The Awakening of Harry Potter

By Robert Smith

Published on Jan 12, 2022


NOTE: As ever I sadly don't own the copyrights for any of the characters or locations mentioned in this work of fiction. The story itself is now well and truly planted in the timeline of The Order of the Phoenix with the film series rather than the books being the main source of inspiration. If you'd like to send feedback, thoughts or requests then I'm always happy to hear them. Enjoy!

Chapter Eleven: Another Ride on the Stallion

Harry wasn't sure if he'd slept.

He supposed at some point he must have drifted off but as he lay in his four poster bed he didn't feel rested. His eyelids still felt heavy like he could drift off at any moment although he knew he wouldn't. His mind was still too loud and filled with uncomfortable dark thoughts. The dark heavy cloud that had consumed so many of the early weeks of term was beginning to descend again. Although that wasn't quite correct. This was an entirely different dark cloud.

It seemed crazy now to think how much he'd been looking forward to his training session with Cormac McLaggen. How the thought of it had brought a smile to his face and left him almost floating on air. Privately he'd even allowed himself to think of it as a date. But now, laying in bed the morning after, the thought of his time with Cormac tied his stomach in knots and stopped him from sleeping.

Harry wanted to believe that it was Cormac's behaviour that had so unsettled him. He had spent most of the night trying to convince himself that it was the words Cormac had used and the flashes of violence and anger that had put such a weight on him but Harry knew this wasn't true. He knew that he had enjoyed it. Even now as he turned the events over in his mind he could feel himself becoming excited and growing hard. The truth was that he had enjoyed every second with Cormac. He had enjoyed feeling Cormac's hand tighten around his neck and slap across his face just as he had loved the hurtful and nasty way Cormac had spoken to him. It was this that truly worried Harry.

For what felt like the hundredth time Harry tried to push all thoughts of Cormac and their training session from his mind.

At first Harry had tried to shift his focus to Ron. After a week of Ron not speaking to him the night had ended with them making up. At least that was how Harry was choosing to think of it. He supposed that Ron might not consider Harry's oral worship in the common room as the two of them making up. Perhaps he'd wake up this morning and still not be talking to Harry but he doubted it. Ron had been waiting up for him after all, why do that unless he was ready to put the last week behind them?

Sadly for Harry these more positive thoughts had not been enough to drive the darker and more uncomfortable thoughts of Cormac from his mind. So, as he lay in bed waiting for the other fifth year boys to wake, Harry turned his attention to the day ahead. Today was the day of the latest visit to Hogsmeade.

At first Harry had not planned to make the trip to Hogsmeade. Hermionie had seemed positively shocked when he had declared at the start of the week that he wouldn't be making the trip as he had too much homework to catch-up on. Surprised though she was, she hadn't been able to hide how impressed she was with Harry's decision. To his credit Harry had been planning to spend the weekend catching up on homework, somehow he was already impossibly behind, but those plans had changed yesterday. Now, he would be making the trip to Hogsmeade to meet up with Seamus.

Harry felt a little apprehension about this meeting with Seamus. Yesterday had been the first time the two of them had spoken since their late night rendezvous in a deserted classroom. Harry really didn't know what to expect from this secret meeting with Seamus, they'd arranged to meet away from the other Hogwarts students at the Hog's Head. Harry had known how he wanted this meeting to go when he'd agreed to it but now he was having second thoughts. For a brief moment he pictured the anger and aggression he'd witnessed in Cormac McLaggen transposed onto Seamus. As quickly as the image had entered his head Harry forced it away. Seamus had seemed nervous and unsure of himself yesterday but not angry.

A loud and unmistakable buzzing filled the room and helped drive thoughts of a potentially angry Seamus from Harry's mind.

"Neville!" Dean Thomas sleepily grumbled as he threw a pillow vaguely in the direction of Neville's bed.

The buzzing that was filling the dorm room was undeniably coming from Neville's corner of the room. Clearly he had forgotten to switch off his alarm again and now its dull irritating buzz was echoing through the room and waking up the other fifth year boys.

"Sorry..." Harry heard the unmistakable fumbling and clunking of Neville struggling to shut the sound off. The alarm had been a gift from Neville's grandmother and he still hadn't quite mastered how to turn it off. Or set it. Apparently it had multiple magical features designed to help Neville remember all kinds of things. Mostly though it just went off and left Neville wondering what, exactly, he'd forgotten. "...sorry!"

Finally silence returned to the room. It would make no difference though, Harry knew from bitter experience that there was no way of sleeping through Neville's alarm. The other fifth year boys would be awake now and although it was still early it was too late to go back to sleep. Quietly Harry reached out and grabbed his glasses from the table beside his bed. He had decided mornings in the Gryffindor dorm room were much more fun when he was able to see more than blurry shapes and colours.

For the first four years of his time at Hogwarts Harry had given no real thought to the sleeping arrangements. He hadn't concerned himself with the fact that he was sharing a room, and bathroom, with four other boys. If anything he had enjoyed the camaraderie and bonding of it. The five of them had grown entirely comfortable with one another as they changed for the day or dried themselves off after a shower. This year, for Harry at least, that had changed. He had been unable to stop himself from looking at and watching his friends. From appraising them.

This morning it was Neville that stumbled out of his bed first. He had a sheepish and guilty expression on his face. This, Harry thought, was the face that had undergone the most changes since their first year in Hogwarts. Harry could still remember the short, round and awkward boy he'd met on his first day. Over the summer though Neville had grown taller and thinned out. He was still awkward and clumsy but in all-new ways. It was as if he didn't quite understand how to make use of his newly elongated limbs and slimmer frame. His face once round was slimmed down too. Cheekbones were emerging and Harry supposed he might even be considered handsome.

Dean Thomas emerged from the covers of his four poster next. Like Neville, Dean had grown multiple inches over the summer and now towered over the other fifth year boys. Unlike Neville, Dean had taken to his new height with grace and ease. While Neville might possibly be considered handsome there was no denying Dean's good looks. His bright smile dominated his dark handsome features. Harry had to admit that Dean had become an increasing point of focus for him in recent weeks. Dean's dark skin seemed to highlight his growing muscularity more than the other boys but it was the way his groin area would bulge that had most caught Harry's attention. This morning, in a light pair of shorts, it seemed particularly prominent. Harry wondered if Dean had been having a particularly pleasant dream before being rudely awoken. That might explain the especially aggrieved look he was shooting toward Neville.

Ron awkwardly clambered out of bed next. He was saying something or other to Neville but Harry barely registered it. He was again taking in Ron in his hand me down just slightly too small and too tight pyjamas. He was enjoying the way they clung to Ron and how he could make out the faint line of Ron's cock in them. He licked his lips as he remembered swallowing that cock the night before and the way that it had erupted. Harry was sure he could still taste Ron in his mouth.

The final boy, apart from Harry himself, to emerge from bed was Seamus. Harry found his attention fully drawn to his Irish classmate. He was, as was the case most mornings now, shirtless in just a pair of loose fitting pyjama trousers. His muscled and deliciously toned upper body was on display for anyone that cared to look. Harry was sure he was the only one breathing in every detail of that body though. He could still remember the way it felt. The ungiving solidness of it and the way Seamus' stomach rippled with each defined abdominal.

Not for the first time Harry wondered if Seamus' body had always looked this way. Had he been sharing a dorm room all these years with Seamus and just not noticed that his body seemed to be chiselled from stone? Surely Seamus' tightly muscled frame couldn't be the result of a summer growth spurt of the kind that explained Neville's transformation?

Harry became aware that the other boys were laughing and joking now. He could hear waves of their friendly banter breaking through his thoughts and appraisals of their bodys and looks. He supposed that he should get out of bed and join them but he felt heavy and weighed down. His lack of sleep hitting him like a train. Still, he needed to summon the energy to get out of bed and face the day. The meeting with Seamus was too important to miss.

Harry had almost forgotten how liberating it felt to be beneath the invisibility cloak. Worried, as he was, that he'd begun to use the cloak too much at the start of the term he had buried it in the bottom of his trunk and tried his best to forget about it. But now, back under the cloak, his heart soared at the freedom of it all. He could move around the castle free from the stares and glares of the other students and his eyes could wander and linger wherever they pleased, free from the fear of being caught staring.

Strictly speaking Harry supposed he didn't really need the invisibility cloak to sneak into Hogsmeade. He was familiar enough with the secret tunnel that connected Hogwarts to the nearby magical village and Hogsmeade itself would be so busy that no one would give him a second look when he was there. And yet he hadn't been able to resist the chance to break out the invisibility cloak once again. He had reasoned that this was safer. It was true that the majority of the students making the trip to Hogsmeade wouldn't give him a second look, but what if he stumbled upon Hermione and Ron? How would he explain that he was in Hogsmeade rather than the stuffy Hogwarts library catching up on school work? More to the point, how would he get away from them to meet up with Seamus at the Hog's Head?

Whatever justification he had used Harry felt a sense of relief as he had pulled the invisibility cloak from his trunk and draped it over himself. It was strangely comforting to be back beneath the cloak and remembering all the things he'd seen beneath it. It was the cloak that had allowed him to follow Dudley all summer and allowed him his first glimpse of "Big D" in action. He had hidden beneath the cloak as he watched Goyle strip off and shower. Harry's mind flashed to the underwear he'd stolen from Goyle on that occasion. Like the cloak they were hidden in his trunk but every now and then he'd pull them free and take deep greedy sniffs of them. Breathing in Goyle's sweaty musky scent. And of course it had been the cloak that had allowed him to discover Seamus' secret life as the Irish Stallion. It felt only fitting that he'd be back beneath it now.

The castle was largely deserted as he made his way through the cavernous hallways. In truth Harry knew that he hadn't really needed to wear the cloak in the grounds themselves. Only a handful of first and second years, still too young to make the Hogsmeade trip, had crossed his path since he'd left the Gryffindor common room. It was only in Hogsmeade itself that he would need to be hidden but he had missed prowling through the Hogwarts castle unseen.

"In here. Quickly."

Harry stopped dead in his tracks at that voice. He recognised it instantly. That clipped smug tone had been following him since his first day at Hogwarts, it belonged to Draco Malfoy. What was Malfoy doing still at Hogwarts? Why wasn't in Hogsmeade like everyone else?

For a moment Harry stood trying to decide what to do. The opportunity to get one over on Malfoy so rarely presented itself that it was almost impossible to resist. If Malfoy had passed up on going into Hogsmeade then he must surely be up to something. Harry glanced at his watch. He still had plenty of time before he'd arranged to meet Seamus. He could look in on Draco and still make it to the Hog's Head with time to spare.

Without giving it another thought Harry moved toward the direction of Malfoy's voice and raced down the corridor. Strangely it appeared as if Malfoy had been ushering someone into a boys toilet. This seemed like a most peculiar location for anyone to be up to no good but then Harry was reminded of how he, Ron and Hermione had made use of one of the many Hogwarts toilets to secretly brew a batch of Polyjuice potion in their second year. Quietly he pushed the door to the toilet open and still hidden beneath the invisibility cloak slipped into the room.

At first Harry thought he must have made a mistake and that Malfoy must have slipped into a different room. The toilet appeared deserted. There was no sign of Malfoy, or whoever he'd been talking to, and the bathroom was silent.

"I'm telling you I heard something..."

The voice had come from a cubicle at the far end of the toilet. Apparently whoever Malfoy was with had heard Harry pushing the door to the toilets open. They must have been waiting silently since for any sign that someone had entered the room.

"Oh do shut up! No one else is here, they're all at Hogsmeade."

It seemed that Malfoy did not share the concerns of his co-conspirator, which was good news for Harry. He wondered who the second boy with Malfoy was. He was sure he vaguely recognised the voice but was having trouble placing it.

Certain now that Malfoy and his accomplice would be giving no more thought to his potential presence Harry slowly began to inch toward the cubicle. He took great pains to make each step as slow and silent as possible, concerned that his shoe would hit the tile of the floor too hard and make an echoing sound in the nearly silent room. Nearly silent because Harry could hear noises coming from the cubicle Malfoy occupied. A sort of wet sound.

Finally Harry reached the cubicle and found himself staring at a closed door. He contemplated pushing the door open but thought better of it. Instead he slipped silently into the cubicle next to it and struggling not to make a sound climbed up onto the toilet so that he could peer over the divider. His mouth dropped open as he finally caught sight of what was happening in Malfoy's cubicle.

Crabbe was the second occupant of the cubicle. His large round shape seemed to be filling the entire space. Not that this seemed to bother Malfoy who was clinging to Crabbe as they kissed. Or perhaps more accurately as Malfoy kissed Crabbe. All Harry could see was the top and back of Malfoy's head as he lavished attention on Crabbe. Malfoy's lips pressed against Crabbe's own and then his cheek, his neck, his ear, just about any part of Crabbe that Malfoy could reach. Crabbe only seemed to respond to Malfoy's desperate attention when Malfoy's tongue and lips wrapped around his ear. Licking and gently sucking on the lobe produced a sort of rumbling moan from Crabbe.

This sound seemed to spur Malfoy on. He sucked and licked at Crabbe's ear with more passion and force. His efforts were rewarded with an almost constant stream of that low rumbling noise. Malfoy seemed to be living for that noise. Crabbe, however, seemed to have other plans. His big giant paw-like hands dropped down onto Malfoy's shoulders and began to push Harry's sworn enemy down. Malfoy put up no resistance. If anything he seemed to welcome this development. Eagerly dropping down to his knees in front of Crabbe. All Harry could see of Malfoy was his slicked blonde hair but he was sure that Malfoy would have a greedy hungry look on his face.

As if to confirm this Malfoy was immediately grabbing and squeezing at Crabbe's groin. His face pressed against Crabbe's trousers as his hands pulled open his belt and pulled at the button holding his trousers closed. It took a frantic few seconds of action but Malfoy had Crabbe's trousers pulled down to his ankles with ease. Crabbe was in a pair of loose fitting checked boxer shorts, the kind Harry himself wore although Crabbe's were multiple sizes bigger. Malfoy made no attempt to pull these down, instead his hand fished into the button up fly on the front of the boxers and triumphantly withdrew Crabbe's cock.

Harry had only a few seconds to take in Crabbe's semi-erect cock before Malfoy was devouring it. While not overly long it seemed thick and heavy. Malfoy must have been opening wide to swallow it.

Malfoy was every bit the greedy hungry cock sucker that Harry had suspected he would be. He was eagerly slurping his way up and down the thick shaft of Crabbe's cock his lips never leaving it. Crabbe's rumbling moans of pleasure had grown deeper and louder in response to Malfoy's efforts. Malfoy let out a satisfied moan of his own as Crabbes thick heavy hands ran through his hair and closed around the back of his head.

In his obsession with Goyle Harry had never given much thought to Crabbe. He had been impressed by the giant roundness of his size he supposed but next to Goyle he somehow seemed lacking. Now though, as he masterfully took control of Draco Malfoy, Harry was seeing him in a whole new light. There was a look of determination on his lightly sweating face as he pushed Malfoy down to the base of his cock. Forcing Malfoy to take the whole thing into his mouth and throat. Crabbe didn't seem to care that Malfoy was choking and spluttering. Malfoy didn't seem to care either. He made no attempt to struggle or fight free; he just kept taking Crabbe's cock.

It was clear to Harry that this was not the first time Malfoy had sucked cock. In fact it was clear that it wasn't the first time he'd swallowed Crabbe's impressive cock. This was too natural. Too easy. How long has this been going on? How often had they slipped away to bathrooms, deserted classrooms or anywhere else they could find to do this? Had they gone further? Harry tried to imagine Crabbe's sweaty powerful form taking Malfoy from behind. A look of pleasure and fulfilment etched on Malfoy's face.

"Are you two in here?"

In all the excitement Harry hadn't heard the bathroom door swing open and certainly neither Crabbe or Malfoy had either. They were frozen in silence. Malfoy's lips still wrapped around Crabbe's cock and Crabbe's hands still tangled in Malfoy's hair.

"No prizes for guessing what you're up to!"

Harry turned to see Goyle confidently striding into the bathroom. The casual t-shirt he was wearing seemed like it was too small for him. It strained against his powerful bulky frame. Harry could still vividly picture his naked body and in particular the thick swinging cock between his legs.

Malfoy and Crabbe tumbled out of the cubicle both looking rather sheepish. Crabbe had haphazardly pulled his trousers back up but not quite managed to refasten his belt or buttons. He was just holding them in place. Malfoy meanwhile had a dazed expression on his face and his usually perfectly styled and slicked hair was tangled and messy.

"Sorry, but you know what he's like..."

Crabbe just sort of shrugged as he spoke.

"Yes I do..." Goyle shot a look that Harry couldn't quite decipher at Malfoy. "Let's take him back to the dorm room shall we!"

Malfoy's eyes seemed to light up at this suggestion. He did his best to flatten out his hair as he marched toward the exit of the bathroom. Goyle was striding behind him while Crabbe struggled to rebutton his trousers and walk at the same time.

Harry watched all three of them leave the bathroom in a dazed and sort of far off way. He was struggling to process what he'd just seen. Not just the way Malfoy had been greedily devouring Crabbe but what had happened with Goyle. Had he been suggesting what Harry thought he'd been suggesting? Was Malfoy, right now, getting to taste that large cock Harry had only secretly glimpsed? Suddenly he hated Malfoy more than ever before.

More than anything Harry wanted to chase after the Slytherin trio. He wanted to follow them down to their dungeon common room and the dorm rooms that would surely be attached to it. He wanted to see this continue to unfold. To see Goyle in action. But his feet wouldn't move. He just seemed stuck in place, perched awkwardly on the toilet.

Harry took in a few deep gulping breaths and then forced himself to move. Forced himself to jump down from the toilet and move to the exit of the bathroom. Maybe, he told himself, he could still catch up with Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle.

No, he told himself. He couldn't chase down Malfoy. Not today. He glanced, half panicked at his watch. It would be tight but he still had time to make it to the Hog's Head to meet Seamus.

The Hog's Head was not The Three Broomsticks.

That was Harry's overwhelming impression as he sat, alone, awaiting the arrival of Seamus. The only other person in the pub was a surly barman who'd been eyeing Harry suspiciously since he'd stumbled into the cold cavernous space struggling with the weight of the giant wooden door. He missed the warmth and the excited hum of people that filled the Broomsticks. The Hog's Head was a drafty, echoey space in which Harry did not feel welcome. The only place he'd felt less welcome was Privet Drive.

Harry supposed that his evaluation of The Hog's Head was not helped by his mood. He was oscillating between a nervous buzzing energy and a dark simmering rage. The source of his nerves was this clandestine meeting with Seamus. As he'd sped toward Hogsmeade and The Hog's Head Harry had tried to focus on this meeting and on Seamus. He was still entirely unsure what would happen this afternoon and just what Seamus would have to say for him. For brief fleeting moments he could envision an angry and violent Seamus. An echo of the evening he'd spent with Cormac McLaggen. He pushed these images from his mind though and tried to ignore the electric thrill of excitement they sent coursing through his body.

However, the source of Harry's simmering rage had stopped him focusing his attention and thoughts on Seamus. He had not been able to prepare anything to say to his classmate because the events he'd witnessed in the castle kept flooding back into his mind. And then he would think of what he hadn't seen. The events that he was sure were unfolding right now in the Slytherin common room.

Harry wasn't sure his hatred of Draco Malfoy had ever burnt quite so hot before. The thought that Draco was at this very moment getting to enjoy everything that Goyle had to offer caused Harry's insides to burn. He could still vividly picture Goyle's imposing naked frame and that large cock that swang between his legs. Harry had wanted to taste Goyle so badly and now Draco was getting the opportunity to do just that. More than that Draco had surely taken advantage of that opportunity before. Just how many times had Draco been on his knees for Goyle during their years at Hogwarts?

And what, Harry thought, of Crabbe?

Vincent Crabbe had spent little time in the mind of Harry Potter before this afternoon. His bulk and size had caught Harry's eye but next to Goyle's solid imposing mass Crabbe's softer and rounder edges had seemed less appealing. Now though Harry was forced to consider him in a different light. To replay those rumbling groans in his mind and revisit the snatched glimpses of a thick heavy cock. As much anger as Harry felt toward Malfoy in this moment he couldn't help but be impressed with the apparent ease that Draco had wrapped his lips around Crabbe's girth.

Harry almost sang out in relief when the scraping creaking sound of The Hog's Head door being pushed open snapped him free of these thoughts. His relief, however, was short lived as Seamus confidently strode into the bar and Harry's stomach took a nervous plunge. Seamus exhibited none of Harry's nerves as he entered the pub. He noticed Harry immediately, he was after all the only other person in the place, and casually nodded at him.

To Harry's surprise Seamus did not immediately stride toward the table he had picked out for them. It was, Harry thought, a suitable distance from the bar that they wouldn't be overheard. Instead Seamus headed toward the bar and for a moment Harry was sure he'd seen the surly barman smile and nod a greeting at Seamus. The two of them were locked in hushed conversation for a minute. Harry couldn't hear what they were saying to one another but from the way the barman kept shooting curious glances at him knew they must be talking about him.

For the first time Harry considered that this might not be Seamus' first trip to The Hog's Head. Until today Harry had never stepped foot in the dull cold grey pub but Seamus seemed so comfortable and at home in the surroundings it couldn't possibly be his first trip. It occurred to Harry how startlingly little he actually knew about Seamus. They were in the midst of their fifth year together at Hogwarts but the Irishman was still an almost complete mystery to him.

Seamus, his conversation with the barman apparently now finished, was finally heading toward Harry. His face was dominated by a bright beaming smile and in his hands were two large metal steins.


Seamus placed both of the steins on the table and slid one across to Harry.


Harry eyed the contents of the large metal container suspiciously. The dark liquid clearly wasn't the sweet golden delicious Butterbeer he'd grown accustomed to at The Three Broomsticks. It had a rather bitter odor.

"Try it. It's not as bad as it looks. Promise."

As if to demonstrate the liquid, whatever it was, could be trusted Seamus took a large gulp from his own glass. Reluctantly Harry followed suit lifting the cold metal stein to his lips and pouring a small trickle of the liquid into his mouth. As Seamus had promised it wasn't as bad as it looked. Harry felt a pleasant warming sensation spread through his body. The drink lacked the pleasant sweetness of Butterbeer but the slightly bitter taste wasn't unpleasant.

"See, not bad!" Seamus declared in triumph.

"Yeah, not bad..."

Nervously Harry took another, bigger, gulp of the drink and felt the pleasant warmth spread through his body and out to his fingers and toes. It was as if someone had just turned the heating on and suddenly The Hog's Head didn't seem quite so bad. Although maybe it was the company as much as the drink that was producing this reaction.

Harry was staring at Seamus intently. Watching his dark eyes and that bright beaming smile and taking in the rugged definition of his strong jaw. The casual clothing Seamus had worn into Hogsmeade seemed to hang on him differently than his school uniform and robes. The uniform seemed designed to hide Seamus' broad and powerful upper body but dressed in more casual clothing Harry could take in its shape. The Irishman's wide shoulders and strong chest. Harry could clearly picture the defined muscles hidden by Seamus' clothes.

The silence was now stretching about between them awkwardly. Harry wondered if he should say something but he was at a complete loss for words. He simply didn't know what to say to Seamus and so he sat in a sort of stupid awkward silence. Seamus too seemed to be struggling to find words. The confident swagger he'd marched into the pub with had now faltered and faded a little. But finally he seized the moment.

"So..." This single word seemed to last an eternity. "...I guess we need to talk."

"I guess"

Harry found himself agreeing with Seamus' assessment but still felt none the wiser on what to actually say. In the back of his mind he could hear a million and one questions buzzing around to ask Seamus but he feared Seamus would have just as many questions for him. Questions that Harry was not prepared to answer. Not just about how Harry had discovered his secret, his double life as the Irish Stallion, but also about Harry himself. Harry didn't think he could bring himself to talk to Seamus about how, to his surprise, he was attracted to boys. He hadn't even really thought about it much himself. Just sort of gone along with the overwhelming desires his body felt. To put words to it would be something else entirely.

The silence returned. It awkwardly sat between them. It seemed that neither of them knew quite what to say. The situation was undeniably strange. How, Harry wondered, are you supposed to navigate something like this?

"I'm not..."

Seamus blurted the words out. They seemed to tumble out of his mouth against his will but even then he couldn't bring himself to finish the sentence. To say the word. Although Harry was suddenly very aware of Seamus' eyes examining him. Boring into him. Harry felt as if he could almost hear Seamus' thoughts. Seamus might not be but he, Harry, must be.


Harry didn't know what else to say but he felt that he should say something. He wondered if Seamus was waiting for confirmation that Harry was that unspoken thing. If he was waiting for that confirmation then he did well to hide his disappointment at Harry saying nothing on the subject.

"It's just..." Harry got the odd sense that Seamus seemed to know what he wanted to say but couldn't make his mouth co-operate with his brain. "...well..."

The silence returned but less awkward this time. Seamus was clearly searching for exactly the right words and Harry was more than happy to wait for him to find them. Perhaps when Seamus had said whatever it was he wanted to say then Harry would know what to say. Although that seemed unlikely just now.

"Me dad, well, he lost his job. And money's been tight..." Now that he had started Seamus didn't seem capable of stopping. He was barely drawing breath between his words. The story pouring out of him and seemingly lifting a weight from him. "Really tight. And back home there's this wizard. Old. He has money and he's always liked me. So I just, well, I just let him..."

Here Seamus trailed off again. Harry could fill in the gaps and words that Seamus couldn't quite bring himself to say. He understood the story Seamus was telling him perfectly.

"And he knew other wizards. With money. And the money's good. Really good. And like I said we need it. So I'm not... it's the money, you know?"

Harry fought back the desire to ask Seamus any of the hundreds of questions now sprinting through his mind. He ached to know more about how Seamus had broached the subject of payment and to hear stories of Seamus' experiences. Had they stretched to Hogwarts? Suddenly Harry wondered why he had never really considered this before. Seamus had come when summoned, who had he been expecting to see in that deserted classroom that night?

"How much?"

The words seemed to be spoken by another person. It took Harry a moment to realise that he had said them. That he had posed the question.


Seamus seemed just as surprised by Harry's question as Harry was. Of all the questions he'd apparently been prepared to hear, that was not one.

"How much?"

There was a look of utter shock on Seamus' face as Harry posed the question again. It was as if he thought he'd misheard it the first time and was expecting an entirely different sequence of words to leave Harry's mouth.

"Harry..." Seamus' voice was lower than it had been before. Quieter and deeper. The Irish lilt almost growling at him. "We can't. Not again. And you can't tell anyone."

"Why not?"

Seamus was again taken aback by Harry's choice of question but he recovered himself quickly. The look of anger and the threat of aggression that Harry had briefly imagined was now beginning to form in reality. He understood that Seamus was gearing up to threaten him. To scare him off. But he also thought that Seamus had misunderstood his question. Harry had no desire to tell another soul about what had happened between himself and Seamus. He fully understood why that should remain a secret. He wanted to know why it couldn't happen again.

"I have money. You said it's all about the money. I have money."

Slowly it seemed to dawn on Seamus what Harry was saying. The light and look of slight surprise returned to his face. Harry unsuccessfully tried to suppress the thought that he'd preferred it when Seamus had been staring at him meanincingly. His strong jaw and that deep rumbling Irish accent had lit a spark of excitement in him.

"Harry we-"

Harry slid the small leather pouch across the table to Seamus. He'd only been vaguely aware of putting it in his pocket when he left the dorm room. He wanted to tell himself that he hadn't been secretly planning for this exact moment but he knew the truth. He knew that he'd brought the pouch, full of golden coins, with him for this exact reason.

"Is that enough?"

For what seemed like an eternity nothing happened. Seamus was simply sat staring at the small leather pouch. The weight of the gold within it was obvious. There could be no mistaking what was inside. Then as suddenly as it had appeared on the table it was gone.

It took Harry a few seconds to process what had happened. At first he thought Seamus must have swiped the pouch from the table and Harry's heart fluttered. That would mean that Seamus was going to give him what he wanted. But it hadn't been Seamus who had snatched the money bag from the table. Unnoticed to Harry the surly barman had left his post behind the bar and was now standing at the table, his grubby fingers poking at the contents of the bag. Counting it.

"More than enough here." Seamus' eyes seemed to be alight with rage as he stared at the barman who was now smiling a broad toothless grin at Harry. "You can get three or four rides on the stallion for this!"

The barman slipped the money bag into the pockets of his robe and turned his toothless grin to Seamus who did not return it. He was still burning with a barely suppressed rage. Harry thought that Seamus might be about to attack. To leap from his chair at the barman. His fists were clenched and ready for a fight.

"Now then Seamus, be a good lad and take this fine gentleman out back. I'll be here when you're done."

Harry watched the internal conflict play out on Seamus' face and tried to predict what would happen next. The barman however didn't seem to be even a little concerned or unsure what would happen. His toothless smile never faltered even as a strange palpable sort of menace radiated off of him. Harry had a fleeting thought that the story Seamus had told him was just that, a story. Or at least that vital parts of it had been missing. This thought left his head though as Seamus slowly pulled himself up from the table and marched toward a curtained door to the side of the bar.

"Off you go sir..."

The barman enthusiastically gestured toward the curtained doorway that Seamus had just stormed through. Harry, a rush of excitement flowing through him, practically jumped to his feet and chased after Seamus.

The curtained doorway led to a small cramped hallway filled with doors. As Harry passed through the curtain he caught sight of Seamus kicking open a door at the opposite end of the hall and walking out of it. He hastened to follow, giving no thought to what could possibly be behind the multiple doors he passed on his way. Nor did he think about how entirely strange it was for this many doors to be connected to such a tiny hall.

As Harry pushed his way out of the doorway behind Seamus he was hit by a rush of cold air. They were outside. There was, it turned out, a small courtyard behind The Hog's Head. What Harry assumed were bins and storage crates littered the concrete space but his eyes barely passed over them. Instead his focus instantly snapped to Seamus. The anger that had flared up in the pub was still etched onto his face and he seemed to be grinding his jaw. This time Harry did not ignore the desire he felt for this angry Seamus.

Harry had little time to linger on this thought though. Silently Seamus was stripping out of his clothes. His thick woolen jumper had already been discarded and he was now pulling his t-shirt off over his head. That glorious and ultra defined upper body was once again exposed to Harry. This time though Harry felt no need to hold back the hunger he felt for it. He launched himself at Seamus and collided with his powerful solid frame.

Harry was pawing and grabbing at Seamus' upper body. Feeling his solid chest and arms and pressing against his rippling abs. He was desperate to feel every inch of flesh. As he felt and pressed at Seamus with his hands Harry's lips and tongue joined in. He was kissing Seamus' chest and his tongue was flicking at his hard nipples. Seamus tasted just as good as he felt and Harry was greedily lapping him up.

He kissed and gently sucked at Seamus' neck before his tongue traced his strong imposing jawline. All the while his hands were pressing and squeezing at his body. It was as if he was in a desperate search for a soft piece of flesh. Just an inch of Seamus that wasn't a solidly painstakingly crafted piece of muscle. If such a piece of Seamus existed Harry could not find it. While he lacked the size and terrifying power Harry had witnessed in Cormac the night before Seamus' body appeared to be every bit as solid.

Harry became aware of increased weight on his shoulders. Seamus had placed a hand on each shoulder and was pushing him down. Away from Seamus' face and neck and down past his chest and defined abs. Harry had willingly dropped down to his knees before Seamus and he was pulling and twisting at the belt and buttons keeping the Irishman's trousers up. Harry was fumbling with the buttons. He suddenly became aware of how cold his hands were and wondered how Seamus could possibly stand to be without his shirt now.

This thought left Harry's mind as he finally managed to pull Seamus' trousers open. The trousers themselves stayed mostly around his waist but the front opened exposing Seamus black briefs. Part of Harry wanted to savour this moment. To press his face, lips and nose against the sizeable bulge in Seamus' briefs. To taste and smell it. But there was a bigger, hungrier and greedier part of him that couldn't stand to wait.

Seamus let out a slightly startled gasp as Harry's hand dove into his briefs and pulled his cock and balls free. Apparently it wasn't just Harry who had discovered how cold his hands were!

With the waistband of Seamus' briefs tucked beneath his balls his mighty cock was now exposed to the cold air. Although looking at the length of Seamus' cock and the full balls beneath it you'd struggle to identify that it was cold outside. Harry, not wanting to waste any time, quickly dived onto Seamus' full heavy balls with his mouth. Licking, kissing and sucking on them. Lapping up the sweet taste of Seamus.

As he greedily sucked on Seamus' balls Harry could feel Seamus' cock coming to life. He could feel it beginning to grow thicker and heavier on his face as Seamus became excited. The Irish Stallion was also beginning to grunt and moan in pleasure too. The sounds were muffled and suppressed almost as if Seamus were enjoying all this in spite of himself.

Harry couldn't help but smile to himself as he felt Seamus' hands close around the back of his head and heard a low rumbling groan escape Seamus' mouth. It seemed as if Seamus had decided not to fight against the pleasure he was feeling and had allowed his anger toward Harry and this situation to subside.

Taking a handful of Harry's hair to guide him Seamus pulled Harry's mouth from his balls and dragged him to the head of his now semi-erect cock. Even though it wasn't at its full size or girth the cock was impressive and mouth watering to Harry.


Harry did as he was told and opened wide as Seamus thrust his hips forward. The head of Seamus' cock lurched to the back of Harry's mouth and hit his throat with force. Instantly Harry was choking and sputtering on the cock. He thought he heard Seamus laugh a little as he repeated the process. Thrusting his cock down into Harry's throat this time and causing Harry to choke harder and deeper.

If Seamus had been expecting Harry to complain about or retreat from this rough treatment he was disappointed. Harry let out satisfied moans around Seamus' cock as he continued to buck his hips and plunge into Harry's throat. These moans seemed to signal to Seamus that he could be rougher with Harry. His thrusts became stronger and wilder forcing his cock ever deeper and more powerfully into Harry's throat. Each gag and retch coating Seamus' long thick cock in spit.

Harry felt as if he was in heaven. On his knees before Seamus, his hands free to roam across Seamus' defined and solid body. Pushing at his abs and chest as Seamus forced his cock down into Harry's throat. Fucking at his mouth and throat with ever increasing enthusiasm. The anger that Seamus had clearly harboured toward Harry being released in this perfect moment. And then heaven was taken away from him. Seamus pulled his cock free of Harry's mouth and held his face at arms length.

"You want fucked?"


Harry didn't need to think about his response. It blurted out within less than a heartbeat of Seamus posing the question.

"Over there."

Seamus had spent a moment casting his eyes around the littered courtyard for a suitable spot before gesturing toward a pile of crates in a nearby corner. Harry scrambled to his feet and practically sprinted toward the corner. He could hear Seamus' scraped footsteps behind him as Seamus moved toward the corner whilst trying to stop his trousers falling to his ankles.As he waited for Seamus Harry tugged at his own jeans pulling them and his underwear down.

"Bend over"

Harry felt a cold wetness on his hole. Seamus had pulled his cheeks apart and spat on the hole. There was a rough stabbing at his hole now. Seamus was pushing at it with a finger which gently slipped. Harry felt his hole expand around the finger and gave out a little sigh. Seamus, apparently satisfied, withdrew his finger and lined the head of his spit slick cock up with Harry's hole.

"Oh my God!"

The cried words tumbled out of Harry as he felt Seamus' cock push its way inside of him once again. The intense mix of burning pain and remarkable pleasure combined inside him and he had no other way to express it. Harry felt his own cock throb and cry out as Seamus slowly started to roll his hips and slide his cock back and forth inside of Harry. Each move forward met with a low deep grunt from Seamus.

"Fuck me..."

Harry whimpered the words. He could still remember the way Seamus had fucked him in that deserted classroom. The smooth steady rhythm of it. The intense enduring pleasure. He so desperately wanted to feel that again. To feel Seamus' cock rhythmically slide in and out of his hole and push him to a powerful hands free orgasm. But this was different. Seamus was different.

In the classroom Harry had felt Seamus' hands gripping his hips as he'd confidently thrust in and out of him in smooth fluid motions. But here, in the cold deserted courtyard behind The Hog's Head, Seamus' hands were grabbing at Harry's hair. His fingers were tangling around Harry's hair as he thrust hard and rough. Pushing himself deep into Harry with powerful thrusts. There was no fluid movement but deep stuttering thrusts that sent bolts of pleasure and pain coursing through Harry's body. The cocky confident swagger of Seamus that Harry remembered from the deserted Hogwarts classroom had been replaced with an anger and irritation that was being expressed as he fucked Harry.

Harry was not complaining. The pleasure, although different, was still intense and he could feel his cum running down his leg as it spilled from his cock. He couldn't tell which of Seamus' powerful and deliberate thrusts had caused the orgasm to wash over him but it had happened. IT was still happening. Waves of pleasure washed over his body as he called out in delight.

Seamus was not calling out. He was grunting and almost growling with each deep hard thrust.

"Take it. Take it."

Harry lost track of time bent over the wooden crates. It could have been minutes or hours of Seamus' cock deep inside of him. Those deep angry grunts echoing in his ear. Seamus' fingers tightening and tugging at his hair. Harry felt he would have been happy if the moment never ended although he knew that it would.

"I'm gonna cum... you want my cum?"

"Yes! Yes! I want it!"

Harry felt a surprising flood of disappointment as Seamus' cock pulled out of him with an almost popping sound. He felt suddenly empty and was very aware of how cold it was in the courtyard. He had wanted to feel his insides grow warm and wet as Seamus had cum inside him the way Dudley did. But Seamus had pulled out just like he had that night in the classroom.


Mastering his disappointment Harry dropped down onto his knees before Seamus. If he wasn't going to feel Seamus erupt inside of him then at least he would get to taste that sweet glorious cum once again.

It took just a few short strokes for Seamus to let loose a rumbling moan and then cum was flying from the head of his cock. Harry opened his mouth wide and caught as much of the thick white liquid as he could. Savouring the sweet moreish taste of it. His lips instinctively wrapped themselves around the head of Seamus' cock and sucking on it. Using his tongue to scoop up the small pools of cum that rested on the head of Seamus' cock.

Seamus took in a few deep grunting breaths before pulling Harry from his cock once again. And then the cock was gone from Harry's sight. Seamus tucked it back into his briefs and was awkwardly closing the fly of his jeans as his eyes looked around for where he'd dropped his shirt.

Harry wasn't sure what to do as he watched Seamus get dressed. He felt another pang of disappointment as Seamus slipped his shirt back over his head and once again covered his upper body. Finally Seamus turned back to Harry. Some of the glaring anger Harry had witnessed was still there but most of it seemed to have passed.

"The exits there..."

Seamus nodded toward a large wooden door that dominated a far wall. Then he turned and strode back into The Hog's Head, closing the door behind him.

For a moment Harry stayed on his knees in the cold deserted courtyard. He'd felt such an intense sense of fulfilment after his first encounter with Seamus but this time he almost felt empty. Abandoned and forgotten in the cold courtyard. The pleasure had been so intense and amazing in the moment but now he felt a sense of rising shame.

Slowly Harry climbed back up to his feet and pulled his underwear and trousers back up. The invisibility cloak was still tucked into his pocket and he took it out and threw it over himself as he left the courtyard via the exit Seamus had pointed out.

Next: Chapter 12

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