The Awakening of Harry Potter

By Robert Smith

Published on Dec 23, 2020


NOTE: This work of fiction is set between Goblet of Fire and Order of the Phoenix in the Harry Potter timeline. I've used the film series rather than the books as my primary inspiration especially from a visual perspective. Sadly I don't own any of the copyrights or characters used or mentioned in this story and they remain the property of their respective owners.

Chapter Two: The Morning After

Harry stared at his reflection as he gingerly touched the side of his face where Dudley's giant fist struck him the night before.There was a sharp shooting pain and a little swelling and redness but as far as he could tell no bruising. That was a lucky break he supposed; not that anyone in Little Whinging, least of all his Aunt and Uncle, would have noticed or cared if he was suddenly sporting a black eye or bruised face. Truth be told he'd be lucky if he escaped this mess with nothing more than a black eye.

What happened last night?

Harry had spent his entire morning trying to answer that question. Obviously he knew what had happened. He could vividly remember every second of his late night encounter with Dudley. The feel, the smell and the taste. And yet Harry had no idea what had happened last night. It made no sense.

He wasn't...

He didn't like...

And yet last night had happened. Even now just thinking about Dudley he could feel himself becoming excited. For weeks he'd been following his cousin. Watching him. Obsessing over him but not once had it entered his mind that he was attracted to Dudley. He'd come up with a million and one different ways to explain his actions and growing obsession with Dudley but never that. Even as his thoughts of Dudley had become sexual, the fantasy of him and his girlfriend, Harry had explained it away. It wasn't Dudley but Dudley's girlfriend that was the real focus. That was a lie. He could admit that now even if he wasn't quite ready to admit the rest.

Of course last night hadn't just happened to Harry. He'd heard Dudley banging around most of the morning. Stomping through the house with doors slamming in his wake. Harry was sure his Aunt and Uncle would be questioning him about his mood but what would Dudley tell them? Obviously he'd told them nothing so far. If Dudley had spilled the details of their late night encounter and the source of his fouler than normal mood Harry would not be welcome at 4 Privet Drive of that he was sure. This surely meant that Dudley had chosen sullen silence over answering the concerned questioning of his parents but how long would that last? And how would he react when he next saw Harry? There was still months until he was due to return to Hogwarts there was no way he could avoid Dudley for that long even if he wanted to and the truth was he didn't want to.

"I'm going out!"

Dudley's voice boomed through the entire house and jolted Harry back to reality. It was followed by the slamming of the front door. Harry watched through the window of his room as Dudley marched down the drive past Uncle Vernon's car and onto Privet Drive. Just the distant glimpse of Dudley's broad back as he marched down the street brought back the memory of last night. The feel, the smell, and taste of his cousin. Just the few seconds of contact between the two of them would be burned in Harry's memory forever but he wanted more. Needed more.

Without thinking about it Harry realised that he was on his feet and grabbing the backpack he hid beneath a pile of clothes in his wardrobe. No good would come from any of the occupants of 4 Privet Drive finding the contents of the bag. And now quickly but quietly he was moving, backpack slung over his shoulders, down the stairs and out of the house. Unlike Dudley he did not feel the need to inform his Aunt and Uncle that he was heading out. They wouldn't notice if he was gone and if they did their only response would be one of relief rather than worry.

Out on the street Harry was doing what he'd been doing all summer - following Dudley.

Harry was moving through the quiet perfectly ordinary streets of Little Whinging trying his best to catch-up with Dudley. As he rounded a corner he finally caught sight of his cousin. Unusually he was by himself. The usual gang of followers and hangers on nowhere to be seen. Harry had anticipated that this would be another trip to the park where Dudley and his gang would spend the day bullying and harassing the other kids of Little Whinging but Dudley was not heading toward the park. Harry wasn't entirely sure where Dudley was heading.

Dudley led Harry around new corners and down unfamiliar streets before he finally came to a stop. They were at a house and clearly Dudley had arrived at his destination because he was ringing the bell. Curiosity getting the better of him Harry was rummaging through his bag and pulling out one of the magical items he'd repeatedly promised he wouldn't use outside of Hogwarts, his invisibility cloak.

"Oh hello Dudley dear..." Harry had no idea who the woman was but there was something vaguely familiar about her as she stood in the doorway of her home smiling at Dudley. Clearly she was a little surprised to see him. "...Jessica isn't here just now."


The name rang bells in Harry's mind. Now that he heard it he was sure that had been the name of Dudley's girlfriend. The girl who had co-starred with Dudley in Harry's recurring fantasy. She bore a resemblance to the woman who'd answered the door to Dudley. Her mother Harry guessed.

"Right..." Dudley's disappointment was easy to hear.

"Did you want to come in and wait? I'm sure she won't be long." The woman stepped to one side to clear space for Dudley's wide frame to enter. Acting on instinct Harry, invisible under the cloak, darted into the house ahead of Dudley. "And I'm sure I can find you some treats or something while you wait!"

Harry turned and watched as Dudley entered the house. For the first time since the previous night Harry was able to properly take in the sight of his cousin. He was able to appreciate the way his bulky frame filled a t-shirt that would look like an oversized dress on Harry. The way his thighs strained against the material of his shorts. Harry knew that under those shorts would be one of a hundred pairs of designer label boxer shorts Dudley would have demanded his parents brought him. And after last night Harry assumed that Dudley had a preference for boxer briefs compared to Harry's own preference for loser fitting underwear. And from what Harry had seen and felt last night Dudley had no trouble filling those briefs to their absolute limit.

Dudley seemed to know his way around the house. Or at least through to the living room. He neither needed nor waited for guidance from the door through to the large front room. A room dominated by a multi-seat sofa stuffed full of oversized cushions. The woman, Jessica's mother, was hanging just behind Dudley. Watching him intently as he walked. Harry meanwhile carefully slipped past them both to occupy a corner of the room. After years of using the invisibility cloak to sneak through the halls and rooms of Hogwarts undetected Harry was skilled at evading notice and suspicion even in close quarters like this.

"So what can I get for you Dudley? A sandwich maybe? Some crisps? Something sweet?"

"No. I'm fine. Thanks."

"Come on now! A big strapping boy like you..." The woman's eyes lingered on Dudley as she said this. Seemingly admiring his large frame. "I must be able to get you something. Some ice cream to cool you down?"

"No. I'm fine."

"Don't be silly. Sit down and I'll fix you something..."

Her hand was on Dudley's shoulder guiding him down onto the large sofa that dominated the room and as Dudley sat it lingered. That hand gently squeezing Dudley's shoulder and ever so slightly rubbing on the top of his chest. Harry felt a mounting jealousy for the way this woman could so freely touch Dudley. Jealous of the way her hand could linger on his chest before slowly pulling away.

The woman scurried out of the room and, Harry assumed, toward the kitchen. Sounds of clattering and the opening and closing of cupboards filled the house as Harry stood watching Dudley slowly sink deeper into the sofa cushions. Until now Harry had not spent much time examining or thinking about his cousin's features. Dudley was not conventionally attractive, Harry knew. His ears were at least a fraction too big and his face just a touch too round with a nose just a little too squashed as if he'd spent a lifetime boxing. Cedric Diggory, Harry understood, was a conventionally attractive man and Dudley Dursley was no Cedric. And yet as he stood in the corner of the room taking in Dudley he could not deny his attraction to him. He wasn't pretty, he was rugged Harry decided. There was an appealing roughness to him and not just in his looks but everything about him.

As Harry watched Dudley idly scratched at his crotch as if inviting Harry's eyes to take it in. Dudley's legs were spread comfortably apart on the sofa giving Harry, and anyone else who cared to look, a full glimpse at the weighty package between his legs. Harry could easily picture himself between Dudley's strong thighs, his face and mouth nuzzling into that impressive package. His tongue and lips wrapping around it as they had for just a few fleeting seconds last night.

"Here we go then Dudley dear." The woman was back with a tray full of treats for Dudley. A can of fizzy drink, crisps, biscuits and a bowl piled high with ice cream. Dudley's declaration that he was fine had clearly fallen on deaf ears. The woman presented the tray to Dudley who seemed to have no interest in taking it. "I'll just leave it here. I'm sure a big strong boy like you will find something he wants!"

With this the woman laid the tray down on the coffee table in front of Dudley bending over before him as she dropped the tray onto the table.

"Do you see anything you want Dudley?"

Harry's jaw dropped slightly. The woman was still bent over before Dudley and looking back at him as she spoke.


"Well help yourself to whatever you like!" Finally the woman straightened herself up and brushed down her clothing. "I'll just be in the kitchen if you need anything else."

Dudley's eyes were glued to the woman as she left the room. His eyebrows raised slightly and a smirk stretching across his face. A smirk filled with obvious dirty thoughts that sent a thrill through Harry. He wondered how often this particular flirtation had happened and whether it was always so painfully clear. Surely it would be more subtle when the woman knew other people were in the room. But maybe it wasn't. The thrill of shamelessly flirting and practically throwing yourself at your daughter's boyfriend probably only heightens when others were in the room.

To Harry's surprise Dudley was pulling himself up from the oversized sofa and moving out of the room. He was following the woman and Harry was following him. In the kitchen the woman was bent over placing plates into a dishwasher. There was no sign of the flirtation from the front room. She had not anticipated Dudley following her into the kitchen. This was not part of the game she was playing.

"Dirty whore!"


The woman seemed as shocked as Harry not just by Dudley's presence in the kitchen but by his words. And not just the words but the tone. Dripping with an anger that sent another excited thrill through Harry.

"Everytime I come here..." The woman was stood straight now seemingly at a loss for words as Dudley slowly and menacingly made his way toward her. She had nowhere to go. " get me hard."

"Du... Dud...I..."

"I'm hard right now!" Dudley had closed the gap between himself and the woman. He was stood before her. Towering over her as he had with Harry the night before. "Do you want to feel it?"

Dudley grabbed the woman's wrist and pulled her hand toward his groin. Toward his hardness.

"Feel it"

Harry's mouth was dry and his feet glued to the floor. His brain was screaming at him to intervene but he couldn't. He couldn't move. He was just standing there watching and uncomfortably aware of his own hardness. Throbbing and raging in his trousers. And then the woman squeezed at Dudley's hardness. Stroking and pulling at it through the material of his shorts.

"That's what you want isn't it?" Jealousy was surging through Harry as he watched the woman's hand wrap around Dudley's erection. He'd felt Dudley's soft cock for just seconds last night and now this woman was getting everything he wanted. "Cock hungry slut!"

The woman's hand was still glued to Dudley's hardness in his shorts. Still squeezing, stroking and groping at it. Hungry for it in a way Harry recognised in himself. Her eyes lit up as Dudley's club like hands landed on her shoulders and began to push her down. The woman put up no resistance. She simply dropped to her knees.

"Taste it"

The woman grabbed and pulled at Dudley's shorts yanking them down and then repeating the process with the boxer briefs releasing Dudley's erection. Harry didn't even dare blink. He needed to commit this sight to memory. Burn it into his brain. He had no sense for the size of Dudley's cock beyond big. Bigger and thicker than his own with ease. It was glorious. That was the only word Harry could muster to describe the sight of it. It was glorious and Harry wasn't the only one to think so. He was sure the woman had uttered a wow at the sight of it.


Dudley's command was willingly obeyed. The woman opened her mouth and allowed the head of Dudley's cock to slide between her lips. Harry's eyes were torn between watching as this woman began to swallow Dudley's glorious cock and watching Dudley. Seeing the pleasure fill his face as his cock entered the warm wet confines of this woman's mouth. Harry couldn't quite believe what he was seeing but he didn't want to miss a second of it.

All of the reluctance and fear in the woman had gone. It seemed to evaporate the moment her hand connected with Dudley's erection but any trace of it was now gone. She was hungrily savouring every second she got to spend on Dudley's cock. Her lips wrapped around him and her hand stroking and teasing his heavy balls. Harry's jealousy of this woman was matched only by the overpowering excitement he felt about the scene playing out before him and the ever growing lust building inside for Dudley.


Dudley's demand came out like the grunt of an animal. Harry wasn't sure the woman had heard let alone understood him but it didn't matter. Dudley gave her no time to respond. He had grabbed a handful of her hair and as he dragged her down he bucked his hips. Forcing his cock deep into the woman's mouth and, Harry thought, surely down into her throat.

As if to confirm this thought the woman began to choke and gag and splutter on and around Dudley's cock. Making it glisten and shine with her spit as Dudley continued to thrust deeper and harder into her mouth. His hand grabbing tighter and tighter at her hair. His bicep lighting tensing. His face twisting in a mixture of pleasure and aggression that Harry found intoxicating. As he watched Dudley in action Harry slowly and carefully unzipped the fly of his trousers. Besides the noise of the woman gagging and fighting for breath around Dudley's cock the kitchen was silent. He dare not make a sound and alert anyone to his presence but he desperately to relieve the growing pressure in his own cock. This, he realised, would be the first time he'd ever gotten off under the invisibility cloak. He and Ron had often joked about the many ways in which the cloak could be used for such a thing but Harry had never done it. Until now. .

"Take it all you filthy cock slut"

The dirty talk came as a surprise to Harry. He had pictured Dudley as the dominant and controlling animal that was beginning to play out before him but never considered the dirty talk. The verbal abuse. It was undeniably exciting though. Every time he spoke it sent a new jolt of electricity through Harry. Dudley was putting words to Harry's deepest desire, he wanted to be Dudley's filthy cock slut more than he could say.

Dudley was sneering down at the woman now as she struggled with his size and girth. He was practically laughing to himself every time she choked or gagged on his cock. His cock and balls were now dripping with the woman's spit but this did nothing to stop Dudley. Harry was mesmerised by his cousin. By the way he forcefully thrust into her mouth. By the way he controlled the movement of her head. Holding it in place or forcing it down depending on his mood. There could be no mistake that Dudley was in complete control of the situation. And then it stopped.

Without warning Dudley released the woman and pulled away from her. His cock withdrawing from her mouth as a wet slickly sloppy mess. Spit dripping off it and down it. Down the thick shaft and over his balls. More than anything Harry wanted to taste it. To drop to his knees and let his tongue taste that glorious cock. To feel Dudley's grip his hair and force his lips around it. To know the strength and power of Dudley as he thrust into his mouth and down his throat.

"Up!" The woman just looked up at Dudley. With the cock withdrawn she seemed to be coming back to her normal self. The reality of what was happening sinking in. "I said up slut!"

Again Dudley grabbed her hair but this time to lift and drag her back to her feet. And then he spun her around and his hand was on her back and neck. He was bending her over the counter space of the kitchen. Harry understood exactly what was coming next.

"I'm going to give you what you want. What your husband doesn't."

Dudley hiked up the woman's skirt exposing the underwear beneath. Harry had no interest in her exposed flesh though. He was watching Dudley. The look of determination and control on his face. The way his arms, chest and shoulders tightened and flexed beneath his t-shirt. The way that he was lightly stroking his cock as he ripped and tore at the woman's underwear.

"Yes! Give me it Dudley!"

"Good slut"

Harry almost climaxed at this. At the woman wanting Dudley inside of her. At Dudley's sneering response. Somehow he held back. Allowing his hands to fall by his side as he watched Dudley once again buck his hips and thrust into the woman. This time she let out a cry and Dudley a deep grunt.

"Filthy slut!"

Harry watched as Dudley thrust into the woman and again and again. Hard and rough. Each thrust punctuated with a deep grunt from him and occasionally some kind of degrading insult at the woman. His hand once again grabbed at her hair and pulled and he would smack at her thighs, legs and backside. Dudley the dominant animal Harry had imagined him to be. Harry was furiously stroking at his own cock now. No longer holding back the orgasm but letting it come. Silencing his own pleasure filled whimper as he came. His cum splattering onto the inside of the invisibility cloak dripping, over his hand and dropping down onto the kitchen floor.

"Filthy, filthy slut!"

And then Dudley was letting out something close to a roar.

Harry couldn't say how long it had been. Seconds, minutes, hours but Dudley was cumming. His cock still inside the woman. But that's not what Harry noticed. His eyes were focused entirely on Dudley's face. On the orgasmic pleasure and delight that spread across it. On the look of pure contentment and ecstasy as he came.

For a moment Dudley was still. Bent over the woman. His weight pressing down on her as he took in deep post-orgasm breaths. And then he was moving with speed. He was withdrawing from the woman. Harry caught just a glimpse of his softening cock, still glistening and covered in wetness, before it was enclosed in his underwear and shorts once more. Harry could also see what must have been Dudley's cum dripping from the woman. Running down her legs and pooling on the floor between them. Dudley paid no attention to this. He was leaving turning on his heels and heading toward the front door.

"Thank you Dudley..."

It was barely a whisper. Harry had heard it but he was sure Dudley hadn't but the woman had definitely said it.

As Dudley strode toward the front door Harry was struggling to move. He needed to keep pace with Dudley or risk being stuck in the house. There would be no way for him to open the door undetected once Dudley was gone. But he need not have worried. Dudley didn't bother to close the door behind him. He was almost skipping down the street as Harry exited the house. All the tension and anger that had been radiating off of him gone. Harry let him disappear into the streets of Little Whinging. Wherever Dudley was going now didn't matter.

Next: Chapter 3

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