The Awakening of Harry Potter

By Robert Smith

Published on Dec 29, 2020


NOTE: This work of fiction is set between Goblet of Fire and Order of the Phoenix in the Harry Potter timeline. I've used the film series rather than the books as my primary inspiration especially from a visual perspective. Sadly I don't own any of the copyrights or characters used or mentioned in this story and they remain the property of their respective owners.

Chapter Four: I Just Like It

The atmosphere at the breakfast table was strained.

Harry Potter and Dudley Dursely were sat opposite one another consuming very different breakfasts. Harry was slowly crunching his way through a single slice of toast while Dudley consumed an enormous fried breakfast lovingly prepared by his mother. At this exact moment Dudley's entire focus was on a single sausage. It was as if he had never seen a sausage in his life let alone eaten one. Prior to the sausage Dudley had been singularly focused on a slice of bacon and before that a forkful of baked beans. Harry recognised that Dudley was more intent than usual to not acknowledge his presence in the house. Harry on the other hand was unable to pull his focus away from Dudley. He felt confident he could stretch eating a single slice of bread to an age so long as Dudley was sat opposite him.

That Dudley was so intent on not acknowledging his presence had not entirely surprised Harry although he had to confess it had stung a little. In his wildest fantasy he had allowed himself to believe that their second late night hallway encounter of the summer had in some way bonded them. That after a lifetime of bullying the two of them would somehow be friends. More than friends even. Of course ignoring Harry was at least preferable to the violent outburst that ended their first late night hallway encounter of the summer. At least in this scenario he was able to be close to Dudley. To watch him and take him in.

"....ok Duddykins?"

His Aunt's utterly ridiculous baby name for Dudley broke through Harry's laserlike focus on his cousin. He supposed that she had been talking for sometime although what had been said Harry had no clue although it would not be information he needed or wanted. Nor would it be information that his Aunt would care to share with him.

Dudley's inaudible grunt of a response was more than enough to draw Harry back to him. He wondered for a brief moment if Dudley had been paying about as much attention to Aunt Petunia as he had. That was probably the case. But what, exactly, was Dudley thinking about right now? The fried egg that he was seemingly intensely focused on now couldn't possibly be the singular thought in his mind. Not after last night. Not after what they'd done together in that hallway. Surely he was thinking about what had happened and that meant he was thinking about Harry. This thought rather unexpectedly sent butterflies into flight in Harry's stomach. Dudley was thinking about him...

But what would those thoughts be? Anger? Confusion? Harry had spent the better part of a week now trying to make sense of his own confusion surrounding his now undeniable attraction to Dudley. Dudley had had just hours to try and process the events of last night and if Harry had to guess he would say that Dudley had not been successful. Dudley's actions the previous night had been most unexpected and more than anything Harry wanted to question him about them. He wanted to ask what had happened, what it had meant, why Dudley had been listening at his door in the first place and so many other questions. But he held back. If Dudley had answers to those questions he wasn't ready to share them and pushing him would likely result in another violent explosion. Harry would have to try his best to be patient.

"Oh Duddykins, are you finished? Did you not enjoy it?" Dudley had practically launched himself up from the table. At least half of his breakfast left untouched on the plate. "Is everything ok?"

"I'm fine!"

The words came out as a mumbled rush as if they were just one short breath and then Dudley was gone. Marching from the kitchen and stomping up the stairs.

Aunt Petunia shot a dirty look in Harry's direction as if this were all his fault. For the first time Harry realised that this accusation might just be accurate but he wouldn't give her the satisfaction of knowing that. Instead Harry shot a polite smile back at his Aunt who seemed horrified by the whole exchange and scurried away. His appetite suddenly gone, Harry cleared his plate and followed Dudley upstairs.

Harry had to admit that he was ever so slightly disappointed when Dudley wasn't waiting for him in the hallway. Disappointed that he hadn't once again discovered his cousin lingering outside of his room. Instead Dudley was locked away inside his own room. Harry could hear the slight thumping of music from the otherside of the door. He wondered what his cousin was doing in there; how was he sorting through the thousands of thoughts and feelings and questions that must be colliding in his head right now? Harry wasn't sure he'd ever know the answer.

As he entered his own room Harry felt a sense of pride that despite his interaction with Dudley he'd still managed to complete operation clean-up. His freshly cleaned clothes were folded and neatly stored away. The tissues, scraps of paper and leftover food that had littered the room were now disposed of. He'd even gone to the trouble of making his bed this morning. As much as he was still obsessing over every detail of last night's encounter with Dudley it had at least partially released him from his constant craving for his cousin. He was finally able to focus on something other than Dudley.

The latest edition of The Daily Prophet lay unread on his desk but he ignored it. Concerned that immersing himself in the wizarding world and the return of Volvermort that must surely be dominating the pages of the Prophet by now would open him up to a return of his nightmares. A return to replaying Cedric's death every time he closed his eyes. Instead he turned his attention to the stack of books that were piled in a corner of his desk. Hermione had loaded them into his trunk on the final day of term proclaiming them a little light reading to keep him occupied over the summer. He hadn't done more than glance at them since unpacking his belongings but with nothing else to do his hand reached for a book...

He'd fallen asleep. It was hard to say how far he'd gotten into the book or even what the book was about but Harry could say with complete certainty that he had fallen asleep while reading it. He'd awoken, some unclear period later, sprawled atop the covers of his bed with the book discarded on the floor. For the first time all summer Harry wasn't sure what, if anything, he'd dreamt about. There was no replay of Cedric's death nor the resurrection of Voldermort but equally his resting mind had not been swimming in thoughts of Dudley. He had simply slept for the first time that summer and felt all the better for it.

The alarm clock positioned next to his bed informed him that he'd lost the day. It was rapidly approaching 6PM. It had not been a simple power nap then but rather a full blown sleep. A long overdue one.


That ridiculous baby name once again. It was as if she didn't have eyes and couldn't see her son. As if she couldn't recognise how entirely unfitting that ridiculous name was for the hulking imposing figure to which it referred.

"What?" Dudley's grumpy boom of a response indicated that he did not appreciate being disturbed by his mother.

"Mummy and daddy are off out now..." This was news to Harry. Although his Aunt and Uncle would not have thought to have informed him of their plans. "...remember mummy reminded you about it this morning?"


The conversation, Harry realised, was taking place through Dudley's door. His Aunt's voice raised ever so slightly to carry through the door and over the sounds of music or the TV playing within.

"Ok... well... Goodbye."

"Yes. Bye."

Harry listened from his bed as his Aunt and Uncle departed for the evening. As he heard Vernon's car pull out of the drive he wondered where they might be going. It was rare for them to go anywhere without Dudley. At times Dudley seemed to be their entire reason for being. Under other circumstances, in a different family that might have been touching and sweet yet in the Dursley household it was anything but. Even the unconditional and unfailing love his Aunt and Uncle had for their son seemed somehow twisted and broken to Harry.

As quickly as the thought of where his Aunt and Uncle may be off to for the night entered his head it departed. Harry had no real interest in what their plans were. Now that his brain was clear after weeks of being fogged up with thoughts of Cedric and then Dudley, Harry thought about writing letters to Ron and Hermoine. He had no idea what he would say or how he would attempt to describe the events of his summer so far but he thought that at least trying to put some of it into words might help. Although now, for the first time, Harry was realising that not only had he not written to Ron or Hermoine so far this summer but that they had not written to him. This was not entirely unusual for Ron but in previous years Hermonie's letters had arrived nearly every day and yet this year nothing.

Was it possible his mail was being intercepted?

Harry dismissed the idea. It didn't seem likely. At least it didn't seem likely that it wouldn't eventually arrive with him. For him to have heard nothing from his friends all summer was strange. Unsettling almost. Particularly after the events at the end of term. He had seen Voldermort return. A dark wizard that had killed his parents and tried to kill him on multiple occasions at this point. Why wouldn't Hermione and Ron be writing to check-up on him? Why wouldn't they be concerned not to have heard from him? Ron and his older brothers had once stolen a flying car to rescue him so concerned had they been for his safety and now not so much as a letter.

Harry realised that a dark mood was about to descend upon him. A dark mood that he wanted no part of. After weeks of sleepless and restless nights he'd finally been able to clear his head. This new dark cloud on the horizon was something he'd rather avoid. He was sure there was a perfectly reasonable explanation for Ron and Hermione's lack of contact. They were his closest friends. They would not abandon him. He knew that. He'd write letters to them. He'd make-up some nonsense about what a peaceful summer he was having and ask about what they'd been up to in their time apart and then set Hedwig out into the night to deliver them. With any luck, and knowing Hermione, he'd have responses by the end of tomorrow full of apologies and explanations for not writing sooner.

Over the next 20 minutes Harry sat at the desk in the corner of his room scratching and scribbling at parchment. None of the phrases and words he was choosing sounded right. The stories of an uneventful and lazy summer felt like obvious lies. He didn't manage more than a handful of sentences to either Ron or Hermione before balling the parchment up and throwing it aside. The dark mood, Harry realised, was descending and so he abandoned his plans to write to his friends.

Pulling himself up from his desk Harry was at a loss for what to do. Hedwig grumpily squawked at him as he paced the floor of his room.

"Oh I'm sorry girl, are you hungry?"

Carefully Harry unlatched the door to the cage Hedwig called home over their summer break from Hogwarts and stumbled back as Hedwig launched herself from the cage and out of the window. He had neglected Hedwig so far this summer. Left her in her cage for too long. As he watched her fly out into the evening sky he reminded himself to be more mindful of her. And perhaps she had the right idea in her demands for food. Harry had only eaten a few bites of toast this morning. Some food was sure to lift his spirits.

As he entered the hallway Harry glanced toward Dudley's door. Still closed. For a moment Harry contemplated knocking on Dudley's door. Perhaps offering him food. He instantly thought better of this decision reminding himself that he'd resolved to give Dudley some space. Harry was confident that Dudley would seek him out when he was ready. What would follow on from that Harry was less confident about but time would tell.

The sound of a news report from the TV hit Harry as he descended the stairs. He gave it little thought. It wasn't uncommon for his Aunt and Uncle to insist on leaving the television on when they left the house. His Uncle had once insisted that it would make any would be burglars believe they were still in. Harry thought this idea was ridiculous but his opinion had not been asked for and so he hadn't given it.

It was only when he reached the bottom of the stairs and looked into the living room that Harry stopped in his tracks. His Aunt and Uncle had not left the television on instead Dudley was lounged on the sofa apparently watching it. Although it was quite unlike Dudley to be watching the news so perhaps watching wasn't quite the right word. Maybe just absentmindedly staring at it.

Harry was torn. He was sure he wouldn't be able to enter the kitchen and source some dinner without Dudley taking notice of his presence and now that they were alone there was no telling how Dudley would react. Harry had felt reasonably confident that Dudley would be able to contain his temper around his parents. They might not have disapproved of Dudley's fists knocking Harry to the ground but they'd have surely wanted an explanation. They'd have wanted to know what Harry had done to provoke their son and that was a question Dudey would not have wanted to answer. And so all things considered a retreat back up the stairs seemed in order. It was safer, Harry decided, to keep his distance from Dudley while they were alone until he could more fully gauge his cousin's reaction to what had happened last night.

"Harry..." Dudley's voice almost caused Harry to leap into the air. "...come sit."

For a moment Harry froze on the spot. To say that Dudley inviting him to join him in the living room was unexpected would be an understatement. Of the many possible scenarios to Dudley realising he was just feet away Harry could have envisioned that wouldn't have made the list and yet it had happened. Calmly and in a tone Harry barely recognised from his cousin he'd been invited to sit in the living room with Dudley. Taking a breath and preparing himself for whatever might be about to come Harry entered the living room.

Dudley was sprawled in the corner of the sofa in his familiar summer attire of shorts and t-shirt.


Dudley nodded toward the opposite end of the sofa as he spoke clearly indicating where he expected Harry to sit. Nervously Harry approached and awkwardly perched on the edge of the sofa cushion. Dudley was staring at him. Taking him in as if for the first time.

The two of them sat in an awkward silence. The news report continued on on the television but neither was paying it any attention. Harry, tense and coiled like a cat ready to pounce, was at least looking in the direction of the TV screen even if he was taking none of it in. Dudley, surprisingly relaxed Harry thought, was still staring at him.

"...and now for the weather with Samantha Banks."

With this announcement from the newscaster Dudley's attention snapped back to the television and Harry allowed himself to breathe again. He couldn't quite understand what was happening. This was nicer than Dudley had ever been to him before. Maybe he'd been wrong at breakfast this morning maybe their hallway encounters had bonded them. Or perhaps this was all some kind of elaborate trap waiting to be sprung. He'd let his guard down and then - WHAM!

"God she's so fit!"

Dudley was referring to the curvy blonde woman now dominating the TV screen as she delivered a weather forecast for the week ahead. Her blouse and skirt Harry decided were entirely too tight. It was clear she had dressed to capture the attention of male viewers and in the case of Dudley Dursley at least she had been entirely successful.

"I'd absolutely ruin her don't you think?" Harry almost sputtered and choked on this declaration from his cousin and his eyes instantly snapped to the corner of the sofa. Dudley's attention was firmly fixed to the large TV screen and the woman rambling on about the heatwave that was gripping Britain but his hand was between his legs. Squeezing at his sizeable cock through the material of his shorts. "Just another slut that can't handle Big D!"

"Yeah... right..."

Harry agreed without thinking. He was in for a repeat performance of the previous night only closer this time and he didn't want to jeapordise that. So he sat silent and still as Dudley continued to stroke and fumble at his cock. Biting his lower lip and letting out a low rumbling moan.

"Fuck she's getting me hard!"

Harry could see the truth of this statement. He could make out Dudley's cock growing and expanding within his shorts. He could see Dudley's fingers wrapping around the thick shaft through his shorts and he was sure he could see his shorts beginning to dampen where the head was leaking precum. Dudley it seemed was not wearing underwear this evening.

"Do you want to feel it?"

Harry's heart almost stopped. Dudley was staring directly at him now.

"I... yes..." His voice was barely a whisper but he did want to feel it. More than anything Harry wanted to reach out and feel Dudley's hard cock.

"Then ask..."

"Can... can I..."

"No!" Dudley cut him off instantly and was smirking at him. It was a smirk that sent electricity through Harry. "Ask properly babydick. Ask to feel a real man's dick!"

Instinctively Harry understood what Dudley wanted and knew that he would give it to him because he wanted it to. Last night they had stumbled upon a shared desire and despite what Harry might have thought this morning clearly Dudley had recognised it for what it was. And not just recognised it Dudley was prepared to use it. To take advantage of it. And Harry was ready to be taken advantage of.

"Please Dudley..." Harry wasn't sure when exactly it had happened but he realised he was no longer perched on the edge of the sofa but rather on his knees in front of it. His hand already slowly reaching out toward Dudley. "...I need to know how a real man feels. And you're so big. Please."

In response to Harry's whining pleading Dudley removed his hand from his cock leaving it free for Harry. His hand continued to journey toward Dudley until finally he was at the promised land. His fingertips running up the thick hard shaft of Dudley's cock before wrapping themselves around it. Finally feeling it in his hand even if it was through the thin material of Dudley's shorts.

"That's it... nice and slow..." Unconsciously Harry had begun to slowly stroke Dudley's cock and his cousin seemed to approve of his hand slowly moving up and down the shaft.

Harry looked up at Dudley. His eyes were closed. Presumably off in some fantasy land but Harry didn't care. He had everything he needed here. He could feel Dudley's thick cock throb in his hand as he slowly stroked it. Impossibly it felt as if it were growing larger in his hand. Was that what other people's cocks did? Harry had no experience of stroking any cock but his own which he had no hesitation in admitting was tiny compared to Dudley's. He could use just two fingers and a thumb to stroke himself to completion but his hand was struggling to fully close around Dudley's girth. It felt alien and entirely too big in his hand and yet Harry wouldn't have given it up for anything.

"How's that feel?"

Dudley's eyes were open again now. Looking down at Harry as Harry continued to slowly stroke his cock. For his part Harry wasn't sure he had the words to describe how this felt. To finally be holding Dudley's glorious cock in his hand. To be stroking it. To be feeling it pulse and grow at his touch. It was indescribable but he knew he needed to say something. He did not want to risk this all being taken away from him now.

"Amazing. It's just so big..."

"Take it out!"

Once again Harry almost choked on Dudley's words. The entire situation felt unreal to him as if he'd slipped into a particularly vivid dream of his and any second now he'd wake up again. But this was reality and his hands really were on the waistband of Dudley's shorts tugging and pulling them down. A loud slap as Dudley's hard cock sprung free of his shorts and hit his stomach. Harry hurriedly pulled the shorts completely free from Dudley's legs and threw them to one side before turning his attention to Dudley's now released cock. It was every bit as glorious up close as it had been from a distance. Long and thick with a pair of heavy balls. Harry desperately wanted to lick it. To know how Dudley tasted but he didn't dare. He didn't yet know where Dudley's boundaries were and couldn't risk ending this incredible moment and so he once again wrapped his fingers around the shaft. Felt the warmth of Dudley's dick in his hand.

"Yours too..." Harry stared blankly at Dudley somehow not fully understanding what was being demanded of him. "Get yours out too babydick. Let's compare!"

Harry was suddenly nervous. He'd exposed himself to Dudley the night before and shown his cousin the difference in their size but it felt more real and more dangerous this close. He would feel more exposed and inadequate with his own cock this close to Dudley's. But he also knew he had no choice. Not if he wanted this, whatever it was, to continue and Harry very much wanted this to continue.

Reluctantly Harry let go of Dudley's cock and pulled himself up to his feet so that he could more easily tug his tracksuit bottoms down. Like Dudley he wasn't underwear and as he pulled his trousers down over his thighs his cock sprang free. Unlike Dudley there was no loud slap as his cock connected with his stomach. It just pointed straight out like a thin little finger. As he caught sight of his own cock and Dudley's in the same eyeline Harry was struck by a desire to cover up. To hide his dick from his cousin and Dudley's sniggering little laugh only strengthened that desire.

"Come here..."

As instructed Harry lowered himself down onto the sofa so that he was kneeling and his cock was level with Dudley's. With a little maneuvering the two dicks were practically next to one another and almost touching. Dudley's dwarfed Harry's. It looked to be almost double the length and more than twice as thick.

"Look at that pathetic little thing. No wonder you want mine."

Cautiously Harry reached out to touch Dudley again. To once again feel that warmth in his hand but he was stopped. Dudley had grabbed his wrist. Harry stretched out his fingers but the best he could manage was for his fingertips to lightly tickle at Dudley's heavy balls.

"Ask permission!"

"Please! I need it! Please!"

Dudley let go of Harry's wrist and Harry instantly wrapped his hand back around that thick hard shaft. He was soon back on his knees and once again slowly stroking Dudley's cock. Watching as the foreskin pulled back exposing the head of Dudley's cock. Taking note of the precum leaking down on the shaft. And then watching the foreskin return as Harry's hand slid back up the shaft.

"Go faster..." Dudley's eyes were closed again and his head tilted back slightly. Returning to whatever private fantasy was playing out in his head. Harry did as he was instructed and stroked faster. "Get it wet!"

Harry tried to spit but his mouth was dry. No matter how hard he tried he was suddenly incapable of producing more than a few drops of spit.

"Fucking useless!

Dudley sat forward suddenly and spat. His spit covered his dick and Harry's hand and as it did Harry felt the difference. He noticed how much smoother and easier his hand travelled up and down Dudley's cock. How it was easier for him to stroke faster. And as he heard Dudley moan he realised how much more Dudley was enjoying it. His hand was making Dudley moan. He was giving Dudley pleasure. With each stroke the moans were getting louder and deeper. If he continued like this then Harry might even be able to make Dudley repeat that roar like orgasm.

"Use your mouth..." Harry spat and this time more than just a few drops were produced. His own spit mixed with Dudley's to further slicken his cousin's glorious cock. "No. Use your fucking mouth!"

It happened so fast that Harry barely had time to register it.

Dudley reached out and his hand grabbed the back of Harry's head. His fingers tangling in Harry's hair. And he was pushing Harry down. Even if he'd tried Harry couldn't have stopped him. Suddenly his lips were at the head of Dudley's cock. Instinctively Harry opened as wide as he could and the head of Dudley's cock passed his lips and into his mouth. His tongue and sense exploded with the taste and smell of Dudley. A sweet musty sensation. But Dudley wasn't finished. He was still pushing Harry down. Pushing his cock deeper into Harry's mouth. Harry was almost instantly choking and spluttering on the cock. He'd never taken one before and Dudley's was instantly overpowering him. He didn't know what to do and he couldn't breathe. If this bothered Dudley it didn't stop him. He kept forcing Harry down until there was nothing but the sound of gagging and choking and spit pouring onto Dudley's cock. Finally Harry was released and finally he could breathe again.

Harry took in deep gulping breaths as he studied Dudley's cock. It was a slick wet mess covered in spit. For a second Harry had been sure he was going to throw up on it but at that exact moment Dudley had released him.

"I said use your mouth!"

This had been exactly what Harry had wanted but now it was happening he wasn't sure he could handle it. Cautiously his mouth once again approached the head of Dudley's cock and he opened wide. He felt Dudley's hand on the back of his head again and those fingers clutching at his hair. But Dudley didn't force him this time. He let Harry wrap his lips around and the head and slowly begin to swallow. Just a couple of inches made it into Harry's mouth before he began to choke and splutter and as he did he felt Dudley pulling him back up to the head. And then Dudley was guiding him back down until that choking sputtering sound began again and Harry was pulled back up. This was repeated again and again and each time Harry would take just a little more of Dudley's cock. Slowly he settled into a rhythm and Dudley's forceful guiding hand wasn't necessary. His lips were able to slide up and down Dudley's cock. Comfortably taking three or four inches at a time.

"Yeah that's it..."

Harry was overjoyed to hear Dudley's pleasured moans return. That meant that he could begin to enjoy the taste and feel of Dudley in his mouth. It was a feeling unlike anything he'd experienced to have the head of Dudley's cock pressing against the back of his throat every few seconds but one he was taking a great deal of pleasure from. Every moan and sigh from Dudley sent Harry to heaven too.

"Play with my balls too!" As his mouth continued to work on Dudley's cock Harry's hand gently cupped, tickled and squeezed at Dudley's balls just as instructed. "Oh fuck... that's a good little slut!"

To be described as a good little slut by Dudley was almost more than Harry could take. He hadn't even touched his own cock but he could feel his orgasm nearing. Just the feel, taste and now words of Dudley had brought Harry to the edge. It would take almost nothing to push him over the edge. And then Dudley's hand was tugging at his hair again. Pulling his mouth from that glorious cock.


Harry did as instructed and once again wrapped his hand around Dudley's cock and began stroking. It was still slick and wet from spit so Harry's hand practically glided over the shaft which seemed to please Dudley if the loud rumbling moans and sighs were any indication. As he continued to stroke a thought occurred to Harry. More than a thought, a desire. He was watching Dudley's balls bounce with each stroke of his cock and he wanted them. He wanted to taste them. To lick and to kiss them. So as his hand continued its work Harry lowered his mouth to Dudley's balls and kissed them.

Dudley let out an approving groan and so Harry continued. His tongue rolling over them as Dudley moaned. And then greedily he placed Dudley's balls into his mouth and gently sucked on them.

"Oh fuck!" Harry sucked harder as he stroked faster. "You're gonna make me..."

Those were all the words Dudley could get out before that deep animalistic roar took over. Harry felt Dudley's cock and balls pump and throb as he came. His eyes darted up to see Dudley's cum erupt from his cock with shot after shot and he felt the orgasm wash over Dudley like a wave. His muscles twitching and spasming. And then there was silence and Harry reluctantly withdrew from Dudley, releasing his cock and balls.

From his position on his knees in front of the sofa Harry admired Dudley in post-orgasm glow. He looked entirely satisfied and content in a way Harry had never seen anyone look before. He realised that he had done that. He had brought Dudley to this point. That wasn't all he'd done though. He'd also made quite the mess. From his vantage point between Dudley's thick thighs Harry had not been able to appreciate the volume of cum that Dudley had produced but it was extraordinary. Dudley's shirt was covered in large pools and splattered stains. But it wasn't just the shirt. Dudley's neck and check had been hit as well and Harry thought he could see spots on the sofa and perhaps even in Dudley's hair.

As he took in the sight of Dudley's cum Harry remembered how it had tasted last night. Remembered the excitement and satisfaction of licking it from his door and the carpet. Remembered how badly he had wanted more. He lurched forward catching an unprepared Dudley off guard. His tongue ran over just some of the stains on Dudley's shirt. Sucking and lapping up the cum that was seeping into it. And then his tongue was on Dudley's neck and cleaning the cum from his skin. Following it to his check. Searching for every drop.

And then Dudley was kissing him!

As quickly as Harry had moved to taste Dudley's cum Dudley had moved to press his lips against Harry's. Turning his head and grabbing Harry's face. Their lips were pressed together for just a second or two and then Dudley's tongue was pressing against Harry's lips and they parted allowing Dudley's tongue to swirl and twist and glide through his mouth. Then it ended and Harry fell back to his knees.

"Good sluts deserve a reward..." Apparently this was the explanation for the kiss. It was to be Harry's reward for a job well done. Or perhaps there was more. Harry watched as Dudley pulled his cum covered shirt over his head, exposing his broad powerful upper body, and then threw down to Harry. "Enjoy!"

Harry greedily took in the scent and taste of the shirt as Dudley climbed off the sofa. He wondered if Dudley would demand the shirt back in a minute or two. Or tomorrow. Or next week. Or was this to be his souvenir of the evening? A forever reminder of this encounter. Not that he would need any help recalling every last detail of this night. Harry was sure that he would remember it and relive it for as long as he lived. But for now he was more than content to smell and lick and suck at Dudley's shirt. Enjoying just a few more drops of this man.

"I'm not gay you know..." Dudley was stood in the doorway of the living room watching Harry. He'd put his shorts back on but remained shirtless allowing Harry to take in the sight of his strong chest and shoulders. "...I don't like boys. I just like getting off."

Harry wasn't sure if he was supposed to respond. He didn't care how Dudley identified. He only cared that Dudley would continue to let him do what they'd done tonight. That Dudley would let Harry help him to get off. Should he say that? Should he tell Dudley that he could use him anytime he liked?

"I like getting you off!"

Harry just blurted it out. He needed Dudley to know. Dudley smiled a little.

"Yeah. You did good Harry."

With that Dudley turned and marched up the stairs to his room leaving Harry alone with his shirt in the living room.

Next: Chapter 5

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