The Awakening of Harry Potter

By Robert Smith

Published on Dec 20, 2020


NOTE: This work of fiction is set between Goblet of Fire and Order of the Phoenix in the Harry Potter timeline. I've used the film series rather than the books as my primary inspiration especially from a visual perspective. Sadly I don't own any of the copyrights or characters used or mentioned in this story and they remain the property of their respective owners.

Chapter One: It Begins


Harry awoke once again from the nightmare that had haunted the start of summer. The memory of that night in the graveyard would not leave him no matter how much he tried to push it from his mind. During the endless summer days, amidst the stifling heat of summer, he could find distractions but at night he was defenceless. It was Cedric, always Cedric, that came to him.

It wasn't Harry's fault. That was what they'd all said but they were wrong. He may as well have cast the fatal cursed spell. The weight of that night clung to him and there would be no escape from it. Not even in the battles that were inevitably coming.

The creaking of floorboards outside his room is what finally dragged him from his thoughts of Cedric Diggory and the graveyard. He knew that it was Dudley. It could only be Dudley. The floorboards didn't creak so much as scream under the weight of his Uncle and his Aunt seemed capable of moving through the house without creating a single sound. Dudley had heard the nightmares before Harry knew. There had been enough sly comments across the opening weeks of the summer break to confirm that but they remained vague enough that Harry felt sure his cousin did not know the full extent of them.

Dudley Dursley had, to Harry's great surprise, become one of his daytime distractions. He had taken to covertly following him around the small tedious village they called home. Watching from a distance as Dudley asserted himself as the alpha among his gang of bullying friends. They all followed and fell in line behind him in a way Harry would not have expected. In a way the year since they'd last met had been kind to Dudley. He'd at least begun to grow into the enormous size of his youth transforming from the rotund weasel Harry had grown up with to something much broader and solid. Harry had overheard talk of a promising rugby or boxing career although he seriously doubted Dudley had the talent or persistence for either even if he was beginning to look the part.

For Harry though the greatest thrill had come from watching Dudley with his girlfriend. Or at least he assumed she was his girlfriend. Harry had been too far away to really catch her name but she was a surprisingly pretty and petite girl. She'd looked positively tiny next to Dudley and Harry had felt a spark of undeniable excitement when taking in the size disparity between the two. That spark had grown into an undeniable flame on the handful of occasions he'd been lucky enough to catch sight of Dudley mauling this pretty young thing. His arms and mass engulfing her as they kissed. Dudley it seemed was far removed from Harry's own stumbling and mortifyingly embarrassing experience with girls. In another world he may have even asked his cousin for advice on the subject.

Instead of seeking advice from Dudley, Harry had been content to watch from afar and take notes. Harry was ashamed to admit even to himself that those notes had developed into much more than that. His cousin now existed in a shameful but exciting corner of his mind. If Harry were forced to put a word to it the only fitting choice would be fantasy. Dudley Dursley, his own cousin, the cousin that had spent year tormenting and bullying him now existed in a full blown sexual fantasy of his. Harry tried to comfort himself with the belief that it was Dudley's girlfriend who was the star of the fantasy but truthly he knew this wasn't the case. He wasn't sure he could pick the girl out of a line-up but in his mind had no trouble picturing Dudley pulling and ripping her clothes. He could see Dudley lifting and overpowering her. And he could see Dudley having rough, dominant sex with her.

Even now he could feel himself becoming excited at the thought of his cousin's sex life. Not that he believed Dudley had a sex life. Harry's voyeurism had only extended to seeing the couple kiss and gave him no reason to believe things had progressed beyond this.

Harry desperately tried to push all of these thoughts from his mind. Somehow it seemed even more shameful to be thinking of his cousin in this way in the aftermath of his recurring nightmare. It was as if doing so somehow dishonoured Cedric.

The floorboards creaked again.

Dudley, it seems, was still moving around outside his room. Was he listening? Perhaps attempting to hear more of Harry's nightmares hoping to use them as weapons against him over the long sweltering summer to come.

As quietly as he could manage Harry climbed out of his bed and crept toward the door of his room. Pressing his ear against the door with his breath held he listened for even the slightest creak to try and place Dudley's location. The house was silent. Unwilling to snitch on Dudley. Impulsively Harry swung the door open half expecting to catch Dudley standing with his ear pressed against the other side but he didn't. All that greeted him was the empty hallway. In this moment it occurred to Harry that he was being paranoid.

Attempting to cover the embarrassment he was feeling Harry quietly headed toward the bathroom as if to say some unwatching spirit that this had been his intention the whole time. He hadn't been attempting to catch his cousin spying on him. The same cousin he'd been spying on for weeks who had taken up residence in his deepest sexual fantasies. No, he had simply needed to use the bathroom. This particular charade fell apart upon reaching the bathroom when he realised he had no business to attend to and so he simply splashed some cool water onto his face and turned back toward his room.

"Missing your boyfriend?"

Harry was frozen on the spot in the hallway. Caught halfway between the bathroom and his bedroom. Perhaps he wasn't paranoid because there was Dudley casually leaning against the door frame of his room blocking re-entry. It took Harry's brain some time to process Dudley's words and the sarcastic tone of them instead he found himself focused on the sight of his cousin. He, like Harry, had taken to wearing just a vest and underwear to bed to combat the unusual heat of this particular summer but even this hadn't stopped a light sheen of sweat forming on his skin. As Dudley stood before him now Harry realised he hadn't fully appreciated the true extent of his cousin's transformation over the last year.

"I hear you, you know! Every night crying out for him."

In another world, the same world in which Harry would have gone to Dudley for advice on girls, there would have been concern in Dudley's voice but this was not that world. Dudley's voice was filled with mockery and derision. Harry could feel a rage building up inside him. Even though he knew it was at least partially misplaced, Dudley had no way of knowing who Cedric really was or what had happened, he couldn't stop it building.

"The way you're moaning I guess he must have given you some really good dick!" These words stopped Harry dead. The rage giving in to a tidal wave of shock. "Because something tells me that you're definitely the little bitch of the relationship"

Harry wanted to say something. Anything. But the words wouldn't come. He just stood in shocked silence unable to take his eyes off of Dudley. The way his face lit up as he snarled and spat this abuse at Harry was mesmerising. The way his large chest and lightly defined biceps tensed when he emphasised bitch almost took Harry's breath away. Suddenly it hit Harry like a bolt of lightning, he was attracted to Dudley.

"Of course when I give it to a bitch she screams so maybe the dick's not so good..."

Dudley laughed to himself as he said it but Harry was barely paying attention. His mind was flooded with panic and questions and horror. He couldn't be attracted to Dudley. They were cousins. And Dudley was a boy. Harry was confident that he didn't like boys. And yet he couldn't take his eyes off of Dudley and he couldn't deny that more than anything he wanted to reach out and touch him. Feel him. More than that he wanted Dudley to grab him. To overpower him the way he did to the girl in Harry's fantasy. And now for the first time Harry allowed himself to look below Dudley's waist. In contrast to Harry's own loose fitting boxer shorts Dudley was wearing much tighter more fitted boxer briefs that seemed to be inviting Harry to stare at his prominent crotch.

"Is that right?" It took Harry a moment to realise he had spoken. His voice sounded alien to him in the moment. It rang with a confidence he did not feel.

"Yeah..." Dudley lost some of his sneering confidence as he noticed Harry moving toward him. Harry could tell that his cousin was trying to decide whether Harry would have taken his wand to the bathroom with him. He seemed to decide that he hadn't because his confidence began to reappear and he prepared to square up to Harry. "...Yeah they do!"

"I bet." Harry had closed the gap between the two of them now. They stood almost face-to-face or at least they would have been if it weren't for the height disparity between them. In reality Dudley seemed to tower over Harry who was now close enough to take in the strangely intoxicating scent of his cousin. "Big, bad Dudley..."

Maybe it was that smell, a strange sweet almost indescribable sweaty musk, that triggered what came next. That was really the only explanation Harry could think of because he refused to think it had been his intention the second he began moving toward Dudley even if, deep down, he knew that was the case. In a fit of madness Harry reached out and grabbed Dudley. Not on the arm, or shoulder or chest but lower. Harry's hand wrapped itself around the bulge in Dudley's underwear. The bulge he'd finally allowed himself to look at just a moment ago. He squeezed and rub and felt the thick warm tool beneath the fabric of the boxer briefs. It was a glorious few seconds but a few seconds was all he got.

Dudley quickly snapped out of the initial shock of Harry grabbing and rubbing at his crotch. His hand was quickly wrapped around Harry's throat and Harry felt it tighten. He felt his breathing restricted as Dudley's grip got ever tighter. His toes curled in an attempt to cling to the carpet of the hallway as Dudley began to lift him. He was every bit as strong as Harry had imagined. As he struggled for breath and cursed his impulsive decision to grope at Dudley, Harry realised that he was fully erect. Painfully so. This display of brute strength and dominance had turned him on.

"Listen to me, you might think this fairy magic stuff means you can do whatever you want but-" Dudley stopped mid sentence. He had stepped closer to Harry as spoke. Their faces had almost been touching when it happened. Harry's erection had pressed against his cousin. "Are you? You're disgusting!"

Harry was released from Dudley's vice like grip and felt oxygen rush back into his lungs as he collapsed down to his knees. Harry had faced down all manner of dark wizards and creatures during his short lifetime but he'd never felt anything quite like the mix of fear, adrenaline and intoxication that he felt as Dudley pinned him to the wall by his throat. He could hear his heartbeat echoing in his head and feel a painful burning sensation in his threat but both were second to the throbbing of his erection. And now he was on his knees before a sneering and disgusted Dudley not that Harry registered Dudley's features now. His eyes wouldn't look away from the bulge of Dudley's designer boxer briefs. The bulge that he had squeezed and grabbed just seconds ago. He wanted to do more than squeeze and feel it now.

Without thinking and without further hesitation Harry lurched forward and closed his mouth around that glorious bulge in Dudley's underwear. Somehow kissing, licking and sucking at simultaneously. Hungrily trying to enjoy all that his cousin had to offer.

"What the fuck!"

The surprised yell seemed to echo through the silence of the house.

Dudley had shoved Harry away from him as he yelled and now both boys were silent and still. Both sure this yell would have woken Dudley's parents. Sure that they were seconds away from being discovered in the ultimate compromising position. Harry couldn't even imagine how his Aunt and Uncle would react to the discovery of the night's events. But they weren't discovered. There was no movement or sound from the master bedroom of the house. Impossibly Dudley's surprised yelp hadn't woken his parents. They were still alone in the dark hallway and Harry couldn't help himself the few seconds of tasting Dudley hadn't been enough. Slowly he began to move back toward the big imposing frame of his cousin.

"Stay away from me...' Harry ignored the command and once again lurched toward Dudley. "I said stay away!"

Harry was sprawled on the floor of the hallway. Dazed,confused and unsure what had happened. Then the burning pounding pain in the side of his head hit and events became crystal clear. Dudley had punched him. Hard. His fist had knocked Harry back across the hallway and now Dudley was retreating back to his own room sure that he'd made his point clear. Harry stayed prone on the scratchy carpet of the hallway and waited for the dizziness to pass and as he waited he tried to understand what had happened.

What had he done?

Why had he done that?

What was happening to him?

He wasn't sure how long he'd laid on the floor of the hallway it could have been seconds, minutes or hours but carefully he lifted himself back to his feet. He gently felt his temple where Dudley's fist had connected and wondered if he'd have a bruise or swelling. His cousin certainly had quite the right hook. But that wasn't all he had. Try as he might Harry couldn't forget the feel of Dudley in his hand or the taste of him in his mouth. It had only been a few seconds total but they were glorious unforgettable seconds. Before returning to his room Harry risked a glance at the closed door of Dudley's room. There would be time for panic and fear about what he'd done tonight but for now Harry wanted to cling to the excitement of it.

As his door closed behind him Harry became aware that his erection had returned. Had it ever gone away? Or had he been aroused the whole time laying on the floor outside his room? Harry supposed the answer didn't much matter. Not now. As he'd done so many times before Harry pulled the waistband of his boxer shorts down and tucked it under his balls freeing his erect dick. Wrapping his fingers around his dick Harry was struck by how much thicker and heavier Dudley's dick had felt. He allowed himself to wonder how much bigger than his own dick Dudley was.

Harry was conscious that his dick was not big. He and Ron had spent an illicit and drunken night last term building up the courage to measure and compare their dicks. In the end they'd lacked the courage to pull them out in front of one another and had instead settled for privately measuring them and sharing the results with one another. When Ron had declared his to be 6.5 inches Harry had felt compelled to add to his own length. He'd told his best friend that it measured 6 inches but in truth it was a little over 5 skinny inches. And now as he furiously rubbed at his dick Harry's mind was filled with thoughts and images of Dudley. He was sure that Dudley was bigger than Ron's 6.5 inches. Dudley hadn't even been hard when Harry groped him and it felt so much bigger and thicker than Harry's own dick when fully erect he was sure it would dwarf Ron's too.


The name escaped as a moan. He was sure that Dudley wouldn't hear him but still he instinctively held his breath and waited for the creak of floorboards or any sign that Dudley was lurking outside his room again. All the while he continued to furiously stroke at his cock. He knew he wouldn't last long. He could already feel the orgasm coming. And as it approached Harry closed his free hand around his throat and squeezed ever so slightly. It was still sore and raw from Dudley's attack but it had felt so good then. To be powerless and completely at the mercy of his large brute of a cousin.

"Oh yes Dudley!"

Louder than a moan this time but Harry couldn't have held it in even if he'd tried. The thought of Dudley's overpowering strength had pushed him over the edge and he'd erupted. An eruption was really the only way to describe the orgasm. Harry had never felt anything like it before. The pleasure seemed to course through his entire body and he could feel himself shake and convulse in response and there seemed to be no end to the cum shooting from his dick. He had no idea he was capable of producing so much. Small puddles covered the floor before him and he could feel warm streams trickling down his legs and hand.

Leaning against the door of his room panting for breath in a state of ecstasy Harry finally understood that he wanted Dudey Dursley like he'd never wanted anyone or anything before.

Next: Chapter 2

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