The Average Student

By John Comstock

Published on Aug 20, 2023


The Average Student Installment 2

If you're not looking for sex -- including authoritative use between guys (over the age of consent), then look elsewhere. Also please be of legal age and can legally read this type of work where you live.

Nifty cost money to run, it needs your donations if it is going to keep going.

This work is copyrighted by the author and commercial use is prohibited without permission. Personal or private copies are permitted only complete, including the copyright notice. Any resemblance to people or places is strictly by accident. This is a piece of fiction in the author's mind that he wished did exist.

I know it has been a couple of years since I have put anything on here and this faggot is truly sorry. After the pandemic and a couple of other issues, I am going to get back into writing. Hope this brings some `joy' into your life.

This faggot welcomes feedback on this story. Also, happy to receive messages on my bdsmlr page, which a few of you have done on other stories. Also have enjoyed the correspondence with other faggots as well as Sirs from all over. Always try to respond to you when you contact this faggot.

Please e-mail me at Go to my Recon account kcam BDSMLR -- kcolderfaggot

Also have written a few other stories on here Scout Rob In Charge The Truckers Inn Haven and Hell A Surprise Visit San Francisco Transformation


• Would love feedback on this story as always

• This first installment is really more of setting things up for what might happen later, so it does not have a ton of authoritarian action. But there is enough here to understand the dynamics of what is going on.


To say the least Mitch was now on my mind quite a great deal. Sunday was a usual day and Monday I made it through since I had to substitute. While subbing, I texted Mitch with just a quick, see you tomorrow night.' His text back was very interesting. All it said was very good.' But it had the emoji of a peach. I had never been savvy to all the emoji's meanings, but this one I was not sure of, so I asked another teacher (who I knew was gay) what it meant. He laughed and told me that it was the emoji for a butt, like an eggplant emoji was a cock. It seems I am always learning. I just sent back a smiley face, later that afternoon.

I slept in a bit on Tuesday since I did not have to substitute, but once up did the normal morning routine. In the afternoon I started to get horny, so I went to and enjoyed browsing the pictures. I chatted with a couple of guys on there, but the day seemed like a ho-hum/boring day to me. After I had dinner, I started to get ready for volleyball. I usually got out to the courts around 8:15 which was a good time to find a parking spot and get a few beers. When 7 o'clock rolled around I was really antsy, so I decided to head out there early. It takes about 25 minutes to get to these courts, so it was just after 7:30 when I got there. No problems parking and immediately got my beer, so I could sit on the deck and watch hot men playing volleyball.

Not even 10 minutes after I sat down, Mitch walked in and sat at the table next to mine. His smile was a little bit of a smirk, since he knew I was interested. We started to chat after our usual greetings.

"Thanks for having me over the other day. You really have a nice home."

"Ya, I know. But what I love about it, is how it feels so private. I sometimes go on the back deck with just my boxers on and I don't worry about the neighbors."

"Oh...with just your boxers huh?"

"Yep...and sometimes naked as well when it's warm enough."

"That would be a nice sight," I said with a huge grin on my face.

Grabbing his crotch, he said, "sometimes the family jewels need some fresh air."

"You are one perverted man and I like that."

"I could tell."

We did not have a chance to chat much more, since a couple of his teammates showed up. We exchanged our `hellos', and they just started chatting. For me I just kept looking at the fine men running around. It seems I never notice any of the women. Shortly after 8 some of my team showed up. While we drank, we started chatting about how the week was going, etc. Around 8:40, I got up to go use the restroom, since I knew the beer would go through me quickly. Once in the men's room, I pulled out my cock at one of the two urinals and started pissing. The men's room was somewhat small with one sink, one stall and two urinals in it and not much room to move around. The urinals did have a small partition between there, but really did little to hide anything, if you know what I mean.

After about a minute into pissing, the door open and someone came and stood at the other urinal. I did not immediately look, but with the voice I knew it was Mitch. He started to piss, and we did the normal small chatter at urinals. Then Mitch stepped back about an inch and told me to look. I looked over and saw a soft cock over four inches long with a golden stream coming from it.

"Nice huh?" he said.

"Very Nice."

"Glad you like it. Be at my front door at 2 on Saturday," he told me. He actually kind of barked it out as an order. Then looking down at me he said, "I think you need to put your cock away, since you stopped pissing."

I looked down and it was true. My cock was starting to grow and no piss was coming out. I am sure I turned 20 shades of red.

As he walked over to the sink to wash his hands, he said, "by the way, Randy usually wears little clothes around the house. He was actually more overdressed the other day. Hope that's not a problem."

"Not for me," I said with my voice breaking since I was in such awe over that cock. I put my cock in my shorts, then washed my hands and left. By the time I got back to the table we were all heading out to our courts.

The games we played that night were against a very competitive team, which took us longer to get through. We were about to head on to the court for our third game, when I saw Mitch's team walking to the deck, indicating they had already finished. I was kind of disappointed that I would not get a chance to say good-bye, but then I thought `whatever'. When we finished our third came, we walked up, washed off the sand and proceeded to the parking lot. I had parked towards the back of the lot so I was not right by the front doors, which the others got closer places. We said our goodbyes by the front entrance, and I walked to my car.

I opened the trunk to put my stuff in and as I closed it, there was Mitch standing next to my car. His arms were folded which accented his chest. He did look hot, especially since the sweat was still on him.

"Was beginning to wonder if you were ever goin' finish your games. Must have been a good match," he said with a slight grin on his face.

I told him about the games as I walked around and stood in front of him. Without saying a word, he lifted his arms and placed his hands behind his head like he was stretching, which gave me a look at the sweaty arm pits. He looked over his shoulder to see how many cars were left in the parking lot. Most were gone, especially around my car and no one was in the lot. He looked back at me, then nodded towards his left arm pit. I immediately stepped up and put my face in his armpit. The smell was so manly, I thought I would cum right there. He told me to lick the pit clean, which I did. I thought I was at it forever, but it was probably about a minute when he made me switch pits. After another minute he started lowering his arms, which is when I pulled my face back. He then hugged me, which I could feel his rock-hard cock next to mine.

"Time to go," is what he whispered.

"I know." I hit the button to unlock my car door. As we parted I started to open my door.

He then said, "want to make this interesting?"

"What do you mean?"

"Do you have anything in the pocket of your shorts?"

"No. I keep everything in the bag in the truck."

"Good. Pop the trunk," he said in somewhat a commanding tone. He then walked behind the car and lifted the truck lid. "Come back here."

The way I had parked the car made it so that when behind the car, the trunk lid would make it so no one could really see us.

"Take your shorts off and put them in the bag. You're driving home with just your panties on." Since he saw me in the restroom earlier, he knew I was wearing tight briefs.

I looked at him with a question mark on my face. He lifted an eyebrow like he was wondering why I had not followed his order. I was excited, nervous and a bit scared with all this, but I pulled down my running shorts, stepped out of them, picked them up and then put them in my gym bag. My cock was already growing just at all this excitement. As I was putting them into my bag, Mitch ran his hand down the back of my briefs, touching my hole in the process. I tried not to jump, but inside me, I was ecstatic. As I stood up, he closed the lid. There I was in just my tank top and briefs. He hugged me again, but this time with both hands on my butt cheeks.

"Get in the car. Two o'clock Saturday at my door. Don't be late." He said all that with that commanding voice. I did what I was told. Once my door was closed, he started walking towards his car. I just started the car and left, with a big wet spot on my briefs.

All the way home, I kept playing with myself through my briefs and the wet spot just got larger. Once in the garage, I had a decision to make. My unattached garage has a small walkway between it and the house. The question was `do I pull my shorts back out and put them on, or just go in like this?' I decided to just go in as I was, which was very daring for me. Once inside, I stripped everything else off and went upstairs naked. I did one last rinse in the shower, before going to bed. I should have jacked off, but I wanted these feelings to last me through the night. I finally fell asleep and slept well.

When I got up on Wednesday, I knew that had nothing to do since I was not subbing the rest of the week. My cock was hard thinking about the events of last night. I decided to run over to the adult arcade to see what the lunch crowd might be like. I felt I needed to suck some cock I was so horny. Went on ahead and showered, had a nice breakfast then got ready to go over to the arcade. The arcade has private video booths in the back and usually there might be one or two men over there looking to get sucked.

Around 11:30 I headed over there. Arriving, I noticed about 5 cars, so there might be some action. After paying to go into the back room, I slipped in the doorway and started walking around. One guy was leaning against a wall, but no one else was seen. Walking around I saw a couple of booths that had the light on indicated someone was in there. The first two were locked, but the third time is the charm since it was unlocked. I opened the door to see a man in his 50s sitting there with his pants around his ankles stroking his cock. I stepped in and went to work.

Getting on my knees, immediately the man's cock was in my mouth. I didn't realize how horny I was, but I went after it like a starving man finding food. He stopped me after a short time. He whispered that he likes his faggots naked when he is getting sucked off. I stood and stripped as fast as I can. My cock was at full attention, and he stroked and played with my junk for a few minutes. Then with his finger he pointed down with command and I resumed my sucking. He must have been pretty close to cumming from when I walked in because it took little time, and he was shooting his load down my throat. God, I needed that.

I stayed a little long and sucked off a couple of more men, but for some reason that first man with the authority made me feel like such a dirty little faggot. I finally left the arcade and headed back home. The next couple of days were uneventful to say the least. I did look online at some porn, but I never jacked off all the way. I wanted this feeling of horniness to take me into the weekend.

But on Friday, I received a text message from Mitch. It was short and to the point, which is how I was starting to read all his messages. It said, "tomorrow 2 at my door. Take your shoes off and t-shirt off when at the door. Only be wearing your shorts and panties when you knock." He was taking more and more control of me and our situation. I could not believe I replied "yes Sir" to the message. His message, along with my reply had made my cock spring up again, so I decided to edge one more time. I was about to explode, but I didn't so I could be ready for tomorrow.

That night I had some trouble sleeping thinking about what could happen tomorrow. I feel I was giving every green light for Mitch to do to me anything he wanted. He had taken more and more control of each time we met or texted. I was feeling more and more submissive and like a true faggot. I finally did get to sleep but woke up Saturday hard as a rock.

Once up, I got dressed and went to the nearby diner for a good breakfast. I wanted my lunch to be light, but I knew I would need nourishment. To make things interesting, I chose not to wear underwear that morning so I could feel my cock and balls loose. While eating breakfast I had my phone out just browsing the news, when a message popped up from Mitch. I opened it and it read, "I figured you might want to see what the thought of you coming over here today has done to me." Then a second message, which was a picture. I assume what I saw was his cock and that cock was hard and good size all the way around. One can image what this did to my free cock in my shorts. I quickly replied with a smiley face and a smiling devil. I was excited.

After breakfast. I went home and started cleaning up. Taking a shower and shaving first, followed by a little manscaping around the crotch. This is something I have done often, so it wasn't a big deal. I decided to clean myself out several times, before getting the butt plug and inserting it. I wanted to be prepared for anything, so I wore the plug for most of the rest of the morning. A little after the noon hour, I had a light lunch. I decided to clean out again and use a dildo to fuck myself so my ass would be ready if Mitch wanted to us it.

I little after one I started to get ready to leave. I wanted to leave by 1:30 so I had plenty of time. I put on an old t-shirt from the high school Mitch had gone to and I had taught there. Not sure it would make a difference, but what the fuck. I then put on some tighty whiteys and a pair of khaki shorts, no belt. Decided on my old running shoes to wear. I was ready and excited to say the least. At 1:30 I left for Mitch's place.

Like the last time, I was early when I hit his street, so I drove around a little. Finally, I drove up the street and into his driveway. It was 1:56 as I pulled in, so I was right on time. Gathering my phone, I turned off the car and proceeded to the front door. Reaching the front door, I kicked off my shoes, then took off my t-shirt. There I was with only my shorts on. I knocked on the door, holding my shoes, t-shirt and phone. I had put my keys inside the shoes. What happened next even surprised me. Randy answered the door, wearing only a cock cage. He was 100% hairless from the shoulders down. He opened the outside door and invited me in. Things were making more and more sense on what Mitch liked in men and what he liked to do with them.

"Good afternoon, Sir. MasterM is on the back deck. Please follow me," Randy said, in a very subservient manner.

As I stepped in the doorway, I started following Randy. That is when I noticed his nice round hairless ass. I could see a tatoo on his right cheek saying `slave.' We went through the house to the back and walked onto the deck, where Mitch was sitting smoking a cigar. He said to Randy, "We need a couple of beers out here boy."

"Yes Master."

"Well, Mitchie, have a seat," as Mitch pointed to the chair right next to his. Mitch was dressed as he was the week before.

As I sat down, Randy reappeared with two Bud Lights. He opened both of them and handed them both to Mitch. He took one of them and indicated to give me the other. I took the beer, sitting there in just my shorts. Randy then just took a standing position next to Mitch on the opposite side of me. Mitch started scratching his junk, I think to show this cock off to me without revealing it. He took a drink then sat the beer down.

"So, Mitchie. I think you have figured out that Randy is not just my roommate but my slave as well. And not just as a servant, even though he does that well, but as my sex slave." While saying all this he started playing with his slave's balls. He would first roll them around then actually grab and pull them. Randy showed some pain on his face but he seemed to enjoy it. I could tell his cock was trying to grow inside the cage. Then Mitch took a swing at his cock and smacked them. Randy showed little expression, and if any it was he liked it.

As for me, my cock was starting to stir inside my briefs. Mitch could tell I was mesmerized by what he was doing to Randy and the control he had taken of the whole situation. Randy was about 6 foot 3 inches tall and somewhat skinny. After Mitch snapped his fingers, Randy got down on his knees and put his hands behind his head. Again his pits were also hairless and he looked like so many of the slaves I had seen on This was all a turn on. Mitch just continued to play with his balls as he started talking.

"See Mitchie, we met on Recon. Randy had put his profile up with all the things he was looking for. He included a pic of himself, so I knew who it was from the beginning." Mitch just kept playing with Randy's balls the whole time and Randy seemed not to care. "After we met up and did it a few times, he asked me to move in, so I moved in. Now Randy has turned everything over to me. I own him and this house."

"Wow," was about all I could say to that.

"The question for us is figuring out where you fit in."

"Fit in?"

"I could tell after we met up at volleyball you wanted me. It seemed the more we talked I could tell you were a faggot wanting to serve real men."

"I do like the submissive role."

"So, let's talk about things thing." Mitch then snapped his fingers and pointed towards his feet. Randy moved down to his feet and started to message them. But then what happened kind of surprised me. Randy started licking Mitch's feet and even sucking his toes. OMG...Randy was a slave. "Tell me Mitchie, what are your hard limits."

I was starting to get a little humiliated by being called `Mitchie' in front of another teacher, but that teacher was sucking this former student's toes. I tried to stay, focused but it all was so amazing.

"I guess I have some of the same as most gay men have. No women, children or animals. I know I do not want any body modifications or permanent marks, which also means no blood. I tried it once, but breath control causes me to have a panic attack, taking me out of the scene quickly."

"Those I kind of expected, and was planning on not using any of those."

"Also, no scat. I don't mind rimming and I think I want to try watersports, but just no scat."


"I really am not sure of others at this point, but I might have some along the way. I usually do not mind trying something once and see where it might lead."

"That is good to know, and I can respect all of this. But now I am curious on how you see yourself." This puzzled me at first when he was talking, but it started to make some sense as he continued. "I am assuming that you're a bottom, but do you see yourself as just a gay man who likes to bottom and suck dick, or do you have some kinks in there we need to explore?"

I did not take long to answer. In kind of a submissive tone I said, "Yes I do bottom and suck dick, but I want to explore some kinks."

"Good. Tell me some of the fantasies you have in this area. You said you were interested in watersports, tell me about that as well as whatever is on your mind at this point." With that Mitch picked up his beer and started drinking, which showed me he wanted me to talk about anything possible. I could tell this by just the body language he was giving.

"Wow, watersports," I started. "I want to know what it feels like to get pissed on. I could even try maybe drinking some piss from an Alpha. As for other kinks, I am really not sure. I know I want the role of being submissive to an Alpha, but not sure where in that role. I think I want some humiliation involved, but again not sure. I look at these things on, and my dick gets hard, just not sure what it is that is turning me on." I stopped for a second to see if he wanted to ask me anything, but he did not so I continued. "I am not sure if I want any type of bondage or possibly flogging, but I think I want to explore this as well." Stopping, I picked up my beer hoping he would chime in.

"I'll tell you Mitchie, the golden shower is set for today, so you will know what that feels like. Might even get to drink a little from the tap. Yet you say you want to be submissive. Do you see yourself like `boy?" pointing towards Randy.

"I am not looking for ownership by an Alpha if that is what you are looking for."

"How about pup play? Any interest there?"

"Being made to pee like a dog or wearing a dog collar and leash gets me going. It seems to me to be both submissive as well as a bit humiliating. But I really don't see myself as a dog woofing' around for you." At this point I almost said sir', like I should be saying it, but I did not.

"So, we can say you are a submissive gay bottom, but are you more of a faggot or just a submissive bottom."

This baffled me, since I wasn't sure what the difference was going to be between the two. I could tell Mitch saw it in my face that I was confused and started to explain the difference.

"Being a bottom does not make you submissive. There are some power bottoms that like the control and even are masters to a submissive top slave. A submissive bottom is a gay man who lets the top take the lead role for the sexual encounter. Yes, he controls everything going on and the bottom just has to follow, yet beyond that they are pretty much equal. A faggot is a submissive faggot that wants the top to take control, but also to make him feel inferior. He wants the top to call him names and possibly humiliate and degrade him in ways. Usually there are rules that go within this area that an Alpha will demand. It is somewhat above the slave in the hierarchy but necessarily. So, what do you think?' He stopped to let me think it through.

I finally said, "I guess I'm more of a faggot, especially what you described got my dick twitching a bit."

"Good to know. Since that is what you want, let's get some things clear right off the bat," he stated in a more demanding tone. "First, you will from now on end each sentence or question with sir unless you have used it withing the sentence somewhere. Do you understand?"

I only hesitated for a second, but realized what was happening, so I quickly answered, "Yes Sir."

"Good. You will also be referred to as boy at times, but usually not around slave. When both of you are present, I will address you as fag and it as slave. I will also use fag, faggot, bitch or other terms addressing you. Understand?"

"Yes, Sir." I was realizing that things had changed, yet I was enjoying the change. He started to rub my nipple as we continued to chat. I had somewhat of a hairy chest, but not to the point of bushy bear chest. He seemed to enjoy it. And for me, my nipples started to harden up. My cock was getting harder if that was possible. He also kept playing with His cock through His pants. "Now faggot, you need to get those shorts off, NOW!"

The way he said that was so demanding that it almost scared me. I quickly got up and took my shorts off. Now standing there in just my briefs, he could tell I was hard and there was a wet spot on them.

"Oh my, you little faggot. You really seem to be very excited today," Mitch said as he rubbed his finger over the wet spot. He stood up and started to circle me. "Get your hands behind your head fag," again demanding action. I quickly did that. He then was standing behind me and started rubbing my butt cheeks, which only made me more excited. Moving around to the front, he slid his hands down in my briefs rubbing the hair around my crotch.

"Never thought you'd have one of YOUR students with his hand down your briefs, did you teach?" he said with a slight smirk in his voice. "We are going to have to take care of all this hair down here, but that will be later."

Was not sure where the scissors came from, but he produced a pair. He cut the waistband on one side of my briefs. He then ripped them down until they were off that side. This let my cock feel free, so it sprang up more in front, allowing the material to drape over it. Mitch picked up his phone then had me step back to where I was more in the open. With my hands behind my head and underwear draped across my cock, he snapped a few pictures of me. Again walking around me, he slapped by ass, then ripped some more material exposing my whole ass. He started rubbing then put his hand between my cheeks and played with my hole. I am not sure I could have dripped more precum, but this faggot was excited. Then he smacked my ass hard with his hand.

"Okay faggot, one more rule that I guess I need to explain. If you get your ass smacked by anything from me, I expect a `thank you sir' to come from you. Understand boy?"

"Yes, Sir. Sorry Sir, but thank you for spanking this faggot's ass, Sir," quickly came out of my mouth.

He then proceeded to cut the rest of the underwear off, so I was totally naked. Having me bend over he inspected my ass hole. Then all of a sudden, I felt something cold on my ass. It was a permanent marker. He was writing something on my ass. I couldn't tell what it was, but there was at least a word on each cheek. Then I heard the camera on the phone taking pics. I really wanted a copy of anything he took of me.

"Stand back up faggot and turn around for me."

I stood up straight again and put my hands behind my head, hoping that was the right thing to do. It must have been since he took some more pics. Telling me to start turning I started to turn around slowly as he took more pics.

"That is one fucking hot faggot I'm looking at. And god for a faggot that puny dick is so hard and dripping." He then slapped my cock, causing me to jump a bit. "I know you like it fag. Don't deny it."

"Yes Sir, this faggot enjoys that a great deal."

With that he handed the phone to his slave and told him he needs to take pics and videos of what was going to happen. He produced a collar and leash from under the chair he was sitting on. Going behind me, he put the collar on me and clipped it shut. My cock again was dripping. Coming around to the front he clipped the leash on and told me to follow him. We walked out into the middle of the back yard where I was told to get on all fours, which I did. He yanked on the leash, and I started crawling like a dog on all fours. He walked me over to some bushed.

"Faggot needs to piss, but piss like a dog would."

After that he yanked on the leash again and we walked (I crawled) back to the center of the yard. Looking down at me he ordered me to take off his pants. Staying on my knees I reached up and undid his pants and let them drop. Helping him step out of them, he was now naked from the waist down, his cock semi-erect and about 6 inches longs and dripping precum. I stuck my tongue out and he pulled the leash so lick it off. It tasted great. Then with little warning his cock let out a stream of piss, onto my face. He stepped back slightly and started coating me from head to tail with his piss.

"Aw, I needed to do that for a while, and it feels great to mark my territory. How does that feel faggot, your first golden shower?"

"Thank You Sir. Your piss feels so good on this body Sir."

He then reached down and picked up his shorts. Reaching in the pocket he showed me a blindfold. "For the rest of this faggot, you don't need to see anything." He then put it on me, which created a unique feeling. He then had me get back up on all fours and told me to arch my back a bit. There was nothing for about 3 to 4 minutes. No sound, no movement, nothing. Then something cold was applied to my butt hole and into my butt hole. It was clear something was going into me, but not sure what. Then again nothing, until about 2 to 3 minutes later there was something at my mouth. I just opened my mouth and then felt his cock go in. He started fucking my mouth.

"Get it good and wet because that is the only additional lube you're getting," is what was told to me. I sucked as much as I could but could tell his cock was now over 8 inches hard.

After a short time, he pulled out his cock and walked behind me and began to insert his hard cock into my faggot pussy and began to fuck me. He was slow at first but picked up the pace. I could feel his balls smacking my ass, so I knew he had buried his cock deep. My cock was so hard, and I was getting turned on. After 10 minutes in, I could feel the urge to cum. I let out a moan and shot a huge wad of cum all over the grass. Not sure how long we continued, but I could tell; he was getting ready to explode.

"Oh fuck," he said with heavy breathing, "this feels so fucking good boy. You have a nice tight pussy faggot." He continued to say things like this until THE moment. "Oh my god. Here is comes." He pulled out and shot the first load on my ass, then shoved it back in to do several loads into my ass. Feeling his warm cum was great. He then smacked my ass, which I thanked him for as he collapsed on top of me.

Finally regaining his breath, he lifted off me, with his cock still in me and asked, "what's your email faggot?"

Thinking fast I gave him the one I use for personal correspondence, which he then wrote on my back with the marked. I heard the phone click a pic. He finally pulled out and walked up in front of me and told me to clean his cock. I started to suck and clean his cock, then he let out another stream of piss, this time in my mouth. I swallowed it.

With him now standing, he told me to stand up. He led me by the leash, and I could tell we were headed for the house. When we got to the steps, he instructed me on stepping up, since I was still blindfolded. I assumed he sat back down, and he sat me on the stool that was close to his chair.

"Okay faggot, tell me how you feel boy."

"This was very exciting Sir and this faggot loved it Sir."

"Good. From now on when you're in my house you will be naked. Once at the front door, you will strip and leave your clothes on the outside. Understood boy?"

"Yes Sir."

"Okay take off the blindfold boy and give it to my slave," which I did.

Looking at Mitch, he had his shorts back on while I was totally naked. "I wish I had known in high school how much of a faggot you are, I would have had a blast," He said with a grin. "Now, I'm going to be sending you pics and videos to email. You are to only open these while naked. Slave, bring some water out for boy. He looks as thirsty as a dog on a hot day."

Randy went inside and came back out with a bowl of water. Putting on the deck next to me, Mitch looked at me like I knew what I should do. So, I got down on all fours and started lapping up the water. I could hear his phone clicking again so I knew he was getting pics of this as well. Once done, I looked at him and he pointed to the stool.

"Now that I destroyed your undies, you don't have them to wear home. In fact, I want you to start not wearing them at all and this includes at volleyball. Let that cock of yours fly. Understand boy?"

"Yes Sir."

"Okay stand up and come stand right here." Standing there naked he started to play with my balls then my cock. Running his hands through my manscaped hair, he said the following, "My faggots are clean shaven here. Next time we will take care of that. But by Tuesday, faggot should have this so short that MasterM will be able to shave it with no problem."

"Yes Sir."

"What kind of schedule do you have this week boy?"

"Not too busy Sir. You desire more time with this faggot Sir?"

"Yes but will let you know. Eash day you will text me to check to see how I am doing. Also, limit the number of times you cum during the week without me to three. So, choose wisely."

With that he grabbed my cock and balls and pulled them down. I was in pain, but this pain was a pleasure.

"Time to go," he said getting up. I knew proper procedures of letting him walk in front. We walked to the door, Mitch, me (naked) and then Randy (naked with a cock cage). Not sue why it felt so natural to be naked in his house, but it did as we walked though it. Getting to the front door, I quickly opened it for him and held the door while he stepped out.

"Okay faggot. There are your clothes." My shorts, t-shirt and shoes were sitting right there. I bent over to get my shorts, and he smacked my ass. Like always, I thanked him. Quickly getting my shorts on, I got the t-shirt on and walked out holding the t-shirt and my shoes. Getting in the car I drove out of the driveway and home.

The drive home was so uneventful, but just before turning in the driveway, I got a bing on the phone. I parked the car and looked. It was from Mitch and there was a pic of me getting pissed on. My cock started stirring without a doubt. The message said, "there's more where that come from".

I went inside and just glowed in the aftermath of a wonderful day.

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