The Awakening of Harry Potter

By Robert Smith

Published on Oct 27, 2021


NOTE: As ever I sadly don't own the copyrights for any of the characters or locations mentioned in this work of fiction. The story itself is now well and truly planted in the timeline of The Order of the Phoenix with the film series rather than the books being the main source of inspiration. If you'd like to send feedback, thoughts or requests then I'm always happy to hear them. Enjoy!

Chapter Ten: A Date With McLaggen

Harry's eyes scanned the Great Hall as he tucked into a second helping of scrambled eggs but there was still no sign of Seamus. He hadn't caught sight of Seamus all morning which was unusual. Even during the opening weeks of term when the pair had been doing their best to avoid one another there had still been awkward and unavoidable exchanges first thing in the morning. They shared a dorm room after all. But this morning there had been no sign of Seamus in their shared room nor in the Gryffindor common room and now there was no sign of him in the Great Hall for breakfast.

Harry tried not to dwell on Seamus or the growing reality that the Irishman was now going above and beyond to avoid him. For the first time since the start of term Harry felt at peace about his return to Hogwarts. The dark cloud that had been hanging over him for weeks had gone. He felt lighter and happier and that was entirely thanks to Seamus. Last night had been nothing short of magical for Harry. He'd experienced a sustained and almost overwhelming pleasure hidden away in that abandoned classroom with Seamus. He wasn't sure how Seamus had felt about the whole thing, although his disappearing act this morning didn't bode well, but he wasn't going to allow himself to dwell on that. He was going to ride this good mood for all it was worth for as long as he could.


That unmistakable almost lyrical tone only served to improve Harry's mood further. Cormac McLaggen, surrounded as always by his gaggle of friends, was slowly making his way toward the exit of the Great Hall when he'd caught sight of Harry. That Cormac, a beautiful statuesque man, had caught sight of Harry at all was enough to send his mood skyrocketing.

"Are we still on for Friday?"


"Excellent. Until then Potter!"

Harry was painfully aware of the beaming smile on his face as he watched Cormac bound out of the Great Hall. Even from behind, his broad muscled back effortlessly filling out his school uniform, Cormac looked amazing.

"What's he talking about?"

If Harry had been delighted at this small interaction with Cormac then disgusted might just about sum up Ron's reaction to it. He was sat opposite Harry aggressively stabbing at a sausage with his fork, a sour look on his face. Just moments ago he'd been laughing and joking.

"Oh, well..." Harry was suddenly aware of the awkwardness of this situation. "...we're going to train together on Friday..."

There was, Harry decided, no point in lying to Ron or attempting to soften the blow. It was better just to pull the bandaid off immediately. Ron might not take the news well but he'd get over it. Eventually.

"What? You're gonna train with that tosser?"

Judging from the aggressive tone that had slipped into Ron's voice Harry had perhaps underestimated how badly he was going to take this news. The force of his sausage stabbing had also increased. Each stab was now punctuated with a clink as the fork dug into the plate.

"You know he's after my place on the team..."

Harry wasn't sure if this was a question or accusation but it at least explained the depth of Ron's obvious dislike for Cormac. He hadn't realised that Cormac played keeper, Ron's position, when he'd offered to help him make the quidditch team but apparently Ron was well aware of that fact.

"I didn't... when I agreed to train with him..." This was only a half lie. "You don't have anything to worry about. You made keeper. You'll play, you'll be great and no one will care what Cormac has to say."

"Yeah whatever!"

Harry's gentle encouragement of his friend had not placated him in the way Harry had hoped. Or even at all. Ron grumpily pushed his plate to one side and angrily got up from the table. He looked as if he was about to say something else to Harry but either the words didn't come or he thought better of it and so his exit from the Great Hall was more of a silent storm out.

Inwardly Harry cursed at this particular turn of events. Of course he'd known that Ron would discover his training session with Cormac eventually but he hadn't anticipated his reaction to be quite so bad. But he wasn't going to let this darken his mood or his day. As with the disappearance of Seamus, Harry pushed it to the back of his mind. Ron would stew in his anger for a little while and then he'd come round. Probably after some prodding from Hermione or Ginny. Harry would just let the natural course play out and continue to ride his good mood for as long as he could. With any luck the crushing weight that had been pressing down on him wouldn't return.

"Harry, what were you thinking!" An exasperated Hermione dropped down onto the seat next to Harry who shot her a quizzical look. "I mean, Cormac McLaggen. Honestly!"


"He's so angry with you. It's ridiculous. It's just quidditch!"

"Hermione, you didn't say that did you?"

"No, of course not."

Harry breathed a quiet sigh of relief. At least Ron's foul mood wouldn't have escalated further and he might even still be talking to Hermione which put her ahead of Harry. Ron had refused to speak to him all day even avoiding him in their shared classes. Hermione was right, it was ridiculous. Regardless of what he might have told Cormac he had no intention of getting him onto the quidditch team, especially not at the expense of Ron and if Ron would just speak to him he could explain that.

Still he remained determined that this fallout with Ron would not dampen his spirits. Remarkably he was still riding the wave of the high of his time with Seamus. Not even a full day of school, a giant pile of homework and an argument with Ron had managed to bring him down. It was true that Seamus still seemed to be avoiding him, he'd finally caught a fleeting glimpse of him at dinner but he hadn't returned to the common room. Harry was determined not to let that bother him. Seamus couldn't avoid him forever and if he needed a day or two to wrap his head around what had happened between them that was fine.

It was true that he had already begun to plan and think of another encounter with Seamus. Perhaps he could rent a room in Hogsmeade for them next time. Or maybe they could make use of the room of requirement and magic into existence a more comfortable setting for their time together. Of course Seamus' continued absence was something of a sticking point in this planning. Without knowing how his classmate had reacted to their encounter after the fact it was hard to know how much he'd have to work to make future encounters happen and Harry was determined there would be future rides on the Irish stallion.

Thankfully Harry had a ready distraction from his plans for Seamus. Not the increasing pile of homework he had to complete but his impending training session with Cormac. Or as Cormac had jokingly referred to it, and Harry had begun to think of it, their date. This time tomorrow he'd have spent the afternoon and maybe even the evening with Cormac.

Not that Harry thought anything was going to happen with Cormac. After their brief time together, and the time Harry had spent observing him beneath the invisibility cloak, Harry was under no illusions about Cormac. His interest in the witches of Hogwarts was clear to see and as far as Harry could tell that interest was reciprocated. Even Hermione, who struggled to hide her disdain for Cormac in her voice, seemed to get a slightly dazed and far off look in her eyes when thinking about him. He had an undeniable magnetism about him. Harry simply enjoyed being in his presence. He adored the way Cormac's voice floated over him like music and the easy confidence with which he bragged about his athletic ability. To spend the afternoon listening to and watching Cormac was really all he wanted.

"Seriously though you two are just impossible. If it's not one of you sulking about something it's the other!"

Harry felt like he should apologise to Hermione. Not just for putting her in the middle of another of his fights with Ron but for his distant and moody behaviour since the start of term. He bit his tongue though. To apologise for his mood would be to acknowledge his mood. And to acknowledge it would invite discussion about what had caused it and Harry wasn't ready for that conversation yet. He wasn't even sure he knew how to explain what had been hanging over him lately. Eventually though he'd confide in Hermione about the thoughts and feelings he was having but perhaps not the exact experiences.

The day had seemed to drag on forever.

Harry had tried once again to make amends with Ron at the start of the day with no success. Ron had accused him of being a traitor and siding with "that idiot McLaggen". He refused to listen to Harry's explanation and after a while Harry had just stopped trying to give it. Clearly Ron had taken the news of his training session with McLaggen worse than anticipated but Harry would not cancel it. Although he'd never be able to explain it to Ron he felt a real desire to be around Cormac. Just the thought of this training session date had been filling Harry's stomach with butterflies all day and forcing time to move intolerably slowly.

The moment, however, was almost upon Harry. He'd spent the last hour impatiently sat in the Gryffindor common room anxiously tapping his feet as he willed time to go faster. He'd been aware that the insistent tap, tap, tap of his feet on the floor had been driving those around him insane but he couldn't stop it. Not for more than 30 seconds at a time anyway. He wondered if this was how the witches of Hogwarts reacted to their dates with Cormac. Did they spend the day of staring at the clock, willing time to move faster? Did they become so nervous that even the thought of eating seemed impossible to them?

Finally it was time and excitedly Harry leapt from his seat, much to the joy of those unfortunate to have spent the last hour in his immediate vicinity, and headed toward the exit of the common room.


That strong Irish brogue sent his heart racing and stopped him in his tracks just outside the common room. If there was anyone he was willing to be even just a minute late for his time with Cormac it was Seamus. The Irish stallion had spent the last day and half successfully avoiding Harry. Not that this had done much to keep thoughts of Seamus far from Harry's mind. How could he forget the pleasure he'd felt when Seamus had been inside of him? Or the way he'd cum as Seamus confidently thrust deep into him?

"...can we talk?"

This, however, wasn't the confident and in control Seamus Harry had experienced two nights ago. This wasn't the man who had casually removed his shirt fully aware of the way Harry desired him. Nor was it the man who had practically made Harry beg for him. He was nervous and awkwardly shuffling. It was undeniably cute but Harry much preferred the confident strutting Irish stallion.

"Yeah. Of course."

The timing couldn't be worse. Harry had no desire to leave Cormac alone, waiting for him on the quidditch field. What if he decided Harry wasn't coming and left? Harry couldn't bear the thought that Cormac might hate him or never speak to him again. But he also recognised that Seamus was more important. It was Seamus, and not Cormac, that had lifted the dark mood that had been pressing down on him. And it was Seamus, not Cormac, who had delivered such incredible pleasure to him.

"Not here. Not now."

Seamus suspiciously glanced up and down the corridor as if he was expecting to catch sight of some spy eavesdropping on their conversation. Although, given how Harry had discovered Seamus' secret life as the Irish stallion perhaps that wasn't a totally unreasonable fear.

"Are you going to Hogsmeade?"

"Yes... I mean, I can..."

"Alright. Let's meet there. At the Hog's Head. We can talk there."

Without waiting for a response Seamus turned and headed back into the common room. Harry felt a slight thrill shoot through his body. He now had a second date to look forward to. And this was a date that might just lead somewhere. Maybe he'd get to take another ride on the Irish stallion this weekend. With a spring in his step Harry hurried through the castle and down to the quidditch arena.

"Potter!" Cormac McLaggen came striding out of the small brick building that served as a changing area as Harry jogged toward the arena. "I was beginning to think you were standing me up!"

Harry tried to stop his jaw from hanging open as he took the sight of Cormac in. The safety pads he was wearing, standard keepers attire, only seemed to highlight his size making his shoulders seem impossibly large. Harry thought that maybe he'd be able to block and guard all three hoops by simply hovering in front of them on his broom.

"No! Just lost track of time..."

"Well hurry up and drop your things and we can get started."

Cromac strode away from the changing block and out to the arena proper. Not wanting to waste anymore time Harry scrambled into the changing block and threw his bag down onto a bench. He didn't feel the need to lock his belongings away but as he glanced around the otherwise empty room he supposed Cormac must have. There was no sign of a bag or a change of clothes. Harry realised that he was disappointed by this. Alone in the changing room he could have taken a moment to allow the scent of Cormac's clothes to wash over him. Pressed the material against his nose in the way he had with Goyle's underwear. As he felt his cock beginning to twitch to life Harry pushed the thought from his mind. He needed to maintain some self control this afternoon.

"Is that what you're wearing?"

Cormac was casting a critical eye over Harry as he walked onto the training field. Harry couldn't help but feel self conscious as he felt Cormac's eyes on him. He became instantly aware of the difference in their size and build. He felt scrawny and small.

"It's too loose Potter. Too much drag."


Harry didn't really know how else to respond. Cormac was pulling and tugging on the loose fitting sweatshirt and jogging bottoms he'd chosen to wear. Harry tried to ignore the jolts of electricity that passed through him as Cormac's fingers touched against his flesh and the way the smell of Cormac's aftershave seemed to send his heart racing.

"You need to invest in something more aerodynamic. Like me."

Cormac indicated his own training gear and now they were up close it was impossible to ignore just how form fitting it was. The shirt underneath his shoulder pads almost seemed to be painted on. Harry could make out the definition of the muscles of his chest and stomach. Not as ripped and ultra defined as Seamus he thought but larger and more powerful. Cormac's trousers were just as tight. Clinging to his large powerful thighs and...

Harry dragged his attention away from the bulge at Cormac's crotch. He couldn't allow himself to linger on how large it seemed. Instead he committed to maintaining eye contact with Cormac. Although this was dangerous too. Those deep blue eyes were easy to get lost in.

"...what do you think?"

He realised that Cormac had been talking all this time. Rattling off his proposed plan for the training session. Harry hadn't heard a single word of it.

"Right. Yes. Great."

"Excellent. I'll head up, you just try and score if you can."

Cormac fired off a playful wink at Harry before swinging a leg over his broom and kicking off into the sky. Harry, piecing together the plan, cast his eye around for the familiar crate that would hold the various balls used in quidditch. He found it just a few paces away and kicked it open. The bright red Quaffle was stored in the middle of the crate next to two strapped down Bludgers. Harry ignored the heavy and dangerous bludgers and took a firm grip of the Quaffle. He wasn't completely unfamiliar with the feel and weight of the ball in his hand, he'd helped Ron train at various points last year, but it still felt alien to him. He much preferred the delicate Golden Snitch he was required to capture as Seeker.

"Come on Potter!"

Somehow Cormac's voice lost none of its posh lyrical quality as it boomed and echoed through the ground from above. Despite knowing that Ron's description was right, he really was a bit of a tosser, Harry found that he really did like being around Cormac. There was something easy and simple about it. He effortlessly dominated every room and conversation. When he was around Cormac Harry never felt like all eyes were on him or that his fellow students were quietly whispering rumours and speculation about him. Instead the attention was on Cormac. How could it not be? To ignore Cormac would be to ignore a Greek God walking into the room. It just wasn't possible. He even managed to look ridiculously attractive with a leather keepers helmet strapped to his head.

Harry kicked off the ground and felt himself floating free of the soft green earth. Even after all this time he still loved to fly. He allowed himself to soar up above the stands and loop and circle around before coming to stop in the centre of the ground.

"You ready?"


Harry was not surprised by the assured confidence of Cormac's response. He'd expect nothing less from him. But now they were floating above the ground surrounded by the empty stands of the Quidditch arena Harry could feel his blood pumping and his competitive instincts beginning to kick-in. Suddenly the tightness of Cormac's attire and the way it clung to his muscular physique weren't so noticeable to Harry. Nor was the way his broad powerful frame seemed to be capable of blocking all three hoops simultaneously. Even that perfect beaming smile seemed to fade away. Harry wanted to win. He wanted to score.

He dived forward. He could feel the wind pushing at his face and hair as he picked up speed. He swooped left and then rolled right before pushing the Quaffle free of his grip. His heart sank when Cormac seemed to catch the ball with little to no effort. Harry's heart sank further and his cheeks became flushed when Cormac threw the ball back in his direction and he rather spectacularly failed to catch it. This marked the way this particular session would go. Harry would swoop and dive acrobatically on his broom and fire off shot after shot with the Quaffle and Cormac would stop them all with apparent ease. He'd glide from one hoop to the other and catch the ball in a single hand. One particular low light saw Harry fumble yet another catch of his own and drop the Quaffle only for Cormac to dive forward and retrieve it from beneath Harry.

There was, he realised, a part of Harry that had assumed Cormac's casual boasting of his athletic ability and skills on the Quidditch pitch had been exaggerations. Nothing more than examples of Cormac's arrogance getting the better of him but as Harry tried and failed with increasing frustration to score a single goal he had to admit that if anything Cormac appeared to have undersold his skills. He was fast, agile and strong and cut quite the imposing figure in front of the three hoops. An opposing team would certainly feel their confidence drain as they approached the towering figure of Cormac. Maybe he really would be a better fit for Gryffindor Keeper than Ron who always seemed so uncomfortable and awkward perched on his broom in front of those hoops. Just a hint of terror whenever the Quaffle even came close to approaching him.

Harry immediately pushed this train of thought from his mind. He couldn't do that to Ron.

"Think it might be time to call it a day Potter. The lights beginning to fade."

Cormac wasn't wrong. The bright afternoon light was rapidly giving way to a red glow of early evening. Harry wasn't sure how long he'd been firing off shots at Cormac but he was aware that it was an embarrassingly long period of time to have gone without scoring.

"Just one more..."

Harry was determined that he should score at least once. If he could score then maybe Cormac wouldn't seem quite so perfect and he'd be able to somehow convince himself that Ron was the right choice of keeper for the team. He sped down the field. There would be swooping or diving this time. Instead he was just speeding forward, his head down and braced against the wind. He was hurtling toward Cormac, his giant frame getting bigger and bigger as he got closer and closer. He fired off the Quaffle at a tight angle to the right. He was sure the angle would be too tight for Cormac to reach. That it would sail past him just out of his reach.

He was wrong!

The Quaffle, as it had all afternoon, landed securely in the palm of Cormac's hand. And once again that beautiful bright smile was lighting up his face as he silently boasted of stopping yet another shot. Harry was silently cursing. How had he managed not to score a single point?

"That was fun Potter!"

The two of them had touched back down on the ground and Harry felt the world readjusting around him as his feet once again recognised solid ground beneath them. There was always a strange sort of dizziness that followed any extended time off the ground on his broom. It reminded him of the Christmas where he, Ron, Fred and George had snuck a bottle of wine of some kind from the Weasley kitchen. The strange light headed and floaty feeling that had followed a couple of glasses of that.


"Don't be sore that you didn't score Potter!" Cormac delivered what Harry was sure was supposed to be a friendly pat on the back but that weighty palm pressed down on him with enough force that he could have collapsed. "What are your plans for this evening?"

"Oh I don't know..."

Cormac had dropped the Quaffle back into the crate and after kicking the lid closed scooped it up with one arm. Harry remembered the times he'd been charged with collecting this crate before Quidditch practice. The way he struggled and fought with the weight and size of it as he'd lumbered down to the field. And Cormac was carrying it with a single arm like it was nothing. He couldn't help but remember how solid and powerful Cormac's body had felt when he'd run into it just a few nights ago. The way it had knocked him off his feet with its refusal to give even a little.

"No big plans? No lucky young witch to entertain?"

"I don't... no... there's... no..."

Harry suddenly felt strangely uncomfortable. He could feel heat rising in his features and was thankful for the dulling light of the evening. It would hopefully be hiding the obvious embarrassment on his face in a way that his garbled response couldn't be camouflaged.

"You see Potter, this is what I'm talking about! You're just not keeping the right company. You're Harry Potter. The Harry Potter. You really could be quite popular with the witches. Not as popular as me maybe but popular all the same!"

Cormac's booming laugh filled the evening air as the pair of them made their way up toward the changing block. Dutifully Harry chuckled along. There was a not inconsiderable part of him that wanted to tell Cormac he had no interest in the witches of Hogwarts or anywhere else. Not anymore. He was struck by a strong desire to declare his attraction to Cormac. To describe how he was infatuated with his broad powerful muscular body and to describe the way Cormac's clipped posh accent made his stomach do strange flips and rolls. Or maybe he should tell him that he was beautiful. That his eyes were impossibly blue and how utterly perfect his smile was.

"I think we could be great friends Potter." Harry had never been more thankful for Cormac continuing to talk. If the silence had stretched even a few seconds longer he wasn't sure what he'd have said. "I can help get you on the right track. Help you become the wizard you're supposed to be. I don't mean any disrespect but you can't allow the Weasleys to keep dragging you down. My father agrees. I was talking to him about you..."

Harry once again allowed Cormac's words to wash over him. They became nothing more than sounds; it was almost like listening to music. Beautiful melodic music with crisp clear tones. And as the sounds washed over him Harry couldn't help but take in Cormac once again. While they'd been in the air training Harry had allowed himself to forget the way Cormac filled out his tight training gear. It was almost as if he'd forgotten it completely and was seeing the power and strength of his muscular body for the first time. The way his biceps curved and the way his large powerful chest would rise and fall slightly with each breath.

"...he might let you come for Christmas!"

They'd reached the door of the changing block and as Cormac shouldered his way into the room Harry suddenly realised what was about to happen. Somehow on the walk up to the changing rooms it hadn't really occurred to Harry where they were heading. He'd simply allowed himself to be swept along in Cormac's wake. Admiring his muscles in his tight outfit and lost in the melodic tone of his voice. But now they were in the changing room and surely Cormac wouldn't be strutting back to the castle in his dark form fitting training gear. He'd been peeling it off and exposing the flesh beneath it.

Harry felt the blood rushing to his cock as he stepped into the room and tried willing it to stop. He knew he'd have to strip off too and there would be no way of explaining away his erection. Although it was also possible Cormac wouldn't notice. While Harry wouldn't be able to resist watching Cormac and taking in every inch of his toned powerful body there was no reason Cormac would give his scrawny slender frame a single glance.

"Come on Potter, no need to be shy! Just us lads here!"

Cormac had already pulled his protective pads off by the time Harry entered the open plan changing area proper. For the first time Harry was able to appreciate the true size of those shoulders. The tight thin material of his top clung to them and highlighted the powerful muscles Cormac had clearly spent some time developing. He'd removed his leather keepers helmet as well. His usually precisely styled blonde hair was fluffy and messier than usual but even this couldn't detract from the startling perfection of his features. Those stunning blue eyes and perfectly balanced smile were complimented by a chiseled and strong jawline. Cormac truly was beautiful.

As Cormac grabbed the bottom of his skin tight training shirt and pulled it over his head Harry abandoned all hope of not having a raging erection. The blood instantly rushed to his cock and he felt it throbbing and pulsating. Cormac's body, like the finely balanced features of his face, was a work of art. The pale densely muscled skin seemed soft and almost appeared to glisten under a thin coat of sweat. He'd been right to guess that Cormac's body wasn't as ripped as Seamus' but he seemed to be at least twice the size of the Irish stallion. His shoulders, chest and arms all seemed to be nothing but obscenely bulging muscle and while his stomach lacked the deep cut definition of Seamus his abdominals were clearly defined. Harry decided that while Seamus was built for pure visual appeal Cormac complimented his own visual appeal with power and strength.

Reluctantly Harry pulled his own loose fitting sweatshirt over his head. He tried not to compare his own slender build to Cormac's towering physique but couldn't help himself. His chest and stomach essentially formed a flat line. There was none of the curve, size and definition that Cormac possessed. Cormac's chest appeared to be two powerful slabs of muscle whereas Harry's was just soft flat flesh. He also couldn't help but notice the dusting of light hair that covered Cormac's chest. It added to his overwhelming aura of manliness particularly when compared to the single stray hairs Harry had around his nipples.

Harry tried his best to look away from Cormac. He turned his back on him but it didn't help. He couldn't stop himself from glancing toward the other boy as he heard him pulling his tight trousers off. Cormac's legs were just as powerful and defined as the rest of him. His thighs seemed at least twice the size of Harry's. But it wasn't his legs that caught Harry's attention. Cormac was now stood in a pair of tight white briefs that made clear his body was entirely in proportion. Harry hadn't allowed himself to dwell on the sizable bulge in Cormac's tight training attire but now, in just his underwear, it was impossible to ignore. It looked big and delicious.

Forcing himself to look away Harry struggled out of his own trousers and was thankful that he'd stuck with his usual loose fitting underwear. With any luck they would help conceal his now painful erection.

"You coming Potter?"

Harry looked up and found himself unable to speak. Cormac had stripped out of his underwear and was strutting toward the back of the room and the shared shower cubicle with a towel casually hanging over his shoulder. His back was to Harry but still the view was exquisite. His broad powerful rippling back gave way to firm perfectly round checks. Cormac's bum appeared to be as muscled and defined as the rest of him.

"You can't head back to the castle with the stench of loser on you!"

Cormac's booming laugh echoed in the empty changing room before he turned his head back toward Harry and fired off another one of those playful winks. And then he was gone from Harry's eyeline. Large confident strides carrying him to the showers.

For a moment Harry couldn't move. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest and it felt as if his stomach might have dropped out of his body. He couldn't share a shower with Cormac. It wasn't just his erection, which stubbornly continued to throb and pulse no matter how much he willed it to go down, but the physical disparity between them. Obviously he'd appreciated the sheer size and power of Cormac before now. Even hidden beneath his school uniform or more casual attire it was impossible not to notice his large muscled build but now that he'd seen him stripped naked his awe of Cormac's physique had reached new levels. But more than that he'd also become painfully aware of just how much smaller and thinner he was. He couldn't shower with Cormac but he couldn't not do it either.

Mustering all of his strength Harry pulled his underwear down and tried his best to ignore his erection. He grabbed a towel and hung it from his shoulder over the front of his body. This did a serviceable job of obscuring his thin bony frame but more importantly managed to obscure his hard cock.

Nervously he made his way toward the showers. He could already hear the water running and see small clouds of steam beginning to spread across the room. He told himself that he was being ridiculous. While it was true that he was unable to take his eyes off of Cormac and was greedily drinking in every inch of him that he could there was no reason to think that Cormac would pay him even the slightest bit of attention. Why would he? He'd have no need to compare himself to Harry, his physical superiority over the younger wizard was already clear.

"Potter! I thought you'd got lost!

Harry managed a half choked chuckle as response to this.

Cormac was watching him approach the showers. He was stood under the steady stream of warm water from the shower with steam rising around him but it did nothing to obscure the view. His muscled body gleamed and glistened with the water only serving to further highlight the definition of his chest and abs. Harry's mind briefly flashed back to watching Goyle shower. Goyle had appeared so big and powerful, and undoubtedly he was, but Cormac was on another level. He wasn't growing into his size and power and shifting the last pounds of childhood puppy fat. It was like looking at a perfectly chiseled and sculpted statue.

"I hope you know I was joking about the loser thing Potter. You shouldn't feel bad about it really. Better players than you have tried to score against me and failed. And you were playing out of position..."

Harry only vaguely registered the words. As he'd continued to step toward the shower his eyes had fallen to Cormac McLaggan's cock. It seemed strange to say but Cormac's cock, like every other part of him, was beautiful. A long thick shaft hung over a pair of smooth balls. Neat trimmed hair was at the base. Harry didn't really care how Cormac's cock compared to others he'd seen, although it was undeniably large, he decided it was perfect.

Forcing himself to look away before he could be accused of staring, Harry awkwardly entered the shower and claimed a space on the opposite end of the shared cubicle from Cormac. Putting as much distance between the two of them as he could before turning to the wall, and away from Cormac, and removing his towel. He carefully hung it to the side and started up his own shower. The warm water hitting his body was a relief. A welcome distraction from the screaming demands of his cock. Somehow it had grown even harder than before.

"...of course I'd be happy to give you some pointers as a Seeker. I played the position for a while when I was younger. Smaller, like you!"

"That'd be great. You were amazing today."

Harry didn't know where the words were coming from and his voice seemed alien and echoey in the shower. Suddenly Harry wanted this event he'd been looking forward to all week, the event he'd endangered his friendship with Ron for, to be over. He wanted out of this shower and out of this changing room. Cormac had called him small. And of course that was right. He was tiny compared to the giant God like figure that was Cormac McLaggan.

"I wasn't my best. No offence Potter but you aren't the toughest competition!"

That booming laugh returned but Harry couldn't summon the strength to laugh along. He told himself that he wanted this shower to end. That he wanted for this whole day to be over but there was another part of him that knew that wasn't true. Another part of him that wanted this shower to last forever. That part was urging him to turn and look back at Cormac again. It was practically screaming at him to once again drink in the glorious sight of his naked body. To reach out and stroke that beautiful perfect cock. To place it in his mouth.

"Honestly I think you need to add a little mass Potter. You're too scrawny. A little more muscle and you'll be able to control that broom of yours a little better. It won't be so obvious when you're trying to bank and dive."

"You think?"

Harry was just trying to prompt Cormac to continue talking. He wanted that melodic tone to continue washing over him and if Cormac was talking then hopefully he wouldn't be paying too much attention to Harry. He wouldn't notice the way Harry kept awkwardly turning his head to catch glances of him. He wouldn't be able to spot the way Harry's mouth hung slightly agape as he drank in every inch of Cormac's body. The perfection of his muscled body and that long thick swinging cock.

"No doubt Potter. We need to get you in the gym. Get a little muscle on you. Not just for your Quidditch game either. The witches will appreciate it too, trust me!"


"Absolutely Potter! Between you and me..." Cormac lowered his voice slightly as if he were confiding a secret to Harry in a crowded room. "...there's more than a few witches that get dripping wet when I take them to the gun show!"

"The gun show?"

"You don't know about the gun show Potter? I've got some free tickets right here for you!"

Harry turned his head and almost collapsed to the floor of the shower. He needed to use a hand pressed against the wall of the shower to steady himself. Harry had turned to Cormac flexing, striking a double bicep pose that was almost more than Harry could bear. His arms looked obscene, his biceps bulging and straining. It was an almost orgasmic sight.

Cormac dropped his arms and chuckled almost to himself. This was not the booming joyous laugh Harry had grown so accustomed to over the last few days. There was something different about it. Almost an edge to it.

"Now obviously, Potter, we don't want anything too extreme for you. You don't want to be as big as me, do you?"

Harry noticed the change in tone. The usually delightful melodic tone of Cormac's voice had taken on a slightly rougher edge. It was almost as if his voice had gone just a little deeper and firmer. It sent a strange bolt of excitement through his body. He couldn't explain it but there had been a shift in the atmosphere. A change of mood.

"Well, do you want to be as big as me Potter?"

Harry didn't know what to say. He felt knocked off balance and his head was spinning. The change in Cormac's tone had been subtle and yet Harry had registered it immediately. He could still hear it and it once again set a bolt of excitement through him. His cock was throbbing and he could feel the pre-cum leaking from it. He wanted to reach down and stroke himself. To wrap his fingers around his cock, a cock that seemed so small and insignificant when compared to Cormac's, and bring himself to orgasm but he knew he couldn't.

"Do you think I don't see how you look at me Potter?" With Harry incapable of mustering a response Cormac, in true Cormac fashion, took it upon himself to fill the silence. "Like a tiny little panting puppy with its tongue hanging out!"

Cormac's voice had become cold now. The lyrical almost joyous quality of that posh tone was gone. It was harsh and mean now. Harry didn't need to turn to see the sneering arrogant expression that would be filling Cormac's face. He could easily conjure the image in his mind. Those beautiful blue eyes cold and those perfect lips twisted into a nasty grin. But even now Cormac would still be beautiful. His features still perfectly balanced.

"Of course I'm used to desperate little whores pining for me..."

Harry couldn't bring himself to turn and face Cormac. The arrogance was dripping from his words and it managed to both scare and excite him. His cock was begging to be stroked but Harry couldn't move. He wasn't even sure he was still breathing.

"... but the great Harry Potter? That's something else."

The disdain and sarcasm seemed to echo through the room as Cormac referred to him as great. Harry felt the lie of it hit him. In this moment he knew that neither of them believed he was all that great. The moment should sting him but it didn't. Instead he could feel himself almost vibrating with electricity. He couldn't move. He could barely breathe. But there was excitement. It buzzed through his body and made his cock ache and yearn for release.

"It's pathetic really."

The bolts of electric pleasure were being replaced by an almost burning ache as Cormac continued to talk. Harry wanted to turn his head to face Cormac so badly. He wanted to see the arrogance and superiority on Cormac's face. He wondered if the muscles of Cormac's body had tensed and tightened as he was speaking.

"You know there are witches up in the castle right now fingering their tight virgin cunts thinking about me." There was undeniable pride in Cormac's voice as he said this. "Is that what you do, Potter? Do you masterbatue thinking of me like some horny little school girl?"

Harry had to fight to suppress what he was sure would have been a whimpering moan. He couldn't even begin to imagine how Cormac would react to that sound but he knew he wasn't ready for it. He already wanted to run from this situation without giving Cormac yet more ammunition to fire off. And yet Harry knew this wasn't entirely true. Yes, there was a part of him that wanted to run and hide but there was another bigger and louder part that would not allow him to move. A part that wanted to stay and soak up the painful burning arousal he was feeling now.

The truth was that Harry had masturbated to thoughts of Cormac. Even when his mind had seemingly been full of thoughts of Seamus he'd found Cormac creeping in. Thoughts of that muscular powerful frame and his stunning good looks. He'd cum multiple times to thoughts of worshipping Cormac like a God.

"Of course you have, you pathetic little faggot!"

The word just hung in the air. An ugly nasty thing spat out by Cormac and aimed directly at Harry. Instinctively Harry knew that he should be repulsed by it. In the same way he had naturally known to recoil from mudblood he knew he should recoil from this. He should feel anger for having it hurled at him but there was no anger. Instead he stomach leapt and soared and he felt his cock throb and twitch.

"Look at me Potter..."

Harry wanted nothing more than to turn and look at Cormac. He wanted to drink the sight of his naked body in. To commit the way his muscles rippled to his memory and to take in every detail of the beautiful cock he'd glimpsed just minutes ago. As much as Harry wanted to turn and face Cormac he couldn't. He couldn't move at all. His hands were pressed against the shower wall, he was sure this was all that was keeping him upright, and his eyes were fixed to the floor.

"I said look at me Potter! Don't pretend like you don't want to, we both know you've dreamt of this moment." Cormac wasn't wrong. Harry had dreamt and fantasised of this moment, or one like it anyway. Of being able to take in the full beauty and perfection of Cormac McLaggen. "Now be a good little faggot and turn and face me."

It was as if Harry were under some kind of spell. He'd been willing himself to move but found his body unresponsive but now that Cormac was demanding it his body obeyed. Slowly, tentatively Harry was turning to face Cormac. He wanted to cover himself. To use his hands to hide his cock. He didn't want Cormac to see him.

Cormac's laugh was booming. It was not the joyous and infectious laugh Harry had grown accustomed to though. As it bounced and echoed around the shower cubicle it was mocking and mean and Harry knew it was aimed at him. He'd wanted to drink Cormac's naked frame in but Harry couldn't focus on it. His eyes wouldn't settle on Cormac but on the floor or the walls anywhere but at the God of the man before him. Cormac though had no trouble taking in the naked body of Harry Potter and it was this that had prompted his cruel booming laugh.

"Look at that thing! It's tiny!"

Cormac's booming laugh was filling the cubicle again and Harry felt a burning shame rising in him. This shame did nothing to dampen his arousal though. His cock still throbbed and ached as pre-cum poured from the head. The burn of the shame mixed with the vibrating electricity of his arousal. It was a combination Harry could not describe.

"No wonder the witches aren't interested in you! What would you even do with that tiny little thing?"

For a moment the only sound was the running water of the showers. Cormac said nothing but Harry could feel those perfect blue eyes burning into his skin. Looking him over and finding him lacking.

"I asked you a question, answer me faggot!"

"I... I...."

It was all Harry could stammer out. He had no idea what to say or what it was Cormac wanted to hear.

"God you're pathetic! That tiny little thing..." Cormac gestured vaguely toward Harry's cock at this and let the statement hang in the air. "...the rest of you so small and scrawny too. And you're supposed to be the saviour of the wizarding world!"

Cormac almost spat in disgust at the mere thought of Harry being the saviour of the wizarding world.

"You can't compare to a real man like me. I mean just look at me..."

Harry knew that Cormac was right. He couldn't compare to the great Cormac McLaggen. He'd had this thought repeatedly himself. Cormac was a tall statuesque man. His body could have been carved from stone. He was perfection. He was everything that Harry wasn't.

"I said look at me faggot!"

Once again Harry obeyed the order. He allowed his eyes to leave the floor where they'd been firmly planted and finally take in the full glory of Cormac McLaggen. And it was glorious. Cormac stood with his hands gently resting on his hips, immediately drawing Harry's attention to the large cock between his smooth muscular thighs. Again Harry identified beautiful as the only word to describe Cormac's cock. It was so smooth. Harry wanted to feel it between his lips. He wanted to know how Cormac tasted. He could feel his mouth salivating at the thought.

The rest of Cormac was as impressive and perfect as his cock. His muscled chest and stomach gleaming beneath the water of his shower. The definition of his muscles highlighted by the water and lighting of the shower cubicle. Harry didn't need to reach out and feel to know that every inch of Cormac was solid defined muscle. It could be seen with the eye. Even now, relaxed at his side, Cormac's arms seemed enormous to Harry. He wondered how much strength and power Cormac possessed. Dudley had been able to overpower him, pin him down and throw him around with such ease and Cormac made his cousin look small.

"There's my pathetic little puppy panting away!"

Harry's heart skipped a beat at Cormac taking ownership of him. The desire to be Cormac's puppy was suddenly overwhelming. To be his pet. His plaything.

"Tell me Potter, what's your favourite part of my body?"

Harry felt a rush of answers come to him at once. Cormac's eyes, his lips, his chest, his arms, his abs, his cock, his thighs. The potential answers were limitless, how could he be expected to pick just one feature of this perfect specimen?

"Is it my lips?" Harry's eyes fixed on Cormac's lips. "Do you like my lips Potter? Do you think about what it would feel like to kiss them?"

Cormac slowly ran a single fingertip around his lips. They seemed to be the only part of his body that was soft and yet like the rest of Cormac they were full. Harry's eyes followed the fingertip as it traced the line of Cormac's lips. When he was done and the finger fell away Cormac gave a small quick air kiss. Harry watched the lips move and press out and imagined them pressing against his own. This time there was no stopping the whimpering moan from escaping.

"Or maybe you prefer my chest?"

Harry's eyes dropped to Cormac's chest. A big broad solid mass of muscle. Cormac's fingers pressed against the solid flesh and his nails ran down it. Harry felt his legs quiver and another whimpering moan escape. He wished it was his own hand pressed against Cormac's chest. Feeling the solid powerful muscle and dancing around Cormac's pert little nipples. How would Cormac react to those nipples being played with and twisted? Would he moan if Harry gently sucked on them?

"Or perhaps my arms?"

Once again Harry was given a trip to the gun show. Cormac's arms raised and flexed. His biceps growing and bulging obscenely. Harry had never seen arms like them before. He wanted to reach out and grab them. To try and wrap a hand around one. To squeeze them. To feel the power of them. To trace the lines of the veins protruding against his skin.

"What about my abs?"

The gun show was over and Cormac's hand was leading Harry's eyes to Cormac's rippling muscular stomach. Seamus' abs had blown Harry away; they were so deeply cut and defined. Cormac's were different. Seamus had been wiry, almost skinny but Cormac was so much bigger. His abs were defined, and as Cormac ran his hand over them he created a multi-toned sound that was pleasing to Harry's ear, but he was bigger. There was more mass and muscle. It would take so much longer to feel and taste every inch of Cormac's body but Harry knew he'd be more than happy to put the time in.

"No, I think I know what your favourite part is..." Cormac's hand was once again moving down. Sliding down his smooth slick skin and below his waist. "Is it my big cock Potter?"


Harry's voice was barely above a whisper but he knew that Cormac heard him. The perfect arrogant grin indicated as much. Although Harry only took it in for a second. His eyes were quickly back to consuming Cormac's cock. Watching as he ran a single finger down the long smooth shaft and then back up to the base again. Harry wished that it could be his tongue.

"Oh, you like this big cock?"


"Sir! You have to learn to address your superiors correctly. I'd hate to have to punish you Potter."

Harry was almost hypnotised watching Cormac's finger slowly glide up and down the shaft of his cock. Harry didn't even dare blink, he didn't want to miss a second. He could see Cormac's cock begin to react to the touch. It was slowly beginning to expand. To grow thicker and longer.

"So my cock is your favourite part of my body Potter?"

"Yes sir!"

"And you haven't even seen it full size yet..." Cormac allowed the yet to hang in the air and for Harry's mind to consume it and race into a future where Cormac was standing before him fully hard. "You're not alone though Potter. The witches that love my cock. The witches I've made cum with my big cock. No one fills their needy cunts like daddy Cormac. Certainly not you. I've got a real man's cock."

Harry was about ready to explode. It wasn't just the filthy words pouring from Cormac's mouth either. Cormac had wrapped his hand around the shaft of his cock, his real man's cock, and was stroking it into life. It was growing thicker, longer and harder with every stroke of Cormac's hand.

"Fuck! I'm getting turned on Potter. I might need to cum, do you want to see me cum Potter?"

"Yes! Yes sir!"

There was no hesitation on Harry's part this time. He wanted to see Cormac continue to stroke his cock. He wanted to see that beautiful cock in all its glory and more than that he wanted to see Cormac cum. He wanted to hear him cum and see the expression of bliss on that beautiful face. He wanted to see Cormac's muscles contract and tighten as he orgasmed. He wanted to see Cormac cum.

"Beg for it then Potter. Convince me I shouldn't go give my cum to one of these needy desperate witches in the castle who'll do anything for daddy Cormac!"

"Please sir, please-"


Cormac cut Harry off. His voice was stern and hard again and he'd stopped stroking his cock. It was, Harry guessed, about half hard and already an incredible sight. Until now Dudley's cock had been the biggest Harry had seen but he was sure that fully hard Cormac's would be longer and maybe even thicker.

"That's not how you beg, does the faggot need to be taught how to beg?"

Harry's heart raced as, without warning, Cormac was confidently striding across the shower toward him. Fear and excitement rushing through him in equal measure. He had no idea what was about to happen but he knew he wanted it.

Cormac's hand reached out and grabbed at Harry's throat. Suddenly Harry was aware just how strong and powerful Cormac really was. He'd felt Dudley's hands close and tighten around his neck and restrict his airflow but never like this. With one hand and seemingly minimal effort Cormac was making it almost impossible for Harry to breathe.

"The faggot needs to learn to show proper respect!"

Cormac's second hand slapped across Harry's face spreading a painful tingling sensation through Harry's cheek. And then there was a second and third slap. A darkness was beginning to close in as Cormac's grip on his throat tightened. Harry could feel himself growing weak. His legs were crumbling and his vision was fading. He could feel himself falling into darkness.

And then there was light and oxygen. Big gulping breaths but still a raw stinging sensation on his neck and cheek.

"That's better Potter!"

Harry realised that when Cormac had released his grip he'd fallen to his knees. He was on his knees looking up at Cormac. He seemed even larger now. Stronger and more powerful. And, Harry quickly realised, his cock was rock hard. Cormac's display of dominance had apparently pushed him to full arousal. Harry was almost tempted to describe Cormac's cock as monstrous in size but the word monstrous could never be applied to something or someone so beautiful.

"Now beg..."

"Please sir..." Harry's voice was scratchy and croaky. A result of Cormac's squeezing of his throat no doubt. "Please allow me to see you cum. It would be an honour to watch you sir. An honour to see such a perfect powerful man cum."

Harry's words seemed to be acceptable to Cormac. He closed his hand around his cock once again and began to stroke. Long commanding strokes not the slow teasing of before.

"The faggot thinks it will appreciate my cum more than one of the witches at the castle?"

"Yes sir. Definitely sir." Again Harry felt no hesitation in this response. He knew with certainty that he could appreciate everything about Cormac more than anyone else. "They can't truly appreciate how big and powerful you are sir. They can't understand your perfection and superiority. Not like me sir."

"And why is that Potter?"

Harry hesitated for a moment. He knew the answer to this question, he'd always known the answer but he'd never been able to say it before. He was the boy who lived, the great saviour of the wizarding world. And yet it felt so right to be on his knees looking up at the physical perfection of Cormac McLaggen. He understood that this was his place even if he'd never been able to say it before.

"Because..." He took a breath and steeled himself for what was coming next. "...well... look at me sir!"

Cormac did not look at Harry. His eyes were closed as he continued to stroke his large thick cock. Both hands were now wrapped around the shaft. The movements of his hands were also matched with the slight bucking of his hips. Harry wanted to rise up just slightly. To lean into Cormac's cock. To place the head of his cock into his mouth. Or maybe suck and kiss on his heavy balls. But he didn't. He knew that would not be allowed.

"No witch can understand how superior you are sir without experiencing me. They can't know your true perfection without seeing me. My skinny pathetic body and my tiny little cock. How can they know they're in the presence of a God if they don't have inferior things like me to compare to..."

"Oh yes Potter, I'm your God!"

Even without those words Harry could tell that Cormac responded to be called a God. He seemed to get bigger somehow, his chest puffed and biceps flexed. And his cock and balls seemed to twitch in response.

"Yes sir, you are perfection. Everything I wish I could be. A God deserving of worship."

"That's right faggot! Those witches don't know I'm a God but you do. I make their cunts drip and squirt and they beg for daddy Cormac. Beg daddy Cormac to fuck them like no other man can. They try to find someone else to hit those spots and make them scream but they can't. They always come back to daddy Cormac. But I'm not daddy Cormac. I'm not a man."

"No sir you're not!"

Cormac was stroking his cock at furious speed now, his hips bucking wildly. He looked incredible. An expression of pleasure etched onto his perfect features and every muscle in his body flexing and straining. His abs popping like never before, his chest lightly bouncing and those biceps expanding and flexing.

"What am I faggot? Tell me what I am Potter!"

"You're a God!"

"Yes! I'm God. Your God. God Cormac you pathetic faggot!"

Cormac roared as his cock erupted.

"Take my God cum!"

Harry needed no encouragement. As soon as Cormac's wild orgasmic roar hit his ears his mouth was open and ready to receive and Cormac dutifully delivered. Shot after shot fired from his cock. Warm thick liquid landed on Harry's forehead, in his hair, on his cheeks, his nose, his chin, his chest, his stomach and some even found its way into his mouth. Harry tried to savour the delicious taste in his mouth but there seemed to be no end to Cormac's eruption. He continued to grunt, roar and growl as the final drops of cum trickled from his cock.

For a moment there was silence.

Cormac taking in deep post orgasm breaths as he towered above Harry. Neither one said anything. Harry, covered in cum, was still looking up at Cormac. Drinking the sight of the man in. Watching as his impossibly large cock began to soften. Finally Cormac looked down at Harry, it was almost as if he was registering he was there for the first time. As if he thought he'd been alone in the shower until now. Slowly Cormac dropped down into a squat and Harry found himself staring into those perfect blue eyes.

Suddenly there was a hand at his throat again. Squeezing, but more gently this time. Harry could still take in shallow breaths as Cormac continued to examine him.

"You're a good little faggot Potter. A good little faggot."

With that Cormac released his grip on Harry and half heartedly shoved him back into the wall of the shower. Harry's vision came back into focus in time to make out Cormac's broad muscled back and perfectly round bum as he strutted from the shower. He was, for now at least, done with Harry.

Harry allowed himself to shrink back into the wall and floor of the shower. The still warm water cascading over him as he tried to process what, exactly, had just happened.

Harry wasn't sure how long he'd stayed curled up in the shower after Cormac had confidently strutted away. At some point the water had run cold and forced Harry out of the communal shower block and into the open plan changing room. Cormac was long gone by then and Harry had felt no rush to depart himself. Darkness had descended on Hogwarts by the time he stepped out of the changing block. It must have been hours. But then he wasn't sure how much time he'd spent with Cormac either. Maybe that had been hours and it had really just been minutes since Cormac left.

He knew that he should return to the Gryffindor common room. The lack of other students lingering in corridors and the general darkness of the castle told him that it was probably past curfew but he was in no rush to return to the common room. He was still trying to process what had happened with Cormac. For the hours, or maybe minutes, after Cormac's departure he'd just felt numb. It was as if he'd been floating above his body the whole time. Watching the steady stream of water from the shower wash the cum off of him and observing rather than feeling that water turn cold. But now he was back in his body and it felt alien to him.

For a moment he wondered if he was bruised or marked from Cormac. Those large powerful hands around his neck must have left some kind of mark and yet there was no tell tale burning sensation in his skin. The sides of his face felt perfectly normal too but surely those slaps had left their mark on his skin. His cheek must be covered in the large red print of Cormac's hand and yet it felt entirely normal.

What concerned Harry as he slowly strolled through the grounds of the castle was the realisation that he'd enjoyed what had happened with Cormac. He felt numb in the immediate aftermath of it but now he remembered how his cock had throbbed painfully as Cormac's hand squeezed around his throat making it harder and harder to breathe. He remembered how badly he'd wanted to touch himself as Cormac verbally degraded him. He'd been undeniably turned on and desperate to cum. Even now as he thought about it he could feel his cock growing hard. He'd happily return to that shower with Cormac anytime. His single disappointment was that he still hadn't cum.

Slowly Harry turned into the castle proper and decided that he'd always known this part of him existed. He'd thrilled at the way Dudley had been able to overpower him and the way he'd mocked Harry's so-called babydick but Cormac had taken this to a whole new level. Harry wanted to run and hide from it to pretend that he hadn't enjoyed every second but he couldn't. He had enjoyed every second of it. More than that he recognised a deep yearning in himself for more. To truly worship Cormac as the superior being he was.

Despite his apparent lack of desire to return to the Gryffindor common room Harry became aware that subconsciously he was slowly winding his way toward it. Within a minute or two he'd be standing in front of the portrait behind which the entrance to the common room was hidden. He made no attempt to deviate from this path. Maybe he was hoping to find Cormac back in the common room. Lounging on one of the sofas holding court amongst his friends. Harry wondered if Cormac would share his conquest with anyone else. Would he regale his buddies with the way he'd demonstrated his superiority to the great Harry Potter like it was just another example of his athletic prowess? As much as that thought sent a buzz of electric excitement through him Harry doubted it. He felt sure Cormac would keep this particular conquest to himself.

There was no sign of Cormac as Harry stumbled into the Gryffindor common room. In fact there was no sign of anyone. The room appeared totally deserted, the last embers of the fire dying out at the end of the night. It must have been much later than Harry assumed for the common room to be empty and his fellow students in bed.

"You're back!" Ron's voice from out of the darkness startled Harry and caused him to jump. He hadn't seen his best friend perched on the edge of a giant cushioned arm chair. "Where have you been?"

It struck Harry that Ron must have been waiting up for him. They'd been arguing about Harry's `date' with Cormac for the better part of two days and still Ron had waited up for him. More than that there was a palpable sense of relief on Ron's face too. He'd been genuinely worried about Harry.

"Cormac came back hours ago..."

Harry didn't know what to say. He simply stood staring at Ron. He couldn't help himself. He'd spent every day since their return to Hogwarts trying not to think about Ron or look at Ron. Trying to ignore and forget the memories of their nights at Grimmauld Place but right now in the dark deserted common room Harry couldn't do it. All he could see was Ron in those pajamas that were just a little too small for him. Checked flannel trousers that clung just a little too much to his thighs and crotch and a grey t-shirt that highlighted a slim lightly muscled upper body.

"Are you ok?"

Harry didn't answer the question, instead he marched across the room to the armchair Ron occupied and dropped down to his knees in between his best friend's legs.


He ignored Ron's surprise as he tugged at the waistband of his pajama bottoms. It was a struggle but he managed to pull them down just enough to expose Ron's cock and balls.

"Harry what are you!?! We can't!"

Once again Harry ignored Ron's words. He remembered the way Ron had held him back on the platform that first evening back at Hogwarts. He remembered how strong and firm his grip had been. If he really wanted to stop Harry he would have no trouble doing it. Ron would easily have been able to over power him and push him away. But he didn't. He made no real attempt to stop what was happening just like he'd made no attempt over the summer holiday.

"Oh God!"

Harry had wrapped his lips around the head of Ron's still soft cock. His tongue lightly tickled and flicked at his foreskin before sucking the rest of the shaft down. He could feel the blood rushing to Ron's cock. He could feel it getting harder and thicker in his mouth.

He had almost forgotten how much he enjoyed the taste of Ron. The clean freshness of it. Seamus' cock had been delicious, combining the freshness of Ron with the sweatier muskier flavour of Dudley. Ron lacked that extra somehow dirtier edge but right now Harry didn't mind. Right now he appreciated the almost pure quality of Ron's cock as his lips moved up and down the shaft.

Ron was leaning back in the armchair now. Any pretense of wanting Harry to stop was quickly abandoned to the pleasure of the blowjob. To the joy of feeling Harry's lips wrapped around his cock once again. Gasping pleasure filled moans escaped his own lips as he allowed himself to get lost in the joy of it. The pair of them both forgetting that they were in the Gryffindor common room. Both of them transported back to their private hidden away bedroom at the top Grimmauld place.

As he greedily sucked and slurped on Ron's cock Harry's hand worked its way inside his own trousers and his fingers haphazardly wrapped around his own cock. He wasn't sure if his erection had fully gone down at any point since entering the changing room with Cormac but he knew the sweet relief of finally being able to touch it now. Of finally being able to stroke it and he moaned. His mouth was still full with Ron's cock which stifled and suppressed the sound but seemed to do something to Ron.

"Oh fuck!"

The pleasure filled exclamation had come immediately after Harry's own pleasure filled moan which had been intercepted by Ron's cock. For a second Harry thought Ron was about to cum. That it would almost be a repeat of their first encounter with Ron immediately overwhelmed and climaxing but Harry's mouth didn't fill with Ron's load. So Harry moaned again.

"Fuck Harrry, fuck!"

Harry couldn't help himself now he moaned and hummed on Ron's cock. Each sound seemed to send a spike of extra pleasure through Ron who couldn't contain it. He would tense and spew out an excited expletive. It was, Harry decided, a testament to how far Ron had come during their weeks of play that he was holding back his orgasm. There had been a time not that long ago where this extra sensation would have tipped Ron over the edge but tonight it was producing just momentary cracks in his control.

Ron's cries however were enough to send Harry over the edge. He could feel the orgasm coming and the cum building in the base of his cock. There would be no holding it back. So he clamped his lips around Ron's cock as he completed the last few strokes of his cock.

The sound of Harry's orgasm was lost to Ron's cock. His cries of pleasure absorbed by Ron's cock but Harry could still feel the strength of it pulsing through his body. Wave after wave of pleasure passed through him. An intense orgasm that was quite unlike anything he'd felt before. This wasn't the lasting sustained pleasure he'd experienced with Seamus but a powerful overwhelming eruption that had been building for hours.

"Oh my fucking God Harry! Fuck!"

While the sound of Harry's orgasm had been lost Ron's echoed through the dark deserted common room. The waves of pleasure that had run through his body as Harry had cum with his lips wrapped around Ron's cock had proven too much. His cum shot from his cock directly down the back of Harry's throat. And then there was more. Shot after shot filling Harry's mouth until Harry's mouth was so full it began to leak out back down Ron's cock and down Harry's chin. Harry couldn't help it, he had to withdraw from Ron's cock as it continued to fire cum. Spurts of the thick white liquid hit Harry's face and dropped onto Ron's t-shirt.

After what seemed like an age Ron's cum slowed to a dribble leaking down his shaft before stopping entirely. Harry wondered when Ron had last cum. The sheer volume tonight made him think it had been that last night of the summer holidays. Had Ron not even gotten himself off in the weeks since then? Was that possible? Usually Harry would be impressed by the size of his own load that he could feel staining the inside of his trousers and coating his hand. He had cum hard but compared to Ron it had been a tiny drop.

Unsurprisingly Ron seemed exhausted. He lay back in the armchair, his eyes closed, sucking in deep gulps of air. Harry suspected that Ron may have needed this release even more than he had. Gently he tucked Ron's cock back into his pajama bottoms.

"Come on, let's get you to bed!"

With all the strength he could manage Harry lifted Ron from the armchair. It was almost like lifting a deadweight but as he swung his best friend's arm over his shoulder Ron slowly started to come back to life just a little. Just enough to make it possible for Harry to guide and lift Ron up the spiralling staircase to their dorm room and into bed.

Next: Chapter 11

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