The Average Student

By John Comstock

Published on Jan 15, 2021


The Average Student

If you're not looking for sex -- including authoritative use between guys (over the age of consent), then look elsewhere. Also please be of legal age and can legally read this type of work where you live

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This work is copyright by the author and commercial use is prohibited without permission. Personal or private copies are permitted only complete, including the copyright notice. Any resemblance to people or places is strictly by accident. This is a piece of fiction in the author's mind that he wished did exist.

For some of my readers, I know you have emailed me over the past year plus and I am sorry that if I have not returned your messages or completed your request for more of a particular story. The Pandemic that hit us all really took the wind out of this faggot's sail to write and at times for it to be excited about sex. Am hoping that this fag is over this and maybe can get back to writing and really hoping to get back to whoring around when the Pandemic is over.

This faggot welcomes feedback on this story. Also, happy to receive messages on my bdsmlr page, which a few of you have done on other stories. Also have enjoyed the correspondence with other faggots as well as Sirs from all over. Always try to respond to you when you contact this faggot. Please e-mail me at Go to my Recon account kcam BDSMLR -- kcolderfaggot

Also have written a few other stories on here Scout Rob In Charge

The Truckers Inn

Haven and Hell

A Surprise Visit

San Francisco Transformation

ADDED NOTES Would love feed back on this story as always This first installment is really more of setting things up for what might happen later, so it does not have a ton of authoritarian action. But there is enough here to understand the dynamics of what is going on.


It seems like we had played sand volleyball together for years and every spring brought the first round of it which got spring off to a great start. Now that it was 2022, we had moved somewhat past the Pandemic and this would be the first normal activity in years. I had known these guys since the 90s when we would go dancing at the gay club on Saturday and play grass volleyball on Sunday. The four of us decided to form a team and play at the Sand Volleyball Courts complex probably about 15 years ago. Being a teacher (the only one of the four), it was not uncommon to run into past students. It seemed to happen no matter where I went, including at volleyball. The guys always loved to hear that famous, "aren't you Mr. Hair?" So, it came as no surprise to anyone when on the first night of the spring session as we were sitting on the deck waiting for our nine o'clock time slot to hear those words.

"Yes I am." I recognized the face somewhat, but after 30 plus years of teaching it is hard to remember each student.

"Mitch Kelly," he said. "I was in your US History class back in 2002."

It came to me who he was, with that reference. He was one of the few students who had the same first name as me. "I've never seen you out here before?" was my obvious question.

"A few guys at work decided to start a team out here and asked me join. Fancy meeting you here."

"Well, the days of Mr. Hair are behind us. Call me Mitch."

"That should be easy to remember," with both of us chuckling.

I went on ahead and introduced him to the other guys I was sitting with, as his team came and sat at the table next to us. Mitch, from what I remembered, was an average student that was average looking for a Junior in high school. He was not that anymore. He was around 5 feet 11 inches tall, but you could tell had built up some muscle and toned up over the years. He wore lose shorts and had a tank top on that showed a great upper body. We chatted and caught up for about 10 minutes before we had to go play our games. After the games, I saw him leaving with his friends and waved at him, which he waved back. Little did I know that 2022 was going to be a year of new adventures.

A little bit about myself, so you understand where I am coming from. I just took early retirement from teaching about 8 months ago, but I still substitute from time to time. It has all the fun of teaching without the additional headaches. I have been out of the closet for quite a while, but few really knew how submissive I was. Most of my friends assume I am a top or just versatile. Since Tumblr disappearance, I have been on for all my visual fun. I also knew a few gay guys that would call and have me come over for some sex and even one or two of them will treat me like the faggot that I think I am. At just over 6 feet tall and a small gut, I still think I look good. Since all I have is a fringe on my head, I keep my hair cut pretty short. My cock is over 2 inches soft but grows to somewhere between 6 and 7 inches. Yes, I am a grower not a show-er. At just 55 years of age, I consider myself average looking. But the biggest secret inside of me is this submissive side wants out. I love stories from that are the authoritarian category.

Well for the next few Tuesday nights of volleyball, I would somewhat seek out Mitch, but after a couple of weeks of that, it seemed he was seeking me out. We chatted when we could, and I would watch him when I had a chance. Well on the fifth week, we played Mitch's team. I was the setter for our team, so I was on the front line most of the time. Mitch was a hitter. Before the game we chatted like always and when we found out we were playing against each other we walked to the court together still chatting. That night we played them, Mitch and I would talk between games. After the second game, when it was just the two of talking, he asked an interesting question.

"Whatcha doing Saturday? You should come over so we can chat longer than we do here."

"Nothing on the agenda. Do you have a time in mind?" I said with a little curiosity.

"How mid-afternoon? Say around 3. Give me your number and I'll text you the address."

"Sounds good," which then I gave him my number. I saw him put it in his phone.

We finished playing the third game and all walked off the course together. Mitch and I chatted, but when we reached the deck area, he threw his arm around my shoulder as we talked. My cock did a little tingle with just that contact. We washed off the sand and walked out into the parking lot and did the usual goodbyes. But Mitch glanced over to me and gave me wink as he turned and walked off. There was no mistaking that it was a wink, and it sent a message to my cock, which jumped big time.

As I got in my car, I noticed a text message. When I opened it, the message was `it's Mitch. See ya Sat' with a wink emoji at the end. My cock had taken over and was growing in my shorts. As I drove, I could not help but start to rub it. Halfway home, the cock was out, and I was stroking it. Precum had already formed at my piss slit. Finally, I got home and put the car into the garage. Quickly getting out, I went behind my garage and finished jacking off. I must have shot a truck load of cum; at least that is what it felt like.

The rest of the week was weird. I did sub on Thursday, but it seemed that all my other time was focused on Mitch. I jacked off twice on Wednesday, first reading a story from Nifty, then looking at bdsm porn on the internet. I texted Mitch on Thursday while subbing asking if we were still on for Saturday, and he responded with a two emojis; one of a smiley face and one of a smiling devil. He followed that text with his address and another devil's smiling. I started fantasizing about Mitch and what it might be like. But in the back of my mind was one thing. That one thing was I had learned a valuable lesson over my 55 years. The lesson was when you fantasized about someone, and it finally happens, the sex is never as good as the fantasy. I finally made it through the week, even enjoying a TGIF with former colleagues, which all helped me get to Saturday.

When I got up Saturday, I was hard and even leaking. I remembered that I did dream about being submissive, but it was not about Mitch. No matter, I was excited for three o'clock to get here. After eating breakfast, I did my usual Saturday chores that I have done forever...watering plants...a load of laundry...etc. But what was different, and at first, I did not realize it, was that I was doing all this naked. When I did realize it, I looked down and saw I had been hard the whole time. Around noon I took a shower, washing my ass extremely well. After drying off, I started to put on deodorant but decided against it. Not sure why, but just did. Had a light lunch while watching the news before the big decision of what to wear. That become easy, since it was a nice spring...somewhat It would be shorts & t-shirt. I got dressed around two and just put-on sandals. This fag was looking like he was dressed for summer. The only other thing to do was brush my teeth, but instead I just used mouth wash. Now ready to go, I put no cologne on and went to the car.

Since my GPS had indicated that it was about 25-minute drive, I knew that I could leave around 2:20. Once in the car, my cock started to tingle with excitement. I had to remind myself I was just going for a chance to chat, but those fantasies were creeping into my mind. As I got close, I swear I could feel a precum spot on my boxer briefs. Knowing his house was at the end of a dead-end street made it easy to find, thanks to getting that information on Google Maps. When I got to the street it was about 2:45. I looked up the hill of this dead-end street and made the decision to drive around so it would be a bit to be closer to three when I arrived. The stories off Nifty always talked about the submissive faggot showing up right on time...not too early to too late. I knew a great deal of the metro area, so it was not any problems just cruising to kill the time. At 2:55 I was back at the bottom of the hill and started driving up the street. I could tell these homes were about 10 years old, and it looked like some developer had bought up this piece a land to make a quick neighborhood out of it. There were three houses on each side that were built parallel to the street. All were two car garage ranch style houses. At the end were two more houses, each built an angle to make it appear like a closed in neighborhood, not just some dead-end street. Mitch's house was the one on the right with the garage on the downhill side.

Pulling in the driveway and getting out of the car, I felt the precum wet spot on my boxer briefs. Slightly adjusting myself, I walked up to the door, which caught my interest, seeing that due to how the garage was situated, the rest of the block could not see his front door, only the neighbor across seemed to have visual access. Walking around the hedge that was higher than waist high, I made it to the front door. I rang the doorbell and was a bit nervous, yet extremely excited.

With the door opening, Mitch stated, "my god you are so punctual. I told you 3 and it is 3."

We both laughed as he let me in. Mitch had on a T-shirt and some baggy running shorts. I swear I could tell he was going commando under them, but it could have been my healthy excitement and imagination. He quickly showed me the house, which had an L-shape room for the living room/dining room area. The kitchen was just beyond the dining room and extended behind the garage. Off to the left was a kind of hallway with three bedrooms and a bathroom adjacent to it. He told me the fifth door, in the hallway, was to the basement, then added jokingly his dungeon. I could only hope.

As we came back into the living room there was another man standing there. He was wearing very tight running shorts that showed off a small bulge in the front, but it did not look like a totally smooth bulge and a very tight T-shirt. You can tell he works out but not a body builder type of body. He was just standing there with his hands behind his back.

"Oh, I'm sorry Mitch, this is my roommate, Randy."

I started to stick out my hand to shake, but he just nodded so I withdrew my hand. "Nice to meet you," I said.

"Likewise. Would either of you care for a beverage."

Before I could say anything, Mitch spoke up and said, "Ya, a couple of Bud Lights here in the living room." With that Randy turned around and walked off. That was the first time I saw that bubble butt on this new guy. Mitch pointed to the sofa where we both sat down. Randy brought us the beer, then left again to go to the kitchen. But as he was handing me my beer, I could now see a small link chain around his neck and what appeared to be a padlock attached to it. I know I had a strange look on my face, because Mitch said, "Are you alright?"

"Sure...I guess. Just didn't realize you had a roommate. Nice guy, you can ask him to stay."

"No, no. He prefers to stay busy in the kitchen."

"How'd you two meet?"

"Well Randy was my 8th grade band teacher. We met online. He was looking for a roommate and I was just out of jail for selling dope."

"Jail? How long?

"Just 8 months, but it did give me perspective on life. We met up and chatted about me moving in here and it just happened. He does enjoy keeping the house looking good and serving. Hell, it is great for me and we both seem okay with it."

"Wow, totally interesting."

We went to drinking our beers and chatting on what he and I had been doing. I told him about my retirement, and he told me about getting his life on track. He said before jail, he had a short marriage, but the two of them were so different. He had no kids and the job he had at the auto shop was really working out. He even indicated for me to bring by my car sometime for him to look at it. We finally got the million-dollar question about my sexuality.

"Did you know I was gay when you were in my class back then?"

"Most of the students at the school assumed it and some even said that they can confirm it. It appeared you didn't try to hide it much at that time."

I explained to Mitch that I was one of several teachers in the district trying to get sexual orientation into any nondiscrimination statements and that I had been working with groups in the metro to get more awareness of LGBT students and their issues. He knew that I was the first teacher sponsor of our school of the Gay/Straight alliance.

"Does it bother you then or even now that you know for sure, I'm gay?" I asked him.

"Neither time. What I discovered while in jail is that I am really bisexual. However, I also discovered I am a top and a bit of a dominant person in sexual activities. The problem I was having with my wife, hell for any women is that, if I acted too dominant, they seemed to think I was just a male chauvinistic pig of some sort. I don't care if women have equal rights, I just enjoy the sexual energy power of dominating them as well as men. In jail, I had a couple of bitches and we all seemed to know our roles there."

As he is telling me all this, he kept adjusting his junk in his shorts. It almost looked like he might be getting a little excited. All I could do is watch and feel that precum spot return.

"So, Mr. H, what kind of things do you enjoy with a man?"

He caught me off guard, but all I could say is, "most of the usual stuff."

At that moment Randy reentered the room and asked if we need another beer, which Mitch told him just said yes'. It almost seemed like an order because there was no tone of appreciation as well as the absence of words like please' and thank you'. Randy brought two more out handing Randy his drink first then mine. I had to chance to check it out and it was a padlock on they chain around his neck. I thought it had the word boi' on it but was not 100% sure.

"See Randy does enjoy serving."

"I can see that."

We chatted for about another half an hour, which was just long enough to finish our beers. I told him that I needed to go, which he seemed to understand. He added that we needed to do this again very soon. As we got up, I could tell that Mitch was sporting a semi-erect boner in his shorts and if he had on any underwear, it had to be very loose boxers. We walked to the door, at which I turned around and stuck my hand out to say goodbye.

"What the fuck man," he said. "I think I deserve a hug after all the years," which he threw his arms around my waist and pulled me to him.

Caught off guard, I almost fell into him, but managed to put my arms around his shoulders as we proceeded to hug. I could feel his cock rubbing against my shorts making the cum spot feel even larger. I was worried that it might be coming through the shorts now. It seemed like a long hug, and then I felt it. His left hand slid down and was on my right butt cheek. He kept the other arm tightly around me. He squeezed my butt cheek while turning his head and the whispered into my ear.

"Hoping very soon that this fucking nice ass I get to use sometime."

He lightly kissed me on the neck and squeezed my ass again, but this time moving his hand almost to my asshole. My cock was starting to really rise, and I am sure he could feel it. We finally parted and I turned to the door. We both walked out to the porch and I turned around. This time in the daylight, I could see his cock pushing up and out on his shorts. He just smiled at me as I looked, then grabbed me again for another hug. This time it felt more like a sword fight with our cocks, but I was loving it. I was just thankful that I had on boxer briefs to try and not show anyone that might be looking that I had a boner.

Parting, I was able to make it to my car without too much trouble, considering my cock was wanting to get out from being so hard. As I was getting in, he said something about Tuesday, and I acknowledge it. He stepped far enough away from the hedge, as I started my car, that I could see he still was almost erect while standing there with his hands on his hips. To say the least the ride home was one horny ride.

Once home, I realized there was a text on my phone. It was from him.

`Nice to see you. The hug felt excitingly great, can't wait for another.'

I replied, `me too.'

He sent a second one that showed a link. Then a third message came through and that one said, `look me up.'

I went to my computer and found out it was a link to his bdsmlr blog. Needless to say, I started scrolling through it and jacked off several times to all the different pics that showed what he liked.

Next: Chapter 2

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