The Awakening of Harry Potter

By Robert Smith

Published on Jan 19, 2022


NOTE: As ever I sadly don't own the copyrights for any of the characters or locations mentioned in this work of fiction. The story itself is now well and truly planted in the timeline of The Order of the Phoenix with the film series rather than the books being the main source of inspiration. If you'd like to send feedback, thoughts or requests then I'm always happy to hear them. Enjoy!

Chapter Twelve: Adding to the Collection

The opening weeks of term had seemed to stretch on for an eternity.

As he walked down the dark draughty corridors of Hogwarts castle, trying his best to ignore the burning pain in his left hand, Harry attempted to recount the events that had transpired since his return to school. His opening weeks of term had of course been dominated by a continued exploration of the unexpected desires and feelings that had awoken within him over the summer. His summer obsession with Dudley transferring itself from one boy to the next. From Ron to Seamus to Cormac to Goyle and back again.

But as preoccupied as Harry was with the growing changes within himself and just what they all meant he was also increasingly aware of the changes rocking Hogwarts. School had always felt like such a safe haven for him. A literal magical place removed from the fears and torments that haunted him away from Hogwarts but this year it was different. The dark moods that had descended upon Harry seemed to envelop the school as well.

Of course Hogwarts had never been the perfect utopia Harry might have wanted to believe it was. Snape had seen to it that Harry's time at school was not free of torment and there had always been Malfoy. Even now just the mere thought of Draco Malfoy sent a white hot burst of rage through Harry's system. The hatred he had always felt for Malfoy had multiplied beyond anything Harry could have expected this year. The events he'd witnessed in that bathroom had seen to that.

Harry pushed this from his mind. As awful as both Snape and Malfoy were, neither of them explained the darkness that had begun to take hold of Hogwarts this year. That honour, if indeed it was an honour, belonged to Dolores Umbridge. It was from Umbridge's office that Harry had just left after yet another torturous detention. A detention that explained the burning pain in his hand and the tiny droplets of blood he could feel running down his arm.

I must not tell lies!

Harry almost snorted as he thought of the words he'd been scratching not just onto parchment but his own skin.

"Wandering around after dark Potter? Tut, tut!"

Harry stopped cold. That voice made his skin crawl and sent another pulse of burning rage through him.


"Now, now Potter, remember who you're talking to!"

Slowly, trying his best to master the hatred coursing through him, Harry turned to face Draco Malfoy and as he did he noticed Malfoy animatedly polishing the prefect badge pinned to his robes. The rage inside boiled hotter still as he remembered Malfoy's status as a prefect. Of all people, why had Dumbledore chosen Malfoy to be Slytherin prefect? It only served to make his own omission as Gryffindor prefect sting even more. Just another thing Malfoy had that Harry did not.

"You know Potter, you really shouldn't be creeping around after dark. What if there's another Dementor attack!"

Malfoy broke out into a fit of raucous laughter at this mocking reference to how Harry's summer with Dudley had come to a crashing end. It wasn't just Malfoy laughing though. Harry's rage had focused in on Malfoy's sharp pale features but as the laughter spread he took in that Malfoy was shadowed, as he always was, by Crabbe and Goyle.

Harry's stomach gave an involuntary leap as he caught sight of Goyle at Malfoy's shoulder. Next to Draco's slim angular body Goyle looked positively massive. He seemed to tower over Malfoy and with those broad powerful shoulders he cut an undeniably intimidating figure. To Harry's surprise the sight of Crabbe also caused his stomach to leap albeit a little less than it had with Goyle. Crabbe's large round shape seemed less intimidating than Goyle's ever expanding mass of muscle but it intrigued Harry all the same.

"Shut up Malfoy"

Harry spat the words out.

After the initial excitement of once again catching sight of Crabbe and Goyle his rage returned hotter still. To see all three of them together conjured up images that Harry did not want to see. Images that made him hate Malfoy more than ever. Images that made him burn with jealousy.

"You really should show more respect to your superiors Potter. You won't always have Dumbledore's protection you know."

Harry couldn't say why but these final words seemed to make him boil over. He felt his hands balling into fists and an overwhelming desire to launch himself at Malfoy. Sensing danger both Crabbe and Goyle stepped forward. They formed a human wall between Harry and Malfoy so large that Harry couldn't even see Draco anymore. But losing sight of Malfoy did not cause his rage to burn any less.

"Is there a problem here Potter?"

Harry's stomach gave another involuntary leap. He recognised that glorious lyrical voice instantly and despite everything it still made part of him melt. Cormac McLaggen was confidently striding down the corridor and was rapidly approaching Harry's side. The perfect beaming smile on his face even as he eyed Crabbe and Goyle suspiciously.

"Everything is fine..."

Malfoy's voice sounded almost muffled as if it was struggling to escape the combined mass of Crabbe and Goyle. Cormac almost seemed surprised to hear it as if he had not realised that Malfoy was here at all. It was an easy mistake to make Harry supposed, so obscured was Malfoy behind the other two.

"Is that right Potter?"

Cormac's gaze fell upon Harry. There were no traces of the anger and violence Harry had seen them blaze with back in that changing room. Instead they were the glorious shining blue that Harry remembered. The eyes that Harry could easily imagine falling into and never coming back out.

"I said-"

"I'm talking to Potter, not you Malfoy!"

Harry's heart stopped as Cormac rounded on Malfoy.Only he wasn't rounding on Malfoy. Draco was so well hidden behind Crabbe and Goyle that Cormac was rounding on them.

While Crabbe took a slight retreating step back Goyle stood his ground.

Harry was transfixed by the sight before him. Neither Cormac nor Goyle said a word as they squared up to one another. Each of them seemed to be growing larger than Harry had ever seen. It was as if they were inflating before his very eyes. Standing straighter and taller as they puffed their chests and seemed to stretch their shoulders. While Goyle was undeniably the taller of the two Harry was sure that Cormac was broader. His shoulders and arms seemed to be obscenely bulging beneath his school uniform although Goyle showed no sign of intimidation.

If Harry could have made one wish in this moment it would be to see Cormac's face. Goyle had a look of pure aggression fixed onto his square features. His eyes narrowed and jaw clenched. It sent strange buzzes of electric thrills through Harry. Surely Cormac's features would be matching Goyle's? Was Goyle looking into the burning angry eyes Harry had glimpsed in that changing room? Was he seeing the way Cormac's perfect features could be twisted into rage and yet somehow remain perfect?

Harry wanted to move. To reposition himself so that he could see both men's faces. But he didn't dare move. He was rooted to the spot afraid to even blink. He didn't want to miss a second of this. These two mountains of men continued to size one another up. Neither man willing to back down and show a sign of weakness. Harry was sure that any second now one or both of them would strike out. Their towering muscular bodies would connect. It would sound like booming thunder.

"Let's go!"

Malfoy's voice seemed to crack rather than break the tension. While Crabbe was slowly backing away along with Malfoy, Harry assumed, Goyle did not move. He was still staring at Cormac who was determinedly staring right back.

"Goyle, I said let's go!"

Goyle finally let a smile crack his features. It did not spread to his eyes though nor did any of his mass seem to deflate. It seemed that he was willing to follow Malfoy away from this confrontation but that he was doing so begrudgingly.

"See you around buddy..."

Goyle spoke these words to Cormac in a growled whisper. They were full of threat and malice but Harry found that they excited rather than scared him. Cormac's silent response was impossible for Harry to interpret. All he could see was McLaggen's broad, powerful back and that didn't so much as twitch.

For a moment Cormac watched as Goyle slowly retreated down the corridor. The two men didn't take their eyes from one another. Goyle walked backwards until he reached the corner and disappeared around it.

With Goyle finally out of sight Cormac spun on his heels with surprising grace for a man of his size and was facing Harry once more. Any trace of anger or aggression that must have been filling his face was gone by the time he was looking at Harry. His eyes were that bright wondrous blue once more and his bright beaming smile was in place.

"You OK Potter?"

"Erm... I'm... Yeah... fine!"

Harry's response was garbled and stuttered. He felt like the air had been knocked out of him. In all his memories of Cormac in that shower, radiating rage and violence, Harry had forgotten just how beautiful he was. Harry had managed to forget the golden blonde of his hair, the strong jawline, the perfect smile and those glowing eyes. Harry had forgotten what a perfect creation Cormac McLaggen was and it was hitting him all over again now.

"Excellent!" Cormac clapped a friendly hand on Harry's back. The force of this friendly gesture almost knocked Harry to the ground. "Are you heading back to the common room?"

"I... yes... common room..."

Harry felt like an idiot. He'd completely lost the ability to speak in actual sentences. His mind was a mess of contradictory thoughts as he tried to match the Cormac McLaggen who'd come to his rescue tonight with the Cormac McLaggen he'd met in that locker room. Harry had managed to successfully avoid Cormac since that night but tonight, as he stared once again into those deep blue eyes and let that surprisingly melodic accent wash over him, it all came flooding back to him.

"He's a bit of a prick that Malfoy character isn't he?"

As the memories flooded Harry's mind so too did the reality of this evening. Fighting for space inside his brain were two completely different versions of Cormac McLaggen. The violent, angry and abusive McLaggen who had cornered him that night in the showers with rage burning in his eyes. And then the Cormac who had come to his aid this evening ready to fight Gregory Goyle to protect him. The same Cormac who, with a protective and friendly hand resting gently on Harry's back, was seemingly guiding him back toward the common room.

"It's just crazy that they've made him a prefect. I saw him terrorising some first years earlier. And then the three of them cornering you in the corridor like that. It's just not on."

Harry fell back into the easy rhythm of allowing Cormac's words to wash over him. That clipped posh accent was like a sweet song in his ears and the way Cormac's hand was still resting on his back as they made their way through the castle seemed to be spreading warmth through his entire body. Harry suddenly found himself fighting the urge to curl up into Cormac the way Crookshanks, Hermionies large fluffy cat, would curl itself into his lap opposite the fire in the common room.

"I'd have knocked some respect into the little prick if that other one hadn't been there..."

Harry felt Cormac's hand tense on his back. He had the distinct impression that McLaggen was resisting the urge to ball his hand into a fist once more as he thought of Goyle.


"What? Is that his name? Goyle?" Cormac practically spat the name out as if it left a bad taste in his mouth.

Harry's brain was still struggling to process and catch-up with events. He was suddenly very painfully aware that his cock was throbbing. How long had he been hard for? Was it before the face-off between Cormac and Goyle or had that been the cause? Harry knew that he had been transfixed by the moment. The sight of two giant men about to clash.

"Still let's not waste more energy on them..." Cormac had settled back into his breezy rhythm and Harry felt a distinct relaxing of the hand that was still resting on his back. "Actually Potter I've been meaning to talk to you. To check in on you I suppose but it's almost as if you've been avoiding me!"

Cormac let out that all too familiar barking laugh that indicated he'd said something funny. Harry felt his insides squirm uncomfortably. He had been avoiding Cormac.

"I just wanted to check you were OK, Potter. I know things got a little..." For the briefest of moments Cormac seemed unsure of what to say. As if he was reaching for the perfect word but couldn't quite find it. "...intense at the training session."

Intense was certainly one word to describe the events that had unfolded at that training session. Although Harry wasn't entirely sure that intense alone did an adequate job of really describing what had happened. Of what Cormac had done.

"You seemed to enjoy it though, didn't you Potter!"

Cormac let out a light little chuckle that bared almost no resemblance to the hearty laugh that usually punctuated his sentences. It was as if he were unsure of himself. Unsure of whether Harry had really enjoyed what had happened that night.

The truth was that Harry had enjoyed it. He had spent many nights, and occasional days, since thinking about it. Reliving and replaying every detail of it in his mind. Even after what had happened with Seamus the following day Harry had found himself dwelling on Cormac McLaggen. Although it wasn't entirely true to say he'd been dwelling on Cormac. It was more that he'd been dwelling on the way Cormac had made him feel.

"I know I did"

The words had escaped Cormac as a whisper. Harry wasn't even sure he'd heard them. Maybe he'd just imagined it. No, he was quite sure that Cormac had said it.

"Really?" Harry couldn't keep the amazement from his voice. He looked up at Cormac and let the bright beaming smile hit him anew. Let the electric pulse of it run through his body. "I did too..."

Harry was sure that Cormac's smile had grown wider at this confirmation that Harry had indeed enjoyed himself.

The two continued their walk to the Gryffindor common room in silence. This was, Harry noted, most unusual for Cormac who always seemed to be ready with a story to fill any silence. And yet here they were walking side-by-side in silence. Cormac's hand resting on his back. Harry had never wanted a journey to the common room to last longer in his life but as they finished climbing a flight of stairs Harry knew they were mere seconds away from the common room.

"You know..." Cormac had come to a stop just a few feet away from the portrait of the fat lady behind which was hidden the entrance to the Gryffindor common room. "...I was thinking it might be helpful to have another training session. I can give you some of the pointers I was talking about. I really do think there's just a few little things you can do that would make you a fantastic Seeker."

Cormac almost seemed nervous now. It was, Harry thought, surprisingly sweet to see him even a little unsure of himself.

"Yeah... that would be great!"

Harry was surprised by how enthusiastic his voice sounded. The idea of another training session with Cormac filled him with excitement with more than a twist of dread.

"Excellent!" Cormac's face was alight with delight as he once again started walking toward the portrait of the fat lady. Harry was disappointed to discover that Cormac's hand was no longer resting on his back.

"What were you doing with him?"

Ron had been bristling from the moment Harry had entered the common room alongside Cormac McLaggen. The memory of Ron refusing to talk to him for almost a week because of McLaggen was still fresh in Harry's mind. He knew that this was a sore spot for Ron but was thankful that Ron had at least waited until Harry had sunk his hand into the cooling healing solution Hermionie had prepared before starting to question him.

"We just bumped into each other in the corridor."


Harry examined Ron curiously. He was staring suspiciously not at Harry but Cormac. Watching him intently as he spoke with a group of sixth years at the farside of the common room.

It struck Harry that he and Ron had not spoken about the training session with Cormac that had so divided them. Ron had not pressed him for details about Cormac's performance nor had he questioned Harry about why he'd returned to the common room so much later than McLaggen. Harry had assumed that Ron had wanted to avoid the topic to avoid talking about what had happened when Harry had finally returned to the common room. To avoid discussing how Harry had dropped to his knees as Ron had sat in the very chair he occupied now.

But now, as he watched Ron staring at Cormac, Harry wasn't so sure. The way Ron's eyes were fixed on Cormac it was as if he knew something of what had happened that night. It was as if he knew something of the way Cormac had treated him. Although Harry was quite sure, given the daggers that may as well have been shooting from Ron's eyes, that if Ron had intuited something of what had happened that night he was unaware of just how much Harry had enjoyed it. And Harry certainly wasn't going to mention the possibility of another training session with Cormac.

"I don't trust him!"

Ron said this matter of factly as if it settled some unspoken debate. Harry thought it best to just stay quiet rather than argue the point that Cormac wasn't so bad after all. He couldn't even begin to imagine how Ron would react to the events of this evening. He had fleeting visions of Ron storming from the common room to go and fight Goyle himself to prove he was better than McLaggen.

Truth be told Harry was desperate to retreat from the common room. He was still uncomfortably aware of the throbbing of his still hard cock. The erection just refused to die. He wanted to go to his four poster bed and pull the hangings closed, the closest he could get to privacy, and deal with his arousal. He wanted to let visions of Cormac and Goyle squaring up to one another fill his mind. To relive the way both of them had seemed to expand and grow in the other's presence.

"I'm going to bed!" Ron shot Harry a surprised and disappointed look. "I can't concentrate and I'm just... tired."

Harry wished he'd been able to think of a less feeble end to that sentence.

Ron recovered his disappointment and after muttering some rushed good nights to Harry returned to his homework. Or at least he pretended to return to his homework. As Harry headed toward the stairs that led to the boys dormitories he could have sworn he saw Ron once again staring suspiciously at Cormac McLaggen.

As he began his assent of the spiral staircase that led to the dormitory shared by the fifth year boys Harry shrugged his school robe off. He resolved to put Ron's suspicious glances toward Cormac to the back of his mind. That was a problem that could be dealt with another day. Or, perhaps not at all. The fifth year dorm room would be empty, it was still early after all, and Harry would have the chance to truly enjoy himself.

"Alright Harry!"

Harry felt his heart sink somewhere down into his stomach as Dean Thomas warmly greeted him. The dorm room was not empty. Dean was stood at the foot of his own four poster bed and as Harry caught sight of him he felt his heart leap from his stomach to his throat. Dean had nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist and was still slightly damp from a shower.

"Neville's stupid plant exploded all over me. Again."

Dean offered this information up to explain his decision to take an evening shower. Harry barely registered the words. His eyes were fixed on Dean's still slightly wet body. The dark skin seemed to gleam and shine under the lights of the room. His lightly defined muscles more pronounced than usual beneath the water.

"Right... yeah..."

Harry was suddenly uncomfortably aware that he'd been staring at Dean for an awkwardly long time. He managed to tear his eyes away from Dean, from that glistening lightly muscled body, and move toward his own bed. His back was now to Dean and it took considerable self control not to turn and sneak another long lingering glance at him.

"I swear this is like the fifth or sixth time it's got me. It's almost like it's doing it on purpose."

"Yeah I know..."

There was a gentle thump of fabric hitting the solid wooden floor of the dorm room. Harry couldn't resist. He turned his head to look over his shoulder and bring Dean back into his eyeline. For the briefest of moments Dean was naked. His back was to Harry so that all he saw was a lean back and a perfectly round and smooth bum. It was soon covered by a pair of loose fitting football shorts, apparently Dean had decided against underwear for the rest of the night, but while it had been exposed it had looked delicious.

"Anyway Harry, I'll see you later!"

Dean pulled a t-shirt over his head as he strode to the door to the dorm. Harry couldn't help but notice the way Dean's cock swung gently from side-to-side as he walked. It looked long enough to choke Harry with ease.

And then the dorm room was empty. Harry had imagined he would be unable to contain himself when he finally made it to the dorm room. He had thought he would have frantically pulled his clothes off and launched himself into bed. Eager to deal with his still throbbing erection but he wasn't doing that. Instead he was staring at a pile of dirty clothes to the side of Dean's bed.

Like all of the fifth year boys Dean had simply dumped his dirty clothes on the floor of the dorm room. A house elf would collect them at some point in the night, leave the dorm room spotless by morning and return the clothes, fully laundered, the next day. Not really sure what he was doing Harry took a tentative step toward the pile of Dean's dirty clothes.

It took just a few steps to cross the room to Dean's bed. Harry stood before the pile of worn clothes and could hear his heart pounding in his ears. He looked from the pile to the door of the dorm. His ears strained to hear as if trying to detect another fifth year boy heading up to the dorm. Cautiously Harry knelt before the pile, his eyes still fixed on the door. And then, certain no one was about to push the door open, Harry's hands dived into the pile.

He knew what he was looking for as soon as his hands hit the pile. He'd been acting on some kind of subconscious instinct until his fingertips connected with Dean's clothes and then it all became conscious. It took him just seconds to find what he was looking for and he held them up triumphantly. A pair of black boxer briefs. They were a designer pair similar to the kind Dudley would wear but as Harry pressed the material to his face and nose that was where the similarities ended.

Dudley and Dean had wildly different scents.

There was almost no trace of the sweat or musk that Harry had experienced with both Dudley and Goyle's underwear. Dean's smelt sweeter and cleaner. For a moment Harry was disappointed but as he inhaled deeper the disappointment faded. It was a cleaner smell but not clean. Dean smelt fresh and light. Harry couldn't help but wonder how he would taste. Would it be as deliciously sweet and smooth as this smell?

Harry slipped a hand into his trousers as he continued to inhale Dean's underwear. All thoughts of the titanic struggle between Goyle and McLaggen had vanished from his mind. Suddenly all that mattered in the world was the taste and smell of Dean Thomas. As he furiously stroked at himself Harry remembered the way Dean's cock had bounced and swung as he left the dorm room. He pictured the length of it and tried to picture the colour. Would it be as dark as Dean's skin or lighter? Or darker perhaps. And what of Dean's balls? Harry felt confident they would be smooth just like the perfect flesh of the bum he'd glimpsed. They'd slide into his mouth perfectly.

Harry pictured Dean sitting on his bed now. His legs spread and his long smooth cock and plump balls hanging between them. He pictured himself leaning in and gently kissing and licking at Dean's shaft and balls. Feeling and seeing the meat grow harder and thicker. He did not think he would be able to resist the urge to swallow the dark shaft for long. His lips would wrap around the head and he'd swallow deep. The head would push against his throat and he'd choke.

Dean wouldn't grab Harry's head though. He wouldn't force him down like Dudley did or the way Seamus had. He'd let Harry take his time. He'd allow Harry to savour the taste and feel in his mouth. Dean would lay back on the bed and moan as his cock moved deeper and deeper into Harry's throat. Harry would want to take it all but he'd struggle. It was so long.

"Oh fuck!"

The force of his orgasm brought Harry back to the dorm room. He felt the warm sticky mess of his cum on his hand. His mouth and throat felt empty. Dean's cock was not deep in them. Dean wasn't even in the room.

For a moment Harry stayed knelt on the floor next to Dean's bed. Dean's underwear pressed against his mouth and nose as he took deep post-orgasm breaths. He could almost taste Dean on his tongue. The tantalising sweetness of him. Reluctantly he let the underwear drop from his face although he kept it clutched in his hand. He looked toward his trunk and wondered if Dean would notice if the boxer shorts were to go missing. In the trunk, Harry knew, was underwear belonging to both Dudley and Goyle, could he add Dean's to that collection?

Harry knew this was not a question. He had already made the decision. He was moving toward his trunk without even thinking about it. Withdrawing his sticky hand from his trousers Harry pulled his trunk open and pushed, lifted and moved its contents around. It took no time at all to locate his now growing underwear collection. Dean's boxer briefs dropped down next to pairs that had previously belonged to Dudley and Goyle. With one last longing stare at all three pairs Harry covered them once again with the contents of his trunk and began to ready himself for bed.

The next morning Harry woke early and slipped out of the dorm room before any of the other fifth year boys were awake. He wasn't sure why, exactly, but Harry had wanted to avoid the other boys this morning. The idea of seeing any of them left him with a strange uncomfortable feeling in the pit of his stomach.

Of course he understood why avoiding Seamus was preferable. Ever since their second encounter in Hogsmeade things had been strained between the two of them. Seamus would shoot contemptuous and angry looks at Harry and on the handful of occasions they had spoken to each other since Seamus had communicated only in grunts. Things were strange between him and Ron as well. He thought back to their awkward conversation the night before and the way Ron had been suspiciously eying Cormac McLaggen. While Ron was at least talking to him again things weren't quite back to normal. A strange tension hung between them.

In truth Harry understood that none of this was why he had chosen to slip out of the dorm room undetected this morning. As uncomfortable and strained as his interactions with both Ron and Seamus had become, neither of them was twisting his stomach into knots. The cause of those knots was instead Dean Thomas.

Harry couldn't quite explain what had come over him the night before. He had rushed to the dorm room with thoughts of Cormac McLaggen and Gregory Goyle filling his head but they'd been erased by the sight of Dean Thomas. Not just the sight but the smell of him. And a tantalising taste that had been on the tip of his tongue. He'd cum not to thoughts of Cormac or Goyle or the two of them together but to thoughts of Dean Thomas.

With a surprising feeling of shame Harry thought of the underwear that was now hidden at the bottom of his trunk. He'd felt no shame about the underwearing belonging to Dudley or Goyle that could be found in his trunk but the dark boxer briefs he'd acquired the night before was a different story. The knowledge of them hidden in his trunk was gnawing at his stomach. He thought maybe he'd take them out, mix them with some other dirty clothes and let a house elf wash and return them. He thought this but he knew he would not do it. He knew that he would not give up Dean's underwear.

The common room was, predictably, deserted when he stepped into it. The silence of it felt heavy and oppressive. He'd thought he might sit and catch-up on homework this morning but he knew that wouldn't happen either. He could not stand to be in the common room for another second and so he left and headed down to the great hall for breakfast.

As he strolled through the corridors of the castle and observed the winter sunshine struggling to break through a thick layer of clouds Harry reminded himself that the previous night Cormac McLaggen had escorted him through them. A hand resting gently on his back. If he tried very hard Harry could still remember the warm comforting sensation of that hand upon him. It soothed him this morning and helped untangle some of the knots in his stomach.

Harry also remembered that he had agreed to embark upon another training session with Cormac. Although Cormac had spoken of imparting Quidditch advice to him, Harry felt quite sure that this would not be the true purpose of this training session. He was sure there would be a repeat of what had happened in the showers after their first training session. A repeat of the way Cormac had so viciously treated him. And Harry had enthusiastically agreed to it.

To his great relief Harry discovered that the great hall was not empty. Although nowhere near as full as it would be within the next hour there were still some fellow students who had decided to come for an early breakfast. There was a pleasant quiet hum of chatter and the occasional clattering of plates.

As he took a seat at the Gryffindor table Harry cast an eye around the hall. He recognised some of the other Gryffindor students sitting around him. They were mostly sixth and seventh years he thought. He was sure he'd seen at least some of them hanging around with Cormac although there was no sign of Hogwarts resident God himself. Harry could not spot his golden hair or hear his melodic voice.

The rest of the hall was filled with students he vaguely recognised. A couple of fifth year Ravenclaw students whose names he couldn't remember were huddled together talking. Harry caught a blonde Hufflepuff boy shooting discreet glances at him. He had no idea who he was but at this point he was used to complete strangers both in and outside of Hogwarts staring at him. This was nothing new.

It was the Slytherin table that truly caught Harry's attention. Sat at the far end of the table were the pair of Crabbe and Goyle. Much to Harry's relief there was no sign of Draco Malfoy. It was, Harry thought, most unusual to catch sight of Crabbe and Goyle without Malfoy. Usually the trio were stuck together. The much bigger boys serving as Malfoy's personal bodyguards.

Harry felt some of the knots return to his stomach when he realised that Crabbe had spotted him sitting alone at the Gryffindor table. He watched as Crabbe, a sausage half stuffed into his mouth, stared at him wide eyed before nudging Goyle. The knots grew tighter still as Harry saw a smile form itself on Goyle's square features. This was not a friendly smile. To Harry's horror Goyle, his eyes still locked on Harry, lifted himself from the Slytherin table and began to stalk a deliberate path toward the Gryffindor table. Toward Harry.

With a note of hope Harry glanced toward the staff table but it was empty. There would be no one to spot the rather unusual sight of a Slytherin heading toward the Gryffindor table. No one to spot Goyle making a beeline directly for Harry.

Harry stuffed a hand into the pocket of his robe and gently wrapped his fingers around his wand. While Goyle undeniably had a size and strength advantage he was not a gifted wizard. All Harry would need to do is fire off a hex before Goyle's boulder-like fist made contact with him.

"Harry Potter..."

To Harry's absolute astonishment Goyle made no attempt to strike or attack Harry; he simply lowered himself onto the bench opposite Harry as if this was the most natural thing in the world. As if he, a Slytherin and friend of Draco Malfoy, ate breakfast with Harry at the Gryffindor table every morning.

"...fancy seeing you here."

As strange and oddly unsettling as this situation was, Harry could not help but be a little excited at being this close to Goyle. He'd grown so used to viewing Goyle from a distance that he was almost overwhelmed by how large he became up close. His broad intimidating chest matched his large powerful looking arms. Last night he'd been sure that Cormac was broader and larger than Goyle but this morning it seemed impossible that anyone could be as large as Goyle. Harry desperately wanted to reach out and touch him. To test if this was all just some kind of optical illusion or was he really as large and solid as he looked.

"And without your boyfriend too"

For a moment Harry thought that Goyle must have been referring to Ron but then he saw the way his thick heavyset jaw tightened and a flash of familiar anger in his dark eyes. This was the expression that Goyle had worn the previous night as he and Cormac McLaggen had stared each other down.

"He's not my boyfriend!"

Harry wasn't sure why but he'd felt a very urgent need to clarify that Cormac wasn't his boyfriend. Although he had to admit the thought of that being true did fill his stomach with a collection of fluttering butterflies. Still, it was important that Goyle know that Cormac was not his boyfriend. For his part Goyle seemed to be taken aback by Harry's rather earnest response. A look of surprise had flitted across his face and he was now watching Harry curiously.

Neither man said anything for a while. Goyle just sat there with his eyes fixed on Harry. It was as if he was trying to bore into Harry's brain to better understand him. Harry, meanwhile, was letting Goyle's presence wash over him. He tried to remember if he'd ever been this close to Goyle for this period of time. Even when he'd been hidden beneath the invisibility cloak Harry had mostly kept his distance and observed Goyle from a distance. This morning he was so close. Harry could hear him breathing and was catching wisps of his scent in the air.

"Whatever he is..." Goyle leaned in closer to Harry now. His voice was a deep rumbling whisper that sent strange thrills through Harry. "...we have unfinished business."

Harry's brain suddenly seemed to be processing a million different things at once.

He was overwhelmed by how close Goyle had leaned into him. Their faces were almost touching and the smell of him rushed Harry's senses. He could taste Goyle in his mouth. And then there was that deep rumbling whisper carrying with so much threat and malice. The threat may have been aimed at Cormac rather than Harry but it sent an explosive rush of excitement through Harry all the same. It was this explosive rush that set off memories of the previous night. Memories of how Goyle and Cormac had squared up to one another. Two giant mountains of men staring each other down as they prepared to clash. Each seeming to expand and grow in the presence of the other.

Fighting for attention amongst these memories were different images, images of what could have been. Goyle and Cormac colliding with one another. Arms swinging. Punches thrown. Thunderous booms echoing as they tussled with one another. Suddenly Harry could see them ripping at each other's school robes and shirts. Clothes being ripped and torn apart as the two men rolled across one another on the floor.

Harry thought he might explode.

"Be sure to tell him that"

Goyle's growl of a whisper brought Harry back to reality. Back to the great hall where Goyle was staring at him. His dark eyes burning with a hatred not of Harry but for Cormac McLaggen. He could see Goyle's muscular frame twitching and tensing beneath his robes and uniform as if he were preparing to fight Cormac even now.

"See you around Harry!"

With this Goyle was done. He lifted himself from the Gryffindor table and towered over Harry. He seemed impossibly large now. How had Harry ever believed that Cormac had been larger than him last night? Surely that wasn't possible. Goyle's shoulders were so broad and his chest seemed so big. And yet Harry had seen that Cormac was larger last night. As impossible as it seemed now.

Goyle shot a look back to the Slytherin table and Crabbe, who was still stuffing food into his mouth, before striding out of the hall with supreme confidence radiating from him. Harry watched him take every step. Even as he disappeared into the distance Goyle still seemed impossibly large. His broad powerful back making him easily spotted seemingly from miles away. As he finally vanished from view Harry's eyes lazily travelled back to the Slytherin table. Back to Crabbe.

Draco's second bodyguard was dusting crumbs from his front before rising up to his feet. Harry was once again struck by the incredible contrast between Crabbe and Goyle. Both were undeniably large, much larger than almost any other Hogwarts student, but in such different ways. Goyle's solid square-like frame was in complete contrast to Crabbe's round softer edges. And where Goyle's exit from the great hall was a confident stride Crabbe's was more of a lumbering walk. It reminded Harry of a younger Dudley lumbering around Privet Drive beneath his impossible girth.

Harry was suddenly aware that he was standing. He'd barely touched his breakfast but he didn't care. He was on his feet and hurriedly heading toward the exit of the great hall. He felt a sense of great relief when he reached the giant double doors of the hall and saw that Crabbe was just a few feet ahead of him, practically bulldozing his way through a group of first years.

With a sense of purpose he could not explain Harry took off after Crabbe. Following him through the entrance hall of the castle and to a quiet deserted corridor. Harry was vaguely aware that this corridor would lead to the lower levels of the castle where Slytherin's dungeon common room was located. Apparently he intended to follow Crabbe to the common room. He silently seethed that he no longer carried the invisibility cloak with him at all times.

Crabbe did not make it to the common room though. He veered off the main corridor to a smaller almost hidden passageway. It was poorly lit and full of ominous shadows so that Harry could no longer make out Crabbe in the distance. But he must be further down the corridor. There was nowhere else for him to have gone.

"Why are you following me?"

Harry's insides lurched and he felt the breath leave his body as Crabbe came tumbling down upon him. With surprising speed and agility Crabbe had appeared from a dark alcove and now had Harry pressed against the cold rough stone wall of the corridor. A large arm pressed against Harry's chest and tried to catch his breath and refill his lungs with air.

"I said, why are you following me?"

None of the fear and intimidation that Harry had glimpsed in Crabbe last night was present on his face now. While he had obviously thought better of squaring up to Cormac he had no such concerns with Harry. Crabbe was three or four times Harry's size and his flat rounded face was now a snarling angry mask.

Harry couldn't find words. Even if his lungs had been filled with enough air to form the sounds he wasn't sure what he'd say. Why had he been following Crabbe? He hadn't been conscious of a single reason to do so and yet he'd rushed from the great hall with a great sense of purpose. At the time it had all made perfect sense but now, with Crabbe pressing down on him, it made no sense at all.

"Last chance, why-"

Crabbe fell into a stunned silence.

At first Harry wasn't sure why. It took his brian a moment to catch-up with what was happening. But Harry had mustered all of strength and had managed to wiggle and lean forward. He'd manoeuvred himself into position so that his lips could close around the lobe of Crabbe's ear.

Harry remembered the way he had seen Malfoy do this. His tongue circled and licked at Crabbe's lobe while his lips closed around it and sucked. He felt Crabbe's grip on him loosen as the giant boulder of a boy gave into the pleasure.

"What are you...? Oh... fuck!"

There was a low rumbling moan as Harry continued to kiss and suck at Crabbe's ear. The pressure eased on Harry's chest as Crabbe's no longer pressed him against the wall. Instead Crabbe was supporting his own weight and with air filling his lungs once more Harry became more enthusiastic. He found his hands roaming over the large round body before him. Pressing against the soft flesh as he continued to kiss, lick and suck on Crabbe. His mouth moved from Crabbe's ear to his neck, jaw and chin. He was moving ever closer to Crabbe's lips. He was struck by an overwhelming desire to kiss him.

Crabbe let out a disgruntled grunt as Harry's lips moved toward his. He did not share Harry's desire to kiss. Instead he was pushing Harry's lips back to his large neck. Harry once again sucked and kissed on it. Tasting a strange mix of soap and sweat.

While Harry's lips had not found their ultimate target his hands had. They slid down Crabbe's enormous stomach and rubbed at Crabbe's equally large thighs. Moving ever closer to the real prize, to Crabbe's crotch. Harry gently squeezed and rubbed at Crabbe's groin. He could feel the thick cock hidden beneath his school trousers.

"You want my cock?"

Crabbe's voice was so different to the snarling threatening tone he'd had just seconds ago. It was softer. A gentle moan beneath the words. Harry did not respond with words. Instead he continued to squeeze and grab at Crabbe's cock. He could feel it coming to life. Slowly growing harder and somehow thicker. He made to drop to his knees but was surprised when he felt Crabbe holding him up. Refusing to let him move.

"Tell me you want it..."

Harry looked into Crabbe's eyes. There was no burning anger or implied threat. His voice did not have the demanding tone either. It was still that soft almost moaning sound. And yet Harry could not refuse.

"I want your cock!"

As soon as the word's left his mouth Harry felt Crabbe's grip on him relax and he was free to drop down to his knees. He felt Crabbe's hands in his hair and couldn't help but remember the way Crabbe had done the same with Malfoy. Those thick fingers were tangling and wrapping around Harry's dark hair in the same way they had Malfoy's slick blonde hair. While Crabbe grabbed at his hair Harry pulled and tugged at the bigger boy's trousers. Managing to pull them open and tug them down revealing a pair of loose fitting boxer shorts that were similar to the pair Harry was wearing himself.


Harry had barely managed to pull Crabbe's thick solid cock from the underwear when his mouth was forced toward it. He opened wide and felt the head force its way between his lips. Crabbe's cock had seemed impossibly thick when he'd watch Malfoy devour it but now, up close and personal, it seemed even thicker. Harry could already feel his jaw straining as he opened wider to accommodate it.

"Fuck! Teeth!"

Crabbe winced slightly as Harry's teeth scraped against the shaft of his cock. Harry wanted to apologise but his cock was so full of cock that it was impossible for sound to escape.

"Open wider..." Harry's jaw strained further to accommodate Crabbe's cock. How had Malfoy managed to fit the girth of this cock into his mouth with such ease? "Watch your fucking teeth!"

Crabbe was wincing again as he forced more of his cock into Harry's mouth. Pulling and dragging Harry by the hair down the shaft of his cock. Harry could feel his jaw burning and his eyes watering. But he wanted more. He wanted to swallow Crabbe to the base just as Malfoy had. If Malfoy was able to take all of this monstrously thick cock into his mouth then Harry would do it too and so he allowed himself to be dragged deeper onto the shaft.

"I said open wider!"

Harry felt a surprising stinging sensation on the back of his head. His teeth had connected with Crabbe's cock once again and this time he'd been met with pain of his own. One of Crabbe's giant heavy hands had cuffed the back of his head. Harry knew that Crabbe hadn't hit him full force but the pain of it still stung and sent his head spinning. He was choking and coughing on the cock now completely incapable of swallowing it further.

"Fucking useless!"

Crabbe dragged Harry from his cock as he spoke. Webs of spit connected Harry's lips to Crabbe's cock but nothing else. Harry felt a rush of shame and defeat flood his system as he stared at the cock before him. He knew he could take the length. It was shorter than Dudley's cock and Seamus' too but so much thicker. He just couldn't seem to wrap his mouth around the cock.

The shame and defeat only grew as he noticed Crabbe staring down at him with a mixture of contempt and disappointment in his eyes. Despite himself Harry found a respect building for Malfoy inside him. Draco had made swallowing Crabbe's girth seem so easy. He'd greedily devoured this cock in a way Harry had completely failed too.

"Wank it..."

Crabbe had apparently decided that Harry was not worthy of a second attempt at swallowing his cock. Reluctantly Harry did as he was instructed and took hold of Crabbe's shaft. Or at least he attempted to. His fingers would not wrap around the entire shaft no matter how much he stretched them. So simply squeezing on Crabbe's cock Harry began to stroke it.

"...Yeah that's nice..."

The disappointment was still palpable in Crabbe's voice but Harry took some small comfort in the words anyway. Crabbe had let go of his hair now, his hands hung awkwardly at his side, and so Harry was free to move his head and fully take in Crabbe's cock. While it lacked in length the thickness of it was incredible. The feel of it in his hands was incredible. It was hot and heavy in a way Harry had never felt before. His fingers kept stretching to try and fully wrap themselves around it but it was an impossible task.

Hanging below the thick heavy shaft of Crabbe's cock were a pair of large fat balls. They rivalled Dudley's in size but did not hang as low as his. Instead they hung higher and closer to Crabbe's cock. Cautiously, unsure how Crabbe would react, Harry moved closer to the balls. His hand continued to slide up and down Crabbe's spit slick shaft and his face moved closer to the balls. Harry took in a deep breath through his nose and savoured the musky sweaty smell that flooded his senses. As the smell hit his throat and mouth he couldn't resist. Harry launched his mouth at Crabbe's balls.

"Oh my... Yes!"

There was no sense of disappointment this time. Crabbe's tone of surprise quickly gave way to pleasure as Harry kissed, licked, sucked and nuzzled on his balls. Taking each one into his mouth and sucking on them gently and then popping both into his mouth and sucking again.


Harry was more than happy to obey this command. He sucked harder on Crabbe's balls. The taste of the sweaty sack flooding his mouth. He shouldn't find it delicious and yet he couldn't get enough. He sucked harder and longer. Taking as much as he could manage.


It took Harry a moment to understand that this command was in reference to his hand. It was still moving up and down Crabbe's thick shaft. As commanded he moved his hand faster. Pulling back and forward on the cock with increasing speed as he continued to suck and lick on Crabbe's balls.

"Yeah... that's it... don't stop..."

The words tumbled out between deep satisfied moans of pleasure. Harry felt jolts of excitement and pride flooding through his system at the words of encouragement. A voice in the back of his head told him he was being crazy. It tried to remind him that this was Vincent Crabbe, a boy who had tormented and threatened him for his entire time at Hogwarts. The voice tried to explain that Harry's overwhelming desire and pride at giving this man pleasure was crazy. But Harry didn't care. In this moment he wanted to please Crabbe more than he wanted anything.

"I'm close... suck..."

Harry wasn't sure he'd heard correctly. It was only as Crabbe's hands grabbed at his hair again that he realised he had heard correctly. His mouth was being pulled from Crabbe's delicious balls to the head of his impossibly girthy cock.

"Open wide!"

Crabbe grunted the words in such a way that Harry knew failure to handle the cock a second time would not be tolerated. Harry opened as wide as his mouth would stretch. His jaw screamed at him as it burned. His lips passed over the head and down the shaft. There was no flinching or slap to the back of his head. He was swallowing Crabbe this time. Only he did not take the entire length. As he hit the halfway mark he felt Crabbe pulling him back to the head again. And then pushing him back down to the halfway mark before pulling him back up again.

Apparently Crabbe had decided that Harry could not handle the entire length of him. Harry wanted to prove him wrong. He wanted to bury the head of Crabbe's cock in the back of his throat but Crabbe's grip on his hair was so tight he couldn't. He was forced to be in lock step with Crabbe's movements. And so his lips slid up and down half of Crabbe's shaft. He craved more. He desired the whole thing but Crabbe withheld it. He only gave Harry what he thought Harry could manage.

"I'm gonna... I'm gonna..."

Crabbe released a stifled stuttering groaning moan.

Harry felt his mouth fill with warm thick liquid. He was surprised by how bitter it tasted but he greedily swallowed it. Sucking on the head of Crabbe's cock like a straw wanting to be sure he was getting every drop of the cum. If he wasn't allowed every inch of Crabbe's cock he would take every last bit of his cum.

Finally Harry's head became lighter. Crabbe's grip on him released and he slowly withdrew from the thick gently softening cock. There was a pleasant pop as the head left his lips and then silence.

Harry felt the silence spread on for what felt like hours but couldn't have been more than seconds. He was suddenly aware that his knees were cold and sore against the stone floor but he didn't move. He simply stayed perched on his knees looking up at Crabbe who was just as motionless as him. Crabbe's trousers were still around his ankles and his cock still flopping out the front of his boxers. It looked a little less intimidating now that it was soft but something of the impossible thickness of it was still there.

When Crabbe bent down toward him Harry thought, for an excited second, that he was leaning in for a kiss. He prepared himself for the sensation of Crabbe's lips pressed against his own but it didn't come. Crabbe had simply been leaning down to grab the waistband of his trousers. Soon Crabbe's cock had disappeared from view and his trousers were awkwardly refastened and then Crabbe was gone. He'd turned back toward Harry as if to say something but no words came so he simply lumbered away.

Harry was left kneeling on the cold hard floor of the dark corridor. The insanity of what had just happened, of what he'd just done, hit him all at once. He felt his insides rock and squirm all new knots forming in his stomach. What had he been thinking?

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