His gym attire was tighter than Crabbe's and framed his muscular physique perfectly. A tight sleeveless shirt, slightly damp with sweat, seemed to cling to his bulging upper body. Broad powerful shoulders were matched by a large solid looking chest. Veins protruded in his arms as he struggled against the weight of the metal in his hands. Harry was struck by an overwhelming desire to taste Goyle. To let his tongue follow the lines of the veins that highlighted his large defined biceps or perhaps use it to lap up the beads of sweat pouring down his face.

"Are you done yet?" Crabbe rather grumpily questioned Goyle as he dropped his weights.

"You should consider starting. I didn't want to say anything but you're getting a bit.."

As the sentence trailed off Goyle inflated his checks with air and used his hands to pantomime Crabbe's gut. He held the position for a moment before breaking out into a booming laugh.

"Shut up you knob!"

Crabbe swiped at his friend who dodged his giant mitt of a hand with surprising speed for someone his size.

"It's fine. Some people like one of these..." Goyle gave Crabbe's belly a friendly rub.

"Your mum sure does!" It was Crabbe's turn to break out into a laugh now before continuing. "But seriously are you done?"

"Yes I'm done."

"Excellent. I'm-"

"Starving!" Goyle finished the sentence for Crabbe as if it were a regular refrain.

Harry was again struck by the teasing friendly exchange between the two. He realised that until this year he'd never really heard either of them speak before. They seemed to communicate mostly in grunts, which Harry still enjoyed when it resurfaced, but this side to them had been unexpected. They were still chatting away to each other now. Exchanging jokes and friendly hits on the arm. Harry was just letting the words wash over him though. His focus was on the image before him as he followed them back through the gym. He wanted to commit the sight of them to his memory. To be able to recall the tone and size of Goyle's muscles. He wanted to remember the way that even from behind Crabbe's legs seemed to explode from his shorts.

"You getting a shower?"

Harry's heart almost stopped as this question broke through to his ears. He hadn't considered this. Even as he'd taken in the sweaty vision of Goyle it hadn't occurred to him that he'd want to shower. Mainly he supposed because he didn't want Goyle to shower. He wanted to be able to bury himself in the smell and taste of it. Let it envelop him. But of course Goyle would want to shower and it only made sense that there would be a changing room and shower facilities nearby.

"I do..."

The sound trailed off and Harry quickly realised why. Whilst he'd been in haze of thoughts of Goyle showering the pair had entered a sideroom attached to the gym. Harry instantly knew what this room would be and for a moment he paused outside it. Behind the door in front of him would be a changing room. He considered the morality of entering the room beneath his invisibility cloak and watching Crabbe and Goyle change. But not just change. Shower too. The questioning was only momentary though. Part of him certainly knew that what he was doing was wrong, a massive invasion of privacy, but a much larger and more powerful part simply didn't care. Taking a breath Harry slipped into the changing room behind Crabbe and Goyle.

"...does seem to enjoy it!" Harry rejoined the conversation between the two wizards just as Crabbe was finishing this sentence. The context of it was lost on him.

"The dirty bitch!"

Crabbe and Goyle both laughed at this. Not the mirthfilled and humourful laughs Harry had heard just minutes ago but something somehow darker. Dirtier. It sent a shot of electricity through Harry's body and he cursed himself for delaying outside the changing room. Had he not wasted those precious seconds lingering outside the room he'd understand the context of what they were saying. He'd know for sure who and what they were talking about. Instead he had to try and piece together conclusions. They had to be talking about a witch, someone from Slytherin no doubt. And they'd been talking about whether Goyle would shower before, so a witch who, like Harry, was aroused by a hot sweaty Goyle? Did Goyle have a girlfriend? Did Crabbe? Harry had been following them for more than a week now and still knew so little about either of them.

"But nah I'm gonna shower"

Harry's heart seemed to stop once again at this statement from Goyle. The thought of Goyle naked was almost more than he could take right now. He was already aware of the painful erection throbbing in his trousers.

"Cool. You want me to...?"

The pair had come to a stop now in front of a row of lockers as Crabbe's question trailed off unfinished.

"No. You can go eat man!"

Crabbe beamed at this response. While he'd offered to and would no doubt have willingly hung around the locker room waiting for Goyle he had no real desire to. He was after all starving.


Both Crabbe and Goyle had pulled open lockers next to one another now and Harry took a breath to try and brace himself for what was to come. He watched as both young wizards pulled their shirts off over their heads. Crabbe's had been removed with ease but Goyle's had put up more resistance as it clung slightly to his damp muscular skin. Once again Harry couldn't help but notice that the two friends before him were a study in contrasts. Both giant and broad but in such different ways. Crabbe was rounded and soft but Harry knew no less powerful for it. Goyle meanwhile appeared to be solid unyielding muscle. Where Crabbe's stomach was soft, smooth and round Goyle's was flat and marked by the faint outline of his abdominal muscles. Harry had never seen anything quite like it.

Next both kicked off their trainers, and Goyle pulled his feet free of his socks, before tugging their shorts down and off. Again the two were markedly different. Goyle's legs were strong and muscled like his upper body but not even his powerful meaty thighs could match Crabbe's. They were like giant tree trunks. More than this though Harry was surprised by the different underwear choices of the two boys. Crabbe, like Harry, seemed to favour loose fitting boxer shorts. Although in Crabbe's case the shorts struggled not to cling to his giant legs. Goyle on the other hand was stood in a pair of dark briefs. Almost old fashioned Y fronts but more stylish. They seemed to leave almost nothing to the imagination. The undoubtedly large cock they struggled to contain was held snuggly and pushed forward.

"I'll catch-up with you in a bit man."

Goyle had grabbed a towel from his locker now and was marching off toward the showers. Harry had no hesitation in abandoning Crabbe as he slipped his Hogwarts uniform on and took off after Goyle. Following to the far end of the room and the communal showers that lined the wall. Harry didn't dare blink as Goyle hung his towel on a nearby hook and, still in those impossibly small briefs, strolled into the showers. Harry carefully repositioned himself to allow for a full view of the communal shower block, and Goyle, without actually entering them himself. He wanted to avoid getting both himself and the invisibility cloak wet.

For a moment Harry wondered if Goyle was planning to shower in his briefs. He'd moved under the head of one of the showers, his broad back now to Harry, and still had them on. Was this perhaps an unwritten rule of the communal showers, underwear was to stay on?

Harry's concerns however were ill founded. Goyle's thumbs looped under the waistband of his briefs and pulled them down and off. He left them draped over the exposed pipes of the shower before pressing a button before him to start the flow of water. Harry stood mesmerised as he watched the water pour down Goyle's back. Steady streams flowing down the wide expanse of skin. Running down his shoulders and spine to his smooth rounded bum. Harry had found himself paying little attention to Goyle's bum before now but here in the shower with it exposed before him he couldn't not see it. The tight rounded curve of it.

And then Goyle turned.

For a moment Harry forgot to breathe. All he could do was stare, slack jawed, at the sight before him. Goyle's naked body seemed to glisten as the water from the shower streamed over him. It seemed to highlight the way the muscles in his stomach rippled and the definition of his chest. But it was the meat swinging between Goyle's legs that Harry was drawn to. Even soft it was long and thick and it sat over a set of lightly haired balls. Harry's eye took in every detail of the cock that he could. The way it swung gently from side to side as Goyle showered. The way the foreskin bunched at the head, almost inviting Harry to nibble and lick at it. A vein that even when flaccid seemed to prominently run down the shaft. Harry wondered if this cock was bigger than Dudley's but without seeing it hard it was impossible to tell. Soft Dudley's cock had been impressive but it had grown even more so when hard, would Goyle's do the same?

As he watched Goyle and studied every inch of him Harry became aware that he had slipped his hand into his trousers. He couldn't pinpoint the exact moment he'd begun but as he watched Goyle under the safety of the invisibility cloak he had begun to stroke his own cock. A cock so much smaller and thinner than the one between Goyle's legs. His stroke only intensified as he watched Goyle soaping himself up. The white and bubbles of the soap only further highlighted the astonishing muscle of Goyle's body. Harry could see his own hands pressing and rubbing against that firm skin. Massaging the soap into that solid chest and stomach. And like Goyle's hands his would continue south. Traveling below the waist where they could cup and grope at his balls and gently stroke at his shaft. He'd be able to feel the heat and weight of it in his hand. To wrap his fingers around it.

Harry could feel himself getting lost in the fantasy. He could feel his orgasm building and growing. But then he was stopped in his tracks. His strokes stopped and he stood still. Goyle was staring directly at him. Their eyes were locked onto one another as Goyle's hand helped to rinse the soap from his cock and balls. But that was impossible. Goyle couldn't be looking directly at him. He couldn't have locked eyes with him because Harry was safely hidden beneath the invisibility cloak. He couldn't know Harry was there.

As suddenly as it had begun the moment passed. Goyle looked away and Harry forced himself to breathe once again. A quiet shallow breath in and then out. He could hear his heart beating in his ears. It wasn't possible that Goyle had seen him he told himself over and over and yet it had felt so real. It had felt as if Goyle was looking directly at him. It was impossible though and besides if Goyle had known he was there his reaction would not have been one of calm acceptance. Harry wouldn't still be stood safely beneath the invisibility cloak. Goyle's reaction would be more violent.

The shower stopped and Harry allowed himself to return to the scene before him. He watched intently as Goyle comfortably strode from the communal shower. His large cock swinging between his legs with each step. Harry wondered if Goyle understood how big and impressive his cock was. Did he perhaps think the long thick shaft between his legs was normal? How familiar was any other boy at this age with other people's cocks? Was he alone in this obsession?

Goyle, however, answered at least one of these questions in his own way. As he approached the towel he'd hung up outside the showers Goyle did not wrap it around himself but rather draped it over his shoulder leaving his cock fully exposed. Goyle strutted off back into the main area of the changing room and with the water now shut off Harry was vaguely aware of other voices echoing in the room. It seemed Goyle knew what he had and was more than happy to flaunt his superiority.

Harry made to follow Goyle once more but stopped. Something had caught his attention in the showers. A small piece of dark material still draped over the pipes. Goyle had left his underwear behind. Those small little briefs that had been cradling his hot sweaty cock were left draped over the pipe. Harry stared at them and waited. Waited to hear the pad of Goyle's footsteps as he returned to retrieve his forgotten underwear but there was nothing. He could hear laughter at some joke or another coming from behind him but no sound of Goyle's return.

Harry wasn't sure how long he left it. It could have been minutes or it could have been seconds but when he had waited for as long as he could Harry cautiously stepped into the showers. He heard the wet squelch of his footsteps as his shoes passed through puddles of water but he didn't care. His hand quickly shot out from under the invisibility cloak and grabbed the briefs. Harry instantly held the underwear to his nose and mouth and let the smell and taste wash over him. It was magical. The mixture of sweat and manly musk that was Gregory Goyle. He tried to compare it in his mind to Dudley. It was similar but different. More intense somehow. Quickly he stuffed the underwear into his pocket and avoiding the temptation to look back and seek out Goyle once again departed the changing room.

Hogsmeade was a rush of activity as it always was when the students of Hogwarts descended upon it.

Harry had made his own way into the village making use of the secret and hidden tunnels in and out of Hogwarts that he'd used during his first trips to the village. Back then he'd been forbidden from taking part in the student excursions to the quiet magical village but now he was simply looking to avoid detection so that he could pass through the village, and the students crowding its streets, undetected beneath his invisibility cloak. Harry was aware, and slightly concerned, by the increasing amount of time he was spending beneath the cloak and yet he found himself unable to resist the temptation of it. The ability to move around unnoticed by his fellow students had become a blessing. It protected him from their conspiratorial glances and accusatory whispers. More than that though the cloak allowed him to observe his fellow students without their knowledge and that was how he spent the bulk of his time now.

The first week of term had been spent following Crabbe and Goyle, and the duo were still the primary targets of his time under the cloak, but he'd expanded his circle slightly. Sometimes he didn't even know the name of the wizard he was following and observing. They'd simply caught his attention in a hallway and he'd been unable to resist.

Today he had made yet another string of excuses to Ron and Hermione, overdue school work and illness, so that he didn't have to make the trip into Hogsmeade. He knew that his friends were growing suspicious and concerned for the time he spent away from them but he also knew that they were too nervous to mention it. They didn't want to provoke the flashes of rage they'd glimpsed in Harry already this term so instead they played along as if nothing was wrong. And so just a few minutes after Ron and Hermione had departed for Hogsmeade, walking along the cobbled road that connected it to Hogwarts, Harry had started his own journey ducking into a hidden passageway with his backpack slung over his shoulders.

Now, safely under the invisibility cloak, Harry was waiting outside a crowded bakery.

It hadn't taken him long to locate the trio of Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle lazily winding their way through the streets of Hogsmeade. Draco was mid-diatribe about the sinking standards at Hogwarts and his family's collective outrage to which his two powerhouse bodyguards seemed to only be vaguely listening. As he so often had since the start of term Harry fell into step behind Crabbe and Goyle and took them in. The trip to Hogsmeade meant more casual clothing which, much to Harry's disappointment, didn't seem to fit quite as tightly as their school uniform.

When they'd arrived at the bakery Crabbe, in a rare moment of assertion, had made clear his desire and intent to go in. Reluctantly Malfoy had agreed and now Harry was waiting for them to re-emerge.

"Come on Ron!" Harry recognised Hermione's exasperated tone. She was stood at the far end of the street trying to carrale Ron who'd been distracted by Harry wasn't sure what. "It's just a broom!"

Ron was one of a crowd of wizards huddled in front of a shop window. Apparently they'd been drawn in by the display for a new broom. With a glance toward the bakery from which Crabbe and Goyle had still not emerged Harry moved toward the crowd. There were however too many people crowded around the window for him to get a clear view of the broom and he didn't dare get closer for fear of someone stepping on or walking into him. With the broom out of sight Harry instead scanned the crowd of boys that were blocking his view. He thought he could make out the bright red of Ron's hair somewhere near the front but Harry's attention was drawn to the blonde head nearer the back of the group. He recognised the tall broad body even from behind.

Cormac McLaggen had become an increasing wizard of interest for Harry ever since he'd stumbled upon him in the gym. He had caught sight of him that evening in the Gryffindor common room and had been able to confirm his name then. A few days later, with Crabbe and Goyle locked away in the Slytherin common room at the bottom of the castle, Harry had decided to go in search of Cormac instead. While his powerful and athletic physique had originally drawn Harry in that attraction had only grown when he'd witnessed his swaggering confidence and arrogance. Harry had listened to Cormac recount tales of his physical and athletic prowess to his friends. He'd heard Cormac boast of his ability to have any witch in the school and watched in awe when, challenged by his friends, Cormac had easily charmed multiple witches before pulling them in for long passionate kisses. Even now Harry could see small groups of witches lingering just feet away from Cormac hoping to attract his attention.

Harry himself had been tempted to a least begin a conversation with Cormac on multiple occasions in recent days. It would, he thought, have been easy enough to strike up a conversation about quidditch or some other sporting event with Cormac. And no doubt he would have soon steered the conversation to his own achievements and accomplishments. Harry could have listened to Cormac extoll his virtues in that superior posh tone for hours. Harry's cock was already twitching into life just thinking about it.

"Just a broom she says! Bloody amazing is what it is!"

"Honestly Weasley we all know your family couldn't afford even a bristle on that broom!"

Malfoy's sneering tone was unmistakable as were the deep agreeable chuckles of Crabbe and Goyle. Harry felt bad for his friend and wanted to comfort him. To remind him that it was only Malfoy but he wasn't really there. And the pull of following Crabbe and Goyle was too strong. So Harry once again fell into step behind the trio of Slytherin wizards.

"Can you believe Weasley..."

Harry, as he so often did when he was trailing Crabbe and Goyle let Malfoy's voice wash over him barely acknowledging the words he was speaking. Crabbe and Goyle seemed to adopt this strategy too. Occasionally one or both would chime in with a grunt of some kind when Malfoy paused for breath but mostly Draco seemed content to just speak to no one in particular. Harry meanwhile was happy to just stare at Crabbe and Goyle although he realised he was getting less enjoyment than usual out of the pass time today. It was he thought a consequence of the pair, and particularly Goyle, wearing looser fitting clothes. Usually when he followed them around the ground of Hogwarts in their tight black school trousers Harry could make out the lines and shape of their underwear. He could see the tight fitting briefs that Goyle seemed to wear most days. The same kind of briefs that Harry had stolen from the changing room. Briefs that Harry had brought himself to multiple orgasms with. The material pressed against his face. Drinking in the smell and taste as he furiously stroked his cock. Today though there was no such view. No such reminder.


Goyle's voice broke through the waves of blocked out noise coming from Malfoy. Harry realised that they were passing The Three Broomsticks and that Goyle was suggesting they stopped for a drink. Although the way it was grunted and growled Harry wasn't sure it was a request and the way in which Draco seemed to change course and swerve toward the pub without a single objection seemed to confirm that. The more Harry saw of the relationship between Malfoy and his two bodyguards the less he understood it.

The Three Broomsticks, as it always did, radiated heat before you even stepped over the thresholds. Multiple fires scattered throughout the pub created a comfortable warmth and atmosphere that attracted the students of Hogwarts like moths to a flame. As he took in the crowded pub Harry realised that navigating his way through the room beneath the invisibility cloak would be a challenge. For a moment he contemplated simply slipping it off. He was sure that he'd be able to discreetly blend into the crowds relatively unnoticed but he couldn't bring himself to do it. Instead he decided to stick to the outskirts, almost cling to the wall, and wait to see where Draco, Crabbe and Goyle settled.

As he stayed hidden away from the crowds Harry scanned the room picking out faces that he recognised. Mostly it was a sea of Hogwarts students toasting butterbeers and engaging in rowdy conversations. For a moment his eyes were drawn to an older wizard among the younger faces that populated the Three Broomsticks. He seemed nervous and unsure. His hands unconsciously stroking a long grey beard as he tried to weave his way through the room. He seemed entirely out of sync with the rest of the room. Tightly wound and all nervous energy. He was unimportant though and so Harry turned his attention back to Crabbe & Goyle.


He'd mumbled the curse before he could stop himself. He'd lost sight of Crabbe and Goyle which seemed impossible to him. Their towering powerful bodies should be easily picked out among the groups of smaller less imposing wizards that otherwise filled the room. And yet he could not see them. With increasing desperation his eyes flicked around the room until he saw it. A flash of dark colour he was sure Draco had been wearing. It had disappeared down a hallway and into the back area of the Broomsticks. They must have gone in search of somewhere more private and quiet away from the riff raff of the student body. That would be very Malfoy.

Carefully but with as much speed as he could manage Harry weaved his way toward the hallway where he'd spotted Draco. His elbows and shoulders connected and banged against others as he moved but the pub was crowded enough that no one seemed to give it a second thought. Finally Harry arrived at the hallway and darted down it and away from the crowds. Once again there was no sign of the trio he was chasing.

"Come on this way!"

Malfoy's oily voice was unmistakable. Harry moved down the corridor and to the left. Toward the sound and as he turned the corner he saw a door close. That must be where they were. Quickly he approached the door passing other closed doors as he did. He realised he'd never been aware of these back rooms hidden from view. He supposed they must be bedrooms rented out by weary travellers or perhaps private function rooms. No doubt Draco, Crabbe and Goyle had just comendered one and claimed it as their own.

Harry lingered outside the room he'd seen Draco enter. The door was closed and Harry was unsure on how to proceed. To barge in would be careless and risk detection and yet that was what almost every part of him wanted to do. To just fling the door open and enter. He'd still be hidden beneath the invisibility cloak. They'd just assume the wind or something had blown the door open. Harry counted down in his head and then he went for it.

The door flew open with surprising ease. The handle crashing against the wall inside the room with an echoing bang. As it did Harry darted into the room and toward an out of the way corner.

"You didn't lock the door?"

As he heard the voice Harry realised he'd made a mistake. That wasn't Malfoy nor was it Crabbe or Goyle. The strong Irish lilt was instantly recognisable as belonging to just one person. And as he turned to properly take in the room Harry saw Seamus Finnigan striding across the room and slamming closed the door Harry had opened.


Harry recognised the locking charm Seamus mumbled as he pointed his wand at the door. He was now stuck in the room until Seamus left. He couldn't risk unlocking the door with his own spell. Silently he cursed his stupidity.

"Sorry... sorry..."

For the first time Harry became aware of the other wizard in the room. The old nervous wizard that had stood out so much in the main area of the Three Broomsticks. He was once again stroking his grey beard as he apologised. The fidgety nervous energy that had caught Harry's attention still present as he watched Seamus.

"It's fine. No harm done." Seamus' deeply accented Irish voice seemed less aggressive and grumpy than before. It was lighter and more casual. "You have it?"

"Yes! Sorry... yes... yes..." The nervous wizard was fumbling in his pale robes now. Digging through his pockets in search of something. "Sorry... I just... well... I just haven't done anything like... well you know... this before... sorry!"

Harry's mind was reeling as he tried to catch-up with the situation he was in. He couldn't make sense of anything that was happening. His disappointment about stumbling into the wrong room and his anger at getting himself locked in were quickly subsiding as curiosity got the better of him. Seamus had snuck away to Hogsmeade, to a rented room in the back of The Three Broomsticks for what? Some meeting with this old nervous wizard?

"Here! Here!"

The wizard was brandishing a small brown pouch in the direction of Seamus. Harry could tell from the way it clicked and jangled as it moved that the pouch contained coins.Seamus took possession of the pouch and opened it to peer inside. And still Harry couldn't quite figure out what was happening here. Was Seamus selling something? He must be. Something that he'd taken from the school perhaps? Professor Sprout grew and cultivated all kinds of magical plants perhaps Seamus had procured one of those for this wizard.

"It's all there! I would never... sorry... I mean you can count it if you like but... I would never..."

"I believe you."

Seamus smiled at the wizard. It was full of reassurance. An apparent attempt to calm his obvious nerves. It didn't seem entirely successful. That smile was a million miles away from the confrontation he'd had with Seamus at the start of the term. There Seamus had been all anger and aggression his nose flaring and fists clenched but this smile softened his strong square features.

"So, what do you want to do?"


The nervous wizard seemed as taken aback by the question as Harry was. He was back to compulsively stroking his beard but his eyes were locked on Seamus now. The nervous energy that had seen his limbs and eyes darting around seemingly without reason had all focused in on Seamus. And Seamus seemed to invite it. He met the older wizard's stare and in that moment Harry had to admit there was something truly magnetic about him. There was a confidence Harry had never seen before. Seamus was in complete control of the room and the situation and he knew it.

"Yes you. This is your time."

Harry's brain still couldn't catch-up with what was happening. His assumption that Seamus had taken some kind of rare magical plant from the grounds of Hogwarts was clearly wrong. Seamus had said this time belonged to the nervous wizard but somehow that did not ring true to Harry. He could tell who was in command of the room.

"Well... you! I mean... well.. I want to... to see you!"

"Just see?"

"To... to start..."

Without saying another word Seamus pulled the jumper he was wearing up and over his head. For the briefest of moments the white flesh of his torso was exposed before his t-shirt dropped back down. Harry couldn't process what was happening. He heard the words and he saw the actions but he couldn't make sense of them. But that didn't matter. Instead he allowed himself to just focus on Seamus. He was shorter than Harry but stockier and broader. His shoulders seemed to bulge against his t-shirt and tightly muscled arms extended out of his tight sleeves. Harry flashed back to the brief moment he'd seen of Seamus in the gym. To the tight powerful muscle he'd been displaying then which somehow seemed even more impressive now still so visible and defined in their relaxed state.

"This too?"

Seamus was playfully pulling at the tight white t-shirt that was clinging to his upper body. Harry wanted to respond. He wanted to scream that Seamus should remove the t-shirt too.

"Yes... yes please..."

Harry had almost forgotten the nervous wizard was in the room but he was. Only he seemed less nervous now. He was no longer stroking his beard. He, like Harry, was just intensely focused on Seamus.

"Ok then!"

Seamus pulled his t-shirt over his head and threw it to one side like he had his jumper and Harry tried to take in the sight before him. Seamus' body was unlike anything Harry had seen before. Where Goyle's body had been this large imposing mountain of muscle Seamus' was smaller but so much more defined. His stomach resembled a washboard. Deep lines of muscle defined his abdominals. Harry wasn't sure if he could count 6 or 8 little pockets of muscle. And his chest protruded just enough to highlight his pectorals. Harry also noticed a small trace of fine dark hair running down the middle of Seamus' chest and he thought just around each nipple.


The older wizard had taken the words out of Harry's mouth.

Seamus wasn't done yet though. He pulled each shoe and sock off of his feet and playfully wiggled his toes when he noticed the wizard staring at them. And then he unbuttoned his jeans and let them drop down to his ankles. Harry heard the wizard gasp and was amazed that he hadn't done the same. Seamus, to Harry's surprise and delight, was not wearing underwear. As he dropped his jeans he exposed his cock. Even soft Harry could see that Seamus had an impressive thick cock. Surprisingly though, given the hair developing on his chest, there was no hair around the base of his cock or as far as Harry could tell his balls. Harry wondered if Seamus removed the hair himself. If so it was a good decision. The smooth skin only made Harry want to suck on the cock more.

"Touch it!" Seamus had stepped out of his jeans and closer to the older wizard. "Get it hard and you can suck it!"

Harry couldn't believe what he was hearing or seeing but it was happening directly in front of him. It couldn't be denied.

The older wizard slowly reached out his hand and cupped it around Seamus' heavy low hanging balls. Gently he squeezed and pulled on them. His hand then moved to Seamus' cock and wrapped around the soft shaft and began to stroke just as he'd been stroking his beard. His hand sliding up and down the shaft. Each movement seemed to bring Seamus' cock further to life. It was growing thicker and longer as Harry watched. It easily out grew Ron's cock in length and girth but perhaps wasn't in quite the same league as Dudley or Goyle. And as it seemed to reach its full size pointing straight up Harry noticed that Seamus seemed to have no foreskin. Instead the purple head of his cock was revealed just begging to be licked and tasted.

"How... how big?"

"8 and a half" There was obvious pride in Seamus' voice as he answered the question.

"And... so... so fat..." The older man seemed almost in awe of Seamus' cock. His hand and fingers running over it. Stroking and squeezing it. "And this body!"

Whatever nerves the older man had once had were gone now. His hands abandoned Seamus' cock and moved to his body. Those old fingers pressing against that solid chest and running over his ripped stomach. Then squeezing and pressing at his arms. Feeling the solid biceps. Seamus raised his arms and flexed them. His arms bending to display his impressive biceps more fully and Harry heard the older wizard moan in delight. And then the man's face disappeared into Seamus' armpit. His lips and tongue seemed to be licking, sucking and burying themselves in the hair found there. His nose taking in deep smells of him.

"Merlin's beard you really are an Irish stallion!"

"Oh you don't know why they call me the Irish stallion yet!"

Seamus winked at the older wizard before pressing his hand down onto the back of his head. Guiding him down. The wizard's tongue and lips scrambled to taste and feel Seamus' body as he dropped down to his knees before him. The wizard wasted no time in diving onto Seamus' cock with a hunger that Harry recognised in himself. His lips wrapping around the exposed head of the cock and gently sucking. Lapping up the precum before diving further down the shaft.

"That's it..."

Seamus' hand was still firmly on the back of the wizard's head. Guiding him up and down his shaft. Harry was amazed by the ease with which the wizard was taking Seamus' thick shaft. His lips and mouth expanded over it like it was second nature. Tightly closing around the shaft and moving up and down with an impressive speed and hunger. Coating the Irish stallion's cock in a thin layer of spit. Seamus' guidance was becoming firmer though. Pushing the wizard deeper. The wizard seemed unphased by this. He continued to dive his throat deeper and deeper onto Seamus' cock. In seemingly no time at all Seamus was letting out a satisfied growl as the wizard's lips wrapped around the very base of his cock and the head buried itself deep into his throat.

Harry was amazed by the lack of choking and spluttering. He struggled to handle Ron's cock and Seamus' cock was undeniably bigger and thicker yet this wizard was barely choking at all. A few sputters and gargles but not the choking and struggling to breathe that Harry would be experiencing. And then Seamus bucked his hips hard. Forcing his cock just a little deeper and harder into that willing throat and the choking came. The wizard withdrew from Seamus' cock a trail of spit still connecting him to it. He smiled up at Seamus and then dived right back onto the cock.

Harry watched as Seamus closed his eyes and tilted his head back slightly. He let the pleasure of the blowjob pass through him. His incredibly defined upper body slightly flexed looking like nothing Harry had ever seen. He had to resist the urge to dive on Seamus himself. To run his hands and tongue over that body. To barge the wizard out of the way so that he could greedily consume Seamus' cock. Instead he settled for burying his hand in his jeans and furiously stroking at his throbbing cock as he watched the scene play out before him. Despite his complete lack of attraction to the wizard this was perhaps the sexiest thing he'd seen in his life. Seamus was just incredible.

"I want you to fuck me..."

The wizard had spat out Seamus' cock once again and was looking up at him with an almost pleading expression etched on his face.

"That's extra!"

"I... I don't care... just... please just fuck me... please..."

Apparently this was all Seamus needed to hear. He lifted the wizard to his feet and practically threw him onto the small single bed that lined the far wall of the room. Seamus tugged at the wizards legs next pulling them off the bed and planting his feet on the floor leaving him bent over the bed. Next he pulled the wizard's robes up and tugged at his trousers and underwear exposing the old soft sagging skin of his behind.

Seamus slapped his hand down across the exposed skin of the wizards bum. The wizard let out a pained moan but this didn't stop Seamus from slapping his hand down a second and third time. Seemingly satisfied Seamus spat onto the head of his cock and rubbed the spit into his already slick shaft. It took Seamus just a few seconds to guide the head of his cock to the wizard's hole and then he was thrusting his hips forward. His cock pushing into the wizard hard and rough.

The wizard let out a cry, somewhere between pain and pleasure, as Seamus buried the full length of his cock inside him. Harry though was mesmerised by Seamus. His back was every bit as tightly muscled as his front and his bum was a large firm smooth peach. Each powerful thrust tensing the defined muscles not just in Seamus' back but his bum as well. Harry couldn't understand how he'd never noticed what a powerhouse Seamus was before. The short stocky muscular build of him was so obvious now. It was incredible. And how had Seamus being this sexy escaped his notice? He looked incredible, an intense glare fixed on his face as he thrust deeper and harder into the wizard. Every muscle of his body on display as he fucked.

Harry could feel himself cumming. He bit down on his lip to stop himself from crying out as his cum coated the inside of his jeans and underwear. But Seamus was still going. Harry watched in awe as he continued to pummel the wizard with long deep confident thrusts. The wizard had buried his face into the sheets of the bed to try to muffle his cries and shouts of pleasure. He was clearly enjoying every second of Seamus' cock buried deep inside him.

"You want my cum?"

"Yes... yes... give me it..."


The wizard awkwardly and clumsily did as he was instructed. As Seamus pulled out of him he rolled and dropped off the bed and onto his knees before the Irish stallion, Harry fully understood the name now, and greedily waited with his mouth open. It took Seamus just a few strokes of his cock to give the wizard exactly what he wanted.

"Fucking take it!"

Seamus' cum erupted from his cock with speed and power. Multiple spurts shooting from the head and coating the wizard's face. Some landing on his forehead, some on his checks, some on his beard and lips and some even in his open mouth. The wizard let out a satisfied murmur as he swallowed the cum down. He seemed perfectly content to just lounge on the floor of the room scooping Seamus' cum into his mouth. In contrast Seamus had already retreated from the wizard and was getting dressed. His jeans were already back on and his t-shirt soon followed hiding that phenomenal body once again.

"Wow... that... I mean... wow... you really are... " The wizard seemed entirely lost for words. After the fucking Harry had just witnessed he couldn't say he was surprised. "Here... take it... all yours... Irish stallion!"

The wizard threw a second pouch of coins toward Seamus. It landed with a heavy thud and clanging of metal on metal. Seamus grabbed the pouch and shoved it into his pocket with the first. He was fully dressed now but Harry could still see the power and definition of his muscular build beneath the thick hooded jumper he wore. He'd never be able to look at Seamus and not see it now.

"See you around!"

With that Seamus was marching from the room stopping for just a second at the door to reverse his locking spell and he was gone. The older wizard barely seemed to notice. He was still in a state of breathless cum covered euphoria. Harry knew that now Seamus had left the room he too was free to leave and the wizard was unlikely to notice the opening and closing of the door in his current state. But Harry's mind was reeling once more. The immediate stimulation and excitement of what he'd witnessed faded and he was once again left trying to piece together what had happened.

Of course there was only one explanation that made sense and yet that explanation made no sense but he had seen it with his own eyes. The wizard had paid Seamus to be with him. He had paid to experience the Irish stallion. Harry's mind was suddenly alive with possibilities.

Next: Chapter 9

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